\ fll r rn JL. 9 Volume 27 , Xo. 18 VALENTINE , NEBR. , THURSDAY , MAY 9 , 1912. per year. its F We take considerable pleasure in calling at tention to our complete stock of Mimsing Union Suits lor ladies. We consider ovrselves very fortunate in securing the ex- elusive agency for these excellent garments. While it is generally known that they are very high class , it is not known by every body that the prices are as low as ordinary makes of underwear are sold for. We can convince you. > If JS. Ji II New uptodate line of Spring and Hummer Hats on display for your inspection. TifTOk F W F iwa * IMB . ' iLJJS-Ci-iiU \f Ivlvfl iJ 2. i'f - - > xj cAj A i iAAj A woxSsi uU5 : e Front Harclwa Come and see our er It does not get dull , always stays in adjustment. Our stock of Garden Hose is all new. Just received. No old stock carried over. We are headquarters for all Electric and Plumbing goods. Red Front Hardware Kcg gg t i M Cottage Grove Restaurant Edmund Gerber , Prop. First Class Meals and Short Orders Board by the day or week. Ticket good for twenty- one meals $4.50. Come to the Cottage Grove taurant for a "square meal. " THE VALENTINE HOUSE W. B. HOWE , Proprietor Successor to John D. Eaton. Electric Lights , Hot water Heat , Good Rooms and Beds , where you can * , feel at home and be comfortabe while you remain. "We invite old patrons and others to call and see us. For Sale : 30,000 acres improved farm lands in Eastern Norman county , the garden spot of Northwestern Min nesota , at from § 27 to § 50 per acre. Particulars and photos of buildings upon application. Box 862 , Jg 6 La 9ueur $ Minn < MONEY ! MONEY ! Do You Want a Bargain in Town Property ? 1 have three properties that are bargains and I am going to sell them at a bargain to some one who has a few hundred dollars laying idle. idle.I I want to build a good building for a printing office and will sell property cheap , to carrj7 out my plans. Come and see me on any kind of a property deal. I want money and I'll give big value for it. I. M. RICE , ' Neb'r , VALENIKE ! LOCALS _ Roan brothers were up from Wood Lake Monday. Lizzie Gassan visited in the country a short time last week. Judge Harrington and C. B. Scott of O'Neill were in Valentine Monday on legal business. Work on Jack Dimbly's new house is progressing rapidly. Grant Boyer is doing the work. John Harms and family came in from their ranch Saturday and visited ( Jhas. Gassan and family several days. A large number of friends of Old Lady K > lly gathered in Val entine Tuesday to attend her fun eral which was held at the Catho lic church , conducted by Rev. Father Blaere. Mat Jelly was in town Monday for the first time since January. He's been kept busy at home sell ing seed corn , of which he had a quantity , arid our home seed corn grows better here than the late corn raised in eastern and south ern corn districts. T. A Ooffey of Merrimnn and Mr. Clabaugh have purchased a big string of cattle from Richards and Comstock at Ellsworth. These rrt * from the oid Enlow ranch , and we hear that J A , Saults has b > ught quite a lot of laud from them , as well as Messrs. C. II. Tully and Frank Cury. We hear fiut. tip ! land sold at § 15 an aciv , wtiich is vpry reasonable , consid ering the way hay has been selling. The Imperial Guards Band comes all the way from sunny Italy for a ien week's engagement with the RpcJpath-IIorner Chau- tauquas in the territory between the Missouri and the Rockies. They sail from Italy this month. Tue director of this band was at one time the assistant director of Creatore.'s band , and each one of the men in the Imperial Guards band has played at many a notable sate occasion in their native land Ir , is their first tour in America. Andrew Morrissry is in Valentine - tine this week on business and visiting friends. lie won out for the nomination for attorney gen eral by nearly 2000 votes over W. , W. Terry of Beatrice , and as this . part of the state has had no nomi nation or represention for a num ber of years , and in fact scarcely has been recognized heretofore , WP believe Mr. Morrissay will run well up with the democratic ticket or better , and his candidacy will help the ticket in the western part ( of the state. \ Frank Rrandall informs us that t some one climbed up through 1 one of the manholes of the power house of the city electric plant and stole three belts. One was the wide drive belt and the other two were smaller. The door is fastened with a spring Io3k and easily opened from the iaside so the thieves had no diffi- cilty getting away with their booty. Frank says he piled some heavy stones on the manhole cov ers and the next person will prob ably be treated to a surprise if he succeed in pushing one over. We have a new 10x15 Chandler & Price job press just installed and our faithful 8x12 jobber had to be moved out of the office to make room. Therefore , the 8x12 brass arm Gordon is for sale. We'll take § 40 for it f. o. b. Val entine. We have done thoqsaflds of dollars worth of work on it and in fact it was our main job press until now , when we felt able to replace it with a new one to handle our increased job business , which , with our big 13x19 jobber is all ( tvb havb room for in our Fat Gatile Are Active and Steady to Strong , HOGS BOLE STRON6-5C HIGHER Shscp and Lamb Receipts Light Mar. ket Slow and Draggy Ewes and Wethers Are Scarce Prices Decid edly Lower Than a Week Ago. Union Stoc'k Yards , South Omaha , May 7. Thorc were about 4,000 cat- Ue received today. Prices were steady to a shade stronger. Choice 1,430- I'Otind beeves brought $8.50 , as high as anything of this weight has sold this year , and mixed yearlings brought $8.45 , which is the highest mark of the season for this c'ass of stock. There \vas a broad and active demand for cows and heifers aud prices ruled strong- . Veal calves are quoUibly Ftrong. There is a good demand for li'Jis , stags , etc. Demand for stoclc cfcttlo and feeding steers was some what Droader than it has been of late , and prices were strong to a shade higher. Quotations on cattle : Choice to prime beeves , $8.10 @ 8.60 ; good to choice beeves. S7.60@S.OO ; fair to good beeves , $7.15 ( 7.50 ; common to fair beeves , SG.25@7.00 ; good to choice heifers. $0.75(77.50 ( ; good to choice ! cows , $ .3.75@G.75 ; fair to good grades , $5.00g,3.75 ( ; caliners and cutters , $3.00 @ 47.3 ; veal calves , $3.50@7.75 ; bulls , ! stags , etc. , $4.2506.00 ; choice to prime ] feeders , $6.75@7.25 ; good to choice feeders , $5.80a 6.50 ; fair to good feed ers , $5.25675.75 ; common to fair feed-j ers , $4.25@5.00 ; stock cows and heif ers , $4.00(5)5.2. ( ) . About lf-,7QO ! hogs arrived , and prices ruled strong to a nickel high er.k Smooth hogs with plenty of weight made a top of $7.65 , as com pared with Monday's top of $7.60 , while bulk landed within $7.40@7.55 , as against last Tuesday's bulk of $7.50 @ 7.70. Receipts of sheep and lambs amounted to about 2,000 head. Prices are right around 50c under last week's close. Attractive wooled lambs were still quotable above $9.00. Shorn tomlis sold from $8.20 downward. Sheep were scarce and usually sold first , moving in small bunches. Quotations on sheep and lambs Wooled : Lambs , good to choice , $0.00 ! $79.35 ; lambs , fair to good , $ S.no < g > ! 9.00 ; ewes , good to choice , $7.00(0)7.30 ( ) ; j e\ves. fair to good , $6.50@7.00. Shorn : lambs ] , good to choice. $8.00@8.25 ; lambs 1 , fair to good , $7.50@8.00 ; year lings. 1 $6.65 ( ft 7.25 : wethers , $5.S5g ( ) 6.50 ( ; ewes , $ = 5.00 6.15. . . j i i Roya ! Neighbors Attention On Wed , May 22 , there will be held in the Fraternal hall at Valen tine a county camp organization for the purpose of fixing a perma nent camp organization in and for the camps of Cherry county. A closed session beginning ftt 1:30 : p. m. sharp will be held dur ing the afternoon. In the evening there will be an open session beginning at 7:30 : , at which time we will have ' with us the national lecturer , Mrs. Gron- icger. All Royal Neighbors of America are requested to be present at both meetings. HATJETT ROSSETER , Oracle. $200 REWARD will be paid for information that will lead to the conviction of the party or parties who burned four stacks of hay on the old Gulp place , 4 miles north and 1-V miles west of Sparks , Nebr. , on the night of March 15 , 1912 , JOHN H. XEISS , Itt -i Valentine , Nebr. I have just received a new and most up to date French dry clean ing machine. Am now ready and prepared to do all kinds of clean ing of ladies' and gent's wearing apparel , such as coats , suits , dresses , waists and furs. A trial will convince you of our superior work. J. ABRAHAMS , Ladies' and Gent's Tailor , Old Home Bakery Building * We have employed Mr. S. W. Cyphers , A" First Class Tailor , of 25 years' experience in tailoring1 in the East , to assist us in our aud Aye are now prepared to give our customers A Perfect Fit in Clothing Alterations in suits or a tailor made suit of any style. Cleaning and Pressing Prompt = ly Done on Short Notice. JL H. W. Hoenis : , Pr j&v2 X2025QSQ9 & 2C ; 5&jrac McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Oid Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimcr , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Kill , and 29 yearxoi and Jas , E. .Pepper , O. F. C , Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. 8. gov ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout , Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , Valentine Nebraska I r. * 4 * 4 mK " < * . < & A1 - > i-i5-ri'v4. X vH-tf7t t * S tetter & Tobien , Props. , . DEALERS IX All Kinds of Fresh I fi' ' and Fait Meats. . . . Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything" you have to sell. Did you ever give thought to the fact that it is largely due to the material aid and encouragement given by banks and bankers that this is a country of h > raes and home owners ? Do you realize that this aid and encouragement , which has been such a help in making improvements and advancing property - erty values , was possible only because many people deposited in banks their surplus money , the money for which they had no immediate use ? Individually these accounts were small , collectively they stand for the world's progress. Identify yourself with the movement for making this a better town , a better trading point and a more prosperous com munity of home owners by opening an account with the VALENTINE STATE NK Deposits in this hank ai'p proto 't d by the Depositor's Guarantee Fund of the tute of N 'AAAAA ' j AAA JLA. A. A/aJs A Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , 3. H. FAULHABER & SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB Berd headed by S. 0. Columbus 17 NTo. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289 522 ; also , Melvin , No. 827072 , reg Bulls for Sak at All Times , "ily little son had a very severe coM. I was recommended to try Chamberlain's , Cough Hemedy , and before a small bottle tle was finished he was as well as ever , " writes Mrs.H. Silks , 20 Bowling Street , Sydney , Australia. This remedy fe for -