C * ta NO CAUSE TO OOUBT A Staemtent of Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee. We guarantee immediate and positive relief to all sufferers from constipation. lu every case where our remedy fails to do this we will return the money paid us for it. That's a frank statement of facts , and we want you to substantiate them at our risk. Rexall Orderlies are eaten just like candy , and are particularly prompt and aggreeable in action , may be taken at any time , day or night ; do not cause diarrhoea , nausea , griping , excessive looseness , or other undesirable effects. They have a very mild but positive action upon the organs with which they corne in contact , apparently acting as a regulative tonic upon the re laxed muscular coat of the bowel , thus overcoming weakness , and aid ing to restore the bowels to more vigorous and healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies are unsurpass able and ideal for the use of chil dren , old folks and delicate persons. AVe cannot too highly recommend them to all sufferers from any form of constipation and its attendant evils. That's why we back our faith in them with our promise of money back if they do not give en tire satisfaction. Three sizes : 12 tablets 10 cents , 36 tablets 25 cents and 80 tablets 50 cents. Remem ber , you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Valentine only at our store The Rexall Store. G. A. Chapman. Here's an Offer You Should Not Overlook. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets reme dy stomach troubles by aiding nature to supply the elements the absence of which in the gastric juices causes indigestion and dys pepsia. They aid the stomach to digest food and to quickly convert it into rich red blood and material necessary for overcoming natural body waste. Carry a package of Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets in your vest pocke or keep them in your room. Take one after each heavy meal and prove our assertion that indiges tion will not bother jon. We know what Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets are and what they will do. We guarantee them to re lieve indigestion and dyspepsia. If they fail we will refund your money. Three sizes : 25 cents. 50 cents and § 1.00. Remember , you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at our store Tlie Rexall Store. Chapman , The Druggist. WHAT WILL HE DO ? Will President Taft have the nerve to veto the democratic bil ! to cut the tariff rate on wool ? Schedule "K" places a rate cf 141 per cent on wool fabrics , 165 per cent on cheap blankets and 143 per cent on ilannel underwear. An article worth § 5 seeking entr.\ into this market would be saddled with a duty of § 7.05. Such rates are stangering proof of the greed of protectionists. They were n < , t written into the law for the pur pose of increasing the govern ment's revenue , but were design ed instead to increase the profit ? of the wool manufacturers. TEACHERS' MEETING May II , 1912. Music. In AVhat Way Has the Reading Circle Work Been Helpful to You ? - Grace Shelbourn Book Review Goldie Grooms The Home and the School From the View Point of the Patron , - Mrs. McLean Music. The Home and the School From the View Point of the Teach er - Carrie Van Ostrand The Truant - Ella Kenneale.v Current Events - May Pi tars Drill. The Sprit of Litoratnre - Value of Imagination Mabel Shasp Discu-sioi , \ { pj'j. , , An.ire" . JUusic. . " PRIMARY VOTE IN ( CHERRY CO. v PRESIDENT. Republican Roosevelt 338 Taft 113 LaFollette 117 Democratic Clark. 212 Wilson 122 Harmon 43 U. S. SENATOR. Republican Brown . . . 341 Norris 181 Democratic Shallenbcrger 290 Thompson 59 Reed. . . . . . : 30 STATE SENATOR. Repuplican Reynolds 25-1 Ball 284 Democratic JBrewster 316 GOVERNOR. Repuplican Aldrich -.395 Xewton M33 Democratic forehead 243 Metcalfc 141 ATTORNEY GENERAL Republican Grant G. Martin 460 Democratic Morrisse Y 29T Terry 78 - - - - CONG. SIXTH DISTRICT. Republican Kincaid 514 Democratic Taylor 176 Donoboe 110 Gandy 61 REPRESENTATIVE. Republican Morris 485 Democratic Harnan 316 The county nominees are : For county attorney C. A. Ruby , democrat ; E. D. Clarke , republican. For county assessor W. E. Haley , democrat ; YT. E. Keister , republican. For county commissioner Alex Kief , democrat ; John Adamson , republican. For county surveyor Forest CJOD , democrat ; Jack Juncd , re publican. A Crippled Mind. Many strong minds , giant intel lects , are held down and starved out by crippled digestive power , dyspepsia and the poison absorbed as a result of chronic constipation. Ir your stomach lacks digestive power the natural and simplest thing to do is to put into it the agent it lacks. Above all things avoid strong drugs that paralize and irritate the stomach and bow els. A sound , healthy stomach contains the same digestive agents Spruce Pepsin tablets contain. Spruce Pepsin tablets will di gest fermenting , decaying food that lays like a lump in your stomach. TVe have proved this thousands of times or we would not dare spend thousands of dollars lars to prove it to every sufferer from stomach trouble. We will send you a trial box FREE. Spruce Tablet Co. , Heron Lake , Minn. 50c. sixes can be had of G. A. Chapman , Druggist , Valentine , Nebraska. OUR TIME , knowledge and experience iii the printing business. When you are in need of some thing in this line \ DON'T FORGET THIS i"- S.- SIMEON. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have been visiting near Ainsworth the past week. Messrs. Bucy and Daniels have been fencing. C. L. Latta has all of the mater ial , except finishing , hauled for his new home. J. E. Thackrey brought a load for a new settler Friday. T. W. Cramer and wife were pleasant callers in our vicinity last week , J. C. Reece % made a business trip to Wood Lake Friday. A program for a Sunday school convention is being planned for Simeon , May 12. There will be an all day session , with a basket dinner to break the monotony. All are cordially invited. Messrs. Hobbs and Young have had lightning rods placed on their homes. It is said to be impossible for lightning to strike a home pro tected in this way. C. S. Reece is expecting a fine black bull from the state farm. He purchased him while attending the meetings at Lincoln in Janu ary.Rev. . Bebee was with us Sunday. He gave an edcational address in the interests of the university at University Place. H. F. Kime , our new merchant , is making arrangements for build ing additions to the store and in creasing the stock. The ladies' club will meet at Mrs. Carr's home next. An old fashioned quilt is to receive the attention of the ladies. While they are in session the men folk have planned a consolation meet ing for Father Carr. i"S. . At Miles City , Montana , the biggest range horse market on earth , 2,000 head of horses wiJl be sold at auction on May 27 , 28 , 29 and 30 , 1912. We have all classes to select from. The good big farm and draft mares , broke and unbroke ; in foal and some with colts by side.Ve will have 150 big year lings , 150 big boned two-year-olds , ten cars of Washington horses and ponies , broke and unbroke , fat and good sellers. You can buy any kind you want here. You can buy at auction or private sale. You can buy singly or in pairs , one horse or a train load. You can get the big strong boned young horses here. William Hol land of Waterloo , Iowa , will be h ire with a car load of the best draft stallions ever shipped to the state. state.Don't Don't forget the dates. We will look for you. Write or wire for information. 17-1 C. 13. INCH AM , Manager. That we have every facility for turning out neat print ing of all kinds. Letter heads , bill heads , office sta tionery , etc. , furnished at the lowest prices first class work will permit. ake an ! H C Engine Home with You TALK v/ith your local dealer may open your cys to gasoline engine possibilities you never thought of. For } rour own information drop in and Gee him the next time you are in tovn and talk it over with him frankly. He'll tell you the truth about I H C engines and the chances are , he'll show you how you can't afford to run your farm any longer without one. Gasoline Enines are among the best labor-savers and money-makers a farmer can buy. The local dealer will tell you why and give you facts and figures to prove it. He will fell you just what an I H C engine will do for you and why it is the best engine for 3'ou to buy , Learn from him what it means to have a thoroughly tested I H C engine and take one home with you. Made in sizes 1 to 50-horse power. i International Harvester Company of America ( lin-urporated ) Chicago USA ! H C Service Bureau The purpose of this Bureau is to furnish , free of charge to all , the best information obtainable on better farming. If you have any worthy questions concerning -soils , crops , land drainage , irrigation , fertili/ers. etc. . make vonr inciuiries specific and tend them to I H C Service Buieau , Harvester Building. Chicago , US A writes Mrs. L. R. Barker , of Bud , Ky. , "and can do ali my housework. For years I suffered with such pains , I could scarcely stand on my feet. After three different doctors had failed to help me , I gave Cardui a trial. Now , I feel like a new woman. " 58 155 M ? The Woman's Tonic A woman's health de pends so much upon her delicate organs , that the least trouble there affects her whole system. It is the little things that count , in a woman's life and | | health. If you suffer from H any of the aches and pains , due to womanly weakness , take Cardui at once , and avoid more seri ous troubles. We urge H you to try it. Begin today. You will look a good while before yoi find a better medicine for coughs and colds than Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. It not only givej 1'elief it cures Try it when you have ; i cough or cold , and you are certain to be pleased with the prompt cure which it will effect. For sale by all dealers. is to serve your needs. It will help sell ycur goods talk to the people you want to reach. An advertis&- ment / * ; * / * pcf - is a reieience guide to those whose ' -vants are worsli s.ajt'v"t fl 53. & & Cigars and Soft Drinks tM I tMf f G. STETTER - PROP. ; @ " INTERNATIONAL " 30" Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERNATIONAL / NATIONAL " 30" ' . , No Hill too Steep ? no Sand too Deep " " " " * tSt Soldby D , McLeod Guaranteeckby International Harvester Company GRANT BOYER CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizea Kosidence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska References : My Many e 30 Beginning Monday , March 18 v ; GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES From 10 to 40 per cent on Winter Goods , Outing Flannels , Men's Fur nishings , Calicoes , Percales , Ginghams , Underwear , Sweaters , Overshoes BARGAIN 3 General Merchandise , Flour , Feed , Grain S 2nd Building- South the Bank. Crooks ton , Xeb. S2KESSi22v2SS2 ! IS2 E. M. Faddis & Co Postofllce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded on left thigh Horses branded left or thij'h Some Some branded Branded on n lit thi n left or shoulder. shoulder Ji tlubh P. H. Young- . rfiineon. Nobr. Cattle branded as cul on Mi side Some Qyon 1 SI'if. on loft jaw o 3 , , . - * nsj * & J * ' V horses. on Gordow Cre < 'k north of Simeon , C. P. Jordan. Hordes aud cattlt same , \a cut. also CJ BE J.J on righi j hio. \ Ranue on Oak and Butte creeks. A lil-erjil reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock earing .my of fhe e braurt" . E. ! M. Ten-ill , Propr. Brow nice , Xeo. fattlP branded as in cut on left side. Some brandPd K. T V on left hip. Kange on North Loup river , two mil-s of Brownlee Xot Afraid St Francis Mis sion , Kosebud , S. D. branded asm cut ; hoihes same orilxl * on k-ft thigh. Itanue iH'twetMi hpnii [ k' Jind Little White n\er. "Why Ho " * 4ao Late. "What made you so lateV" "I met Smitlison. " " "Well , that is no reas.cn why you Enould be an hour late getting home t < supper. " "I know , but I askecl him how he was 'eeling , and he insisted on telling me ibout his stomach trouble.1 "Did you tell him to take Chamber- ain's Tablets ? " "Sure , that is what he needs. " Sole > y all dealers ; Albert Whipple & Sons. Kosttbud S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on rljrhtalde Some cattle also have a 4on neck Some with A. on left shoulder and some branded with two bars Across hind qnar- Cer.s. Some Texas cattle branded w O on left aide and semen n left side. C-0 Horses bnnded SOS on left hip. Some cattle branded AW bar connected on both sidea and left hip of horses D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.Ieft side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Kange Square Lake. Sawyer Bros. Oasis , G. K. Sawver has char-ire of the e cattle. H raes OXonleftshoul. dor. Somel left side. Horsusl same left thigh. Kauge on Snake river. I Metzger Bros. Kolfe Xebr Cattle branded anjwhere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses have same brand on ft thigh. 1 on ( Jordon and Snake Creeks. A Reword oi $250 will be laid to any person for I'lioiiiihtton leading to the arrest and final com ictIon of any person or persons stealing rstttipvirh aliovH brand. aryan. ! Pullman. Nebr I ; Cattle branded JY on rightside Horses branded JY on right shoulder Keasouable reward for any information leading to tlie re covery of cattle strayed from my range. Nebraska Land ana Feeding Co Vill G. e CITS' , ck v p rha = n Taroiwn S.&T * Postofllice and headquarters ' , El'sworth , Nebr. Cattle branded oc anj- part of auiroa ! the following iir- *