Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 02, 1912, Image 6

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I. M. RICE , Publisher.
Torrential Rains Follow and Swell
Streams Out of Their Banks , Pre
venting Rescue Parties Exploring
the Stricken District.
Oklahoma City , Okla. As detailed
reports come in the extent of the dev
astation and loss of life and propoerty
from Saturday's tornado increases and
news from many places now inacces
sible on account of high water and
destruction of telephone lines probab
ly will add to the losses already tabu
It is now known that twenty towns
were struck by the storm which swept
northward from Texas , through portions
tions of southwestern and central Ok
lahoma ; that two of them , Butler and
Fogs , were literally wiped out and for
ty-one dead and more than a hundred
injured are accounted for. Other
deaths are reported , but cannot be ver
ified because torrential rains swelled
streams out of their banks in the wake
of the tornado , preventing rescue par
ties exploring whole sections.
Following is a summary of the dam
age to life and property in Oklahoma :
Foss Ten killed , twenty or thirty
injured ; town badly torn up.
Butler Nine killed ; many injured.
Sentinel Two killed ; fifty houses
blown down.
Hinton One killed , many injured ;
score of buildings blown down.
Hobart Two known dead , four
others reported dead , several injured ;
great damage to property.
Lugert Two killed , five fatally
hurt ; one store building left standing.
Rocky One killed ; half the town
blown away.
Calumet Three killed , six or eight
injured ; heavy property loss.
Eldorado No news since Saturday
afternoon , when it was reported many
killed and injured.
Kirklaad , Tex. Seven dead ; great
damage to property.
Reports of numerous smaller torna
does have been received from Mince ,
Yukon , Mulhall and points in Garfield -
field county.
Madero Declares Coal to Be Contra
band of War.
El Paso , Tex. An order which if
rigidly adhered to will entail serious
consequences to all industries of
northern Mexico , has been issued by
President Madero , and was served on
General Manager Ferris , of the Mexi
co Northwestern railway.
The order , which declares coal to
be contraband of war , and which de
mands that the railroads decline to
handle a "single lump" of it , was re
ceived by the Mexican consul and by
him > given to Mr. Ferris. It is said
President Matero also has notified the
government at Washington.
The Mexico Northwestern , which
runs from El Paso through Juarez ,
Pearson and Madera to Chihuahua , is
the only line now operating through
Chihuahua which has a terminus in
El Paso.
The Mexican Central is under rebel
control and its northern terminus is
at Juarez. Much of the coal which
has been brought in for the use of the
smelters and other industries is said
to have fallen into the hands of the
rebels , who have used it to run trains
and for other purposes. It is said that
many of the largest industries of the
state of Chihuahua will have to close
within two weeks if new supplies of
fuel are not forthcoming.
Debts Will Be Liquidated.
Chicago. Steps toward the liquida
tion of the obligations of the Wabash
Railroad company were taken when
Federal Judge Geo. A. Carpenter en
tered an order directing the receivers
to raise $1,500,000. The money will be
raised by means of certificates of in
debtedness and will be utilized in the
settlement of interest on bonded debts
and other obligations.
Live Stock Market.
Sioux City. Cattle Good to choice
corn fed steers , $7.25@8.25 ; medium to
good , $ G.25@7.25 ; good to choice fat
cows and heifers , ? 5.75@7.00 ; grass
cows , $3.50@5.00 ; canners and cutters ,
? 2.50@3.75 ; bulls , ? 3.75@6.00 , veals ,
$3.50@7.50. Hogs Prices range from
$7.45@7.75 , with a bulk of the saues at
$7.60@7.70. Sheep Lambs , $ G.25@
7.50 , yearlings $5.75 @ 6.50 ; ewes ,
| 4.00@5.50.
Acpuitted of Murder.
Bloomington , 111. Ray and Edward
Stibbins , on trial here for the murder
of their father , peorge Stibbins , last
October , were acpuitted by a jury
Fire at Joplin , Mo.
Joplin , Mo. A fire of unknown ori
gin broke out at midnight in a depart
ment store and caused a damage of
$100,000 before placed under control.
Guests of a hotel next door escaped
with their belongings.
Rhode Island Adds Ten to Western
State's 16 Senator Cummins Gets
Ten Cedar Rapids Man Heads
Iowa Delegation.
Cedar Rapids , la. , April 26. The reg
ular Republicans controlled the Iowa
state convention last Wednesday by
a vote ot 761 to 720 , and elected dele-
gates-at-large to the national conven
tion , instructed them for Talt and took
revenge for the rebuff of two years
ago to the president by refusing to
mention the name of Senator A. B.
Cummins in the resolutions.
But two roll calls were taken , one
on permanent organization and the
other on resolutions. The insurgents
offered a minority resolution report
which praised Roosevelt and Cummins
in the same sentence and indorsed the
Sherwood pension bill.
Delegates at large selected are :
Governor ri. F. Carroll of Davis coun
ty , George D. Perkins of Sioux City ,
Luther Brewer of Cedar Rapids and
James Bryan of Creston , the latter be
ing the former secretary of ex-Con
gressman William P. Hepburn , and
the proxy may be given to the latter.
Iowa now sends to the national con
vention 16 votes for Taft and ten for
At a meeting of the delegates , Col.
William G. Dews of Cedar Rapids ,
Fifth district , was named chairman of
the delegation , and United States Marshal -
shal Clark of Ottumwa , Sixth district ,
The address of the temporary chair
man , insurgent , was an appeal for
harmony. It was the Taft men's day
and they ruled after the method
taught them by the Insurgents. John
Adams of Dubuque , state manager for
Taft , will be made the national committeeman -
mitteeman from Iowa >
Providence , R. I. , April 26. The
state Republican convention here
Wednesday adopted resolutions in
structing the delegates to Chicago to
support President Tatt's candidacy for
the nomination "until released , " after
which the following delegates at large
were chosen without opposition : Uni
ted States Senator Henry F. Lippitt ,
R. H. I. Goddard , Jr. , Herbert A. Rice
of Providence , George R. Lawton of
Besides Instructing for Taft the
state platform Indorses the president
and his policies and opposes the recall
of judges and judicial decisions. Res
olutions of similar import were car
ried at the district conventions. The
following district delegates were elect
ed ; First , R. Livingston Beechman and
Ezra Dixon ; Second , George B.Va . -
terhouse and Frank W. Tillinghast ;
Third , Harry Cutler and Volney M.
Wilson , Jr.
Theodore Roosevelt was vigorously
scored by Chairman Utter , chairman
of the convention.
Concord , N. H. , April 25. Indica-
Wednesday were that President
Taft has burled Col. Roosevelt in tne
state primaries. It is believed that the I
president has captured nearly all of '
the state delegates to the national con
vention. With considerable more than
half the state heard from the vote is
about 5 to 3 for Taft delegates. Two '
hundred of the 290 cities and towns
heard from give Taft 380 delegates
and Roosevelt 234 out of the total of
811 in the state convention.
Colonel Carries Two Congressional
Districts and Probably Will Con
trol the State Convention.
Topeka , Kan. , April 24. Theodore
Roosevelt carried every county that
held a convention or primary in Kan
sas. He now has 398 delegates with
in fifty-two votes of enough to con
trol the state convention at Independ
ence May 8. Taft's total is 92.
The colonel carried the Fourth and
Eighth congressional districts and
was assured control of the Fifth dis
trict , which means he will get the
six delegates to the national conven
tion from these districts. The Second
end already had been carried for
Roosevelt , thus giving him eight of
the twenty votes from Kansas.
Lincoln , Neb. . April 24. Corrected
tabulations of the Nebraska presiden
tial preference vote , including returns
from 880 precincts , give Roosevelt
31.242 ; Taft , 10,692 ; La Follette , 10-
279 ; Clark , 14,031 ; Harmon , 11,241 ;
Wilson , 9,860. It is believed that this
includes 80 per cent of the vote of
the state.
Repays Ten Cents After Forty Years.
Washington , April 26. A conscience-
troubled citizen of Shepherdstown , W.
Va. , who forty years ago used some
canceled postage stamps , has sent ten
cents to the federal treasury to pay
the debt.
Plant Tree Where King's Tree Died.
New York , April 26. A royal Eng
lish oak tree has been set out in Cen
tral park as the official successor of $
the one planted by the late King Ed
ward VII. , when he was here in 1860.
The king's tree died In 1908.
Many Killed In Battle.
Lisbon , Portugal , April 26. Many
soldiers and civilians were killed
Wednesday in an encounter between
the striking textile workers and a de
tachment of troops at Villa Nova de
Gaia , a suburb of Oporto.
"Tig" , .TTT - j T " * wi. m aura .n > jun - SIN
Scene of Ruin After the Storm Had Passed , in the Vicinity of Morris , III.
Refugees From Vera Cruz Arriving
at Galveston Say They Were
Forced to Leave Lands , Homes ,
Furniture , and All Else.
Galveston , Tex. , April 25. The
steamer Texas arrived here Tuesday
from Vera Cruz with
forty-seven pas
sengers , all but one citizens of the
United States. They told of torture
and assassination of Americans in i
Mexico. All the refugees had left
their lands and homes in a flight for
H. H. Ish , one of the refugees , told
of the murder of an American citizen
named Wait.
"Mr. Wait was a neighbor to me , "
said Mr. Ish. "He had sold several
head of cattle and hidden the money.
Desperadoes came to his hacienda
and demanded money. Failing to get
it they beheaded him with machetes ,
herded his cattle together and drove
them away. There are many in-
stances like this. i
"We lived where eleven American
families had founded the town of San-
burn. All eleven families left because
we were afraid to remain longer ,
knowing we would all be killed or
tortured. "
Sanburn is In the state of Vera
Cruz , 13 miles north of Santa Lucre-
tia. It is on the Vera Cruz and Isth
mus railway.
John T. McGee , a wealthy planter ,
who went to Mexico two years ago ,
told of alleged cruelties practiced on
an American woman , who is now in
a hospital at Mexico City.
"The bandits visited the home of .
Mr. Shay , one of my neighbors , about
a week before I left the settlement , "
said Mr. McGee , "and demanded
money and guns. Being refused , Jiey
took Mrs. Shay , tied her down and
began beating her feet. Mr. Shay and
his son , to stop the torture , gave four
guns and $800 to the desperadoes ,
who left the place. At the hospital In
Mexico City it was foand that nearly
every bone in Mrs. Shay's feet had
been broken.
"What is true of the Shay family
has been true of scores of other
Americans. The bandits are every
"Many Americans believe the Ma-
dero military forces so dislike the I
Americans that they would rather per
mit the brigandage than try to stop it.
Whenever rurales are near the ban-
flits disperse , but there is rarely a
shot fired. "
San Antonio , Tex. , April 25. One
hundred engineers and conductors ,
formerly employes of the National
lines of Mexico , called at Fort Sam
Houston Tuesday and offered their f
services to the United States government -
ment should it s
be necessary to send
iroops into Mexico. They told of
cruelty to men , insults to women , pil-
age and robbery perpetrated by
bands of guerrillas. They also told
of hatred In Mexico for all Americans
and said the American flag was
hissed in Mexico City. In other ; arts
of the republic they had seen the
same flag pulled off its staff , torn to
pieces and trampled in the dust.
Constitutional Convention Rejects Pro-
posal to Place Names of Objec
tionable Officials on Ballot.
Columbus , O. , April 26. The Ohio
constitutional convention defeated a
proposal to incorporate a provision
for the recall of public officials in the
constitution by a vote of 57 to 45.
It provided for the recall of all pub
lic officials , including , the judlciarjr , on
a majority vote at regular November
elections. at
Find Loot After Nine Years.
Boston , Mass. , April 25. An amount
of silverware and jewelry , part of the
$5,000 loot taken from the home of a
Boston millionaire by burglars nine
years ago , has been unearthed on the
grounds of the Milton academy.
Senate Hits Direct Vote.
Washington , April 25. The senate
decided Tuesday , by 42 to 36 , to in
sist on its amendment to the house
resolution looking to the election of
United States senators by direct vote
of the people.
Jewish Quarter of Capital Is Scene of
Murder , Pillage and Torch
Thousands Homeless.
Paris , France , April 26. The corre
spondents of the French newspapers
at Fez indicate that the rebels In the
recent uprising plotted to massacre
the whole French mission.
This plan failed owing to the Im
patience } of the Arabian women to be
gin the carnage. These women are
described as creatures of terrifying
appearance , who passed their time in
rushing about the streets and tortur
ing the wounded and sometimes aiding
ing the Moorish rebels in the final mu
tilation and desecration of the victims.
Scenes of horror occurred in the
Jev.ish quarter of the city , where the
mob . murdered , pillaged and burned all
the Jews they could find , throwing
their bodies from the roofs. Many
young girls were carried off to suffer
indescribable outrages. The Jewish
quarter was set on fire and three-
fourths of it destroyed , rendering
more than a thousand people home
The story of the death of the teleg
raphers is a narrative of coolness and
bravery and the newspapers are com
paring their devotion to duty with
that of the wireless operators on the
Titanic. Although they possessed
only one revolver between them they
kept the mob at bay for a consider
able time , killing sixteen of the
fanatics. All the time one or another
of them was sending off dispatches to
headquarters at Tangier telling of the
plight of the city. Finally , however ,
the Arabs tore a hole in the roof" , In
to which they sent a murderous lire
a/id flaming torches , which set fire to
the telegraph room.
Three of the telegraphers fell dead ,
the fourth succeeded in escaping.
Stanley Body Asserts U. S. Corpora
tion Has Control of Mere Than
55 Per Cent.
Washington , April 23. Directors of
the United States Steel corporation ,
through ] stock ownership and places
upon the directorates of the great |
railway ; systems of the United States ,
have a controlling voice in nearly 55
per cent , of the railroads of the coun
try , according to a satistical study
prepared for the Stanley Steel trust
investigating committee of the house.
The total value of the railroads is
fixed at approximately $18,000,000,000 ,
and of that the Steel corporation anil- .
ations are said to control more than '
The 23 directors of the Steel cor
poration also sit on boards of direc
tors of banks , insurance companies ,
express companies and various other
industrial corporations , with an aggregate -
gate capitalization of $7,388,099,416.
Governor Gilchrist and Many Other
Notables Attend Function of the
Great Everglades Ditch.
Fort Myers , Fla. , April 24. Gov
ernor Gilchrist and other state offi
cials and trustees of the internal im
provement fund were the hosts Tues
day at ceremonies marking the open
ing of the Gulf to Atlantic canal.
Among the guests were many prom
inent men and a large party of news
paper corerspondents brought here on
special trains. ,
The canal is one of the five big
channels by which some four million
acres of the Everglades is to be re-
After the exercises the entire party
embarked on launches for a trip
through the canal to its eastern term
inus at Fort Lauderdale , with stops
Citrus Center and Okeechobee City.
$140,000 Fire at Omaha , Neb.
Omaha , Neb. , April 26. Fire de
stroyed the First regiment armory of
Nebraska National Guard with all
equipment Wednesday. Thirty-three
automobiles were burned in an adjoin
ing garage. Total loss is $140,000.
Death Won't Halt Rail Plans.
Boston , April 26. The plans provid
ing for the extension of the Grand
Trunk railroad to Boston and Provi
dence will not be affected by the
death of President Charles H. Hays , to
one of the Titanic wreck victims.
Ex-President's Dissolution
- Letter Concerning
solution of Trust Read : Do Not
File Suit Until Later.
Washington , April 26. The senate
received on Wednesday , in response tea
a resolution , photographic copies from
the official records of the department
of justice and the department of com
merce and labor of correspondence
which refuted certain statements
which Colonel Roosevelt has made in
reply to charges made by Representa
tive Gardner of Massachusetts. The
correspondence shows that Colonel
Roosevelt while president in 1907 di
rected Attorney General Bonaparte
not to file suit against the Interna
tional Harvester company until he re
ceived further instructions from him.
This action was taken by Colonel
Roosevelt after conferring with George
W. Perkins.
The senate adopted early In the day
a resolution offered by Senator John
son of Alabama , Democrat , calling for
the correspondence. The attorney
general submitted the photographic
copies within three hours.
Aside from the instructions from
Colonel Roosevelt , which forbade pros
ecution pending a conference between
Attorney General Bonaparte and Her
bert Knox Smith , chief of the bureau
of corporations , and Mr. Perkins , the
most striking feature of the corre
spondence is the report subsequently
made to the president by Mr. Smith.
In it , as all through the correspond
ence , emphasis is given to the desire
of the International Harvester com
pany to bring itself within the law.
Water From Overflowed Sections Is
Coming Back Bodies Found Daily
in Mississippi Valley.
Memphis , Tenn. , April 24. One
thousand men are battling with the
high water near the mouth of Red
river , forty miles below Natchez ,
Miss. , where breaks are threatening
2t a dozen places. Water from the
overflowed sections of southern Ar
kansas and north Louisiana is com
ing back into Mississippi river. The
total death list from this flood prob
ably will never be known. Bodies are
found every day. Conditions In Ar
kansas opposite Memphis are greatly
improved. Fully two thousand refu
gees are at the fair grounds being
cared for by the flood committee.
Naval Station on Turkish Island
Near Entrance to Dardanelles
Is Established.
Rome , April 26. The squadron of
Italian warships which has been op
erating recently in the Aegean sea
and near the entrance of the Dar
danelles has seized the Turkish is
land of Stampalia and has established
its base there. The island has an
area of about fifty square miles and
a population of nearly 2,000.
Constantinople , April 26. The
Turkish government has replied to
the offer of mediation by the powers
in the hostilities with Italy by thank
ing them and accepting their offer as
in the best Interests of both belliger
The acceptance , however , the Porte
points out , must be conditional on the
maintenance of the effective and In
tegral sovereignty of Turkey in Tri
poli and the evacuation of that coun
try by the Italians.
House Resolution Asks Taft to Transmit -
mit Copy of Charges Against Commerce -
merce Court Judge.
Washington , April 26. Representa
tive Xorris of
Nebraska Introduced a
resolution which would direct the pres
ident to transmit to the house a copy
of any charges made against Judge „
Robert W. Archbald of the court of .
The resolution referred to charges o
that Judge Archbald figured In recent a
negotiations with the Erie railroad , bi
over which he had judicial supervi-
sion. i w
The resolution was referred to the ra
judiciary committee.
Announces His Ambition to Reach h
Century Milestone Receives Hundreds st
dreds Congratulatory Messages. N
New York , April 26. Senator Chaun- aim
cey M. Depew celebrated his seventy- Ir
eighth birthday Tuesday and was the cc
recipient of hundreds of congratula tr
tory messages. In replying to them , P
he announced that it was his ambition ci
to live to be a hundred years old. He tii
attributes his splendid health to care lii
ful dieting and a judicious mixture of dj
work and play. er
Found Guilty of Killing Husband.
Davenport , la. , April 26. Mrs. Anna
Kildtiff , charged with murdering her ' a
husband , John Kilduff was found Di
guilty of manslaughter by a jury here tear
Wednesday after about twelve hours' ar
deliberation. th
Use Wireless Phone 20 Milas. ed
Tokyo , Japan , April 26. Experi sL
ments made here on Wednesday with and
the wireless telephone have been suc br
cessful. It has been found possible tn
converse at a distance of twenty tal.
Winter Wheat in Fair Condition.
Douglas County. Farmers of Ne
braska , who have planted winter
wheat and which is affected by the
cracking of the ground should not be
too fast to plow it under" , says Prof.
C. W. Puglsey of the Nebraska Experi
ment Station. Prof. Puglsey has auth
orized the Publicity Bureau of the
Commercial club of Omaha to spread
the information throughout the state
that the condition of the ground is not
as critical as seme might think. How
ever , he advises the rolling of the
grund. with a corrugated roller , if pos
Not only will this procedure increase
the yield but it will prevent loss from
crocking of the ground wherever such
condition exists. Winter wheat is in
fairly good condition , he says. How
ever , it can be much improved by a lit
tle judicious rolling. But he insists
that the farmers should not be too
quick to plow wheat under , which ,
looks as if it might be damaged by the
cracking and baking of the ground ,
which has resulted from the excessive
snows of the winter.
Peculiar Marriage Mixture.
Johnson County. Charles B. Morri
son and. Miss Bernice Lewis , well
known people of Sterling , secured a
license to wed and have since been
married. In this marriage the con'
ditions are peculiarly mixed. Miss
Lewis is the daughter by his first wife
of Rev. John Lewis , Methodist mini
ster at Sterling. Miss Lewis' mother
is dead. Mr. Morrison is the son of
the present Mrs. Lewis , wife of the
preacher named. His father is dead
and Rev. Mr. Lewis and his present
wife have been married for some
twelve years. There is no relationship
between the bride and groom , and yet
they have been members of the same
famil } ' . Rev. Mr. Lewis by marriage ,
is his own daughter's father-in-law. He
la also her stepfather.
Flour Thieves Busy.
Custer County. A gang of thieves
operating in Broken Bow seems to be
specializing on flour. Twice within the
past few days warehouses belonging to
two grocery firms have been broken
into during the night and a quantity of
flour taken , probably 1,800 pounds in
all. A streak of flour leading from the
warehouse through the alley east to
Eighth avenue showed the direction
taken by the thieves on their last
marauding expedition , but at this point
all traces were lost.
They Beard "Lion" In Den.
Johnson County. William Glasson
and Fred Jacka captured seven young
wolves in a drainage tube under a
road east of Tecumseh. The animals
were driven into the tube and the men
stopped one end of the cylinder , crawl
ed into the other and captured the
Heeded Plea and Saved Life.
Box Butte County. A most remark
able premonition of something dire go
ing to happen the steamship Titanic
developed in Alliance when it became
known that Mrs. B. TJ. Shepherd , wife
of a well known business man , warned
her father , John Sampy , not to return
on the Titanic. He heeded her warn
ings and thus no doubt saved his life.
State Supreme Court.
Lancaster County. The state su
preme court will convene for a sitting
on May 6 , and will remain in session
until May 10. At that time several im
portant cases will come up for argu
ment , among them the Enterprise irri
gation company vs , the Tri-State Land
Discovered Old Letter.
York County. Harry Martin , deputy
sheriff : , has discovered a sealed letter
that was addressed to him in February ,
1896. The letter is a business one and
was sent to him from Woodbine , la.
He had never seen it before.
Expense of State Institutions.
The expenses for the operation of
all of the state charitable reforma
tory institutions for the month of
February totaled 375,988.86 , while the
total for the month of March reached
only ; $65,776.41. A change in food
allowances ] for the state penitentiary
brought the total up higher at that
institution , but at the other places
was on an average with the same
month of other years.
To Gasoline Dealers.
Effort to compel gasoline dealers
over the state to place their supply
tanks under ground to insure safer
handling ; of this liquid have been
started by Fire Commissioner Randall.
Names of dealers have been collected
and Mr. Randall is now engaged in
mailing letters out to the merchants.
connection with the campaign the
commissioner has experienced some
trouble at Superior with an oil com
pany which has been allowed by the
city to build a more or less preten
tious central distributing station w-ith-
the city limits and which Mr. Ran
dall says is dangerously near to sev
eral residences.
Dog Saves Farmer's Life.
Lancaster County. John Rothmann ,
hired man on the farm of Arthur
Deinert. in all probability owes his life
the big sheperd dog which attacked
and drove off a large bull which had
thrown Rothmann to the ground and
almost killed him. Rothmann receiv
a broken collar bone , a dislocated
shoulder blade , several fractured ribs
a badly lacerated face. He was
brought to Lincoln where he received
treatment and was hurried tc a hospi \
. It Is believed Jhat he will re-