Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 02, 1912, Image 4

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I. M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor
MarkZarr , Foreman
A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs
day at Valentine , Nebraska.
Subscription - § l'.50 Per Year
Local Notices5c per line per issue
Entered at , the PostolDce at Valentine , Neb. ,
for transmission through ; the inailflv as second
class matter. \
1 Thursday , May 2 , 1912.
That we bought THE VALENTINE
DEMOCRAT , a mere youth at the
time , lacking in experience , but
we had the ability , to keep it go
ing at least , and exchanged it for
We now have some experience
for sale to get the more important
"ability. "
Now , confidential , we have done
well here and made some money.
But we gave good value for every
dollar we earned , and while we
have been taking in the dimes our
friends with whom we have trav
eled side by side , have taken in
the dollars. Some , however , have
done no better than we.
"We are older and many of you
perhaps have noticed that \vehave
passed our zenith of youth and
We are still hoping for demo
cratic success , and , though this
may be our life's work , we be
lieve our cause to be just and
worth the price.I
We have labored hard for , hu
manity , for more jtist and equa
Jaws for the people , and opposed
those combined to defeat justice
and equality.
To the many friends of THE
DEMOCRAT we extend greeting.
You believe in justice and we feel
encouraged by loyal support
throughout the past 12 years. We
want to make THE DEMOCRAT a
better newspaper and give you
more for your money than before
We need your encouragement
and support to do this , and we
want you to drop in to see us
when you have news or business
for us. We're also glad to visit
with you.
Tell your neighbor he ought to
take THE DEMOCRAT. Lot's d .
something for each other. This is
how you can do something for us.
A dozen year ? , and hundreds
have never missed a copy of the
paper in that time.
THE DEMOCRAT ought to have
2,000 subscribers and we intend to
get them in the next year. We
want you to help.
Yours faithfully ,
The democrats will need ' 0
' electoral votes more than Bryan
got in 190S to carry the election
this year. To do this Gov. Harm
on can carry New York , Ohio ,
West Virginia , Missouri and In
diana , which will make 106 votes
more , but could lose Nebraska
and Indiana and have enough to
win. Now , there's no use in be
ing .foolish about your choice for
president. Wilson may be a good
man but he can't carry these
pivotal states.
Who can but Judson Harmon ?
We do not wish to detract from
that grand old Missourian whom
v every Kansas and Nebraska demo
crat loves , the sound of whose
name brings good cheer.
But if Champ Clark , dearly as
we love him , cannot , b eucfced we
should bf sorol.v fli NW "intpd as
, wH ! - : * . 'v
drfr : '
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Only a few days ago The
Chancellor was launched by Laurie
J. Quinby and J. W. Metcalfe as
16-page weekly , claiming to stand
for fundamental progressive de
mocracy. At the time we made
comment that we did not favor
these "middle of the readers ,
holier than thoir' sidesteppersand
that "plain democracy" was good
enough for us.
Indeed , it is good enough for
Already we find this "holier
than thou" sheet complaining over
the results of the primary , because
Metcalfe was not nominated for
governor and because Champ
Clark received the preferential
Then comes this absurd state
ment as though belched from a
foul stomach : "If the democratic
party has no othej recourse than
to follow such policies and such
men , there can no longer remain
" ' " * "
any excuse for its existence " "
The time is apparently ripe for a
new deal all around , which means
the formation of a new party gf
progressive American ideals , such
as controlled the formation of the
republican party in 1856. It can
not come too soon. "
Then the writer of that editorial
is not a democrat , nor a funda
mental democrat , nor a .progress
ive , fundamental democrat.
The democratic party believes
in majority rule and the greatest
good for the greatest number.
Bro. Quinby evidently believes
in bolting , in revolution , and if he
can't get what he wants , petulently
as a child , "he won't play. " He
was not raised right or he'd have
had more respect for the opinions
of others , and evidently was never
ta ught that splendid maxim that
should be a part of youth's train
ing : "He , who would be a lead
er , must show himself capable of
being led. "
If Mr. Quinby is a leader he
should forge his way the front of
the party of the people and by his
wise sayings and doctrines he
should lead if he is right.
But we will not follow him ,
jumping from the known to the
unknown desert land where there i
is no hope , no promise and no
precedent , excepting another jump
made previously perhaps. For ,
as soon as Mr. Quinby had a half
dozen followers , he would again
find the same difficulty in keeping
with them and he'd jump again.
These jumpers Lever amount to
much. People soon learn them.
The steady men who build upon
thf rock do not have to keep
Let us build upon the solid rock
of democracy without further
words or commentation. We
have no need of another name.
PI H democracy is good enough
f ) r us and we are willing for the
honest majority to rule.
Give us back our Arab steed.
We have no sympathy for these
side steppers , disrupters , middle-
of-the-roaders and traitors to the
A woman from Benningtop ,
Xeb. , under date of April 28 ,
writes to the World-Herald :
Of all the pathetic stories of
bravery told of the victims of the
fitanic disaster , one stands out
done , in a class by itself that of
Mrs. Isador Straus , who chose
ieath with her husband rather
hin go back to the world to live
without him.
Oh , the sadness and yefc the
gladness of it ! .While the eyes fill
with tears of sorrow that such lov-
3rs should meet death in such a
tvay , yet mingled with them are
: ears of joy that such lovers exist ,
ind to have it thus demonstrated
io UIG world.
Surely tbs thought of it must
3c ! o in the minds and hearts of all
irue men and remain as long as
memory of this great sorrow shall
W imjiM i rpct. a monu'ii'Mit o
i o' ' ' * hi < sifter , and ( ' -
i " -"man in the uo ) d
who appreciated true love and the
sacredness of marriage vows
should contribute to its erection.
Show this to your Roosevelt
friend and ask him to think it
The supplementary report of
the Stanley investigation com
mittee shows that 23 men officers
and directors of the steel trust
are in absolute control of corpora
tions representing a capitalization
of $35,521,143,000. These men ,
through interlocking boards of
directors , virtually control all the
great railroad systems , street rail
ways , express companies , steam
ship companies , the large indus
trial corporations , a system of
powerful banks and trust com
panies , and insurance companies.
The total wealth of this nation
is only a little over three times the
sum that these 23 men control ab
solutely. Twenty-three men in
control of more than 30,000,000
of their fellow American citizens !
Isn't this a fine condition of af
fairs to exist in a republic ?
Eaton Huntington Hooker ,
treasurer of the Roosevelt league ,
has just filed with the secretary of
state of New York a list of con
tributors to the Roosevelt cam
paign fund. This sworn affidavit
reveals that in the city of New
York alone , George W. Perkins ,
organizer of the harvester trust
and director of the steel trust ,
spent 815,000. Frank A. Mun-
sey , the largest individual holder
of the steel trust's common stock
in the country , contributed § 15,000
more. ' Thirty thousand dollars of
steel trust money spent in a city
of one state alone , and there are
48 states in the union ! This sworn
statement shows that in New York
City § 59,126.75 was spent to get
about 15,000 Roosevelt votes , or
practically § 4 a vote.
Notice of Hearing on Pro
bate Without Ad
ministration ,
Grace Hetherington having filed
in my office a duly verified petit-
tion alleging that Bert W. Heth
erington died intestate , possessed
of an equity in real estate in Cher
ry county , Nebraska , and that
said real estate was wholly exempt
from execution , attachment or
other mense process and not liable
for the debts of the deceased and
praying for the probate of the said
escate without administration :
Therefore all persons interested
in said matter will take notice that
a hoar ing will be had upon said
petition at my office in Valentine ,
Cherry county , Nebraska , on Fri
day , May 3 , 1912 , at 1 o'clock p.
m. , at which time all persons in
terested in said estate may appear
and show cause , if any there be ,
why said pstate should not be
probated without administration ,
and that notice thereof be given
by publication of same in the Val
entine Democrat for a period of
three successive weeks.
James C , Quigley ,
15 3 County Judge.
Walcott & Walcott , attorneys.
Do Yoy Want a Bargain in
Town Property ?
I have three properties that are
bargains and I am going to sell
them at a bargain to some one who
has a few hundred dollars laying
I want to build a good building
for a printing office and' will sell
property cheap , to carry out my
Come and see me on any kind
of a property deal. I want money
and I'll give big value for it.
I. M. RICE ,
Valentine , Nebr-
BUsr-ssriETs : MEETING
Dr. Scott of the University of Wiscon.
sip. Delivers Atidrcss at O'Neill.
O'Neill , Neb. , April 27. Dr. William
A. Scott of the University of \ \ isccn-
sin deliveicd an address before the
business men of O'Neill en the subject
or bsnkiiis and currency reform.
The speaker VVT.S introduced byJr. .
S. J. Weakes of the O'Neill National
bank , Avhose introductory remarks
were brief. During Dr. Scott's vidit
to O'Neill heYJIS shown through the
Sisters' academy and other points of
intcipptvbv Mr. E. F. Gallagher of the
First National bank.
Dr. Scott , who is a political econo
mist of prominence , reviewed currency
legislation from the tiino of the ori
gin of nrtional bonks , and explained
in detail the pp Fcns of the year with
which tc carryon the regular commer
cial transactions , which means the
moving of the crops and moving all
kinds of products from the producer
to the consumer. He showrd wherein
the law should he amended so that
the business people could be provided
with a currency which would meet
their everyday n erls in seasons of
commercial activity. He explained
why it was that hundreds of millions
of currcncv were locked up in the
banks in the government vaults , utter
ly use'eps , while the business people
.vere ? iiffciing for a greater volume of
fiMTcncy every spring and fall with
which to handle the commerce of the
country. Ho showed that the pro
posed plan for the National Reserve
association would meet e\ery require
ment of the case , affording an ample
volume of currency at all seasons of
Lhe year , and enabling sound business
louse ? to get what money they needed
upon comm.prcial paper based upon
Ui9 Vv'oll known commodities which go
to make up the business and com
merce of the countrv from day to day
and month to month. Ho showed
wherein the propcs d plan would re
lieve the stress of the local banker
and enable him to accommodate his
rustomers for all their legitimate
needs , and that a flurry down in Wall
street caused by the speculators and
nhuigers would not disturb the finan
cial conditions in the webt un'lc. * the
proposed Ipgislation. TIe also showed
how the plan would obviate bank
panics and how it would promote the
interest o { the grain and cattle pro
ducer , as well as the merchant.
Er. Scott spoke under the auspices
pf the National Citizens' League for
the promotion of sound banking.
Dr. Scott spoke to the people of
Valentine Friday night and was in
troduced by Hon. C. H. Cornell ,
Here's a woman's stock
ing of quality and wear.
You are proud of
once they grace your feet.
The way they fit and the way
they wear is a revelation.
Their dye is one of their superla
tive features. The brightest , truest ,
surest , most lasting black and the
richest shads of tan known to
hosiery making. Dyed with Wun-
derdye fast to the last.
Made for all ages and
sizes , for women and
Fpur pairs to the bos
$1.00 , or a de-luxe grade ,
three pairs to the box
$ 1.00. The
guarantee insures the
toe , heel and sole against
need of darning for four
months ,
Fg 7ing373H5S5s3gg : |
You Have a
Putting out good printing
is our businec ; , and when
we say good printing v/e
don't mean fair , but the
hrst oltai' . " . If you
are ' irom luiscouii' ' give
us trial and \ve vdil
For every purpose. Enamels , Bronzes ,
Varnishes , Stains.
From lOc to $8.00 per double roll.
Paste that sticks paper on. Glass cr Iron. <
Calcimine in 5 = pound packages that a child
can use. A complete stock of everything used &
at house cleaning time.
II Cfaristensen's Paint and Paper House
Ask I. M. Rice about
German Fire insurance Co. of Omaha , backed by the
National of Hartford with $11.000,000 , guarantying
every policy. As sound as the "Rock of Gibraltar. "
The Northwestern Life Ins.
Co. of Milwaukee writes the most liberal policy iu
Ordinary Life , Endowment , or Payment plan. You \
cannot lose a dollar that you spend with this com
pany. A dollar is worth 100 cents the day you spend
it and increases every day , and is always within
your reach , growing for you.
Call on I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr.
Highest cash nrice paid for Call for Estimates
Anything you have to sell. Phones 187 and 169
Valentine Furniture Exchange
We buy and sell New and Second Hand Furnitnre ,
Carpets and Stoves.
Valentine , box 348 Nebraska
Ladies' Garments---Man Tailored
Sending * away no longer a necessity
Men's Clothing Cleaned , Repaired and Pressed
Notice to Creditors
State of Nebraska , i .
County of Cherry. Ps
In ilie Oounty Court within and lor Cherry
county , Nehraska ,
In the matter of the- estate oti Joseph James
To the creditors of said estate :
You aru hereby notiiit-d. That I will it atthfi
County Cou't Room In Valentine in suit ! county *
on the 25 Ji day of M.y. . 1012.
to receive and examine all ol-iir : >
said estate , \\ith a > ie\v to tin Kadhi-tpirnt and
allowance. The time hnnte-i t.nme p.'VM-utH-
tion of claims againM said eSiatc Nu t-.e ! s id
25th day of May. V i IP12 , and the
tune limited tor p.iMiient ol debtK one year
from suul 2. ith day of .Novt'inb r I'Jii.
' Witness my hand an ! ! lcbeal : of said
SEAL County u urf MM * 1st d v of May ,
> 191. . JAMES C. yUICl.KY ,
1" 1 i\mnty .
C. A. litiby. Attorney.
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for
Settlement of Account.
In the County Court or Cherry county ,
Cherry County. t ]
To the heirs and all persons interested in
tl e.sti-te o'.To' ' 'i If. Miller. deased : j '
On reading the petition of M. C. Carro' f
praying a final bettlenie it and .ilo\vanee o
his account Hied in this court on the 1st
davot Ma > , Ui _ ' , and lor a decree of final
It is lu re by ordered that you and all per
sons inti rested in said matter may. and do.
appear at the county CMI-.I-I ro IK > held in and
for said eoiiiuv. on the is h day of May ,
A. ! > . , l ! li. at 10 o'elocjc a. in. , to show cause ,
if any there be , why the prayer of the pe
titioner should not he granted , and that no
tice of the pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereol he given to all persons Jn-
terestfd in .said matter ! > y puhitNhinga copy
ot this order in'1 he Valentine J > einoriat , a
weekly neuspa : per printed in said county ,
lor lour successive weeks prior to said day
of lumring. JAJIK C. QCIRLKV ,
| SKAT , ] 17 = t County .lud f.
V , ,1 oottVal5ott Atty.s for } .laintui.
Whenever you -want Busi
ness Cards , Letter Heads.
Circulars or anything else
in the printing line.
Notice to Creditors.
Tn the matter of the estate of Alanson
1'alpfer , deceased :
To the ( 'ieditors of saiil Kstr.te :
You are hereby notified. That 1 will sit at the
Coi nty Couit Ifoom in Valentine in said county
on the nth day ot May , 191i : ,
to receive aim examine all claims against
said estate with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the presenta
tion of rliiins ag'diist said estate is six months
from the nth 'lay of Nm. A. D. 1911 , and th
time limited for payment of debts is one year
from said llth day of May . 1DI1 ,
Witness my and seal ot said county court
this 17th dav of April. A. D. 1912.
, 154 County
Judge ,
Notice of Probate of Will
In the county court ot Cherry countv Ne
C Mal K ! : Sin ! the ' " of
On reading the petition ot Ifernian ff. M'eJs-
log praying that thcin.strume.nt flled in
this court on the 5th dav ofnrll 191"
and purporting to be the laCt will and teTta *
mentot the said deceased , mav be proved
and allowed , and recorded as the last will
and testament of .said deceased ; that said
instrument be admitted to probate , and the
administration of said estate be granted to
George \ \ eisilog. as administrator.
It is hereby ordered that all per.son.s inter
ested in said matter , may. and do. appear at
the county court to be held m and fo.r said
county , on the ; th day of Mav \ 1 >
1012. at 10 o'cloc k. a. in. , to'show cause."if
there-be , why thepraxer ot the petitioner
should not be granted , and that notice of the
pendency ot said petition and that the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons interested
in * aid matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the Valentine Democrat a weekly
newspaper printed in said countv. for three
successive weeks prior to said day of hearing
Witness my hand and seal of said court
[ Seal ] this 17th day of April AD ? oi- >
County Judge.
Notice of Hearing.
To all persons interested in the
estate of J . * -
t-ph Sdaefer , decea.s- :
You and each nf you are hereby notified that
un tile 10th dav of pnl. 1912 , W. E. Haley liled a
-titnm m th" < ouut\ Court of Chmy County.
praying tht administration in the
ibove ' estate be uispenst-d with ana that HIM
I'robateCo rrniaea Final Dr-cre-naml the
leirs < ! thedc c ± nutand that said petition will
e heard in the County Court room in Ynl ntjne ,1 < !
n said County on the Jth diy of .May , 1912 , at
he hour o ! ID o'clock a in. ' ;
it is further ordered that notife of > ul < ] 1 !
ne.u'in : ; ! < vsixt'ii alt persons mteret-ted lu
.aid estate by the publication of this not Iff
or three. succe. > si\o week > in the Valentine
lemocrat , a iifW-pjipiT printed , published
ind clretilatt'd in said county.
J'ated tilliotli day 01 April. ll 12.
JA-U.S 0. QriGLET ,
SKA i.l H- : ; County ,
ly E. D. Cmike , Attorney for petitioner. Judge
Don't be surprised if you have an at-
ack of rheumatism this spring. Just
ub the affected parts freely with Cham-
erlain's Liniment and it will soon dis-
p'pbar. Sold by ail dea