Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 02, 1912, Image 3

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Witness' Story Shows He Took Charge
of a Flotilla of Small Craft Which
Eventually Were Picked Up Without
' Loss of Life.
Washington , D. C. Harold G. Lowe
fifth officer of the sunken Titanic , told
the senate investigating committee his
part in the struggle of the survivors
for life following the catastrophe. Hi ?
testimony developed that with a vol
unteer crew he rescued four men from
the water , saved a sinking collapsible
lifeboat by towing it astern of his and
took off 20 men and one woman from
the bottom of an overturned boat. Ev
ery one of those under his charge he
landed safely on the Carpathia.
From first to last Lowe's story show
ed that he played the man. Ordered
away in charge of lifeboat No. 14 , he
packed it to its capacity on the tor
deck , and fearing that someone mighl
attempt to jump into it while it was
descending kept up a fusillade froir
his revolver. Once afloat he iook
charge of a flotilla of small craft whicl :
eventually were picked up by the res
cue ship without the loss of a life.
Mount Temple Plays a Part.
Competing in interest with the day's
testimony was the interchange of tele
grams between Senator William Al
den Smith , chairman , and the acting
premier of Canada. George B. Foster
The latter told of the docking of the
steamer Mount Temple at St. Johns
N. B. , with a passenger aboard whc
claimed to have seen the Titanic sink
It was believed the Mount Temple was
the ship that was only five miles fron
the White Star liner when she tooli
her final plunge.
Senator Smith has requested thai
the depositions of the officers and
the crew of the Mount Temple be senl
to him. In addition he accepted the
offer of Dr. E. C. Quitzman of Toronto
to appear before the committee. Dr
Quitzman was one of the passengers
who said they saw the Titanic sink.
Officer Lowe Testifies.
"You were present at the test of the
Titanic in Belfast harbor ? " asked
Senator Smith.
"Yes , sir. "
"What did you do ? "
"I lloked to the lifeboats. Witt
Mr. Moody and Mr. Boxhall I looker !
over the lifeboats , examined them
carefully and found everything in
them except that in one a dipper was
missing. "
As to the collapsible boats , Lowe
said , he could not remember precisely
what was found.
"We did find there were plenty oi
oars , with extra oars for each boat. "
The witness said that while it had
been planned to hold a lifeboat _ drill
April 1 , it was postponed because
there was a breeze. In fact , the wit
ness said , it was almost "squally. "
Lowe said that when he got out on
deck after the accident he began work
ing at the lifeboats.
"I was working at the boats under
First Officer Murdock , " he continued.
"Boat No. 5 was the first one we low
ered. "
"How many officers were helping
you on that boat ? "
"I should say about ten , two at each
end , two in the boat and others at the
ropes. "
"Who got in that boat ? "
Ordered Ismay Away.
"I don't know. Had not someone
said so I would not have known that
I ordered Mr. Ismay away from the
boat. A steward met mo on the Car
pathia. He said to me , 'What did you
say to Ismay that night on the deck ? '
I said that I did not know that I had
said anything to Mr. Ismay. I said I
did not know Mr. Ismay. I did not
know him. Well , the steward on the
Carpathia said I had used some very
strong language to Mr. Ismay.
"Shall I repeat it ? " asked Lowe. "If
you want me to I will if not , I won't.
"I happened to talk to Ismay be
cause he appeared to be getting excit
ed. He was saying excitedly. 'Lower
away , lower away , lower away. ' "
At this juncture Chairman Smith
asked Mr. Ismay about the language ,
and Mr. Ismay suggested that the ob
jectionable language be written down
to see if it was appropriate. This
was done. After Chairman Smith had
read what Lowe had written he said :
"Then you said this to Mr. Ismay , "
not mentioning the obpectionable
word , but showing It to the witness.
"Why did you say it ? "
"Because he , in his anxiety to get
the boat lowered , " Lowe replied , "was
interfering with our work. "
"If any persons had asked you to
take them in you would ? "
"Certainly ; I was watching for ev
erybody , anybodj' , " said Lowe ; "but
to have gone into the drowning mass
would have been useless. All would
have been lost. "
"How many persons were aboard
when you went alongside the Car-
pathia ? "
"About 45. I took them off a sink
ing collapsible boat. I left the bodies
of three men. "
Were Standing in Water.
Twenty-one , Lowe said , were up to
their ankles in water and would have
sunk in three minutes. He made no
effort to fix the identity of the dead ,
for he said he was there not to save
bodies , but to save life.
Then he sailed for the Carpathia arid
unloaded his boat.
"What did you do then ? asked Sen
ator Smith.
"Nothing , sir , " returned the witness
sharply. "What was there left to do ? "
Senator Smith wanted to know about
the shooting on the Titanic while she
was sinking. Lowe said he had fired
three shots into the water to scare
away some immigrants on one of the
decks who he feared were about to
swamp a loaded boat by jumping. He
was certain the shots struck no one.
Lowe was then temporarily excused.
Lightoller a Witness.
C. H. Lightoller , second officer oi
the Titanic , took the stand immediate
ly after the recess. Senator Bourne
inquired if the water tight doors were
arranged to protect the vital parts oi
the ship. The witness said he be
lieved not.
Lightoller said he could not testify
as to the value of searchlights in find
ing icebergs , though he tnought one
"might help. "
The White Star was the only line oi
which he knew that kept six lookouts
on each ship. ,
Senator Burton asked the witness to
relate his conversation with Ismay on
the Carpathia. Lightoller said he and
his brother officers talked over the
sailing of the Cedric and had agreed il
would have been a "jolly good idea'
if they could catch the vessel. It
would result in keeping the men to
gether and let everyone get home.
"Mr. Ismay , when the weathei
thickened , remarked to me , " said Ligh
teller , "that it was hardly possible we
could catch the boat. He asked me if
I thought it desirable that he send a
wireless to hold the Cedric , and I said
'Most certainly. ' The telegram was
sent. We were all agreed that it was
the best course and we all advised it. '
Lightoller declared that when the
telegram came back from New Yorfc
saying the Cedric would not be held ,
he urged Mr. Ismay to insist upon the
Cedric being held.
Ismay Became Depressed.
"I will say at that time Mr. Ismaj
was in no mental condition to trans
act business , " said Lightoller. "He
; eemed to be possessed with the idea
that he ought to have gone down with
the ship because there were women
who went down. I tried my best to
get that idea out of his mind , but
could not. I told him there was more
for him to do on earth and that he
should not let the idea possess him
that he had done a wrong in not stay
ing back to drown.
"The doctor on the Carpathia had
trouble with Mr. Ismay on the same
grounds and I am sure the doctor will
verify my statements.
"I was told on the Carpathia thai
Chief Officer Wild , who was working
at the forward collapsible boat , told
Mr. Ismay there were no more women
to go. Ismay still stood back and
Wild , who was a powerful man , bun
dled him into the collapsible boat. "
" 'Who told you this powerful officer.
Mr. Wild , ordered Mr. Ismay into the
boat ? "
"I don't know. "
Senator Smith said that in previous
testimony the witness declared he had
not spoken to Mr. Ismay. This Ligh
teller denied.
Robert Hichens Called.
Robert Hichens , quartermaster in
charge of the lifeboat which took off
Maj. Peuchen and others , next took
the witness chair , and testified that
when the collision occurred he was at
the Titanic's wheel. He said the of
ficers had been warned to look out for
small icebergs and that he had been
ordered to have the heaters started in
the chart room. The first he knew of
the collision was when the order came
down from the bridge , "Berg ahead. "
"The first officer rushed over to give
the order 'Hard a starboard , ' and the
second officer returned , 'Helm hard
over , sir , ' but by that time we were in
to the berg. We could hear the brind-
ing of it. The skipper , Capt. Smith ,
came rushing out asking what was the
matter , and immediately ordered Mr.
Murdock to close the emergency doors.
The ship had a list of 5 degrees to the
starboard within five minutes. I
stayed at the wheel until 12:23.
"About that time one of the officers
said , 'We'll get out the boats , ' and I
was put in charge of No. G , and or
dered to put away toward a distant
light. I had 38 women , one seaman ,
myself , an Italian lad and the major.
I told them we would have to pull
away from the ship , as she was going
down by the head. Everybody had to
row. and I even asked the women. We
started for the light , which we ex
pected was on a cod banker. There
were several other boats around. One
that had four or six men came up and
I borrowed one man from it. We nev
er got any nearer the light. Then we
tied our boats together and stayed
there until we saw the Carpathia com
ing. The sea was getting choppy and
the women were getting nervous. I
relieved one at an oar and told her to
take the tiller. A Mrs. Meyer got mad
at me and accused me of wrapping
myself in all the blankets , drinking
all tne whisky and using bad lan
guage , which I deny. I saw the wom
en taken on the Carpathia and was
the last to leave my boat. "
Lenies Peuchen's Charge.
Senator Smith wanted to know if
Hichens had any trouble m the boat
with Maj. Peuchen. Pie replied the
major had tried to take command.
It had been testified that Hichens
had refused to go back and pick up
other survivors. None of the women
in the boat had asked him to go back ,
he said.
"Maj. Peuchen said yesterday that
when you * vere asked to go back after
some who were drowning you replied
you 'weren't going back there after
those stiffs. ' "
"Yes ; I saw that in the newspapers
this morning. It's a lie , sir. I never
used that word snice I was born. "
"You want the committee to under
stand you did not refuse to go to the
rescue of those in the water ? "
"I could not under the conditions. I
was a mile away from the cries we
heard and we had no compass. I in
structed the men to row away from
the Titanic when it was sinking be
cause I was afraid of the suction. Be
fore she sank we were all pulling for
that light. The ship was still afloat
when we stopped and the light disap
peared about fifteen minutes later. Af
ter it disappeared we heard cries of
distress. Some of the women said
they were cries of people in one boat
signaling another. "
Senatorial Court Discussed in House
of Commons.
London. Renewed interest in the
American senate's inquiry into the loss
of the Titanic and the status of the
senatorial court was evinced by sev
eral members of the house of commons
and many questions were asked of
Francis Dyke Acland , parliamentary
undersecretary for foreign affairs.
Alexander MacCallum Scott , a Scot
tish member , said :
"Are you aware that those called
before the senate committee are not
receiving fair and honorable treat
ment ? Will you take steps to secure
fair and honorable treatment for Brit
ish subjects ? "
Mr. Acland replied : "No such com
plaint has been received by us. Sure
ly in this matter we must trust , as I
think we are right in doing , to the
good sense of the American people ,
and we do not desire to interfere with
out absolute necessity. "
Sydney Buxton , president of the
board of trade , announced that the
number of women and children who
had perished in the Titanic catastro
phe was 156.
Little Matt Explained That the Two
Pigs He Was Driving Got
His Goat.
Matt Perkins , engine driver on the
New York Central , thought his little
farm , out near Peekskill , wouldn't be
complete without pigs. So he bought
a couple and had them sent out , much
to the dismay of Willie , his oldest boy ,
who tearfully protested that the fam
ily would be disgraced if their ac
quaintances found they kept pigs.
But the father was obdurate , and
assigned to Matt , Jr. , his 6-year-old
and youngest hopeful , the task of
caring for the pigs. This has proved
a hard task , and little Matt has been
having his troubles during the hot
One day the pigs , being pigs , roam
ed far afield. Mattie , rounding them
up , drove them past the veranda ,
where his mother happened to be.
Mattie was talking to the pigs in no
uncertain terms , and it must be con
fessed he used a word which he really
should not. Where he got it no one
The mother promptly called him to
task , and Mattie , having penned in the
pigs , returned , hot and red of face ,
to the veranda.
"Mattie , " said his mother , sternly ,
"I shall have to punish you. I heard
you say a naughty word. "
"Well , I guess I did , ' was the lad's
penitent rejoinder , "but you see , mam
ma , them pigs jest got my goat. "
New York Herald.
Easing a Cough.
For children who have passed the
baby stage , linseed tea is the best
thing known to ease a cough. Pour
two quarts of boiling water on one
ounce of whole linseed and twelve
drachms of licorice root sliced. Add
to this a slice or two of lemon. Let
this stand in a jug covered over for
six or seven hours , then strain it and
sweeten to taste and it will be ready
for use.
A Great Grace.
It is no great matter to associate
with the good and gentle , for this is
naturally pleasing to all and everyone
willingly enjoyeth peace and loveth
those best that agree with him. Butte
to be able to live peaceably with hard
and perverse persons , or with the dis
orderly , or with such as go contrary to
us. is a great grace , ana " most com
mendable and manly thing. Thomas
a Kempis.
Only a Cow Coroner.
They were discussing a United
States senator who had been a rail
road attorney before he became a
statesman and who , many thought ,
had not given up his job when he as
sumed his toga. "It's all rot ! " said
a man who knows the senator. "He
never was a railroad attorney except
to go out and try damage cases. Why ,
all that man ever was was a cow cor
oner ! "
Modern Teachers Criticised.
Our educators are owl-wise , our
teachers are pedants and all their am
bition is the turning out of smooth ,
well-polished Philistines. It is cer
tainly unfortunate that the favored
type of superintendent of our public
education should be such a hopeless
Philistine , possessed of all the conceit
of the mediocre business man. Rou
tine is his ideal. Originality is sprned
and suppressed. Dr. Boris
New Jersey Leads in Advanced Legis
lation Designed to Check Spread
of Tuberculosis.
What is designated by the National
Association for the Study and Preven
tion of Tuberculosis as the most ad
vanced legislation in the campaign
against tuberculosis that has been
enacted by any state in the United
States , if not by any country in the
world , is found in a bill recently
passed by the New Jersey legislature
and signed by Governor Wilson. The
new law provides that tuberculosis
patients who refuse to obey the regu
lations laid down by the state board
of health concerning the prevention oC
their disease , and thus become a men
ace to the health of those with whom
they associate shall be compulsorily
segregated by order of the courts , in
institutions provided for this purpose.
If such a patient refuses to obey the
rules and regulations of the institu
tion in which he is placed , he may "be
isolated or separated from other per
sons and restrained from leaving the
institution. " The law further pro
vides that all counties in the state
of New Jersey shall within six months
from April 1st make provision in spe
cial institutions for the care of all
persons having tuberculosis in these
counties. The state treasurer will sub
sidize each county to the extent of
$3.00 a week for each person main
tained in these institutions , except
those who are able to pay for the cost
of maintenance.
"When my baby was six months old ,
his body was completely covered with
large sores that seemed to itch and
burn , and cause terrible suffering.
The eruption began in pimples which
would open and run , making large
sores. His hair came out and finger
nails fell off , and the sores were over
the entire body , causing little or no
sleep for baby or myself. Great scabs
would come off when I removed his
"We tried a great many remedies ,
but nothing would help him , till a
friend induced me to try the Cuticura
Soap and Ointment I used the Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment but a short
time before I could see that he was
improving , and in six weeks' time he
was entirely cured. He had suffered
about six weeks before we tried the
Cuticura Soap and Ointment , although
we had tried several other things , and
doctors , too. I think the Cuticura Rem
edies will do all that is claimed for
them , and a great deal more. "
( Signed ) Mrs. Noble Tubman , Dodson ,
Mont. , Jan. 28 , 1911. Although Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment are sold by
druggists and dealers everywhere , a
sample of each , with 32-page book ,
will be mailed free on application to
"Cuticura , " Dept. L , Boston.
Time Flies.
When the blind woman who plays
the accordion saw the genial looking
man stop to read her placard , she
quickened her tune in the expecta
tion that he was going to give her
some money , but he gave advice in
Said he : "Have you read that sign
of yours lately ? "
She said she had not.
"Well , " said he , "you'd better , and
then have it 'edited. It is dated six
years ago and says you have six small
children dependent upon your efforts
with this instrument for support. Six
years works wonders in children , and
they must be pretty lusty youngsters
by this time. Change that date to
1912. "
"The count has a painfully snobbish
air. What does he base it on ? "
"Why , his father , the marquis , was
the victim of a duel. "
"A French duel ? "
"Yes. "
"Impossible ! "
"Not at all. The marquis climbed
a tree to get out of the way , and fell
and broke his neck. "
Before Publication.
"Patsy , bring me a paper when you
come to work in the morning , " a wo
man who lived at the edge of a vil
lage told her man of all work when
he went home at night. "Now , don't
forget it , " she added.
"No , ma'am , " said Patsy , "I won't.
I might forget it if I left it until morn
ing , so I'll get it tonight. "
The Paxton Toilet Co. of Boston ,
Mass. , will send a large trial box of
Paxtine Antiseptic , a delightful cleans
ing and germicidal toilet preparation ,
to any woman , free , upon request.
Howell He has a prosperous look.
Powell Yes , you could tell at a
glance that he was a single man.
A girl's kisses are like pickles in a
bottle the first is hard to get , but
the rest come easy.
Sirs. Wrnsiow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething1 , softens the gums , reduces inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures wind colic , 25c a bottle.
A good night's sleep is one of the
few things people like that is good
for them.
Garfield Tea , the incomparable laxative.
Pleasant to take , pure , mild in action and
wonderfully health-giving.
It's wonderful what large catalogues
from small garden seeds will grow.
The wonder of bak
ing powders Calumet.
Wonderful in its raising
powers its uniformity ,
its never failing results , its
Wonderful in its economy.
It costsless than the high-price
trust brands , but it is worth as
much. It costs a trifle more than
the cheap and big can kinds
it is worth more. But proves its
real economy in the baking.
Use CALUMET the Modern
Baking Powder.
Received At all Grocers.
World's Pure
Benham I'm going out of doors for
a minute.
Mrs. Benham What for ?
Benham I want room to sneeze.
In the Dark.
"Has that boy of yours who gradu
ated from college last year found a job
that suits him yet ? "
"Nope. He's still looking for one. "
"Where's he looking ? "
"Well , I don't just know. He seems
to do most of his looking nights. "
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting Feela
Fine Acts Quickly. Try it for Red , Weak ,
Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus
trated Book in each Package. Murine is
compounded by our Oculists not a "Patent Med-
Icino" but used In successful Physicians' Prac
tice for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub
lic and sold by Druggists at 25c and Me per Bottle.
Murine Eye Salvo in Aseptic Tubes , 25c and 60c.
Murine Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago
f a Knows.
Willie Paw , what does discretion
mean ?
Paw Picking out a small man
when you are looking for trouble.
Coated tongue , vertigo , constipation are
all relieved by Garfield Tea.
Sweethearts are always dear , but
wives are far more expensive.
The Farmer's Son's
Great Opportunity
TVhr wait tor the old farm to become
your inheritance ? Begin novr to
prepare for your future
prosperity and Indopen-
lacnce. A great oppor
tunity awaits you In
I toba.Baskatc ho wan
lor Alberto , where you
I can secure a Freellonie-
I stead or buy land at rea-
| Bonable prices.
not a year from now ,
when land will bo lilfin-
er. The profits eecared
from the abundant crops of
Wheat , Oats and Barley ,
as well as cattle raising , are
causing a steady advance In
price. Government returns show
that the number or settlers
in Western Canada from
the D. 8. Tras 6O per cunt
larger In 191O than the
Many farmers have paid
for their land oat of the
proceeds of one crop.
Free Homesteads of 10O
acres and pre-emptions of
16O acres at SS.OOaii acre.
Fine climate , good schools ,
excellent railway facilities ,
low freight rates ; tvood , wa
ter and lumber easily ob
Fo r pamphlet "Last Best West. "
particulars as to suitable location
and low Bottlers' rate , apply to
Supt of Immigration , Ottawa ,
Can. , or to Canadian Qovt Agent.
L T. Hotaa. 315 Jadsw SL. SL Piri , Km.
J. M. Mxtatiu , Drmr ISl.Watrrtow. S. D.
Please write to the agent nettreet you
Ask for
It's the
of this root-
beer as well as its
tonic properties that
make it so great a favorite.
Onepack&gasakeiBgalloai. Xfyoorgro *
ceriant nppUedvrewillin Uyouap ck-
ageonrec iptof2Se. P leaitglTehliaame.
Writ * for Primiam Puzzle.
255 N. Broad St. , Philadelphia , Pa.
mills. Soap , sash and box factory , laundry.
bakery , tannery. Also retailers , wholesalers and
builders wltn some capital. Cheap electric power.
water , fuel. BOABD or TRADE , TT jiurc ,
W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 18-1912.
Do not sap the springs of life by neglect of the human mechanism , by allowing
the accumulation of poisons in the system. An imitation of Nature's method of
restoring waste of tissue and impoverishment of the blood and nervous strength is
to take an alterative glycerio extract ( without alcohol ) of Golden Seal and Oregon
grape root , Bloodroot , Stone and Mandrake root with Cherrybark. Over 40 years
ago Dr. Pierce gave to the public this remedy , which he called Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. He found it would help the blood in taking up the proper ele
ments from food , help the liver into activity , thereby throwing out the poisons from
the blood and vitalizing the whole system as well as allaying aad soothing a cough.
No one ever takes cold unless constipated , or exhausted , and having what we
call mal-nutrition , which is attended with impoverished blood
and exhaustion of nerve force. The " Discovery" is an all-
round tonio which restores tone to the blood , nerves and
heart by imitating Nature's methods of restoring waste
of tissue , and feeding the nerves , heart and lungs on rich
red blood.
" I suffered from pain under "my rteht "shoulder blade also a very
severe cough , " -writes MRS. W. DORN , of New Brookland , 3. C. , to Dr.
R. V. Pierce. Buffalo , N. Y. " Had four different doctors and none did
mo any good. Some said I had consumption , others said -would hava
to have an operation. I was bedridden , unable to sit up for six months
and was nothing but a live skeleton. You advised me to take Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
TVhen I had taken one bottle of the 'Discovery' I could sit up for aa
hour at a time , and -when I had taken three bottles I could do my
cooking and tend to the children. I took fourteen bottles in all and was
ffina. DOBN. then in good health. My weight ia now 167 pounds.
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Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One lOc package colors all fibers. They dye in cold waterbetter than anv other dye. Youcaa
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