Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 02, 1912, Image 2

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Jack Keith , a Virginian , now a bor-
ifler plainsman. Is looking for roaming war
parties of savages. He sees a wagon team
at full gallop pursued by men on ponies.
When Keith reaches the wagon the raid
ers have massacred two men and de
parted. He searches the victims finding
papers and a locket with a woman a 'por
trait. Keith Is arrested at Carson City ,
charged with the murder , his accuser be
ing a ruffian named Black Bart. Anepro
companion in his cell named Neb tells him
that he knew the Keiths in Virginia. Neb
says one of the murdered men was Jonn
Bibley. the other Gen. Willis Walte. form
erly a Confederate officer. The plainsman
and Neb escape , and later the fugitives
come upon a cabin and find its occupant
to be a young girl , whom Keith thinks
he saw at Carson City. The girl explains
that she is In search of a brother , who
had deserted from the army , and that a
Mr. Hawley Induced her to como to tne
cabin while he sought her brother. Hawley -
ley appears , and Keith in hiding recog-
nlres him as Black Bart There Is a ter
rific battle In the darkened room In hlc , "
Keith is victor. Horses are appropriated ,
and the girl who says that her name 13
Hope , joins in the escape. Keith explains
his situation and the fugitives make for
Fort Lamed , where the girl Is left with
the hotel landlady. Miss Hope tells that
she is the daughter of General Walte.
Keith and Neb drift Into Sheridan , where
Keith meets an old friend. Dr. Falrbaln.
Keith meets the brother of Hope Walte.
under the assumed name of Fred Wll-
Joughby. and becomes convinced that
Black Bart has some plot Involving the
two. Hope learns that Gen. Walto. who
was thoupht murdered. Is at Sheridan ,
and goes there , where she is mistaken for
Christie Maclalre. the Carson City singer.
Keith meets the real Christie Maclaire
and finds that Black Bart has convinced
her that there Is a mystery In her life
which he is going to turn to her advan
tage. The plainsman tells Hope Walte of
her resemblance to Christie Maclalre.
They decide that Fred Wllloughby may
hold the key to the situation. Keith finds
Willoughby shot dead. Hope is told of
the death of her brother. Keith falls to
learn what representations Black Bart
has made to Christie Maclalre. Hope
suggests that In order to learn the secret
she must briefly Impersonate the stage
Hlnger. Dr. Falrbain is in love with
Christie Maclalre and Keith induces him
to detain her from the stage while Hope
goes to the theater where she meets
Black Bart. who. thus deceived , tells
Hope that General Walte has suspected
his plans and that they must fly. Hope ,
greatly alarmed , demurs. General Waite
appears and says Black Bart has stolen
papers from him regarding an Inheri
tance. Keith is Informed that Christie
Maclalre's real name Is Phyllis Gale and
that she fc the half sister of Hope. The
latter has been carried away by Black
Bart ivad his gang. Dr. Falrbaln avows
his love for Phyllis and she accepts him.
Keith and his friends strike the trail of
Black Bart. They find Hope has been ta
ken back to the old cabin. The wilderness
cabin is the scene of a fight In which
Keith and his partners overcome their
outlaw enemies. Black Bart and the
plainsman meet In a duel for final ac
CHAPTER XXXVI. ( Continued. )
Keith wet his dry lips and spoke
shortly :
"I reckon you know what this
means , Hawley , and why I am here.
We're Southerners both of us , and
we settle our own personal affairs.
You've got to fight me now , man to
man. "
The gambler glanced about him , and
down at his horse. If he thought of
flight it was useless. His lip curled
with contempt.
"Damn your talking , Keith , " he re
turned savagely. "Let's have it over
with , " and spurred his horse. The
gun of the other came up.
"Wait ! " and Hawley paused , " drag
ging at his reim "One of us most like
ly is going to die here ; perhaps both.
But if either survives he'll need a
horse to get out of this alive. Dis
mount ; I'll do the same ; step away
so the horses are out of range , and
then we'll fight it out Is that
square ? "
Without a word , his eyes gleaming
with cunning hatred , the gambler
swung down from his saddle onto the
sand , his horse interposed between
him and the other. Keith did the
same , his eyes peering across the
back of his animal.
"Now , " he said steadily , "when 1
count three drive your horse aside ,
and let go are you ready ? "
"Damn you yes ! "
"Then look out one ! two ! three ! "
The plainsman struck his horse
with the quirt in his left hand and
sprang swiftly aside so as to clear the
flank of the animal , his shooting arm
flung out There was a flash of flame
cross Hawley's saddle , a sharp re
port , and Keith reeled backward ,
dropping to his knees , one hand clutchIng -
Ing at the sand. Again Hawley fired ,
but the horse , startled by the double
report , leaped aside , and the ball went
wild. Keith wheeled about , steadying
himself with his outstretched hand ,
and let drive , pressing the trigger , un
til , through the haze over his eyes , he
saw Hawley go stumbling down , shoot
ing wildly as he fell. The man never
moved , and Keith endeavored to get
up , his gun still held ready , the smoke
circling about them. He had been
shot treacherously , as a cowardly cur
might shoot , and he could not clear
his mind of the thought that this last
act hid treachery also. But he could
not raise himself , could not stand ; red
and black shadows danced before his
2yes ; he believed he saw the arm of
the other : aoTe. Like a snake he
crept forward , holding himself up with
one hand , his head dizzily reeling , but
his gun bjgld steadily on that black ,
nhapeless object lying on the sand.
Then the revolver hand began to
quiver , to shake , to make odd circles ;
he couldn't see ; it was all black , all
nothingness. Suddenly he went down
face first into the r.and.
They both lay motionless , the thirs
ty sand drinking in their life blood ,
Hawley huddled upon his left side , his
fcsfc ctill tLadlng : the glazing eyes ,
CCopyright. A. C. McClurg & Co. . 1910. )
" !
"Hope Hope
Keith lying flat , his face in the crook
of an arm whose hand still gripped a
revolver. There was a grim smile on
his lips , as if , as he pitched forward ,
he knew that , after he nad been shot
to death , he had gotten his man. The
riderless horses gazed at the two fig
ures , and drifted away , slowly , fear
fully , still held in mute subjection to
their dead masters by dangling reins.
The sun blazed down from directly
overhead , the heat waves rising and
falling , the dead , desolate desert
stretching to the sky. An hour , two
passed. The horses were now a hun
dred yards away , nose to nose ; all
else was changeless. Then into the
far northern sky there rose a black
speck , growing larger and larger ; oth
ers came from the east and west , beat
ing the air with widely outspread
wings , great beaks stretched forward.
Out from their nests of foulness the
desert scavengers were coming for
their spoil.
At the Water-Hole.
Up from the far , dim southwest
they rode slowly , silently , wearied
still by the exertions of the past night ,
and burned by the fierce rays of the
desert sun. No wind of sufficient force
had blown since Keith passed that
way , and they could easily follow the
hoof prints of his horse across the
sand waste. Bristoe was ahead , hat
brim drawn low , scanning the horizon
line unceasingly. Somewhere out in
the midst of that mystery was hidden
tragedy , and he dreaded the knowl
edge of its truth. Behind him Fair-
bain and Hope rode together , their lips
long since grown silent , the man ever
glancing uneasily aside at her , the
girl drooping slightly in the saddle ,
with pale face and heavy eyes. Five
prisoners , lashed together , the bind
ing rope fastened to the pommels of
the two "Bar X" men's saddles , were
bunched together , and behind all came
Neb , his black face glistening in the
Suddenly Bristoe drew rein , and
rose to the full length in the stirrups ,
shading his eyes from the sun's glare ,
as he stared ahead. Two motionless
black spects were visible yet were
they motionless ? or was it the heat
\\aves which seemed to yield them
movement ? He drove In his spurs ,
driving his startled horse to the
summit of a low sand ridge , and again
halted , gazing intently forward. He
was not mistaken they were horses.
Knowing instantly what it meant
those riderless animals drifting dere
lict in the heart of the desert his
throat dry with fear , the scout
wheeled , and spurred back to his
party , quickly resolving on a course
of action. Hawley and Keith had
met ; both had fallen , either dead or
wounded. A moment's delay now
might cost a life ; he would need Fair-
bain , but he must keep the girl back ,
if possible. But could he ? She
straightened up in the saddle as he
came spurring toward them ; her eyes
wide open , one hand clutching at her
"Doctor , " he called as soon as he
was near enough , his horse circling ,
"thar is somethin1 showin' out yon
der I'd like ter take a look at , an' 1
reckon you better go 'long. The nig
ger kin com' up ahead yere with Miss
Waite. "
She struck her horse , and he
plunged forward , bringing her face
to face with Bristoe.
"What Is it ? Tell me , what is it ? "
"Nothin' but a loose hess , Miss. "
"A horse ! here on the desert ? "
looking about , her eyes dark with her
ror. "But how could that be ? Could
could it be Captain Keith's ? "
Bristoe cast an appealing glance at
Fairbain , mopping his face vigorously ,
not knowing what to say , and the oth
er attempted to turn the tide.
"Not likely not likely at all no
reason why It should be probably
just a stray horse you stay back
here , Miss Hope Ben and I will find
out. and let you know. "
"No , I'm going , " she cried , stifling a
sob in her throat. "It would kill mete
to wait here. "
She was off before either might
raise hand or voice in protest , and
they could only urge their horses in
effort to overtake her , the three ra
cing forward fetlock deep in sand.
Mounted upon a swifter animal Fair-
bain forged ahead ; he could see the
two horses now plainly , their heads
uplifted , their reins dangling. With
out perceiving more he knew already
what was waiting there on the sand ,
and swore fiercely , spurring his horse
mercilessly , forgetful of all else , even
the girl , in his intense desire to reach
and touch the bodies. He had begged
to do this himself , to be privileged
to seek this man Hawley , to kill him
but now he was the physician , with no
other thought except a hope to save.
Before his horse had even stopped he
flung himself from the saddle , ran
forward and dropped on his knees be
side Keith , bending his ear to the
chest , grasping the wrist in his. fin
gers. As the others approached , he
glanced up , no conception now of
aught save hip rvwn professional work.
"Water , Bristcehe exclaimed
sharply. "Dash some brandy in it.
Quick now. There , that's it ; hold his
head up higher. Yes , you do it , Miss
Hope ; here , Ben , take this , and pry
his teeth open well , he got a swallow
anyhow. Hold him just as he is can
you stand it ? I've got to find where
he was hit. "
"Yes yes , " she answered , "don't
don't mind me. "
He tore open the woolen shirt ,
soaked with blood already hardening ,
felt within with skilled fingers , his
eyes keen , his lips muttering uncon
"Quarter of an inch quarter of an
inch too high scraped the lung
Lord , if 1 can only get it out got to
do it now can't wait here. Bristoe ,
that leather case on my saddle run ,
damn you we'll save him yet , girl
there , drop his head in your lap yes.
cry if you want to only hold still
open the case , will you down here ,
where I can reach It now water all
our canteens Hope , tear me off a
strip of your under-sklrt what am 1
going to do ? extract the ball got to
do it blood poison in this sun. "
She ripped her skirt , handing it to
him without a word ; then dropped her
white face in her hands , bending ,
with closed eyes , over the whiter face
resting on'her lap , her lips trembling
with the one prayer , "Oh , God ! Oh.
God ! " How long he was at it , or
what he did , she scarcely knew she
heard the splash of water ; caught the
flash of the sun on the probe ; felt the
half conscious shudder of the wound
ed man , whose aead was In her lap ,
the deft , quick movements of Fair-
bain , and then
"That's it I've got it missed the
lung by a hair damn me I'm proud of
that job you're a good girl. "
She looked at him , scarce able to
see , her eyes blinded with tears.
"Will will he live ? Oh , tell me ! "
"Live ! Why shouldn't he ? nothing
but a hole to close up nature'll do
that , with a bit of nursing here , now'
don't you keel over give me the rest
of that skirt. "
He bandaged the wound , then
glanced about suddenly.
"How's the other fellow ? "
"Dead , " returned Bristoe , "shot
through the heart. "
"Thought so have seen Keith shoot
before I wonder how the cuss ever
managed to get him. "
As he arose to iiis feet , his red face
glistening with perspiration , and be
gan strapping his leather case , the
others rode up , and Bristoe , explaining
the situation , set the men to making
preparations for pushing on to the
water-hole. Blankets were swung be
tween ponies , and the bodies of the
dead and wounded deposited therein ,
firm hands on the bridles. Hope rode
close beside Keith , struggling to keep
back the tears , as she watched him
lying motionless , unconscious , scarce
ly breathing. So , under the early glow
of the desert stars , they came to the
water-hole , and halted.
The wounded man opened his eyes ,
and looked about him unable to com
prehend. At first all was dark , silent ;
then he saw the stars overhead , and a
breath of air fanned the near-by fire ,
the ruddy glow of flame flashing
across his face. He heard voices
faintly , and thus , little by little , con
sciousness asserted itself and memory
struggled back into his bewildered
brain. The desert the lonely leagues
of sand his fingers gripped as if they
felt the stock of a gun yet that was
all over he was not thereV but he
was somewhere and alive , alive. It
hurt him to move , to breathe even ,
and after one effort to turn over , he
lay perfectly still , staring up into the
black arch of sky , endeavoring to
think , to understand where was he ?
How had he come there ? Was Haw
ley alive also ? A face bent over him.
the features faintly visible in the flash
of firelight. His dull eyes lit up In
sudden recollection.
"Doc ! is that you ? "
"Sure , old man , " the pudgy fingers
feeling his pulse , the gray eyes twink
ling. "Narrow squeak you had go
ing to pull through all right , though
no sign of fever. "
"Where am I ? "
"At the water-hole ; sling you in a
blanket , and get you into Lamed to
morrow. "
There was a moment's silence.
Keith finding It hard to speak.
"Hawley ? " he whispered at last.
"Oh. don't worry ; you got him all
right. Say , " his voice sobering , "may
be it was just as well you took that
job. If it had been me I would have
been in bad. "
The wounded man's eyes questioned
" ' Keith. Waite
"It's a bad mix-up ,
never told us ail of it. I reckon he
didn't want her to know , and she
never shall , if I can help it. I've been
looking over some -papers in his pock
et he'd likely been after them this
trip and his name ain't Hawley. He's
Bartlett Gale , Christie's father. "
Keith could not seem to grasp the
thought , his eyes half-closed.
"Her her father ? " he questioned ,
weakly. "Do you suppose he knew ? "
"No ; not at first , anyhow ; not at
Sheridan. He was too interested In
his scheme to even suspicion he had
actually stumbled onto the real girl.
I think he just found out. "
A coyote howled somewhere in the
darkness , a melancholy chorus joining
in the with long-drawn cadence. A
shadow swept into the radius of danc
ing firelight.
"Is he conscious , Doctor ? "
Fairbain drew back silently , and she
dropped on her knees at Keith's side ,
bending low to look into his face.
"Hope Hope. "
"Yes , dear , and you are going to
live now live for me. "
He found her hand , and held it ,
clasped within his own , his eyes wide
"I have never told you , " he said ,
softly , "how much I love you. "
She bent lower until her cheelf
touched his.
"No , Jack , but you may row. "
Spoken by the Card.
When women call they leave
cards. When men call they are apt
to leave their chips.
No worthy enterprise can be done
by us without continual plodding and
wearisomeness to our abilities. Mil *
Comprehensive and Succinct Report
of What Was Said In the
Funeral Oration.
A popular Irishman , beloved for
many a mile around his home town ,
died suddenly. He belonged to sev
eral organizations , and the A. O. H.
of Bloomville decided to send a rep
resentative to his funeral.
The church \vas packed and the
clergyman most sympathetic. In ex
pressing his certainty of immortality
he went in for simile.
"We will say , " he observed for Illus
tration , "that here is a beautiful
watch. The case is good and is studded
with diamonds. It looks like the valu
able part of the watch , but you can
remove the works and they will keep
The delegate returned to his home
on ticking. "
town and was sounded on the topic of
the funeral sermon.
"Well , " he reported , "the father
said that Pat was no Waterbury. "
Missing the Point.
Representative Rucker of Colorado ,
apropos of a tariff argument about
sugar , said to a Washington corre
spondent : "Oh , well , those men don't
see my point. They miss it as badly
as the old lady missed her son's.
" 'Mother , ' a young man said , look
ing up from the Bulletin , 'would you
believe that it takes 5,000 elephants
a year to make our piano keys and
billiard balls ? '
" 'Make our piano keys and billiard
balls ! ' cried the old lady. 'Well , I
always understood elephants were in
telligent creatures , but I never knew
before that they'd been trained to
make piano keys and billiard balls. ' "
The Ruling Passion.
Little Willie was an embryo elec
trician. Anything relating to his
favorite study possessed absorbing in
terest for him. One day his mother
appeared in a new gray gown , the
jacket of which was trimmed in flat
black buttons showing an outer circle
of the light dress material. Willie
studied the gown critically for a mo
ment , then the light of strong ap
proval dawned in his eyes.
"Oh , mamma , " he cried , "what a
pretty new dress ! It's all trimmed in
push buttons. " Judge.
Boy's Idea.
Willie was looking at the pictures in
a magazine when suddenly he turned
to his father and asked : "Pa , do cocoanuts -
coanuts really grow on trees ? "
"Of course ! Where did you think
they grew ? "
"Why , pa , I always thought the mon
keys laid 'em. " Boston Transcript.
"Your wife will be married twice.
Her second husband will be hand
some , wise and honorable , a man of
simple tastes and refined habits with
the manners of a courtier. "
"Hang the old cat ! She never told
me she had been married before. "
They Draw Interest.
"A kiss , " he said after just having
had one , "is the most precious thing ,
and yet women give them away. "
"You are mistaken , " she said. "We
never give them away , we merely in
vest them. " Fun.
The meanest trick a leap year girl
can play on a man who rejects her
proposal is to take him at his word.
And many a married woman thinks
it's up to her to assert her indepen
dence by abusing her husband.
The system takes kindly to nature's laxa
tive , Guriield Tea , -which is mild in action
and always effective.
Staying at home is a virtue few
people try to cultivate.
* *
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