Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 02, 1912, Image 1

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f TfTlT rii
VALENTINE , NEBE. , THURSDAY , MAY 2 , 1912. § 1.50 per year
Volume 27 , No. 17
V1 s
This spring we are showing the largest and most
complete line of Oxfords ever offered in this city.
Blacks and Tans in the lace and button , from the
high heel and arch to the low heel and custom last.
A large variety of styles to select from. You are
sure'to find what you want among this big assortment
Most of them $4.00 and $5.00
New uptodate line of Spring and Bummer Hats
on display for your inspection.
0. OTSi7TT97 Jb ! . , , ,
' < JJa-ifl.fc
I V/ 7 e iViL' Ji.V.S-a J U > U Af i x- - J
'AJtaflJ &JU * JAJiJ
Red Front Hardware Co.
- *
Cdme'and see our
It does not get always stays
Our stock of Garden is a
new. Just received. No old stock
carried over. We are headquarters
lor all Electric and Plumbing goods.
Red Front Hardware Co. X
fe C eS
Cottage Grove Restauran
Edmund Gerber , Prop.
First Class Meals and Short Order
Board by the day or week. Ticket good for twenty
one meals $4.50. Come to the Cottage Grove Res
taurant for a "square "meal. "
We have choice , early maturing , carefully selected
Seed Corn for Sale
Grown at Brunswick , Xeb. Just what you want
for your territory. High germination. Limited
amount. Price § 2.50 per bushel at Brunswick.
Order early before supply is exhausted. Sample
at McLeod's office , Valentine , Xcb. Address
IWcCaull-Webster Elevator Company
W. W. CALKINS , Agent
Brunswick , - Nebraska
W. B. HOWE , Proprietor
Successor to John D. Eaton.
Electric Lights , llot water lleatj Good TJooms and Bed ? , where
can feel at home and be coinfortabe while you reirain.
We invite old patrons and others to call and sefc uB ;
Scott Banks and son were dev
from Crookston Saturday.
Chas. Gassan has purchased tt
Taylor property east of store.
John Yeast and family hay
moved into their new home nort
of John Bachelor's.
Gus Gunderson , formerly c
Cofl.v , is back from/Canada ani
visited in Valentine a couple o
days this week.
Mrs. Matt Jelly , two daughter
and youngest son , were in tow :
list Saturday and called to renev
f .r The Democrat.
There will be services as usua
Sunday morning and evening a
St. John's church. Choir" rehear
sal Satur Jay evening.
Marshal Corbin ma e a nigh
march on a house in the east pai
of town Tuesday night. The occu
pants were said to have too mud
The ladies' improvement clul
his bought three lots adjoining
1. M. Rice's south of the cour
house , and expect soon to build :
fine auditorium.
Mrs. Margaret "White was tak i
to St. Joseph's hospital , Omaha
for a surgical operation Tuesday
Her daughter , Mrs. M. Christen
sen accompanied her.
Bad characters delight in earn
ing others to their own level am
when caught are anxious to exposi
everyone with whom they hav <
heen associated.
Friday evening , Weber's bane
from the south eastern part of thi
county , gave a concert in Quig
ley's hall. A dance was held af
ter the concert.
Mesdaraes Kosseter and Ilici
entertained thirty-five ladies IVi
day evening at " 500. " Prize ;
were won by Mrs. J. C. Qnigley
Mrs. A. N. Oompton and Misi
Gertrude Quigloy. A dainty
luncheon was served.
The junior reception for tli
seniors was held in Quigley's hal
Saturday evening. In a guessin *
game of the names of some of Vul
entine citizens. Miss Stukoy woi
the prize , having gues&ed all.
delicious lunch was served and i
good lime was enjoyed by all.
The Atkinson high school boy :
came up Friday evening and wen
defeated by our high school tean
Saturday by a score of 7 to 0
Charles Spaikes offered our loy
§ 25 if they'd shut out Atkinson
This will be quite a boost for ou
high school team.
The ladies' improvement clul
served breakfast and dinner ti
the people of Valentine yesterday
and raised about $130 to add t
their auditorium fund. It wa
the busiest place in town and th
ladies divided up some cooking
and others waiting tables will
tireless energy from early mor ]
until near 3 o'clock.
A very pretty wedding was sol
e nnized at St. Nicholas church
Wednesday morning. May 1st
when John A. Hasburgh of Chad
ron and Miss Elsie Cutcomb o
Cody were united in wedlock
Rev. Father Blaere performei
the marriage ceremony and im
mediately afterward celebrate
the nuptial mass. James S. Has
burgh and Miss May Hasburgl :
brother and sister of the groorr
acted as best man and bridesmaid
Mr. and Mrs. Hasburgh will mak
their future home in Chadror
Their many friends wish ther
God's choicest blessings ;
Fat Cattle in Gooa Demand am
Fuliy Steady ,
Ghecp and Lamb Receipts Moderate
Best Wooled Mexicans $10.10 , a Nev
Record for the Season Few Fa
Wethers and Ewes Offered.
Union Stock Yards , South Omaha
A.pril 30. There was a very fair rui
Df cattle today , about 5,200 head beini
reported in. Prices were fully steady
Good to choice 1,200 to 1-100-pouiu
beeves sold at $8.00@S.40 and most o
the fair to good 1,000 to 1,250-poum
? atte went at a range of $7.30@7.90
Common to fair grades sold from $6.2 ;
to $7.15. Prices for cows and heifer ;
rule strong. A bunch of mixed year
lings brought $8.00. Price range is
very wide , from $3.00 to $7.50. Bulls
stags , etc. , sold fully as well as or
Monday , at $4.10@G.GO. Prices foi
stackers and feeders were somewhai
stronger all along the line and there
ivas a firm and healthy undertone tc
, he market despite the rather liinitec
xitsido demand.
Quotations on cattle : Choice tc
; ) rime beeves , $7.90 @ 8.50 ; good tc
choice beeves. $7.50@7.S5 ; fair to gooc
beeves , $7.15@7.50 ; common to fail
jeeves , $6.00 17.00 ; good to choice
leifers , $ G.7o@7.oO ; good to choice
jews , $ a.7. > @G.75 ; fair to good grades
M.SO@5.GO : canners and cutters , $2.7 ;
0)4.50 ) ; veal calves , $4.00(5)7.75 ( ) ; bulls
stags , etc. , S-l.25@6.60 ; choice to prime
'eeders , $ n.75@7.25 ; good to choice
"eeders , $ r .80@G.50 ; fair to good feed
? rs , $5.25 ( 5.75 ; common to fair feed
3rs , $4.25@ 5.00 ; stock cows and heif
; rs , $4.00@5.50.
There was about 19,000 hogs re
reived today and prices ruled 5@10c
ower. Best heavy hogs on sale
wrought $7.80 , as compared with Mon
lay's top of $7.80 , and bulk was fairly
ivoll' bunched within $7.50@7.G5 , as
igainst last Tuesday's bulk of $7.33
5)7.55. )
Receipts of sheep and lambs
imounted to about 7,500 head , mostly
.umbs. Prices were quoted steady to
strong. A bunch of wooled Mexicans
jrought Slfl.10 , duplicating the high
est price paid during April , 1910. Oth
ir attractive wooled lambs sold at
$9.05 $ , $0.70 , $9.75 and $9.80. Shorn
ainbs moved into packers' pens al
8.G5 , $8.75 and $8.80 , the latter sale
jeing top. Bulk of good shorn lambs
sold at $8.75. There was only a few
mnches of sheep on sale.
Quotations on sheep and lambs :
Lambs , goo-1 to choice , $9.50 © 10.10 ;
ambs , fair to good , $ S.75@9.50 ; lambs
shorn. $ S.15tT'8.S5 ( ; yearlings , handy
pS.l0(57,8.50 ( , yearlings , heavy , $7.)5ft ( ) (
3.10 ; wether , good to choice , $7.35@
T.65 ; wethers , lair to good , $7.00(57 (
r.35 ; ewer , good to choice , $7.00@7.35 ;
3v-es , fair to good , $6.00@7.00.
\Yill sell one or twenty-five.
.0 2 Stees at Kennedy , Nebr.
vill be paid for information that
vHl lead to the conviction of the
Darty or parties who burned four
itacks of hay on the olfl Gulp
place , 4 miles north and li miles
vest of Sparks , Nebr. , on the
light of March 15 , 1912 ,
Li. i Valentine , Kebr.
St. Nicholas' Church.
Services will be held in the
Jatholic church as follows :
In Valentine on Sunday , April
1st Mass at 8 a. m.
2nd Mass at 10 a. m.
Benediction of the Blessed sac
rament after Mass.
Dedication of the now church
jn Wednesday , May S , by Ver.y
Rev. M. F. Cassidy of O'Neill.
Dedication services at 9:30 : a. m.
Solemn high mass at 10. Dedica
tion sermon by Eev. H. Loeckei
? f Atkinson.
Everybody most cordially in-
Leo ; Mi Blaere4 Rector.
We have employed 3-1 r. K. W. Cyphers ,
A First Class Tailor ,
of 25 years' experience in tailoring
in the East , to assist us in our
and we are now prepared
to give our customers
A Perfect Fit in Clothing
Alterations in suits or a
tailor made suit of any style.
Cleaning and Pressing Prompt =
ly Done on Short Notice.
H. W. Hoeraig , Prop.
McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars g
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : <
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill- , . . and 29/year/old
and Jas. E , Pepper , O , F. C. Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar f. '
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use. U
_ _
Three Star Heanessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported H
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. \
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budwciser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
and Fait Meats. . . .
fill buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
oultry , Horses , Mules and
ly thing you have to sell.
When Times are Hard
money close and the demand for loans about
three times as large as we can supply , it is nat
ural that , in case one of our regular depositors
needs an accommodation , he should be favored
first his interests cared for.
Why not protect your future interests by
opening an account "with us now the amount
.of your first deposit is not so material as the
fact that you become one of our customers.
Deposits Guaranteed
Deposits In this bank an1 prot vt < d bf > - tb - L > epo&iUr' &
Guarantee Fund of the htalu of Nebraska. >
f .
* * jKJJi * * AiiJ
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. C. Columbus 17
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg
Bulls for Sale at Afl Times ,
little son had a very sever o cold.
I was recommended to try Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy , and Vrfore a small bot-
tls vras finished he was aswell as ever , "
writes jSIrs.H. Silks , 29 Dolling Street ;
ydney , Australia , . This remedy is for
' by all'deMfers- * . - * * ' * - * *