Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 25, 1912, Image 8

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    In Regard to Gov. Harmon
The following statement has
been issued at Harmon head
quarters :
"In one of the series of open
letters that passed between Col.
W. J. Bryan and E. II. Moore ,
chairman of the Harmon cam
paign committee , the former taunt
ingly said , 'kindly report to Gov.
Harmon what you find in Ne
braska , and see whether he is
proud of his Nebraska campaign ? "
"Gov. Harmon has felt that he
might be justly proud of the char
acter of the support he has re
ceived in Nebraska. He had been
informed that in Nebraska that
support numbers , as it does in
Ohio , most of the men who , in
three campaigns , had actively led
the-fight for Mr. Bryan.
"This taunt of Mr. Bryan's has
been published broadcast through
out Ohio. In view of that fact
Mr. Harmon's friends request
fiat when Mr. Bryan comes next
week to Ohio to collude with those
eminent progressives , John R.
McLean , Harvey C. Garber and
John J. Lenlz , he inform Ohio's
democracy whether U. S. Senator
Hitchcock , Former U. S. Senator
Allen , E. Benjamin Andrews ,
chancellor of the university of
Nebrfxska and former president of
Brown university I. L Albert ,
former supreme judge ; John M.
Devine , editor of the Silver
Watchman in 1896 ; C. M. Greun-
ther , who managed his Nebraska
campaign in 1908 : John C. Byrnes ,
chairman of the democratic state
central committee of his state ;
John Kuhl , speaker of the house :
State Senator Tibbets ; William F.
Porter , former secretary of state :
M. J. Holland , Wilber F. Bryant.
Fred Hunter and James C. Dahl-
man , mayor of Omaha ( whom Mr.
Bryan bolted as the last demo
cratic nominee for Governor in
that state ) , are democrats whose
support is to be shunned ?
"These are among the leaders ol
Gov. Harmon's Nebraska sup
porters. Mr. Bryan most willing
ly ( in view of more recent events ,
we can hardly say gratefully , ) ac
cepted the support of oue and all
of these gentlemen.
"It can be readily understood
ia view of the saintly character of
the gentlemen with whom he is
forced to consort when he comes
to Ohio in opposition to Gov.
Harmon , that Mr. Bryan exacts a
high standard in judging a candi
date 'by the company he keeps.5
But , even applying this rule , will
Mr. Bryan please explain to the
democracry of Ohio why the sup
port of such eminent Nebraskans
as those named above is , in his
judgment , taboo ? "
( Putman Co. , O. Democrat. )
Four years ago Judson Harmer
and Wm. J. Bryan were both
candidates , one for president and
the other for governor.
Harmon , in every speech he
made , lauded Bryan. Harmon
.told the voters that it was their
first duty to elect Mr. Bryan presi
dent. That it ua more import
ant to have Bryan in the White
House than it was to elect him
governor of Ohio. Harmon was
generous enough to urge Mr.
Bryan first and himself afterward
Mr. Bryan was getting the best oi
the bargain.
He had no fault to find with
Judson Harmon then. He knew as
much about Gov. Harmon then as
'he does know. Harmon has voted
for Bryan. Harmon has made
good as the governor of Ohio.
If Bn an is fighting for princi
ple he should -p Mid hi < OM < M.Y on
making a jot id pin form at ihi >
Baltimore coim-nnon Bryan ,
great as he is , in o m-Uo the mis
take of qusirrplliriii a bout men and
forgetting principle.
Judson Harmon has nevo.r said
an unkind word about Mr. Bryru ,
and gav ' him .sti'.ntr support iu
1908 than ] i < i .J'-'m ' ItMfL'an '
Yet in 1012 Br.\su > : s-f uM < l fijj.'it- '
ing UJifler th < - M 'Ij"in fl < 5f in
OhioV , i-f , a jjo Ms'Luun ui : ;
* > * "
'i/ravc enough to sitf " 'no-more of
* * s * * " >
Br.yan or Bryamito- Y
If Torn L. Johnson were living
today , he woulcl have some friend
ly to give to Mr. Bryan.
Wood row Wilson said many
bitter things about Mr. Bryan.
Wilson condemned the initiative
and referendum in severe language
before he became a candidate and
heaped severe criticism upon Mr.
Bryan and all who favored it. Yet
Mr. Bryan lauds Wilson and with
holds a kindly word from Harmon
who never spoke ill of him.
Br.yan is a great preacher and a
great teacher , but he should re
member the golden rule. New
Jers'ey is the home of three-fourths
of the trusts that curse the coun
The tariff , trusts , taxation and
economy of government are the
great issues that need attention.
Gov. Harmon is pre-eminently
fitted to cope with all of these. He
is the one democrat who can be
elected. Bryan has thousands ol
loyal friends who do not want tc
see him make a mistake in this
campaign. lie is great enough tc
unite his parly if he will.
Speaking at the annual banquet
of the Columbus , Ohio , Jefferson
Club , May 16 , 1909 before Gov.
Harmon became the leading can
didate for the presidential nomina
tion , Bryan said : "I am glad to
have met your distinguished gov
ernor. I have not known him in
timately , but my estimation grows
of him as I study him. I con
gratulate your state on having
him at his head. Already there is
a contrast between the way this
state is handling the people's moi > -
ey and the way the republican
party at the head of the govern
ment is handling the people's
money to favorite banks and get
ting back campaign contributions
as the result of favoritism. "
Speaking at Steubenville , Ohio ,
April 16 , 1912 , while on his rec
ent "invasion" of Ohio , and at a
time when Gov. Harmon's shadow
fell across the path of his am
bition , Bryan said : "Governor
Harmon is not fit to hold an office
from constable up" ( constable be-
bg the lowest elective office in the
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The purpose of lins Bureau is to furnish ,
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City Council Proceedings.
Valentine , Neb. , April 12 , 1912 ,
City council met ia special ses
sion , Mayor Nicholson presiding.
Moved by Davenport and second
ed by Bates that Kinuaicl act as
temporary clerk.
Moved by Bivens and seconded
by Davenport that the bond of W.
E. Haley as city clerk in the penalty
of $500 he approved.
Moved by Deivenport and second-
e I by Kincaid that Bates be noini
nates president of the council.
Boll Call
Ayes Kincaid , Bivens , Daven
port. Bates not voting.
Nayes None-
Bates having received a majority
of the votes cast , the mayor de
clared him elected president of the
Mayor Nicholson notified the
counellmen present that there
would he a special meeting of the
council at the city clerk's office or
Wednesday evening , April 17 , 191 i
at 8:15. :
Moved by Bates and seconded bj
Davenport that the meeting ad
journ. Carried.
Approved April 24 , 1912.
M. V. Nicholson , Mayor.
Attest : W. E.HtUey _ , Cler k.
Valentine , Neb. , April 17,1912
City council met in special ses
sion. Present : Mayor Nicholson ;
Councilman Bates , Bivens , Daven-
pori ; and Kincaid.
Mayor Nicholson's call for special
meefing was read by the clerk :
"To the Honorable Council of the
City of Valentine , Nebraska Gen
tlemen : You have been called in
special session tonight f o r the pu
pose ot considering , amending and
passing an ordinance for the regu
lating and licensing of saloons
fixing the occupation tax on certain
businesses aud occupations in the
city ; also for considering the orcli
nances fixing the salaries of em
ployees and others.
Ordinance No. 140 , introduced fr
Bates , levying a license tax upoi
certain businesses and occupation :
carried on within the city ot Valen
tine , Nebraska , and to amend cer
tain sections or ordinance now ex
The clerk proceeded with the firs !
Mov-id by Bates and seconded bj
Kincaid that the rules he suspend
el and the second and third read
ing be dispensed with and the ordi
nance put upon its final passage.
Eoll Call.
Ayes Bates , Bivens , Kincaid anc
Nayes None.
The vote being unanimous th (
mayor declared ordinance No. 140
Ordinance No. 141 , introduced by
Bates , carried.
Ordinance No. 142 , introduced bj
Bivens , passed.
Ordinance No. 143 introduced bj
Kincaid , carried.
writes Mrs. L. R. Barker ,
of Bud , Ky. , "and can do
all my housework. For
years I suffered with such
pains , I could scarcely
stand on my feet. After
three different doctors had
failed to help me , I gave
Cardui a trial. Now , I feel
like a new woman. "
The Woman's Tonic
A woman's health de
pends so much upon her
delicate organs , that the
least trouble there affects
her whole system. It is
the little things that count ,
in a woman's life and
health. If you suffer from
any of the aches and
pains , due to womanly
weakness , take Cardui at
once , and avoid more seri
ous troubles. We urge
you to try it. Begin today.
That we ! ! organized and
successful corps of
Medical Specialists
known as the
Associated Doctors
Wil ! Be at the Donoher
Hotel , Valentine , SMeb.
Remarkable Success of These Talent
ed Physicians in the Treatment
of Chronic Diseases.
These doctors are considered bj
many former patients among
America's leading stomach anci
nerve specialists and are experts in
the treatment of chronic diseases ,
and so great and \vonderful have
I been their results that in many
cases it is hard to find the dividing
Vine between skill and miracle.
Diseases of the stomach , intes-
' lines , liver , blood , skin , granulated
; eyelids , nerves , heart , speen , kid
neys , or bladder , rheumatism , drop
sy , sciatica , diabutes , bed-wetting ,
leg ulcers , weak lungs , and thos-e
afflicted with long standing , deep-
seated , chronic diseases , that have
baffled the skill of the family phy
sician , should not fail to call.
According to their S57stem no
more operations for appendicitis ,
gall stone , tumors , goiter or certain
forms of cancer. They were among
the first in America to earn the
name of the "Ploodless Surgeons , '
by doing away with the knife , with
blood and with all pain in the suc
cessful treatment of these dangerous
If 3011 have kidney or bladder
troubles bring a two-ounce bottle oi
your urine for chemical analysis
and microscopic examination.
Deafness has often been cured in
sixty days.
No matter what your ailmenl
may be , no matter what others ma }
have told you , no matter what ex
perience you may have had with
other physicians , it will be to your
advantage to see them nt once. Have
it forever settled in your mind. li
your case is incurable they will give
such advice as may relieve and stay
the disease. Do not put off this
duty you owe yourself or youi
friends or relatives who are suffer
ing because of your sickness , as a
visit at this time costs you nothing.
Married Indies must come with
their husbands and minors with
their parents.
of a few of the many patients that
have many good things to say for
these doctors :
South Shore , S. D. , Jan. 1 , 1911.
Associated Doctors ,
Minneapolis , Minn.
Dear Sirs : I thought I would
write a few lines to let you know
how we are getting along because I
I think you would be glad to hear.
My wife is feeling lots better than
she has felt for S years after taking
about 1 months of your treatment.
I will have to give her four months
more after these 4 run out if I can
rustle the money. I am feeling
good myself after your 4 months
treatment. I think a little more
treatment is necessary. Please in
form me in regard to this matter if
you think it is best.
Yours truly ,
E. van Meredith.
Mrs. A , G. Olson of Clark , S. D. ,
catarrh and stomac-h trouble.
Martin Lynstac of Yolin , S. D. ,
stomach and kidney trouble.
Gena Olson of Egan , S. D. , ner
vous trouble.
YVm. Parsons of Estelline , S. D. ,
bladder trouble.
P. H. Frantz of Aberdeen , says he
is doing fine under the Associated
Doctors' treatment.
Mrs. G. C. Krogh , Huron , S. D. ,
blood trouble ,
E. S. Zimmerman of Montrose ,
S , D. , piles.
Miss Lottie Taylor , Egan , S D. ,
sajs she never expected to get such
quick relief in so short a time. Miss
Taylor's brother is also doing well
under the Associated Doctors' treat
John Mock , Forbes , N. D. , chron
ic stomach trouble
J. H. TJnruh , Fieeman , S. D. ,
kidney trouble and lame back.
You -will look a good while before yor.
find a better medicine for coughs and
colds than Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. It not only gives relief it cures.
Try it when you have a cough or cold ,
and you are certain to be pleased \vith
the prompt cure which it will effect.
For Bute by all dealers.
Cig'ars and
Soft Drink
Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERx
No Hill too Steepj no Sand too Deep
Guaranteed 1by International Harvester Company
V A JL V.-ZL JL _ JL N JL JL 9 VX JL fl * JL V.
All kinds of wood work done toordor. Stock tanks made in nil sizeh
Kt\-iJpuce and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska
References : My Many Caponiers.
25 S ST i 5 S :3kS ! E
ieginning1 Morsday , March 18 \J
rs * rjp ? TY"8rt >
re A § K * - * IN PR
. ,
SLJr& E. At
\ From 10 to 40 per cent on
1 V/intcr Goods , Outing Flannels , Men's Fur-
nisMngs Caiieoes Percales Ginghams
I , ? , ,
Underwear , Sweaters , Overshoes
? 3 General Merchandise , Flour , Feed , Grain
* =
g 2nd Building South the Bank. Crookston , Xeb.
gS J lS fr S
R. M. Faddis & Go
Postotflco address Valentine or Kennedy
Some branded
on left
HorM's branded
Some Some branded ?
branded on riiiht tliiyh
on left or * hotiUler.
or thij > h
P. H. Young ;
rfimeon. Xebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on Jefe side
Somr : 2 _
v l- .
Ranee on Gordon Treek north of Simeon.
C. P. Jordan.
Hordes and cattle
as cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A literal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
E. M. Ten-ill , Propr.
Drou nlee , Xeo.
Oittle branded as
in cut on left
hide. Some
branded K. T V
on l"ft hip. Uange
on North I.oup
nvir two
west of
Xot Afraid
st Francis Mis-
sum. Rosebud.
s.l ) .
f ! tile branded
asm cut ; IIOIM-S
same or .IK r on
loft thigh. ii
uMi > p a
and Little
\t ky He "Wac Jjnto.
"What made you so late ? "
"I met Sinithson. "
' Well , that is no" reason -K'IIJ you
choiild be an hour late getting home to
supper. "
"I know , but I asked him ho\r he was
feeling , and he insisted on telling me
ibout his stomach trouble. "
' Did j-ou tell him to take Chamber-
! ain's Tablets ? "
" .Sure , that isvhat he needs. " Sold
Albert \Vhipple & Sons.
Ko.iebud S.D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on rlehtslde
Some cattle alao
have a - fen neck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
Hcross hind quar
ters. Some Tezas
cattle branded ! > O on left side and some ]
n leftside.
Horses branded SOS on Mt hip. Some cattle
branded A.V ? bar connected on both sides and
left hip of horses
D. M. Hears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
-Range Square
Sa.vyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Sa\wer has
cliarve of these
cattle. H rses
I > Si on left shoul
left side.
same left thigh.
Kange on Snake
Metzger Bros.
Cattle branded
anywhere on left $ &v.
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
ame brand on
ft thigh.
se on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of $250 yvih l ° ; aid to any person for
rjfnriiKtriun lea-ling to the s rn.\st and final :
comictimi ol any -rson or persons stealing
r > : Utlf. wirh : il > ov hrmid
J. A. Taryan.
Fuliman , Nebr
Cattl" branded JY
on rixhtiide
Hordes branded JY
on right shoulder
Keasouat'le reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattte
strv.ed from my
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
V'lll G. tonsffck.x I C 'as 0-Jamison S.&T.
PostollHc" and headquarters , Ellsworth , J 'ebr.-
Cattte branded e r-
any part ofanitoal