Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 25, 1912, Image 7

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    'Every Picture Tells a Story11
Backache makes the daily toil , for
thousands , an agony hard to endure.
Many of these poor sufferers have
kidney trouble and don't know it.
Swollen , aching kidneys usually go
hand in hand with irregular kidney
action , headache , dizziness , nervous
ness and despondency.
Just try a box of Doan's Kidney
Pills , the best-recommended special
kidney remedy. This good medicine
has cured thousands.
Henry J. White , 416 N. 3rd St. , Ft.
Smith , Ark. , says : "I suffered every
thing but death from terrible kidney
trouble. I had awful headaches and
dizzy spoils , urine scalded and my back
ached constantly. Doan's Kidney Pills
cured me completely and I have had
no sign of kidney trouble since. "
Gst Doan's at any Drug Store , 50c. a Box
OVER 100
"And why are you writing 'Personal'
on that envelope ? "
"I want the man's wife to read the
letter. "
A Slight Mistake.
"Katie. I can't find any of the break
fast food. "
"O hevings , mem , I must of took it
for the sawdust to put on the Ice on
the pavement , mem. "
All Interested.
"Is your bookkeeper's heart in his
office work ? "
"Everybody's , heart is In the office
work since the blonde stenographer
canic. "
A Soft Answer.
He ( triumphantly , reading from a
newspaper ) "Suffragist speaker
heckled by geese at a county fair. "
Ha , ha ! Even the geese are against
woman suffrage , my dear !
She ( contemptuously ) That's because -
cause they are geese. Judge.
Not Resentful.
"Those people say they don't be-
.lleve you ever reached the pole. "
"That's all right , " replied the explorer -
plorer , as he looked up from his manuscript -
-uscript "The more doubts there are
as to 'whether I landed or not , the
longer this rather remunerative dis
cussion is going to last. "
He Hoped So , Too.
Nellie McCoy tells the story of an
advance agent of a barn-storming
show that nearly closed every Satur
day night , but rested over Sunday
and started in bright and fresh Mon
day morning.
His mother was a Quaker , and when
he wrote that be was the business
manager In advance of the show , she
wrote him :
"My Dear Son I am very sorry that
tliou art in the show business , but I
am glad that tliou art ahead of the
show ! I trust that thou wilt always
stay ahead of it. "
A Rhythmical and Grateful Chant.
A teacher in a Terre Haute public
school joins in the chorus :
"Teaching is a business which re
quires a great deal of brain and nerve
force. Unless this force is renewed as
fast as expended the teacher is ex
hausted before the close of the year.
Many resort to stimulating tonics for
"For 3 years I struggled against al
most complete exhaustion , getting
tvhat relief I could from doctors' ton
ics. Then in the spring of 1903 I
Lad an attack of la grippe and ma
laria which left me too weak to con
tinue my work. Medicine failed to
give me any relief , a change of cli
mate failed. I thought I should never
be able to go back in school again.
"I ate enough food ( the ordinary
meats white bread , vegetables , etc. ) ,
but was hungry after meals.
"I happened at this time to read an
article giving the experience of an
other teacher who had been helped by
Grape-Xuts food. I decided to try
Grape-Nuts and cream , as an experi
ment. It was a delightful experience ,
and continues so after a year and
a , half of constant use.
"First , I noticed that I was not
hungry after meals.
"In a few days that tired feeling left
me , and I felt fresh and bright , in
stead of dull and sleepy.
"In three months , more than my usual
strength returned , and I had gained 15
pounds in weight.
"I finished the year's work without
any kind of tonics was not absent
from duty even half a day.
"Am still in best of health , with
all who know me wondering at the im
"I tell them all 'Try Grape-Nuts ! ' "
Name given by Postum Co. , Battle
-Creek , Mich. "There's a reason. "
Ever read the above letter ? A nerr
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine , true , and fall of human
Chicago Mayor Pleads for Aid for
Destitute Survivors Theatrical
Manager's Wife Declares Wreck a
Cruel Murder Last Tributes in
Many Houses of Worship.
* # * # * # * * # * * # # * * # *
* #
3r."These families , whose fathers %
3 and husbands sacrificed their %
lives and went down with the $
% ship , in order that women and %
% children might be saved , must &
* not be left in destitution. " %
Jfc From Mayor Harrison's Appeal. $
& #
# # * # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Xew York. A week lias passed
since the Titanic , the greatest marine
achievement in the history of the
world , sank in midocean. Much of
the story is still untold , and many a
day will pass before the world will
fully realize or comprehend the sig
nificance of a disaster which must
rank in many respects as the most
stupendous in modern history.
The number of dead probably will
never be exactly determined , inas
much as the complete passenger list
went down with the doomed vessel.
The number of survivors is fixed at
705 by the report of Captain Rostron
of the Carpathia. The White Star
line officials believe the death list to-
total approximately 1,635.
St. Johns , N. F. Sixty-four bodies
have been recovered by the cable
steamer Mackay-Bennett , which has
been searching the vicinity of the
Titanic disaster , according to a report
' It is said a number of bodies which
were recovered were sunk again , as
they were without identification
marks. The names of those identified
could not be obtained through the
Cape Race wireless station.
The sixty-four bodies recovered are
regarded as identifiable , according to
the report. Those that were sunk
were presumably in a condition mak
ing their preservation impossible.
Money Pouring In. '
New York. Money continued to
pour into the relief fund for the Ti
tanic victims.
When the books of Mayor Gaynor's
relief fund were closed for the day ,
$71,877.75 had been acknowledged.
The women's relief committee an
nounced that its fund amounted to
about $25,000 tonight. Kuhn Loeb &
Co. forwarded to the Red Cross $5,300 ,
which had been subscribed during the
Requiems for Dead.
Xew York. Chimes of Old Trinity ,
of St. Patrick's and of the Cathedral of
St. John the Divine tolled in unison
Sunday a requiem for the Titanic's
heroic dead. Bowed by a common
grief , men and women of every relig
ion and creed assembled in the places
of worship , where memorial services
were conducted , to join in paying trib
ute to men who died fearlessly that
the women and children on board the
sinking ship'might live.
"Nearer My God to Thee , " the
strains of which were heard by the
survivors as the Titanic took her final
plunge , was sung in all churches of
the city. There were prayers from the
pulpits for the survivors and the rela
tives and friends of the dead , while
in Catholic churches requiem masses
were sung for the repose of the souls
of those who went down.
At Trinity church the Rev. Dr. Wil
liam T. Manning , the rector , spoke of
the lessons taught by the world's
greatest marine disaster and the great
ness of character shown by those who
perished. He paid tribute to the loyal
devotion of the women passengrs
who remained with their husbands
"even unto death. "
A Useless Tragedy.
At the church of the Incarnation ,
where memorial services Avere held ,
the Rev. Howard C. Robbins , the rec
tor , spoke of the pity of that "grievous
tragedy so uselessly brought about. "
Some of the survivors of the Titanic
were at the Madison avenue Reformed
church , where the pastor , the Rev. Dr.
William Carter , chose as his text :
"Psalm 93 , 3-1 , The floods have lifted
up their voice ; the floods have lifted
their waves ; the Lord is mightier than
the noise of many waters ; yea , than
the mighty waves of the sea. "
Dr. Carter in part said :
"The irony of it all was that the
very bulk of the Titanic , which the
builders said could weather any gale ,
withstand any shock and was abso
lutely unsinkable , was the very thing
that sent her more quickly to her
doom. "
Were Former Nebraskans.
Fremont , Neb. J. B. Thayer of Bos
ton , whose name appears in the lists
of passengers aboard the ill-fated Ti
tanic , was president of the old Stand
ard Cattle company that at one time
bought up thousands of acres of Dodge
county land around Ames , Neb. , and
raised cattle lor a while , later build
ing the Leavitt sugar factory. Mr.
and Mrs. Thayer and their son were
returning from Europe on the Titanic.
The names of Mrs. Thayer and the
son appear in the list of the passen
gers saved
For Emil Brandels.
Omaha , Neb. Memorial services
were held Sunday afternoon in mem
ory of Emil Brandeis , a prominent
Omaha merchant , who with many oth
ers , lost his life when the ill-fated Ti
tanic went to the bottom of the At
lantic ocean a week ago. The ser-
vice , consisting of sacred songs and
words of praise and regret by many of
Mr. Brandeis' friends , was held in the
Brandeis theater , the stage of which
was covered with flowers. United
States Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska
was among the speakers.
Declares Victims Murdered.
New York. "Fifteen hundred people
ple were not drowned on the Titanic ;
fifteen hundred people were murdered ,
cruelly and foully murdered that's
the story , the true story of this aw
ful wreck , I shall tell the world the
second I am able. "
These were the words of Mrs. Henry
B. Harris , widow of the millionaire
theatrical producer. Mrs. Harris spoke
these words between-sobs as she lay
in her flower filled apartments that
look out over Central park , and into
the very windows where Mrs. John
Jacob Astor , another freshly-made
widow , is also living over and over
again those wild hours in the ice-
strewn Atlantic.
"No one has begun to tell the whole
truth about the wreck of the Titanic , "
Mrs. Harris sobbed. "I shall appear
before the senate investigation com
mittee and tell what I know. It will
wake the world at last to the real horror
ror of the disaster.
"I was the last woman to leave the
deck of that ship. I was put into a
collapsible boat along with two other
women and scores of the crew , wo
men and children and our husbands
were torn from us so the men of the
crew could go along.
"But I am glad I waited , I had a
few extra minutes with my husband
and I learned why that boat went to
her grave I learned of the careless
ness with which she was handled ,
which amounts to murder plain , cold
blooded murder.
"We were standing at the side of
Major Butt. We had been helping him
putting people into the boats. Major
was the real leader in all that rescue
work. He made the men stand back
and help the women and children in.
But he was never rough as was said.
He was authoritative in the most cour
teous manner. He was surely one of
God's noblemen.
No Trace of Fear.
"As I was lowered into the boat
after I had bid my husband the last
good-bye I watched the major as he
stood by Mr. Harris. He was motion
less without a trace of fear in his
eyes. Just ten minutes later I watched
the waves sweep over them my hus
band and the major as they both
stood at attention like the heroes that
they were.
"Major Butl never fired a shot as
has been said ; he acted the part of
the greatest hero , the hero who is as
tender as his soul is brave. "
Mrs. Harris declared that she knows
the truth about the sinking of the Ti
tanic as perhaps do one else knows it.
Tribute of Rabbi Hirsch.
New York. At the Free synagogue
in Carnegie hall Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch
of Chicago paid tribute to the heroism
of the Jews who lost their lives.
"It will be a long time , " he added ,
"before the world will forget the quiet
and manly heroism of Isidore Strauss
and the wifely devotion of Mrs.
Strauss , who refused to be saved with
out him. "
Sent Truth When Learned.
London. Captain Haddock of the
White Star line steamer Olympic on
arriving at Plymouth Saturdal morn
ing from New York denied that the
Olympic sent out a wireless report * to
the effect that the Allan liner Virgin
ian was towing the Titanic and that
all of the latter's passengers were
safe. The passengers of the Olympic ,
which is a companion ship of the ill-
fated Titanic , subscribed $7,000 to the
relief fund for the survivors.
Washington. In St. Paul's Episco
pal church , where he had been a wor
shiper , service in commemoration of I
Major Archibald Butt and the other
victims of the Titanic disaster were
held Sunday. President Taft attend
ed these services , which were the first
of similar commemorations in
churches throughout the city.
Engineer John Adams of Ottumwa ,
la. , was buried under his engine in
twenty-eight feet of water in Cone's
lake , near Muscatine , and his fireman ,
John Moriarty , was fatally injured.
Heroic Men Die With Band Playing ,
Waving Farewell. to Those Whom
Their Unselfishness Had Spared.
Death Toll of World's Greatest Disaster Is Placed
at 1,726 Wives Torn From Husbands
and Forced Into Lifeboats.
New York , April 19. The Cunard
liner Carpathia , a ship of gloom and
succor , came into New York tonight
with the first news direct from the
great White Star liner Titanic , which
sank off the Grand banks of Newfound
land early Monday morning last.
The great liner went down with its
band playing , taking with it to death
all but 745 of its human cargo of 2,340
To this awful death list six persons
were added. One died in the lifeboat
which was put off from the liner's side
and five subsequently succumbed on
tne rescue ship Carpathia.
The list of prominent men missing
stands as previously reported and the
total death list as brought to port by
the Carpathia is 1,601. Charles F.
Hurd , a staff correspondent of the St.
Louis Post-Dispatch , who was a pas
senger on the Carpathia and inter
viewed the survivors , estimates the
number of dead at 1,726.
Survivors in the lifeboats huddled
in the darkness at a safe distance
from the stricken ship and saw it go
As to the scene on board when the
liner struck , accounts disagree wide
ly. Seine maintain that a compara
tive calm prevailed ; others say that
wild disorder broke out and that there
was a maniacal struggle for the life
That the liner struck an iceberg as
reported by wireless was confirmed by
Sensational rumors told by hysteri
cal passengers who would not give
their names said that Captain Smith
had killed himself on the bridge , that
the chief engineer had taken his life
and that three Italians were shot in
the struggle for the boats. These ru
mors could not be confirmed in the
early confusion attendant on the land
ing of the survivors.
Ripped from stem to engine-room by
the great mass of ice it struck amid
ships , the Titanic's side was laid open
as if by a gigantic can opener. It
quickly listed to starboard and a show
er of ice fell onto the forecastle deck.
Shortly before it sank it broke in
two abaft the engine-room and as it
disappeared beneath the water the ex-
'pulsion of air caussd two explosions
which were plainly heard by the , sur
vivors adrift. A moment more and
the Titanic had gone to its doom , with
the fated hundreds grouped on the
The scene at the Cunard pier as the
Carpathia came up the harbor and
wsrped 'into ' its dock was one of per
fect order and an awe-like air of wail
ing. The crowds had steadily aug
mented and along the shores of the
bay from the Battery on , where tens
of thousands were gathered to witness
the passing of the funeral ship , all
conversation was conducted in a whis
For twenty minutes there was an
agonized wait while the boat was be-
iiigly slowly warped into its berth.
When the ship docked the gang plank
was quietly lowered and the doctors
and nurses went aboard. Then the
first survivors began to leave the
As the Carpathia was passing into
its slip it was surrounded by newspa
per boats and frequent flashes from
cameras taking pictures of the rescue
ship punctuated the silence like a
series of bombs.
As they came into the street a dead
silence fell over the crowd and even
the flashlight battery for a moment
ceased its bombardment.
Testimony of half a dozen of the
Titanic passengers given to a report
er immediately after they left the
Carpathia goes to prove that the Ti
tanic struck an ice field that stretched
for fifty miles over the frozen sur
face of the ocean.
First stories of the survivors on the
Carpathia pieced together , though told
in disjointed , hysterical fashion , paint
a picture of the awful Titanic calam
ity full of horror , fear , , panic and con
fusion. Hundreds were asleep in .their
uiAs , scores were sitting at the tables
in the card roms , smoking rooms and
saloons when the Titanic hit the ice
berg with a terrific shock that sent
them hurling across the cabins.
Stunned by the terrific impact , the
dazed passengers , many of them half
clad , rushed from their staterooms in
to the main saloon amid the crash of
'splintering steel , rending of plates and
shattering of girders while the boom
of falling pinnacles of Ice upon the
broken deck of the great vessel add
ed to the horror.
In wild confusion men , women ana
children rushed about the saloons and
cabins of the great steamship as
though driven out of their senses. No
one knew what had happened and
everyone feared that the vessel would
sink before they could reach the boats.
In a wild , apparently ungovernable
mob they poured out of the saloons
to witness one of the most appalling
scenes possible to conceive. Towering
high above the.shattered bow of the
great steamship were the glistening
pinnacles of the monster iceberg
against which the Titanic had hurled
itself with the force of half a hun
dred express trains.
For a hundred feet the bow was in
a shapeless mass of bent , broken and
splintered sleel and iron. Cries of the
injured added to the panic. A fear
crazed mob of steerage passengers
broke loose from the lower cabins and
poured upon the deck with cries of
Women and children were hurled
aside in the first mad rush for the
boats. Two hundred of the crew lay
crushed to death in the bow of the
great steamship , where they had been
killed as they slept. Above all the din
of the panic were the hoarse orders of
the captain , repeated by the second ,
third and fourth officers down the list.
The remnants of the crew rallied
about the lifeboats , and while some
b t back the
panic-stricken passen
gers crowded about them , others pre-
paied to lower the boats.
"Everybody to the boats , " was the
startling cry that was repeated from
end to end of the Titanic.
"Women and children first ! " was
the hoapse order that went along the
line of lifeboats.
"Shoot the first man who attempts to
get into a boat ! "
Armed officers with revolvers in
their hands faced the fear-crazed
throng that poured like an overwhelm
ing flood through the gangways and
upon the upper deck. First class pas
sengers who kept their wits amid the
awful confusion of the first ten min
utes rallied to the support of the
crew and with drawn revolvers awed
the mob which fought to climb into
the lifeboats.
Then came the shudder of the riven
hulk of the once magnificent steam
ship as it slid back from the shelving
ice upon which it had driven , and its
bow settled deeply into the water.
"We're lost ! We're lost ! " was the
cry that rose from hundreds of throats.
"The ship is sinking. We must
drown like rats ! "
Women in evening gowns , with jew
els about their necks , knelt on deck ,
amid the vast , fear-stricken throng ,
crowded about the lifeboats and pray
ed for help. Others , clad in their
nightclothing , begged the officers to
let them enter the boats.
Men whose names and reputation
were prominent in two hemispheres
were shouldered out of the way by
roughly dressed Slavs and Hungarians.
Husbands were separated from their
wives in the battle to reach the boats.
Tearful leave-takings as the lifeboats ,
one after another , were filled with sob
bing women and lowered upon the ice-
covered surface of the ocean were
There was no time to pick or
choose. The first woman to step into
a lifeboat held her place even though
she were a maid or the wife of a
Hungarian peasant Many women
clung to their husbands and refused to
be separated. In some cases thej
dragged their husbands to the boats
and in the confusion the men found
places in the boats.
One by one the little fleet drew
away from the towering sides of the
giant steamship , whose decks were al
ready reeling as It sank lower in the
"The Titanic is doomed ! " was the
verdict that passed from lip to lip.
"We will sink before help can
come ! "
Water poured into every compart
ment of the 880-foot hull , where great '
plates had been torn apart and huge |
rivets were sheared off as though they '
were so much cheese.
Pumps were started in the engine-
room , but the water poured fhto the
great hull in such torrents through
scores of rents that all knew the fight
to save the steamship was hopeless.
Overhead the wireless buzzed the
news to the other steamships. The
little fleet of lifeboats withdrew to a
safe distance and the
1,300 left on
board with no boats waited four long
hours for the merciful death plunge
which ended alL
Women's College for Buddhists.
A university is to be founded by
the Buddhists for the high education ,
of women. A meeting is reported to
have taken place at the Nishi-Hon-
ganji temple , Kyoto , in which It was
unanimously decided to carry on the
undertaking as a work of the Wom
en's Association of this Buddhist sect.
The cost for the institute Is estimated"
at 280,000 yen.
A Common Fate.
Uncle What became of your un
breakable toy ?
Tommy It wasn't strong enough to
keep pa from bursting iL
The first thing a kindness deserves
is acceptance , the next transmission.
George MacDonald.
Noharmfuldrupsin Garficld Tea. It is com
posed wholly of bimplo health-giving herbs.
Money sometimes talks when you
want to keep It quiet.
Is a heavy yield , bntthat's what John Konnodyof
EdmontonAlberta , Western Canada , cot from 40
acres of Spring in 191U. Keports
Jroniotticnlistrlcls tii that prov
ince showedothor excel
lent results such as 4.-
! 000 bushels of wheat
from 120 acres , or 831-S
bu peracro. 25SOnnd40
biishelylolds were num
erous. As high as 132
buslifls of oals to the
aero were threshed from
Alberta lluldslu 1'JIO.
The Silver Gup
at the recent Spokane
Fair was a warded to the
Albert.1 ( . ovonuncntfor
1 Is exhibit of grainsgrasses and
vegetables Ueportsofexcellent
yields for laiO conic also from
Saskatchewan and Manitoba In
Western Canada.
Free lioiuestcncls of 900
acres , ami adjoining pro-
tiiiiptloiiH of O(5O ar \s ( ut
gSIJ iier uere ) ar to 1m had
ill tliu choicest districts.
Schools cntiiuiiluiit , cll-
nmto uxcelU'iit , soil the
wry trailv.ays close at
IiaiiU , building- lumbar
cheap , f m-leasy ti > f ; t mid
reasonable In price , uater
easily procured , mixed
f armlnc a success.
Writea.s to hehtplaco for set
tlement , settlers low railway
rates , dpscriptivo Illustrated
"J > ast JJest West'sent free on
application land other Informa
tion , to Hup t of Immigration ,
Ottawa. Can orto the Canadian
GoveruuieniAgcnt. (3d ( )
E. T. Hjtats. 315 Jacbon SL. SL Paul , MIoo.
J. M. ttodacfchn. Drawtr 197.ttatrtown. ! S. D.
IMeaso write to thcn ciit nearest you
W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 17-1912.
"Hub of the Northwest. "
Fresh Gu ! Flowers & Flora ! Emblems
NOTICE. Order by Mail , Telephone or
AKRON MILLING CO. , Sioux City , la.
Soda Fountains and supplies. We sell them.
Chesterman Co. , Dept. F , Sioux City , la-
( Q19 INFlifiH 7 h. p. twin magneto $250. 4 h.
8J1& inUiHH p. single cylinder magneto $200.
14 improvements , with free engine clutch , no
jiti a charge. W.HKnloht,2194thSLSiouxCity.Ia.
can help you. Store buildings , churches , school
houses and large residences erected every \7hero.
Swanson's Factory Rebuilts
2 year-Iron-clad guarantee. Remington S35 ,
L. O. Smith 545 , Underwood SJ5 , Smith Premier
$35. A large stock to select from. Shipped
anywhere on approval. B. F. SWAXSON
COMPANY , Department D , Sioux City , Iowa.
For Sale By Your Lumberman
High in Quality Low in Price
Touring Car $690 Runabouts $590
Fully Equipped F. O. B. Detroit. Write
for new 1912 catalogue. It's interesting.
WM. WARNOCK COMPANY , Sioux City , Iowa
Without Hypodermic
Injections by the
Write for Endorsements
and Booklets.
8625 Douglas Street