\ Ecosor tzes Bwtfcff9 Floor , Eggs i naakes tlie food saegj aaac ! wkesome The osaSy BaMec ? Powder made from oysS Grape Cream oS Tartar BULLS FOR SALE red He re ford I > uils for sale at all times of the .year. SUNNY SLOPE STOCK BAfeCH Simeon - Nebraska W. H. Stratton Dealer in ELOUK & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. , F. M. Walcott Oliver M. Walcott Walcott & Wafcott Attorneys Practice ni'foiv 1T. S. Land Oiei > and nil Feik'ijil and State courts. Nebraska Valentine - - C. A. RUBY Attorney-at- Law Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. Valentine Nebraska Dr. M. F. Meer , DENTIST Rooms over Eed Front store Valentine . = Nebr , Dr. D. W. Sumrfer DENTIST Hornby Building Phone No. 173. Valentine Lodge No. 70 , A. O. U. W. Meets 1st and 3rd Monday in each month at Fraternal Elall. All Brethtrn are cordially invited to hej present- ! ALBERT F. WEBB , M. W.j " TAMES C. QUIGLEY , Recorder. Fetch's Restaurant and Lunch Counter Come to my new location in the McDonald building. Home Cooking Pay up now al § 1 < 0 in advance. Send in a few dollars and we'll credit you up ami send yon a re ceipt. Do this before Muy 1st to secure the dollar rate in advance. . I ta.A C * W T-rri-If VJ 5 l * ' - ' ' ; X E * . : . ' " s = - I ? . . . < , i That we have every facility for turning out neat print ing of aU kinds. Letter heads , fciad" : , office sta tionery , e . . furnished at the lowe-.t prices first class work will permit. For Sale Threshin r outfit. One 20-hbrse power steam Case engine with ten W , in first class shape. One JWxGU Minneapolis separator with fonder and blower. W-iter tank , drive belt and everything com plete. Pricf for quick sale § 900 cash. D.lcLEOD ] , 13 Valentine , Neb. VAIFNTINF LOCALS .raJLjILil & lii Lj Lt\J vrlLciJ Remnant sale at the Red Front. Reynolds has probably beat Woodruff Ball for state senator. Wanted to buy 1000 bushels of potatoes. John Ormesher , Val entine , Kebr. 10 Barn for sale , 18x2S ft. , bis hay loft. For particulars see Father Biaerc. 9 Buttons made to order , to match your gown. 13 styles , all sizes" , at the Red Front. 48 Dr. M. F. Maer has decided to visit Wood Lake the first Monday and Tuesday of each month to do dental work. 19tf The senior class is working up their class play , which they ex pect to put , on about the last week of school. W. E. Haley is the nominee on the democratic ticket for county assessor and W. A Keister on the r c ] tllicta. Will iMcriisFey Las received a message from his brother , A. M. , that Andrew has carried the state from 2OUO to 3,000 for attorney general. The high school team plays its tirst game \ \ ith Atkinson. S.ttur- ' day , April 27. Game called at 2oO. : Admission 25c. High school children 15c. li.sou \\.iut to get man led , thiit'houi , inibiuesf ; uuiit.\ou wani an.bliick . \ > milhmg done , that's.MY business. \ \ . H. Alor- ey , general bia.cksmithing , Nenzel , Nebr. 1(5-10 ( Carsten Kansi'n of Harmony and JViiSfc Corn Pearl Brown \\ere married at the home ot the bride's sibit-r' 31i.s. Chas. Jordan , in this city , Wednesday evening , by Judge Quigley. Button Trimming for dresses etc. , is the latest. Save jour scraps of cloth and take them to the Red Front where they can show you 18 stles , including the new oblong shape made to or der. 48 Harvey Meredith and * Miss Margaret Dillion were united in marriage April 1C , by Rev. J. V. Wallace at the Catholic church of Gretna , Nebr. The Gretna Breeze speaks very highly of both the bride and groom. The latter is a son of J. . W. Meredith of Valen tine. Miss Nellie , sister of the bride , and George , brother of the grown , acted as bridesmaid and groomsman. For rheumatism you. will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. Try it and see how quickly it gives rs-- For sale by all dealer . , The Only "Doily" Type Machine Made That has absolutely no operating mt'chanism attached to the sides or top of the machine. Equipped with specially design ed rever.-ible wringer , which is operated by the same motor that operates the machine , and enables the washing and wringing to be done at the same time. The motor , together with all operating mechanism , is mounted on a motel frame underneath the body of the machine , out or the way of the operator. This metal frame is rigidly attached to the legs and insures perfect alignment of the gearing and reduces the amount of power required to oper ate the machine to a minimum. Only one Lever to Operate The machine and reversible wringer under positive control of the operator. The wringer may be operated at the sam6 time or remain stationary while thd ma chine is washing the clothes. The only Dolly type machine fitted with special 1-inch drain faucet at the bottom for drawing oh1' the waste or making permanent con nection with the waste draih if de sired. 15 days' free trial to convince you of the merits of this machine. H. I. Weinzimmer. a ofL * fine i'ilii ! lie Nearly a Sacrifice. Kansas people may ix > i believe It. but former Senator \V. A. I'effer once threatened to cut off his whislrers. and tlie threat was made while he repie- seuted the state in the senate. Two men were ridlnir in an elevator in the senate end of the eapitol build- ins JJt Washington. One \vn : avarc ) frjen.d of Peffer. Th oilier just knew him by siIit. . They heL.au to talk of PefTer. The man \vh ; > had no persona ! acquaintance with Peffr-r remarked i ' tet jvLyf S = = = 3 Jr-J- ' "SENATOR , I DEPENDED YOU AGAINST 4 SEUJOPS CIIA11UE , " that the long -whiskered senator not conducting himself in a manner consistent with a prohibition sato. ' What do you rneauV" asked tijo oth.- er in surprise. "Simply that TefCer drinks , " said the man. "I saw him take a nip at a ho tel bar myself today. " The friend challenged the statement , but the man stood pat. Finally the friend went to Peffer ami Btid : : ' 'Senator , I defended yon ayair.-H a serious charge a l'e\v minuter ; ago. and now T want you to tell mo the truth. I challenged the statement of a man who said he saw you take a. drink of liquor today. " The senator shrupacd his shoulders. looked sorrow fully down at his long whiskers and remarked. "Colonel Ed Manning must either cut off his whis kers or I'll out off mine. " Colonel Man ning out his. Kansas City Journal. Don't forget tinRoy's Rase Pall game with Atkinson Saturday Rand Concert gi\en by Rand in Q'liole.N s Opera House Friday night Apr 26th , Dance after the concert Pat P iper was in town Tues- d ay. Saturday night and Sunday the rd'm and now was quite severe on stock but the loss is light. Everybody wio reads magazines buys news papers , but everybody who reads newspapers doesn't buy magazines. Catch the Drift ? Here's the medium to reach the people o this community. Old. Crow , All Leading Hermitage Brands and P ottled Gruchen- Under the * lieimer Supervision Rye of the Whiskeys. U. S. G-ov. I so handle the Budweiser Beer. ENRY STETTER , Propr. ALLTHESE-MEN-HAVE lWOKKEDTOR-THE Coprrisht 1900 , ly C E 2iEimecian Co.--No. 29N IN order to farnisli proper banking protection , President Lincoln and his first congress established the National Bank which operates under government supervision. From time to time addi tional laws have been passed under the different presidents shown above strengthening the protec tion a National Bank af fords. Thus the confidence and security that comes with the possession of money in the hank is greatly en hanced when it is in a Na tional Bank , for here it has safe-guard every pos sible for human ingenuity to devise. In selecting a bank in which to deposit your savings or surplus funds the one thing to be considered is safely and we ask for your busi ness only on the basis of ab solute safety. Call at our bank and let us explain to you how safe your money is here. , First National Bank Valentine , Nebraska We are getting many orders for merchandise from people who have been sending away for goods , because of our low pi ices. We can Sell you Po = tatoes for $1.25 per bu. Davis & Mohana Don 9t Overlook thst subscription. If you are in arrears rernsrnbcr that we can shvays find good U5e for the MONEY NOW IS THE TIF E TO BUY A Spreiid the Manure between now and the first ofjJune and you will see its value in bijjrger crops next fall. The SUCCESS SPKEADER makes manure cover three times as much land as hand spreading , therefore , makes the jSIaiure three times a ? valuable. IT MAKES POOR LAND KICniiR AND lIK'tt. LAND UICHEIl ir SAVES HALF Yorn TIME AXD LAIK/R , VKT IT js A LABORER THAT WORKS WITIlOl'T PAY CAT l YOU AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT ONE ? NO FRICTION NO WEAR NO BREAKAGE NO HORSE KILLING DRAFT All overcome by the latest and greatest improvement. ROLLER BEARINGS in e\cry wheel , cylinder and important part. It is the seven sets of Roller Eearinjrs that makes the Success pull a horse lighter than any other spreader Call and see the Success Spreader and talk over a Spreader deal with us q A. E. Morris.Y. . AY. Morrissey. Dr. ( ) . W. Xoyes The place for men who want ths best 323 The place where good fellowship exists and men of fine judgment gatherWe command b . 1 -t > VJ' XJ/ 1V MOX * ness by deserving it , * u + * * + * , + > * , ier F. A , Meltendorff , Prop. \ff AS i y > f B I\ $ ? * ? \ & \ Si f3 f\fc fl n Tt ( & & R ° T * 8 3 * t W { NO ! Mil $20BSQO A MONTH - - That's $50. ° ° a Week , aimost $10. ° ° a Day Selling Victor Safes and fire-proof bozos to merchants , doctors , lawyers , aeuti l3 nnd svell-to-do farmersall of v. horn rcah/.e the need of a safe , but do not know how ea yitiatooun one. Salesmen declare our proposition one of the best , clea i-c-ut money-makinu opportuni ties ever rccei\eil. V.'ithouc previous experi ence YOU can duplicate the success of others. Our handsomely illustrated 2tO-pate catalog will enabie you to present the subject to cus tomers in as interesting a manner as though you were piloting them through our factory. Men appointed as salesmen receive advice and instructions for selling safes , Ruing convincing talking points which it i impossible for a prospective customer to denjr. tt'ny don't YOU be the lirst to apply from your vicinity before scnioone else gets the territory ? We can favor only one salesman out of each locality. The 25th anniversary of our company was celebrated by erecting the most modern pafft factory in the world. Wide awake men who received our special selling inducement , rendered u necessnry to double our output. e are spending many thousands of dollars en larging our sales organization , but to learn nil particulars.it : will cost yon only the pric * QJ ® HSSWM S a postal card. Ask for Catalogue 1ST. THE VICTOR i ; AFE & LOCK I ) ' " New Home. Capacity 20,000 Safes Annually. CIHCINHeT ! , OHIO U. S. Weather Bureau Report WEEK ENDING APR. 11,191 . Daily mean temperature 53 = . j ' " Normal temperature 413. , Highest temperature 79 = . Lowest temperature iG3 , . Range of temperature " > Sa. Precipitation for v.-oct 0.12 of an inch. , Aoragc for -3 years 0. to of an inch. I Jony J. MrLi.vx Observer. If in need of wind mills or wa ter tanks call on Breuklander iSne better made. itf REX DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Relieves gas ia stomach , distres , after eating , stomach nervousness dizziness , headache , heartburn , heart palpitation and other ail ments caused by faulty digestion , trice 25c. 1'repared by United Druj Company , Boston , Mass. Sold in Valentine only by G. A. 1 Chapman. The Kexall Store.