Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 25, 1912, Image 2

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    li *
Women are beginning to realize
taore fully that good health is not to
be found in the use of cosmetics and
face powders. The appearance of
health may follow facial treatment ,
but health itself lies much deeper than
the surface.
Most important to the health of ev
ery woman is regularity of the bowels
and digestive organs. The weary
eyes , bad breath , frequent headaches ,
pimples and general air of lassitude ,
la in most every case due to consti
pation or Indigestion , or both. There
'I ' are various remedies prescribed for
this condition , but the easiest , most
pleasant and certainly effective , is
a combination of simple laxative
herbs with pepsin known to druggists
as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. This
simple remedy is far preferable to
harsh salts and cathartics and violent
purgative waters that disturb the
whole system without affording more
than temporary relief.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a
tonic laxative , mild in its action ,
pleasant to the taste and positive in
Its effect , strengthening the muscles
of stomach and bowels so that after
a short time these organs regain the
power to perform , their natural func
tions without assistance.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is sold
"by druggists everywhere in 50c and
$1.00 bottles. If you have never tried
it , write for a sample to Dr. W. B
Caldwell , 201 Washington St. , Monti-
cello , 111. ; he will * gladly send a trial
bottle without any expense to you
The Professor How would you use
your foil if your opponent feinted ?
The Novice I'd tickle him with'the
end of it to see if he was shamming.
"I , the undersigned , cannot give
enough praise to the Cuticura Rem
edies. I had been doctoring for at
least a year for eczema on my foot. I
had tried doctor after doctor all tone
no avail. When a young girl I sprained
my ankle three different times , paying
little or no attention to it , when five
years ago a small spot showed upon
my left ankle. I was worried and sent
for a doctor. He said it was eczema.
He drew a small bone from the ankle
about the size of a match and about
an inch long. The small hole grew
to about the size of an apple , and the
eczema spread to the knee. The doc
tors never could heal the hole in the
ankle. The whole foot ran water all
the time.
"My husband and my sons were up
night and day wheeling me from one
room to another in the hope of giving
me some relief. I would sic for hours
at a time in front of the fireplace
hoping for daybreak. The pain was
so intense 1 was almost crazy , in fact ,
I would lose my reason for hours at
a time. One day a friend of mine
dropped in to see me. No more had
she glanced at my foot than she ex
claimed : 'Mrs. Finnegan , why in the
world don't you try the Cuticura Rem
edies ! ' Being disgusted with the doc
tors and their medicines , and not be
ing able to sleep at allr I decided to
give the Cuticura Soap and Cuticura
Ointment a trial. After using them
three days that night I slept as sound
as a silver dollar for eight long hours.
I awoke in. the morning with but very
little pain , in fact , I thought I was
in heaven. After using the Cuticura
Remedies for three months I was per
fectly restored to health , thanks to
the Cuticura Soap and Ointment I
will be sixty-four years of age my
next birthday , hale and hearty at pres
ent" ( Signed ) Mrs. Julia Finnegan ,
2234 Hebert St. , St. Louis , Mo. , Mar.
7 , 1911. Although Cuticura Soap and
Ointment are sold by druggists and
dealers everywhere , a sample of each ,
with 32-page book , will be mailed
free on application to "Cuticura , "
Dept L , Boston ,
Smart Little Boy.
The smart little city hey loved to
put conundrums to Uncle Josh and
see the old negro's struggles to un
derstand , but one day he received a
bcna fide answer which is still per
plexing him.
"Have you got any brothers , Uncle
Josh ? " the S. L. B. inquired.
"No , honey , " replied the darkey. "I
ain't got nary brother , but all my sis
ters has. "
Look for crosses ; and while it is
lair weather mend the sails of the
ship. Samuel Rutherford.
For rpid , Inactive or disordered liver ,
take Garlield Tea. All druggists.
The man with money speaks the
Some men never brag about them
selves and don't tolame them.
( Copyright , A. C. McClurg & Co. . 1910. )
Jack Keith , a Virginian , now a bor
der plainsman. Js looking for roaming war
parties of savages. He sees a wagon team
at full gallop pursued by men on ponies.
When Keith reaches the wagon the raid
ers have massacred two men and de-
pal-ted. He searches the victims finding
papers and a locket with a woman's per
trait. Keith Is arrested at Carson City ,
charged with the murder , his accuser be-
Injr a ruffian named Black Bart. A negro
companion In his cell named Neb tells him
that he knew the Keiths in Virginia. Neb
saj's one of the murdered men was John
Sibley. the other Gen. Willis Walte. form
erly a Confederate officer. The plainsman
and Neb escape , and later the fugitives
come upon a cabin and find Its occupant
to be a young girl , whom Keith thinks
he saw at Carson City. The girl explains
thit she Is In search of a brother , who
had deserted from the army , and that a
Mr. Hawley induced her to come to the
cabin while he sought her brother. Hawley -
ley appears , and Keith in hiding recog
nizes him as Black Bart. There is a ter
rific battle in the darkened room In which
Keith is victor. Horses are appropriated ,
and the girl who says that her name Is
Hope , joins In the escape. Keith explains
his situation and the fugitives make for
Fort Lamed , where the girl Is left with
the hotel landlady. Miss Hope tells that
she Is the daughter of General Waite.
Keith and Neb1 drift into Sheridan , where
Keith meets an old friend. Dr. Fairbain.
Keith meets the brother of Hope Waite.
under the assumed name of Fred Wll-
Joughby. and becomes convinced that
Black Bart has some plot involving the
two. Hope learns that Gen. Waite. who
was thought murdered , is at Sheridan ,
and goes there , where she is mistaken for
Christie Maclaire. the Carson City singer.
Keith meets the real Christie Maclaire
and finds that Black Bart has convinced
her fhat there is a mystery In her life
which he is going to turn to her advan
tage. The plainsman tells Hope Waite of
her resemblance to Christie Maclaire.
They decide that Fred Willoughby may
hold the key to the situation. Keith finds
Willoughby shot dead. Hope is told of
the death of her brother. Keith fails to
learn what representations Black Bart
has made to Christie Maclaire. Hope
suggests that in order to learn the secret
she must briefly impersonate the stage
singer. Dr. Fairbain is in love with
Christie Maclaice and Keith induces him
to detain her from the stage while Hope
goes to the theater where she meets
Black Bart , who , thus deceived , tells
Hope that General Waite has -suspected
his plans and that they must fly. Hope ,
greatly alarmed , demurs. General Walte
appears and says Black Bart has stolen
papers from him regarding an Inheri
tance. Keith is informed that Christie
MpclaL-o's real name'is Phyllis Gale and
that she is the half sister of Hope. The
latter has been carried away by Black
Bart and his gang. Dr. Fairbain avows
his Jove for Phyllis and she accepts him.
Keith and his friends strike the trail of
Block Bart. They find Hope has been ta
ken back to the old cabin. The \yilderness
cabin is the scene of a fight in which
Outlow enemies.
CHAPTER XXXV. ( Continued. )
"It's the Indian , " he said grimly ,
"Sanchez must 'a' mistook him fer
one of us , and shot the poor devil. "
And Sanchez himself is out yonder
on that sand-pit , " and Keith pointed ;
chen lifted his voice to make it carry
across the stream. "Come on over.
Doctor , you and Neb. We've got the
gang. Bring that body out there
along with you. "
The "Bar X" man waded out to
help , and the three together laid the
lead Mexican outlaw on the bank , be
side the Indian he had shot down in
his effort to escape. Keith stood for
a. moment bending low to look curi
ously into the dead face wrinkled ,
scarred , still featuring cruelty , the
thin lips drawn back in a snarl. What
scenes of horror those eyes had gazed
apon during fifty years of crime ;
ivhat suffering of men , women , chil-
Iren ; what deeds of rapine ; what ex-
unples of merciless hate. Juan
Sanchez ! the very sound of the name
nade the blood run cold. "Dead or
ilive ! " Well , they had him at last-
lead ; and the plainsman shuddered ,
is he turned away.
Taking Fairbain with him and has-
: ily reviewing late occurrences to him ,
eith crossed over-to the corral , real-
zing that their work his work was
lot wholly done until Hawley had
> een located. With this quest in mind
ie strode straight to the black-beard-
id giant who had guarded Hope from
"What is your name ? " he asked
The man looked up scowling.
"Hatchett , " he answered gruffly.
"Well , Hatchett , I am going to ask
ou a question or two , and advise you
o reply ; ust about as straight as you
: now hoy. I am in no mood to-night
or any foolishness. Where is 'Black
Jarf Hawley ? "
"How Ik Jell should I know ? "
"You do know , just the same. Per *
taps not to an Inch , or a mile , but
rou know near enough where he is ,
nd where he has been since yuu left
Sheridan. "
"If I do , I'm damned If I'll tell you. "
"No ? Well now , Hatchett , listen to
ae , " and Keith's voice had in it the
lick of a steel trap. "You'll either
.nswer , and answer straight , or we'll
tang you to that cottonwood In about
ive minutes. If you want a chance
or your miserable life you answer
3f % We have our way of treating your
ind out in this country. Sit up , you
rute ! Now where did Hawley go aft-
r he left you ? "
"To Fort Larned. "
"After those fresh horses ? "
"Yes. "
"He didn't bring them to you ; 1
: now that Where has he been since ? "
"Topeky and Leavenworth , "
"How do you know ? "
"He writ me a note the boss herder
"Hand it over. "
Keith took the dirty slip of paper
be man reluctantly extracted from
is belt , and Fairbain lit matches
fhile he ran his eyes hastily over the
lines. As he ended he crushed the
paper between his fingers , and walked
away to the end of the corral. He
wanted to be alone , to think , to decide
definitely upon what he ought to do.
Hawley , according to the schedule
just read , must have left Larned alone
early the day before ; this night he
would be camped at the water-hole ;
with daybreak he expected to resume
his lonely journey across the desert
to the Salt Fork. For years Keith had
lived a primitive life , and in some
ways his thought had grown primi
tive. His code of honor was that ot
the border , tinged by that of the South
before the war. The antagonism exist
ing between him and this gambler was
personal , private , deadly not an af
fair for any others outsiders to med
dle with. He could wait here , and
permit Hawley to be made captive ;
could watch him ride unsuspectingly
into the power of these armed men ,
and then turn him over to the law to be
dealt with. The very thought nause
ated him. That would be a coward's
act , leaving a stain never to be eradi
cated. No , he must meet this as
His tone was full of good humor ,
and his lips smiling , yet somehow she
felt her heart sink , an inexplicable
fear finding expression in her eyes.
"But but why do you need to go ?
Couldn't some of the others ? "
"There is a reason which I will ex
plain later , " he said , more gravely.
"Surely you can trust me , Hope , and
feel that I am only doing what it
seems absolutely necessary for me to
do ? " He bent down and kissed her.
"It will be only for a few hours , and
no cause for worry. Good-bye now ,
until we meet to-night at the water-
hole. "
The east was gray with coming day
light as he rode splashing across the
stream and up the opposite bank. She
watched him , rubbing the blinding
mist from her eyes , until horse and
man became a mere dark speck , final
ly fading away completely into the
dull plain of the desert.
The Duel in the Desert.
Keith rode straight forward into the
sandy desolation , spurring ( his horse
into a swift trot. After one glance
backward as they clambered up the
steep bank , a glance which revealed
Hope's slender form in the cabin door ,
his eyes never turned again that way.
He had a man's stern work to do out
yonder , and his purpose could not be
swerved , his firmness of hand and
keenness of eye affected , by any
thought of her. His lips compressed ,
his fingers gripping the rein , he drove
all regretful memory from his mind ,
until every nerve within him throbbed
in unison with his present purpose.
He was right ; he knew he was right
It was not hate , not even revenge ,
which had set him forth , leaving love
behind , but honor the honor of the
South , and of the frontier , of his an
cestry and his training honor that
In. vm-TJ "
s\ A vJ . PI4 " 2
> ' ' ' ?
The Eyes of the Two Met in Defiance.
became a man , and now , now before
Hope so much as dreamed of his pur
pose aye , and before he spoke an
other word of love to Hope. He
wheeled about fully decided on his
course , his duty , and met Fairbain
face to face.
"Jack , " the latter said earnestly ,
"I read the note over your shoulder ,
and of course I know what you mean
to do. A Southern gentleman could
not choose otherwise. But I've come
here to beg you to let me have the
chance. "
"You ? " surprised and curious.
"What greater claim on that fellow's
life have you than I ? "
The pudgy hands of the doctor
grasped the plainsman's shoulders.
"It's for Christie , " he explained
brokenly. "She was thp one he tried
to run away with. You you know
how 1 feel. "
"Sure , I know , " shaking the other
off , yet not roughly. "But it happen
ed to be Miss Walte he took , and so
this Is my job , Fairbain. Besides , I've
got another score to settle with him. "
He wasted little time upon prepara
tions a few brief words of instruc
tion to Brlstoe ; a request to the doc
tor not to leave Hope alone ; the ex
tracting of a promise from the two
"Bar X" men to return to Larned
with the prisoners. Then he roped
the best horse in the corral , saddled
and bridled him , and went into the
cabin. She had a light burning , and
met him at the door.
"I thought you would never come , j
but they told me you were unhurt' j
"Not a scratch , little girl ; we have
been a lucky bunch. But I have had
a great deal to look after. Now 1
shall be obliged to ride ahead as tar |
PS the water-hole , and let 3Tou come
on with the others a little later , after
you get breakfast. You can spare tne j
a few hours , can't you ? " i
drove him now to meet Hawley face
to face , man to man , to settle the feud
between them for all time. And he
rode smiling , gladly , as to a tryst ,
now that he was at last alone , free
in the desert
The hours passed , the sun rising
higher in the blazing blue of the sky ;
the horse , wearied by the constant
pull of the sand , had long since slowed
down to a walk ; the last dim blur of
the cottonwoods along the Fork had
disappeared ; and the rider swayed in
the saddle , the dead llfelessness of
sky and desert dulling his brain. Yet
he had not forgotten his errand rous
ing constantly from lethargy to sweep
his shaded eyes about the rounded
horizon , keenly marking the slightest
shadow across the sands , taking ad
vantage of every drift to give him
wider viewpoint , rising In his stirrups
to scan the leagues of desolation
ahead. Twice he drew his revolver
from out its sheath , tested it , and
slipped In a fresh cartridge , return
ing the weapon more lightly to Its
place , the flap of the holster turned
back and held open by his leg. The
sun beat upon him like a ball of fire ,
the hot sand flinging the blaze back
into his face. He pushed back the
upper part of his shirt and drank a
swallow of tepid water from a can
teen strapped behind the saddle. His
eyes ached with the glare , until he
saw fantastic red and yellow shapes
dancing dizzily before him. The
weariness of the long night pressed
upon his eye-balls ; he felt the strain
of the past hours , the lack of food ,
the need of rest. His head nodded ,
and he brought himself to life again
with a jerk and a muttered word , star
ing out Into the dim , formless dis
tance. Lord , if there was only some
thing moving ; something he could
concentrate his attention upon ; some
thing to rest the straining eyes !
! But there was nothing , absolutely
nothing just that seemingly endless
stretch of sand , circled by the blazing
sky , the wind sweeping Its surface
soundless and hot , as though from the
pits of hell ; no stir , no motion , no
movement of anything animate or In
animate to break the awful monotony.
Death ! it was death everywhere ! his
aching eyes rested on nothing but
what was typical of death. Even the
heat waves seemed fantastic , gro
tesque , assuming spectral forms.
With every step of advance the
brooding silence seemed more pro
found , more deathlike. He got to
marking the sand ridges , the slight va
riations giving play to the brain. Way
off to the left was the mirage of a
lake , Apparently so real that he had
to battle with himself to keep from
turning aside. He dropped forward
in the saddle , his' head hanging low ,
so blinded by the incessant sun glare
he could no longer bear the glitter of
that horrible ocean of sand. It was
noon now noon , and he had been rid
ing steadily seven hours. The thought
brought his blurred eyes again to the
horizon. Where could he be , the man
he sought in the heart of this soli
tude ? Surely he should be here by
now , if he had left the water-hole at
dawn. Could he have gone the longer
route , south to the Fork" ? The possi
bility of such a thing seared through
him like a hot iron , driving the dull
ness from his brain , the lethargy from
his limbs. God ! no ! Fate could never
play such a scurvy trick as that ! The
man must have been delayed ; had
failed to leave camp early some
where ahead , yonder wnere the blue
haze marked the union of sand and
sky , he was surely coming , riding half
dead , and drooping in the saddle.
Again Keith rose in his stirrups ,
rubbing the mist out of his eyes that
he might see clearer , and stared
ahead. What was that away out yon
der ? a shadow ? a spot dancing before
his tortured vision ? or a moving , liv
ing something which he actually saw ?
He could not tell , he could not be
sure , yet he straightened up expect
antly , shading his eyes , and never
losing sight of the object It moved ,
grew larger , darker , more real yet
how it crawled , crawled , crawled to
ward him. It seemed as if the vague ,
shapeless thing would never take
form , never stand out revealed against
the sky so he could determine the
truth. He had forgotten all else the
silent desert , the blazing sun. the
burning wind all his soul concen
trated on that speck yonder. Sudden
ly it disappeared a swale in the sand
probably and , when it rose into view
again , he uttered a cry of joy it was
a horse and rider !
Little dy little they drew nearer
one another , two black specks in that
vast ocean of sand , the only moving ,
living things under the brazen circle
of the sky. Keith was ready now , his
eyes bright , the cocked revolver
gripped hard in his hand. The space
between them narrowed , and Hawley
saw him , caught a glimpse of the face
under the broad hat brim , the burn
ing eyes surveying him. With an oath
he stopped his horse , dragging at his
gun , surprised , dazed , yet instantly
understanding. Keith also halted , and
across the intervening desert the eyes
of the two men met in grim defiance.
Heavy Luggage.
Every tramp squares and squares
with a heavy bag or suit case in your
hand the weight apparently increas
ing every minute ? It's trying , nerve-
racking and decidedly uncomfortable ,
isn't it ? People who have experienced
this will surely call down blessings
upon the head of the inventor of rat
tan or straw bags and suit cases. They
have so little weight and the cost is
so slight that every girl or man who
goes away for short trips where a
small case is necessary and where the
luggage must be carried by hand
should invest in one of these sensible
luggage carriers.
Eagle Nest in Western New York.
An eagle's aerie , with five little
eaglets , is on the Davis farm in the
town of Somerset , Niagara county , on
the shores of Lake Ontario.
For many seasons past two Amer
ican eagles have made their headquarters - j
ters at the Davis farm , but never un
til this season did they nest , and so
far as known it is the first time that
a nest has been built in Niagara coun
ty. The eaglets are carefully guarded
by the old birds as well as by the
members of the Davis family. Hunt
ers are forbidden by law to shoot the
birds. Rochester Post Express.
Painting With a Sponge.
An artist whose work in water color
Is described in the Studio says that
because the sable brushes are too
small , she uses for certain sweeping
sffects of light and shade on the
iressea , for example , a sponge. This
irtist is described as using water col-
jrs , not within the narrow limitations
asually prescribed , but as an indi
vidual means of expression. She
sometimes joins three pieces of the
water color board together to make
: he pictures she likes to produce in
: his medium.
No Time Wasted.
Olaf Larson , working in a millinery
warehouse , bacKed into an elevator
jhaft and fell down five stories with a
oad of boxes. Horror-stricken , the I
) ther employes rushed down the
stairs , only to find him picking him
self unharmed out of the rubbish.
'Ess de boss mad ? " he whispered
: autiously. "Tal" em Ay had to come
lown for nails anyway. " Success
Shipwreck Safer.
It Is getting so that it is safer to
) e shipwrecked on the ocean than It
s to be a passenger in -'kidding au-
omobile. Syracuse Herald.
for any rooms you
want to decorate
You can have the pret
tiest walls in your town ,
at the least cost. Our
expert designers will
plan the work for you
Get This Book
20 Pretty Rooms
we will mail you a copy Free.
It tells how to have the best deco-
ratinz at least cost , is full of new-
color schemes and shows sixteen
of the exquisite Alabastine tints ,
famous for tbcsr soft , refined
The Beautiful Wall Tint
Is more In vocue in modern homes
than wall paper or paint and costs
far less. All kabominc colors are
harsh and crude beside Alabastine
tints. Absolutely sanitary , coes fur
thest.does not chip , peel or rub off.
Easy to uas just mix with cold
water and put on. Directions on
each package. Full S-lb. packazc.
White 50c ; Rceular Tints SSc.
Alabastine Company
55 Grandvflle Read. Grand Rapids , Mic.V
Ne * York Qty. Desk 5.105 Water Street
A man may think the world of a
woman , but he should remember that
there are others in the world.
Health is the fashion. Take Garficld Tea.
the herb laxative which purities the blood
aud brings good health.
About once a month the average girl
of 18 meets the only man she could
ever love.
Right in His Line.
"Who was that man I had for i
partner at bridge last evening ? "
"He's a writer of farces. "
"I might have known it"
"Why ? " V
"lie made some mighty funny plays.
Potash Cohen can nefer make a
goot golluf blayer.
Perlmutter For vy not ?
Potash He neffer hollers fore al
ways he.yells dree ninety-eight Wis
consin Sphinx.
Rivals in Culture.
"Professor Enoch Dubber is going to
read a very learned paper before the
Medical Research society tonight Do
you think you will be there ? "
"Do you suppose the Gibbits will
attend ? "
"Yes , I hear they are going. "
"Well , I'll be there. My wife never
lets Mrs. Gibbit go to anything of a
high-browed nature that she doesn't
attend herself. "
Not Needed There.
Dr. Harvey W. Wiley was asked the
other day if he had heard anything
about the recent invention which gives
to new wine all the properties of old
"No , I haven't , " Doctor Wiley re
plied. Then , with a smile , he added :
"But , by Jove , I attended a musical
comedy performance the other night
which certainly must have been treat
ed with that invention. "
Needn't Kiss Husband.
Supreme Court Justice Mareau In
Brooklyn , dismissed the suit of Sam
uel Markowitz , a New York real es
tate broker , for the annulment of his
marriage to Mildred Markowitz.
"It is absurd to frame such issues , "
Justice Mareau said. "Practically the
plaintiff asks an annulment of his
marriage to the girl because she re
fused to kiss him. "
The young woman was eighteen
years old when she married Marko
witz , who , as alleged , had already had
four wives , of whom two had died
and two were divorced.
, st
has a flavour all its own.
"Toasties" made of
selected white Indian com ;
first cooked , then rolled into
wafer-like bits and toasted
to an appetizing golden
A favorite food for
b.sakfast , lunch or supper
in thousands upon thousands
of homes where people
are particular.
"The Memory Lingers33
Sold by Grocers
Postnm Cereal Company , Limited
Battle Creek , ilich.