Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 18, 1912, Image 6

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    Write For This
jpree Book Show
20 Beautiful Moden
tells how you ca
get the very late
effects on your wall
Contains a samp
of the Color Plans 01
li'l ' artists will furnis
you , F&EE , for ar
rooms you wish to decorate.
/ < ,
The Beautiful Wall Tint
comes in 16 exquisite tints. More artist
than wall paper or paint at a fraction
the cost. Kalsomine colors are harsh ai
.common beside the soft-hued water col
tints of Alabastinc. Absolutely sanitary-
easiest and quickest to use , goes furtht
tnd will not chip , peel ,
01 rub off.
Doesn't ned an expert to put
on Easy directions In every
pickarc. Full 5 Ib. Pkz. white.
SOc ; recular tints. SSc.
Alabastine Company
5 ( Grandtllle RoaJ. Grand Rapids , Midi.
HtwYoikdty , Desk 4. 103 Mcr Street
Always remember to be a gentl
man unless you are a woman.
Garflcld Tea insures a normal action <
the liver.
Many a man is dissatisfied with bi
lot because it is too near his neigl
That i& LAXATIVE imo.MO QUININE. Look f <
the fcigjiaturo of E. W. GHOVE. Used the Wor
over to Cure a Cold in Ono Day. 25c.
The average man's way of forgivin ;
an enemy is meaner than his ret'usa
to do so.
Comparative Values.
"My wife can make a , tart reply. "
"My wife can do better than thai
She can make a pie speak for itself.
Great System.
"This winter air is nice and fresh ,
said the brisk citizen.
"That's where you are wrong , " r
plied the man from Chicago. "It's th
same old air ; it only seems fresh bt
cause it has been in 'cold storage. "
A Believer.
Gifford Pinchot , at his brother' :
house , in Park avenue , New York , lis
tened quizzically to a political stor :
that was being submitted to him. fo
verification by a political reporter.
When the reporter finished his nar
rative Mr. Pinchot laughed and said
"I'll reply to that as the old Italiai
peasant replied to the statement tha
his fellow-countryman loved birds to <
well ever to eat them :
" 'Well , I don't mind believing tha
myself , " the old man said , "but there's
a good many who wouldn't. ' "
Altogether Too Late Now.
A lady who was anxious to obtain i
good general servant applied at ai
intelligence office and was assured b ]
the proprietor that she had just th <
person to suit. A raw-boned Irisl
woman some fifty years of age cam
"Well , " said the lady , after a shorl
conversation , "I would be very glat
to engage you , but "
"But what , pray ? "
"Well , you see I wanted one who is
who is rather younger. "
"An' indade ! " exclaimed the woman
folding her arms and glaring indig
nantly , "it's a pity the good Lore
didn't make me in the yare to suil
your convanience. "
One in Three.
It is difficult to make people believe
that coffee is a poison to at least one
person out of every three , but people
are slowly finding it. out , although
thousands of them suffer terribly be
fore they discover the fact.
A Xew York hotel man says : "Each
time after drinking coffee I became
restless , nervous and excited , so that I
was unable to sit five minutes in one
place , was also inclined to vomit and
suffer from loss of sleep , which got
worse and worse.
"A lady said that perhaps coffee was
the cause of my trouble , and suggested
that I try Postum. I laughed at the
thought that coffee hurt me , but she
insisted so hard that I finally had
some Postum made. I have been us
ing it In place of coffee ever since , for
I noticed that all my former nervous
ness and Irritation disappeared. I be
gan to sleep perfectly , and the Postum
tasted as good or better than the old
coffee , so what was the use of stickIng -
Ing to a beverage that was injuring
me ?
"One day on an excursion up the
country I remarked to a young lady
friend on her greatly improved appear
ance. She explained that some time
before she had quit using coffee and
taken to Postum. She had gained a
number of pounds and her former pal
pitation of the heart , humming in the
ears , trembling of the hands and legs
and other disagreeable feelings had
disappeared. She recommended me to
quit coffee and take Postum and 5vas
very much surprised to find that I had
already made the change.
"She said her brother had also re
ceived great benefits from leaving off
coffee and taking on Postum. " "There's
a reason. "
Ever rend tlic above letter ? A new
one appenrM from time to time. They
.ere genuine , t uC , and full of hvman
( Copyright , A. C. McClurg & Co. . 1S10. >
Jack Keith , a Virginian , now a bo
looking for roaming w ;
dor plainsman , is
parties of savages. He sees a wagon tea
at full gallop pursued by men on pome
When Keith reaches the wagon the ran
ers have massacred two men and ai
parted. He searches the victims findlr
papers and a locket with a woman's po
trait Keith is arrested at Carson Cit :
charged with the murder , his accuser bi
Ing a rufllan named Black Bart. A negi
companion in his cell named Neb tells m :
. Ise
that he knew the Keiths In Virginia.
says one of the murdered men was Jon
Sibley. the other Gen. Willis Walte. fern
erly a Confederate officer. The plalnsma
and Neb escape , and later the fugitive
come upon a cabin and find its occupat
to be a young girl , whom Keith thin. '
he saw at Carson City. The Kirl explaii
of a brother , wli
that she Is in search
had deserted from the army , and that
Mr. Hawley induced her to come to tl :
cabin while he sought her brother. Hav
ley appears , and Keith in hiding recof
nlzes him as Black Bart. There is a tei
darkened room in wluc
rific battle in the
Keith Is victor. Horses are appropriate *
and the girl who says that her name
Hope , Joins in the escape. Keith explair
his situation and the fugitives make
Fort Lamed , where the girl is left wit
the liotel landlady. Miss Hope tells thr
she is the daughter of General Wait
Keith and Neb drift into Sheridan , when
Keith meets an old friend. Dr. Fair-bail
Keith moots the brother of Hope Wait
under the assumed name of Fred wi
becomes convinced thr
loughby , and
Black Bart has some plot involving tn
two. Hope learns that Gen. Waite. wh
was thought murdered , is at Shendar
and goes there , where she is mistaken fc
Christie Maclaire. the Carson City singei
Keith meets the real Christie Maclair
and finds that Black Bart has convince
her that there is a mystery In her hi
which he is going to turn to her advar
fells Hope Waite c
tage. The plainsman
her resemblance to Christie Maclair
They decide that Fred Wllloughby ma
hold the key to the situation. Keith find
Willoughby shot dead. Hope Is told c
the death of her brother. Keith fails t
learn \vhat representations Black Bai
has made to Christie Maclaire. Hop
suggests that in order to learn the secrc
she must briefly impersonate the stag
singer. Dr. Fairbain is In love \vit
Christie Maclaire and Keith Jndiices hir
to detain her from the stage while Hop
goes to the theater where she meet
Black Bart. who. thus deceived , tell
Hope that General Waite has suspecte
his plans and that they must fly. IIop <
greatly alarmed , demurs. General Wait
appears and says Black Bart has stole
papers from him regarding an inlierl
tance. Keith is informed that Christi
Maclaire's real name is Phyllis Gale an
that she Is the half sister of Hope. Th
latter has been carried away by Blac !
Bart and his gang. Dr. Fairbain avow
his love for Phyllis and she accepts hirr
Keith and his friends strike the trajrl o
Black Bart. They find Hope has been ta
ken back to the old cabin.
CHAPTER XXXIV. ( Continued. )
"Eight bosses in thar , " he an
nounced soberly ; then turned t <
Keith. "Say , Jack , what do you figun
this shebang to be , anyhow ? Yoi
don't reckon it's old Sanchez's outfit
do yer ? "
"Likely as not , Joe , though I neve ]
saw him around here. "
Joe filled his cheek with tobacco
staring about through the darkness.
"Well , if that ol' cuss is yere nov
we'uns is sure in fer a fight , " he com
meuted positively.
They rounded the corral fence 01
hands and knees , crawled into a bunct
of bushes somewhat to the rear of th
silent , desolate-appearing cabin , anc
lay down flat behind a pile of saddles
from which position they could plain
ly discern the rear door.
"Had their camp over there in the
corner of the corral when 1 was here
before , " he said in a whisper. "Where
3o you suppose they can be now ? "
The wary scout lifted his head ,
nifSng into the darkness like a point
sr dog.
"West o' ther cabin thar , out o' ther
wind , most likely. I smell tobacco. "
Even as the words left his lips ; a
nan came sauntering slowly around
: he eastern corner , his outlines barely
risible , but the red glow of a pipe
bowl showing plainly. He stopped , di
rectly facing them , yawning sleepily ,
ind then turned the other corner.
Another moment and they distinctly
aeard a voice :
"Hustle up thar now , Manuel , an'
: uru out ; it's your watch ; wake up ,
lam yer maybe that'll bring yet ter
ife. "
The remedy applied to the sleeper
nust have been efficacious , as , an in
stant later , another 'figure slouched
nto view , the new arrival rubbing
lis eyes with one hand , the other
clutching a short-barrelled gun. From
: he high peak of his hat it was evi-
lent this new guard was a Mexican.
He walked to the corner , glanced
ilong th.j east side wall toward the
rent of the cabin , and then , apparent-
y satisfied the coast was clear , start-
id toward the stream , shuffling along
vitjiin a foot of where Keith lay flat
in the ground. A moment later the men
leard him splashing softly In the wa-
; er , and Keith rolled over , his lips
it Bristoe's ear.
"Slip down there , Ben , " he wiils-
> ered , "and that fellow. I'll find
) ut how manr are on the west side.
Do the job v/lthout any noise. "
He waitaa until the scout had dis-
ippeared like a snake , not even a
ustling leaf telling of his passage ,
ind theu silently crept forward him-
; elf , yet with less caution , until he
vas able to peer about the corner of
he cabin and dimly distinguish the
danketed forms of several men lying
: lose in against the side wall. They
ested so nearly together it was diffi-
: ulr to separate them in that dark-
icss , stars giving the only light , but
le finally determined their number at
ive. Five ; the Mexican would make
ix , and there would surely be another
; uard posted out in the front seven.
3ut there were eight horses down
Rising to His Knees , he Saw a Man Already Half Across the Stream.
there in the corral. Then the eight !
man Hawley , without doubt mtisi
be in the cabin. At the thoughi
Keith's teeth clinched , and he had tc
struggle to control his passion. Bui
no ; that would never do ; he must dis
cover first exactly where the girl was
located ; after that they would attenc
to the curs. Before creeping back tc
.the others , he made quick examina
tioa along the rear of the cabin , but
could find no visible point of weak
ness. He tried to recall from memory
the nature of the lock on that bach
door , but could remember nothing ex
cept an ordinary wooden latch. 11
he could insert a knife into the crack
that might very easily be dislodged.
He drew his hunting knife for the at
tempt , and , first glancing about , per
ceived a man creeping toward him. It
proved to be Bristoe.
"Tixed the greaser all right , cap ,
and I reckon he'll be quiet for an hour
or two. Look whar he slashed me ;
struck a pack o' playin' keerds , er I'd
a got my ticket. " The front of his
blouse was cut wide open , and Keith
thought he perceived a stain of blood.
"Pricked you'as it was , didn't he ? "
"Opened the skin. Thought the cuss
had given up , an' got careless. What's
'round to the west ? "
Keith's .lips closed , his hand shut
ting hard on the knife.
"Five , and another out in front ;
that leaves the eighth man inside.
Bririg our fellows up closer , and post
them where they can cover those fel
lows asleep , while I make an effort at
breaking in here. "
Bristoe crawled back like a snail ,
and confident the others would do their
part , Keith thrust his knife blade deep
into the narrow crack and began prob
ing after the latch. In spite of all cau
tion this effort caused a slight noise ,
and suddenly lie started back at the
sound of a woman's voice :
"What do you want ? I am armed ,
and will fire through the door if you
do not go away ! "
His heart leaping with exultation ,
Keith put his lips close to the crack.
"Hope , " he exclaimed as loudly as
he dared. "This Is Keith ; open the
door. "
He could hear a little smothered cry
break from her lips , and then the
sound of a bar being hastily removed.
An instant , and the door opened si
lently , just wide enough to permit her
slender figure to slip through. She
grasped him with her hands , turning
his face to the light of the stars , and
he could feel her form tremble.
"Oh , I knew you would come ! 1
knew you would come ! " she sobbed ,
the words barely aadible.
The man's lips set firmly , yet he
held her close to him , begging her
uot to break down now.
"It's all right , little girl , " he said
pleadingly , "we've got you safe , but
there is a fight to be at nded to.
Come with me ; I must ask you a ques
tion or two. "
He drew her back into the fringe o
bushes , placing her safely behind
stack of saddles. She was not cryin ,
any more , just clinging to him , a
though she could never again bear t
let him go.
"Oh , Jack , it is so good just to fee
you near again. "
"Yes , dear , " soothingly , "and it i
good to hear you say Jack , but te !
me one thing is any one else in th
cabin ? Is Hawley here ? "
"No. no ! He left us early the firs
morning. I haven't either seen o
heard of him since. The men hav <
left me alone since we got here ; hav <
had the cabin all to myself until to
night. I have not suffered , enl ;
mentally from dread of what the :
intended doing with me until to
night. Three men rode in here jus
before sundown two Mexicans and ai
Indian. One of them was an awfu
looking old man , with a scar on hi :
cheek , and a face that made me shud
der. He didn't see me , but I saw hin
through the window , and he had sue !
strange eyes. All the men acted a :
though they were afraid of him , ant
1 heard him say he didn't care whai
ilawley's orders were , he was going tc
sleep inside ; if the girl didn't like i' '
she could take the other room ,
didn't know what to do oh , I was sc
afraid of him ; but what he said gave
me an idea , and I went into the bad
room , and put up a bar across the
door. When he came in he tried the
door ; then he spoke through it , but 1
never answered ; and finally he laj
down and went to sleep. I sat there
in the dark so long , and when I hearc
you I I thought it must be some ol
the others. "
He stroked her hair , whispering
words of encouragement.
"That Is all done with now , Hope ,
and we'll have those fellows at our
mercy in another half-hour. I car
trust you to remain right here ? "
"Yes. " He was bending over , and
her eyes were upon his face. .Sudden
ly he clasped her to him.
"Sweetheart , " he whispered softly.
He could not hear her answer , but
tier arms were about his neck.
The Cabin Taken.
His heart beating with new happi
ness , yet conscious of the stern duty
still confronting him , Keith joined the
athers , giving them , in a whisper , a
hurried account of Hope's release
; rom the cabin , and of what she had
to report.
"It's old Juan Sanchez in the front
room , boys , " he added soberly , "and
ihere is ten thousand dollars reward
jut for him , dead or alive. "
Joe of the "Bar X" drew In his
3reath sharply.
"It'll sure be dead then , " he mut-
: ered , "that cuss will never be got
10 other way. "
They went at it in the grim silent
manner of the West , wasting little
. One by one
; ime , feeling no mercy.
.he unconscious sleepers w.ere aroused.
2ach waking to find a steel barrel
pressing against his forehead , and
hear a stern voice say ominous
"Not a move , Johnny ; yes , that's
gun ; now get up quietly , and step c
here. " Resistance was useless , a
the five , rendered weaponless , we
herded back toward the corral. Th
all belonged to Ilawley's outfit ; one
black-whiskered surly brute Brist
remembered having seen in Sheridr
There was no time to deal with the
then , and a "Bar X" man was plac
on guard , with orders to shoot at t
slightest suspicious movement.
The Indian , then , would be guard !
the front of the house , and Sancb
sleeping inside. Well , the form
could be left alone ; his chance of <
cape would be small enough with Fa
bain and Neb on the opposite bar
Old Sanchez was the villain th
wanted dead or alive. With this
view , and anxious to make a qui
job of it , the three entered the ba
room , and , revolvers in hand , grop
their way across to the connect !
door. As Hope had described , tl
had been securely fastened by a stc
wooden bar. Bristoe forced it frc
the sockets , not without some slig
noise , and Keith , crouching down
one side , lifted the latch.
"Keep down low , boys , " he cc
tioned , "where he can't hit you. "
With one quick push he flung t
door wide open , and a red flash lit t
room. There were two sharp repor
the bullets crashing into the wall L
hind them , the sudden blaze of flar
revealing the front door open , ai
with it the black outline of a mar
figure. Two of the men fired in i
stant response , leaping recklessly ic
ward , but were as quickly leit behii
in the darkness , the outer do
slammed in their faces. Outsit
there was a snarl of rage , anoth <
shot , a fierce curse In Spanish ; tin
Keith flung the door wide open , ar
leaped down the step. As he did :
he did so he struck a body and it
torward , his revolver knocked frc
his hand. Rising to his knees , tl
dim light of the stars revealed a ma
already half across the stream. Su
denly two sparks of fire leaped iort
from the blackness of the opposii
bank ; the man flung up his hand , sta
gered , then went stumbling up tl :
stream , knee deep in water. He mad
i dozen yards , reeling as thotig
Jrunk , and fell forward , face dow
icross a spit of sand. Keith stare
Diit at the black , motionless shapi
'elt along the ground for his lost gin
xnd arose to his feet. Bristoe lia
Lurned over the dead body at Ui
'oot of the steps , and was peerin
iown into the upturned face.
An Anti-Suicide Fence.
One of the strangest fences on rei
ard is that which the common counc
Df Yonkers , N. Y. , has just ordere
built. It will be a fence to keep su
: ides away
Several times in rec-n * years de :
londent persons have shuffled off th
uortal coil by leaping into the Foi
Tield reservoir , one of the reservoir
supplying Yt .kers with water. Some
: imes the bodies ha.-e been recovere
juickly. but on a few occasions th
: orpses were In the water for a da
) r so The loss of water in drainin ;
.he reservoir is a big item and Is es
; ecially to be guarded against sine
he city found it necessary to husbam
; very drop of. its supply. So th
: ouncil has appropriated $4,000 I
mild a wire netting fence around th
eservoir. W-ien it is completed an ;
me on suicide bent will find a barrie
line feet high between him and uter
When Is an Old Maid ?
"Some day the marriageable age fo
- . omen will be advanced from 20 t <
10 ; and the old maH line will b <
: hanged from 30 to 40 When tha
line comes there will be surprising
ew divorces. The husband of when
ve dream at 20 is not at all the lypt
if man who attracts us at 30 Th <
nan I married at 20 vas a brilliant
norbld , handsome , abnormal creature
rith magnificent eyes and x'ery while
eeth and no particular appetite a' '
aeal time. The man whom I coulc
are for would be the normal , safe
nd substantial sort who would come
n at 6 o'clock , kiss me once , sniff the
ir twice , and say , 'Mm ! What's thai
mells so good , old girl ? I'm as bun
; ry as a bear. Trot I * out Where
re the kids ? ' " From "Dawt
) 'Hara , " by Edna nrber.
' Cold Comfort.
Douglas Jerrold's wit made It diffl
ult for him to be the "ministering an
el" that a man of less humor mighl
ave been to friends in trouble. The
riter. George Hoddle. went to Jer
? W one day to tell him of dlfflcul
es into which he had fallen. " 1
ant you to help me , " he said. "The
[ orning Gazette bas dismissed me. "
You don't say , my dear George ,
ley've had a gleam of intelligence at
ist. " 'Don't joke , " returned Hoddle.
[ really want your advice. I'm think
ig of going into the coal trade. '
Capital ! " said Jerrold "You've qot
le'sack to begin with ! " Youib 3
Common sense will do more to
cure backache than anything else.
'Twill tell you whether the kidneys
are sore , swollen and aching. It will
tell you in that case that there Is no
use trying to cure It with a plaster.
If the passages are scant or too
frequent , proof that there Is kidney
trouble Is complete. Then common
sense will tell you to use Doan's
Kidney Pills , the best recommended
special kidney remedy.
James C. Hnrdin , "Weatherford ,
Tex. , says : "My feet and limbs be
came numb and I had terrible pains
through my
back. Kid-
neysecretions Tells a
caused untold Story"
and 1 began
to think there
was no hope
for me.
Doan's :
Kidney Pills _ |
cured me and fi
the slightest
trouble since"
The Army of
Is Growing Smaller Every Day.
responsible they
not only give relief CARTER'S
nently cure Con ITTLE
stipation. A IVER
| u > ns use
them for
Biliousness ,
Indigestion , Sick Headache , Sallow Skin.
Genuine must bear Signature
Siosix City D
r QJ
"Hub of the Northwest , "
Soda Fountains and supplies. We sell them.
Chesterman Co. , Dept. F , Sioux City , la.
In all Its branches modern methods. Express
Daid one way on S3 orders. W. C. DAVENPORT
; 0. , Both Phones 2677.417
\KRON MILLING CO. , Sioux City , la.
Stack Covers , etc. TENTS TO RENT
J. E. Martin Co.,307 Jackson St. , SioaxCityIa.
Suits cleaned and pressed for d * " ! f\\
Sxpress paid one way. P J. UU
H96th&5l5W 7th , Sioux City , ia. in i
an help you. Store buildings , churches , school
.ousesandlargeresidenceserected every where.
1.11 Indications are that the price of flax seed will
ontlnno high , licnco a prolltabh * crop to put in this
car. "Wo oiler seed for bowing at S2.JXJ per bushel in
r otr
You Get Value Received When You Buy
The kind with the
Sold by all grocers , the bands are valuable
'rockery , China , Glassware , Lamps ,
/holesalers and Manufacturing Agents ,
/rite for catalog or salesman. SIOUX CITX
ROCKERY CO. , 309-311 NebSt. , SiouxCity.Ia.
Electric ] Light Plants
for farms and towns. * All kinds
of electric fixtures and supplies :
Electric Supply Co. , 525 5tb , Sicnx City , la.
ifore too late. Wifjs and Toupees to match-
id fit any head. DeLUTH GOLDEN TOILET CO. .
5 Grain Exchange Bid ? . , Sioux City. Iowa , or jronr
tiggist. Complete Treatment , postpaid il.CO.
For Sale By Your Lumberman
m a y
csh On ! Flowers Flarai Emblems
3TICE. Ordar by Mai ! , Telephone or V