Makes Hoeate Baking Easy With minimum trouble and cost bis cuit , cake and pastry are made fresh , clean and greatly superior to the readymade - made , dry. found-in-thci-shop variety , and danger cf alum food is avoided. BULLS FOR SALE KegK tered Hereford Bulls for sale at all times of the year. SUNNY SLOPE STOCK RAKCII Simeon - Nebraska W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise rnoxE 123 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nehr. F. M. Walcott Oliver M. Walcott Walcott & Walcott * Attorneys TrHCtltv iH'forr r. S. Lnnd Ullii-i1 and all Federal and State court- ? . Nebraska Valentine - - CA . Attorney-at-Law . Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby 's store , Main street entrance. Valentine Nebraska Dr. M. F. Meer , DENTIST Rooms over Red Front store „ Valentine - Nebr , Dr. D. W. Sumner DENTIST Hornby Building Phone No. 173. Valentine Lodge No. 70 , A. O , U. W. gleets 1st and 3rd Monday m each month at Fraternal Hall. All Bret hern are cordially invited to Le present j ALBERT P. WEKB , M.W. . JAMES (3. QUIGLEY , Recorder. Felch's Restaurant and Lunch Counter Come to my new location in the McDonald building. Home Cooking * * 5 ? Notice of Application for a License to Sell Liquor. Notice is hereby given that I have filed with- the Mnvor and City Council of the < ity < t Valentine , Nebraska , a petition , accompanied by a bond duly at tested , said petition praying that 1 be gi anted M licence 10 sell malt , gp5ii1nou ? Jind yinou ; ? jp RlpfK ij , lo ? "f , ivsi \ \ il , in said C'ity of Valentine , ( -lierr\ county , Nebraska , for the > ear ending May 1 , 1018 iuiK N. UKRSITKY. Notice of Application for a License to Sell Liquor. Notice is hereby given that I have filed with the tsior ! : ; and Dity Council of the City o ! Valentine , Nebraska , a petition , accompanied by a bond duly at tested , said petition praying that I be granted a license to sell mult. Rpiriluou and \inotm liquors in block 5 , lot 22. Firt Ward , in said City of Valentine. Cherr.\ county , Nebraska , for the year ending 3Ia.v 1 , 1913. \iyisT : J Pay up now atl Ou in advance. Bend in a few dollars and we-'ll credit you up rind send you a re ceipt. . Do this before May 1st to tire dollar rate in advance , For Sale Threshing outfit. One 20-horse power steam Case engine with tender , in first class shape. One J-16x60 Minneapolis separator with feeder and blower. Water tank , i drive belt and cver.\ thing com plete , IJrice for quick sale $900 leash. D. jMcL/Kon , 13 Valentine , Neb. i Notice of Application for a License to Sell Liquor. Notice is hereby given that we have filed with the Major and \ City Council of the City of 1 Valentine , Nebraska , a petition , I accompanied by a bond duly at tested , said petition praying that we be granted a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in block 5. lot 25 , First Ward , in said City of Valentine. Cherry county , Nebraska , for the year ending May 1. 1913. WILLIAM R. McGEER. FRANK P. CARROLL. Notice of Application for a License to Sell Liquor. Notice is hereby given that I have filed with the Mayor and | City Council of the City of [ Valentine , Nebraska , a petition , I accompanied by a bond duly attested - ; tested , said petition praying that II be granted a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in .block . 12 , lot 4 , Second Ward , in 'said ' City of Valentine , Cherry I county , Nebraska , for the year ending May 1 , J9H. ! AVALTiiKR F. A. MELTENDORFF. MONEY ! MONEY ! Do You Want a Bargain in Town Property ? I have three properties that are bargains and I am going to sell them at a bargain to someone who has a few hundred dollars laying idle. idle.I I want to build a good building for a printing oflice and will sell property cheap , to carry out my plans. Come and see me on an.y kind of a property deal. I want money and I'll give big value for it. I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nehr. St. Nicholas' Church. Services will be held in the Catholic church as follows : In iSenz'-l on Suniy , April 21 , Jn Y-ili j t ne on.Sundiix" . . /Vpnl ist Ma ; i < 3 ; i m 2nd 10 : i. m Benediction of ( he H lessee ! sac rament after Ma-s. Dedication of the new church on Wednesday , May S , by Very Rev. M F. Cassidy of O'Neill. Dedieation , services at Pji O a. rji. i femn ! iijtih mass at 1Q. Qedjca pion sermon by Jlcv. 11. Loeckcr of Atkinson. Everybody most cordially in vited. LPO. M. Blaere , Rector Button Trimming for dresses etc. , is fhe latest. Save your scraps of cloth and take .them to the lied Front where they can show yon IS styles including the new oblong shape made to or der. 48 The Only "Doily" Type Machine Made That has absolutely no operating mechanism attached to the sides or top of the machine. Equipped with specially design ed reversible wringer , which is operated by the same motor that < -pi rates tin- machine , and enables ihe. vashing and \ \ ringing to be done at the same time. The motor , together with all operating mechanism , is mounted on a metel frame underneath the body of the machine , out of the way of the operator. This metal fr.-xme is rigidly attached to the legs and injures perfect alignment of the gearing and reduces the amount of power required to oper ate the machine to a minimum. Only one Lever to Operate The machine and reversible wringer under positive control of the operator. The wringer may be operated at the same time or remain stationary while thd ma chine is washing the clothes. The only Dolly t > pe machine fitted with special 1-inch drain faucet at the bottom for drawing oil' the waste or making permanent con nection with the waste drain if de sired. 15 days' free trial to comince you of the merits of this machine. H. I. Weinzirnmer. 'EQPli Old Folks Should be Care = ful in Their Selection of Regulative Medi cine. We have a safe , dependable , and altogether ideal remedy that i par ticular adapted to the reqtiiienients of flged } eople and persons of weak constitutions \\lio suffer from con stipation or other bowel disorders. We are so certain that it will re lieve these complamrs and give ab solute satisfaction in every particu lar that we offer it with our per sonal guarantee that it shall cost the user no'hing if it fails to sub stantiate our claims. This remedy is called liexnll Orderlies. Rexall ( ) uerlies ! are eaten just like candy , are particularly prompt and agreeable in action , may be taken at any time , day or night ; do not cause dianhoea , nausea , grip ing , excessive looseness , or other midesirab'e ' effects. They a very mild but positive action upon the organs \\ith which they come in contact , apparently acting as a regulative tonic upon the relaxed muscular coat of the bowel , thus over-coming Weakness , and aiding to restore the bowels to more vigor ous and healthier activitj7. Three sizes , lOc , 2oc and oOc. 'Hold only at our store The Rexall Soie. : Chapman , The Druggist. A Crippled Mind. Many strong minds , giant intel lects , are held down and starved out by crippled digestive po < ver , dyspep-ia and the poison absorbed as a res ilt of chronic constipation If you.r stomach lack ? digestive power the natural and simplest thing to do is to put into it the agent it lacks Above "all things a "oid strong drug that naralize and irritate the stomach and bow els. A sound , healthy stomach contains the < --ime digestive agents Spruce Pepsin rnlil'-ts emiti-in. Spruce P i- n tibN ! ? ! ! di gest ierm nting , decaying food that lays like a lump in your stpmach. We have proved this of I not 'ar > - t" p "ve it. t { > ( v ' _ \ iifi. rer fro -tOMiaeh tronbhVo \vill sen 1 . \ou a trial l > f > x FREK. Spruee Tablet ( > o. , FI"n n T/ike. Minn. 50e. sizes can be had of G A. Chapman , Druggist , Valentine , Nebraska. N O T ! C E ! i * i ? r * ° ft c 10 Reward ! Strayed from Antelope Creek Church , about three weeks ago , oie bay brown horse , with big white star in forehead , branded EL | n light shoulder , weight gbout U50 , has shoes on both front feet ; one black horse , Koman nose , has bridle marks on corner of moJir- , branded quarter circle II on right thigh , weight about 1100. Both are gentle horses. liEV. B. P. LASIiUUlT , 15 1 Itosqbudi 8 , D , I Old Crow , All Leading Hermitage 13 rands " i ff z jft & sn I and m : $ ! . , * : ' -Sfsf1 5 Bottled Kn. . sd i Guchen- Under the heimer Supervision Kye of the Whiskeys. U. S. Gfov. pi so handle the Budweiser Beer. j HENRY STETTER , Propr LffflESE-MEN-HAVE lWORKED-FOfrTHE ' - - tfWHEN'iT-isiN-A Copniirht l tP , by C E Zimmonia Co.--No. 33N IN" order to farnisli proper banking protection , President Lincoln and his first congress established the National Bank which operates under government supervision. From time to time addi tional laws have been passed under tile-different presidents shown above strengthening the protec tion a National Bank af fords. Thus the confidence and security that comes with the possession of money in the bank is greatly en hanced when it is in a Na tional Bank , for here it has safe-guard every pos sible for human ingenuity to devise. In selecting a bank in whicl to deposit your savings or surplus funds the one tliinp to be considered is safely and we ask for your busi ness only on the basis of ab solute safety. Call at embank bank and let us explain t- you how safe your monej is here. First National Bank * Valentine , Nebraska Relieve Your Stomach We Will Help You Do It. Read Our Guarantee. Dyspepsia may be complete\ ] eiMdicaled if properly treated. Y * < -nil a remedy I hate positiu-1 guarantee \\ill completely relicvi indigps'ion or dyspepsia , or the medicii e used during the trial vi1' cost the user nothing. Tins remedy has been uaimo Rt-xali Dyspepsia T-tbiets Oitnin ly no offer cnul'i be more fair , ; md our offer should be p > oof posit\e : that liexall Dy.-pepsia Tablets aie a dependable reraecly. Inasmuch as the medicine will GDSt you nothing if it does IK t baneiit you. we urge you who are suffering with indigestion or dy-- pepsia to try llexall Dyspepsia Tablets. A 25-ceut box cent ! ins enough medicine for jjfieen da : > t > ' treatment. For chronic cases wo have two larger siges50 cents and $1.00. Eomembor , you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at ourstoie The Rexall Store. Chapman , 'J lie Druggist. Buttons made to order , ' to match .your gown. Ib st.vles , all sizes , at the Red Front. IS THE TIME TO BUY A Spread tlio Manure between now and the first of.June and .you will sec its value in bigger crops next fall. The SUCCESS SPRICADER makes manure cover three times as muchjand as hand spreading , therefore , makes the Manure three times as valuable. IT MAKK-3 I'OOIl LAXD RICMIKR AND 11ICEI LAND UICI1ER IT SAVES HALF YOrit TIME AXD LAJUH : , VKT IT IS A LABOIIKU TIT AT WO J IKSVlTIK < rT 1'AV CAN YOU AFFORD TO WITHOUT ONE ? ROLLER BEARINGS ! MO FRICTION NO WEAR MO BREAKAGE NO HORSE KILLING DRAFT All overcome by the latest and greatest improvement , ROLLER BEARINGS in every wheel , cylinder and important part. It is the seven sets of Roller Hearings that makes the Success pull a horse lighter than any other spreader Call and see the Success Spreader and talk over a Spreader deal with us A. E. Morris..Y. . AY. Morrissey. Dr.V. ( ) . Xoyes GO TC & ' ! The piacs for men who want the best The place where good fellowship exists and men of fine judgment gather , We command ' * ' x > * ness by deserving it. - * Watcher F. A Meliendorff . , , Prop. fill yy ftl ( " 3 i B G m n t3 9 , $21 oo NTH - - Ttafs S50. ° ° a Week , almost S10. ° ° a Day Victor Safes ami fire-proof boxes to iMfichuiits , doctor ? , lawyer ? , denti-U and woli to-do farmersall of vi horn reali/etheneed of usaf" , but 'Jo not lnow liovofi-yitiatoo\\n ono. S.ilesincii declare our proposition one of the best , cK-an-cus jaonymakir.p opportuni ties over recvi\ > il.ilhout pniou experi ence YOU can duplicate tlic SUCITSofo'hers. . Our hand < -omely illu-tratfd StO-j.ime catalog -.rill en.ible you to present the subject to cus tomers in as intcre iing a Hinnneras though you .vere pllotlnp them through our factory. Mm appointed as tu'c men receive advice and instruvrtions for eelhng gales , pi\ing convincin" talking points which it imnoc-iblo for a prospective customer to deny. Why don't YOU be tue lirst to apply from your -vicinity before toiueone else gets the territory ? AVe can favor only one salesman out of each locality. The2T > th anniversary of our compuv was celebrated by erecting the most modern sale factory in the \vorld. Wlde- avvcke men ivho received our special selling inducement , xendf red it necessary todouble our output. e are spending many thousands of dollars en- largi'npour sal * s organization , but to leurn all particulars. It will cost you only the price o & postal card. Ask for Catalogue 16T. TRE VICTOR SAFE & LOCK GO , O * ' New Homo , Capably QOCO Sates Annually. CINCINNATI , OHIO U. S. Weather Bureau Report WEliK ENDING AI'H. 11,101- . - o3 = . Daily uu-an temperature Normal temperature 11 = . His lit -t t < in p . rat nit. 0. ri"Ht'--l temperature -O3. Ranee ol temperature v , z Precipitation for \ \ z 0. ot an inch. A\cr.ige tor 5 years of an inch. JOH : > J. MCLEAN Obserx'er. If ia need of wind mills orva - 'p tanks call on Breuklander None better made. i2-tf REX DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Relieves gas in stomach , distres. after eating , .ston ach nervousness dizdacss , headache , heartburn , heart palpitation and other ail ments caused by faulty digestion. Price 25c. Prepared by United Drug Company , Boston , Mass. Sold in Valentino only by G. A Ch ipman. The liexall Storo.