ir VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor Fvlark Zarr , Foreman A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs day at Viilcat'.nc , Nebraska. Subscription - $ l.f > 0 Per Year Local Notices , ocper line per issue Knleied ; il , the I'ostoili' ' ! ' : : t \ alenline , Neb. , Tor transmission through .the mails. su > second class matter. Thursday , April 18 , 1012. FOR DELEGATES AT LARGE ! Four delegates at large are to be elected to the democratic national - tional convention. Seven names will appear on the ballot as candi dates for delegates at la : gp , nime- : ] y : W. J. Bryan , 1. J. Dunn , George L. Loomis , \V. II. West- over , Gilbert M. Hitchcock , Fred Volpp and Tom W. Smith. The first named four are on the slate prepared by Tom Allen , while Gilbert M. Hitchcock , Fred Volpp and Tom W. Smith are forced to paddle their own canoe. It has been suggested that opposed lethe the Tom Allen slate vote for Hitchcock , Volpp and Smith and select as a fourth man one of the other four candidates for delegates at large. This cannot be done be cause it is impossible to get all of our people together on a fourth man , and if we scatter our votes to the four other men it will in jure and endanger the success of our three candidates. 1 therefore urge that you see all our workers aiid friends and have them vote for three men only , namely : FEED VOLP. GILBERT M. HITCHCOCK. TOM \V. SMITH. In that way we are sure to elect our thiec men and at best only one man on the Tom Allen slate can win. C. M GRUENTIIKR. inonlhs."I. should he one \\lio can win if nom inated.Ve think Juclson Harmon is the man. If you thiuk so too , you should olc for Lim , and for Hitch cock , Volpp and Smith for delegates at large. They , will also be just as favorable or friendly to Champ Claik if lie appears to le the stron ger , or most favoied candidate. " " W. S. Jackson and wife are home from Bosebeig , Ore. , where they ihe winter. All the conniy news in THE DEMOCRAT for 81-00 if you pay in advance before May 1st. Koll a dollar this way and we'll place ; your name on our books. FOR WOMEN Here's a woman's stock ing of quality and wear. You are proud of once they grace your feet. The way they fit and the way they wear is a revelation. Thair dye is one of their superla tive features. The brightest , truest , surest , most lasting black and the richest shade of tan known to hosiery making. Dyed with Wun- derdyc fast to the last. Made for all ages and sizes , for women and misses. Four pairs to the boc $1.00 , or a de-luxe grade , " "three pairs to the box $1.00. The guarantee insures the toe , heel and sole against need ufi'-ailing for four inonlhs. -"I. ' 7lTrtVTTn ! / > / * " A I C ? mT' ! INE LOCALS Remnant sale at the Red Front , Miss Edna Brown and Mis. Will Haley have the mumps. Wanted to' buy 1000 bushels of potatoes. John Ormesher , Val- i entine , Nebr. 10 Judge Walcott informs us that the Borah homestead act applies t" > the one section law in Nebraska and to existing entries. Frank Cole , who has a home stead souHi of town , returned last week from Omaha where he has ! been working the past winter. There will be services in St. John's church on Sunday next both morning and evening. Choir rehearsal Saturday evening at 1. * Mrs. Charles Gassan returned from Omaha last Friday night , where she has been visiting with her sister , Mrs. Mena. She re ports a pleasant visit. Fred Vincent and wife stopped over in town Monday , to get their son who has been visiting Grand pa and Grandma Carlson a few weeks , departing the same day for their new home in Salem , Oregon. Man Ilatten came down from Kilgore the first of the week after a load of farm machinery * Quite a distance to haul it , but Man says the kind he wanted was handled at Valentine. Shows our dealeis have up to-date standard goods. Barney Denaeyer and family have returned from Missouri , hav ing leased their farm there , and think Cherry county good enough for them. Barney was in town Tuesday aLd says he expects to buy or lease a farm here. About twenty Royal Neighbors w ent down to Crookston Wednes day of last week to the home tal ent play given by the local camp. Those going from here were met by Mis. Vanden and taken to her home \\heie she served them a three-course dinner. The Royal Neighbors of Sugar Loaf camp think Mrs. Vanden a royal hostess. Lou Brownell Dead. After a lingering illness of sclerosis of the arteries LouBrow- nell died last Saturday afternoon at his home in Valentine at the age of about 60 years. At his request Dr. Caldwell came here to conduct the funeral , which was held at the M. E. church Monday afternoon and the taken his brother-in- body was by - - law , Mr. Golf , and son , to Denver where he was to be cremated , as the request of the deceased. He wanted simple services only , with out music or song , and thus car ried out his plan of life to make little ado about himself. Everybody liked Lou. He came here about 27 years ago and was a faithful clerk in the U. S. land office and one in whom men placed their confidence. He lived the simple life and made his home at the Donoher hotel for many yea s where he was always a f imiliar % urp and also upon our s reels. Valt-ntine people will miss him mos % for here we have learned to levere the quiet unostentatious man who was ev eryone' friend. Though he enteifd into discussions of ques tions bis opinions were respected and people never quarreled with him. About three years ago he bought a home and his sister , Mrs. Woos- tf ' , since that time made her home with him and kept the house where in his declining years she was a com fort to him. He saved up several thousand do'larshich ' was loapefl op ipter > - e-r or invested in land. His early home was at Dowag- ia ° . Mich. W. E ITal y. V/ill Morrissey , E. Olson , G. E. Tracewell , W. T. Kincaid and-J. C. Scott were the pall bearers. The beautiful floral tribute placed upon his casket is emblem atic of his life as. people knew him. j ! } Ashton C. Shallenberger , Democratic Candidate for U. S. Senator , Primaries April 19. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Quigley en- foitained about twenty-four young j | people at their home Friday eve ning. The engagement of Miss Margaret Quigley to James G. Phelps of Belmont , Neb. , and Miss Gertrude Quigley to Jerald Coxe of Chicago was formally an nounced. Dainty refreshments were served. Notice of Hearing on Pro bate Without Ad ministration. Grace Hetherington having filed in my of lice a duly verified petit- tion alleging that Bert W , lleth- erington died intestate , possessed of an equity in real estate in Cher ry county , Nebraska , and that siid real estate was wholly exempt from execution , attachment or other mense process and not liable for the debts of the deceased and praying for the probate of the said estate without administration : Therefore all persons interested in said matter will take notice that a hoaiing will be had upon said petition at my rflice in Valentine , Cherry county , Nebraska , on Fri day , May 3 , 1JJ2. at 1 o'clock p. m. , at which time all persons in terested in said estate may appear and show cause , if any there be , why said estate should not be probated withrut administration , and tha . notice thereof be given by publication of same in the Val entine Democrat/or a period of three successive weeks. James C , Quigley , 153 County Judge. Walcott < fc Walcott , attorneys. fF W uy a Gasolke Engine J t3 O engines ma } look equally gjood , nny even \vork equally vvoli for a time. In the end one proves satisfactoiy , the other becomes a nuisance. Y "hy ? The satisfactory engine is one that is carefully built , and thoroughly tested. Thoiou testing takes time and costs nione3r. It means careful adjustment under trying conditior.s. It is an expensive process , but a necessary one if the iiniFlie4 uj\Le i to be dependable , I H C Gasoline Engines Arr- lioroniil lestec 1 ! No engine leaves the factor " until it has proved itself thor- pughly dependable. That is reason enough for buying : an J H C engine. It is a good buy beeaustt it is dependable it is dependable becuus it is thor oughly tesUd li you want en ? gine satisfaction for years to come go to the local dealer and buy an I II C gasoline engine. It is the safe way and by far the cheapest in the long run. i - : - Company of America , Chicago V t > I H C Service Burcc.u Th ° purpose of tins IJurca' ! is lo furnish , rreu of cluiue to all , tl.u best information L ' . " ' " 'ibie fa holler f.u.iniii : . If vou lu've \ . co'ict-nii , crops. ; tnyworiiiy\i.o | t ions UK ? pils land dralnaye. ; t > K"M ; ; - fertilizer , etc. . jnakcxo'ir iiuiniries bi.t-t.Mhi > MO. . ; = "iiU jo I H C Serv ICG Bureau. Han Citci"liu . USA To the Voters of Cherry Co. Nebraska : I wish to announce that I will , be a candidate for nomination for ! the office of county assessor , sub ject to the democratic primaries to be held in April , 1912. 8 7 MARTIN HAXSEX. To the People of Cherry Co. Nebraska : I hereby announce mypelf as a candidate for the nomination of' representative from the represen tative district Xo. 7'2 , pn the re publican ticket ar , the primary election to bp hold on the 10th day of April , 1912. ALFRED E. MORRIS. I hereby announce myself a can didate for county assessor on the democratic ticket , subject to the decision of the votr-is at the pri maries , April 19 , 1912. Very respectfully , W. E IlALKY. I hereby announce thai 1 am a candidate for county assessor , sub ject to the democratic primaries on April 19 , 1912. Respectfully , JOHN SHKLBOURN , JR. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for tie nomination for representative of the 72nd repre sentative district on the dornocratjc tic ticket at the primary election to beheld April 19 , 1912. W.1. ] . HARXAX. I hereby announce myself a can didate for county aspeFsor on the republican ticket , subject to the decision of the votr-rs at the pri maries , April 19 , 1912. E ORMICSIIKR. JOHfM H , MOREHEAD , FOR GOVERNOR Democratic and Peoples' Inde pendent Candidate at the Pri maries April 10 , 1912. ; .KM Democra ic Carrf ( iA1 * to * STATE TREASURER Primary April 19 , JJ2 FLOYD SEYEOLT wi3 Loin and lived for fifteen yeais ujjon a farm. iSlS90 Attended I'niversity of Xhr. . l.silO-lsti , < Mi rk lt ? ' > t. Bank. I inc ln. 1S92-JS : > 9 A'Cash. I'rlun S\ins Rank. lOOl-lSO. AYitJi I/'a'Tiln S.ifc D t > . C < > . ' ! ' 2-lft ! ' " f'.iS'i. Ii.ijk uf Me.npiir' . Xbr. . l piitCtj ! y.1. } } ! . If. Fz il. H.iiirv. i-tJl'orc ) . i' 0"-3i3' ' > ! i Cash. F- & ifB.i'ik. . I-l\s < .s. , iyOfHHU t'ahh I- & SI. iiark Vv"alt n i ; iiil < t ij.ji ) . . fit.TV. , j 1910-1911 Vii-p rrrs'd nt aid i'asf i..r of ( CitiKer.s Ra'ik of Geneva. t "U'as nppointod B ink Examiner in 19nO and ciualihed , but pn-venttd fiom serving by the Federal injunction against th-- GiMrnnty Law. Trronty-on1 years of progressive and p-iocessful bankiiii ; peculiarly well fittfd Mr. Sc\bolt for Mi's ino&t Important fininei il ofiice of the state mat 6sjt.'t Ti'-.isurer. He'aek * soui tipr-ort ! at the Primary , Friday , April 19 j Don't be suprised if you hae an at tack of rheumatism thh spring. Just i rub the affected purts f reelvith ChainI berLdn's Liniuieut Hint it vtill soon clisj j ' appear. Sold ty ail Turn Over Don't Overlook a New Le'af fl that subrroon. If > are in arrears re that we cr.n I--.a s find good use for By subscribing the MONEY for THIS PAPER ' Highest each nrice paid for Call for .Estimates Anything you have to sell. Phones 1ST and 169 i ' Valentine Furniture Exchange We buy and sell New and Second Hand Furniture , Carpets and Stoves. Valentine , box 348 Nebraska KNOW ALL MEN 1V ! THESK The persons wnos names to these articles subscribed , and Midi prisons as m < ty hereafter join and amliaic with . signing these artie'es and the r siiccwvrF. adopt the follow ing an icles for the government of the associa tion heiebj formed : ARTICLE I. The name of this- association shall 1'e the Wom an's Improvement Club , of \ alentine. Nebiaska. AU'lICLE II. The objpcr of tins Association shall lie to im- I.FOVP and beam if \ all public j roj-eity within the city li.iiiis ot the CiJy ol \ alent'iiic , Ne braska. including the parks and cemetery , ad jacent to said eit.v.and the betterment ot ma terial and moral conditions generally. ARTICLE III. Any woman may become a member of th's Association i y signing the constitution and pajmg the uit.ubur.slup fee of ten cents. ARTICLE IV. i the Association ' hall be cov- erned by a ii aid of nine (9 ( > trustees , and the t lect Jrom among their own nuni- btr I he tolimxitig odlccrs : President , vice- president , a . t sccretaiy-tieaMirer. Tne sec- ietaij-t easi : er shall also be the clerk of tr.i > association. T' ' < duties ol the president , vue p csidcnc seiretarj-tivisiirer aim clerk sh'i i : > those nsmljy devolving on such ollicers .n.d Mich rtliu- duties as may belied li\ed by il e i > -l.i\vs that mav hen-alter be adopted by i1 ess 'nation. There shall be an aui'iru ek-iiiuu Iie.d lor th - election ot the botud of trii > ics on thulirst Thursday in May in each \en. . g'li'iing vvi h the > ear 1' 12. At HIP t leetioii , . . i | on the first Tiiursdoj in May , l ! > 12. there siH I e elected three trustees to serve tor at . < t three jears , , Ihree tinstees to serve tor a l > -n ot two years ; three trusiees to seivelorat rni ui one jear ; < i ni at each un- muvl election held alter 'tin- \ ar 1912 there shall Lie elected tin ee trustee * tor u lerm ot time > uirs et h. bhou'd ' ny vacancies occur the trustees to have th- power 1 1 U.I the same until the next annual election. ARTICLE V. Th sc ar'ieles may be amended at any regular meetiiu' ol this association l v a t\u > thuds vote ol the Hvmbers present , provide.l notice ot the intt nded change b-j given at three pievious con secutive meetings. ARTICLE VI. The trustees herein prou.lvd for and their successors in olhce , shail haw pe petual suc- ceasiou by tl e name : The AUIIUII'S Improve- mei.tClm1 , ot Valentine. > e' r i-Ka , an i by such name tie leg.i'lj c < si < tt le ol ctmfr-i "ir.g an i -becuting and deien-iing suits , ami sliall h ve capacity m ai qu re. hct-l. eni > y , morigig * . dis pose or , .IM ci-nve > : .il ptoptMty ival ai/d pei- sonahich ) Uiemaj admire by piircluiie , donation 01 ot.ien\ - 1 r the purpos.of c.irrj- ing out the intentions ol this Association. ARTICLE VII. A majority of the board of trustees herein provided Jor shafl constitute u quorum lor the tr.uijact'on of business. AJJl'ICLE VIII. It Is understood th it anpDperty belonging to the \\omai ' - . Impnnemeni I'lub of Valentine ih .li be op-rated in the m icst.s of the entire communuv.ithou' prolit to , m\ person lirm or corpoiaiion. but that .ill net reteipts ihall Le paid into the trcnbiir > ol said clutt fur disburse- me t by it m some p'ublic hup inmeut. . ARTICLE IX. In case said Woman's Improvement Club shall , lor any leason deci-le to surrtmler its piopeity said propeitj shall become ihe pro ] ) . em ol the City ot \ a' , to oe managed by said municifal aiitho'ilies and di pid ot only ; it a ngular ekction ol sa.d niiimeipajitj. oj a iinjontj vnteot ail votes VA < I at that e'ec ton , lie'it luither understood that the money deed i . \ed Irom such sale shah he used for improving the ton n. ARTICLE \ . - It shall tif i'Jegal to make an assessment upon the numbers ot this association. IMaigaret luncaid. President W. I.e. Adele Honi : : , \ ice Piesiacnt. W. > RhoIson. Sicietary. Mis. bcitinit IVitjciew. Emma 7. Ki chtr. Sarah 1 > Lamorec u\ . 31 uu.i . j arKs. Alice H u\ey. Etni'y iiishop. Ehitii i R. Hornby. .Jennie t' . \\elli. " Maruu rite Ul , erc. Amel-a .M McLean. C. M. Uonolifr. Ann , i Alel.eod. Ht-itha | v. 1 . Cornell. YVien I ) . ( . - ( i ptoa Uora \ > . Ruv. 121 Lottie Cntm.jr VOTE FOR OF e ; Cherry State Senator At the RepoMlaao Primaries April 19 , 1932 Has lived 15 years in the dis- tnct and has been closely identi fied with the growth atid develop ment of North western Nebraska.i i - If he is ejected lo th2 senate our district y/ill have a man who can e take iront rank in th $ senate an , < | 'o ' p ; our interests will be carefully ; guarded. j / He has never before been a candidate - " t didate for ofiice. Let us have h j , new blood in the state house. - r ra For rheumatism you -Tvili find nothing better thau Cliambe-1ain's Liniment , i Try it and see lio\r quickly it gives re- iiof For Bfil © by all dealers ; . * Notice to Creditors State of Nebraska. t'ountot C'ht-rrv ' In , n * ountv ( V.iirt uiihin an I for Cherry county , Nebr.iiku , In the matter of tlie estate of August J. Helzer ilcrcii'-ed. To the creditors of sjihi estate : You ar litnbjnotilud. . That I will sit at tliR Countj C'oirt Hdom In Valentine in said county. on theOth dity of Apr I , 1912 , J to receive awl evun'tiio all elainis against said estate , uith < i MI\V to their adjiJ8tmt nt and allowance The tin'e limited for the presenta tion of claims aganist said estite Is on tke said I'Oth ( lav of April. A I ) . 1912 , and , the time limited for p.i\int'nt ot debts is one year from said * > th < laof April. 1012. Witness my hanrt : inM the seal of aid SEAL County. ; onrt this 25th d-iy of warch , Y 191L' . JAMliS C. QUIin.EY , 12 4 County Judge , Notice to Creditors. TFIK STATK OK NIT.UASKA f In the County ClIKUKY COUM'V. ) 8S Court. In the inatiT of the estate of Alanson 1'ali'ier , deceased : To the ( "minors of said Estnte : You are heieby notilied. That 1 will sit at the Coi nty Conit Koom in \ alentine in said county on the nth day ot May , 19W , to receive sum exaiiiine all claims against said estate with a vn-vv to their adjnstni nt'and allowance. The tune- limited for the presenta tion ot 1-l.iims against said state is six months from the llih > iay of N'ov. A. I ) . liMI. and the tune limited for payment of debts is one year from .said illhdavot .Mav . 11)11 ) , Witness iii > li.ind and seal of sad county court this 17th dav of April A. . I ) . 191 : : . SEAL J iME.S U. QUICLHY. . 1 4 County Judge. Notice of Probate of Will In the county court ot Chtrrv county , Nc- ' \ STATE OF NEBRASKA ! . COUNTY OF CHKKKY.s > > > . To all persons intereste 1 in the estate of O-eelia \ \ llo dece.iseil : On readn g ihe petition ot Herman ( { . \\YN- llog pravmg that the instrument tiled in this court on the "ith day ot April. 1911. , and purporting to be the last will and testa ment ol thsaid det ease.l. mav be proved arid allowed , ami rr orded as the last will and testament ot said deceased : that .said instrument be admitted to probate , and the administration ot said estate be granted to ( iioru"VisiU > s ; . as administrator. It is hereby ordered that all persons inter ested in saul matter , mav. and do. appear at the county court to be held in and to.r said county , ba the Ith day ot May A. I ) . . 1HIJ. : at 10 o i lock. a. m. . to show cause , if anv there be. vv hy the prayer ot the petitioner should not be granted , and that notice ol the pendency ot said petition and that the hear ing thereof be given to ail persons interested in said matter \ > y publishing a copy of this order in tne Vakiitine Democr it "a weekly newspaper printed in 'aid county , for three successiv e weeks prior to said davof lR-aring. Witness mv hand ami seal of .said court [ .Seal ] this lah day of April A. U. . 1'Jli. JAMKS t. ' . , 15-3 County Judge. Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the county court ol Cherry county , Ne braska. State ot Nebraska ' Cherry < 'our.iv- To the heiix an-1 all persons interested in the estate ot Paul H. Danofskydeceased : On reading the petition ot E.len O. Unnofcky praying a linal settlement and allowance of her account tiled in this Court on the i" th day ot March , lylri and lor a decree 'of distribution tribution- It is hereby ordered that you and all per sons interested in said matter mav. and do. appear at the countv court to be held in and for said i ounty. on the seth dav of April A. D . lt l-2. at l"l o'clock a. m. . to s'how cause , i if anv there be whv the prayer of the pe iI titioner should not be granted" and that not /I ice ot the penuency ot said petition and the hearing thereof -"given to all persons inter- ested in said matter hy publishing a cqnv qf this order in The Valentine Denjqcrui. ji weekly newspaper printed in s.aiit county for four successive \\eeksnrjorto iaid : ! vg hearing. JAMES C. Qnqr < KV. * [ SEAI.J li } County Judge. Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. Intlin County Court or Cherry county , Nvbi'jisk STATK OF NKHItA.SKA./ Chi'iTy County. ) To the heirs and all por-oiis interested In tin * estate of Anna .laiialc. tlreeasril : On reading tin- petition of Frank .Iiinuk pi-jiyingit llnal s < > tt ( Miu > nt : : ntl allowance of his account file l in this court on the 20th dav of March I'.tii' an-i , , for a decree of Until account. It is hereby ordered that you and all pcr : , tice of tlu- p'-n.-l'-ncy ot said -fiion inn ) tfip { S'.tirinji thereof be iveii to all n r'-piiii his tiM'jMi'd inid III > IU T l y pufli ) .qlni'a cjpy ot this onU < r in Tfiu Vjilt-iiTinj ) Doinoeii'it. f > \vt-ekly newspaper printed in snld county , for lour suecessi\e weeks prior to said day of iiear-iig. JAMKS C.tinoi.KY , [ SKAI.J 12 t County Judge. : C. A. Kniiv. Attorney. to Creditors. THE STATK OF XKI.KAMCA , _ In the County CnKiivCoLTMf f 3a Court , In the matter of the e-ta e of Thomas Ko he di-ce.iSed : ' rl > 1 To < he creditq s ot srt i est .t- : Vou ate Ler. L-J not -lie i Tnal I v/ill iit at the Cun j Co. rt Urn ir. \ alpitine in ianl county on ( he 2th daol April , 192ut ! 1(1 ( o'clock p. m. , ior - ( , . ( eirtimne st'l eijums aiiajnst - ; Ul esta evifn a vip.v to tl ir adjustment anp ; ailo ; ; n Ihe Mine limitul tor the presents tion of claims aguin t said estate is six inontnu fiom the 2uh ! day ol -tolier A. I ) 1911 and the time limited J ir pij meet of debts is one > ear fr'in said jJth Ortvof ct ber. 1911. Witness m\ hand and the seal of the coun ty court thisV th dav of March H 12. ISEAI.I " JVMK > C. QUHJLKV. _ 12 I _ County Judge. Notice of Hearing. I i To ; dl perecn- interested in ( .he e of . [ s- i i - > ' : ief-r , d * * fa-H'i , " Vou a nd each f \ on a-e h lreb > notifted tji pen on the lO.hdaytif j-d Ipl2V. . K Hje ! > tpcJ } ! 4 i titiun in tnti'otuitv ( omt ot I'll r y County , .M'bia-ka pr yig th t adii'inistration In the abou > t state Oe oispeiis d with ai i 'hat the I'P b..teCo-.r ma * e a 1-inal re-namlnp tle : h-irb it th-tr cj : IM. ; .n t tl ataid petition will e heaid in Hit ounij Court room in Vnlntiiie m said County ui rhe-4tidiy ! of May , 1912 , it the hour. > ! < > ' 1 ek a m. It is turll e..rd - " < -t that notice of suid 'irinii I e nivi'ii ml j ) < i > oiia int n sU' < t In bai'l estate itin - i > u ! > llritioii tjf .this notlc for tlir e rtir. ? * ? l\f wotk = in the VaJ nthso .V L'vmocrut. n ue' * p.jppr punted , published and * il in uicl count- . il Hated this I'Jtb m : ; . of pnl-M2. ! J.v.ntb C. tiriLtuy. ffE t1-lJ3 County By JI. p. Clarke , Attorney for peutloacfc Barn for sale , 18x2S ft , hay loft. For particulars sep Father J31aere. r