Arbor Day Proclamation.
Governor Aldrich has issued a proc
lamation calling attention to the fact
that Arbor day is a legal holiday in
Nebraska and that the day should be
fittingly observed. April 22 is the day
designated by statute as Arbor day
and Nebraska was the first state in
the union to pass an act declaring it
a legal holiday. The governor's proc
lamation is as follows :
"The return of spring reminds us
that a holiday of special interest to
Nebraska is approaching and citizens
of the state should see to it that the
day should be fittingly observed.
"April 22 has been Designated by
law as Arbor day and the fact that its
founder was a distinguished citizen
of this state gives the occasion added
"Therefore , I , Chester H. Aldrich
governor of the state of Nebraska , in
accordance with the usual custom and
pursuant to the statute in such case
. made and provided , do hereby pro
claim that April 22 be observed
throughout the state as Arbor day
and I suggest that it should be made
an occasion of special observance in
all schools and that the people of the
state generally engage in the planting
of trees , shrubs and vines and such
other undertakings as shall be fitting
with the general character of the oc
casion. "
Practical Fire Dempnstration.
State Fire Warden Charles Randall
gave a demonstration in his office in
the state house of how to carry an
exploded oil lamp out of a room with
out harm to the person or without
setting fire to articles in the room. He
lighted a rolled up newspaper and
when the blaze was at its height took
hold of the paper and backed out of
the door. The flame receded from
him instead of striking him in the
breast and setting fire to his clothing ,
which it would have done if he had
rushed out of the room with the blaze
in front of him. "The only time you
want to back up is when the lamp
explodes. " he said , "and the lamp
won't get hot and burn your hands.
The lamp gets so warm when the
other method is used that the holder
is obliged to drop it before reaching
the door and then the oil spreads
and the fire department must be
'called. "
Guardsmen on the Carpet.
Forty-two members of the Nebraska
national guard called at the office of
Adjutant General Phelps and explained
to Major Julius A. Penn , Twelfth
United States infantry , why they did
not appear at the annual inspection
which Major Penn conducted for the
war department during the winter
months. Most of them gave as an
excuse long residence in the country
and severe snow storms on the night
of inspection. They were given some
advice about absenteeism when they
had no good excuse. They were
called in because the attendance at
the government inspection did not
total eight hundred in the _ state , and
that number must be reached to en
title the state to a portion of its
$32,000 annual appropriation from the
government for the support of the na
tional guard. The necessary number
was reported.
To Bring Hesse Back.
Sheriff Roberts of Tecumseh has
obtained a requisition on the governor
of Florida for the return of E. E.
Hesse , charged with murdering his
wife and step-daughter , Wauneta , at
Tecumseh in 1910. Hesse is reported
to be at St. Petersburg , Fla. , across
the ba\ from Tampa. He is supposed
to be in custody.
State Fire Warden Charles A. Ran
dall proposes to enforce his ruling
that gasoline is not kept in a safe
manner unless it is stored at least
three feet underground. In a letter
to dealers he insists that all must live
up to this ruling , which he has made
under the law , or discontinue the sale
of gasoline.
A number of knives were collected
by prison officials Saturday morning.
These came from the men who went
'to the hospital for treatment and were
found in their clothing. All were
crude affairs , however.
Secretary Mellor of the state fair
board has received a signed contract
from Worth am & Allen's united
shows of Springfield , 111. , a company
that put on midway shows for the
Indiana and Illinois state fairs last
year. The company will do the same
for the Nebraska state fair this year.
As usual , the Nebraska fair board re
serves the right to censor any of the
shows on midway and prohibits gam
bling or games of chance on the
Major Antles Deputy Warden.
Major Howard H. Antles , formei'ly
of Pilger , an officer in the Nebraska
national guard , has been appointed
deputy warden of the stte peniten
tiary by Governor Aldrich. Major
Antles has been acting deputy ever
since the outbreak of three escaping
prisoners and the manner in which he
has performed his duties has received
the commendation of .Governor Aldrich
and Warden S. M. Melick. The new
deputy was not an applicant for the
Spring Musical Festival.
Douglas County. 'Lovers ' of high class
music will have a rare opportunity to
hear the best there is when the
Thomas orchestra of Chicago and the
Mendelssohn choir of Omaha give
their annual spring concerts in Oma
ha on April 22 and 23.
Three concert will be given , two on
the second day. The Mendelssohn
choir has been an practice for the
event for the past three years and 1GO
voices , under the direction of Thomas
Kelly , have been training faithfully.
The Thomas orchestra , which is un
der the direction of Frederick Stock ,
has sixty men , making a total of 220 ,
wliich will appear on the mammoth
Auditorium stage at one time.
Four eminent .soloists and one
violinist will add to the program. The
soloists are Miss Florence Hinkle ,
soprano ; Madame Nevada Vander
\reer , contralto ; Reed Miller , tenor ;
and Frederick Weld , basso. Hans
Letz. a violinist cf renown , will take
care of this part of the program.
A special rate has * been made for
out of town visitors , who may de
sire to attend the two concerts on
April 23. A concession has been
made , tickets being issued for the two
performances for § 2.
The combination of the choir and
orchestra affords an opportunity for
music lovers that they seldom enjoy.
Both being high class organizations ,
standing practically alone in their re-
'spective ' fields , an entertainment com
plete in every way is offered.
Alleged Murderer Under Arr.est.
Johnson County E. E. Hesse , want
ed in Tecumseh on the charge of
murdering his wife , and stepdaughter ,
Wauneta , is in the custody of Florida
officials , according to advices which
have been received. E. B. Quacken-
busli of Auburn and Sheriff Eugene
Roberts of Tecumseh are preparing to
secure requisition papers for the re
turn of the prisoner to Nebraska.
Hesse is charged with 'having ' murder
ed his wife and stepdaug'hter ' in July ,
1910. The bodies were found partial
ly decomposed in an old well on the
Hesse place , which had been ordered
to be partially filled up by Hesse.
Hesse , it is charged , killed the wo
men and then threw the bodies down
the well.
Issues First Bulletin.
Lancaster County. The first bulle
tin ever issued by the state board or
healUi made its appearance in Lin
coln. The book contains much statis
tical information and the plan of issuing - [
suing one of these pamphlets will be i
followed in the future with quarterly !
reports of a similar nature. The med
ical laws of the state are given a ,
prominent place in the publication
and much stress is laid on the powers |
of the board in licensing maternity
homes , etc.
Flood Damage In Douglas.
Douglas County. "Flood damage to
Douglas county bridges and highways i !
alone will easily aggregate $50,000 , " j
said County Surveyor McBride. Mr. i
'McBride is 'highway ' commissioner by
virtue of holding the office of surveyor
and has made an exhaustive inspec
tion of the havoc wrought by the high
Business Men for City Officers.
Polk County. One feature of the
city election at Stromsburg this year
was- that the wet and dry question
was not taken into consideration as
all the principal business men agreed
to drop that issue indefinitely and the
question of saloons are not mentioned
there any more.
Farmer Falls Under Disc.
Wyno County. An 18-year-old ' , n
of John Neary met with an accident
when the seat spring gave way while
he was riding a disc harrow , causing
him to fall beneath the cutters and in
flicting severe wounds.
Farmer Accidentally Poisoned.
Cuming County. Frank Barcal , a
farmer who lived in Gage valley , east
of West Point , is dead as the result
of accidental poisoning. He had been
sick for some time and got hold of a
bottle containing wood alcohol , which
he 'had mistaken for the medicine pre
scribed for him. He died in a few
May Ask Government Help.
Dodge Count } * . Dodge county has
probably sustained more damage
from destruction of roads and bridges
and farm lands washed by the recent
floods than any other county on the
Platte river. An effort may be made'
to get the federal government to take
a hand in trying to control the river.
For Commissioners' Work.
The state food commissioner and
his assistants during the month of
March made 638 inspections , thirty-
eight chemical analyses , issued
ninety-one orders to business houses
to clean up , conducted one prosecu
tion , filed sixteen complaints and col
lected $323.82 in fees which were re
mitted to the state treasurer.
Fall Wheat in Good Condition.
Cass County. Fall wheat in Casts
county at present is in splendid condi
tion and a bumper crop is now almost
assured. A smaller acreage than
usual of spring wheat and oats will be
sown on account of the wet condi
tions of the fields.
A Favored Locality.
Boone County. This part of the
world has been very fortunate during
the floods , suffering no loss worth
peaking of. The roads are the worst
n the memory of man.
In a report of the House Committee
( Washington ) appears the following :
"Canada offers a three-year home
stead upon good land , easily reclaimed
and cultivated , -with'six months' leave
of ahsence each year and most lenient
regulations. "
All of which Is true and It Is now
the part of the careful reader to con
sider the opportunities that exist in
Western Canada which , in addition to
the ahove , are attractive features
The evidence of these Is found In the
letters contributed by some of the
settlers. For instance : A former Min
nesotan , writing from Warner , South
era Alberta , speaks of that district ,
but what he says , applies generally to
all of Southern Alberta. He says :
"I have seen six crops , four of them
were first class , one of them a very
good crop , and the other a poor crop ,
Government statistics for the last fif
teen years show that this country has
averaged about fifteen or sixteen
inches of moisture. In 1910 there was
only seven inches , and in 1911 twenty
two inches. The 1909 crop was about
as good as I have seen in this coun
try and we had about twelve inches of
moisture , so that I am thoroughly con
vinced that with normal conditions
that is , from twelve to fifteen inches
of moisture , and with the natural in
crease of population and immigration
that Southern Alberta will be one of
the very best mixed farming districts
In the world. We have good soil , good
water , and a good climate , and alto
gether just as desirable a country to
live in as Dakota , Minnesota , Iowa , or
Wisconsin. "
Hundreds of letters are on file from
former American settlers , which give
good reasons why the Western Can
ada lands are being settled so rapidly.
Full particulars can be had of any Ca
nadian Government Agent , who will
furnish literature and give low rate
certificates. Excursions are being run
Probably Made a Hit.
A young woman who presides over
one of the kindergarten schools of
Cambridge appeared at her desk re
cently attired in a new close-fitting
skirt. With no thought other than
the conducting of her regular routine
work , the teacher went about her du
ties. She noticed , however , that one
of her charges was paying little at
tention to his work , but following her
with his eyes wherever she chanced to
go. Approaching the little fellow
with the intention of ascertaining the
trouble , she said : "Well , Tommy '
Before she could go any further the
youngster shook his boyish head and
said : "Say , teacher , " that's a classy
skirt you've got on ! " Boston Post.
Invading the Enemy's Country.
"In pursuance of a plan I have had
in mind for some time , " announced
Pastor Goodsole at the close of his
sermon , "I have rented a small room
in an apartment house in a fashion
able neighborhood and expect to open
a mission Sunday school there on the
first Sunday in May. I don't know ,
brethren , where the children who at
tend it are to come from if , indeed ,
any children attend it at all , but it will
be there all summer , and may be re
garded either as an opportunity or as
a reproach. We will now sing our
closing hymn. "
Fooling the Lord.
"Mother , " teased a little boy of five ,
"does God know everything that I'm
going to do before I do it ? "
"Yes , dear , everything , " she said.
"Well , does he know that I'm go
ing upstairs in a minute and put on
tny pajamas and say my prayers and
Set into bed ? "
"Yes , dear , he knows everything. "
"Well , tonight he's going to get
fooled , for I'm not going to say my
prayers. " St. Louis Republic.
When Your Eyes Neeci Care
Try ilurino Eye Remedy. No Smarting FeclE
Fine Acts Quickly. Try It for Red , \Veak ,
\7atery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus
trated Book in each Package. Murine i3
compounded by onr Oculists not a "Patent Mca-
Iclne" but used In successful Physicians' Prac
tice for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub
lic and sold by Drupglsts at 25c and COc perliottle.
Murine Kyo Salvo in Aseptic Tubes , 25o and 50c.
Murine Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago
The New Wife.
Hubby My dear , won't you sew on
a button for me before you go out ?
His New Wife The cook may pos
sibly do It for you. But please bear
In mind you married a typewriter , not
a sewing machine.
To keep artificial teeth and bridgework -
work antiseptically clean and free
from odors and disease germs , Paxtine
Antiseptic is unequaled. At drug
gists , 25c a , box or sent postpaid on re
ceipt of price by The Paxton Toilet
Co. , Boston , Mass.
Fact and Fancy.
"Great Scott , Maria , that's a daring
dress ! "
"It's a fancy costume. "
"Well , if I were you , I would stick
a little closer to fact. " Judge.
Use Allen's Foot Ease
The antiseptic powder to be shaken into
the shoes for tired , tender , smarting , ach
ing , swollen feet. It makes your feet feel
easy and makes' walking a Delight. Sold
everywhere , 25c. For tree trial package ,
address Allen S. Olnisted , Le Roy , N. Y.
After sympathizing with people who
are In trouble many a man begins to
feel like a hypocrite.
Since It is worth while to bo well , take
Garliold Tea , Nature's Medicine ,
Women lean toward mystery , but
men lean toward mastery.
is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil , Paregoric , Drops "and
Soothing Syrups , It is pleasant , It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee , It destroys Worms and allays
Feverishness , For more than thirty years it has-been in constant use for the relief
of Constipation , Flatulency , Wind- Colic , all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea , It
regulates the Stomach and Bowels , assimilates the Food , giving healthy and
natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought , and which has been in use for over
/ 80 years , has borne the signature of Chas. H , Fletcher , and has been made under
Ms personal supervision since its infancy , Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits , Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with
said endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment ,
Letters front Preminent Physicians
-addressed to ha0 H. Fletcher * t
Dr. Albert W. Kahl , of Buffalo , N. Y. , says : "I have used Castoria in
my practice for the past 26 years. I regard it as an excellent medicina
for children. "
Dr. Gustave A. Elsengraeber , 'of St. Paul , Minn. , says:1 "I Ea e nsc2
your Castoria repeatedly in my practice with good results , and can reconv
mend It as an excellent , mild and harmless remedy for children. "
Dr. B. J. Dennis , of St. Louis , Mo. , Bays : "I have used and prescribed !
your Castoria in my sanitarium and outside practice for a number of years
ALCOHOL and find it to be an excellent remedy for children. "
A getoblePreparationforAs- Dr. S. A. Buchanan , of Philadelphia , Pa. , says : "I have used your Cas
? aw ; slrailatlngtheFootfantlKcguIa- toria in the case of my own baby and find it pleasant to take , and hava
ttag Hie Stomachs andBowelsef obtained excellent results from its use. "
Dr. J. E. Simpson , of Chicago , 111. , says : "I have used your Castoria inc
cases of colic in children and have found it the best medicine of its kind
on the market. "
ProrcofesDigeslionnKErfuI- Dr. R. E. Eskildson , of Omaha , Net ) . , saysr tcl find your Castoria to bo a ;
nessandRest.Containsnciiier ! standard family remedy. It is the Lest thing for infants and children I
Opiuni.Morphirie nor Mineral. have ever known and I recommend it. "
NOT NARCOTIC. Dr. L. R. Robinson , of Kansas City , Mo. , says : "Your Castoria certainly ;
has merit. Is not its age , its continued use by mothers through , all thcsa
years , and the many attempts to imitate it , sufficient recommendation ?
fizvpkin Seed- SThat can a physician add ? Leave it to the mothers. "
JkcMeMs- Dr. Ed-win F. Pardee , of New York City , says : "For several years I hava
jkuszSccd * recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to do so , as it has
LlWiinaIeSix + ( f invariably produced beneficial results. "
SSjnr. J ' DrN * BSizer , of Brooklyn , N. YT , says : ' "I object to "what are called
VastoysuiHimr' I I patent medicines , where maker alone Iniows Sthat ingredients are put In
forCtasfipathem'tut * lmo'wtlie : - formula of y ° ur Castoria and advise its use. "
AuerfecrRemedy forCtasfipa-
Krai , Sour Storaadi.Diarrte
Worms .Convalsions JFevcrisb : ;
ness emlLoss OF SLEEP. J Bears the Signature of
Signature Q
ffi&e to
S Guarantecdunderthewjodi
. in Ose For © ve8 * SO Years.
Exact Copy of Wrapper. .
, .
Colormoregoodsbrighterandfastercolorsthananyotherdye. One lOc package colors all fibers. Thevdyeincoldwaterbetterthananyotherdye. Youcaa
dye any garment without ripping apart. Write for free booklet How to Dye , Bleach and Mix Colors. MONROE DRUG COMPANY , Quincy , III.
De Roads I'm doin' me best t' re
lieve thf uneinploy'd.
De Barns Wet are youse doin' fer
'em ?
De Roads I'm tryin' ev'ry day not
to git work.
Life Sentence.
The Marquis of Queensberry , apro
pos of the long sentence of Foulke E.
Brandt , said at a dinner in New York :
"It reminds me of an incident In
London. A certain peer drove in a
taxicab to Westminster and , when he
got out , gave the driver a very small
"The driver mistook him for a mem
ber of the kouse of commons and
snarled :
" 'I hope you get turned out next
election and don't never get in again ! '
" 'Don't worry , my friend , ' said the
peer , as he set off for the house of
lords. 'Don't worry I'm in for life. ' "
Wins Again.
The International Pure Food Show held
n Paris March 1912 , has just awarded Cal-
Jmet Baking Powder the highest honors ,
giving them the Grand Prize and Gold
This. In addition to the Highest Award
that Calumet won at the World's Pure
Food Exposition in Chicago , gives Calu-
net the highest honors issued by two of
: he largest Pure Food Shows ever held and
proves conclusively the superior whole-
jomeness , purity and uniformity of Calu-
net Baking Powder.
Faint Hearts and Fair Ladies.
Frost And the beautiful blonde
married that rich old duffer simply
because he had valvular trouble.
Snow Yet still sofjie people say
faint heart never won 'fair lady.
1 O U are vowels that have caused '
many man's downfall. |
Unless a man is chicken hearlcd
he's seldom henpecked.
Why waste valuable time and money on unreliable roofings
and building papers when your local dealer sells GAL-VA-NITE
PRODUCTS whose quality is guaranteed by reputable manu
facturers , the oldest and largest hi the Hne.j
Gal-va-nlte Roofing
* j "Triple Asphalt Coated Mica Plated. " Needs no paint-
No after-attention. First Cost Last Cost , Ready to lay Ready
to wear. No skilled labor required. Suitable for any kind of
building. Put up in rolls of 108 sq. ft. with galvanized nails , ce
ment and directions. ,
Gal-va-nite Flooring
A perfect imitation of oak used over old soft wood floors ,
giving the appearance of the finest quartered oak. Takes the place
of unsanitary Carpets lightens housework. Used around edge of
large rugs and for interior finish. Durable , sanitarv and inexpen-
sive. Put up in rolls 38 inches wide sold by the yard.
A Gal-va-nitc Plaster Board
An economical substitute for lath and plaster.
It is weather-proof , moisture-proof , odorless and sani
tary. Can be applied by any one. Slay be painted ,
calcimined or papered over. Put up in rolls 36 and
48 inches wide.
Gal-va-nite Black Enamel Sheathing
Superior to tarred felts , red rosins , etc. , for gen
eral sheathing purposes. Especially adapted for damp-
proofing floors in concrete buildings and concrete
foundation walls , storm-proofing screen doors and in
sulating refrigerators. odorless
Water-proof , damp-proof ,
less and sanitary. Put up in rolls of 500 sq. ft.
A * your & . , „ for .
Gal-va-nte ! Products or send BT. PAUL CHICAGO ST. LOUIS
for Samples anJ Booklets OMAHA KAXSAS CITY
, s2.-25 S2.50 $3,00 S3,50 $400 & * 5.00
You can save money because they are
more economical and satisfactory in
style , fit and wear than any other makes.
W. L. Douglas name and price stamped
on the bottom guarantees full value and
protects the wearer against high prices
and inferior shoes. Insistuponhaingthe
genuine W. L. Douglas shoes.
If your dealer cannot supply W. Bonc'as shoes , vrrite W. L.
Donplas , Brockton , Mass. , lor cataititr. S , x ser.t everytrlirre
delivery charges prepaid. 3-"ast Color Eyeleta > ised.
THENEY/ FRENCH REMEDY. So.o.2. | " 0.3.
ued m French
Bca . artireis fn\'lof > c for FREF. to DR. LE CLERC
! fi fijr * I ? Wo offer some well ImproTed
LfiftvS farms mS.h. Kansas at bar
gain prices , no inMatcd Milncs , lands worth tha
mono/ , line country. For particulars , Address
13 ounces to
. . 129 pflCikH O
- m. j. f > - r
othe' 3t&rchiJ3 enl ? li ounces aacc prl c and