Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 18, 1912, Image 1

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    distorical Society
Volume 27 , No. 15 VALENTINE , NEBE. , THURSDAY , XPRIL 18 , 1912. § 1.50 per year.
9 n
We are showing some pretty effects in Ladies'
White Wear. Dainty lace and embroider =
ed Corset Covers. Prettily embroidered white
under skirts. Sheer princess slips that are
so much in vogue for the slender figure ef =
fects this season. We invite your inspection.
VYYVYrV"VVVs ' * rv"
! : New up-to-date line of Spring and Rummer Hats
! : on display for your inspection.
v e illH l\JL31 9 JJLJ v ILiljLiaX
v t ; >
Uo2 > I < * fc th * " > 1 Co
JKCCfHUQipj ware ,
We carry a MS line of
at following prices :
25-AVatt Madza Tungsten . 3 .50
40 " UU i.u .55
" U u
60 .75
ll u ll
100 1.10
" U ll
150 1.65
250 " u ll 2.30
We guarantee these lamps to be
Red Front Hardware Co.
Cottage _ Grove Restaurant
Edmund Oerber , Prop.
First Class Meals and Short Orders
Board by the day or week. Ticket good for twenty-
one meals $4.50. Corne to the Cottage Grove Res
taurant for a "square meal. "
W. B. HOWE , Proprietor
Successor to John D. Eaton.
Electric Lights , Hot water Heat , Good Rooms and Bed ? , where you
can feel at home and be comfortabe while you remain.
We invite old patrons and others to call and see us.
S !
We have choice , early maturing , carefully selected
Seed Corn for Sale
Grown at Bru-nswick , Xeb. Just what you want
for your territory. High germination. Limited
amount. Price § 2.50 per bushel at Brunswick.
Order early before supply is exhausted. Sample
at McLeod's office , Valentine , Neb. Address
McCaull-Websfer Elevator Company .
. W. W. CALKENS , Agent
Brunswick5 = Nebraska
Boaster Discovers the Value
of Discretion.
One evening while a party of stu
dents in one of our large universities
were at supper the conversation turn
ed upon courage. McCrackeu , who
took great interest in military matters
and was a lieutenant in a militia regi
ment , averred that unless a man were
constitutionally c-owardly he would not
feel fear under any circumstances.
Scovili , who belonged to that class , the
sophomore , whose members consider it
an inherited duty to keep the college
in an uproar , declared that discretion
was the better part of valor and if a
man got into a tight fix it was better
for him to yield gracefully than to
Gght senselessly.
"That's nothing less than cc.vardice , "
said McCrackeu.
"Then we would all better be cow
ards at times , " replied Scovili. "If a
man were to send me word that he
was going to shoot me on sight I'd
send back word that I hoped he would
not see me. "
"I should tell him that 1 would be
prepared for him , " ? uid McCracken.
"Do you mean to say. " pursued Sco
vili , "that if you cringed to a man who
had the drop on you you would be a
coward ? "
"That's my conviction , " said the oth
er , twirling a young mustache.
"Then you'll prove yourself a coward
some day , you may bet your boots. "
"That remains to be seen. "
With this the speaker left the party.
"I tell you what , fellows , " said Sco
vili , "I have a mind to prove Mack a
coward on his own theory. "
"Try it , " said several students. "We'll
give you a supper if you succeed. "
"Very well , " replied Scovili. "I'll do
it. "
"When ? "
"As to that I'll let 3-011 know heie-
after. In the meantime I'll do a job of
thinking on it. "
In the university grounds was an old
plaster cast of Washington that had
been there from time immemorial. In
going from his room to the armory Mc
Cracken was obliged to pass thii
statue. One Wednesday evening be
tween dusk and darkness he was hur
rying over his accustomed walk , for
he was a trifle behind time , when Ii3
came face to face with the statue
standing silent and rigid in the waning
light. Suddenly the Father of IliS
Country , in a tone that was evidently
meant to be obeyed , called "Ila't ' ! " At
the same time the right arm was raided
from the side , a iwolver grasped in the
McCracken stood still as suddenly as
if he had run up against a stone wall.
"Throw tip your hand5 ? ! " '
The order was obeyed with alacrity.
"Eight face ! "
By this time McCracken's equipoise
had somewhat reasserted itself , and ho
did not obey the order. A bullet sang
disagreeably near to his ear. Not tak
ing note of the fact that the bullet
passed quicker than he could act , ho
involuntarily ducked.
"Right face ! "
Th.'s time the lieutenant turned en
his heeN without waiting for another
bullet , which mght ; possibly hit him.
"Forward , march ! Halt ! About
face ! To the rear , march ! Halt ! Front
face ! "
The lieutenant obeyed these orders
with minute exactness. Once during
the drill , thinking that it might be a
students' joko. he again stood still
when ordered to march , but another
bullet , com ing'closer than the first , ad
monished him that if a joke it was a
serious one. It was certainly amusing ,
this drilling of an olScer of the nation-
aj guard by the statue of Genera !
George Washington , but McCracken
saw nothing in it to move his risible
muscles in the slightest degree. In
deed , lie was quaking lest he should
make some blunder and the general
shoot him down on the spot.
Finally the drillmaster directed the
lieutenant to stoop and perform the
"ducks' march , " which he did , not
daring to lower his hands. There was
a snicker behind a bush , another be
hind a tree , which , acting like a light
ed fuse on gunpowder , brought about
an explosion of laughter from every
surrounding hiding place. Then the
general's threatening arm fell to its '
proper place and Scovili stepped down
from behind the statue. At the same
time a dozen students emerge * from
behind trees , bushes and other availa
ble screens. I
"Well , Mack , what do you think ol' '
your thaory now ? " asked ScovilL
"I think my theory is all rot"
"I'm glad of that. We don't want
to consider you a coward. Any of us
would have obeyed under similar cir
cumstances. "
"Cut how did you work tile statue ? "
asked McCracken.
"This white sleeve was all that was
needed. " And Scovili pulled off a cot
ton , sleeve cut the same shape as the
ury Cttotlattilul uotftrni ttmly
' Roys , meet me at the Beefsteak
after drill , and I'll blow you off to a
supper. "
"That's provided for. but we'll be
there. "
That night a private room at the
Beefsteak rang with stirring songs.
McCrackeu was the merriest of the
partj' . He had been taught a lesson ,
but to learn lessons , nol only from
books , but from association , was what
he was at college for. He is now with
the army in the Pbilipines , doing good
that just bscause you are in
business , everybody is aware
of the fact. Your goods may
be the finest hi the market
but they will re-main on yofr M 4
shelves unless l ! r. < " t > , 4I I
ted : about Ueni.
r 5 if you want to move your
5a merchandise. K.each the i
.1 buyers in their homes Ihror h il
< he columns of THIS PAPER
and on every dollar expended Si
J you'll reap a handsome I
Don't Miss It.
Cedar Rap ids , la. , Gazette says :
Eugene Terr.y's production of
"Our Village Postmaster" held
the boards here last night , to a de
lighted audience. Mr. Barring-
ton as the Postmaster \vasa scream
and the company as a whole \vcs
all that was expected.
* At Quigley opera house , Thurs
day night , April IS.
will be paid.for information that
will lead to the conviction of the
party or parties who burned four
stacks of hay on the old Gulp
place , 4 miles north and 1 miles
west of Sparks , Nebr. , on the
night of March 15 , 1912 ,
JOHN II. Ivjsiss ,
Itt 4 : Valentine , Nebr.
For Sale :
30,000 acres improved farm lands
in Eastern Norman county , the
garden spot of Northwestern Min
nesota , at from § 27 to $50 i er
acre. Particulars and photos of
buildings upon application.
Box SG2 ,
15 6 La Sueur , Minn.
writes Mrs. L. R. Barker ,
of Bud , Ky. , "and can do
all my housev/ork. For
years I suffered with such
pains , I could scarcely
stand on my feet. After
three different doctors had
failed to help me , I gave
Cardui a trial. Now , I feel
like a new woman. "
The Woman's Tonic
A woman's health de
pends so much upon her
delicate organs , that the
least trouble there affects
her whole system. It is
the little things that count ,
in a woman's life and
health. If you suffer from
any of the aches and
pains , due to womanly
weakness , take Cardui at
once , and avoid more seri
ous troubles. We urge
you to try it Begin today.
We have employed Mr. S. AY. Cyphers ,
A First Class Tailor ,
of 25 years' experience in tailoring1
in the East , to assist us in our
Clothing Department
and we are now prepared
to give our customers
A Perfect Fit in Clothing
Alterations in suits or * a
tnilor made suit of any style.
Cleaning and Pressing Pronipt =
ly Done on Short Notice.
H. W. Hoenig , Prop.
= S 5 32ES 2S3i22Si2S
McQEER & CARROLL , Proprs. i
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , _ „ * - . Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimcr ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29xyearvold
andjas , E. Pepper , O , F. C , Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar E
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use. y
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported l
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout ,
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska I
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
and Fait Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything1 you have to sell.
mw -
When Times are Hard
money close and the'demand for loans about
three times as large as we can supply , it is nat
ural that , in case one of our regular depositors
needs an accommodation , he should be favored
first his interests cared for.
Why not protect your future interests by
opening an account with us now the amount
of your first deposit is not so material as the
fact that you become one of our "customers.
Deposits Guaranteed
Deposits ill thio bank are protected by the DfjiosUer'ij
i ' Guarantee Fund of the Slate of Nebraska. v"
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
tierd beaded by S. o. Coinuu bus 17
No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289
322 ; also , .vielvin , No 327072 ,
Bulls for Sale at Ail Times ,
"ily little son had a very severe cold.l
I was recommended to try Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy , and "before a small bottle
tle was finished ho vra. , . - . -.veil as over , " ;
writes Mrs. H. Silks , 29 Bowling Street ,
Sydney , Australia. This remedy Jg fos
tate by all dealers . - > . > ' J