Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 11, 1912, Image 4

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I. M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor
MarkZarr , Foreman
A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs
day at Valentine , Nebraskn.
Subscription - 81.50 Per Year
Local Notices , oc per line per issue
Entered at thu FostolUce at Valentine , Neb. ,
for transmission through .the mails , us second
class matter.
Thursday , April 11 , 1912.
Moses Warner is editor of the
Lyons Mirror in Burt county.
"Mosey , " as his wife calls him ,
and as he is known around home ,
aims to be right and gets very en
thusiastic at times for democracy ,
but just now is hollering' his head
off for Wilson and Bryan's mule.
We wonder how he'll take defeat
and hope to let him down easy by
suggesting that he make a para
chute leap before the Bryan bal
loon gets into the brush.
"Mosey" ' Warner in the corner
Of this big old stale ,
Thinks he's willin1 for the klllln'
"With the Bryan slato.
Mos > c is purely democratic
From the cellar to the nttlc ,
But his leader is erratic ,
And he's leading "Mosey" ' wrong.
\Ve have fought straight from the shoulder ,
Long with "Mosey" "till we're older.
For the great opinion moulder ,
And to him we did belong.
"When the leader of this nation ,
In his brilliant conversation
Hpoke aloud to all creation ,
Haying , "Let the people rule. "
Millions vied with one another ;
Crowded round almost to smother.
And they loved his younger brother ,
And his democratic mule.
"We had need of Mr. Brynn ,
And for years we'd nil been tryin , '
Did our best for him to pry in ;
Tried three times to make him land ;
"Wanted him for other places-
Governor and senate races
"Wouldn't take "em , no ! by grn'clous !
But for president he'd stand.
Makes me sad to note the ailing
Of ench candidate availing ,
As denounced by Bryan's railing ,
Cull attention if you will
Not to slander , nor denote him ,
Greater honors we would vote him
But we now would like to quote iiini
" "Words from Edward Rowland Sill :
Now , let other standard bearers
Tnke the lead , and , we as swearers
Of the faith , thnt title wearers
Faithful unto little things ,
final ! be chosen to inspire us ,
And we don't like Bryan's virus
Judson Ilnrmon doesn't tire us
He shall stand before the kings.
This I beheld or dreamed It in a clrenm :
There spread si cloud of dust along the plain ,
And underneath the cloud , or in it raged
A furious battle , and men yelled , and swords
Shocked upon swords and shields. A prince's
"Wavered , then staggered backward ,
hemmed by foes.
A craven hung along the battle's edge ,
And thought , "Had I sword of keener steel
That blue blade that the king's son bears
- but this
Blunt thing ! * ' lie snapped and flung it from
his hand ,
And lowering crept nway and left the field.
Then came the king's son wounded , sore
And weaponless and saw the broken
Mvonl ,
Hilt buried in the dry and trodden sand ,
And ran : ind snatched it , and with battle
Lifted afresh , he hewed the enemy down ,
And saved a great cause that heroic day.
Philadelphia North American.
One week from tomorrow will
be primary election day in Ne
braska. When you vote your
choice , considering the availability
of the man to make a good race in
your party , you will have acted
wisely. Ex-Governor Shallen-
berger will make a strong race
and will be a good man in the sen
ate. Judson Harmon or Champ
Clark should be your preference
for candidate for president on the
democratic ticket , or La Follette
an the republican ticket if you are
a progressive. We suggest this
to you for earnest consideration.
For governor , John H. Morehead
is a strong candidate and wilj make
a good governor we can believe
because of the faithfulness of his
work in previous positions , and
his having lived the life that near
ly all of us have experienced and
wasn't born wiih a silver spoon
in his mouth. It is everybody's in
terest to sec that he is not defeat
ed. Wm. Hartmn , for represen
tative of this district , will insure
our interests protected as far as he
is concerned. Ben A. Brewster ,
for state senator , will represent us
orrectly and we will have a live
wire in him We might name a
few others , but for fear of being
considered a dictator , we announce
the foregoing as only a euggostion
to those who will appreciate our
f" *
The Gordon Journal came out
last week with a new heading.
Governor Judson Harmon of
Ohio will speak in Omaha Friday
night. We would like to go
and hear him.
Senator La Follette made a tour
of Nebraska this week , making
speeches to thousands of people ,
and was well received.
James A. Donohoe of O'Neill is
the democratic candidate for con
gress of the Sixth congressional
district subject to the primaries.
He will make a strong race and
your vote for him will need no
Is it not time for the people to
rule and cut out these arrogant
bosses who have tried to dictate
and rule or ruin ? It's up to the
voters to dpcide this. After the
primary comes the convention at
Baltimore. We will all then fall
in line for the demo
cratic nominees , whether they be
our choice , your choice , or their
choice. But let us act wisely in
this selectien to nominate men who
stand some show to win in the
The people who call themselves
the democratic progressive league
are trying to have the Wilson dele
gates elected to the Baltimore con
vention and Mr. Bryan as one of
those delegates announces that he
will not support Governor Judson
Harmon if the people of the state
should vote their preference for
him. The delegates who will sup
port Governor Harmon or Champ
Clark or any candidate we as voters
ers should give the preference are
G. M. Hitchcock , Tom Smith ,
Fred Volpp and Geo. L. Loomis.
H. H , Belwood of Alliance , as our
district delegate , will also be faith
ful to the ppople.
Will Maupin's Weekly came to
our desk this week chock full of
his writings which proclaim him
to be a versatile man of Nebraska ,
where he has lived a quarter of a
century. Mr. Maupin prints his
picture , surrounded by his wife
and six children , whicn be gives
as seven of the many reasons why
he wants to be elected state rail
way commissioner. He is a pleas
ant man to meet and his wide
ra'nge of experience qualifies him
for most any position requiring
ability. Frank and honest , and
an untiring worker , with a large
family , a cheery disposition to do
whatsoever his hand findeth to do ,
will make him a hard man to beat.
The Valentine Democrat hopes
to offend no one whn has a favor
ite candidate for any office. We ,
in expressing a favorable opinion
of Governor Judson Harmon of
Ohio , believe he is a strong can-
date and at the time we did so it
was rot certain that Champ Clark
would be a candidate. However ,
of late , since he got into the race ,
be seems to be running a close
second to Mr. Harmon and may
lead. That remains to be seen
and we want to say that he will
suit us as a candidate and we can
endorse him as heartily as Gov.
Harmon. Both have made good
and they are great men. One for
presid ent and the other for vice-
president would make just the
team to suit us and they can win.
Mr. Bryan accused Parker of
being Wall street's candidate in
1901 , but the campaign of the year
showed that he was wrong and
that Mr. Parker was shamefully
abused for no purpose but to
gratify Bryan and give him the
next nomination , only again to go
down to defeat. If Mr. Bryan
was as loyal to democracy as G.
M. Hitchcock or Judson Harmon ,
we wouldn't have all this hullabaloo
within our party at a time when
victory is in sight. Now , candid
ly , shouldn't Mr. Bryan ease up a
little and Jet the people rule ? In
stead of bracing hina up in his die- .
f should we notturn on & -
Ashton C. Shallenberger ,
Democratic Candidate for U. S.
Senator , Primaries April 19.
little cold air ? If Mr. Bryan was
righ't , would he make our chances
stronger for winning out in such
methods of denouncing Governor
Harmon who gave Bryan loyal
support in 1908 during his cam
paign for governor of Ohio in
which he was elected by 19,000
and two years later by over
100,000. He represents a big
following in the eastern states that
will not take kindly to Mr. Bry.
an's onslaught and will defeat the
party if Mr. Bryan is made the
dictator. Much as we have loved
M r. Bryan , it is now necessary to
discredit his action and set him
straight. We can never win if he
is permitted to rule and ruin , until
he is silenced. He wouldnt run
for U. S. senator two years ago.
He wouldn't accept the nomi
nation for governor of the state
when it was offered him at Grand
Island in 1902. Just now he is
making speeches in Ohio against
Harmon , saying he ( Bryan ) is an
"elder in the Presbyterian church ,
and a high priest in the democrat
ic party , " and that he doesn't in
tend to retire. At the solicitation
of his friends , Governor Judson
Harmon will come to Omaha Fri
day of this week and will address
the people , answering the criti
cisms of Bryan and Mike Harring
President Taft is strong in New
York and Illinois. With a good
candidate we stand a show to carry
New York. Who can do it ? Wil
son is not strong in either state ,
nor in Ohio. Where then can he
get votes sufficient to be elected ?
If he can't carry New York , Illi
nois nor Ohio , then it is most like
ly that he cannot carry any but
the solid south : He couldn't carry
Nebraska , nor Kansas , nor Iowa ,
nor Missouri. What's the use of
going into the fight with a losing
race ? That's why we are not for
Wilson and further we don't be
lieve he stands any show of being
nominated. Champ Clark can car
ry Nebraska and so can Gov.
Harmon if Bryan will keep fight
ing him on the same grounds be
has started. We believe Gov.
Harmon is the strongest and most
available candidate to carry the
pivotal states that go to make a
majority. Any of the candidates
can carry the solid south but that
won't be enough.
The Woodrow Wilson League
of Nebraska and the Progressive
Democratic League of Nebraska
have endorsed the following four
men as delegates to the democratic
national convention at Baltimore :
William J. Bryan , William H.
Westover , George L Loomis and
I. J. Dunn. These delegates are
all for Woodrow Wilson for presi
dent , and if he can not be nomi
nated they favor Champ Qlark as
their second choice. The Woodrow -
row Wilson candidates for dele
gates in this Sixth Congressional
district are James W. Finnegan
and Frank J. Taylor. Cut this
out and take it to the polls .with
you on primary election day ,
April 19th.
Dr. f. F. Meer has decided , to
visit Wood Lake the first Monday
and Tuesday of each month to do
To the Voters of Cherry Co. Nebraska :
I wish to announce that I will
be a candidate for nomination for
the office of county assessor , sub
ject to the democratic primaries
to be held in April , 1912.
To the People of Cherry Co. Nebraska :
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate ? for the nomination of
representative from the represen
tative district Xo..T2 , on the re
publican ticket at the primary
election to be held on the 19th day
of April , 1912.
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for county assessor on the
democratic ticket , subject to the
decision of the voters at the pri
maries , April 19 , 1912.
Very respectfully ,
I hereby announce that I am a
candidate for county assessor , sub
ject to the democratic primaries
on April 19 , 1912.
Respectfully ,
I hereby announce that I am a
candidate for the nomination for
representative of the 72nd repre
sentative district on the democratic
tic ticket at the primary election
to be held April 19 , 1912.
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for county assessor on the
republican ticket , s abject to the
decision of the voters at the pri
maries , April 19 , 1912.
Democratic and Peoples' Inde
pendent Candidate at the Pri
maries April 19 , 1912.
Democra'ic Car.d.da'e for
Primary April 19 , 1912
FLOYD FEYBOLT was horn and
lived for fifteen years upon ; L farm.
1SS7-1S90 Attended University of Nebr.
1S901S9Clerk 1st Nat. Bank. Lincoln.
1S92-1S99 A'C.ish. Union Savings Bank.
1900-1902 With Lincoln Fafc Dtp. Co.
110"-1903 ! Cish. Bink of Memphis' . Ncbr.
1903-190G Cash. F. & M. Bank. Milford.
1006-1900 Cash. F. & M. Bunk. Ulvsse * .
1909-1910 Cash. F. & M. Bank Walton
: md Bank of Com. , Geneva.
1010-1911 Vice President u/.d C1 ishier of
Citizens Bank of Geneva.
Was appointed Bank Examjner in 1900
and qflalified. but prevented from serving
by the Federal injunction against l\\f \
Guaranty Law. Twenty-ono ysirs of
progressive and successful bnnkin ? has
peculiarly well fitted Mr. Seybolt for this
most Important iin-incial office of the state
thac of State Treasurer.
He asks your support at the
Primary , Friday , April 19
Don't be surprised if yon have an at
tack of rheumatism this spring. Jnst
rub the affected parts freely -with Cham
berlain's Liniment and it will soon dis-
St > ? fl by ali fies&rsy
Cleaning , Pressing and repairing
of Ladies' and Gent's Garments
J. Abrahams , Valentine , Nebr.
Highest cash nrice paid for Call for Estimates
Anything you have to sell. Phones 187 and 169
Valentine Furniture Exchange
We buy and sell New and Second Hand Furnitnre ,
Carpets and Stoves.
Valentine , box 348 . Nebraska
The persons wnos- names to these articles
subscribed , and such persons as may hereafter
join and amliate with the person * signing these
articles and the r successors , adopt tbo follow
ing anicles for the government of the associa
tion hereby formed :
The name of this ncianon .hall re the Wom
an's Improvement Clubof Valentine. > .euraska.
The object of this Association shall be to im
prove and beam if v all public property within
the city limits of the City ol Valent'ice , Ne
braska , including the parks and cemetery , ad
jacent toTsaid city , and the betterment of ma
terial and moral conditions generally.
Any woman may become a jnember.of th's '
Association i-y signing the constitution and
paying the membership fee of leu cents.
Lhe aflairs of the Association shall be gov
erned tiy a ii-Mrd of nine (9) ( ) trustees , and the
ti ustees sha I Irct irom among their own num
ber the lolluAiug otllcers : President , vice
president , ami a secretary-treasurer. The sec-
retary-tieastirer shall also be the
clerk of this ssnciatmn. . T e duties of the
president , vice p esideiic secretary-trrj.surer
ano clerk aha 1 ! - those usually devolving on
such officers * nd such other duties as may be
lived by ihe llaws l that may hereafter be
adopted by the Ass idation. Ttiere shall be an
annual election held for tin- election of the
board of triisie s on thelirst Thursday in May
in each year. < ir'wing wi'h the jear l ! 12. At
the election in u on the first Timrsdoy in May ,
1M2. ! there s ! : ll De elected three trustees to
serve for a term < > f three years ; three trustees to
serve for a term of two years ; three trustees to
serve fora term ol one year : auu at each an
nual election held alter the year 1912 there shall
be elected turee trustees for a leim of tlnee
years each. Should any vacancies occur the
trustees to have the power to liil the same until
the next annual election.
Thpse ar'icles ' may be amended at any regular
meeting ot this association by a tno thuds vote
of the members present. provideJ notice ol the
intended change be given at three previous con
secutive meetings.
The trustees herein provided for and their
successors in olliee , slmll ha\f perpetual stie-
ceasion by tbe name : The om.iu's Improve
ment Ciuo , of Valentine. Ne'ir.isKa , ami by such
name be. legally capable ot cuiitntiuiGg aim
pr iseculing and dulending suits , and shall h kye
capacity to acqu re. hold , enjoy , mortgage , dis
pose of , ami convey all piopeity , real uud per
sonal , \\luch they may acquire by purchase ,
donation or otiierw ise t > r the purpose of carr j-
ing out the intentions of this Association.
A majority of the board of trustees herein
provided lor shall constitute a quorum for the
iransaciion of business.
Ids understood tlut any properly belonging
to the \Vomai''s Improvement Chibol Valentine
shall be operated in the ntcrt-Pts ot the entire
community , without profit to rtiiy person linn
or corporation , but thut ail net receipts shall be
paid MHO the treasury ol said club for disburse
ment by it m some public imptovement.
In case said Woman's Improvement Club
shall , lor any reason decide to surrender its
property , said property shall become ihe prop
erty of the City ot Valentine , to be managed oy
said municipal authorities and disposed ol only
at a regular election of said municipality , uy a
majority vote of all votes cast at that eiecsion.
lie it Jurther understood that the money de-
nved Irom such sale shah be used for improving
the ton. .
It shall tie illegal to inak'an assessment upon
the members ol this association.
Margaret Kincaid , President . I. C.
Adele Ho nig , Vice President.
Mae W. Nicholson. Secretary.
Mis. bannif Pettycrew.
Kmma Z. Fischer.
Sarah 1) Lamoreuiix.
M una ? > | atKs.
Alice H.U vey.
Kmi'y ' uishop.
Eminct 1C. Hornby.
.Jennie C. Wells.
Marguerite UUere.
Amelia M McLean.
C. M. Donot-er ,
Anna AlcLeod.
Keitua K. O. Cornell.
Wien 1) . CtMiipton
Dora I ) . Rice. x
121 Lottie Cramer
Valentine , Ghsrry County
State Senator
At tiie Republican Primaries
April 19 , 1912
Has lived 15 years in the dis-
tnct and has been closely identi
fied with the growth and develop
ment of Northwestern Nebraska.
If he is elected to the senate our
district will have a man who can
take front rank in the senate and
our interests will be carefully
He has never before been a can
didate for office. Let us have
new blood in the state-house.
For rheumatism you will find nothing 5
better than Chamberlain's Liniment. ,
Try it and see how quickly it gives reFer -
For t&ftf brali flttdersf"3 3
Notice to Creditors
State of Nebraska , I
County of Cherry , f
In iiie County Court within and for Cherry
county , Nebraika ,
In the matter of the estate ol August J. Helzer
To the creditors of said estate :
You are hereby notiIK > d. That I will sit at th
Count > Coii-t Room In Valentine in said county.
on the 20th day of April , 1912 ,
to receive and examine all claims against
' said : te , with a.iew to their adjustment and
allowance The time hunted for the presenta
tion of claims against said estate is on the said
20th dav of April. A I ) . 1012 , and th
time limited for payment ot debts is one year
from said Oth day of April , 1912.
Witness my hand aiH the seal of said
SEAL County loiirt this 25th day of Karch , i
- 1911' . JAMES C. gUIOLEY ,
12 'i County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
CHKUKY Courv. . f Court.
In the matter of the estate of William
P. Bryant , deceased :
To the Creditors of said Estate :
You are hereby notified. That 1 will sit at the
Covnty Court Koom in Valentine iu said county
on the 20th day ot April , 1912 ,
to receive and examine all claims against
said estate with a view to their adJustmMit and
allowance. The time limited for the presenta
tion of claims against said estate is six months
from the 20th day of ( let A. D. 1911 , and the
time limited for payment of debts is one jear
from suia 20th day ot Oct. . 1911 ,
Witness my hand aud seal of said county court
' this'-'tith dav of March. A. 1) . 1912.
. 12 4 Couuty Judge.
Walcott & Walcott , attorneys.
Order of Hearing and Noiice'on Petition for
Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Cherry count v , Ne
State of Nebraska , I
Cherry County i
To the heirs and all persons interested In
the estate ot PaulH. I.inot.s'.cydeceased :
On reading the petition of K.Jen G. DanoMcy
praying a linal settlement and allowance ot"
her account tiled in this Court on the 25th day
ot March. lul2 and tor a decree of dis
tribution :
It is hereby ordered that you and all 'per
sons interested in said matter may , and do ,
appear at the county court to be held in and
for said county , on the 20th da3ot" April
A. D . 1912. at 11 o'clock a. m. . to show cause ,
if any there be , whvthe prayer of the pe
titioner should not be granted" , and that not
ice ot the pendency ot said petition and the
hearing thereof be'given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in The Valentine Democrat , a
weekly newspaper printed in said county for
four successu e weeks prior to said Uay of
hearing. JAMES C. QUIGL.EV. . ' - '
[ SEAI.J 12-1 County Judge.
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for
Settlement of Account.
Jnthe County Court or Cherry county ,
Cherry County. r §
To the heirs and all persons interested in
, the estate of Anna Januk , deceased :
On reading the petition of Frank Janak
prayiima ilnal si'ttlenient and allowance of
his account Hied in this court on the -'lUli
day of March , lull' , and for a decree of Ilnal
It is hereby ordered that yon and all per
sons interested in % aid matter may , and do ,
appear at the county court to be held In nnd
for said countyon the iiith day of April ,
A. I ) . , 11U2 , at 10 o'clock a. in. , to show en use.
If any there be , why the prayer of the pe
titioner should not be granted , and that no
tice of the pendeiu-y ot ald petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all persons In
terested in said matter by publishing a copy
of this order in The Valentine Demociat , u
weekly newspaper printed in said county ,
for four successive weeks prior to said dny
of hearing. JAMKS C. Ciui i > KY ,
[ SEAL ] 12 I County Judge.
O. A. Knoy. Attorney.
Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment
of Administrator.
In the county court ot unerry county , Ne
State of Nebraska , i
County of Cherry , i ss
To the heirs and to all persons Interested
In the estate of Joshua H. Cox , deceased :
On reading the petition of Fannie H.
Cox praying that the administration of bald
estate begranted to herself a&adnilnlhtrati.\ :
It is hereby ordered that you , and all per
sons interested in said matter , may , and do ,
appear at the county court to be held In and
for said county , on the ith : : day of April
11U2 , at 10 o'clock a. m. . to .show ca'nse , If any
there be. why the prayer of the petitioner
should not be granted , and that notice of
the pendency ol said petition and that the
hearing thereof be gi\en toall persons Inter
ested in ' aid matter by publish Ing a copy of
this order in The \alentine Democratn
weekly newspaper printed in said county ,
for three successive weeks prior to said duy
of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
court this 2.5th day of March. I1H2.
12:5 County Judge.
A. G Humphrey , attorney.
A'oticr to Creditors.
THE STATK OF NK.IKASKA „ „ In the County
' CHKKKV COUNTY. f3H Court ,
In the matter of the estate of Thomas Koche
deceased :
To the credito-s of said estate :
Von are hereby notified That I will sit at the
Coun v Court Knom in Valentine in said county
on the 2 th day of April , 1912 at 10 o'clock m.
m. . to receive and examinw all claims against
said estate witn a-view to their adjustment and
allowan-e The Mine limited for the presenta
tion of claims against said estate is six months
from the 20th day of October A. D. 1 11 and the
time limited tor payment ( if debts is oiie } ear
fr"in said iOth davof < .ct pr. 1911.
Witness my hand and the seal of the coun
ty court this 2oth day of March. 1912.
J JAMES c. QuiciRr.
12 I County Judge.
Notice of Hearing.
To all persons interested in the eafcite of J s-
ep'i S"aef T , dcfeased ;
You and each of you are hereby "of Ifled th t
on tilt10'h ilay of - pril. 1912 , W. h lia ey fi ed g
p tition m the ( ouut > ( .ouit of Ch r y Counti ,
Vebra-ka pr yii g th-t administration in the
abo\u estate b - uispeiisf-d with ana that the
Probate Court ma eu Kmal IVcre naming the ' -
heirs ot therii c ; ant.ami that said petition will
leheaid in the loiinty Court room in Val ntiue
in said County on ihenil ihiy of May. 1912 , mt
the tiour 01 iu oVItu-k a. m.
It is further ordered thut notice of said
hearing 1liven 1 all persons IntervsteU'lu
said estate by the publication of this notice
for three sucreIve ! weeks in t-hy Valentino
Democrat , a newspaper printed , published
and circulated in said count v.
Dated tiiis luth day of April , 1912.
[ SEAL ] 14-3 toT tvJ
by K. D. Clarke , Attorney for vwtttlouer.
Barn for sale
, 18x2S ft. ,
hay loft. For particulars see
Father JMaere * - . - ft