i * 9 * > fl ElJ I will offer for sale at my place 3 miles north and one-half mile east of Commencing at 1 p. in. , the following property : One mare colt , 2 years old in June , one 3-year-old gelding. Two milch cows , one fresh with call by side ; 3 steers , coming two and three years old ; 1 ; ifer , 2 fall calves. 1 buggy. 1 spring wagon , ! riding attachment 1 com harvester. 1 Chatham fanning mill , cleans S4L ? > W / * * ' * * * ' * Vj _ , . ht * A P r Arf4l V w fe 14 * * * * " * * a * * * - " v + * * * mr * * t * r + * < 3k - a M * k a k < * - v r * p' * v * MC * i J 1 dozen chairs , household and kitchen utensils too numerous to mention TERMS OF SALE ! Sums of $10 and under cash. On sums over $10 a credit of 12 months time will be given on notes of approved security bearing 10 percent interest , or 5 percent discount for cash Property must be settled for before being removed from the ground COL. Q. E. TRACEWELL , Auctioneer. MAX E. VIERTEL , Clerk. KSESZfil _ Nebraska housewives are sending us their favorite recipes , for our Great Pihe Cook Book soon to be published. We want kuidtcds of recipes and for every accepted recipe we will pay Two Dollars ( $2.00) ) cash immediately upon rcceptance. recipe Book not cooking school recipes but trie kind tliat gt maybe had handed down to them from their own mothers. Send in the recipes you feel are your best recipes for any dish. We v , ant the best and we pay for them. Use Olfe in all dishes which call for baking powder. There is no purer , Idler baking powder made in the whole world , no matter what the price. And Health Club goes twice as far as other baking powders. Use it in your baking and you will never go back to the trust powders. Mealth Club sells for a cent an ounce , in lOc , 15c and 25c cans. Get r. can at your grocer's , or some ether good grocer's , today , and when you send your recipes , CUT THIS LABEL OFF A CAN AND SEND IT TO US It is worth your while , to send us your best recipes. Remember , we pay $2.00 for every accepted recipe , publish it over the name of the contributor and send one special de luxe copy of the book to every successful contributor. A regular edition copy of the book will be mailed at once upon publication to c\cry one wl.o sends us a recipe. Send inyours. LAYTON PURE FOOD CO. East St. Louis. 111. AfTUA . ! STARVATION . . . Facts About Indigestion and Its Relief That Should Interest You Although indigestion and dys pepsia are so prevalent , most people ple do not thorougly understand their cause and cure. Iheieis no reason why most peppb should not eat anything < hey desire if they will only chew it carefully and thor oughly. Many actually staive thepiFelves into sickness ? through fear of eating eveiy good-looking , good-smelling , and good- tasting food , because it does not agree with them. The best thing to do is to fit ourself to digest any food. be'ieve ' we can relieve Dys- so confident of , tbis fact that we guarantee and | promise to supply the medicine free of all cost to everyone \vlio will use it , who is not perfectly satisfied with the results uhich it produces , j We exact no promises , and put no j erse under any obligation \\hatever. Sarcly , nothing , could be fairer. \Ve are located right here nnd our 'reputation should be sufticieut as- 'ssiranco ' of the genuineness of our offer , I \ \ e want everyone troubled with indigestion or dyspepsia in any form to come to our store and buy a box of Eexall Dyspepsia Tablets. ! Take them home and give them a ; reasonable trial , according to di rections. Then , if not satisiicd , come to us and get your money ' back. They are very pleasant to take ; they aid to i > oothe the irrit able stomach , to strengthen and in- .ugorale the digestive organs- and lo promote a healthy and natural bowel action , thus leading to per fect and healthy digestion and as- simiiahon. I A 25c pakage of Eexall Dyspepsia Tablets furnishes 15 days' treat ment. In ordinary cases , this is sufficient to produce a cure. In more chronic casea longer treat ment , of course , is necessary , and depends upon the. severity of the , trouhle. For such cases , we have two laiger sizes which sell for 50c and § 1.00. Eenicmber , you can obtain Eexall Remedies only at our store The Rexall Store. Chap ' man , The Druggist. Pay up now at 81-00 in advance , t Send in a few dollars and we'll credit .you 'up and send you a re ceipt. Do this before May 1st to secure the tlolJar rate in Notice of Application for a License to Sell Liquor. Xotico is hereby < zivon that we have filed with the Mau > r and City Council of the City rf Valentine , Nebraska , a petition , accompanied by a bond duly at tested , said petition praying that we be granted a license to sell malt , spirituous \inousliquor- - in block 5 , lot 25 , First Ward , in said City of Valentine. Cherr.\ county , Nebraska , for the yeai ending May 1 , 1018. WTLLTAII R. McGKEii. FRANK P. CAIMIOLL. Notice of Application for a License io Seil Liquor. Notice is hereby given that ] have filed with the Mayor and City Council of the City ol Valentine , Nebraska , a petition , accompanied by a bond duly at tested , said petition praying that I be granted a license to je 1 malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in block 12 , lot Second Ward , in said City of Valentine , Cherry county , Nebraska , for the yea ) ending May 1 , lJl-4. ER F. A. MELTKMJOUFF Mrs. J. F. Daniels , of Sip , Ky. , writes : "I was so sick for 3 or 4 years , I had to hire my work done , most of the time. I had given up hope. When I began to take Cardui , I knew , right away , it was helping me. Now , I am better than ever before in my life , and Cardui did it. " The Woman's Tonic Cardui has helped thous ands of weak , tired , worn- out women , back to health. It has a gentle , tonic ac tion on the womanly sys tem. It goes to the cause of the trouble. It helps , it helps quickly , surely , safe ly. It has helped others. Why not you ? It will. Try it. Get a bottle today ! If in need of wind mills or wa ter tanks call on E. Breuklanclcr N one better made. 42-tf L AiiutjjLLiAftb hHi \5 1 ! Cigars and Soft Drinks 1 1 JOHN G. STETTER - PROP. . iSSlSTT.1 * - INTERNATIONAL " 30" . . . r II III I M I I I II B I Fa gTjir.gaa. u ujLJn - anrg E3B M Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTER * NATIONAL " 30" No Hill too Steep ; no Sand too Deep Sold by Guaranteed by International Harvester Company GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUiLDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Rc-idence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska References : My Many \ Beginning Monday , March 18 I GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES From 10 to 40 per cent on Winter Goods , Outing Flannels , Men's Fur nishings , Calicoes , Percales , Ginghams , Underwear , Sweaters , Overshoes ARQAINS A iv M. * 4 jt. A. A 1 c * * e ± 1 Ji % s. x y o * * General Merchandise , hlour , Feed , Grain t * 5 2nd Building South the Bank. Crookston , ltd ) s sss z K. M. Faddis & Co Po.stofllce address Viileatme or Kennedy. Some br.imlyd on left branded left shonldi-r or tbij'h Semen Sonic branded on rifslit tlngli n left or n shoulder > t ll P. H. Young. Simoon. Xebr. Cattle branded as cut on left side Some Qyon I U ) | nnlflff jawr. J A < V horat-b. ou Gordn ? Crenk north of Simeon , C. P. Jordan. Hoaebud.SD Hordes and cattle same as cat : also CJ K f.I on n \ \ \ h.p Range on Oak ani But creeks A illegal reward f o r informatlo ! > leadiouto detection ofvstlers of E. M. Terrill , Propr. Ui onlee , Xeo. Cattle branded a in c-.t on left side. So in e branded H. T 1 on left hip. Hange on Not th Loup liver , two mil s west of Xot Vfraid t Francis . iion. Kosebud. < . 1) . C-ttle ti in cut : -tme < > r oa -ft : high , itanse -t ween > pr 114 k' and Little x bit * t.y He "Was Liiite. "What made yon eo late ? " ' I met Sinithson. " "Well , that is no reaion .vhj you -aould be an hour late getting home tc sapper. " "i kno , but I asked him how he was "ecling , and he insisted on telling rn5 ibout his stomach trouble. " "Did you tell him to take Chamber- ain's Tablets ? " "Sure , that is what he needs. " Sold Albert Whipplc & Sons. Koaebud 8. D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on rtehtslde Some cattle also have a , 4on neck Some with A. on left ahonlder and some branded with two bars across hind qnar- ters. Some Texas cattle branded a O ou left side and somef n leftside. Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some'cattfe branded AW bar connected on both sides and left hip of hoi M.'S D. M. Scars. Keuuedy , Nebr. Cattle branded RSOII cut.left side Some on left hip. Hones same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Sawyer Brog. Oasis , Xebr (1. K. Sa\\Ter lias rliar e of these cattle. II rsfa ! ! ! on left shoul der. left bide. < ; ame left thigh. Range on Snake rner. Metzger Bros. Kolfe Ncbr Cattle branded aii > u here on left side. Earmark , square crop i ight ear. Horses have "aine braud on eft thigh. fce on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250 v\ili be f aid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of anv person or persons stealing \\ith abovbrand. . J. A. Yaryan. Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on right Hide Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any Information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from my Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. Will G. tcusvck.v T Chat C lamison 8.&T. Postofflice and head narteri , Ellsworth , Xebr. Cattle branded oo any part of animal also the followlns brands : horses branded ti same B ! # t