Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 04, 1912, Image 5

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AtosotuteBy has M ®
Many mixtures are offered as
substitutes for Royal. No other
baking powder is the same in
compcsstjon or effectiveness , erse
so wholesome and economical ,
nor will make such fine food.
Royal is the enl Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Registered Hereford Bulls for
sale at all times of the .year.
Simeon - Nebraska
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
F. M. Walcott Oliver M. Walcott
Walcott & Walcott
Practice before V. S. Land Ollico and all
Fecleral and State courts.
Valentine Nebraska
Attorney-at-Law |
Office front room , second story ,
over T. C. Hornby's store , Main
street entrance.
Valentine Nebraska
Dr. M. F. Meer ,
Rooms over Red Front store
Valentine = Nebr ,
Dr. D. W. Sumner
Hornby Building
Phone No. 173.
Valentine Lodge No. 70 ,
A. O. U. W.
Meets 1st and 3rd Monday in each
month at Fraternal Hall. All
Brethern are cordially invited to be
present ALBERT F. WEBB , M.W. .
TAMES 0. QUIGLEY , Recorder.
Felch's Restaurant and
Lunch Counter
Come to my new location in the
McDonald building.
Home Cooking
You -will look a good -while before you
find a better medicine for coughs and
colds than Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy. It not only gives relief it cures.
Try it when you have a cough or cold ,
and you are certain to be pleased -with
tbe prompt cure \vhich it will effect.
For sale by all dealers.
Notice of Application for a Licensa to
Sell Liquor.
Notice is hereby given that I
have filed with t ! e M.vor and
City Council of the City of
Valentine , Nebraska , a petition ,
accompanied by a bond duly at
tested , said petition pruning that
1 be granted a license to SP ! ! malt ,
spirituous and vinmi < - liquois in
block 6 , lot ' .7. Second Ward , in
said Ciiy of Valentine , Cherry
countv , Nebraska , for the year
ending May 1 , 1913.
Notice of Application for a License to
Sell Liquor.
Notice is hereby given that I
have filed with the layer and
City Council of the City of
Valentine , Nebraska , a petition ,
accompanied by a bond duly at
tested , said petition praying that
1 be granted a "license to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors in
block 5 , lot L' ? . Second Ward , in
said City of Valentine , Cherry
.county , Nebraska , for the year
ending May 1 , 1913.
' J.
The City Election.
The city election carried and
Valentine is now a city of the second
end class. The vote in the First
ward was 130 and in the Second
ward 123 ; total vote 253.
For license. . . ' . . . . 156
Against license 88
j For village government 72
For city government 174
M. V. Nicholson v\as elected
mayor , Charles Sparks , city treas
urer : W , E. Haley , clerk ; Charles
Maxweli , police judge ; A. B.
' Green , city engineer ; Luke M ,
Bates and L. L. Biven , councilmen -
men First ward ; E.O.Davenport
and W. T. Kincaid , couucjlmen
Second ward.
St. Nicholas' Church.
Services will be held in the
Catholic church as follows :
at 10 a. m.
In Valentine on Easter Sunday ,
April 7.
1st Mass at 8 a. m.
2nd Mass at 10 a. m.
Benediction of the Blessed sac
rament after Mass.
In Neuzcl on Easter Monday ,
Apiil 8 ,
In Arabia on Sunday , April 14.
For Sale
Threshing outfit. One 20-horse
power steam Case engine with
tender , in first class shape. One
36x60 Minneapolis separator with
feeder and blower. W ter tank ,
drive belt and everything com
plete. Price for quick sale $900
cash. D. McLEOP ,
13 Valentine , Neb.
Spring has sprung.
0. W. Halm is in town today.
Remnant sale at the Red Front.
Alex and Dan came back and
started home today with JoL-n
Bachelor in the load.
Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to
visit AVood Lake the first Monday
and Tuesday of each month to do
dental work. 19tf
Mrs. Jeffers and Ethel returned
from Omaha Monday , where the
laiter underwent an operation f ( r
The Sarpy county coroner's
jury recommended that Chief
Brigiis , Sheriff iiyersand Trouten
be held to answer for the murder
of Fred Blunt.
The declamatory contest last
Friday night clu S3 Misses Minnie
Alum- ai.d Gussie Graeff and
Spray GM drier , who went to
t'lvuiron 1-ist night and tonight de
bate for the district championship.
All the. contestants did well and
the decision of the judges was
At a meeting of the executive
committee of the democratic coun
ty central committee held today ,
it was found that a vacancy exist
ed in the olfice of secretary and I.
M. Rice was elected to fill the va
cancy.V. \ . E. Haley , chairman
of the committee , being a candi
date for county assessor at the
coming primaries , feeling that his
connection with the party organi
zation might be unfair to his op
ponents for the nomination , then
offered his resignation as chairman
which \\as accepted , and a vote of
thanks extended him for his work
in behalf of the party and for his
fairness. The executive committee
then elected Judge J. C. Quigley
chairman of the county central
committee to fill the \acanoy
.created by Mr. Haley's lesigna-
C. L. Latta expects to begin the
erection of a new dwelling about
j May 1. W. L. Cohee will be the
carpenter in charge.
The mail route to Dewey Lake
bas been started from Red Deer.
This is a disappointment to pa
trons who expected-it to be carried
from Simeon.
Messrs. Daniels and Bucy have
prepared to do then' spring biand-
ing. These occasions are sources
of enjoyment as well as hard work
and is a reminder of early ranch
life which is dear to all old settlers.
We wish to announce that the
ducks and geese have arrived.
This is said by way of encourage
ment to those who have been in
despair , thinking that spring
would soon come. It is now safe
to order garden seeds.
Conditions are very favorable for
grass. There is plenty of moisture
and with a few warm days stock
will be able to do well. A heavy
burcfen will be lifted from our
stockmen. It is the general opin
ion that stock are in a normal con
Sunday school will be opened
April 7 , at the Gordon Valley
school house -with Mr. Carr as
superintendent. A cordial wel
come is'extended to all. Rev.
Beebe held the regular services
Sunday and spent some time vis
iting before returning.
The Only "Dolly" Type
Machine Made
That ha > absolutely no operating
mechanism attached to the sides
or top of the machine.
Equipped with specially design
ed reversible wringer , which is
operated by the same motor that
operates the machine , and enables
the washing and wringing to be
done at the same time.
The motor , together with all
operating mechanism , is mounted
on a metel frame underneath the
body of the machine , out of the
way of the operator. This metal
frame is rigidly attached to the
legs and insures perfect alignment
of the gearing and reduces the
amount of power required to oper
ate the machine to a minimum.
Only one Lever to Operate
The machine and reversible
wringer under positive control of
the operator. The wringer may
be operated at the same time or
remain stationary while thd machine - '
chine is washing the clothes. The
only Dolly type machine fitted
with special 1-inch drain faucet at
the bottom for drawing off the
waste or making permanent con
nection with the waste drain if de
15 days' free trial to convince
you of the merits of this machine.
H. F. Weinzimmer.
Here's a wom'an's stock
ing of quality and wear ,
You are proud of
once they grace your feet.
The way they fit and the way
they wear is a revelation.
Their dye is one of their superla
tive features. The brightest , truest ,
surest , most lasting black and the
richest shade of tan known to
hosiery making. Dyed with Wun-
derdye fast to the last.
Made for all ages and
sizes , for women and
Four pairs to the box
$1.00 , or a de-luxe grade ,
three pairs to the box
$1.00. The '
guarantee insures the
toe , heel and sole against
need of darning for four
Old Crow , AJ1 Leading
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
Cruchen- Under-the
lieimer Supervision
. , . of the *
Eye „ .y &as s r * " T f-3rx f * & " * * < ' -f L & * * & * * " ' * j t * * * L73
Whiskeys. U. S. Gov.
handle the Budweiser Beer.
Copyright 1909 , br C E ZhnrncR-an Co.--No. 39N
IjST order to furnish
proper banking * protection ,
President Lincoln and his
first congress established
the Xafcional Bank which
operates under government
From time to time addi
tional laws have been
passed under the different
presidents shown above
strengthening the protec
tion a National Bank af
Thus the confidence and
security that conies with
the possession of money
in the bank is greatly en
hanced when it is in a Na
tional Bank , for here it
has safe-guard
every pos
sible for human ingenuity
to devise.
In selecting a bank in which
to deposit your savings or
surplus funds the one thing
to be considered is safety
and wre ask for your busi
ness only on the basis of ab
solute safety. Call at our
bank and let us explain to
you how safe your money
is here.
First Nation ! Bank
Valentine , Nebraska
A Staemtent of Facts Backed by a
Strong Guarantee.
We guarantee immediate and
positive relief to all sufferers from
constipation. In every case \\iiere
our remedy fails to do this we \\il" "
leturn the money paid us for H
That's a frank statement o [ facts ,
and we want you to substantiate
tuein at our risk.
liexall Ordeihes are eaten jusi
like candy , and are particular ! >
piompt and aggreeablo in ae'iou ,
may be taken at any time , day 01
night ; do not cau.-e diarrhoea ,
nausea , griping , excessive looseness ,
or other undesirable effects The >
have a very mild but positive action
upon the organs ttith which thes
come in contact , apparently acting
as a regulative tonic upon the le
laxed muscular coat of the how el ,
thus overcoming weakness , and aiding
ing to restore the bowels to more
vigorous and healthy activity.
Eexall Orderlies are unsurpass
able and ideal for the use of child -
d ) en , old folks and delicate persons
\Ve cannot too highly recommend
them to all sufferers from any form
of constipation and its attendant
evils. That's why we back our
faith in them with our promise of
money back if they do not give en
tire satisfaction. Three sizes : 12
taul'.ts 10 cents , 86 tablets 25 cents
and SO tablets 50 cents. Remem
ber , you can obtain Eexall .Remedies
in.Yalentine only at our store The
Store. GA. . Chapman.
Spread tbe Manure between now and the first of-June and you will
see its value in bigger crops next fall.
The SUCCESS SPREADER raakos manure cover three times as
much land as hand spreading1 , therefore , makes the
Manure three times as valuable.
All overcome by the latnst and greatest improvement ,
ROLLER BEARINGS in every wheel , cylinder and
important part. It is the seven sets of Roller Bearings
that makes the Success pull a horse lighter than any
other spreader
Call and see the Success Spreader and talk
over a Spreader deal with us
A. E. Morris. AY. W. Morribsoy. Dr. 0. AY. Noyes
/ * * f"f0 / *
\fr\ \ ' \
% ? !
The placs for men who want the bast
The place where good fellowship exists and men
of fine judgment gather. We command
ness by deserving it , ? C ? Z C
Walther F. A. MdtendorH , Prop.
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U. S. Weather Bureau Report
WEEK ENDING MK. . 2S , 1912.
Daily mean temperature 21- .
Normal temperature 3t33.
Highest temperature 0-2 = .
Lowest temperature ° .
Range of temperature 07 ° .
Precipitation for week O.oi of anjnch.
erage.for 23 years O.9of-an inch.
Jon : ? J. MCLEAK Observer
For rheumatism you will Hud nothing
better than Chfimberlciin's Liniment
Try it and see how qnickiy it gives re-
Relieves gas in stomach , distres.
after catinjr. stomach cervousBcss
dizziness , headache , heartburn ,
heart palpitation and other ail
ments caused by faulty digestion.
Price 25c. Prepared by United
Drug Company , Boston , Mass.
Sold in Valentine only by G. A.
Chapman. The liexall Store.