Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 04, 1912, Image 4

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I. M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor
Mark Zarr , Foreman
A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs
day at Valentine , Nebraska.
Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year
Local Notices , ocper line per issue
Entered at the PostolDce at Valentine , Neb. ,
for transmission through .the mails , as second
class matter.
Thursday , April 4 , 1912.
To the Voters of Cherry Co. Nebraska :
I wish to announce that I will
be a candidate for nomination for
the office of county assessor , sub
ject to the democratic primaries
to be held in April , 1912.
To the People of Cherry Co. Nebraska :
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination of
representative from the represen
tative district No. 72 , on the re
publican ticket at the primary
election to be held on the 19th day
of April , 1912.
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for county assessor on the
democratic ticket , subject to t ! e
decision of the voters at the pii-
maries , April 19 , 1912.
Very respectfully ,
I hereby announce that I am a
candidate for county assessor , sub
ject to the democratic primaries
on April 19 , 1912.
Respectfully ,
I hereby announce that .1 am a
candidate for the nomination for
representative of the 72nd repre
sentative district on the democratic
tic ticket at the primary election
to beheld April 19 , 1912.
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for county assessor on the
republican ticket , subject to the
decision of the voters at the pri
maries , April 19 , 1912.
The house of representatives
passed a bill to take the tariff from
su ar and raise an equal amount
of revenue through an excise tax
upon income over five thousand
dollars annually , It may also pass
the senate.
A socialist ws i.ried in New
York the other day for trampinjr
upon an American fla r , while
speaking. At the trial his lawyer
said : "Hand me that rag ! ' ' The
attorney escaped with an apology
to the court.
Koosevelt is now saying"let the
people rule , " while Bryan is re
tracting by saying "let me rule. "
If Roosevelt is defeated by Taft
for the nomination you may ex
pect him to say the people are un
fit to rule , while if Harmon gets
the nomination on the democratic
ticket Bryan can go to South
America while we hold the elec
Ben A. Brewster , editor of the
Chadron Chronicle , has filed as a
candidate for state senator in the
Twenty-eighth senatorial district ,
subject to the primaries , April 19.
There is no doubt that Mr
Brewster will get the nomination
as the democratic candidate. He
also stands an excellent chance of
being elected. There are few
newspaper men elected to office
because they are generally kept
busy fighting other people's bat
tles and have little encouragement
tOvseek office , though they pos
sess qualifications equal to many
other professions and know the
needs of the people. The.\ arc
the leaders most frrqaeml.i iu new
thought and are in sympathy with
more people than any other pro
fession , though given litile credit
unless they they toot their own
horns. Newspaper men men ad
vance opinions as a leader of
ihought und are oi ten criticised.
If the thought bec < mes popular
; it often b r i D g 0 a f e w i
s ana another jwr
{ "
hp rlpctml on the popularity after
it has Ix-corm1 a fixture , or. having
made no enemy in making the
thought popular. We ask our
readers to consider this matter
and invite their attention to Mr.
Brewster as a candidate for state
Since Mr. Bryan has announced
that he will not act as a delegate to
the national convention and re
fuses to vote for Gov. Harmon if
our people so instruct , we should
not support him as a candidate.
The delegates at large who will
act as our state instructs , accord
ing to the World-Herald , are :
G. M. Hitchcock of Omaha , I. J.
Dunn of Omaha , Tom Smith of
York , and Fred Volpp of Scrib-
ner. As delegate from our dis
trict we would suggest H. H.
Belwood of Alliance as an old time
democrat and a good man.
Mr. Bryan is unfair in his as
sumption that the people of this
state who have ideas of their own
and have the courage to support
them without asking him , are do
ing so to discredit Bryan in his
own state. They are supportir g
their choice because of their choice
and not to work against anyone.
We do not believe that Bryan be
lieves what he assumes , but that
he is mis-stating the case , as he
now accuses Mr. Hitchcock of be
ing a republican and that he has
labored for twenty years to make
a democrat of him.
It is stated that Roosevelt con
templates bolting the regular re
publican ticket if Taft defeats him
for the nomination which he
promptly denies and says he didn't
SA.V it but admitted that he did say
he would have a good deal to say
if the people decided against him
as a result of the juggling of their
rights by the bosses , but that he
would not explain further. That
statement must be taken for just
what it says at its exact face value.
Roosevelt may do anything in his
radical hysteria from bolting Taft
to supporting La Toilette , or if
the people would encourage him a
bit , might try to establish himself
as king or emperor.
Morehead Visits Valentine
John H. Morehead , acting lieut
enant governor , and candidate for
governor at the primaries April
19 , spent last Friday in our city
visiting and getting acquainted
with Valentine people and he was
heartily welcomed by all. lion
C. H. Cornell took Mr. Morehead
in company with Col Quigle'y , D
A. Hancock and I. M. Rice out to
the Valentine fish hatchery and to
the state experimental farm sub
station in which Mr. Morehead
seemed especially interested and
announced that he considered the
state experimental stations of vast
importance to the people of our
state 35 our leading and chief in
dustrial pursuit and he was giving
a big share of his attention to the
farming and stock raising industry
because it is the business of Ne
braska people.
In the evening Col , Quigley had
planned a trip to Morey's Jewel
moving picture show and had Mr.
Morehead's picture flashed upon
the canvas. The picture was im
mediately recognised and a hearty
round of applause was given our
distinguished visitor. After the
picture show the party gathered
at the hotel annex where the time
was pleasantly spent until the east
bound train time when the party
accompanied their guest to the
Mr. Morehead came to Nebraska
29 years ago , a poor boy. In fact
after he crossed the Missouri river
had but § 1.50 but went to work
and now nas a competence as a re
ward for his industry and good
business judgment. Nebraska
needs such a man for governor.
Mr Morehead is a pleasant agree
able man to meet and a good visi
tor. As governor he will be a
common man among us but with
the ability he has given to private
ati'airs that .spell success and prog
ress *
The persons wiios - names to the e articles
; subscribed , and su < th persons us inny hereafter
join and sit'lUtc ' * with Hie person - signing these
articles and ( her successors , adopt the follow
ing smicli's for the government of the associa-
' ion hereby formed :
Tha name of this association Mial ! be the Wom
an's Improvement Club , of Valentine. > eorusliii.
The object of this Association shall he to im
prove and beautify all public i rojierty within
the citv limits of the City ol Valentine , Ne
braska , including the narks and cemetery , ad
jacent to said city , and the betterment of ma
terial and moral conditions generally.
Any woman may become a member of th's
Assoiat Ion by sl nin the constitution and
pajlug tlie membership fee of ten cents.
The affa r3 of the Asocial inn shall be pov-
ernetl t > y a board of i.iue (9) ) trustees , and the
ti uitees shall -leec from among their own num
ber the lollimiug otllcers : 1'resident , vic
president , mid a secretary-treasurer. The sec-
retary-tresiMirer shall also be the
clerk of this a-sociation. The duties of the
president , vice p esidenr. secretsiry-treasnrer
ami clerk sha 1 be those usually devolving on
such officers , and huch other duties as may be
lixed by the In-laws that may hereafter be
adopted by the Ass iciation. There shall be an
annual election held for the election of the
board of trustees on the tirst Thursdzy in May
in each year , beginning with the year luli. At
the election JieUl on the first Thursday in May ,
1012. there shall I e elected three trustees to
serve for a term of three years ; three trustees to
serye for < t term of two years ; three trustees to
serve tor a term ot one year ; aue at each an
nual election held alter the jvar 191J there shall
be elected turee trustees for a lerm of thite
years earn , ishon d any vacancies occur the
trustees to have thy power tj fill the same until
the next animal election.
These ar'icles may be amended at any regular
meeting of this association by a two thirds vote
of the members present , provided notice ot the
intended change be given at three previous con
secutive meetings.
The trustees herein provided for and- their
in olliv'e shall have .
successors , pe.petual suc
cession by the name : The Roman's Improve
ment Uinb , ol Valentine. Nebraska , anrt by such
name ue. legally capable of contracting ana
prosecuting and defending suits , and shall hvc
capacity to acquire , hold , enjoy , mortgage , dis
pose oi , and convey all property , ival and per
sonal , which they may acquire by purchase ,
donation or 1-ir the purpose of carry
ing out the intentions of this Association.
A majority of the board of trustees herein
proided for shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business.
It Is understood that any property belonging
to the Womai.'s Improvement Club of Valentine
stialt be operated in the murests of ihe entire
community , without profit to any person lirm
or corporation , but that all net receipts shall be
pa'.d into the treasury of said club for disburse
ment by it in some public imp.ovement.
In case said Woman's Improvement Club
shall , tor any leasou decide to surrender its
pioperty , said property shall become the prop
el ty of the City uf \ a'entiue , to be managed oy
said municipal authorities and disposed of only
at a regular elect Km of said municipality , oy a
majority vote of all votes cast at that e'cc'ion.
15e it further undeislood that the money de
rived Irom such sale shall be used for improving
the town.
It shall DO illegal to make an assessment upon
the members ot this association.
Margaret Kiucaid , { 'resident . I. C.
Adele ( to nig , Vice I'resident.
Mae W. Nicholson , secretary.
.Mis. t'iUHUb 1'ettycrew.
Emma Z Fincher.
Sarah D Lair.orea.ux.
M nna S | arks.
Emi'y ' uit-hop.
Emmii It. Hornby.
Jennie C. Wells.
Mariu-rite Illaere.
Ainel'u M. McLean.
C. M. Donolter ,
Anna McLeod.
Bertha K. C. Cornell.
Wren D. Cumptim.
Dora I ) . Kiee.
12 4 Lottie Cramer
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Oflice , Valentine. Nebraska.
March it. : 101:1 :
To Harry Miller of Wood Lnk e. Nebraska.
Conte.stec :
You are hereby notified that Norman Guy
Vian who gives Wood Lake. Nebra his
post-olllce address , dm n Mir. . " > . 1012. tile in
this oflice hi.s duly corroborated application
to contest and secure the cancellation of
of your homestead. Entry. Serial No. 05599 ,
made June -1. HMD , tor WI. .Section 15 , and
the N1NL " .section 22 , Township 29. Range 21) ) ,
west of "the C Principle Meridian , and as
ground * for his contest he alleges that the
said Hairy Miller has never settled upon the
j-ai'l laud since the cUte ol entry and that he
IIHS not cured bis laches to this date.
You are. therefore , further notified that
the said allegations will be taken 113- this , of-
tice as having been confessed by you. and
your said entrv will be canceled ihcrounder
without your further right to be heard
therein , tither before thib ollice or on appeal ,
if vor fail to Hie in this ollicevithin twentv
days after th KQUUTI1 publication of this
notice , as shown below , your answer , under
oath , speciilcally meeting and responding , to allegations of contc'.st. or if you Tail
within that time to file in this oflice due proof
that you have served a copy of your answer
on tiff said contestant either in "person or by
registered mail. If this er\ice is made by
the delivery of a copy of your answer to the
contestant in person , proof of such service
must be either the said contestant' . ' , written
acknowledgment of hib re > eipt of the copy ,
showing the date of its receipt , or the affida
vit ot the person by whom the deliverv was
made stating when and where the copy was
oYlivered ' ; it made by registered mail , proof
n't tjijcfi service must consist of the aflidnvit
pf rhynprhon by whom the copy was mailed
tUiUng when and the post otlice to which it
was mailed , and tjiis ajlluhyii inuit beaccom.-
panied by the postmaster's receipt" for thg
You should state in your answer the name
of the post oluce to which you desire future
notices to be sent to 3'ou.
LUKE M. BATES. Register.
Pf4e of lirst publication March 11,1UI2 ,
Date of .second publication March 21. ISMS
Date ot third pahlicatiqn March 28. 1912.
Date of fourth publication Anrjl } , 1'Jll
Contest Notice.
United States Land Office , Valentine. Neb
March iy , I'jli' ,
To John Beam of Wood Lnko , Nebraska ,
Contestee :
You are herein- notified that Trinpi'nt T.
P.rown. who gives Vhm. Nebraska , an his
postoit.ce address did on the 5th of March ,
HI 12 tile in this oillce his duly corroborated
application to contest and .secure the can
cellation ot your homestead. Serial No. 055'S. !
made June 2lst. I''IO. for SE ; . [ , section 10
jittil Ibe SW1. , . section H , jind the NE4. Sec
tion l.t. Tuwn.shin 20. Uange 2'J. West of the
Sixth Principal Meridian and as t-roiinds lor
his contest li nfl ges that the s. id . | olij ! Beam
lus never settle-i ujqa ; ihe said lau.i ; that the
said'Jo' p I5eam has never eul i\ated the said
land ; that be nasyholly ab.indone i the said
jand sun < i the date ol ei try , anu Ujat he has not
ci ; ed his jachts to this date.
Von are. theieiore , lurther notified that tlje
said alleyaiions wii } be lakcn t > y fbis oilico as
Jiaving been Conlessed by jon , and ypiir sail
entry wi'l be canceled tlio'-euuder without yoijr
further lUlit 10 be heard ( herein , either byfore
this oillce or on appeal , if you tail to tile in ihis
within twtMit } uays aft r ihe fourth pub
lication of this notice , as shown below , your
answer under oatt1 , spectlidally meeting ana
responding to these allegations of contest , or if
you jail within that time to file in this office due
pn ol that mi have served a cpy of 3 our ans
wer on the said contestant either in pe/son or
by registered mail. If th s sei vice is made by
tjie delivery of a copy of your answer to the
cQiitftfiant m person , pp > of of such service must
be eith- the cal-i contestant's written jickngw-
ment of his receipt of thr- copy , showing
the date of its receipt , or the' affidavit ot the
person by whom the delivery was jnade stating
) \jcnand } where the copy was ae ivered ; if
niade bv re istrd mail , i roof ot sar > h service
must CO' sst | of the ullld tvit of the pers m by
whom the copy n--.s ; mailed stating whej
and the post ofliceto vnich it wan mailed , and
this affidavit must be apcompamcd by the post-
mas-tr r's receljt lor tlie 'ctter.
You sI"H } d stale in your answer the pame of
the post office , to u hjch you desire luture noti
ces to DC sent t" > nn
LUKli M BATES. Register
Date of first publication March H , isua.
Dateof second. publication March 2i. 1912
of third publication March 28 ,
W fttortn p-uttlfcatitjii Afl 17
Notice to Creditors
State of Nebraska , i _ „
County of Cherry , fss
In .he Bounty Court within and for Cherry
county , Nebraska ,
In the matter of the estate of August J. Uelzer
To the creditors of said estate :
Yon are hereby notified. That I will sit at the
Count > Cou-t Room In Valentine in said county
on the 20th day of Apr ] , 1912.
to receive and examine all cl-ims against
said estate , \\ith aiew to their adjustment and
allowance The time limited for the presenta
tion of claims against said estate is < > n tl-ie s&id
20th day of April. A. l > . 1912 , and ihe
time limited for payment ot debts Is one year
from said 20th day of April. 1912.
Witness myhandan l the seal of said
SEAL County Court this 25th d Ay of inarch ,
- 1912. JAMES C. QUIGLEY ,
12 4 County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
THE STATK OF NKKKASKA „ , In tlie County
CiiKitiiY Cou > "i'v. ) Ba Court.
In tlie matter of the estate of William
P. Bryant , deceased :
To the Creditors of said Estntc :
You are hereby notified. That i will sit at tlie
Coi nty Court Room in \ alcntiue in said counry
on ihe 20th day ot April , 1912 ,
to receive and examine all claims against
said estate with a view to their adjustment and
allowance. The time limited for the presenta
tion of claims against said estate is six months
from the 20th day of Oct. . A. D. 1911 , and the
time limited for payment of debts is one year
from said 20th day of ( ) ct .1911 ,
Witness my hand and seal of said county court
' this26th dav of Mar-h \ I ) l ! > 12.
, 12 4 County Judge.
Walcott & Wa'cott ' , attorneys.
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for
Settlement of Account.
In the county court of Cherrv county , Ne
State of Nebraska , t
Cherry County i
To the heirs and all persons interested in
the estate ot PaulJI. Danofskydeceased :
On reading the petition of K.I en U. Danofsky
praying a linal settlement and allowance o'f
her account filed in this Court on the 25th day
of March , lul-2 and for a decree of dis
tribution :
It is hereb3- ordered that 3'ou and all per
sons interested in said matter may , and do.
appear at the county court to be held in and
for said county , on the 20th day of April
A. D , 1912 , at 11 o'clock a. in. , to show cause ,
if any there be , why the prayer of the pe
titioner should not be granted , and that not
ice ot the pendency ot said petition and the
hearing thereof be'given to all persons inter
ested in said matter bv publishing a copy of
this order in The Valentine Democrat , a
wcekl3' newspaper printed in said count\- for
four .successive weeks prior to said iav of
hearing. JAMES C. QUKI > IV.
[ SEAL ] 12-1 County Judge.
Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for
Settlement of Account.
In the County Court of Cherry county ,
Cherry County. \
To tin1 heirs si ml nil persons int crested in
the estate of Annn Janak. deceased :
On reading the petition of Frank Jsinsik
prnyingn final settlement nml allow.-ince of
his account Hied in this court on tlie 2iHh
diy : of March , 1H2 ! , and for a decree of Html
It is hereby ordered that you and nil per
sons interested in said intter : may. and do.
appear at the county court to be held in si ml
for said couiny.on the iDtli dsiy of April ,
A. IX , 1912 , sit 10 o'clock si. in. , to show csius" ,
if any there be , why the prayer or the pe
titioner s'lould ' not be granted , sin < l that no
tice of tlie pemleney ofsaid petition si ml tlie
hearinsi thereof be given to ; ill persons in
terested in said matter by publishing si copy
of this order in The Vsilentine Deiiiocisit , a
weekly newspaper printed in sid ! eonnty ,
for four successive weeks prior to said day
of bearing. JAMKS C. CRITICIKY ,
[ SKAi , ] 12 1 County Judge.
C. A. Ruby. Attorney. '
Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment
of Administrator.
In the county court of Cherry county , Ne-
State of Nebraska , I }
County of Cherry , t
To the heirs nml to sill persons interested
in the estsite oi .Toshusi JJ. Cov. deceased :
On residing the petition of Fannie S.
Cox praying thsit tin1 sulmini.strsition of said
e-stsite be granted to lier.sfllsissuiministratix :
It is hereby ordered thit ; you , ami sill per
sons' interested in sa'd matter , may , sind do ,
appesir sit the couut\ court to lie held in snul
for ssiid county , on the KHh tlsiy of April
11)12 ) , sit 10 o'clock si. m. , to .sl-.ow esniM' . if siny
there be , why the i'1'iiyer of the petitioner
should not be gninted. sind tbsit notice of
the pendency ot ssiid petition siml Unit the
hesiring thereof lie given tosill persons inter
ested In ssiid msitter by publish ing n copy of
thi.s order in The Vsilentine Democrat , si j
weekly newspsiper printed in said county ,
for three successive weeks prior to .said dsiy
of hesiring.
"Witness my hand si ml the seal of said
court this 25th dsiy ofMsircb , Hi 12.
12 :5 : County Judge.
A. G Humphrey , attorney.
Xotiev to U rest'torn.
CHKUKY ( Court ,
In the matter of the estate of Thomas Roche
deceased :
To the eredito-s of said est'it- :
You are hereby notified Tnsit I will sit at the
Cnun'y Court Koorn m Valentine in said county
on the 2ith day of April , l'J2 ! at 10 o'clock a.
m. , to receive and examine all claims against
said esta'e witn a view to their adjustment : u.d
ailowau-fi The fime limited tor the pn-senta-
tion of claims against said estate is six montnx
from the 20th day of October A.I ) 1 H and the
time limited tor payment of debts is one jear
fp-in said 20th davofct"ber. . lOtl.
Witness ui3" hand and the seal of the coun-
tv court this 23th dav of March. 1912.
[ SEAL ] JAMES C. Qciur.nv.
| 2 1 County Judge.
i , Ghsrry Oeunfy
At the Repaiiiisan Primaries
April 19 , 1912
Has lived 15 years in the dis *
trict and has been close ! } ' identi
fied with the growth and devalop-
ment of Northwestern Nebraska.
[ f he is elected to the senate our
district will have a man who can
fake front rank in the senate and
pur interests will be garefully
He has never before been a can
didate for office. Let us have
new blood in the state house.
Cleaning , Pressing and repairing
of Ladies' and Gent's Garments
J. Abrahams , Valentine , Nebr.
Highest cash nrice paid for Call for Estimates
ii i i Anything you have to sell. Phones 187 and 169
; Valentine Furniture Exchange
We buy and sell New and Second Hand Furnitnre ,
Carpets and Stoves.
, Valentine , . box 348 Nebraska
Henry F. Ashurst , Senator
From Arizona.
" w"- > - " "
, . -
. ' life- .M
: /
i Henry F. Ashurst , who vrill repre
sent the new state of Arizona in the
"United States senate , is a Democrat
in politics and was chosen at the re
cent state eleetioii by popular vote.
His election must be ratified by the
state legislature , but that is a mere
matter of form , the Democrats being
in control. Unlike his colleague , Mar
cus A. Smith , Mr. Ashurst will be a
stranger at the national capital , his
political activities having heretofore
been confined to the affairs of the new
ly made state.
A native of Nevada , thirty-six years
old , Mr. Ashurst has lived nearly all
his life in Arizona. At the age of fif
teen he was a cowboy anil at nineteen
was deputy sheriff of Coconino coun
ty. Subsequently ho worked as a hod
carrier and lumberjack , taking up the
study of law in 189,1. Four years
later he was admitted to the bar. lie
served three terms in Hie territorial
legislature and in ISO' ) , at lie : age of
twenty-four , was elected speaker of
the house. lie ale serve ; ! ns a mem
ber of the tcrrltori-i ! council and was
twice elected district attorney of Co
conino county. ? Ir. AshursL's home
Is in Froscott , where ho has a lucra
tive law practice.
Joke Was on Ssnator Cummins.
Senator Brown of Nebraska ad'lro.-s *
cd an Iowa multitude at a poiiti'-nl
meeting last summer and jabbed a 1U-
tlo quiet comedy at Senator Cummins.
" 1 hope you'll pardon me , " he said to
the crowd , "if I talk a little longer
than you think 1 ought to. It isn't
often that I get a chance to talk. At
home I have a wife and two daugh
ters , and in the senate well , you
know there's a certain senator from
Iowa , and" The crowd caught it
right off the bat and yelled.
Household Helps.
To erase nil traces of scorch stains
wet the scorched place , rub with soap
and bleach in the sun.
After blacking a stove try rubbing
it over with a rag dipped in turpentine
and polishing off in the usual way. It
gives a beautiful jet black polish.
Bop's and shoes , however damp , will
polish in a few minutes if a drop or
two of kerosene be added to the black
ing. It also prevents the leather from
A ( lark line around ire neck is often
caused by wearing stiff. tijht collars.
Wer.r a soft stock and clean < e Ihe neck
with a good soap cream and bithe : it in
cold water.
It is not generally known that wringIng -
Ing nut a cloth in hot water and wip
ing the furniture before putting on
furniture cream will result in a very
high polish that will not finder mark.
Rations Fcr Hens.
Scientists say a hen fed on wheat
alone gels in a day one and one-half
as much carbonaceous matter as she
libels for au egg. but only ono-sixtb as
much protein as is needed. This is 3
hard and embarrasnJug mathematical
problem for a crealuro of "no moro
than a hen. " Help balance her
ration with alfalfa , cut bone , oats , KafI I
fir torn , etc. * \
Simple and Effective Dish
washing Machine.
An effective dishwasher fur family
use has been put on the market by aNew
Now York man. II is so easily manip
ulated that a child can run It. and
there is no danger of the china becom
ing nicked in the process. A circular
metal receptacle has a perforated cylin
der running up the center in which is
a close fittins piston operated by a.
pump lumdle. A hinged lid , fitting so
close as to be water tight , covers the
receptacle. At the bottom of the tub.
If it may be so called , are circular
railings to hold plates and saucers , ar
ranged on their edges , and above this
is a rack to hold cups. etc. The silver
stands up imide a smaller railing that
encircles the cylinder. A teakettle of
boiling water is p-nircd into the cylin
der and the lid closed. The piston Is
pressed down , and the water is spray
ed out over the dishes. The piston Is
raised , and the water is sucked into the
cylinder again for a repetition of the
operation. The. whole machine rests
on a metal Ktand with casters.
Uncle Sam's Chief Navigator.
Commander Philip Andrews , U. S.
N. , who became chief of the bureau of
navigation on Jan. 1. has been naval
aid to .Secrotary Meyer since October ,
IfiO'J. He str-TCHled Rear Admiral
Nicholson , who will take command of
the Asiatic floet. The appointment of
a commander to so high a position la
regarded as .1 not her example of Mr.
Meyer's policy of putting young men
in important places in the navy when
their etliicncy warrants it. Previous
ly he had appointed Hutch I. Cone ,
with the rank of lieutenant command-
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"A---s.-- : > : -
iAsun ; : PHILIP AX
er , eniriiKM-i In chief of the navy nnrt
CoiumamU > r Nathan C. Twining chiff
ot the iMiro.-tii < < iHtlnam-e. . The work
uf the c tn > i > rsIMS jnstifhil Secretary
Meyer's st-let-tien
romniiiiidiT Anf'iewrf ID a native of
Xew York ami v. appointed ro the
naval sen in * from Xew .ItM-sey in 1SS2.
Sim'i' lie was Hi-rU-d naval aid to rbe
aecrr-tarr of ihe uai y he has bcoo in
: -loso tuo h with ail matters of im
portant isi his office and has absorb
ed Secretary Meyer's reorganization