Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 04, 1912, Image 2

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I. IV ! . RICE , Publisher.
Automatic Suspension Means a Los ;
to Employes of $1,000,000 a Day-
Country's Coal Production Reducec
42,000,000 Tons a Month.
Jndianapolis , Ind. No anthracite 01
bituminous coal is being taken fron
the mines by union miners as the re
suit of the suspension which went intc
effect at midnight , Sunday , due tc
wage troubles. More than 400,00 (
miners , about 150,000 in the anthra
cite fields and 25,000 in the bituminous
will take a vacation , which probablj
will iast only a few weeks. Different
from a strike , the miners will leave
pump men and others at work to pro
tect the mines from flooding or othei
trouble due to a shutdown of the
The bituminous miners will be out
only long enough for the wage agree
ment , reached in Cleveland , to be rati
fied , by the miners by a referendum
vote , as it is believed the agreement
will be sanctioned by a large majority
of the men. The suspension in the an
thracite mines will be of longer dura
tion , as no agreement has yet been
reached between the miners and oper
ators. After negotiations were brok
en off in New York on March 13 , be
tween the anthracite miners and oper
ators , nothing was done toward get
ting together again until Sunday , when
both sides agreed to meet in Philadel
phia on April 10 and reopen negotia-
, tions.
Ballots for the referendum vote by
the bituminous miners , it is said , will
be sent out from the national miners
headquarters in this city as soon as
the national president , Jolm P. White ,
and the other officials return here
from Cleveland. It will take more
than two weeks to lake the vote , as
not all of the locals meet every week.
It will require some time to canvass
the vote , so the bituminous miners are
not expected to resume work much
under a month.
Madero Decides on a Vigorous Cam
Washington. D. C resident Fran
cisco I. Madero of Mexico has decided
upon a vigorous campaign against the
rebels , and the American government
has consented to permit the shipment
from the United States of arms and
ammunition for his soldiers.
It is the intention of President Ma
dero to replenish his army with fresh
recruits , throwing them around the
strongholds of the rebels.pi ne serious
problem of arming them has been sim
plified by a decision of the United
States authorizing by special permis
sion in each case Hie Mexican govern
ment to purchase munitions of war
here and ship them across the border.
Under this policy three consignments
of arms and ammunition already have
gen into Mexico.
Mink League President.
Auburn , Neb. Warren Cummings ,
of Auburn , part owner of the local ball
club last season , has been elected pres
ident of the Mink league , which organ
ized for the season at a meeting here.
J. H. Moorhead , of Falls City , candi
date for governor , vas elected treasur
er and Mr. Cummings was also ap
pointed secreatry. The Shenandoah ,
Io. , franchise was transferred to Hia
watha , Kan. , and the Clarinda , Io. ,
franchise to Beatrice , Neb. A sched
ule committee was appointed and the
salary limit raised to $900. The sea
son will begin May [ ) and end Septem
ber 2.
Live Stock Market.
Sioux City. Cattle Good to choice
corn fed steers , ? 7.00@S.OO ; medium to
good , $5.75@7.00 ; good to choice fat
cows and heifers , $5.25@G.50 ; grass
cows , $3.50@5.00 ; canners and cutters
? 2.00@,1.50 ; bulls , $3.75@5.25 ; veals !
? 4.00@8.00. Hogs Prices range from
$6.S5@7.15 , with a bulk of the sales at
$6.00@7.05. Sheep Lambs , $5.50@
$7.00 ; yearlings , $5.50@G.OO ; ewes ,
Reporter a Suicide.
Rock Island , 111. A nervous break-
clown , due to overwork , caused Hugh
W. Rooff , 21 years old , a newspaper
reporter , to commit suicide by drown
ing in the Mississippi river. His home
was at Mays Lick , Ky.
Ecuador Loan Taken by France.
Guayaquil , Ecuador. The govern
ment has signed an agreement with
a French syndicate for a loan of 17-
000,000 francs ( $3,400,000. )
Dr. Wiley to Give Lectures.
New York. Col. Harvey W. Wiley
closed a contract here to give 100 lec
tures throughout the United States
next season. The tour will begin in
October and will include engagements
from Maine to California.
La Follette Leaves Sick Bed to Cas1
Ballot Against His Colleague-
Names of Those V/ho Voted Foi
and Against Proposition.
Washington. Senator Stephenson
of Wisconsin was declared elected tc
his seat by the vote of 40 to 34. This
ends a long fight in which there were
three investigations , revelations ol
$107,793 spent by the senator In the
primary -campaign of 1908 and charges
of the illegal use of money.
Senator Robert M. La Follette left
, a sick bed to cast his vote against hia
The vote was as follows :
For ( Republicans ) Bradley , Ken
tucky ; Brandegee , Connecticut ;
Briggs , New Jersey ; Burnham , New
'Hampshire ; Burton , Ohio ; Clark , \Vy-
'oming ; Crane , Massachusetts ; Curtis ,
Kansas ; Dillingham , Vermont ; Du
Pont , Delaware ; Gamble , South Da
kota ; Heyburn , Idaho ; Lippitt , . Rhode
Island ; Lodge , Massachusetts ; Lori-
mer , Illinois ; McCumber , North Dako
ta ; McLean , Connecticut ; Nixon , Ne
vada ; Oliver , Pennsylvania ; Page ,
Vermont ; Penrose , Pennsylvania ; ,
Perkins , California ; Richardson , Delaware - !
ware ; Root , New York ; Smoot , Utah ;
Sutherland , Utah ; Warren , Wyoming ; .
Wetmore , Rhode Island 28.
For ( Democrats ) Bankhead , Ala
bama ; Chilton , West Virginia ; Fletch
er , Florida ; Foster , Louisiana ; John
ston , Alabama ; Newlands , Nevada ;
Overman , North Carolina ; Pomerene ,
Ohio ; Rayner , Maryland ; Smith , Mary
land ; Thornton , Louisiana ; Watson ,
West Virginia 12. Total , 40. , \
Against ( Republicans ) Borah , Ida-
oh ; Bourne , Oregon ; Bristow , Kan
sas ; Brown , Nebraska ; Clapp , Minnesota - !
seta ; Crawford , South Dakota ; Cum
mins , Iowa ; Dixon , Montana ; Cronna ,
North Dakota ; Jones , Washington ; .
Kenyon , Iowa ; La Follette , Wisconsin ; ;
Poindexter , Washington ; Smith , Mich-1
igan ; Townsend , Michigan ; Works ,
California 1(5. ( i
Against ( Democrats ) Bryan , Flori
da ; Chamberlain , Oregon ; Culberson ,
Texas ; Gardner , Maine ; Hitchcock ,
Nebraska ; Johnson , Maine ; Kern , Indiana - '
diana ; Lea , Tennessee ; Martine , New'
Jersey ; Myers , Montana ; O'Gorman ;
New York ; Owen , Oklahoma ; Percy ,
Mississippi ; Shively , Indiana ; Smith ,
Georgia ; Smith , South Carolina ;
Stone , Missouri ; Wiliiams , Mississip
pi 18. Total , 34.
The pairs were as follows , the sen
ators named first being in favor of Mr.
Stephenson :
Bailey , Texas Reed , Missouri.
Cullom , Illinois Simmons , North
Gallinger , New Hampshire Clark ,
Guggenheim , Colorado Davis , Ar
Nelson , Minnesota Bacon , Georgia.
Paynter , Kentucky Gore , Oklaho
The following senators did not vote :
Martin and Swansou of Virginia ;
Taylor of Tennessee , and Tillman of
South Carolina.
Not a single progressive Republican
senator voted for Mr. Stephenson. On
the other hand , three regular Repub
licans voted against him Jones of
Washington and Smith and Townsend
of Michigan.
Move Toward Providing Such Educa
tion in Illinois Made at Conference
at the University.
Champaign , 111. An important con-
feence of educators opened in the
college of agriculture of the Uni
versity of Illinois , the object of which
[ 3 to start a movement toward pro
viding for agricultural education in
schools throughout the state. The
conference was called by B. F. Harris ,
president of the Illinois Bankers' as
sociation and chairman nf its com
mittee on agriculture and vocational
In opening the session Mr. Har
ris said that while more than 40 per
sent of the population of Illinois is
n agriculture , that science is not
; aught in any of its country schools ,
except in a few instances , where it is
lone voluntarily. Many of the states
equire the teaching of agriculture ,
t is believed the conference will re
suit in a report or bill for the legis-
ature. :
Illinois Jurist Is Slain.
Greenville , Miss. Judge Trogdon of
Daris , 111. , was Instantly killed by a
evolver sbt fired by Sumner
Ihoades , also of Paris , but who had
teen on the Trcgdon plantation sev-
ral months.
Engineers Mail Strike Ballot.
New York. Thirty thousand ballots
or a strike vote by the engineers on
fty railroads east of Chicago have
een mailed out of New York by or-
er of the Brotherhood of Lei emotive
Jngineers , whose demands for in-
reased wages have been refused by
lie railroads.
Ball Club to Train at Home. -
Washington. The Washington
.merican league ball team has reach-
d this city from the Charlottesville
Va. ) training quarters.
. TAFT'S campaign for renomination Is being conducted by Congressman
man William B. McKlnley of Illinois , with Leroy T. Vernon , a well-
known Washington correspondent , aa chief of publicity.
Thirty-Three Bodies Recovered-
Rescue Cars Rushed to Town-
Five Men Killed When Sawmill
Boiler Explodes.
Bluefield , W. Va. Eighty-two men
were killed by a gas explosion in the
Jed Coal and Coke company's mine
at Jed , W. Va. , six miles from here.
Only eleven men escaped alive and
one of these died within an hour after
being brought to the surface.
Thirty-three bodies have been lo
cated and the rescuers will have them
out shortly.
When the explosion took place prob
ably only the eleven men working at
the foot of the shaft had a chance for
their lives. They readily made their
way up the cages which were not
Though some of the blades of the
fans were shattered , they continued
to operate , with the fortunate result
that enough air was present to admit
searching parties immediately.
Less than half an hour after the
news of the explosion had been com
municated to this place relief meas
ures were being taken. Oxygen hel
mets and other appliances were
rushed from the plant of the United
States Coal and Coke company , a
United States Steel corporation mine
near by ; a government mine rescue
car en route to Huntington , W. Va. ,
was turned back on telegraphic or
ders from Washington and another
car was started from Pittsburgh. The
first car reached here shortly after
noon. The experts immediately con
ceded "that all in the mine were dead.
State mine Inspectors promptly or
ganized rescue parties and began the
exploration of levejs. As the gases
were cleared out and they began
searches of the lower levels they im
mediately began to come upon min
ers who had been killed almost in
stantly. Other mines near by sent ex
perienced foremen to lead hundreds
of volunteer rescuers who flocked to
the scene as the news spread about
the countryside.
Senate Refuses to Express Regret at
Chief Chemist's Retirement
From Office.
Washington. Senator Martine's
resolution expressing the regret of
the senate over the retirement of Dr.
Wiley as chief chemist of the agricul
tural department was shelved by the
senate. The New Jersey senator
moved its adoption , but Mr. Martin of
Virginia offered a substitute referring
the resolution to the committee on
agriculture and the substitute pre
vailed. Mr. Martin expressed the
apinion that the senate should not go
in record on such a subject.
Complaint of Mrs. Helen Fuld Dwelle
Against Wisconsin Leather Manu
facturer Dismissed.
New York. Supreme Court Justice
terard dismissed a suit for damages
) rought by Mrs. Helen Fuld Dwelle ,
ilso known as Mrs. Jenkins , against
Nathan Allen , the Wisconsin leather
nanufacturen , and the detective firm
> f Mooney & Boland arising out of
he taking by Allen of securities ,
ewelry and other valuables which
vere in a safe deposit box and which ,
Irs. Jenkins said were hers.
One Is Burned to Death.
Chicago. One manwas , burned to
eath , another is reported missing and
housands of dollars' worth of grain
nd machinery were destroyed here
y a fire that razed the four-story
rick building of the B. A. Eckhart
our mill at 1300 Carrel avenue.
School Superintendent Suspended.
Lisbon , O. As a result of his state-
lent that 90 per cent , of the school-
oys and 40 per cent , of the schoolgirls
ere immoral , Superintendent of
ohools Felton has been suspended.
Madero Declares He Has Crushed
Foes One of His Generals Com
mits Suicide.
Mexico City , Mex. A decisive
battle between Mexican federal
troops and rebels in the vicinity
of JIminez has ended. This is re
ported from many sources. These re
ports , however , are contradictory as
to the result. The Mexican govern
ment has received an official dispatcH
to the effect that the rebels were rout
ed , and President Madero In an Inter
view last night said it meant the
breaking of the rebel cause. He said
rebel losses in killed and wounded
would reach 1,000 men.
A special dispatch originating at
Torreon sent to El Imparcial at Mexico
ice City and bearing evidence of being -
ing authentic , reported that the fed
erals had been defeated and that re
treating government soldiers were be
ing mobilized there.
Both reports contain the fact that
Gen. Gonzalcs Salas , former minister
of war , committed suicide after his
command had been routed. In bad
repute , he resigned his portfolio to
take the field , hoping to rehabilitate
himself in the eyes of his countrymen.
"The government troops have scored
a decisive victory , " declared Presi
dent Madero. "Our latest reports
show a comptete defeat of the rebels
near Corralitos , their losses in dead ,
wounded and captured accounting for
1,000 of their men. It has been a hard
won victory , but it means the break
ing of the rebel power. For the rash
act of General Salas we have only re
gret. It wes not necessary. "
Wickersham Refuses to Give Informa
tion en Reorganization of Inter
national Harvester Company.
Washington , D. C. Attorney Gen
eral Wickersham raised a slight
storm in the senate by refusing to
supply information concerning thg re
organization of the International Har
vester company , which was asked by
a resolution adopted March 16.
Senator Bacon took exception not
only to the attorney general's action ,
but to the manner of communicating
Mr. Wickersham said in his letter
that it was incompatible with the in
terests of the United States to supply
the information desired because the
correspondence on file related to busi
ness which was unfinished.
Mr. Bacon declared the language to
be discourteous and said that appar
ently the attorney general had forgot
ten that he was a creature of con
Claude Allen Escapes but Others Are
Sighted by Detec
Galax , Va. Claude Allen , twenty-
.wo-year-old son of Floyd Allen
ind one of those indicted for the
lillsville courthouse murders , has
ileanly eluded all pursuers , but his
mcleSidna _ Allen , and cousins , Wes-
ey , Edmunds and Fred Allen , are BO
ilosely pressed on the south side of
he Blue Ridge mountains that they
jrobably will be captured within three
Not so , however , with the other
hree outlaws , who are dodging about
n the Blue Ridge mountains between
lere and Mount Airy , N. C. They
lave been seen at a distance , detec-
ives having been within thirty mia-
ites' rides of them.
New Colombian Minister Named.
Bogota , Colombia. Julio Betan-
ourt has been appointed Colombian
sinister at Washington , succeeding
fen. Pedro Nel Ospina , who was re-
ailed p.fter his letter to Assistant
lecretary of State Wilson informing
im that he considered Secretary ot
tate Knox's proposed visit to Colom-
la might be inopportune.
Deserted Husband a Suicide.
Washington Philip HIchborn ,
'hose wife eloped with Wylie , the
romlnent clubman , has suicided.
Employers Say Charges Would Bloc !
Improvements Which Arc Re
quired by Lav/ .
New York. Fifty ralnoacls com
prising practically all the line :
east of Chicago and north , of th <
Norfolk & Western , refused to gran
I an increase in wakes demanded bj
their locomotive engineers.
I The conference committee oT rail
! road managers which has had undei
consideration the request of the engi
neers made its reply , which in sub
stance is that the railroads are un
able to bear the increased expense in
volved , "and find it evidently impos
sible to grant the request. "
The engineers' demand , presented
on January 22 , was for an increase
amounting to about 19 per cent a
year. The railroads' refusal is based
on the assertion that they are finan
cially. unable to bear the Increased ex
The reply was presented at a joint
meeting of committees representing
the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi
neers and 12 presidents and general
managers of the railroads.
The railroads point out that the pro
posed Increase will amount to $7,553-
792 annually. This increase , they say ,
would be equivalent to placing on their
property a lien of $188,844,818 of 4 per
cent , securities , which would have
preference over first mortgage bonds ,
"and to just that extent would lessen
the ability of the roads to make the im
provements necessary to Increase the
efficiency of their service and to in
sure greater safety to the public and
employes. "
President Victorious at the Primaries
Tv/o Sets of Delegates Chosen
at Indianapolis Meeting.
New York. In the primaries held in
New York state , former President
Roosevelt carried three districts the
first ( his own ) , embracing the coun
ties of Nassau and Suffolk , where
there was no contest , and the West-
shester and Rockland County dis
tricts , controlled by National Committeeman -
teeman Ward. Roosevelt also has one
delegate from Brooklyn , William A.
Prendergast , who as a known Roosevelt
velt man , was left on the regular
President Taft carried the Utlca.
district , the home of Vice-President
Sherman , where there was a fight.
Roosevelt won only seven delegates
out of ninety in the entire state.
The four delegates at large will be
instructed for Taft.
Roosevelt men assert the primaries
were improperly conducted , and will
carry the matter to the national con
Indianapolis , Ind. Two sets of del
egates at large to the Republican na
tional convention at Chicago were
chosen here. ,
One quartet , elected in the state
convention , is instructed to vote for
the renomination of President Taft
The contesting delegation bears the
Roosevelt stamp.
The Taft "big four" are ex-Vice-
President Fairbanks , National Committeeman -
teeman Harry S. New , ex-Congressman
James E. Watson , and Joseph D. Oli
ver of South Bend.
The Roosevelt delegation , chosen in
"rump" convention , includes ex-United
States Senator Albert J. Beveridge.
Edwin M. Lee of Lawrenceburg , chair
man of the Roosevelt Indiana cam
paign committee ; Charles F. Campbell
of Shelbyville , and Frederick Landis
of Lcgansport.
-Phoenix , Ariz. The Arizona legis
lature has unanimously selected Mar
cus A. Smith of Tucson and Henry F.
Ashurst of Prescott as representatives
of this state in the upper house of
congress. Smith and Ashurst were
elected by popular vote at last election.
Colorado Springs , Colo. The Colorado
rado Republican state convention here
was solid for President Taft , the dele
gates being as follows :
Thirty-nine counties with G5G dele
gates being for Taft as against 22
counties and 242 delegates for Reese
President White of the United Mine
Workers to Ask 5 per cent.
Cleveland , O. John P. White , pres
ident of the United Mine Workers of
America , and the district presidents
ire considering a possible solution of
.he threatened strike of the bitumin-
jus miners of western Pennsylvania ,
Dhio , Indiana and Illinois.
They purpose placing before the
vorkers the plan to drop all their de-
nands except that for an increase In
iay and that they ask for five per
: ent. Instead of ten.
The union officials say an agreeable
idjustment of the bituminous dispute
vould have much Influence in secur-
ng for the 175,000 anthracite miners
L settlement of their differences.
Senator Taylor Worse.
Washington. Senator Taylor of
Tennessee , who has been ill for some
! ays with an aggravated gall stone
rouble , is much worse. His case so far
as failed to yield to treatment and his
ondition is regarded as precarious.
Fire Sweeps New Y. M. C. A.
Peoria , 111. Fire originating from
pontaneous combustion in painters'
applies in the gymnasium practically
uined Peoria's new Young Men's
hristian association building here ,
'he ' loss is estimated at $45,000.
Chickens Were Poisoned.
Custer County. E. H. Purceli of. .
Broken Bow has just experienced1
something new in the line of poultry ;
troubles and it was rather startling
one , too. He has kept a flock of 110
pullets over winter. They were
healthy young hens of a superior
breed and had just arrived at the lay
ing stage. On opening the poultry
house door in the morning Mr. Purceli
was amazed to find his flock piled up
over the floor , the greater part of
them dead and others in a dying con-
dition. It is believed they were pois
oned. :
Transfer of Meeting Place.
Otoe County. The Executive Com
mittee of the Nebraska State Travel
ers Protective Association has trans
ferred its annual convention from Ne
braska City to Omaha. This change
was brought about because the Nebraska - .
braska City people were so unfortunate - * ,
nate as to lose one of their best ho
tels by fire recently , and the citizens/
of that thriving little city thought it
would be impossible to care for the'
visitors with the limited accomoda-
tions. Omaha was asked to take the
conventions and gladly agreed to do'
Feathered Finery Burned.
Dodge County. A mass of feathered
finery that adorned the head of Mrs.
Uhler of Hooper went up in smoke
at Union station in Fremont when
sparks from a switch engine descend
ed in a shower upon it. The first ink
ling Mrs. Uhler had that her head
gear was afire was a warning shout
from a baggage man. A scream , a
hurried snatch and the hat was lying :
on the platform where the flames
leisurely finished consuming ail but
the frame.
Misbranded Vinegar Seized.
Dodge County. United States Food
and Drug Inspector Evans and Deputy
United States Marshal Haze swooped
down on the wholesale grocery estab
lishment of May Bros , in Fremont
and seized a carload of vinegar alleg
ed to be misbranded and adulterated.
The local merchants were innocent.
They bought the vinegar for genuine
cider product from the Marshaltown
( la. ) Vinegar company. Analysis
showed it to be a mixture of acetic
acid and other chemicals.
Farm Home Burned.
Saunders County. Fire , the origin
of which is supposed to be from a de
fective flue , destroyed the farm home
of Ernest W. Clark , ten miles north
west of Ashland. Loss is about $1,800
on the house and $300 on the house
hold effects , only a small part of
which were saved.
New Departure For Banks.
York County. Hereafter the banks
of York county having county funds
on deposit will have to furnish bonds
and the county board has notified
Treasurer McCleland to notify the
banks to comply with the law at once
and furnish bonds or the money will
be withdrawn.
Merely Pleads Not Guilty.
Lancaster County. Charles Merely
entered a plea of not guilty when ar-
raingned on two counts in the county
court. The complaint charged him
with murdering Warden Delahunty
Hnd aiding in the murder of Usher
Fell Dead Where Working.
Madison County. C. Shaw , for
twenty-five years a prominent citizen
of Norfolk , fell dead while shoveling
Opposed To Free Sugar.
Scottsbluff County. The Scotts-
bluff club has passed a series of reso
iut-ions denouncing the proposed free
sugar bill pending in congress. . :
Railway Improvement.
C'uster County. The Burlington
road has started on the improvements
to be made between Ansley and Dun-
ling. A new round house and turn-
: able will be built at Broken Bow ,
ilso 4,000 feet of sidetrackage put in.
rwenty-one outfit cars are spurred
3ut at Linscott and a like number at
Tramps V/ill Go Hungry.
York County. Hereafter all tramps
vill probably receive a pretty cool re
ception when they visit York if the
uling of the board of supervisors is
: arried. The board will refuse to pay
n the future for any free lunch
landed out.
Nebraskan Saw Maine Buried.
Wayne County. John Cherry , a
Vinside boy on board the cruiser Bir-
ningham , was present at the "burial"
-f - the battleship Maine.
In a debate between Minden and Ox-
ord on the subject of "The Closed
Ihop , " the former won.
Ministers Form Organization.
Nemaha County. Ministers of Ne-
laha , Otoe and Richardson counties
let in Peru for the organization of a
linisterial association. They decided
3 invite into this organization the min
sters of Johnson and Pawnee coun-
ies , and to call it the Ministerial
.ssociation of Southeastern Nebraska ,
.ev. Edwin Darrow of Peru was se-
; cted temporary president , Bev. F.
. Lyon of Nebraska City temporary
ice president and Rev. A. J. Hoi-
nggworth of Peru temporary secres