Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 04, 1912, Image 1

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    tlibtorical Sooiety
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Volume 27 , Xo. 13 VALENTINE , " NEBE. , THURSDAY , APRIL 4 , 1912. § l.f/ ) per year
Are you prepared ?
If not , let us pre
pare you with the
newest things _ / from
our Furnishing De
partment. All the
new Spring Apparel
is in.
Better come here !
and be satisfied.
O M E m en may be
indifferent to style in
shirts , but no mmi can \vell
be indifferent to fit. A
is always as appropriate to
the wearer as it is to the
Made in every style ,
white or color fast.
$1.50 and more.
ISTew up-to-date line of Spring and Summer Plats
on display for your inspection.
* 0. W. y. ua u * ? . * >
j !
. ' *
i AAAA/UW A Vt Wtefc V'V
Red Front Hardware Co.
We carry a full line of
at following prices :
25Vatt Madxa Tungsten .50
40 u - 1Iu .55
u u u
60 .75
100 u u u 1.10
150 u u u 1.65
250u II u 2. BO
We guarantee these lamps to be
Red Front Hardware Co.
Cotta e Grove Restaurant
Edmund Gerber , Prop.
First Class Meals and Short Orders
Board by the day or week. Ticket good for twenty-
one meals $4.50. Come to the Cottage Grove Res =
taurant for a * 'square meal. "
, W. B. HOWE , Proprietor
Successor to John D. Eaton.
Electric Lights. Hot water Heat. Good Jtcoms and Bed ? , where YOU
can feel Ml at home f and be eomfortabe while you remain.
2 Invite old patrons and others to call and sec
' ,
Leroy Springer was in town
Charley Bennett and Charley
Spain were up last week.
The county commissioners held
a special session this week.
Pete Simons and family have
moved to the Rene Canet place on
the river.
\Vrn. \ Bachelor has purchased
Larkin Hancock's bay claim near
Dewey Lake.
Frank Ballard , W. G. Ballard
and Ed and Wash Honey were in
town last Friday.
Ed Reiser came up from Brown-
lee yesterday and bought an
isolated tract of land.
S. Q. Spain reports the mar
riage Sunday evening of Nicholas
Asher and Mrs. lloda Iluley.
P. II. Young , Lines Gheens , TI.
P. Clapp , Sam Hudson and Char
ley Latta were in town last Fri
Bruce Moore spent a couple of
days in the city this week. He is
just recovering from a spell of
typhoid fever.
Ernest J. Cabana has purchased
the Owl saloon of G. N. Hershey
and will apply for license May i.
Pie comes here from Sioux City.
John Bowers , Sam Burget and
J ) hn Wolf and family are going
: to Aluerta , near Edmonton , and
I have been waiting several days to
'ship out
D. M. Sears has bought a Buick
and has been in town several days.
Yesterday , he and Alex Mc-
Alevy started out home in their
new autos.
Charley Sparks thinks he has the
finest fox terrier in the state. He
just got him from the east and
says he's a registered purp and
very valuable.
C. W. Cramer has sold his resi
dence south of the Catholic church
to Win. Seaver and has purchash-
ed the John Bowers residence in
the east part of town.
George Tobien stopped in Val
entine a couple of days visiting
relatives and friends last week , re-
tarning to Crawford Sunday
night , having been to Omaha with
stock ,
Anson Xewberry and wife and
Mrs. Mary Carter of Cody were
in the city Saturday on business.
Mr. Newberry has been quite
ill the past winter but is getting
Jim Hull and wife are vis'ting
in town. They live' in Hudson ,
Wyo. , and Mrs. Hull met Jim
here , returning frum a visit in
Iowa where she has been since the
last of November.
George Rose of Merrircan was
in the city Tuesday on business.
He has sold his business in Merri-
man to Dick Lessert and. will take
up the Ford auto to sell and ex
pected a car at Cody today.
John Kazda and wife are home
from the Pacific coast , where they
spent the winter. Mrs. Kazda
stopped in Northeast Colorado for
a few days' visit and arrived yes
terday. John got back Friday.
C. A. Lovejoy and sons have
purchased a i5-horse power A very
auto truck to use on the hay Hats ,
hauling. They loaded it with all
the men and boys they could get
onto it and hauled them around
town Friday , but broke a chain
going out to the ranch when they
got into the deep sand. They have
wide flanges on the wheels but
don't seem to work very well in
the sand. They are going to trry j
a wicte lift suffact flatfg'e ;
Clarkson Jennerjahn.
August John Paul Jennerjahn
! tnd Miss Vivian Clarkson were
united in marriage Wednesday
evening , April 3,1912 at 6 o'clock ,
in the Presbyterian church by the
Rev. D. B. Ralston , in the pres
ence of relatives and a number of
friends. The ring ceremony was
The church was beautifully deco
rated with ilowers , and the guests
were seated when the bridal party
marched down the aisle to the
strains of Lohengren wedding
march , played by Miss Gertrude
Quigley , the minister leading , fol
lowed by little Irene Clarkson ,
bearing the ring upon a plate of
cut glass , the bridegroom accon -
panied by Mrs. Clarkson and the
bride resting upon the arm of her
father , W. D. Clarkson , and fol
lowed by Miss Flora , sister of the
bride , and F. A. Cumbow.
Without going into details cf
wearing apparel , of which in par
ticular we are not able to describe ,
the'wedding was the most beauti
ful and pleasant ceremony we've
witnessed recently.
Many guests were present and
found autos in waiting , conveying
the party to the Clarkson homr ,
where refreshments were served
and guests congratulated the bridal
couple. At eight o'clock the party
met at Quigley's hall and spent
the evening pleasantly in dancing
to Kreycik's orchestra music.
The newly wed departed this
morning on Xo. 6 for Wisconsin
to visit with relatives of the bride-
'gcoora ' and spend their honey
moon. Many beautiful and valu
able presents were recelv d.
April 13 , 1912.
The Teacher and the School.
chapters 23-24 - Prof. Eaton
Value of Story Telling ,
Miss C'avanaugh
School Room Decorations ,
Frances Grewe
Busy Work in the Country
Schools - Dora Grev e
Value of Music in Rural
Schools - Mary Jacobs
Great American Educators ,
Miss Brown
Ethics for Children , Miss Gordon
Round Table Discussions , etc.
The spring opening and sur
prise sale at the Red Front is
still on. 13 1
R. D. Evans came to town Fri
day and departed for Kansas City ,
Omaha and other points for a two
weeks' visit.
Easter services will be held in
the Episcopal church next Sunday
as follows : Early service at 6 a.
m. and 11 a. m. Evening services
at 7:30. :
Wanted to buy 1000 bushels of
potatoes. John Ormesher , Val
entine , Nebr. 10
Barn for sale , 18x28 ft , big
hay loft. For particulars see
Father Blaere. 9
Buttons made to order , to
match your gown. IS styles , all
sizes , at the Red Front. 48i
All the county news in THE
DEMOCRAT for § 1.00 if you pay in ;
advance before May 1st. Boll a1 !
dollar this way and we'll place
your name on our books.
Button Trimming for dresses
etc. , is the latest. Save your
scraps of cloth and take them to
the Red Front where they can- *
show you IS styles including the
new oblong shape made to or- . '
dbT ;
\Vc have employed Mr. S. AY. Cyphers ,
A First Class Tailor ,
of 25 years' experience in tailoring *
in the East , to assist us in our
Clothing Department
and \Y8 are now prepared
to give our customers
A Perfect Fit in Clothing
Alterations in suits or a
tailor made suit of any style.
Cleaning and Pressing Prompt =
ly Done on Short Notice.
H , W. Hoenig , Prop.
McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
I Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars j
3 F
g Bourbon Whiskies : - Rye Whiskies : (
Old Crow , " Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchcnhcimcr , j
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , fc
Spring Hill , and 29xyeaivold
and Jas , E , Pepper , O , F , C , Taylor , j ?
These wliiskies wore purc-liasod in bond
and came direct from the Lr. H. gov F *
ernment warehouse. They are guar i
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use. A
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout , < /
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budwciser Beer , J
i Valentine Nebraska
22 ES2S2 2i222 SSS2i2KESt3QESK2l1E2Ei3 :
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
and Fait Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
inythinij you have to sell.
r When Times are Hard
& > -
money close and the demand for loans about
three times as large as v > e can supply , it is nat
ural that , in ease one of our regular depositors
needs an accommodation , lie should be favored
* > first his interests cared for.
Why not protect your future interests by
opening an account Avith us now the amount
of your first deposit i not so material as the
Y * fact that you become one of our customers.
Deposits Guaranteed
! * Deposits fn this bauk ore piot ctt-J by tbf
'f ( juuruuti'u Fund of thu Htaty of Nebraska.
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Berd headed by S. 0. ColurnbuB 17
Ko. 1C0050 , aiid Climax 2 , No. 289
322 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , regj
Bulb for Sale at All Trnies , j
- t
"My iitiio sou ha l vnrv > vpro rolft.
I vras recojnmonclGd tof ry C hanilx i Iain's
Coiigh Remedy , and before z small "hot-
tie was finished ho was as well as cvo'r ' , "
writes ! Mrs.E. Silks , 20 Bowling Street ,
This remedy is for