Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 28, 1912, Image 8

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    * -
. .
women of Nebraska are writing the best cook book ever
prepared. We are simply compiling it. Nebraska women are
contributing the recipes their prize recipes for this great
Prize Cook Book. And v/e are paying liberally for these recipes.
We want you to send in your favorite recipe - one or more , just
as you choose. For every accepted recipe we will pay promptly
upon making our selections Two Dollars Cash. We need hundreds
of recipes recipes of all kinds for all dishes. Send in yours. Use
J te
in all dishes requiring baking powder , Health Club is the one-
teaspoon powder : goes just twice as far as any other baking
powder. And it cofs less than any other that's as good , Just
as pure ? .nd wholesome as any baking powder can be. Manu
factured and packed in our modern factory- noted for its auto
matic machinerv and sanitation untouched by human hands.
. . . . .
- - - - - - * _
Haalth Club sells for a cent an ounce the honest , lie-and-lct-iiv >
W/r * & anti-trust price for highest grade baking powds : in lOc , I5c and 25c cans.
Better do it today
prove for
of tbc Babel
. . Cook Boole.
on me can ana sena to us v/iin your cuiiiriuuuuii iu uiu uica : s. ii-c
Eem we pay ! for every accepted recipe , publish each ? ee.po OV--T tne
nsme of tn s contributor ° nd send 'a special de luxe auto rraphed copy or tne
book to every su c ssful contnfautor. A recular edition copy of the boolr will be
mailed at once upon publication to everyone who sends in recipes. Scut in years.
r. A. ASS
The M. W. A. assembly held at
Columbus was large and enthus
iastic and we print the resolutions
of that meeting , which were en
dorsed and adopted by the Hast
ings meeting , though also adopting
a separate set of resolutions in ad
dition , and joined with Columbus
assembly in forming a state or
ganization to fight the raise in
rates and the big reserve fund.
The Hastings meeting was no
less , , enthusiastic and if anything
was'more pronounced in action as
if grilling in force with contimud
Each-step was carefully refern d
to the membership for appro\al
and the manner in which the right i
of referendum was indulged was
the best indication that men were
of one accord , though slight'
changes were expected to suit each
idea advanced , and no one doubted -
that "every delegate present present - '
ent was alive to the situation. '
It..wasthe spirit of 'To , sugii'osts
Adam l > recie of the Hasiinas Tri
buue. 2:25 : M W. A marched in
a parade at 1:130 : and over 500 ,
members were in session during' '
t'ie afternoon to speak and vote. |
The feeling was unanimous to' '
fight the raise in rates to the bitter !
end , by an appeal for a referen-J
dura vote by the members , by submitting - '
mitting the rate question to anoth
er head camp meeting called for
that purpose with delegates duly
elected and qualified to vote upon
the q'uestion , or failing in that , by
injunction , restraining the head
officers from putting rates into ef
fect until they can be voted upon
by the membership. Failing in
all 'these , another state meeting
will JDejEalled to take such action
as may seem appropriate. We
are to work in conjunction with j
the Minneapolis convention as far1
as practicable. * .
Sonic of the delegates represent-
this section of the country
i were C. L. Mayes of llushville ,
j Max E. Viertel of Crookston , 1.
M. Rice of Valentine , B. S. Har
rington and \V. J. Bryant of Ains-
worth and Geo. A. Miles and D.
II. Cronin of O'Xeill.
A photograph was taken of the
\Yoodraen at Columbus before the
Y M. C. A , building ; also one of
the parade at Hastings.
The following resolutions were
endorsed by the Columbus as
sembly :
RESOLVED , That the action of
the special Fes-ion of the Head
camp in raising the rates of the
membership was ill-advised and
i unwarranted by the conditions
confronting the society ; that such
action was not responsive to any '
demand or desire on part of the
membership , and that such action
is condemned by every Woodman
in Nebraska who is not directly or ,
indirectly connected with the Head
camp pay-roll.
RESOLVED , That unreserved con- i
clem nation is due the head consul
and the board of directors in their
present attitude of denying to in
dividual camps , the right to pe
tition and protest against the arbi
trary action of the Head camp , and
we denounce as cowardly and un
fair the attempt of the governing
officers of the society to still the
voice of protest by threat of ex
communicating those who exercise
the right of petition and of pre
RESOLVED , That a special com
mittee of five be appointed or
elected by this meeting to join the
representatives of any other pro
testing bodies of Woodmen in this
8fte-br in any other part of the
jurisdiction , to personally plead
with Head Consul Talbot and the
board of directors to call a special
meeting of the Head camp for the
solo purpose of reconsidering the
action taken by the Head camp at
RESOLVED , That the governing
authority of the society be request <
ed to immediately refer to the
membership in the entire jurisdic
tion the question of approval or
disapproval of the rates adopted
at the Chicago head camp , to the
end that when the delegates shall
assemble in special session they
may have for their guidance the
referendum vote of the member
RESOLVED , That we enter em
phatic protest against the lavish
waste of the society's money by
the governing officers of the order
in their mad effort to still the voice
of protest which is being raised by
every "Woodman in Nebraska
whose voice of indignation has not
been hushed by the mufHe of
promised salary from the coffers
of the head camp. We denounce
this use of the society's money as
not in harmony with any princi
ple of true fraternity , and .regard
it as nothing less than an attempt
ed loot of the soc'ety's treasury.
RESOLVED , That in the history
of states , cities , nations and as
sociations long tenure of office has
served almost universally to work
harm to the interests represented
by the official , however just and
honest may have been his purpose.
We believe the welfare of the
Modern Woodmen society demands
the placing of a limit upon the of
ficial terms of all Head camp of
ficers , and we pledge the best
effort of the membership here
represented to the adoption of
such a rule in the affairs of onr
RESOLVED , That the practice of
permitting deputies and other ap
pointees of the Head camp to par
ticipate in the work of the Head
camp in capacity as delegates is
out of harmony with the best ten
ets of our society , calculated to
build up an official rule of the
order , enabling the governing of
ficers of the society to thereby
stand in successful opposition to
the will of the vast majority of the
membership. We recommend the
-LUmediate adoption of
oJicials and ilieir appointees a
deloaate's powers and privileges
in any session of the Head camp.
RESOLVED , That if , the kindly ,
loil of thi- and oth
\ ; protest - ; r pro-
t-jsting bodies of Woodmen shall
not serve to lead the governing of
ficers of the society to grant our
request for a special head camp
meeting to reconsider the action
of the Chicago head camp , then ,
in that event , the representatives
of this meeting , working in fra
ternal relations with representa
tive's of other protesting bodies ,
be and they are hereby instructed
to favor the institution of legal
action to prevent the putting in
effect of the rates adopted by the
Chicago head camp until after the
date of the regular Head camp
meeting in the year 1914.
RESOLVED , That the paid ac
tuaries of old-line insurance com
panics are unsafe advisors of fra-
ternalists , and not competent to
frame legislation for the welfare
of fraternal and beneficial organi
zations. We are unalterably op
posed to the so-called ' 'Mobile
Bill , " or any other form of legis
lation which seeks to extract the
last remnant of fraternalism from
this and other kindred beneficial
societies , and to the end that the
statutes of Nebraska may not be
encumbered and disgraced by the
presence of any such legislation ,
we hereby instruct the proper au
thorities which shall represent this
meeting in legislative matters to
prepare and submit to all camps
in this state a plan to interrogate
all legislative candidates , and to
unite our membership in opposi
tion to any and all legislation and
legislative candidates who shall be
known to be in favor of the so-
called ' "Mobile Bill , " or any other
manner of legislation calculated to
work injury and injustice to fra
ternal and beneficial societies.
RESOLVED , That every member
of the society , however much ag
grieved by the action of the Chicago
cage Head camp , be earnestly
urged to retain his membership
for the present. We believe ord
er will soon be builder ! upon the
present chaotic foundation laid by
the Chicago Head camp , and that
in due time the dragon of greed
will be overcome and humiliated
by the dove of fraternity within
our ranks. To the accomplish
ment of this result we appeal for
and expect the hearty assistance
of every Woodman who places the
love of Right above the fear of
arrogant officialdom , rioting in an
excess of authority not delegated
by the membership of this great
ing of quality and wear.
You are proud of
once they graae your feet.
The way they fit and the way
they wear is a revelation.
Their dye is one of their superla
tive features. The brightest , truest ,
surest , most lasting black and the
richest shade of tan known to
hosiery making. Dyed with Wun-
derdye fast to Ihe last.
Made for all ages and
sizes , for women and
Four pairs to the box
$1.00 , or a de-luxe grade ,
three pairs to the box
$ 1.00. The
guarantee insures the
toe , heel nnd sole against
need of darning for four
1 i A
ii i lAii
' Cigars and
Soft Drinks
Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERNATIONAL /
No Hill too Steep ? no Sand too Deep
Soldby D , McLeod
Guaranteed by International Harvester Company
All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska
References : My Many
Beginning Monday , March 18
From 10 to 40 per cent © n
Winter Goods , Outing Flannels , Men's Furnishings -
nishings , Calicoes , Percales , Ginghams ,
Underwear , Sweaters , Overshoes
e Tr
General Merchandise , Flour , Feed , Grain
2nd Building- South the Bank. Crookston , Neb
E. M. Fatfdis & Co
PostotHce addres3 Valentine or Kennedy.
boine branded
* : ' - on left
Horses branded
| &on left
'or thifh
Some Some branded
branded on rislit thigh
on Mt or shoulder.
or thisih
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle brandcc
as cut on left sldt
„ - on left jaw o
' V horses.
Ranpe on Gordon Creek north of Simeon.
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , 3D
Horses and cattle
same aa cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on riff
Range on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
Bearing any of these brand = .
E. M. Terrill , Propr.
Bro\\nlee , Neu.
Tattle branded as >
in cit on left
side. Some
brundPd Bi. T V
on left hip. Range
on North Loup
river , two miles
west of Brwwulee
Xot Afraid
st Francis Mis
sion. Kobebud ,
S. D.
r--ttlf >
as in cut ; horses
same or .1 K > ' uii
eftthitrh. Kaime
ht > t\\een Spring
Ck' and Little
\Vliif < * river.
"Why He TTas 5Jcite.
"What made you so late ? "
"I met Smithson. "
"Well , that is no reason . "why yoi.
tflould be an hour lare getting home to
cupper. "
" 1 know , but I asked him hov. ' ho was
feeling , and he insisted on telling roe
about his etomach trouble. "
"Did you tell him to take Chamber
lain's Tablets ? "
"Sure , that is what he needs. " Sold
by a
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Kosebud S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on riehtslde
Some cattle also
have a - { - on neck
Some with A. on
left shonlder and
some branded
with two bars
Across hind qnar-
_ _ _ ters. Some Texas
cattle branded J * O ou left side and some ] ;
n left side.
Horses br.inded SOS on left hip. Some'cattfa
branded AW bar connected on both aides and
left hip of lior&es
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr. -
Cattle branded
nsbn cut.left side
Some on left hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nebr
G. K. Sawver has
charge of these
cattle. H rse
I > Son left shoul
der. Some !
left side.
Horses !
same left thlph.
Kange on Snake
Metzger Bros.
Kolfe Xebr
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
eft thigh.
Kange on Gordon and Snake CreeKs.
A Reward of $250 wih ! * paid to any person for
iuii > nnitioH leading to the arrest and final
conviction of any person or persons stealing.
Battle with st ! ovp brand.
J. A. Taryan.
.Pullman , Nefcr
Cattle branded JF
on rightside
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward !
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
Nebraska Land and Feeding Co.
Will G. ( .cirstrcj * \ } rha * n Jamison 8.&T.
Fostufliice and heaoq'iarters. Us\\ortii , Nebr ,
Cattle branded oo
aay part of animal
also the
brands :