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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1912)
VALENTINE DEMOCRAT i I. IVI. Rice , Editor and Proprietor IVIarkZarr , Foreman A Weekly Newspaper published every Thurs day at Valentine , Nebraska Subscription - § 1.50 Per Year Local Notices , ocper line per issue Entered at the Postofllce at Valentine , Neb. . Tor transmission through .the malls , as second class matter. Thursday , March 28. 1912. To the Vqjers of Cherry Co. Nebraska : I wish to announce that Iyill be a candidate for nomination for the oliice of county assessor , sub ject to the democratic primaries to be held in April , 1912. 8 7 MARTIN HANSEN. To the People of Cherry Co. Nebraska : I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of representative from the representative - . tative district Xo. 72 , on the re publican ticket at the primary election to be held on the 19th day of April , 1912. ALFRED E. MORRIS. I hereby announce myself a can didate for county assessor on the democratic ticket , subject to the decision of the voters at the pri maries , April 19 , 1912. Very respectfully , W. E. HALEY. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for county assessor , sub ject to the democratic primaries on April 19 , 1912. Respectfully , JOHN SIIELBOURN , JK. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the nomination for representative of the 72nd repre sentative district on the democratic tic ticket at the primary election to be held April 19 , 1912. "VV. M. UARNAN. I hereby announce myself a can didate for county assessor on the republican ticket , subject to the decision of the voters at the pri maries , April 19 , 1912. E. OKMESIIEH. We saw Clarence E. Harmon , candidate for railway commission er , at Hastings , and he appears all right. He would not declare for Gev. Haimon before the primary but was for Harmon for commis sioner. At Lincoln we met John H. Morehead of Falls City , candidate for governor. He is a man of the people and will carry a big vote throughout the slate as a liberal minded man of business and ability. "Will M. Maupin handed us his card at the Lincoln last Thursday , which reads "Nobody asked me to run , " He's out for railway com missioner. Maupin has lots of friends who won't forget him on primary day. Bro. Bixby thinks the demo cratic party stands more in need of Metcalfe's leadership than he does of any office within the gift of the people. Xever mind , Bix , he won't be troubled with turning anything down-until its handed to him , and the party isn't taking tips right now from its traitorous friends. W. J. Bryan has announced that he will not support Gov. Harmon for the nomination , even though the people should instruct for him at the primary , but would resign and go into the convention to fight him. In that case we had better look back to the slogan "shall the people rule ? " and vote for one who- will agree to carry oufc our * wishes as we instruct. How f&v should we follow Br. > an ? Should ' we permit him to be a dictator ? No matter if he is the biggest man sa Nebraska , what has he done that we must submit LG his dicta tion. Tin- " * , - tun - < < f u.svho 'had : ii. w.f iii > liuub before his our ears. . . > V. VOTE" FOR OF Valentine , Cherry County FOR State Senator At the RgpuiJlican Primaries April 19 , 1912 Has lived 15 years in the dis trict and has been closely identi fied with the growth and develop ment , of Northwestern Nebraska , [ f he is elected to the senate our district will have a man who can take front rank in the senate and our interests will be carefully 9 guarded. He has never before been a can didate for office. Let us have new blood in the state house. A Crippled Mind. Many strong minds , giant intel lects , are held down and starved out by crippled digestive power , dyspepsia and the poison absorbed as a result of chronic constipation. If your stomach lacks digestive power the natural and simplest thing to do is to put into it the agent it lacks. Above all things avoid strong drugs that paralize and irritate the stomach and bow els. A sound , healthy stomach contains the same digestive agents Spruce Pepsin tablets contain. Spruce Pepsin tablets will di gest fermenting , decaying food that lays like a lump in your stomach. AVe have proved this thousands of times or we would not dare spend thousands of dollars lars to prove it to every sufferer from stomach trouble. We will send you a trial box FREE. Spruce Tablet Co. , Heron Lake , Minn. 50c. sizes can be had of G. A. Chapman , Druggist , Valentine , Nebraska. IT BE BALD Nearly Any One Secure a Splendid Growth of Hair. \Ve have a remedy that has aid ed to grow hair and prevented baldness in 93 out of 100 cases where used according to directions for a reasonable length of time. That may seem like a strong staie- ment it is , and we mean it to be , and no one should doubt it until they have put our claims to an actual test. We are so certain Rexall " 93' ' Hair Tonic will cure dandruff , prevent baldness , stimulate the scalp and hair roots , stop falling ii5.iv and grow new hair , that we personally dive our positive guar antee to refund every penoy paid us for it in every instance where it does not give entire satisfaction to the user. Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic is as pleasant to use as clear spring water. It is delightfully perfum ed , and does not grease or gum the hair. Two sizes , -50c and § 1 With our guarantee back of it , .you certainly take no risk. Sold only at GUF store The Rexall Store. Chapman , The Druggist. St. Nicholas5 Church. Bennies jyjll be held in the Catholic church as follows ; In Neuzel on Sunday , Mar. 24. , at 10 a. m. In Arabia on Saturday.Mar.30. Jn Valentine on Sunday , Mar. 31. let Mass at S a. m. od M ss at 10 a , rru Benediction of the Blessed sac rament after Mass. During Lent every Friday eve ning at 7 p. in. , devotions , rosary , suiiu > ug' < if tin1 cross and benedic- / f tJDD. JxEQ M. BpAEpBy Rector/ KNOW ALL MEN BY TBESRPiESENTS : The persons wnosi- names to the.-e artirles subscribed , and such persons as in-ty hereafter join -iiid amlKte with ilie personhigmnt : these articles and thc-r .successors , adopt the follow ing anicli's for government of the associa tion hereby formed : ARTICLE I. The name of this association shall he the Wom an's Improvement Club , of Valentine. > eoraska. ARTICLE II. The object of this Association shall he to im prove and beautify all public property within : the city limits of the City ot Valeiil'iiie , Ne braska , including the parka and cemetery , ad jacent to eaid city , and the betterment of ma terial and moral conditions jjenerally. ARTICLE III. Any woman may become a member of this Association by signing the constitution and paying the membership fee of ten cents. ARTICLE IV. the affairs of the Association shall be gov erned i y a board of nine (9) ) trustees , and the ti ustees shall t-lect Iroin among their own num ber the folloum oillcers : President , vicn president , aim a secretarytreasurer. . Tue j > ec- retary-treasurer shall also be the clerk of this association. The duties of the president , vice p esident. secretarj-tn-asurer any clerk shall he those usually devolving ou such ollicers. and sucli other unties as may be " lived by the Inlaws that may hereafter" be adopted by the Association. There shall be an anr.ual election held lor the election of the board of trustees on the lirst Thursdy in Jlay in each year , beginning with the year iul-2. At the election held on the lirst Thursday in May , 11)1:2. ) : there shall be elected three trustees to serve lor a term of three years ; turee trustees to serve fora term ot two years ; three trustees to serve tor a tena ot one year : auu at eacli an nual election held alter the jvsir 101- there shall be elected tui ee trustee for a term of tlut-e years ea < h. Should ; uiy vacancies occur the trustees to have the power tj liil the same until the next annual election. APiTlCLE V. These ar'icles may he amended at any regular meeting of this association by a two taiids vote of the nVinbers present , provided notice ot the intended change be given at three previous con secutive meetings. ARTICLE VI. The trustees herein provided for and their successors in oliice , shall have peipetual suc cession by the name : The woman's Improve ment Clue , of Valentine. Nebraska , an < l by such name be legally capable ot contr < t : tir.g ana pr jbeculing and defending sujts , and shall li vve capacity tu acquire , hold , enjoy , mortgage , dis pose oi , and convey all property , real and per sonal , which they may acquire by purchase. donation or otuerwise t > r the purppsu of carry ing out the intentions of this Association. ARTICLE VII. A majority of the board of trustees herein provided lor shall constitute a quorum tor the transaction of business. ARTICLE VIII. Ids understood that any property belonging to the Woman's Improvement Hub of Valentine shall be operated in the interests of ihe entire community , \\ithout profit to any person linn or corporation , but that all net receipts shall be paid into the treasury of said club for disburse ment by it in some public nnptovement. ARTICLE IX. In case said Woman's Improvement Club shall , for any reason decide to surrender its pioperty. said property shall become the prop- city of the City of Valentine , to be managed oy said municipal authorities and disposed ol only at a regular election of said municipality , uy a majority vote of all votes cast at that election. 15e it further understood that the money derived - rived Iroin such Bale-shall be used for impioving the town. ARTICLE X. It shall HP illegal to make an assessment upon the members oi this assocution. Margaret Kiucaut , 1'resident W. I. C. Adele. lioHiiir , Vice President. Mae W. "icholson. Stcretary. Mis. ban me Pettycrew. Emma 7 . Fischer. Sarah 1) Lamorehux. 31 tuna SparKs. Alice H.irvey. Emily tsishop. Emina K. Hornby. .Jennie t ; . Wells. Marguerite lilaere. Am elm M. McLean. C. .M. Donoher , Anna McLeod. Uertha K. C. Cornell. \Vien D. Compton. Uora 1) . Rice. 12 4 Lottie Cramer. Contest Notice. U. S. Land Office , Valentine. Nebraska. March 1H , 11)12 ) To Harry Mi Her of Wood Lake. Nebraska. You are hereby notllled that Norman Guy Vian who gives Wood Lake. his post-otllce ailclres-s. diil on Mai r. . " > . 1912. Hie in this office his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of of your homestead. Entry. Serial No. o.W , made June 21. 1910. tor "Wl , Suction 15. and the N1N1. section 22. Township 29. Range 29 , west of the C Principle Meridian , and as grounds for his contest lie alleges that thy s-iul Harry Miller has never settled upon the said land since the date ot entry , and he h-Hs not cured his laches to this date. You are. therefore , further notified that the said allegations will biv taken Ijv this of fice as having been confessed b3r"vou , and vour said cnti'v will lie canceled thereunder without your further right to be heard therein , ejthi'r bt-forc this office or on appeal. if vov fail to llh in this oliice witliin twentv days after tli FOURTH publication of this notice. a.- shown below , your answer , under oath , specilically meeting and responding to ' these allegations of contest , or if 3'ou'fail within that time to file in this oliice due proof that you have served a copy of your answer " " on th"e said contestant either in "person or bv registered mail. It this service is made bV the delivery of a copof your answer to the contestant in personT pro'of of such service must be either the said contestant's written acknowledgment of his receipt of the copv. showing tlie date of its receipt , or the affida vit of the person by whom the delivery \\JJN stating when and WfltflT- U1 ? } ! $ * v'as d.'liyonjd ; jt nnido ly , r-pufciured : PVQot. ofs'ucfl servicp must consisfof tn.e affidavit " of tjip j > tu > , on by wnoin the cop\- was mailed" stating when and the post office to which it was mailed , and this affidavit must bo accom panied by the u.tyr'N receipt fen the letter. You should state in your answer the name of the post office to which jrou desire future uotices to be sent to you. LUKE M. BATES , Register. Date of first publication March 1 f , l ] 2. Date of second publication March 21 , 1912 Pate of third publication March 28. 1912. Date of fourth publication April J. 1911 Contest J&oticg. United State * Land Qnlct' , Valentino. Neb March ij. : lyrj. To John Beam of Wood Lake. Nebraska , Contestee : You are hereby notified that Tempest T. Ill-own , who gives Viin. : Nebraska , as his postoilice address did on the 3th of March , 1912 tile iu this office hi > duly corroborated application to contest and secure the can cellation of vour homestead. Serial No. 053W. made June 21st. 1910. for SE4. ! section l ! > ! i ) ) < l th ' , T14 ctifi.n ] l nnd thti NT\V'i SIT lion iS ; Township > . Rai i8 JlJ.'Ww-tt of'Uie Sixth Principal Meridian , and a * urounds tor Ins contest lit : hilt ges that the s. id John Beam never settled upon iliesaid lann ; that the said JoJui 15-am has i-ever ctilihated the said land : that he nas wholly abandoned the said land since the date ot e- try , aim ihat he has not cured his lacb- to this date. You are. therefore , further notified that without vour further right to be heard there in , either before this office or on appeal , if you fail to tile in this office within twenty days after the FOURTH publication ot this notice , " as shown below , 3 our answer , under oath , specilically meeting and responding to these allegations ol contest , or if you fail within that time to file in this office due proof delivery of a copy of your answer to the con testant in person , proot of such service must be either the said contestant's written ac knowledgment of his receipt of the copv , showing the date of its receipt , or the alilida- vit of the person by whom the deliverv was made stating when and where the copy was delivered- made by regUaered mail."proof of .siic'n service must consist of the affidavit of tlie L"fion ! ; hy whom , the ropy vqs mailed s'fa't'fng'HvIiiMi and rttiio : t G'Jicc lo vmcliit war. nraili-J aii'l tJiifafua.V't m'uSt lie 3cdOT : uauiedby the pcsuuastei a receipt lor the letter. You should state in your ans'u er the name of the p jst office to which you desire futnre notices to he sent to vou. LUKK M RATES , Register. Date of first publication Miireh J4 , 1912. Date of second publication March 21.1912 Date of third publication March 2S , 1912 BEGINNING SATURDARY AND CONTINUING UNTIL EASTER We extend our cordiaS invitation to attend this opening r WHETHER YOU INTEND TO BUY OR NOT EASTER FOOTWEAR AND HOSIERY aitM . vw * : Our spring display of shoes , oxfords and hosiery is ready for your / - * , V u w\ ' 'f * jf t inspection. Comprising in its scope and charm a standard never before attained. We extend our cordial invitation for your early visit , with the promise that you will find it a pleasant and profitable surprise. SPRING DRESS GOODS DISPLAY / The newest , the best , the latest is here. With an eye single to your purse and taste we have made a selection the peer of any in this section. The fabrics , the weaves , the color combinations and ( let us say right here ) the price will delight you. jCome Saturday or any day next week and see our display. W. B. CORSETS Spring styles , including ' 'boneless" model. READY = TO = WEAR GARMENTS Puritan Muslin Underwear , Priscilla Dresses and Dn Brock Shirt Waists manufactured in sanitary and sunlight rooms ; Sheuerinan Skirts , Palmer Outer Garments. 'f \ > FOR EASTER A j. Men's and Boys' Neckwear , Negligee Shirts , Hats , Suits , Fancy Socks , etc. N sold.'f ; SURPRISE BARGAINS These bargains will be on sale beginning Saturday , March 30 at 10 a. m. * They are the best surprise bargains offered this season and will remain on sale until sold. a Sample Line of ladies' , misses' and chil dren's knit underwear. New 1912 traveling men's samp les. Bought at a sacrifice and will be sold at prices that will certainly surprise you. Cluny Laces New 1912 patterns , values up to 25c per yd. Special bar gain purchase fo'r this sale. Two lots at less than half the usual price. This is an ex ceptional surprise bargain. Fast Coor ! Ginghams , Embroideries , etc. , at Surprise Prices rcantile Co. Kotice to Ci editors State of Nebraska , i . Countof Cherrv. t In tue County Court within and for Cherry county , Nebraska , In the matter Qi Uiu estate ot August J. Hel/.er deceased , Tf the creditors of said estate : Youar hereby notified. That I will sit at tlie County Cou-t ttoom in Valentine in said county , on the 20ih dnv of Apr-1 , 1912. to receive and examine all claims against said estate , with ; t ew to their adjustment and allowance. Tlie time limited for the presenta- 'ion of claims against said estate is mi tke ssiid ' - uih dav of April. A. i . 1912 , and the tune limited for payment ot debts is one year from said 20th daj of April , 1912. ' Witness myhandan-i the seal of sa'd SEAL County ; ourt tin's 25th dv of ivareh , s 1912. JAMES C. ijUfULEY , 12 4 I'ountv Judtre. Notice to Creditors. THE STATK OF NKUUASKA i In the County CHEIUIV COUNTV. j"bs Court. In tlie matter of the estate of Wil iam P. Bryant , deceased : To tlie Creditors of said Estate : You are hereby notified. That 1 will sit at the Cointy Court Room iu Valentine in said county on the 20th day ot April. 19fi , to receive ana examine all ca.ii ! a asuuibt said estate with a view to their : \OUwuji-nt and allowance. The tinii ; lU\\Uvil \ \ * o ? tlie presenta tion of claims , ayniiisf ssiut estate is six months frofjth.e : } 0il"i < iay of Out . A. D. 1911. and the tune Untiled for payment of debts is one year from said 20lh day ot Oct . 19ft , Witness my hand and seal ol said county court ' this 20th day of M.uvh. A. D. 1912. SEAL JAMES c. QUKLEV. : . 12 4 Couuty Jud"e , Walcott & Wa'cott , attorneys. Orclgc Q ! H.a.'Hiy ' and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the count } " court of Cherry count } ' , Ne braska. State of Nebraska , i Cherry County i To the heirs and all persons interested in the estate of Paul H. s ydeceasrd ; On reading the petition t f Efien G. p."iifst \ - prayinga uual sert'f'uient'.tiHr ' allowance ( A ' nor account ihi1n ffy\i Court ori'the 2oth day 6T Marcli , 'UuV anil for a decree of dis tribution : It is hereby ordered that you and all per sons interested in said matter may. and do. appear at the countv court to be held in and lor said county , on the 2Jth day of April A. D . 1912. at 11 o'clock a. m. . to show cause , if any there be. whv the prayer of the pe titioner should not be granteil..and that notice - , ice ot the pendency of said petition a.n.cht. . \ . hearing tUereol ! > privcn 'oall i-er oris. intt-r- | etod iu said matter miMi-hmg a copy or - - ' valentine Democrat , a thi.soVd r' m The Wft'tJy uc-wspaper printed in said county for four ' . .viccYve v e-ks prinr to taid iivi > t hearing. JAiiis C QCIC-LEY. [ SEAL ] 12-4 -County Judge. For rheumatism you -vail find nothing j better than Chamberlain's LiuimenjT ; Try it and see how nujckly- ? . . gives re j Reversible 4 = In = Hands Genuine silk Barathea , four- in-hand ties , 43 inches long , 1 - inches wide , new style. Usual 50 center. Desirable for ladies and boys and worn by raea who prefer narrow four-in-hands. See outside display case on March 30. Embroidered Aprons Fancy tea aprons , edges scal loped and floral design em broidered in white and colors. A bargain at oOc , but we have a surprise price for you at HARNESS SHOP AND SHOE REPAIRING Have just opened tip a new harness shop on Catherine street &ear the Democrat office Valentine , Nek G. L. KALKOFEN. Highest cash price paid for Call for Estimates Anything you have to sell. Phones 187 and 169 Valentine Furniture Exchange We buy and sell New and Second Hand Furnitnre , Carpets and Stoves. { Valentine , box 348 Nebraska Order of Hearing and Notice on Petition for Settlement of Account. In the County Court ot Cherry county , STATK OF NEBRASKA , * ' * > % s f'herry County. f To the heirs and all per.sons interested in the estate of Anna Janak. deceased : On reading the petition of FraiiK Janak i praying a linal settlement and allowance of his account filed in this court , on the I'lith day oi Mann , l : li , and for a decree of final account It is hereby oixtorv < { that you and all persons - i sons intere C-d iu wild matter may , and do. ' appear a.t ilxv > county court to be held in : iml fursjiki county.on the 2.itnday of April , A. ! > . , I'.Ui' , at in o'clock : . in. , to show eaus. % it any tliere be. why the prayer of the pe titioner should not be granted , and that no tice or the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to ail jjtM'sons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The YaSenUui * Demuciat. a weekly newspaper ni'ls-U'd in said county , for four Miccessivt' v-eeks jirior to said clay of hearing. jAMfcf4O.QtnoL.ET , ' [ SKAT , ] i - CJounty Judge. 11. A. UtuV. Aiturney. You will look a good -vrliile before Vou find better . medicine for coughs and colds than Chumbe.rlains Cough .Rem edy. It not Q : y gives relief it cures. Try it ; TH\\U you have a cough or cold , iuvi you are certain to be pleased -with the prompt cure sdiich it "will effect. For eafe by all Ote V I k Rajette Silk Dress Goods and waistings. All the popu lar colors , including prim rose. Special bargain pur chase at a surprise price. Hand Bags Fine assortment of new hand bags in white washable fabrics , lace and leather.Ve have V special lots at surprise prices. Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator. In the county court of Cherry county , Ne braska. State of Nebraska , County of Cherry , i b To tin' heirs ana to all persons Interested in the estate of Joshua IJ. Cox , decead : on reading the petition of Fannie S. Cox praying that the administration of said estate be ranted to her.Milfasadminiatratix : It is hereoy ordered that you. and all per sons interested in said matter , may. and do , appear at the county court to he held in and for said county , on the ith ; day of April I'.Uii , at 10 o'clock a. in. , to show cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the petitloneV .should not bo granted , and that notice of the pendency or said petition and that the. hearing thereof be sjiven toall persons intei - csted inaid matter by publishing a copv of this order in The \alentine Democrat , a weekly newspaper printed in said countv , for three successive weeks prior to suid da'y of hearing. Witness'my hand and the soul of said court this I'-nh day of Munrb. J ° l . [ SEAL ] JAMES O. IJH 1- ' ' Couutv A. lr. Humphrey , attorney. Don't" be surprised if you .have an at tack of rheumatism this spring. Just rub the affected parts freely \vith Cham berlain's Liniment and it will soon dis- Soifl by aJi Offers ?