Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 28, 1912, Image 3

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Services Begin in White House ,
Grounds and End at Arlington !
Cemetery President Taft and Cabinet - >
inet Present at Ceremonies.
Washington. The nation has paid
tflnal tribute to its martyred dead. The
chief officials of the United States hon
ored the memory of the men who perIshed -
[ Ished in Havana harbor fourteen years
( ago when an explosion destroyed the
"battleship " Maine. Thirty-four unidentified -
[ fied bodies recovered from the wreckage -
; age were interred In Arlington ceme
tery with ceremonies that were most
ilmpressive. President Taft was pres- ,
jent , as were also members of the cabinet - '
{ net , other high government officials , ,
jmany officers and men of the navy
and army and thousands of private-
( citizens.
' The funeral began with services in
[ the park behind the White House and
{ B procession thence , the escort being -
> ing second in size only to that at
the funeral of President McKinley.
At the cemetery the services were
'conducted ' by Rev. G. Livingston
Bayard , chaplain of the Washington
fnavy yard , and Rev. Father John P. '
jChadwick , who was chaplain of the
, Mainc at the time of its destruction.
: The thirty-four buried were the last ,
tof the martyrs recovered from the
Maine wreck , the other 227 having
been taken out shortly after the explosion -
' plosion , when they were identified ,
shipped to their several former homes
'in different parts of the country and.
'buried ' in sep&tate private funerals by
; their families. The last thirty-four
ibodies , however , which had lain under
{ Havana harbor for fourteen years ,
could not be identified , so the one
great funeral was arranged as a trib-
'ute ' of the nation to her heroes.
Before noon the cruiser Birming-
'ham arrived at the Washington navy
{ yard with the remains of the men re
cently taken from their watery tomb.
At three o'clock they were taken , on
' 34 caissons , to the White Lot , where ,
-a distinguished gathering , headed by (
President Taft , awaited , in stands
draped in the national mourning.
Among those in the stands were
Rear Admirals Charles D. Sigsbee
and Richard Wainwright , who were
captain and executive officer , respect
ively , of the battleship Maine , when
the explosion sent the vessel to the
bottom of the harbor and carried with
her the gallant officers and men.
There were also men and women
from all over the country , relatives
and friends of the Maine martyrs
.as well as ranking army and navy of
ficers , congressmen , representatives
of foreign countries and many other
prominent persons.
Each casket was carried to the
scene of the services on a separate
caisson. These were sent here from
army posts all over the country. Dur
ing the procession , a field gun sta
tioned at the Washington monument
fired twenty-one minute guns. '
The pallbearers were enlisted men
of the navy , and the honorary pall-
'bearers ' members of the United States
'Spanish War Veterans.
At the conclusion of the services at
the White Lot , the funeral procession
formed and marched to Arlington cem
etery , across the Potomac.
All business was suspended In Wash
ington and thousands of the people at
tended the ceremonials.
-Outlaws' Last Hope Is to Avoid Death
Chair for Crime Sidna Edwards
Is Captured.
Hillsville , Va. The hunt for the Al
iens is drawing to a close. With Sidna
Edwards , one of the five original fugi
tives captured and behind the bars of
th j little jil here , the Aliens are
weakening. They are going back upon
their lifelong boast that while they
might be arrested they would never
stand for conviction. They have sent
mi emissary to the officials at Roanoke
and have offered to surrender.
This was the message which came ,
through secret channels , from the
clansmen who nine days ago shot the
judge , sheriff , prosecutor , a juror and
a woman witness in the courthouse
here : /
"We will give up and la } ' down our
arms on these conditions :
"First , we must be guaranteed abso
lute protection from the vengeance of
relatives of the persons we shot , or
from other people of Carroll county. '
"Second , we must have fair and im
partial trial in some other county.
"Third , we must be allowed to plead
guilty to second degree murder. Oth
erwise we fight to a finish. "
The offer of the Aliens was refused
"by the officials at Roanoke , who have
decided that they must be tried for
first degree murder if captured alive.
Army Officer Is Dismissed.
Washington. President Taft has
approved the sentence of dismissal of
First Lieut Orra L. Houser , Philippine
-scout , convicted by court-martial of
drunkenness on duty and inflicting
-cruel and unauthorized punishment on
enlisted men under his command"
Trains in Collision ; Many Injured.
Peru , Ind. Head-on collision at
"Wolf creek , near Plymouth , north of
, "here , between passenger and freight
Drains on the Lake Shore & Western
road. Several persons were injured.
Fifty-Five Bodies Have Been Recov
ered Twenty-Five Men Brought
Out Alive Volunteers Aid
in Rescue Work.
McCurtain , Okla. Pitiful cries for
help , conveyed to the surface through
a small air pipe , were distinctly heard
from the seventy-five miners still im
prisoned in the shaft of the San Bois
For several hours the imprisoned
men , 200 feet below the shaft open
ing , could be heard as they attempted
to tell their exact plight and location
to the rescuers on the ground above.
Every means was taken to understand
the words , but nothing more than the
cries and a murmured jumble of con
versation was audible.
Tappings , the sound of which was
conveyed along another air pipe , re-
1 suited in the rescue of fourteen more
I .survivors of the terrible explosion.
j This makes just twenty-five miners
j brought to the surface since the
i rescuers started to work , and still
leaves in the vicinity of seventy-five
, men battling for their lives against
I the poisonous gases and black damp
1 in the crowded shafts. No way is
! known to tell the number who have
1 already .succumbed to the lack of oxy-
, gen.
Volunteers came from near-by mines
and the rescue parties were more sys
tematically organized under the di
rection of mining experts from the
government station at McAlester.
The cause of the explosion has not
been definitely determined. State
Mine Inspector Boyle is of the opin
ion that gas was responsible. There
was but little dust in the mine , he
declares. An inspection of the prop
erty was planned for last Saturda3r ,
but was deferred because the mine
I was not being worked last week.
Court Rules Proprietors of Shirtwaist
Company Cannot Be Placed in
Jeopardy Again.
j ' New York. Justice Seabury ruled
that Max Blanck and Isaac Harris ,
I proprietors of the Triangle Shirtwaist
! company , in whose factory 142 lives
were lost last March by fire , could not
be placed a second time in jeopardy
and retried on a charge of manslaugh
ter. At a former trial the defendants-
were acquitted.
Kansas Board of Health Orders Them
Removed From All Cities in
the State.
Topeka , Kan. To prevent the
spread of epidemic diseases , the state
board of health issued an order that
public drinking cups must be removed
from all the cities of Kansas. City
officials were notified the order must
be enforced rigidly and business men
uere requested to remove common
drinking cups from their places of
Famous Quinn-Peck Suit Dismissed.
New York. The $100,000 suit for
breach of promise that Miss Esther
Quinn brought against Harry Thurston
Peck , formerly a professor at Columbia
university , has been dismissed by Su
preme Court Justice Platzek because
of a technical defect in complaint.
B. B. Johnson's Mother Dies.
Cincinnati. Mrs. Eunice C. John
son , mother of B. B. Johnson , presi
dent of the American Baseball league
and member of the national baseball
commission , died at her home here.
Measure Extends Tax Law to Include
One Per Cent , on Yearly Net In
comes in Excess of $5,000.
Washington. The Democratic In
come tax bill passed the house un-
amended by a vote of 249 to 41. The
bill was supported by 170 Democrats'
and 79 Republicans , while the oppon
nents of the measure were all Repub
The excise bill has been under dis
cussion by the house for the last two.
days , the debate being marked by
many speeches sharply criticizing the
decision of the Supreme Court of the
United States by which a previous income - '
come tax measure was declared uncon- ,
The present bill was prepared with ,
a view to meeting objections raised byj
the higher court against it in the liti
gation of a few years ago. It exempts
incomes of less than $5,000 a year.
The bill Avould extend the existing
corporation tax law to include a tax ;
of 1 per cent , on the yearly net in
come of all firms or individuals in
excess of $5,000.
The Democrats declare the tax is !
one on "doing business , " despite the | i
fact that it would include salaried people
ple , and claim it would bring in suf
ficient'revenue to offset the estimated'
loss of $60,000,000 resulting from put
ting sugar on the free list.
The free sugar bill already has
gone to the senate. The excise tax
bill was sent to that body which may j |
defeat it. |
Coal Operators Will Not Grant De
mands of Miners 200,000 in Four
States Ready to Strike.
Cleveland , O. All the demands of
the 200,000 miners in the bituminousl
coal fields of western Pennsylvania ?
Ohio , Indiana and Illinois for a ten' '
per cent , increase in pay and shorter *
working hours were voted down by
the operators here.
As a final effort to prevent a prolonged - '
longed shut-down of the mines after'1
April 1 , and possibly a strike , the' '
whole dispute was then referred to aj
subcommittee. The subcommittee , !
composed of eight miners' delegates'
and eight operators , will convene to
consider the possibility of a compro-i
mise to be recommended to the gen
eral conference.
Both operators and miners declared ,
after the union demands had been refused - (
fused , that the coal situation through
out the country was grave. Intima
tions were made by John P. White ,
president of the United Mine Workers'
of America , that the negotiations here ,
might continue a fer , ' days longer , un
til the union's policy committee will
Besides the 200,000 miners in the
four states directly concerned , 150,000 ,
bituminous coal miners in other states
are dependent upon the present delib
erations for a basis of making their
wage scale , and in addition tthe policy
committee will consider the wage de
mands of about 170,000 anthracite
miners. It was pointed out by President - ;
dent White that the wages of more
than 500,000 union miners after April )
1 were in dispute , and that the coal ,
output of the country , other than that'
mined by nonunion men , was involved. '
Oldest U. S. Mason Dead. )
Minneapolis , Minn. William Hoit,1
aged eighty-seven , thought to be the ]
oldest Mason in the United States in ]
the point of membership and a resl- !
dent of Minneapolis since 1865 , is4 ,
dead at his home here. He was a member -
ber of the Portland lodge , No. 1 , joining - ]
ing the organization In the ' 50s.
"Father of House" Critically III.
Philadelphia. Congressman Henry ;
H. Bingham of the First Pennsylvania ]
district , "father of the house , " is critically - ,
ically ill at his home here.
( Concluded from page two. )
threatened Flora Weed , a sister of two
of his murderers , that if she did not
marry Harry Heath , another of Them ,
and thus eliminate him out of the race
for the affections , of Eunice murphy ,
he would kill both her brothers , and
would outrage her person. If this
statement is true , it would furnish
some motive for this crime , but it is
seriously contradicted by the admit
ted fact that Miss Weed did not tell
this to her brothers until the evening
of Sunday , June 18 , 1911 , while Ken
neth Murphy and Alma Weed rode
over to the place where Sellers was
staying on the night of Saturday ,
June 17 , with the intention of shooting
him , but did not find him , or lost
their nerve , and returned without at
tacking Sellers in any manner. We
therefore disbelieve this statement ,
and we regard it as simply the effort
of a sister to extricate two brothers
from a serious difficulty.
It has been further rumored and
largely talked that Sellers was killed
for the reason that he knew that some
of hi1 ? murderers were concerned in
the stealing of live stock , and that he
A\as put out of the way to prevent his
tolling what he knew. It appears ,
however , to our satisfaction , that the
attorneys for the prosecution investi
gated this matter personally in South
Dakota , where the Weed brothers had
worked prior to coming back to this
county , and were unable to find anj
connection between them and the
stealing of live stock. After fully in
quiring into this phase of the situa
tion ourselves-we have heard nothing
to induce us to believe in this stor\
or theory. No evidence has been secured -
cured to indicate that the defendants
in this case were implicated in the
stealing of live stock , or that Sellers
knew that they were so involved.
Another motive which has been as
signed for the crime is that it was
believed by Eunice Murphy that Sel
lers had left some valuable papers for
her in the hands of Banker Skeen ot
Cody , and that she incited his mur
derers to the execution of the crime
for the purpose of obtaining these pa
pers , and reaping the result thereof.
Helief in this theory was strengthened
by the eagerness with which Eunice
Murphy inquired from the banker for
these papers on the very morning af
ter the murder , and her apparent anx
iety to get possession of them , and
by her statement to the convicted men
that as soon as the bank opened she
would have plenty of money. A care
ful investigation reveals that Eunice
Murphy never claimed to know the
nature of these papers , and the fur
ther fact that no papers had ever been
left with the bank for her by Sellers ,
and such testimony as we have upon
the point seems to indicate that Sel
lers had told her that he had fixed up
his papers and placed with a com
plete description of his plans for car
rying out the threats he had been
making to kill the Heath family , and
that she desired the possession of
these papers for the purpose of sub
stantiating the reasons given by the
murderers for the crime. We have
given careful consideration to even-
possible motive which the testimonv
shows may have lead to the commis
sion of the crime , and we have named
them all above , with one exception
which we will now proceed to consider ,
although as a motive it seems illopical
and unreasonable to men of well or
dered or balanced minds. The testi-
mony shows Sellers to have been of a
sullen , brooding and jealous disposi
tion in his relations with women
Some of the testimony introduced to
show throats and attempts made b1
him against the honor and virtue of
certain women is open to suspicion
and we do not believe it. But we hat -
before us the testimony of several
women to the effect that he has made
threats to kill them should they re-
fuse to marry him. No actual attempts -
tempts seem to have been made by
him to put these threats into execu
tion , but there seems to have been
more , or loss knowledge of these
threats in the neighborhood , and they
seem to have been matters of some
what common gossip. It seems to be
clear that Sellers was infatuated with
Eunice Murphy , and that his suit was
opposed by her relatives , and it is
doubtful if it was ever greatly en
couraged by her. This seems to have
fomented his pre-dispodition to brood ,
and produce a sullen state of mind
which voiced itself in the threat to
kill the whole Heath family. They ,
in his mind , having become the chief
obstacle in the consummation ot his
wish to marry Eunice Murphy. No
overt act was ever committed by Sel
lers against the Heath family , the
Weed family , the Murphy family , or
any of their relatives or connections ,
nor were any attempts ever made to
put any threat into execution ; but by
some crooked , deformed and ignorant
process of reasoning , the four men
who committed the crime and those
others named elsewhere in this report
as having knowledge of it before its
commission , appeared to have arrived
at the conclusion that these threats
justified them in planning and carry
ing into execution the crime for which
the murderers have been convicted.
Repugnant as this may be to all law
abiding minds , there seems to be no
question but that it was the actual
fact. This theory is further strength
ened by the action of the four con
victed men and Eunice Murphy , be
fore and during and. after the com
mission of the crime. So far from
manifesting any remorse or fear or
grief or any of those natural emotions
which would undoubtedly affect the
minds of any ordinary human being
after the commission of some grave
and deadly offense , these parties all
j seemed to have been firmly convinced
1 that they had done nothing to be pun
ished for ; that their actions in the
premises were right ; that it was a
matter of merely an hour or two de
tention before they would be liberated
and sent home , and even that they
ought to be in some manner honored
or distinguished for the terrible act
which they had done instead of pun
We desire to express our thanks for
and our appreciation for the sincere
and earnest efforts made by every of
ficial , court , and of the county , to as
sist us in this investigation and arriv
ing at the truth of the Sellers case , as
well as all matters before us. Not only
have they thrown no obstacle in our
way , but all through this investiga
tion the district judge , the clerk of the
district court , the county clerk , the
ounty attorney , 'the sheriff , and , in
fact , every officer of the court and
of the county have done everything
in their power to enable us to reach
the true state of the facts and to a
ist us in our labors.
Respectfully submitted ,
Nationality of Eggs.
Is it possible to tell the nationality
of an egg by inspection ? The ques
tion is raised in acute form by the ei i-
dence given in the prosecution of a
iancashire ( England ) firm for selling
Russian eggs as Irish , which resulted
n acquittal. The experts varied , as
? ven experts will. One confidently
> renounced the eggs in question Rus
sians nearly five weeks old ; another
aid they wore second class Russians ,
i third specified the south of Russia
On the other hand , experts for the de
fense were equally positive that no
body could tell the birlhplaco of an
egg from external examination. Wo
ire most impressed by the witnos-s
who said that when eggs were bad
their nationality was indeterminable
On the whole , one is bound to como
to the conclusion that the a\crage
purchaser of eggs must take their na
tionality upon trust. He may lune his
suspicious , no doubt , based upon the
jgj. ' apparent antiquity. Hut the or
dinary consumer cannot get beyond
Dan Lena's division of the genus into j
new laid eggs , . " "fres eggs" and .
To Enlarge a Monument.
The "Germania" monument erected [
in the Xeiderwald near the Rhino at i
time when Germany's population
was far smaller than at present , is no ,
longer of a size commensurate with j
the Fatherland's importance in the
world. It has therefore been decided
to enlarge considerably the terrace
around the monument's baso. The
monument itself will remain the samr.
but it will be framed by porticos ,
while an imposing staircase will load
from the present terrace when it is
enlarged to another spacious terrace
lower down. On the staircase will bo
two equestrian groups , one represent
ing William I. , Louis II. of Bavaria
and the grand duke of Baden ; the oth
er. Frederick III. , the king of Saxony
and the king of Wurtembnrg. Lower
down will be the statutes of Bismarck ,
Moltke and Roon. The cost of this
extension will be borne by a group of
Rhenish patriots.
Pampered' Dog's Funeral.
One of the most elaborate dog fu
nerals on record was carried out at
Buffalo the other day , at the death of
the pet of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cro-
ning. The dog , an 'Irish setter , was
buried in a casket of white brocade
satin , and the hearse which carried it
was also white and was drawn by
A-hite horses. During its lifetime the
setter received every attention that a
pampered child could wish , and at its
leath an expensive coffin suitable for
a child of twelve was ordered and the
embalmed dog was placed in it with
s head resting on a satin pillow
trimmed with lace. The casket bore
.Il\er handles. The animal was buried
v n a farm outside the city under a
id cherry tree , in a grave lined witfi
overgreens. and the coffin was covered
with roses and carnations. A granite
shaft is to be erected over the grave.
The dog ( luring life slept on a feather
bed and drank two bottles of ale every
A Museum of Safety.
The American Museum of Safety is
working out the basic principles for
preventing the enormous waste of human -
man life and limb in our industries
with its attendant train of sickness ,
misery and poverty. This institution
is not an experiment ; Germany has
clearly demonstrated its value , and by
means of her two museums of safety ,
sanatoria and other forms of practical
sanitation , she is conserving annually
3230,000,000 in the wage-earning effi
ciency ofher workmen. She has been
the inspiration for museums of safety
in Amsterdam , Vienna , Stockholm , Bu
dapest , Milan , Zurich , Paris , Mos
cow and Copenhagen. These countries
claim that every life saved is a na
tional asset. The American start has
been made , and is the only movement
of its kind on the continent of North
and South America. Metropolitan
Largest Beryl Ever Found.
March 28 , 1910 , in a pegmatite vein
at Marabaya , a village in Brazil , there
was discovered the largest crystal of
precious beryl ( aquamarine ) ever
found. It was so trasparent that look
ing down into the crystal through its
basal termination it could be seen
through from end to end. In color it
was greenish blue , absolutely free
from included impurities , but traversed
by a number of fractures. T is crys
tal was found by a Turk , who mined it
in what is known as a primitive mine
at a depth of from five to six meters ,
and only with the greatest difficulty
was it transported by canoe to the
coast by way of the .Tequitinhonha riv
er and then shipped to Bahia , where it
is said that he realized $25,000 for it.
It is estimated that this crystal would
furnish at least 200,000 carats of
aquamarines of various sizes. Mining
and Engineering World.
Queensland's Sugar Industry.
" "Queensland is one of the great su
gar producing states of Australia , and
practically all of the sugar consumed
in the commonwealth is raised and
refined in this state and in the north
ern part of New South Wales. The
leading feature of the sugar industry
is the number of small cane growers
engaged in it , who now supply cane
to the central mills of which they are
SEE how ranch better it
makes the baking
SEE how much more um
form in quality
SEE how pure how good
SEE how economical and
SEE that yon get Culumet
At youi *
1 I to
Even a wise man never gets over be
ing a fool to a certain extent.
Constipation can bo cured without drugs.
Nature's own remedy is Gartield Tea.
Avoid the race course if you would
keep on the right track.
A man is known by the company he
keeps , and by the conversation he
hands out.
"My lad , I was a newsboy once. "
"Aw. what cha tryin * to do git me
downhearted ? "
No End to His Bad Luck.
John D. Sheep , at an Anti-Cigarette
league banquet , explained his feelings
in the story of the colored man.
"How are you getting along , Laz
arus ? " asked his master , interestedly.
"I gets along poorly , " replied Laz
arus , who complained of his misfor
tune at length. "Master John , I has
such bad luck , " says he , "that when I
dies and is laid away in the tomb and
the good Lord says to me , 'Lazarus ,
come forth , ' I know I is sho' to come
fifth. "
Happiness Postponed.
An awkward predicament in which
a sailor bridegroom and his bride were
placed in St. Mary Major's church , Ex
eter , Devonshire , England , recently ,
caused the postponement of their wed
ding. The banns had been duly called
at the church , but when the parties
presented themselves at the altar the
bridegroom , who had been recently
paid off from his ship at Portsmouth ,
was unable to produce the necessary
permission from his commander. The
bride swooned , and eventually re
turned home , while the bridegroom
left for Plymouth to get the required
; Something
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"The Memory Lingers"
Sold by Grocers.
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Battle Creek , MicHgon