Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 28, 1912, Image 1
ffiltorical Soclitj * V * ; * i * f V * * f A , , * ' l ' . . k , . ' j -v. rA ' * y . - Volume 27 , No. 12 VALENTINE , NEBR. , THUESDAY , MAECH 28 , 1912. § 1.50 per year. IS NEAR AT Are you prepared ? If not , let us pre pare you with the newest things from | our Furnishing Dej j partment. All the new Spring Apparel is in. Better come here and be satisfied. OME men may be indifferent to style in shirts , but no man can well be indifferent to fit. A SHIRT is alwaj's as appropriate to the wearer as it is to the occasion. Made in every style , white cr color fast. $1 50 and more. line of and Summer Hats New uptodate Spring on display for your inspection. 0. W. * w , Red Front Hardware Co < We carry a full line of WESTERN ELECTRIC SUNBEAM MADZA LAMPS at following prices : 25-Watt Madza Tungsten $ .50 40 " .55 " u u . 60 .75 100 " 1.10 " i ; u . 150 1.65 250 " u 2.30 We guarantee these lamps to be THE BEST ON THE MARKET Red Front Hardware Co. Cottage Grove Restaurant Edmund Qerber , Prop. First Class Meals and Short Orders Board by the day or week. Ticket good for twenty - one meals $4.50. Come to the Qottage Grove Res = taurantfor a "square meal. " THE VALENTINE HOUSE W. B. HOWE , Proprietor Successor to John D. Eaton. Electric Lights , Hot water Heat , Good Rooms and Bedp , whore you can feel at home and he comfortahe while you remain. JWcr itfvite old patrons and others to call and see VALENTINE LOCALS Will Haley returned to the stale university Saturday night. E. Breuklander returned home Monday almost cured of rheuma tism. Jim Felch has got his restaur ant in order and opened up for business. - Mrs. Chas. Gassan is visiting her sister , Mrs. Mena , and other relatives in .Omaha. C. L. Carson and family have moved to Kilgore. Charley runs the livery stable there. The Cherry county grand jury report will be found on pages 2 and 3 of this paper. Look on the inside. We'll miss Ed Spencer who has gone to Oelrichs , S , D. , where he is section forman again. Mrs. Spencer and the children have gone to join him. The Gordon team came down last Friday night and walloped our team on the high school ques tion. There was a good house and the debaters did well on both sides. Judge Quigley returned from a business trip into the south cen tral part of the state last week and while snow-bound at Hastings was both pleased and surprised to run across I. M. llice and Max Viertel. The interior of the Episcopal church is being decorated pre paratory for Easter services. The daily services , planned for Holy Week will depend upon the finish ing of this work in time for the same. Don McLeod has moved his of fice next door north the First National bank , recently occupied by H. I. Weinzimmer. The build ing is repapered and laid with linoleum , making a fine real es tate office. At Columbus we saw Tom Ad ams who grew up with Lou Brow- nell in Dowagi > c , Mich. , and was interested in hearing from Lou and his sister. Sorry to report that Lou is in very poor health just now. Service ? will be held in the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning and evening , conducted bv the Kev. D. B. Ralston of O'Neill , who comes as a candidate of the Valentine church. If he is satisfied with the town and the people and the people are satisfied with him , it is quite likely he will tike charge of the Presbyterian work regularly in the near future. A cordial invitation is extended to everybody to attend both services. Last week Chester Wells was one of eight to win the honor of being chosen the contestant after a preliminary trial , from the jun ior class in the coming annual elocution contest of Creighton College to take place in June. List Saturday after a speech be fore his class meeting he was elect ed toast master for the annual class banquet in May ; also he was elected as one of a committee of three to Jiave charge of the ban quet , which is a big social event of the college. This is the second year he has enjoyed this honor. As a further mark of favor he is chairman of the senior dance com mittee to reserve a hall and date for the annual senior ball , the so ciety event of the season. Owing to the extreme high prices asked by the -growers of northern and eastern seed pota toes , and the Hack of assurances that a car load would be used.Jthe commercial club thought best not to buy a car this spring. 'W. A. PETTYCREW , ) W , T. ElNt/AID'j / ] TOCK PRICES Cattle Sell Oti About a Dime Under Heavy Receipts. HOG RECEIPTS AT HIGH POINT. Under Influence of Good Buying De mand Prices Are Ten Cents Higher. Demand for Fat Sheep and Lambs Holds Up Well Prices Highest of Season. South Omaha , March 2C. Cattle- Receipts were heavy , G.SOO head , and with lower markets east fat cattle prices declined fully lOc here. Best 1400-lb. beeves brought $7.55. Cows and heifers were in keen request and steady. Choice heifers brought $6.30 , and bulk of trading was at $4.30@5.70. Veal calves were steady at $4.00@S.OO , and bulls , stags , etc. , weaker , at $4.25 @ 5.60. There was a broad demand for stockers and feeders , at steady to stronger price ? . Choice 900-11) . feeders brought $ fi.50 and trading was largely at $5.25 ( )0.00. ) Although hog receipts were liberal , 17,200 head , the demand from both packers and shippers was active and prices ruled fully a dime higher. Tops brought S7.40 , the highest price paid since.last September. The bulk of the trading was at $7.057.35 , as against $ G.55@G.75 one week ago. Tlie sbeep supply was only moder ate , lO.fiflO head and prices were about r.teady , under a very fair demand. Lambs are quoted at $6.50@7. iO ; yearlings , $ G.15@0.60 ; wethers , $5.GO@ 6.20 , and ewes , $ -L90@5.70. Simeon Harvey Hohhs is able to around . again. He has recovered from , , an attack of pneumonia. A pleasant birthday surprise party was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Eeece Saturday. Mrs. Mai Bucy is seriously ill. Dr. Compton was called Sunday evening. J. W. Daniels is husking corn. He says this is the first time the snow has given him an opportun ity. Stock is looking well despite the worst March we can remember. There has been no loss except young calves. They have had a rough vojage through March. Mrs. Maggie Acord of Topeka , Kan. , arrived last week for a visit her sisters , Mesdames Yingst and Tetherow , and brothers , C. S. and J. C. Eeece. Feeding ear corn is practical when hay is high and scarce. Cat tle fed a few ears each day and about one-half hay ration are hold ing up well under this strenuous weather. f The family of P. H. Young was released from quarantine Monday. All are welL The nurse departed some time ago. We are glad to say that the fever dealt kindly with us more so than was feared at first. Wanted to buy 1000 bushels of potatoes. John Ormesher , Val entine , Kebr. 10 Barn ' for sale , 18x28 ft , big hay loft. For particulars see Father Blaere. 9 / Buttpns made to order , to match your gown. IS styles , all sizes , at the Red Front. 48 All the county news in THE DEMOCRAT for § 1.00 if you pay in advance before May 1st. Roll a dollar this way and we'll place your name on our books. Button Trimming for dresses etc. , is the latest. Save your scraps of cloth and take them to the Red Front where they can' ' show you 18 styles including the' new oblong shape made to or-j fltfc 4 $ ' We have employed Mr. S. W. Cyphers , A First Class Tailor , of 25 years' experience in tailoring in the East , to assist us in our Clothing Department and "vye are now prepared to give our customers A Perfect Fit in Clothing Alterations in suits or , a tailor made suit of any style. Cleaning and Pressing Prompt = ly Done on Short Notice. H. W. Hoenig , Prop. McQEER & CARROLL , Proprs. Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars fj Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : . . Qld Crow/ * ' " ' - - . . . 'v.v Sherwood , Hermitage , * * QjCkentcJmerf Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 29 year old < * andjas. E , Pepper , O , P. C. Taylor , I These whiskies were purchased in bond 1 and came direct from the Lr. S. gov * ernment warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Tin- excelled for family and medical use. Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout. Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , / Valentine Nebraska f Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IN All Kinds of Fresh and Fait Meats. . . . Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell. sfff > fyf Yf9fff V r * * Placing Your Money in a Bank keeps it in circulation while you are not using it. When you deposit your money in This Bank it can be used for your indirect if not direct profit the upbuilding of our town and vicinity , the community in which YOU are particually interested. Our constantly increasing list of depositors furnishes competent evidence , the very best of evidence , that the relations existing between this bank and its customers are mutually satisfactory. We shall be pleased to add YOUR name to this growing list. Deposits Guaranteed VALENTINE STATE BANK \ - * . + i . - \ ' - .M Deposits iu thlss bank arc protected by the Depositor's \ * Guarantee Fund of the Htuto of Sebrabka. 5 , " ' AJ AAAJ J J J J $ . , . * Loup Valley Hereford Ranch , C. H. FAULHABEB & SONS , BROWNLEE , NEB Herd headed by S. G. Columbus 17 No. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289 822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg Bulls far Stale at AH Times , "My little son had a very severe cold. . I was recommended to try Chamberlain's _ _ Co'ngh Eemedy , and before a small bet1 j tie vras finished he was ys vrell as ever/ ' writes ilrs.H. Silks , 29 Cowling Street , Ai tralijj This remedy is f95 * * \