Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 21, 1912, Image 2

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I. M. RICE , Publisher.
Fully 275,000 Operatives to Share in
Raises , Which Will Aggregate More
Than $10,000,000 Work to Resume
in Lawrence Immediately.
Boston , Mass. Wage increases ag
gregating mare than $10,000,000 will go
into pockets of New England textile
workers during the next twelve
months , according to authoratative es
timates of the result of the present up
ward trend of wages m cotton and
woolen mills. On the basis of an an
nual pay roll cf § 79,000,000 in the wool
en mills the'increase there will amount
to ? 5GOO,000 , while the cotton mill op
eratives will receive an advance of
Fully 275,000 operatives will share
in the raise by April 1 if all the mills
which have not yet joined in the move
ment follow the lead of large concerns.
Announcements made already of con
templated advances affect upward
of 200,000 mill workers , while other
cotton manufacturers have indicated
an intention of equaling the wage ad
vances , but have given no definite
announcement. The New Bedford
manufacturer's offer of a 5 per cent
increase will be acted on early this
week by the textile council which re
cently presented a demand for a raise
of 10 per cent. Although there is a
division of opinion among the opera
tives , many are said to favor accept
ing the manufacturers' offer and re
viving their demand for 10 per cent
when business improves
Attempt Made to Take Life of Magis
trate Dosalsky.
New York. An attempt to kiill
Judge Otto Rosalsky , of the court of
general sessions , with a bomb , proved
unsuccessful. It was only a defect ,
said to be a small accumulation of dirt
in the mechanism in the infernal ma
chine , which the justice had unsuspect
ingly opened , that saved him from
possible death or certain injury. The
bomb later exploded while being ex
amined by Inspector Egan , of the bu-
rea of combustibles , seriously wound
ing him about the face and arms.
The intended victim of the explosion
had been given a great deal of publici
ty lately in connection with the
Brandt case. It was Judge Rosalsky
who sentenced Brandt to a 30-year
term for burglary at Mortimer L.
Schiff's home in 1907. and who recent
ly reversed his action.
Buried In Mass of Snow.
Smith Center , Kan. To be buried
by the spray from a snow plow was
the fate of Harry Agnew , 12-year-old
boy of this city. Harry was playing
in the wake of a big rotary plow on
the Rock Island railroad.Vith other
hoys he was allowing the clouds of
snow to fall over him , running from
under when the snow became too
heavy. He was not missed until night.
Searchers dug his body from under
the mass of snow. His thigh was
broken and it is believed the weight
of snow crushed out his life almost
Held for a Woman's Death.
Kansas City , Mo. Dr. Marquis De a
Lafayette Isley , formerly a propessor
in a local college , was arrested
charged with causing the death of a
woman by an operation. He pleaded
not guilty and was released on $2,000
bonds. Efforts will be made to ex
hume the woman's body.
File a Demurrer to Indictments.
Cincinnati , O. Officers and agents
of the National Cash Register com
pany of Dayton , O. , indicted by a fed
eral grand jury , charged with viola
tion of the Sherman antitrust act , have
filed a demurrer to the indictments
against them.
Live Stock Market.
Sioux City. Cattle Good to choice
corn fed steers , ? 7.00@S.OO ; medium to
good , § 5.75(5)7.00 ( ) ; good to choice fat
cows and heifers , $5.25@G.50 ; grass
cows , $3.50@5.00 ; canners and cutters ,
$2.00@3.50 ; bulls , $3.75@5.25 ; veals ,
? 4.00@8.00. Hogs Prices range from
$ G.45@G.70. with a bulk of the sales at
§ G.55@6.GO. Sheep Lambs , $5.50@
$7.00 ; yearlings , ? 5.50@6.00 ; ewes ,
| 3.00@5.00.
Dies at Age of 85.
West Point , Neb. William Suber ,
an aged citizen of Wayne county , died
at St. Joseph's Home for the Aged
at West Point. The deceased was So
years of age and succumbed to ail
ments incident to his advanced age.
Eliza Tyler Stowe Dead.
Simsbury , Conn. Miss Eliza Tyler
Stowe , the last of the daughters of
Harriet Beecher Stowe , died at her
home here. She was born at Walnut
Hills , near Cincinnati. Her twin sis
ter died peveral years ago.
Union Officials and Operators Say No
Concessions Will Be Made More
Out in Germany British Peace
Conference Futile.
New York. Whether or not 500,000
American miners will walk out is a
question of grave moment here at this
particular time.
The conference o the anthracite
operators and representatives of the
United Mine Workers of America , at
which the reasons for the denial of
the miners' demands were submitted
by the committee of ten operators ,
lasted just long enough for the an
swer of the operators to be read.
John P. White , president of the
miners , and his associates then asked
to be permitted to consider the an
swer until Friday noon , when there
will be a further conference at which
the miners will say whether they will
submit a new proposal or strike.
Following the conference the opera
tors said they had nothing to add to
their answer and insisted that it
leaves the miners no alternative but
work or strike.
President White , who had stated
before he went into the conference
that the miners would have no new
proposal to offer , said when he left :
"It will depend on our own confer
ences before the meeting what our
answer will be at that time. If we
didn't think there is still a chance of
amicable adjustment there would be
no need of any further meeting. "
While the union representatives
would not commit themselves , it is
understood they may ask on Friday
for a further extension of time to con
sider the answer in order to await the
result of the conferences in Chicago
and Cleveland next week between the
bituminous operators and their
It is known the heads of the anthra
cite locals of the United Mine Workers - ,
ers will scarcely consent to a strike if
there is peace in the bituminous dis
tricts , whereas united action of the
entire organization , claiming to con
trol half a million miners , would be
It is along this line that President
White and associates are conferring.
Berlin. The coal miners' strike in
the great German fields of Westphalia
continues to spread. There are over-
240,000 men now on strike , and the
situation is becoming worse every
where. It has tateen a most serious
turn in several districts , and has re
sulted already in a fatal conflict be
tween the police and the strikers in
the district of Herne.
London. The thirteenth day of the
coal strike ended without a settle
ment having been reached. The joint
conference of the representatives of
the miners and mine owners and
members of the cabinet adjourned "in
order to consider certain proposals
made by the prime minister. "
Reply of Statesman Rings With Accusations -
cusations of Cowardice and Falsehood -
hood Cites Factional Hate.
Washington. Senator Leroy Percy
has replied to the Mississippi legisla
ture's demand that he resign by flatly
declining to do so. He has sent his
answer in a letter which rings with
accusations of cowardice , falsehood
and factional hatred.
Senator Percy replies that when ,
just after his election , he offered to
resign his unexpired term if a primary
were held in 1910 to name his successor
ser , he limited his proposition to that
year and not 1911 , the year in which
primary finally was held.
The primary he proposed in 1910
never was held , Senator Percy says.
He declares he never did say he would
resign if not elected in the 1911 pri-
marj' .
His Attorneys Accept Transcript of
Franklin's Testimony as Supple
mented by Informal Notes.
Los Angeles , Cal. Clarence S. Dar-
row , former chief counsel for the Mc-
namara brothers , will be placed on
trial May 14 on the charge of having
bribed jurors in the case of the con
fessed dynamiter , James B. McNa-
mara , now serving a life term in San
Quentin prison. D
Nullifying two previous dulings .
which conflicted , the judge held that
with the addition of Informal notes
of the testimony of Detective Bert
Franklin before the grand jury , the
transcript was sufficient Franklin
confessed having offered a bribe to a
McNamara juror. Darrow's attorneys
said they would accept the transcript J
which previously had been refused. :
Educator's Salary $ 12,000.
Washington. President Benjamin
Tde Wheeler of the University of Cali
fornia is the highest salaried head of \
any state aided institution of learning
in the United States , according to a
bulletin issued by the national bureau
of education. He receives $12,000 a
year and a house. 3
New Cabinet In Spain.
Madrid. The Spanish cabinet ,
which resigned , has been reconstitut C
ed. Premier Canalejas retains the
leadership. *
When Will the Fireworks Be Over ?
Qovernment Sustained on Every Point
at Issue Defendants Gain Slight
Respite When the Court Grants
Them a Continuance.
Chicago. In their battle to obtain
their liberty , the Chicago packers ,
who have been on trial for more than
three months before Federal Judge
Carpenter , lost an important point.
The court in ruling on a motion of at
torneys for the ten indicted men that
the case be taken from the jury's
bands , denied tile plea and held that
the trial must proceed. The court's
action came after Attorney John S.
Miller of counsel for the packers had
made the final plea for his clients.
Judge Carpenter , in his decision ,
said :
"In this motion I believe it is best
to dispose of it on the principles of
law. Arguments of defendants' coun
sel dissect the evidence on a basis
In my opinion that is wrong in a case
of conspiracy.
"The presumption of innocence in
volves the whole case and not the sep
arate features.
"The question is whether the jury
will allow the presumption of evi
dence to override the whole case , and
not the separate facts.
"The hypothesis of innocence must
be as reasonable as the hypothesis of
guilt before the court can instruct the
Jury for the defendants , " continued
the judge. "The proof tends to show
that striking and similar methods
were used. It is absurd to suppose
the directing heads of these busi
nesses did not know what was going
on. The government must establish
the offense in the period , but can
illustrate by acts before.
"At this time the court cannot take
the case from the jury , and the mo
tion will be denied. The motion to
strike out all evidence of what went
on before September 13 , 1907 , is de
nied. "
The packers gained a slight respite
after the decision had been read when
the hearing was continued. Attorney
JohnS. Miller of counsel for the packers -
ers obtained the continuance by de
claring that the defendants were not
prepared to go ahead.
Two Killed and Fifteen Injured V/hen
Passenger Crashes Into Freight
Near Greencastle , Ind.
Indianapolis , Ind. In a wreck
on the St. Louis division of the
Big Four railroad , near Greencastle ,
wo persons were killed and 15 were
eriously injured. Wreck trains and
physicians and nurses were sent from
dere on a special train to aid the vi-c-
tims. The passenger train is said to
have been late and crashed into a
freight train which was on the main
jack. The engineer's body was found
ut almost in two.
Knox Off to Costa Rica.
Acajutla , Salvador. Secretary of
State Knox and party have left on the
Maryland for San Jose , Costa Rica.
Before leaving here the secretary en
tertained on board the Maryland a
party of 50 persons who had accom
panied him on tie return ship from
San Salvador to Acajutla.
Carnegie Helps Church.
Kewanee , 111. St. Peter's German
church here was notified by Andrew
Carnegie that he will pay half the cost
Df a fine new pipe organ for the church.
Rpman Loss Put at Three Officers and
27 Soldiers Killed Turkish Vic
tory Also Claimed.
Benghazi , Tripoli. According
to Italian advices , more than 1,000
Arabs were killed and a like num
her wounded when the Italians
stormed and captured two strongly
intrenched bases northwest of Fojat.
More than 400 Arab corpses were
left on the battle field and the Italian
officers report that an enormous num
ber were carried off by the retreating
enemy. The loss of the Italian troops
is given as three officers and twenty-
five soldiers killed and seven officers
and fifty-five soldiers wounded.
Constantinople. Edhem Pasha ,
the Turkish commander in the Dis
trict of Benghazi , reports to the
Turkish war ministry an important
Turco-Arab success at Tobruk. He
says that the Italians were driven out
of their positions and retreated to
their ships after a battle which last
ed 11 hours.
Edhcm Pasha estimated the Italian
casualties at 2,000 killed and wound
The Turkish losses were also very
heavy , including many Arab women.
Big Army of Suffragettes in Washing
ton Seeking Aid From Congress
Speakers Are Eloquent.
Washington. An army of two thou
sand women has taken the United
States capitol by storm in the cause
of woman suffrage. The weapons
they used were eloquent words , still
more eloquent smiles and the most
captivating of spring bonnets.
Heading this army were two gener
als , Rev. Anna Shaw , who took charge
of the peaceful attack , and Miss Jane
Addams , the beloved apostle of Hull
House , Chicago , who led the forceful
advance on the house judiciary com
mittee. '
Associated with these were speak
ers , who in a most businesslike man
ner , laid before the committees their
views on suffrage for women. The big
committee room of the house was
packed to the doors and many women
stood on boxes during the entire ses
Strong Likelihood of Such Action , on
Ground of Divided Bench , Says
Washington. Attorney General
Wickersham indicated that there
was a strong likelihood of a re
hearing being asked of the Supreme
Court in the "patent monopoly" case
decided by a divided bench , four to
It is said he has taken the matter
up by letter with the parties at issue ,
asking if a rehearing was desired.
The government , not being a party
to the suit , can act only through the
defeated parties. The rehearing would
Be asked on the ground that a full
bench had not passed on the case.
Portuguese Are Disloyal.
Lisbon , Portugal. A sensation was
caused here by the announcement that
a large part of the Tenth regiment of
Portuguese infantry at Braganza , on
the northeastern frontier , had crossed
the border with its arms and joined
the royalists.
Army Aviator Is Killed.
Pau , France. Lieut Henri Paul ;
Tibulie Seveile , an army aviator of
the Sixth Regiment of African Mount
ed Rifles , was killed here while mak
ing a flight.
Sends Notices to Parents.
Ill order to acquaint the parents oi
students attending the university with
the exact amount of fees charged
them , Registrar E. M. Rutledge has
sent out the following communication :
"I am desired to advise you for your
personal information that the total
amount of feea paid by the student
named below for the current semester
of the university is as follows. This
covers all regular fees required by the
university , but does not include text
books , etc. " There has been a pre
vailing impression that not infrequent
ly the amounts of the fees were ex
aggerated by students in order to defray - J
fray sundry little expenses , such as
formal parties , theater tickets , etc.
No warning of the notice was given
to the students.
Disease Among Horses.
State Veterinarian A. Bostrom is oJ
the opinion that the strange disease
among horses in Nebraska has killed
from 1,000 to 1,500 horses. It ap
pears to be more fatal among the bet
ter and high priced horses than
among the poorer class. The disease
resembles spinal meningitis in human
beings in that it causes paralysis in
the animals. This is due to an af
fliction of the brain resembling soften
ing of the brain. The disease runs
its course in from ten to twelve hours
and not longer than twenty-four
hours. It has prevailed mostly in
southeastern Nebraska , rarely north
of the Platte river and no farther west
than Phelps county.
Seeking Further Light.
Governor Aldrich's private secre
tary has written to wardens of peni
tentiaries in other states asking for
data and the results of experience and
methods used in handling convicts.
The Nebraska prison has for many
years been held up as a model prison ,
the only criticism being that disci
pline was not severe enough. If other
wardens furnish ideas of value in regard - '
gard to methods they will be applied
to the management of the Nebraska
Chaplain Appointed.
Governor Aldrich has appointed
Rev. Nathan Harmon of Lincoln chap
lain of the penitentiary to fill the va
cancy caused by the resignation of
Dr. P. C. Johnson. Mr. Harmon is a
brother of Rev. H. H. Harmon of Lin
coln. He is a member of the Chris
tian church , is traveling evangelist for
Cotner university and was formerly a
minister at David City , the home of
the governor.
Recommends Early and Deep Plowing.
Professor Swenk. associated state
entomologist , is out in a warning to
Nebraska farmer's to look out for
grasshoppers this year. He says the
damage done by grasshoppers has
been steadily increasing for several
years and that the dry season of 1911
is especially favorable for them. He
recommends early and deep plowing
as a means of extermination.
Warning to Careless Voters.
A warning to the careless voter to
the effect that party indorsement is
essential to the success of the initia
tive and referendum has been issued
by the Nebraska direct legislation
league. In a statement to the publio
the league appeals for an adequate
discussion of the amendments , which
will be presented for party indorse
ment at the April primaries.
Wants Primary in Each State.
Governor Aldrich has sent a tele
gram insisting that Taft's campaign s
manager at Washington arrange for q
a preferential presidential primary in
each state in the union , adding that
the party machine may "run the steam
roller over the rights of the rank and
file in the national convention , but n
they cannot do it at the polls in No
vember. " P
. tl
Hotel men of the state met recently
at Omaha and formed a state hotel \ \
association , with George Lehman of
Columbus as president. Resolutions
were adopted favoring the state hotel
laws as sane , reasonable and prac
tical. Annual meetings will be held , e
and members are pledged to work for si
legislation favorable to hotel men. sie
Raise Money for Good Roads. si
Hastings The farmers of Little
Blue township last year raised a fund w
of $1,000 for the purpose of bettering tc :
the roads in their township and the
results of their endeavors were very
appreciable. This year , however , they
have raised a fund of $1,500 for the S"
same purpose , and the fact that.the
sum is considerably larger makes it p ;
evident that the good accomplished ai
will be considerably more than last aibj
year. tc ;
Depreciation in Stock.
Stockholders in the Woodmen Fire
Insurance company will suffer a de PI
preciation in the value of their hold-
ngs from $24 to $25 a share , accord fa
ing to Elliott Lowe , trustee of the ai
iquidation committee , who states that tt ;
this is largely due to the fact that the ai
company had not been in existence ac
eng enough to make back the ex- in
raordinary expense attached to the cc
launching of the new company. The tt
mortgages held by the corporation , riw
amounting to $76,000 , have been sold w
to C. J. Bills for 95 cents on the dollar. cc
Legally , But Not Totally Dead.
Thayer County. Silas M. Griffith ,
who was declared dead by the county
court here about six years ago , and
who had not been heard from by his
family for thirty years , last week
filed his petition with the probate
court , asking for his interest in the
estate of his parents , which had been
divided among his brothers and sis
ters , upon the assumption that he was
Silas M. Griffith left the home of
his parents , near Carleton , Neb. , at
the age of 20 , and went west in search
of fortune. For several years he kept
his home folks in touch with his
whereabouts and then ceased to write.
Diligent search was made for him by
his parents , but to no avail , and in
1906 application was made and
granted that he be declared dead.
After a silence of thirty years , most of
which time was spent in Canada , he
wrote to his father in the summer of
1911. The father and mother had
been dead for some years , and recent
ly a brother died.
He will receive his share of the es
tate , as there is no inclination on the
part of his relatives to contest iiis
Seed Corn Specials.
Douglas County. Something more
than 52,000 persons attended the lec
tures on the seed corn specials in the
recent seed testing campaign in Ne
braska , according to final reports re
ceived from the railroads by E. V.
Parrish , manager of the Omaha pub
licity bureau of the Commercial club.
Manager Parrish has clippings from
several hundred newspapers of the
state commending the publicity bu
reau for having made the campaign
possible and the business men of
Omaha and the railroads for financing
a movement for the benefit of the
state at large , without any scheme
whatever of direct advertising or sell-
"Forage" Disease Killing Horses.
Custer County. A. Boostrom , state
veterinarian , says that the disease \
which has killed so many horses in V
Nebraska the last winter is commonly
called the "forage" disease , because
it is caused , like the famous corn
stalk disease in cattle , from some
thing which is contained on the fodder
der which horses eat. He has no ac
curate list of the number of horses
which have died , but estimates that
from 1,000 to 1,500 have been victims.
One peculiarity is that it seldom at
tacks the tough range ponies or
horses of that class , but the better
grade of animals are the usual vic
By petition of 5,319 voters filed with
the secretary of state , the name of
Victor Rosewater will go on the pri
mary ballot as candidate for republi
can national committeeman. Mr.
Rosewater is editor of the Omaha
Bee , and a present member of the
committee , on which his wide ac
quaintance with public men has
brought him important assignments ,
including a place on the executive
committee , and on the committee on
arrangements for the Chicago conven
tion. His petition is the largest ever
filed for this position.
First Woman Settler Dead.
Saunders County. In the death of
Mrs. Joseph Stambaugh there passed
away the first white woman settler of
Saunders county , Nebraska. She was
born in Schuykill county , Pennsylva
nia , September 30 , 1832 , her maiden
name being Catherine Zimmerman.
Teachers Hold Meeting.
Furnas County. The Furnas County
Teachers' association met in Beaver
City with a good attendance. A pro
gram was rendered by short talks by
teachers from various parts of the
country with instrumental music and
songs by the Beaver iCty High school
quartet and others.
Seeking Lease for Postoffice.
Wayne County. The federal gov
ernment is seeking to lease a build
ing in Waye for the users of the post-
office for a period of five years. The
people of that vicinity are very sure
that the federal government should
erect a federal building there that
would care adequately for the federal
Lutheran Church Burned.
Saline County. The German Luth
eran : church of Dewitt was totally de
stroyed by fire. The fire was discov
ered : burning in the basement. It
rained ; rapid headway and the entire
structure was ablaze before the fire
department arrived. The roof and
ivalls collapsed and the building is a
oral ruin.
Mysteriously Shot.
The S-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
" . J. Hanseneur , three miles west of
Seward , was mysteriously shot. The
parents had been away from home
ind the boy was running toward the
jam to meet them when he was seen
stagger. He hadn't been shot.
Increased Beet Acreage.
Scottsbluff County. Last year
jroved so successful to growers of su-
jar beets that the field men for the
'actory are this year swamped with
ipplications for acreage. Last year
here was about 11,000 acres grown
md this year there is already 15,000
icres signed up , with others still look-
ng for available lands and wanting
sontracts. The sugar people say that
hey have never had similar expe-
ience before , and if it keeps up they
vill be obliged to call a halt for the