Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 21, 1912, Image 1

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    tfifltorical Souittj
. , " 7 . ! .1
Volume 27 , No. 11 VALENTINE , NEBR , THURSDAY , MARCH 21 , 1912. § 1.50 per year.
Mew Spring Styles in Florsheims'
We Lave received our spring stock of tlie new Flor-
shcim Shoes , and they are beauties. Tans , blacks ,
buttons and laces , in styles that will please.
Let ys Show Them to You
o °
uptodate line of Spring and Summer Hats
on display for your inspection.
It's broad enough to cover all cases. We stand
\ behind it , before and after machine Js , sold.
Wp , The Globe Manufacturing Company , truar- . ,
u -antee that with the Quicker Yet" Power
Dasher , ariy-onn can do a washing much cleaner - '
. , , er , in Jess time and with less effort than with
any other washing machine , if our
our instructions are followed. We
further agree to replace any part or parts of
the machine which may be defective in any
way , if we arc so advised within one year from
date of purchase. This guarantee also applies
tomy othpr article manufacturpd and s ld by us
GLOBE MFC Co , Perry , Iowa.
Write us for full particulars or call en
ed Front Hardware Co ,
Edmund Qerber , Prop.
First Class-Meals and Short Orders
Board by the day or week. Ticket good for twenty-
one meals $4.50. Come to the Cottage Grove Res =
taurarst for a "square meal. "
? T 7 A IT * F THf rf Rk T F " 9 F ; & " \ , IT T IT
W. B. HOWE , Proprietor
% Successor to John D. Eaton.
Electric. Lights , Hot water Heat , Good Rooms and Bed ? , where YOU
can feel-at home and be comfortabe while you remain.
"We invite old patrons and others to call and see us.
Have just opened up a new harness stop on
Catherine street near the Democrat office
! "S7 4 T /\T5F'7 T
Valentine , GT Is. KALK0FEN.
Highest cash price paid for Call for Estimates
Anything you have to sell. * Phones 187 and 169
Valentine Furniture Exchange
> Ve buy and sell New and Second riand Furnitnre ,
Carpets and Stoves. :
Valentine , box ' 348 Nebraska
Big reductions en raen's sweat
ers at the Red Front.
Lero.v Springer rolled a dollar
our way Monday while in town.
Mrs. Vanden of Crookston was
in town Saturday between trains.
A. Benson of Arabia had busi
ness in town the first of the week.
W. A. Pettycrew went down to
Norfolk Sunday , returning Mon
Emil Sauerwein has purchased
a * 'Buick" automobile from Chas.
Co. Cornr. A. B. McAlevy was
i i town Monday after a load of
John Sholbourn , jr. , candidate
for county assessor , was up from I i
Sparks Monday.
Station Agent Howe and family
are ba-jk from a visik with rela
tives in Wisconsin.
Mrs , Dan Jeffers went down to
Omaha Tuesday morning to stay
with her daughter , Ethel ,
A. 0. Coleman rar1 son , Neil ,
of McCann , marketed a load of
chickens in town Tuesday.
The St. Patrick's dance Satur
day evening was well attended and
all report it the best of the season.
Miss Helen Sparks returned
from Lincoln last Friday night
where she has been attending the
William B. Haley returned
home Saturday evening from Lin
coln , where he has'been atteudmg
the state university. . - *
-Found A gentleman's ring.
# ner can have same by proving
ownership and paying for this
a > tice. Bert Brackett.
Charlotte Haley entertained a
few of her little friends Tuesday |
afternoon at a birthday parly , it (
being her third birthday.
The V. II S baseball team .ire
preparing play to be
a , given E
sometime in April , entitled "The c
High School Freshman. "
H. H. Meyers of Dewey Lake I
was in town Tuesday on land office ' C
business and found time to make 1
this office a friendly call. H
The Gordon-Valentine debate' '
will be held Friday evening , !
March 22 , at Quigley's hall. Everybody - °
erybody come and hear thorn.
Rev. Cams addressed the student
borly of the Valentine high school
Monday morning , giving a very !
interesting address about a trip to
England. v
Julius Schromm and Jack Kief
went down , to Grand Island Sunday - ,
day where they expect to purchase - j
chase a car of horses which they
intend to ship to the western
, : T
coast. i ,
Mrs , John Slonecker went down ( e
to Ainsworth Saturday to join her
family who went a few days pre
vious , and will make their home on
a farm 7 miles north of Ains
worth' .
A U. S. revenue inspector was.1 ,
in town Tuesday. We hear he n
stated that liquors sold in Valentine -
tine were superior to those sold in
many town of equal and larger n
size in Nebraska.
t s
E. ' E. Morey drove Charles
Anderson's car to White River , I
last Monday , returning the folai
lowing day. They report that d
town on the boom , but the roads y
almost impassible.
Max E. Viertel and I. M. Rice
went down to Columbus Sunday s <
as delegates from Cherry county tl
t > attend the M. W. A. assembly si
called there on the 18th to protest n
against the raise in rates. d
Ed Satterlee called on us last
Friday while in town. Ed's get
ting younger and better looking
and would make a good candidate
for office. What do you want Ed ?
We're for you.
D. D. Dunn stopped awhile Sat
urday to roll a dollar our way anc
talked over M. W. A. rates , which
he thinks are too high , and is in
favor of doing something to stop
the high raise in rates.
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffers departec
Monday for their home in St
Francis , Kan. They were accom
panied by Miss Ethel Jeffers as
far as Omaha , where she expectec
to be be operated for appendicitis
Mrs. Tom Hornby and Mrs.
Charles Sparks entertained the St.
Jo'm's guild at the home of the
f rmer Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Noyes won the prize in the
letter contest. A dainty luncheon
was served.
G. M. Tracy was down from
Crookston last Thursday while we
were grinding out the papers. He
changed his advertisement for this
week and got out some circulars
for his thirty days sale at big re-
Iductions in prices/
Alfred Lund of Lund , and Jess
Speck of Hinchley. were in town
yesterday from the west part of
the county. Both of them \vill
keep posted of the doings at the
county seat through The Valentine
J : H. McKcan came down from
the Black Hills Saturday .evening ,
returning Monday evening , to Gi-
lette , Wyo. , where he expects to
secure several thousand sheep
pelts , which died during the recent
storms. He says stock conditions
are worst there in years.\ .
Thursday evening the people
ple of Valentine listened to an ap
preciative talk on "Sunshine , " by
Dr. Roach. This was the third
number of the lecture course. The
next will be a male quartet , which
comes highly recommended.
J. W. Sanders , Frank Fresee ,
Dan and Henry Ilathorne , Henry
Cullison , Chris Hoist , Rasmus
Troelson and wife , Myrtle Harris ,
Mr. Glendenning and wife and
J. W. Crowe were in town last
Friday before the U. S. land office
on a protest case , regarding the
final proof of Chris Hoist on his
mother's homestead.
We sent the grand jury's report
to Sioux City to have it printed on
the inside of The Democrat - this
week because of the great quantity
of matter being too much to run
n the home print pages , "and
therefore give to our readers as a
early as p'ossible.
Later Through some cause the
report > was not printed this week
but we hope to give it to our read
ers next.
Yfanted to buy 1000 bushels of
potatoes. Johu Ormesher , Val
entine , Nebr. 10
Barn for sale , 18x28 ft. , big :
hay loft. For particulars see
Father Blaere. 9 ii >
* >
Buttons made to order , to fc-
match your gown. 13 styles , all
sizes ; , at the Red Front. 48
All the county news in THE
DEMOCRAT for § 1.00 if you pay in
advance before May 1st. Roll a
Jwllar this way and we'll place
your name on our books.
Button- Trimming for dresses .
stc. , * is the latest. Save your
craps of cloth and take them to c.
the Red Front where they can
show you 18 styles including the :
new oblong shape made to or-
ler. 48
We have employed Mr. 8. Y\r. Cyphers ,
A' First Class Tailor ,
of 25 years' experience in tailoring
in the East , to assist us in our
> epartment
and we are now prepared
to give our customers
" f t H t i s-t TI j tt
Perfect Fit in Clothing
Alterations in suits or a
tailor made suit of any style.
Cleaning and Pressing Prompt"
ly Done on Short Notice.
. W floenfgC Prop.
i'S2523 S S23 2S25K52jZJ Si3J ! Sar5
Sar5I I
mcQEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
" Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29xyear/old
andjas. E. Pepper , O , F , C , Tavior ,
These whisldes were purchased in bond
and came direct from tlie U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family arid medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budv/eiser Beer , ?
Valentine Nebraska S
g2 Ii K2y3 > ra K 2gS
_ _ . . . _
Jf vC - v4 * iT. rf % flt
Stetter & Tobien , Prop \ .
All Kinds of Fr
and Qalt Meats.
AYill buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to sell.
acing Your Money in a Bank
keeps it in circulation while you not using it. When
you deposit your money in This Bank it can be used for
your indirect if not direct profit the upbuilding of our
town and vicinity , the community in which YOU are
particually interested. Our constantly increasing list of
depositors furnishes com petent evidence , the very best of
evidence , that the relations existing between this bank and
its customers are mutually satisfactory. We shall be
pleased to add YOUR name to this growing list.
Deposits Guaranteed
Deposits in this bank nre protested by the Depositor's
Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
.oup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
lerd headed by S. 0. Columbus 17
fo. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 239
22 : also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg
Bulls for Sale at AH Tiifces ,
'Oy little son had a very severe cold.
I was recommended to try Charoberlain's
Congh Eemedy , and before a small bot-
j tie was finished he was as well as ever , "
i writes Mrs.H. Silks , 29 Bowling Street ,
! Sydney , Australia. This remedy is for
[ sale by all dealers' . "