J28 SYNOPSIS. Jack Keith , a Virginian , now a bor- dcr plainsman , Is looking for roaming war parties of savages. He sees a wagon team -at full gallop pursued by men on ponies. "When Keith reaches the wagon the rald- ers have massacred two men and de- -parted. He searches the victims finding papers and a locket with a woman's per trait. Keith is arrested at Carson City , charged with the murder , his accuser be ing a ruffian named Black Bart. A negro companion in his cell named Neb tells him that he knew the Keiths in Virginia. Neb says one of the murdered men waa John Sibley , the other Gen. Willis Waite. form erly a Confederate officer. The plainsman and Neb escape , and later the fugitives come upon a cabin and find Its occupant to be a young girl , whom Keith thlnku lie saw at Carson City. The girl explains that she Is in search of a brother , who liad deserted from the army , and that a Mr. Hawley Induced her to come to the -cabin while he sought her brother. Haw ley appears , and Keith in hiding recog nizes him as Black Bart. There is a ter rific battle In the darkened room in which Keith Is victor. Horses are appropriated , and the girl who says that her name Is Hope. Joins In the escape. Keith explains his situation and the fugitives make for Fort Lamed , where the girl is left with the hotel landlady. Miss Hope tells that eho is the daughter of General Waite. Keith and Neb drift into Sheridan , where "Keith meets an old friend. Dr. Fairbain. Kolth meets the brother of Hope Waile , under the assumed name of Fred Wll- loughby. and becomes convinced that Black Bart has some plot Involving the two. Hope learns that Gen. Waite. who was thought murdered , is at Sheridan. and goes there , where she Is mistaken for Christie Maclaire. the Carson City singer. Keith meets the real Christie Maclaire and finds that Black Bart has convinced her that there is a mystery in her life which he Is going to turn to her atlvan- tagre. The plainsman tells Hope Waite of iier resemblance to Christie Maclaire. They decide that Fred Willoughby may told the key to the situation. Keith finds WHIoughby shot dead. Hope is told of the death of her brother. Keith fails to learn what representations Black Bart "has made to Christie Maclaire. Hope suggests that In order to learn the secret she must briefly Impersonate the stage singer. Dr. Fairbain Is in love with Christie Maclaire and Keith induces him to detain her from the stage while Hope ? roes to the theater where she meets Black Bart. who. thus deceived , tells Hope that General Waite has suspected liis plans and that they must fly. Hope , greatly alarmed , demurs. CHAPTER XXX. In Christie's Room. Keith swept his glance up and down the street without results. Surely Hawley and his companion could not : have disappeared so suddenly. They inad turned to the right , he was cer- "tain as to that , and he pushed through the crowd of men around the theater entrance , and hastened to overtake them. He found nothing to overtake nowhere along that stretch of street , illlumined by window lights , was there ny sign of a man and woman walking together. He stopped , bewildered , staring blindly about , failing utterly to comprehend this mysterious vanishing. 'What could it mean ? What had happened - pened ? How could they have disap peared so completely during that single - , gle moment he had waited to speak to Fairbain ? The man's heart beat like : a trip-hammer with apprehension , a sudden fear for Hope taking posses sion of him. Surely the girl would never consent to enter any of those -dens along the way , and Hawley would not dare resort to force in the open street. The very thought seemed preposterous , and yet , with no other supposition possible , he entered these one after the other in hasty search , questioning the inmates sharply , only to find himself totally baffled Hawley and Hope had vanished as though swallowed by the earth. He explored dark passage-ways between the scat tered buildings , rummaging about recklessly , but came back to the street .again without reward. Could they have gone down the other - -er side , in the deeper shadows , and thus reached the hotel more quickly than it seemed to him possible ? There was barely a chance that this couJd .be true , and yet Keith grasped at it 'desperately , cursing himself for hav ing wasted time. Five minutes later , breathless , almost speechless with anxiety , he startled the clerk. "Has Miss Waite come in ? Miss Hope Waite ? " "Blamed if I know , " retorted the other , indifferently. "Can't for the life of me tell those two females apart. One of them passed through 'bout ten minutes ago ; Doc Fairbain was with Iier. Another tparty just went up stairs hunting Miss Maclaire , and as they haven't come down , I reckon it must have been her anything wrong ? " j "I'm not sure yet , " shortly. "Who -was this other person ? " "Old fellow with white hair and whiskers swore like a pirate had the sheriff along with him. " It came to Keith in a flash it was "Waite. Perhaps Christie knew. Per- liaps the General knew. Certainly rsomething of importance was crystal lizing in the actress' room which might help to explain all else. He rushed up the stairs , barely waiting to rap once at the closed door before he pressed It open. The sight within "held him silent , waiting opportunity to blurt out his news. Here , also , was tragedy , intense , compelling , which for the Instant seemed to even overshadow the fate of the girl he loved. There were three men present - ent , and tiie woman. She stood clutchIng - Ing the back of a chair , white-faced : and open-eyed , with Fairbain slightly behind her , one hand grasping Iier arm , the other clinched , his jaw set pugnaciously. Facing these two was OF THE PLAINS , AUTHOR Or'Mv LADY OF THE SOUTH" ! v HEM WILDERMESS WAS KING ! " ETC.ETC IUUSTRATIOMS BY .DEARBORN MciviLi ( Copyrlght. A. C. McClurg & Co. . 191 < X ) Waite , and a heavily built man wearIng - Ing a brown beard , closely trimmed. "You'd better acknowledge it , " Waite snapped out , with a quick glance at the newcomer. "It will make it all the easier for you. I tell you this is the sheriff , and we've got you both dead to rights. " "But , " she urged , "why should I be arrested ? I have done nothing. " "You're an adventuress a damn adventuress Hawley's mistress , prob ably a " "Now , see here , Waite , " and Fair- bain swung himself forward , "you drop that. Miss Maclaire is my friend , and if you say another word I'll smash you , sheriff or no sheriff. " Waite glared at him. "You old fool , " he snorted , "what have you got to do with this ? " "I've got this to do with , you'll find the woman is to be treated with re spect or I'll blow your damned ob stinate head off. " The sheriff laid his hand on Waite's shoulder. "Come , " he said , firmly , "this is no way to get at it. We want to know certain facts , "and then we can pro ceed lawfully. Let me question the woman. " The two older men still faced one another belligerently , but Keith saw Christie draw the doctor back from between her and/the sheriff. saying a dying man had left with him certain papers , naming one , Phyllis Gale , as heiress to a very large estate in North Carolina , left by her grand father in trust. He said the girl had been taken West , when scarcely two years old , by her father in a fit ot drunken rage , and then deserted by him in St. Louis. " "You you saw the vipers ? " Waite broke in. "Yes , those that Hawley had ; he gave them to me to keep for him. " She crossed to her trunk , and came back , a manilla envelope in her hand. Waite opened it hastily , running his eyes over the contents. "The infernal scoundrel ! " he ex claimed , hotly. "These were stolen from me at Carson City. " "Let me see them. " The sheriff ran them over , merely glancing at the endorsements. "Just as you represented , Waite , " he said , slowly. "A copy of the will , your commission as guardian , and memoranda of identification. Well , Miss Maclaire , how did you happen to be so easily convinced that you were the lost girl ? " "Mr. Hawley brought me .a picture which he said was of this girl's half- sister : the resemblance was most startling. This , with the fact that I have never known either father or mother or my real name , and that my Keith Straightened Up , Looking Directly Into the Fierce Question ing Eyes. "You may ask me anything you please , " she announced , quietly. " 1 am sure these gentlemen will not light In my room. " "Very well , Miss Maclaire. It will require only a moment. How long have you known this man Hawley ? " "Merely a few days since I arrived in Sheridan. " "But you were in communication with him before that ? " The ' pleasant voice and quiet demeanor meaner of the sheriff seemed to yield the girl confidence and courage. "Yes , he had written me two or three letters. " "You met him here then by appoint ment ? " "He was to come to Sheridan , and explain to me more fully what his let ters had only hinted at. " "You possessed' previous knowl edge of his purpose ? " "Only the barest outline details were given me later. " "Will you tell us briefly exactly what Hawley told you ? " The girl's bewildered eyes wandered from face to face , then returned to the waiting sheriff. "May may I sit down ? " she asked. "Most certainly ; and don't be afraid , Cor really we wish to be your friends. " She sank down into the chair , and even Keith could see how her slender form trembled. There was a mo ment's silence. "Believe me , gentlemen , " she began , Ealteringly , "if there' Is any fraud , any conspiracy , I have borne no conscious part in it. Mr. Hawley came to me earlier life was passed in St. Louis , sufficed to make me believe he must be right. " "You you " Waite choked , lean ing forward. "You don't know your real name ? " "No , I do not , " her lips barely form ing the words. "The woman who brought me up never told me. " "Who who was the woman ? " "A Mrs. Raymond Sue Raymond she was on the stage , and died in Texas San Antonio. I think. " Waite swore audibly , his eyes never once deserting the girl's face. "Hawley told you to say that ? " "No , he did not' , " she protested warmly. "It was never even mention ed between us at least , not Sue Ray mond's name. What difference can that make ? " He stepped forward , one hand flung out , and Fairbain sprang instantly be tween them , mistaking the action. "Hands off there. Waite , " he com manded , sternly. "Whatever she says goes. " "You blundering old idiot , " the oth er exploded. "I'm not going to hurt her ; stand aside , will you ! " He reached the startled girl , thrust aside the dark hair combed low over the neck , swung her about toward the light , and stared at a birthmark be hind her ear. No one spoke , old Waite seemingly stricken dumb , the woman shrinking away from bim as though she feared he was crazed. "What is it ? " asked the sheriff , sternly. Slowly Waite turned about and faced him , running the sleeve of his coat across his eyes. He appeared dazed , confounded. "My God , it's all right , " he said , with a choke in the throat. "She's she's the girl. " Christie stared at him , her lips parted , unable to grasp what It all meant. "You mean 1 I am actually Phyllis Gale ? That that there is no mis take ? " He nodded , not yet able to put it more clearly into words. She swayed as though about to 'faint , and Fairbain caught her , but she slipped through his arms , and fell upon her knees , her- face buried in her hands upon the chair. "Oh , thank God. " she sobbed , "thank God ! I know who I am ! I know who I am ! " CHAPTER XXXI. The Search for the Missing. The note of unrestrained joy of re lief in the woman's voice rang through the room , stilling all else , and caus ing those who heard to forget for an instant the sterner purpose of their gathering. Fairbain bent over her , like a fat guardian angel , patting her shoulder , her eyes so blurred with tears as to be practically sightless , yet still turned questioningly upon Waite. The sheriff was first to recover speech , and a sense of duty. "Then this lets Miss Maclaire out of the conspiracy charge , " he said ; gravely , "but it doesn't make it any brighter for Hawley so far as I can see there's a robbery charge against him if nothing else. Any one here know where the fellow Is ? " For a moment no one answered , al though Keith took a step forward , re minded instantly of Hope's predica ment. Before he could speak , however , Christie looked up , with swift gesture pushing back her loosened hair. "He was to have met me at the theater to-night , " she said , her voice trembling , "but was not there when I came out ; he he said he had im portant news for me. " "And failed to show up did he send no message ? " 'Doctor Fairbain was waiting for me instead. He said that Mr. Hawley was called suddenly out of town. " The eyes of the sheriff turned to Fairbain , whose face grew redder than usual , as he shifted his gaze toward Keith "That was a lie , " he confessed , lamely. "I I was told to say that. " "Just a moment , Sheriff , " and Keith stood before them , his voice clear anil convincing. "My name is Keith , and I have unavoidably been mixed up iu this affair from the beginning. Just now I can relieve the doctor of his embarrassment. , Miss Hope Waite and I have been associated together 'ii an effort to solve this mystery. This evening , talcing advantage of the re markable resemblance existing be tween herself and Miss Maclaire , Miss Hope decided upon a mask " "What's that , " Waite broke in ex citedly. "Is Hope here ? " "Yes , has been for a week ; we've had all the police force of Sheridan hunting you. " The old man stared at the speaker , open-mouthed , and muttered something - i thing about Fort Hays , but Keith , pay ing little attention to him. hurried on with his story. "As I say , she decided upon imper sonating Christie here , hoping in this way to learn more regarding Hawley's plans. We had discovered that the two were to meet after the evening performance at the stage door of the Trocadero. I escorted Hope there , dressed as near like Miss Maclaire as ; possible , and left her inside the vesti bule waiting for 'Black Bart' to ap pear. At the head of the alley I ran into Fairbain. told him something of the circumstances , and persuaded him to escort Miss Christie back to the hotel. He was not very hard to per suade. Well , Hawley came , and Hope met him ; they went out of the alley way together arm in arm , talking pleasantly , and turned this way to ward the hotel. The doctor and I both saw and heard them. I was de layed not to exceed two minutes , speaking a final word to Fairbain , and when I reached the street they had disappeared. I have hunted them everywhere without finding a trace 1 have even been through' the resorts. She has not returned to the hotel , and I burst in upon you here hoping that Miss Maclaire might have some infer mation. " She shook her head , and Waite , glaring impotently at the two of them , swore sharply. "Good God , man ! my girl I Hope , alone with that damn villain. Come on. Sheriff ; we've got to find her. Wait , though ! " and he strode almost menacingly across the room. "First , I want to know who the devil you are ? " Keith trtra' htened up , looking di rectly into t'ae fierce questioning eyes. ( TO BE CONTINUED. ) Thoughts are things that men with brains work with HEALTH FOR THE CHILD. The careful mother , watching close ly the physical peculiarities of her children , soon learns that health is in a great measure dependent upon nor mal , healthy , regular bowel action. When the bowels are inactive , loss of appetite , restlessness during sleep , ir ritability and a dozen and one similar evidences of physical disorder are soon apparent Keep the bowels free and clear and good health is assured. At the first sign of constipation give the child a teaspoonful of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin at bed-time and repeat the dose the following night , if necessary. You will find the child will quickly re-1 cover its accustomed good spirits , and eat and sleep normally. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is far preferable to salts , cathartics and purgative waters which are harsh in their action. Syrup Pepsin acts on the bowels easily and naturally , yet positively , and causes no griping or discomfort. Jts tonic properties build up the stomach , liver and bowels , re storing their normal condition. Druggists everywhere sell Dr. Cald- well's Syrup Pepsin in 50c and $1.00 bottles. If you have never tried this remedy , send for a sample to Dr. W. B. Caldwell , 201 Washington St. , Mon- ticello , 111. He will gladly send a trial bottle without any expense to you whatever. Awful. "Is myhat , on straight ? " "No. One eye shows. " Life. PILES CUBED TS * O TO 14 DAYS Yonr druggist will retuna money If PAZO OINT MENT fails to cure any case of Itching , Blind , Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days. . Me. Occasionally a bachelor thinks he will marry a certain girl until he dis covers that she thinks likewise , also. The simple life is best. Let your only medicine be Garfield Tea , the pure and proven remedy. All druggists. A Match. "The big prizes in life are few. " "So are the big winners. " Baltimore American. Talented. "Dubsley would have a brilliant ca reer on the stage. " "Why do you think so ? " "He can wiggle his ears and imi tate a cow to perfection. " Unrealized Idyl of a King. King Arthur had just invented the round table. "Can you invent a bureau that a i man's wife will let him have two I drawers of ? " we asked. Her Opportunity. Edith Isn't Alice the lucky girl ? \ Just as she had decided to throw Jack over he broke the engagement. Tom Well ? Edith Well , now she's going to sue i him for breach of promise. Shot With a Knife. Years ago in a stock performance of a famous old melodrama , the villain , Charles Wolcott , suddenly discovered that he had left his revolver in the dressing room. In much confusion , he fumbled in his pocked and found a penknife which , he figured , would do just as well for the bloody deed. Imag ine his consternation when , after plunging the blade into the hero's breast , that player failed to change his lines and screamed at the top of his voice : "Heaven forgive you ! I'm shot. " FROM THE NORTH COUNTRY Where the Winters Are Cold and the Snows Deep. Writing from the vicinity David 1 Harum made famous , a man says that ' he was an habitual coffee drinker , and , : although he knew it was doing him ' harm , was too obstinate to give it up , ' i till all at once he went to pieces with ' * nervousness and insomnia , loss of appetite - * petite , weakness , and a generally' ' / used-up feeling , which practically un fitted him for his arduous occupation , and kept him on a couch at home when his duty did not call him out. "While in this condition Grape- Nuts food was suggested to me , and I began to use it. Although it was in the middle of winter , and the ther mometer was often below zero , almost my entire living for about six weeks f of severe exposure was on Grape-Nuts ' ] food with a little bread and butter and a cup of hot water , till I was wise enough to make Postum my table bev erage. " "After the first two weeks I began to feel better and during the whole winter I never lost a trip on my mall i route , frequently being on the road 7 or 8 hours at a time. "The constant marvel to me was how a person could do the amount of work and endure the fatigue and hard iI ship as I did , on so small an amount of food. But I found my new rations BO perfectly satisfactory that I have continued them using both Postum I and Grape-Nuts at every meal , and often they comprise my entire meal. "All my nervousness , irritability and Insomnia have disappeared and healthy , natural sleep has come back to me. But what has been perhaps the great est surprise to me is the fact that with the benefit to my general health has come a remarkable improvement In my eye-sight. J "If a good appetite , good digestion , I I good eye-sight , strong nerves and an , active brain are to be desired , I can say from my own experience , use Grape-Nuts and Postum. " Name given by Postum Co. , Battle CreekMich. | Read the little book , "The Road to E TVellville , " in pkgs. ' 'There's a reason. " E'er rend tlie above letter ? A nev ' one appears from time to time. They S nrrgenuine , true , and full of human Interest. , * * V A Cruel Thrust. He Old age has no terrors for me. She It neden't have If It's true that brainy men live long. Ornamental penmanship is also a flourishing Industry. Sioux City Directory "Hub of the Northwest. " Davidson Bros. Co. , Sioni City , la. WE HAVE just added a piano department to our great establish \ ment. We sell pianos on the same | basis as other lines from $100 to 150 saved on any instru ment. We carry a I full line of pianos , , ' piano playersVictor and Edison Phonographs. Write for our piano price list and other information pertaining to pianos. ( ROGKLIN & LEHMAN \ FLORISTS [ SIOUX CITY IOWA Fresh Cut Flowers & Floral Emblems OF ALL DESCRIPTION ON SHORT NOTICE. Order by Mail , Telephone or | Telegraph. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. ; TYPEWRITERS Swanson's Factory Rebuilts 2 year-Iron-clad guarantee. Remington S35 , L. C. Smith 845 , Underwood 845 , Smith Premier $35. A large stock to select from. Shipped anywhere on approval. B. F. 8WANSON COMPANY , Department D , Sioux City , Iowa. HUMPHREYS STEAM DYE WORKS LARGEST IN WEST DRY GLEANING & DYEIN6 OUR SPECIALTY EI7 PIERCE STREET SIOUX CITY. IOWA Youny people to Sttidjr Ull A MIL ll GregfiT Shorthand , Tela- W II ll I ill prapny and Boohkeep- II rill I ImU Tug. Individual Instrno- tions. It will pay you towrite for booklet. 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Ask your dealer to show you our " : Merit Make' * Dress and Negligee Shirts ; also the "Merit Make" Overalls and Jackets S S ? * by Hicks-Fuller-Pierson Co. , Wholesale Dry Goods , Sioux City , Iowa. WE SELL TO MERCHANTS ONLY i 8 , J ! * & ba I3 REPAIRING Prices Right Work Guaranteed We Specialize Retreading , Rellning , and repairIng - Ing , etc. Agents for Kelly-Springfield Tires and tubes. We carry a complete line of Auto Acces sories. Write for catalogue. HALLER BROS. A'JTO ' TIRE REPAIR CO. , 621 Pearl St. , Sioax City , la. S ALES ME. To sell groceries and supplies at wholesale to consumers. Write today. F. L. McClure & Co. , Sioux City FORD , MODEL T High in Quality Low in Price lowing Car $690 Runabouts $590 Fully Equipped F. O. B. Detroit. Write ibr new 1912 catalogue. It's interesting. ffM. WARNOCK COMPANY , Sioux City , I < m DRINX HABIT CURED IN THREE DAYS Without Hypodermic Injections by the Neal Method Write for Indorsements and Booklets. 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