Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 14, 1912, Image 1

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    Historical * : oiiety
rn n
Volume 27 , No. 10 VALENTINE , NEBK. , THURSDAY , MARCH U , 1912. § l."j ( ) per year.
New Spring Styles in Florsheims'
We have received our spring stock of the new Flor-
sheim Shoes , and they are beauties. Tans , blacks ,
buttons and laces , in styles that will please.
Let us Show Them t © You
' f
Largest Line o ! Post Cards in the City.
\J VT o 1J J U. y JUJ TV JLiJL JLjl\ v
j J AAAsfeAAi A XAix
It's broad enough to cover all cases. We stand
behind it , before and after machine is sold.
u'lminu C mpanv , srnar-
' '
thai \\itlitlu- 'Quicker Yetsl Power
Washer , in.x'TH1 can cii > a wu'-MHiir ' Miuch clean
t-r , in less lime and \\itli less effoil tban with
any oilier washing ra-tcliine , if our k
our instructions are followed. We
further agree to replace any part , or parts of
the machine which may be defective in any
way , if we arc so advised within one. .year from
date of purchase. This guarantee also applies
to any other article manufactured and sold by us.
GLOP.E MFC. Co , Perry , Iowa.
: . N Write us for full particulars or call on OO
Red Front Hardware Co. $
Cottage Grove Restaurant
Edmund Gerber , Prop.
First Class Meals and Short Orders
Board by the day or week. Ticket good for twenty -
one meals $4.50. Come to the Cottage Grove Res
taurant for a "square meal. "
W. B. HOWE , Proprietor
Successor to John D. Eaton.
% . , .Electric . Lights , Hot water Ucat , Good Kooms and BeoX where - YOU /
Vcan feel at home and be eomfortahe while yon regain.
" *
_ . ; * \ - . We invite old patrons and others to call and see us.
Have just opened op a new harness shop on
Catherine street near the Democrat office
Valentine , Nebe G. L. KALKOFEN.
Highest cash price paid for Call for Estimates
Anything you have to-seil. Phones 187 and 169
Valentine Furniture Exchange
We buy and sell New and Second Hand Furnitnre ,
v Carpets and Stoves.
Mrs. Frank Na.vlor visited in
Valentine last week. x
Big reductions on men's sweat
ers at the lied Front.
Wanted to buy 1000 bushels of
potatoes. John Ormesher , Val
entine , Nebr. 10
Miss Clyde French of Merriman
was in town Friday having dental
work done.
Barn for sale , -18x28 ft. , big
hay loft. For particulars see
Father Blaere. 9
Dr. and Mrs. Bert Jeilers of St.
Francis , Kan. , are visiting rela
tives in Valentine.
Buttons made to order , to
match your gown. IS styles , all
sizes , at the Red Front. 48
The Women's Improvement
club meats the first and third
Thursdays at three p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Olson visited in
Kilgore over Sunday with Mr ? .
Olson's sister and family.
M. O. Metzger , Ben llobei'ts ,
E , B Quible and some others of
Merriman were in town Monday
and Tuesday.
W. E. Searby was in town last
Thursday doing dental work and
informed us he has started a store
north of his old location in Crooks-
The P. of II. home talent play
given Tuesday night drew a full
house and brought to light stars
of no mean ability in play and in
Mrs. Wm. Taylor returbeti last
week from Grand Island , where
she had been visiting her mother
whn reconti.i fell arid tore the liga
ment loose of her hip.
Services will be held in St.
John's church on Sunday , the 17th
of March , both morning and eve
ning. Choir rehearsal on Satur
day evening at 7 o'clock.
All the 'county news in THE
DEMOCRAT for § 1 00 if you pay in
advance before May 1st. Roll a
dollar this way and we'll place
your name on our books.
Button Trimming for dresses
etc , is the latest. Save your
scraps of cloth and take them to
the Red Front where they can
show you 18 styles including the
new oblong shape made to or
der. 48
Your Money Back if You
Are Not Satisfed.
We pay for all the medicine used
during the trial , if our remedy fails
to completely relieve you of consti
pation. \ \ e take ail the risk. You
are not obligated lo us in any way
whatever , if you accept our offer.
Tnat'a a mighty broad statement ,
b it we mean every word of it. Could
anything be more fair for you ?
A most scientific , common-sense
treatment is Rexall Orderlies , which
are eaten like candy. Their active
principle is a recent scientific dis
covery that is odorless , colorless ,
and tasteless ; very pronounced , yet
gentle and pleasant in action , and
particularly agreeable in every way.
Ttiey do not cause diarrhoea , nan-
ssa , flatulence , griping , or any in
convenience whatever. Eexall Ord
erlies are particularly good for
children , aged and delicate persons.
If you suffer from chronic or
habitual constipation , or the as
sociate or dependent chronic ail
ments , we urge you to try Eesall
Orderlies at our risk. Eemember ,
you can get them in Valentine only
at our store. 12 tablets 10 cents ,
30 tablet * 25 cents , 80 table's 50
cems. Soldpuly at our btore
The liexall Stores'ChaptnaDv The
The ground hog .saw his shadow.
A new girl arrived at the home
of Mr.- and Mrs. Mai Bucy Mon
day morning.
Hobbs brothers are feeding for
P. H. Young while the family are
in quarantine.
Eeece brothers are moving their
corn home , havfng unloaded it
near the station.
Robert Ellis and wife made a
trip to Wood Lade where Mr. El
lis had dental work done.
Mr. and Mrs E Stilwell leave
Wednesday for Oregon. From
there they go to California.
The mail route from Simeon to
Dewey Lake will start as soon as
the spring opens , if it ever does.
Mrs. Grey Miller was taken
seriously ill Friday. Heart trou
ble. She is recovering at this
Itvas ; our pleasure to visit the
district where we were a teacher
in our youth. The homes are very
different from what they were
then. The old settlers have won
out in their fight with homestead
conditions. The comfortable homes
are monuments to the energy ,
thrift and economy of a very de
serving people. The boys and
girls we taught are men and wom
en now. We trust the kind their
teacher ever tried to have them
want to be.
Birthday Celebration.
An unusual social event , the lil e
of which has never been celebrated
in the vicinity of Kennedy before ,
occurred at the home of Mr. and
Mrs H. F. Kirae , February 29 , at
which their little daughter. Monn
Irene , celebrated her first birthday ,
sli9 having been born Feb. 29,1908
To aid in celebraiiog this unique
event , 28 little folks and 14 older
ones gathered at the Kime home.
The amusements consisted of games
in the open air until dinner time
wheu the little ones were formed in
a double line , each one being sup
plied with a paddle on which was
printed "Mxma Irene Kirne , Feb. 29 ,
1912" These were kept by each
one as a souvenir of the occasion.
Little Mona was started down the
line and received from each one a
birthday whipping , which was quite
vigorous as this would have to last
her for the nexi four years. They
were then marched to the tables ,
which were formed on three sides of
the dining room , with a huge birthday -
day cake , \\ith its candles , e cb
representing one year of life for the
little one , crowning the center. A \
dainty four-course dinner was serv
ed to the little guests and was amp
ly enjoyed by all.
After dinner came the event of
the day. Each child was given an
end of-a string which was to be fol
lowed in all its winding to the end
of a rainbow at the opposite side of
the room , where was found a cute
little basket filled with candv. This
caused much amusement , . As it was
then drawing near evening the
merry crowd thought it time to dis
perse , but were first marshalel by
the hostess in the front part of the
house to have a picture of the group
taken. Thus ended a most pleasant
day and each one departed to their
home , wishing little Mona many
happy returns ot the day.
A "St. ' : '
. Patricks' Dance
will be given Saturday night.
March 16 , in Quigley's hall. Mus-
jc by Fischer's orchestra. 9 , 2 f
D'ou-'i bB smpri c2 if ybu hare an attack - (
tack of rheumatism this spring. Jusi ;
rub the affected parts freely -with Cham- :
berlaiu's Liniment and it will soon tlis-J
We have employed j\lr. \ S. W. (1yphors ,
A First Class Tailor ,
t /
of 25 years' experience in tailoring
in the East , to assist us in our
Clothing Department
and we are now prepared
to give our customers
A Perfect Fit in Clothing
Alterations in suits or a
tailor made suit of any style.
Cleaning and Pressing Prompt
ly Done on Short Notice.
H. W. Hoenig , Prop.
3Z3Q3Oi2f232S2 ! !
McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimcr ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29'yecuvold
andjas , E. Pepper , O , F , G ) Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They .are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gocdon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout ,
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer ,
Valentine Nebraska
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
and Fait Meats. . . .
\Vill buy your Cuttle ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules aod
xnvthinar yon have to sell.
' /"YYYVYYY v Ts nsfvyyv-vv T' ' . yors
Placing Your Money in a Bank
keeps it in circulation while you are not using it. When
you deposit your money in this Bank it can be used for
your indirect if not direct profit the upbuilding of our
town and vicinity , the community in which YOU are
particually interested. Our constantly increasing list of
depositors furnishes competent evidence , the very best of
evidence , that the relations existing between this bank and
its customers are mutually satisfactory. We shall be
pleased to add YOUll name to this growng list.
Deposits Guaranteed
Deposits in this bank are protected by tbi Dpposittr's
tf ( Juaruutee Fund of tbw Stalw of
-oup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
lerd headed by S. < J. CblumbuS 17
So. 160050 , and Climax 2 , No. 230
; v-2 ; alfco , Melvin , 'c 327072 , eg
Bulfr for Sate * M Times ,
"My little son had { i wry sev r ; > cold.
I \vas recommended to try CIiainberlain's
Cough Efmcdys anil before a small bot-
lib "way finished heVas us Sv'ell as ever , "
vmtos MrsiH * Silts , 20 Bowling' Street/