t I
Spread the Manure between now and the first of.'June and you will
see its value in bijrger crops next fall.
The SUCCESS SPREADER makes manure cover three times LS
much land as hand sprca'linjr , therefore , makes the
Manure three limes as valuable.
All overcome l > v the latest and jjreatei-t improvement ,
ROLLER HEARINGS in every wheel. c.\linner and
important part. Itis the ? even set < of Roller Hearings
that , makes the Success pull a horse lighter than any
other spreader
Call and see the Success Spreader and talk
over a Spreader deal with us
A. E. Morris. VV. AY. Morrissey. Dr. 0. "W. Noyes
Tri3 pS3S3 fai * JTisn who want ths bsst
S f : ;
" " " " " "
The place where good fellowship exists and men
of fine judgment gather , We command ,
1 > O 4 s > < /
ness sy deserving it , - < c < - * . <
- T A P > T IB H f Tb
WTZ-j fr. A. iViekenQani , rrop.
* * *
Ask I. Mo Rice about
German Fire insurance Co. of Omaha , backed by the
National of Hartford with 3ii.000,000 , guarantying
every policy. As sound as the "Rock of Gibraltar. "
* *
* r x -w
Co. of Milwaukee writes the most liberal policy in
Ordinary Life , Endowment , or Payment plan. You
cannot Jose a dollar that you spend with this com =
pany. A dollar is worth 100 cents the day you spend
it and increases every day , and is always within
your reach , growing for you.
CaSi on ! . M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr.
Pale-faced , weak , and
shaky women who suffer
every day with womanly
weakness need the helper
or a gentle tonic , with
a building action on the
womanly system. If you are
weak you need Cardui ,
the woman's tonic , because
Cardui will act directly on
the cause of your trouble.
Cardui has a record of
more than 50 years of
success. It must be good.
The Woman's Tonic
Mrs. Effie Graham , of
Willard , Ky. , says : "I
was -so. ' .weak I could
hardly go. I suffered ,
nearly eyery month , for 3
years. When J began to
take --Cardui back"
- , my hurt
awfully. I only weighed.
99 pounds. Not long after , *
I weighed 115. Now , I
do all my work , and am
in good health. " Begin
taking Cardui , today.
A i Crippled Mind.
Mi \ st.ionjr nri'uds ' jiant in el
t'Ct , are hclil down and starv j < {
tit h.v crip [ ! < Mi ditre-stiv pr wpr.
i\ pf > psii : and th poison absorbed
s a result of chronic constijiatiofi
i \ ( > U : ' li-ni'icil lifkdlJPSth <
IVMT ( iji n-itural and sirnph-
"iMi lo do IM to put. into it tin
u 'lit i' I scU > Ahovp all tiling
iid Mtonodrngx ihat paraliz
SK { iniistc iliptnmach find bov\
! . A SMjjnd. he hhv stomac
< * ' ntains thp mime dijje tivo ajrenl-
Spruce IVp in tablets contain.
Spruce Pepsin tablets will di
est fernn ntin r , decaying fond
hat la.y like a lump in .your
-tornach. Wi have proved tlii-
lou.s-siuls of limps or we woul
ii dare spend thousands of del
i.ir.s to prove it to every sufferei
fn m HI n ? f li trouble. We will
i.d .you : trial box FKEE.
Spnice T' b ! M Co. . Heron Luke
Minn. oOc. sizes can be had of G.
\ Chapman , D u gis' , Valentim- .
NI hi si-ku.
You -will lock a goqd wliile before yoi
1 > 'l a better medicirre for coughs ant1
dds dian Chamberlain's Cough Kern
"V. It aot only gives r5ilef it cnreB
is vrhen you luive a congh or cold
' . you arc certain to be pleased * , vitl
' prompt cure which itvail effect
( By J L. McBrien. )
Dr. Roach is pabtor of the greal-
est church between Chicago and
Denver. He has no superior among
the pulpit orators and public speak
ers in the central west. He received
liis A. B. degree from the State Uni
versity of Idaho. Dr. Roach has
served pastorates at Kansas City ,
Mo. , Boise , Idaho , and is now in hifi
year as pastor of St. Paul's
church , Lincoln. Ee tourned Eu
rope in 1910 , visited the Passion
Play and marie a special study of
industrial conditions in England.
Dr. Roach is not only a national
leader in church work , but he is a
man of affairs a man among men.
served as chaplain of the house
of representatives and the state sen
ate in the legislature of Idaho. He
was also president of the board of
rngents of the state university 01
I-laho. He is now a member of the
board of education of the state
normal schools. During the past
three sessions of the Nebraska leg
islature , practically every member
of both houses heard him every
Sunday night , even those who dif
fered from him on questions of gov
ernment and reform , being among
t IB tegular attendants.
Dr Roach is one the most origi-
nd and unique characters on the
American platfoim. He talks at
least three times as fast as the a\-
e age speaker. There is no hailing
i i his phiuse , his enunciation is
clear , his voio-i good No one can
anticipate what hejs going to suy.
He is a bundle of surprises , lie
spoke at Crawford two years ago at
the Soldiers' and Sailors' reunion ,
following Mayor Dahlman , who
spoKe the d < i > before Governo )
Shallenberger spoke the next da >
after Dr. Eoach. So well were tie
bi-iness men of Crawford pleased
With him they telegraphed me foi
Dr. Roach for Memorial Day la&f
M iy. In a letter just received from
Supt. Reimund of Crawford , he asks
for Ift. Roach as the Commence
ment speaker there May , 1912. Tbi ?
is a higher compliment than any
words of mine can pay him.
His lecture on "Sunshine" makes
lean people grow fat and puts fa *
people thru such side splitting ex-
el cises that it is the best anti-fat
tonic on the market. But Dr
i Roach does not resort to wit and
humor for the mere sake of pro
voking merriment and laughter.
He does it to drive home some tell
ing truth with the felicitous brevih
of an Aesop fable. He believes too
with Charles Lamb , that a wholes -
s ouled laugh is worth a thousand
groans in any market.
Comments on His Sunshine Lecture.
The lecture entitled "Sunshine , "
given by Doctor Roach on the High
School Lecture Course last Friday
evening was one of the kind that
makes everyone hold up his head
and take a new interest in life.
Nelson ( Neb. ) Gazette.
The last lecture of the entertain
ment ecuise , by Dr. Roach on lat
Friday e\enjncr , was by far the best
and most eute.rUiinm # of any thai
had been on the program , and wa >
the equal if riot the superior ol
anything to which the people of
(101 ( don Lave had the privilege of
ILs en ing to for many a moon. The
' Sunshine" of his lecfuro seemed to
pei meat ( the audience and everyone
caught ; hj infection and laughiiu
wi8 ? coiitagious. The biiglitne s of
the subject and ihe many wise and
wi tty sayings kept tne large audi
ence in an exceptionally good huni-
or. Gordon ( Neb ) Jouinal.
Dr. Bench will 1-cture in Valen
tine March I-i.
Raising Calves Properly.
The future usefulness of the cow de
pends a great deal upon how the calf
{ s brought up during the first year. It
should have plenty of water and salt
presented in clean vessels , sudden
changes of diet avoided and regularity
of feeding practiced. Warm , dry quar
ters are necessary if tile weather is j
damp. Plenty of roughage should bo
fed rind not too much grain , for tlieu
a large capacity of handling food , so
desirable in dairy animals , will be de
veloped. When six months old in Hie
should i-o omitted from the calfs ra
tion am a full roughage and grain diet
Sketch of Man Who Has Made Good
in Every Endeavor.
The life story of John H. Morehead
Is the story of a man who has suc
ceeded by his own efforts , not only in
reaching a high place in the estima
tion of his fellows , hut in achieving a
fair measure of business success.
Born on an Iowa farm in 1SG1 , Mr.
Morehead endured the harships of pioneer
neer farming and secured the rudi
ments of a common school education
in the then poorly equipped district
schools of a pioneer state. lie
came to Nebraska in 1883 , locating in
Kemaha county , , where he taught
Bchool for two years. Having saved
a little money he engaged in the gen
eral merchandising business at Bar-
8.da , Richardson count ? ' . Earlj in
1895 ha was nominated for county
treasurer by the democrats , and elect
ed by a majority of 235 .votes in a
county then overwhelmingly repub
lican. Two years later he was reelected -
elected by a majority of SIM an evi
dence of his popularity and good ser
vice to the people. In 1900 he was
elected mayor of Falls City. In 190S
he was delegate to the Denver con
vention from the First congressional
district , and at the election in the
same year was elected to the state
senate from the First senatorial dis
trict. He was elected president pro
tern of the senate , and is now acting
lieutenant governor. In the cenate he
at once became a leader recognized for
his ability , his conservatism and his
industry. In 1S99 Mr. Morehead was
elected cashier of the First National
bank of Falls City , serving for nine
years. He is now president of that in
stitution and of the State Bank of
Barada. Although interested in the
banking business , Mr. Morehead is
even more interested in farming and
stock raising , to which he devotes
much of his time and attention. lie
knows the farming and live stock in
dustries thoroughly , and is well ac
quainted with their needs. Because
of his high business standing and
qualifications , and because he has not
been allied with any faction or clique
of his party , Mr. Morehead was asked
by thousands of democrats to become
a candidate for the nomination for
governor. After due deliberation he
consented , and his candidacy has
been filed. If nominated and elected
he will give Nebraska the same kind
of a business administration that he
has given to his own affairs with so
much success. Free from any and all
influences that might hamper his can
didacy. Mr. Morehead is desirous only
of giving Nebraska a clean , business
like administration , marked by abso
lute fairness to all legitimate inter
ests. Senator Morehead would make
a strong candidate , and one well cal
culated to lead the ticket to success.
Mr. Morchcsd at Horns.
John H. Morehead certainly has
cause to feel proud of the high com
pliment paid him by the voters of
Richardson county at the last gen *
eral election. Neighbors and friendg
poulcl not pay any man a higher
compliment than the home folks
paid to Mr. Forehead at the elec
tion on Tuesday. Every time Mr.
Morehead goes before the people as a
candidate the result is the same and
the people are for him regardless of
party politics. Jle/is clearly the first
choice of the people of Ilichardsoq
county. Falls City News.
A Strong Pdan ,
" \Ve believe that Ken , John K. More ,
head is the proper man to nominate
for governor , because his record as %
business man and his character as q
citizen are both as sound as any man'g
jn the state , and if nominated there
would be no past dark records to bring
forth by the opposition. Plattsmouth
A Business Man Needed.
Lieutenant Governor MoTehead o |
falls City was in Hastings last woelj
niaking brief calls to meet the demo-
prats before the primaries in April ,
Mr. Morehoad is a candidate for the
democratic nomination for governor
end strikes $ is as * a man to b'e de
pended upon , if electe'd , for a business
administration of tlie , state's affairs ,
something that is needed in these
times when state warrants are being j
hawked a-bout ciuon private brokers
fgr lack of state funds with wuicji tc
Risbr tfcfejm AdaiBs CciKsty Beind'cral
Cigars and
Soft Drinks
Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERNATIONAL /
No Hill too Steepj no Sand too Deep
Guaranteed by International Harvester Company
All kinr3 < ? of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
llv--idence and shop one block south of passenger depot.
Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska
References : My Many Co
u * With new prices , which are the lowest for '
good business. My stock consists of Dry
Goods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent
bargains. You are invited to call and
make this your home store. Highest pric
V. es paid for produce. Come and get ac
2nd Building South the Bank. Crooks ton , Neb.
S2 I fr ! g2
E. M. Faddis & Co
address Valentine or Kt-uuedv
borne branded
on left
Horses branded
( teen left
or thifli
on ris.i-1 thfch
> n Iclt or lho.ilder.
or thigh
P. H. Youn \
dimeon. Xebr.
? - , Cattle branded
as cul on lefr aid *
* '
ft ince oil Gordon Cra k n rth of Si
C. P. Jordan.
| $ P Koaebud.SD
" " 3 Hor'O' * and
] situ" as out , also
( U HK f J on riffbt
on Oak anrt
BijTte creaks.
A lllie-al reward
for miormatlor-
azWSS tfstmnpto detectioi
SffiSaSfl > ' " 'I'itlers of stork
R. M. Ten-ill , Propr.
Bro nlee , Xeu.
n c-f on lefl
* i < 1 * . S o in
t ra > ' 1 K T t
on Mt hip. HaiifTf-
nn Noilh Loup
ve" t\\o
Xot Afraid
- , on 'tobebud.'Ssl ? rr
- . P.vL'A
asm cut ; horses
- tine orI K I' on
Ck' iind Little
Sixteenth Judiciai District of Neb
raska , W. K. V/esiover. judge.
Unerr.v , Feb. 20 Sept-
Si.eriijan , ? Iar. IS Sept. 30
MX Butte , April 1 Oct. 7
tlnnvn , April 15 Oct , 21
i"iix , Apr''J ! Nov. 11
ihuves , Mu.13 . Deo. 2
Albert Whipple & Sons.
Uosebnd S , D.
Ccttle branded
80S on left H4c
OSO on rljcki
Some cattle
have a - fen
Some with A OB
left shonldtr a > 4
some branded
with two tars
.across hind qiar-
cuttle branded H 4 > 011 left side nd semen
n leftside.
Horses branded SOS on left hlo. Some eattl *
branded AW bar connected on both aides aatf
left hip of horses
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as 011 cut.Ieft side
Some on Jeft hip.
Horses same on
li'ft shoulder.
Range Square
Sawyer Bros.
Oasis , Nefcr
O. K. Sarryer haa
charsie of thcie
cattle. H rji
der. Somr
left side
left th'jj
c on Snaka
Metzger Bros.
Cattle brandpd _ < H
* n\where on left
Earmark , square
crop ri ht far.
Horses have
braiid on
Kaiifce on Gordon and Snake CreeR5.
A Reward cf 3250 ili l' iiil So an } ' person far
infdiHint u leaJitm to the arrest and flr.al
cou\ictKiii or Hi > y pnrsin or persons stealing
J. A. Yaryan.
Pullman. Kebr
Cattle branded JT
Ilorsiia branded JT
on right 3liond r
Keaaurable rewart
forjuj informatioa
leadiuic to the re
covery of cMtla
strttyed from ray
Lund and Feeding Co.
on s i c'V ) j r >
1'oat oflict d ea- quarterKioivor : - , J ehrf