Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 07, 1912, Image 6

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    Particularly the Ladies.
Not only pleasant and refreshing to
Ac taste , but gently cleansing and sweet'
ening to the system , Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna is particularly adapted
to ladies and children , and beneficial in
all cases in which a wholesome , strength
ening and effective laxative should be
used. It Is perfectly safe at all times and
dispels colds , headaches and the pains
caused by indigestion and constipation so
promptly and effectively that it is the one
perfect family laxative which gives satis
faction to all and is recommended by
millions of families who have used it and
who have personal knowledge of its ex
Its wonderful popularity , however , has
led unscrupulous dealers to offer imita
tions which act unsatisfactorily. There
fore , when buying , to gel its beneficial
effects , always note the full name of the
Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every
package of the genuine Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna.
For sale by all leading druggists. Price
50 cents per bottle.
1 750 Lettuce 1000 Celery
750 Onion 100 Parsley
1000 Radish BOO Cabbana
100 Tomato 1000 Carrot
17BO Turnip 100 Melon
1700 Brilliant Flower Seeds. 50 ors
Anyone of theTu packages Is worth
the price wo ark for the whole
10.000 kernels. It Is merely our
way of letting you test our seed
proving f.o you how mighty good
they arf .
Send le cents in stamps to-day and
wo will send you this great collection of seeds
by return midl. WVU also mall you free our
grekt 1812 catalog If you ask for It all postpaid.
COO South Eighth Slr * t LaCrotcc.WU.
Me who reigns within himself and
rules passions , desires and fears is
more than a kinMilton. .
For liver and kidney troubles , nothing Is
quite so mild , pleasant and effective aa
Garfield Tea.
The Keynote.
Knicker I thought simplicity waste
to be the keynote of your gowns.
Mrs. Knicker It is ; I have simply
got to have them.
Vivid Imagination.
"Duflins saya pill looks as large
to him as a golf ball. "
"That being the case , I don't see
how he ever manages to eat green
peas. "
Papa's Past.
Little Helen's mamma was discussing -
\ing the drink question with a visitor
and the child listened gravely to the
"Papa used to drink , " she volun
teered suddenly.
The visitor turned her head to con
ceal a smile , and mamma frowned
and shook her head at the little one.
"Well , then , " demanded Helen ,
"what was it he used to do ? " Lippin-
cott's Magazine.
When a certain Baltimore matron
returned home one afternoon not so
long ago the first sight her eyes be
held was a badly damaged youngster
of hers. Little Bobby's forehead bore
a bump almost the size of a doorknob.
"Heavens ! " exclaimed the mother.
"What has happened to Bobby ? "
"Nuthin' much , mum , " explained the
-new nurse. "You told me , muni , he
might play on the planner if he wanted
to. Well , mum , wanst while he was slid
ing on ; he top , he slid a bit too far ,
mum ; an' that accounts for the bump
ye see , mum. "
Was Quick to See That Coffee Poison
Was Doing the Mischief.
A lady tells of a- bad case of coffee
poisoning , and tells it in a way so sim
ple , and straightforward that literary
skill could not improve it.
"I had neuralgic headaches for 12
years , " she says , "and have suffered
untold agony. When I first began , to
have them I weighed 140 pounds , but
they brought me down to 110.
"I went to many doctors and they
gave me only temporary relief. So I
suffered on , till one day , a woman
doctor advised me to drink Postum.
She said I looked like I was coffee
"So I began to drink Postum , and
gained 15 pounds in the first few-
weeks and am still gaining , but not so
fast as at first. My headaches began
to leave me after I had used Postum
about two weeks long enough , I ex
pect , to get the coffee poison out of
my system.
"Now that a few months have pass
ed since I began to use Postum , I can
gladly say that I never know what a
neuralgic headache is like any more ,
and it was nothing but Postum that
relieved me.
"Before I used Postum I never
went out alone ; I would get bewilder
ed and would not know which way to
turn. Now I go alone and my head
Is as clear as a bell. My brain and
nerves are stronger than they have
been for years. " Name given by
Postum Co. , Battle Creek , Mich.
"There's a reason , " and it Is explain
ed in the little book , "The Road to
Wellville , " in pkgs.
Ever read the above IctterT A new
one appears from time to time. They
are crennlae , true , find fall of hnmaB
* WHEM WiLOERNeas WAS KING ! " Eic.frc . -
( Copyright. A. C. McClurs & Co. . 131 < X >
Jack Keith , a Virginian , now a bor
der plainsman , is looking for roaming war
parties of savages. He sees a wagon team
it full gallop pursued by men on ponies.
When Keith reaches the wagon the raid
ers have massacred two men and de
parted. Ho searches the victims finding
papers and a locket with a woman s per
trait. Keith is arrested at Carson City ,
charged with the murder , his accuser be
ing a ruffian named Black Bart. A negro
companion in his cell named Neb tells him
that he knew the Keiths in Virginia. Iseb
says one of the murdered men was Jonn
Sibley. the other Gen. Willis Waite. form
erly a Confederate officer. The plainsman
and Neb escape , and later the fugitives
come upon a cabin and find its occupant
to be a young girl , whom Keith thinks
he saw at Carson City. The girl explains
that she is in search of a brother , who
had deserted from the army , and that a
Mr. Hawley induced her to come to the
oabin while he sought her brother. Hawley -
ley appears , and Keith in hiding recog
nizes him as Black Bart. There is a ter
rific battle in the darkened room in whlcli
Keith is victor. Horses are appropriated ,
and the girl who says that her name Is
Hope. Joins in the escape. Keith explains
his situation and the fugitives make for
Fort Lamed , where the girl is left with
the hotel landlady. Miss Hope tells that
she is the daughter of General Waite.
Keith and Neb drift into Sheridan , where
Keith meets an old friend. Dr. Fairbain.
Keith meets the brother of Hope Walte.
under the assumed name of Fred wu-
loughby. and becomes convinced tnar
Stock Bart has some plot involving the
two. Hope learns that Gen. Waite. who
was thought murdered , is at Sheridan ,
and goes there , where she is mistaken for
Christie Maclaire. the Carson City singer.
Keith meets the real Christie Maclaire
and finds that Black Bart has convinced
her that there is a mystery in her life
which he is going to turn to her advan
tage. The plainsman tells Hope Waite of
her resemblance to Christie Maclaire.
They decide that Fred Willoughby may
hold the key to the situation. Keith finds
Willoughby shot dead. Hope is told of
the death of her brother. Keith falls to
learn what representations Black Bart
has made to Christie Maclaire. Hope
suggests that in order to learn the secret
she must briefly impersonate the stage
sinser. Dr. Fairbaln is in love with
Christie Maclaire.
CHAPTER XXVII1. ( Continued. )
Keith drew aside the flap of the
tent to glance without , the light fall
ing on Fairbain's face as he struggled
to a sitting posture. He had had a
new thought driven into him , yet
failed to entirely grasp Its signifi
"But , Jack , " he asked , still half
angry , "how about the girl ? Hasn't
she any right to this money ? "
"I don't know , " honestly , "we don't
any of us know , but whatever she has
the right to she is going to get. You
can bet on that , old man. We're buck
ing Hawley , not Christie Maclaire
get that into your head. He hasn't any
right , that's certain , for he murdered
and stole to get the papers be quiet !
Here the fellow comes now ! "
They peered out together through
the convenient tent flap , Fairbain
scarcely less interested than the oth
er , already dimly comprehending that
his truly dangerous rival was the
gambler , and that he could best serve
the lady by helping to prove to her
the real character of that individual.
He was still blindly groping in the
haze , yet out of Keith's sharp , sting
ing words there had come to him a
guiding light. The latter gripped his
arm in restraint.
"Easy , old man , easy let him
pass. "
Hawley turned into the alley whis
tling , evidently well pleased with the
situation and anticipating other de
lights awaiting his coming. The glow
of the Trocadero's lights served , an
instant , to reveal his face , shaded by
the broad brim of his hat , and then
he vanished into the dark. Keith lean
ing far out , yet keeping well within
( .he shadows , heard the faint creak of
the vestibule door and the soft mur
mur of distant voices. Then he drew
back suddenly , his hand again grasp
ing Fairbain. Two figures those of
a man and woman emerged into the
dim light , and as quickly disappeared.
Apparently her hand was upon His
arm , and he was bending down seas
as to gain a glimpse of the face par-
Lially concealed by the folds of the
mantilla. Only a word or two reached
them , a little laugh , and the woman's
voice :
"Why , of course 1 hurried- ! you said
you had something of such importance
to tell me. "
"Fairbaln , " spoke Keith , his lips al
most at the ear of the other. "That
was Hope , all right , and she has got
[ aim going already. Now , man , will
you help us out ? "
"I ? How ? "
"Go back there , and meet Miss
Maclaire. I don't care where you take
aer lunch , anywhere ; only keep her
from the hotel as long as possible.
You can do it far better than 1 , lor
she will not suspect you of any inter
est in this affair. Tell her any lie you
: an think up on account of Hawley's
ibsence. Good Lord , old man , can't
pou see this is your chance ; go in
ind win. "
Fairbain struggled to his feet , still a
ait dazed and uncertain , yet tempted
3y the opportunity.
"You're perfectly sure. Keith , this
sn't anything that will hurt the girl ? "
"Sure ! Of course I am. It's just
fiawley I'm gunning after. For God's ,
sake , haven't you got that clear yet ? "
"I I reckon I'm an old fool , Jack , "
idmitted the Doctor regretfully , "and
A'hen an old fool is in love he hasn't
; ot any sense left Anyhow I'll do
vhat ? ou want ma to now. Where are
"To watch those others. There Is
no knowing what play Hawley might
try to pull off , and I want to keep
within gun-shot of him. Hurry up ,
man ; that vestibule door creaked just
then. "
He shoved him down the dark alley
and dodged back himself across the
front of the tent out into the street.
There was a crowd of men in front of
the Trocadero , but the couple he
sought were nowhere in sight ,
By Force of Arms.
With her heart throbbing fiercely ,
Hope clung to the outer door of the
vestibule endeavoring to see a little
of what was transpiring without.
About her was dense darkness , and
she dare not explore the Surroundings.
Behind could be heard , through what
must have been a thin partition , the
various distractions of the stage ,
shifting scenery , music , shuffling feet ,
voices , and the occasional sound of
applause. The girl had nerved herself
to the encounter with Hawley , but
this waiting here in darkness and un
certainty tried her to the uttermost ,
[ f some one should venture out that
way how could she excuse her pres
ence or explain her purpose ? She
found herself trembling in every limb
from nervous fear , startled by every
strange sound. Would the man never
come ? Surely Christie herself must
be ready to depart by this time.
Almost prepared to flee before 'the
terrors thus conjured up within her
mind , they left her as if by magic the
moment her straining eyes distin
guished the approach of a dim figure
without She could not tell who It
was , only that it was the unmistakable
form of a man , and that he was whis
tling softly to himself. It might not
prove to be the gambler , but she must
accept the chance , for flesh and blood
could stand the strain of waiting no
longer. Yet she was not conscious of
fear , only of exultation , as she stepped
forth into the open , her blood again
circulating freely in her veins. At
the slight creak of the door the man
saw her , his whistle ceasing , his hat
lifted. Instantly she recognized him
as Hawley , her heart leaping with the
excitement of encounter.
"Why , hullo. Christie , " he said fa
miliarly , "I thought I was early , and
expected a ten minutes' wait. I came
out as soon as you left the stage. "
"Oh , I can dress in a jiffy when
there is any cause for hurry , " Hope
responded , permitting herself to drift
under his guidance. "Are you disap
pointed ? Would you prefer to com
mune with nature ? "
"Well , I should say not , " drawing
her hand through his arm , and then
patting it with his own. "I have seen
about all I care to of nature , but not
of Christie Maclaire. "
"You may learn to feel the same
regarding her , " Hope answered , afraid
to encourage the man , yet eagerly
fearful lest she fail to play her part
"Not the slightest danger , " laughing
lightly , and pressing her arm more
closely against his body. "Although 1
must confess you exhibited some tem
per when I was late to-night"
"Did l not have occasion to ? A
woman should never be kept waiting ,
especially if her engagement be im
perative. "
"Oh , I am not finding any fault , you
little spit-fire. I like you all the bet
ter because you fight But the trou
ble was , Christie , you simply jumped
on me without even asking how it oc
curred. You took it for granted I was
late on purpose to spite you. "
"Well , weren't you ? " and the girl
glanced inquiringly up into his face ,
as they passed out of the alley into
the light of the Trocadero's windows.
"You certainly acted that way. "
"No , I did not ; but you wouldn't
listen , and besides I had no time then
to explain. There's a lot happened
this afternoon I want to tell you
about. Will you give me time to talk
with you ? "
"Why , of course , " surprised at the
question , yet full of eagerness. "Why
should you ask that ? "
"Because I want you alone where
no one can overhear a syllable. I'm
afraid of that damned hotel. You
never know who is in the next room ,
and the slightest whisper travels from
one end to the other. That is one way
in which Keith got onto our deal he
had a room next to Willoughby and
Scott , and overheard them talking.
I'm not going to take any more
chances. Will you go to 'Sheeny
Joe's' with me ? "
She drew back from him.
" 'Sheeny Joe's ? ' You mean the sa
loon near the depot ? "
"Sure ; what's the use of being so
squeamish ? You sing and dance to a
saloon crowd , don't you ? Oh , I know
you're a good girl. Christie , and all
that I'm not ranking you with these
fly-by-nights around here. But there's
no reason that I can see why you
should shy so at a'saloon. . Besides ,
you won't see any one. Joe has got
some back room where we can be
alone , and have a bite to eat while !
we're talking. What do you say ? "
"Oh , I would rather not , " Hope fal
tered , bewildered by this unexpected
request , already half-tempted to break
away and run. "Really I I don't
want to go there. "
Hawley was evidently surprise at
this refusal , naturally supposing from
her life that Miss Maclaire's scruples
would be easily overcome. This ob
stinacy of the girl aroused his anger.
"You women beat the devil , " he
ejaculated , gruffly , "pretending to be
so damn particular. Maybe you'd
rather stand out there on the prairie
and talk ? " with a sweep of his hand
around the horizon.
"Yes , I would , " catching desperately
at the straw. "I'm not afraid of you ;
I'm not blaming you at all , only I 1
don't want to go to 'Sheeny Joe's. ' "
He looked at her , puzzled at her at
titude , and yet somewhat reassured by
her expression of rrnfidence. Oh ,
well , what was the difference ? It
might be better to let her have her
own way , rfnd the change would not
materially interfere with his plans.
Of course , it would be pleasanter sit
ting together at one of Joe's tables ,
but he could talk just as freely out
yonder under the stars. Besides , It
might be as well now to humor the
"All right , Christie , " his voice re
gaining its pleasant tone. "You shall
have your way this time. There Is
too much at stake for us to quarrel
over this. "
Frightened , yet not daring to resist
or exhibit the least reluctance , she
clung to his arm , and permitted him
to lead her to the right down a dark
passage and out into the open land be-
Mad With Terror , She Pulled the
yond. He had to feel his way care
fully , and scarcely spoke , yet pro
ceeded as though the passage was
reasonably familiar and he had some
definite point in view. She answered
in monosyllables , now thoroughly re
gretful of having permitted herself to
drift into this position , yet not in the
least knowing how to extricate herself.
Hawley look everything for granted ,
her very silence convincing him of her
acquiescence. With throbbing pulse ,
Hope felt the small revolver hidden
within her dress , undoing a button so
that , in emergency , she might grasp it
more quickly. Hawley felt the move
ment , the trembling of her arm.
"You are afraid , just the same , " he
said , pressing her to him lover-like.
"Darkness always gets on a woman's
nerves. "
"Yes , that and loneliness , " resent
ing his familiarity. "Do we need to
go any farther ? Surely , we are alone
here. "
"Only a few steps ; the ravine is
yonder , and we can sit down on the
rocks. I want to smoke , and we will
be entirely out of sight there. "
He nelped her down the rather
sharp declivity until both were thor
oughly concealed below the prairie
level. Feeling about with his hands
he found the surface of la smooth rock ,
and seated her upon it Then a match
flared , casting an instant's gleam
across his face as he lighted his cigar.
Blacker than ever the night shut down
about them , and he groped for a seat
beside her. She could perceive just
one star peering through a rift of
cloud , and in her nostrils was the
pungent odor of tobacco. With a little
shiver of disgust she drew slightly
away from him , dreading what was to
come. One thing alone she felt was
in her iavor However familiar Haw
ley attempted to be , he was evidently
not yet sufficiently sure of Miss Mac
laire to become entirely offensive.
"I reckon , Christie , " he said slowly ,
between puffs on his cigar , the lighted
end of which faintly illumined his
face , "you've got the idea I have
brought you out here to make love.
Lord knows I'd like to well enough ,
but just now there's more important
matters on hand. Fact is , my girl ,
we're up against a little back-set , and
have got to make a shift in our plans
a mighty quick shift , too , " he added.
Almost savagely.
"I I don't think I understand. "
"No , of course , you don't You Im
agine all we've got to do in a matter
of this kind is to step into the near
est court , and draw the money. One
trouble is , our evidence isn't complete
we've got to find that woman who
brought you up. "
"Oh ! " said Hope , not knowing
what else to say.
"Yes. " he went on , apparently sat
isfied with her exclamation. "Of
course , I know she's dead , or at least ,
you say so , but we haven't got enough
proof without her not the way old
Waite promises to fight your claim
and so we've got to hunt for a substi
tute. Do you happen to know any old
woman about the right age who would
make affidavit for you ? She probably
wouldn't have to go on the stand at
all. Waite will cave In as' soon as he
knows we've got the evidence. "
He waited for an answer , but she
hardly knew what to say. Then she re
membered that Keith Insisted that
Miss Maclaire had no conception that
there was any fraud in her claim.
"No , I know no one. But what do
you mean ? I thought everything waa
straight ? That there was no question
about my right to inherit ? "
"Well , there Isn't , Christie , " pulling
fiercely on his cigar. "But the courts
are particular ; they have got to have
the whole thing in black and white. I
thought all along I could settle the en
tire matter with Waite outside , but
the old fool won't listen to reason. I
saw him twice to-day. "
"Twice ? " Surprise wrung the word
from her.
"Yes ; thought I had got him off oa
a false scent and out of the way , the
first time , but he turned up again like
a bad penny. What's worse , he's evi
dently stumbled on to a bit of legal
information which makes it safer for
us to disappear until we can get the
links of our chain forged. He's taken
the case into court already , and the
sheriff is here tryin * to find me so as
to serve the papers. I've got to skip
out , and so've you. "
"I ? " rising to her feet , indignantly.
"What have I done to be frightened
ever ? "
He laughed , but not pleasantly.
"Oh , hell , Christie , can't you under
stand ? Old Waite is after you the
same way he is me. It'll knock our
whole case if he can get you into
court before our evidence is ready.
All you know is what I have told you ]
that's straight enough but we've {
got to have proof. I can get it in a
month , but he's got hold of something
which gives him a leverage. I don't
know what it is maybe it's just a
bluff but the charge is conspiracy ,
and he's .got warrants out There is
nothing for us to do but skip. "
"But my clothes ; my engagement ? "
she urged , feeling the insistent earn
estness of the man , and sparring for
delay. "Why , I cannot go. Besides ,
if the sheriff is hunting us , the trains
will be watched. "
"Do you suppose I am fool enough
to risk the trains ? " he exclaimed , '
roughly , plainly losing patience. "Not I
much ; horses and the open plains tor
us , and a good night the start of them.
They will search for me first , and
you'll never be missed until you fail
to show up at the Troadero. Never
inind the clothes ; they can be sent
after us. "
"To-night ! " she cried , awakening to
the immediate danger , and rising to
her feet. "You urge me to fly with ;
you to-night ? now ? " j
"Sure , don't be foolish and kick up i
a row. The horses are here waiting
just around the end of the ravine. "
She pressed her hands to her breast ;
shrinking away from him. |
"No ! No ! I will not go ! " she declared - i
clared , indignantly. "Keep back !
Don't touch me ! " >
Hawley must have expected the re
sistance , for with a single movement
he grasped her even as she turned to
fly , pinning her arms helplessly to her
side , holding her as in a vise. !
"Oh , but you will , my beauty , " he
growled. "I thought you might act
up and I'm ready. Do you think I am i
fool enough to leave you here alone to
be pumped dry ? It is a big stake I'm
playing after , girl , and I am not going
to lose it through the whims of a
woman. If you won't go pleasantly ,
then you'll go by force. Keep still ,
you tigress ! Do you want me to choke
you ? " i
She struggled to break loose , twisting - !
ing and turning , but the effort was I
useless. Suddenly he whistled sharpj j
ly. There was the sound of feet
scrambling down the path , and the
frightened woman perceived the dim
outlines of several approaching men.
She gave one scream , and Haw
ley released his grip on her arms to
grasp her throat
She jerked away , half-stumbling
backward over a rock. The revolver ,
carried concealed in her dress , was In
her hand. Mad with terror , scarcely
knov.'ing what she did , she pulled the
trigger. In the flash she saw one
man throw up his hands and go down
The next instant the others were upon
Among Epicure * .
"Paris Is a swift town. "
"That's true , but snails are very
popular there. "
Dr. Pierce's Pellets , small , sugar-coated ,
easy to take as candy , regulate and invigor
ate stomach , liver and bowels. Do not gripe.
Loveliness of character is nothing
but steady love of good and steady
scorn of evil. Froude.
Garfield Tea will keep the whole system in
perfect condition.
Some men don't know very much ,
but they don't know it.
Sioux City Directory
"Hub of the Northwest. "
XS rf * X * X\ \ '
DaYitaBrosCoSionxCityIa ,
WE HAVE just added a piano
department to our great establish
ment. We sell pianos on the same
basis as other lines
from $100 to 150
saved on any instru
ment. We carry a
full line of pianos ,
piano playersVictor
and Edison Phonographs. Write
for our piano price list and other
information pertaining to pianos.
" "
Fresh Out Flowers & Floral Emblems
NOTICE. Order by Mail , Telephone 01
Prices Right Work Guaranteed
20 Per Cent Off our repair list on all Retreads
and Tube repairing to March 15. "Write for Hat.
Kelly - Springfield Tires Auto Accessdfries.
621 Pearl Street Sioux City , low *
To Merchants Only
Crockery , ChinaGlasswareLamps ,
HotelDishesFountainSuppliesetc. \
Wholesalers and Manufacturing Agents.
Write for catalog or salesman. SIOUX CIT1
CROCKERY CO. , 309-311 NebSt. , SionxCity.Ia.
before too late.Vips and Toupees to match
and fit any bead. DeLUTH GOLDEN TOILET CO. .
316 Grain Exchange BIdtr. . Sioux City , Iowa , or your
druggist. Complete Treatment , postpaid 51.20.
Electric 1 Light Plants
for farms and towns. All kinds
of electric fixtures and supplies.
Electric Supply Co. , 525 5th , Sioux City , la.
You Get Value Received When You Buy
The kind with the
Sold by all grocers , the bands arc valuable
M. ( Si I , . DENTISTS
421 4th Street
Siousc City , la.
Gold or Porcelain
Crowns S5.00 ; Bridge
Work , per tooth 85.00.
Painless Extraction.
All v.-ork guaranteed.
Best equipped Dental Offices in Sioux City.
For Sale by Your Lumberman
Soda Fountains and supplies. We sell them.
Chesierman Co. , Dept. F , Sioux City , la.
Manufacturers of
" ? ? * 03 flAIf& B7iracr'ff
SEIH" 1 5-"yLuAKD-SivIRi §
\K < / & JL , 1 VP 3. Vf o-ff v i JL3JF
can help you. Store buildings , churches , school
houses and large residences erected every where.
AKRON MILLING CO. , Sioux City , la.
Young people to Study
Gregg Shorthand , Tele
graphy and Bookkeep
ing. Individual Instruc
tions. It will pay you towrite for booklet.
Stack Covers , etc. TENTS TO RENT
G. E. Martin Co.,307 Jackson St. , Sioux CUyla.
Suits cleaned and pressed for d * " ! C\T\
Express paid one way. t-pJL .UU
419 6th & 515 W 7th , Sioux City , la.
F. P. HOIXAR&SOX , Printers ,
417 Fourth Street , Sioux City , Iowa
of all kinds. Dating Stamps , Marking Out
fits , Etc. Write or call for what you want.
n all its branches modern methods. Express
said one -way on $3 orders. W. C. DAVENPORT
JO. , Both Phones 2677,417 Douglas
Ul indications are that the price of flax seed will
sontlnuc high , hence a profitable crop to put In this
: oa.We offer seed for sowing at$2 0 per bushel in