Used and praised by the most competent and careful pas try cooks the world over The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar made from grapes BULLS FOR SALE Registered Hereford Bulls for Bale at all times of the year. SUKHY SLOPE STOCK RAKOH Simeon - Nfbsaska W. H. Stratton * Dealer in .FLOUR & FEED Generai Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. F. M. Walcott M.Walcott Walcott & Walcott Attorneys Practice bofon1 U. S. Lund Olficc and all Federal mid State courts. Valentine Nebraska atLaw Attorney- - Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. Valentine Nebraska Dr. M. F. Meer , DENTIST Rooms over Red Front store Valentine - Nebr , Dr. D. W. Suniner DENTIST Hornby Building Phone No. 173. Valentine Ledge No. 70 , A. O. U. W. Meets 1st and 3id Momlny in each month at Fraternal Hall. All Bretbern are cordially invitee to he present ALBERT F WEBB , M W. TAMES 0. QUIGLEY , Recorder. Felch's Restaurant and Lunch Counter Come to my flew location in the ' ' old Morey building. Home Cooking Highest Cash Price PAID FOII 5 HIDES AND FURS < At Mrs. Moon's old stand , Lockwood Bldg. MOREY .MONEY ! MONEY ! Do You Want a Bargain m Town Property ? " " " I have three properties that are .bargains and I am going to sell .them at a bargain to some one who ; jias a few hundred dollars laying idle. idle.I I want to build a good building for a printing office and will sell property cheap , to carry out my -plans. Come and see me on any kind ; .of a property deal. I want money ! I. M. ETCE , I TJ7 ft * ? FJ'3.YIT'3'&TF ! * S ff\f * A W O VAiEN i iNL LOCALS Remnant sale at the Red Froi t. D. A. Hancock was in town.yes terday. James Good fellow purchased an isolated tract of land at the land office. If in need of wind mills or wa.- ter tanks call on E. Breuhlander * None better made. 42-tf Dr. M F. Meer has decided to visit Wood Lakg the first Monday and , Tuesday of each month to do dental work. 19tf Grant Bo.ver and wife are en joying a visit this week with the litter's niece , Miss Jessie Schif- ferns of LaMar , Mo. T n per cent discount on made to measure , spring and summer coats , suits , dresses and skirts un til Feb. 24 , at The Red Front. The Telephone Co. purchased a big red building of Geo. Hornby and moved it across the street back of the State Bank yesterday. I. C. Slolts and old friend , W. G White of Keytesville , Mo. , are in ( ov. n t < day visiting , the former being called as a witness before the grand jury. Pay up now atl 00 in advance. Send in a few dollars and we'll credit you up and send you a re ceipt. Do this before May 1st to secure the dollar rate in advance. For Sale : Store building north of and adjoining "Donoher hotel $2 50 , 3500 ca h , balan" § 50 per mojitii like rent , or will r-jnt. Inq sire of Charles Sparks or Louise M. Webb , Geneva , Neb. J. II and ( \ M. Jack , L > e S"U- re , t'larei c * Cutcnmb , Banker S cene , Editor Hitchcock of the Cody Cow Boy , and several others from Qid.\ and vicinity are yet held as witnesses and put in their time iiMessl.\ ! drilling around the court lu.u e. U. S. Weather Bureau Report WEEK ENDING M vH. 7.1912. Daily mean temperature 12- . Xrmn.l temperature = . Highest temperature : : = . Lowett temperature 7 = . Uange of temperature . " 2 = . Precipitation tor veck 0.9 of an inch. v Average for 2:1 : years 0.21 ot an inch. JOHN J. McLfeKN. Observer. Swing Day In Siam. diy is one of the boys' most popular holidays in Sinra. It is a fes tival that takes phicu once a year. The great fun is on that day. but the boys find pleasure in practicini ; and getting ready for it through the whole year. Swings are set tip on high poles , and a short distance from each swing stands another pole marked with a waving banner. Just below this ban ner hangs a purse filled with gold , which is the prize. A boy seats himself in the swing and moves back and forth until he gets well started , and then he brings him self near the precious prize. He has oue chance given him to reach out and seize it in his mouth. If he succec-ds he keeps it. If lie fjils he is obliged , tu jump from the swing and slide down the pole while the crowds jeer at him. If he catches the purse a rope ladder is put out. and he walks down fit in a dignified manner , while every body cheers heartily. \ Grand Jury Still in Session Many of the people in town last week have gone to their homes , hiving finished their work here as w nf'Ses or petit jurors and were exc u-ed The yra'irl jury\took up the Sel lers murder case las ? Thursday : md the examination of witnesses con tinued throughout the week , and on Monday the case was resumed. Some jurors and witnesses went home to spend Sunday but ; a large number remainel in town. The grand jury seems to be mak ing a thorough investigation and evidently are goi-'g to the bot-om of the case as well as they can to find a motive for the hanging of Charles S -Hers and who were the guilty par t es. es.The The grand jury holds secret ses- s'ons and no one gets any informa tion as to their questioning of wit- ne ses excepting each witness as to h s own testimony. Many people hive asked us to tell it all but we cm tell uot.hing except the .final findings of the jury in e-ich case coming before them. The jury has bjen working industriously and saveral cases were disposed tpf last week as will be noticed by the rec ord of cases as given here that came up before them. Miss Hazel Council of Gordon has been acting as special correspondent to the daily papers and has sent in several interesting accounts which the people from afar will read of this town and county. Miss Coun cil has found material for several good newspaper stories and keeps pretty busy interviewing somebody. Monday , the story was circulated that she was a private detective for somebody but nobody seemed to know whom. Especially those who did not know her business began to eye her with suspicion and closed up like a clam when she tried to engage them in conversation. This seemed strange to Miss Council un til she was informed of the suspic ion in which she was held when she enjoyed a hearty laugh. State vs Kelly S pence , indicted. State vs II. E. Chamberlain , indicted. State vs Thomas Brown , con tinued to next term. State vs Geo.M. Tracyforgery , grand jury finds not a true bill and defendant discharged. State vs Dennis Quiver , horse stealing , indicted State vs Albert Rfiiraenschneid- er , cattle stealing , indicted. Charles P. B re-pee vs Henry Bnrnemari , court finds for defend ant. Z"lla Rlodgot vs Jas Mungan , dumurer sustained , | ilvniif } ' ex- Nettie. J Wai ling ford vs A. J. "Wallineford , divorce , granted. Edwin Rngjre vs A. EVhet - -rnne , appeal , defendant confi-s ed judgment § 98 0. Joseph P. Kre.vcik vs C. & N. [ J. , jury finds for plaintiff , § 5i9 , motion for new trial overruled. H A Fox vsEo aSteinbrecher , loreclosure , confirmed , deed ord ered. Application of John ( jr. Yander- pool for chme : of surname , granted. Edith While vs Even-tt White , divorce , granted. Mary Cassin Lines vs Charles Lines , divorce , granted. Lulu Edna Pa.i ne vs Oliver Simpson Payne , divorce , granted. James S. Bo.ver vs Vivian Boyer - er , divorce , granted. Frederick A. Peterson v- Laura M. Prtetson , divorce , granted. ft ( F. Harrington vs Cherry county , set ! led by agreement for 81125. State vs John M. Tucker , adul tery , jury reports not a true bill and defendant discharged. State vs Buel Woodrum , taking horses out of pasture and working them without , permission , defend ant pi ads guilty , sentenced to jail tiO days at hard labor. State vs H riry Schaefer , cattle stealing , indicted. I It having been made to appear t > the < -nu r rht John M. Tueker , the p'e-'nt fO' i ' noi-n y. is disq \ W n nd , was Btf&iateti Iv tbe cvurt to act L Old Crow , All Leading" Hermitage Brands and Bottled Guchen- Under the heimer Supervision Eye of the 8SSS SfSSk s Whiskeys. U. 8. Gov. pise handle the budweiser Beer. ENRY STETTER , Propr. as county attorney. State vs Joseph Ettl , cattle stealing , indicted TEACHERS' MEETING March 16th , 1:30 : P. M. Music. The Teacher and the School , Chaps. 21 to 23 , Prof. Eiton Discussion of Presidential Out look , A.L Potter , C.W.lIusted Woman Suffrage , pro and con Miss Joyce and Carroll Great American Educators , Miss Brown Music - Alice McLean Ethics for Children , eighth year - Miss Gordon The Old and the Xe.w Wom an - Emma Anderson Girls as WageE'irner < = , Clara E. Webb How May the Co. Supt. Be.sfc Aid the Rural Teacher ? Mrs Eit/iEtter How May the Rural Teacher Best Aid the Co Snpt ? Mrs. Noy Lena en Music. Notice to Stallion Owners : The 1911 stallion registration law requires all males , pure bred , erosp-bred , grade of jack to he ex aminerl by a State Inspector. An inspector will be at the Dono- her hotel in Valentine a * 8 a. ra. on March 1C , and afc the hotel in Oookston at 3:15 p. m. on March 10 , and afc the hotel in Cody afc 8 a. m. on March 15 , for the purpose of inspecting all stalloilsmd jacks that have no * been inspected in the vicinity of respective townnamed. . Horses should l > e brought to the nearest point mentioned above. < The inspection will cost $5.00 for each animal and will Ix-gin at , time set d'ich day Copies of the law mny he had from W. ft. Mellor , Secretary Nebraska Stallion Regis tration Board , Lincoln , Neb The Only "Dolly" Type Machine Alade That has absolutely no operating mechanism attached to the side- or top of the machine Equipped with specially design ed reversible wringer , which is operated by the same motor that operates the machine , and enables the washing and wringing to be done at the same time The motor , together with all operating mechanism , is mounted on a ra tel frame underneath the body of the machine , out of the way of the operator Tins n etal 1 rune is rigidly attached to the legs and insures perfect alignment of the gearing and reduces the amount of power required to oper ate the machine to a minimum. Only one Lever to Operate The machine and reversible wringer under positive control of the operator. The wringer may be operated at the same time or remain stationary while thd ma chine is washing the cl"tl PS. The only Dolly type machine pitted with special 1-inch drain faucet at the bottom for drawing off the waste or making permanent con nection with the waste drain if de sired. 15 davs * free tria1 tn r-i-n you "f thp irji'i-iu M ' Ur1 FT * in A HiT O FTXIT'TP IF IT FAILS Your Money Back If You Are Not Satisfied With The Medicine We Recommend. TVe are so positive that our remedy will permanently relieve constipationno matter how chronic it may be. that we offer to furnish the medicine at our expense should ir , fail to psoduce satisfactory re sults. It is worse than useless to at tempt to cure constipation with cathartic drugs. Laxatives or ca thartics do much harm. The.\ cause a reaction , irritate , and weaken the bowels and tend lo make constipation more chronic. Brides , thfiir use becomes a habit that is dangerous. Constipation is caused by a weakness of the nerves and mus cles of the large intestine or de scending colon. To expect per manent relief you must therefore tone up and strengthen these org ans and restore them to healthier activity. We want you to try Rexall Or derlies on our recommendation. They are exceedingly pleasant to take , being eaten like candy , and and ideal for children , delicate persons , and old folks , as well as for the robust. They act directly on the nerves and muscles f the bowels. They apparently have a neutral action on other associate organs or glands They do r.ot purge , cause exclusive looseness , nor create any inconvenience what ever. They may be token at any time , day or night. They wilh positi\el.\ relie\e chronic'or habitual - bitual constipation , if not of surgi cal variety , and ihc myriads of as sociate or dependent chronic ail ments , if taken with regularity for a reasonable length of time. 12 tablets , 10 cents ; JJ6 tablets , 25 cents ; 80 tablets , 50 cents. Sold in Valentine only at our store Tiu Rexall Store. Chapman , The Druggist. Send $2 to The Lincoln Daily N -ws and they will give you their ( Birgain Rate , Daily News , Inde-J pendent Farmer ( a weekly ) and P 'ultry Topics ( a monthv ! ) . all three papers from now until April 1 , 1913 , for the § 2 You can have the papers mailed to separate ad-1 dresses if you want. Tins will give a live , fearless daily paper through the. primaries , presiden ts' ' election and i ext , wit-tor's' lejilatu'Y < H ] want a Lirir oln dulv and here is the bigge i bargain - ! gain ever < ffered. This offer is nor good after March 28 A. five- ! passenger touring automobile \\ill be given to the person sending in the largest list of subscribers at this cut price before March 28. i Every fellow is limited to his own' ' county. With a couple of weeks' work you can earn a whole . \ ear's salary , ( jet your friend- . * you. Send in your own Milr-crip- tun today and let us tell \ ou all about it. For rheumatism you Xdll find nothing better than Chamberlain's Liniment. Try it and see how quickly ic gives reJ J ALtTHESeMEN-HAVE kWQRKED-FORTHE SAFETYOPYOUR-MONEY NATIONALMNK Copyrieht 1901 , by C E Zinmernan Co. No. 39M IN order to furnish proper banking' protection , President Lincoln and his first congress established ( | the National Bank which operates under government supervision. From time to time addi tional laws have been passed under the different presidents shown above strengthening the protec tion a National Bank af fords. Thus the confidence and security that comes with the possession of money in the bank is greatly en hanced when it is in a Na tional Bank , ' for here it has safe-guard every pos sible for human ingenuity to devise. Jn selecting a bank in which to deposit your savings or surplus funds the one thing to be considered is safety , and we ask for your busi ness only on the basis of ab solute safety. Call at our bank and let us explain to you how safe your money is here. First National Bank Valentine , Nebraska Guardian's Sale. Notiiis ln'rc'oy Ivt-ii thiit In piirxunnpr- of tin unl-r of tinHon. . H" . II. WVsttwr , Judiif nfthr- District C'onrt of f'hi'rry Ooun- ty. X * Mrn < > ki. insult * in the 2."itli tlsiy of No- vi-inh'T. I'.Ml lor tinsalt - of mil i'-tit ' here- inn ft rdf-rrihffl. then- willold ! s t pub lic vanillin * to tlit- highest bidder Tor at the front door of the Court House in thr Village of vhil'-ntine in said County on the dtli day of April. I'.Ml' st the hour of ten o'clock a. in. tinfo .ov-in decril i'd ral e-tate , to-\vit : outh Half of Xo-tli Half. Ho.ith Jialf. Section Hi. Southeast Quart- ref So'itin-Jist ( Jnarter. Hectlojs ! i. West Ht-l of Nor i invest ( Quarter. Sivtion l.'i. 'rn\viiiiup : > l , Xorin. Itsini'is.Ve - > t.Ch rry County , Ne braska , upon tin * lollowinv ; triii > : out Irtlf cash and the balance on three to Il\e. years time with interest at 7 per cent per annum , secured by first morttfa e on .saltl Hid sale - , \ ill remain open one hour. "W. II. JlatUey , uarciian of Frank \V. Had- ler. in. nor In ir of Irene K. Hadley , formerly Irene E. Miller. decei > eI. bv 9 :5Valcott : \Valeott , His Attorneys. REX DYSPEPSIA TABLETS IMieves gas in stomach , distres. after i atinjj , Mr mach nervousness dizziness , headache , heartburn , heart palpitation and other ail ments caused by faulty digestion. Price 25c. Prepared by United Drug Company , Boston , Mass. Sold in Valentine only by G. A. Chapman. The Rexall Store. "Why He Was Late. "What made yon so late ? " "ImetSmithson. " "Well , that is no reason why yon Eflonld be an honr late getting home to supper. " "I know , but I asked him how hecas feeling , and he insisted on telling 539 about his stomach trouble. " x "Did you tell him to Iain's Tablets ? " "Snre , that isvhat ha needs. " Soft by