Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 07, 1912, Image 4

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    ' - * ' \
I. M. Rice , Editor and Proprietor
IVlarkZarr , Foreman
A Weekly N"'w > | ia ] > tM punUslii-d e\nry Thurs
day nt \ uleutine , iN
Subscription - § i..r 0 Per Year
Local Notices , ocper line per issue
Entered ; U thiPostolllce at Valentine , Neb. ,
for transmission throu 'h .the mails. : is second
class matter.
Thursday , March 7. 1912. .
To the Voters of Cherry Co. Nebraska :
1 wish to announce that I will
be a candidate for nomination for
the oilice of county assessor , sub
ject to the democratic primaries
to be held in April , 11)12.
To the People of Cherry Co. Nebraska :
I hereby announce myself as a
cand 'date for th nomination of
representative from the represen
tative district ] STo. 72 , on the republican -
publican ticket at the primary
election to be held on the 19ih day
of April , 1912.
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for county assessor on the
democratic ticket , subject to the
decision of the voters at the pri
maries , April 19 , 1912.
Very respectfully ,
I hereby announce that I am a
candidate for county assessor , sub
ject to the democratic primaries
on April i9 , 1912.
Ivespectfully ,
I. M. Kice has again assumed
' 'control of The Valentine Demo
crat , after having leased the plant
for a year. We are glad to see
Ike back in the harness again at
the old stand. We have learned
to like the frank and open manner
in which he handles his subjects.
There is a strong individuality in
his writing that must attract at
tention. The Democrat has been
" coming to our exchange desk for a
good many years and under a good
" many editors , but we like it best
with 13ro. Rice at the helm and we
wish him success. Holt County
At a regularly meeting called of
the democrats of Gillaspie pre
cinct , Cherry county , Nebraska ,
the following platform \vas adopt
ed for an-l : with the consent of
William TvL Ilarnan , candidate for
the office of state representative
for this 72nd district :
1. We hereby favor the direct
election of U. S. senators arid in
the absence of the same we be
lieve in the Oregon system of
electing them , \ \ herb. . \ the leg s-
lative candidate pit dues him-elf
to > upport the people' choice re- ,
gardle s of party pieferenee.
2. We hereby favor the initia- '
tfve iind referendum , also the le-
call of public officers who have
been negligent i : ) their duty.
3. We heartily favor legisla
tion that will lower railroad rates ,
secure belter service to the ship
per of livestock and grain , and
that will make all corporations
pay their just share of the taxes.
tt. We favor stock yards legis
lation , in the matter of lowering1
of charges for the handling of
stock and in the service rendered
to the shipper , believing that the
stock yards companies are public
utilities and ubject to our law as
5. We favor legi-Ution in the
matter of the pardoning of crimi
nals in fct far that all confessed
murderers can receive neither
pardon nor parole and that all
other criminals \\here their gu > It
is proven beyond a doubt shall
serve two-thirds of their sentence
before pardon can be granted ; !
further , that notice of all pending
pardons be published at least six
weeks in the county where the
crime was committed. j
G. We are heartily opposed to
the "log-rolling" or the trading of
votes that has prevailed in recent
sessions of our legislature and
favor a law prohibiting such prac
tices. " *
1. We favor legislation that
w.511 make three-fourths of a petit
jury sufficient to convict.
8. Wo indorse all legislation
I that will assist us in stamping out
'the ' muige in the quarantine dis
trict of this portion of the state
9. We favor liberal appropria
tions for the benefit of our state
experimental farm located in
Cherry county , believing that the
same will prove of immense bene
fit to the people , also that field
mon be secured to investigate soils
and grasses at large throughout
the state.
DAN BARNES , Prec. Com.
Attest : CIIAS. WEBSTER , Sec.
Governor Harmon's administra
tion in Ohio , filled as it is with
constructive legislation and re
forms for the benefit of the mass
es , has w on for him enthusiastic
support in Nebraska At a state
wide meeting of Nebraska demo
crats in Fremont , recently , at
which former U. S Senator W.
V. Allen presided , the following
resolution was unanimously adopt
ed :
"We , the supporters of the can
didacy of Gov. Judson Harmon
for the presidency , submit to the
democratic voters of the state of
Nebraska the following as among
the grounds of our support :
l'l. Because it conclusively ap
pears from his record as a public
servant that he is a man of pro
found learn'ng , ripe experience ,
unquestioned integrity , unfalter
ing courage and of broad mind ,
practical and progressive states
2. Because of his immense and
deserved popularity in his own
state and the states adjacent there
to , without the electoral vote of
which the election of a democratic
president in 1912 is a political im
possibility. Therefore , be it
"Resolved , That we urgently
request all democratic voters to
unite with us in our efforts to
bring about the nomination and
election to the presidency of the
United States , Judson Harmon of
Ohio. "
A state wide poll , conducted by
the Lincoln Daily Star , gave the.
following result : Harmon 60o ,
Wilson 210 , Clark 150 , Folk 140 ,
Bryan GO , Marshall 00.
When former President Roosevelt -
velt , before the Ohio constitution
al convention , recently , announced
the platform on which he could
seek to deprive his old friend and
political heir , William Howard
Taft , of a renomination , the Rough
Rider made a strong plea for the
support of insurgents of his party
by endowing practically all of the
governnn nial principles in their
pli'torm taking caie , however ,
to include enough " 'ifs' * ard
lkbuts' ' to pi event , unduly offend
ing ' 'big-business. ' *
As a promiser. Col. Roosevelt !
is a fie ice cm nij of so-called "big.
business and other favor seeking
As a performer , his accomplish
ments are generally "conspicuous
by their absence "
Bick in 1905 , Mr. Roosevelt ,
Wiile president , appointed Judson
Harmon , now governor of Ohio ,
and Frederick W. Judson of St.
Louis , to investigate the charges
of rebating against the Atchisou ,
Topeka G Santa Fe railroad. They
unexpectedly traced the rebating
to the door of Paul Morton , an of
ficial of the company , but at the
time of the investigation a mem
ber ot President Roosevelt's cabi
"Guilt is personal , " said Jud
son Harmon to Pres. Roosevelt ,
and he was for prosecuting the
guilty parties.
Guilt is impersonal was the sub
stance of "the reply by Roosevelt.
"Punish guilty officials , " said
"No , not if they are my friends"
in effect said Roosevelt.
When they were -permitted N ,
to proceed personally against the
guilty officials ( the only method
by which the law could be effect
ually enforced ) , Mr : liarmon and
Mr. Judsony in a letter to Attorn
ey General Moody , dated June 5 ,
1905 , retired from the case.
The following is an extract from
the letter : "What we have said
is particularly true of the great
corporations of our day. They
cannot be imprisoned ; and puni h-
ment by fine is not only inade
quate but reaches the real culprits
only lightly , if at all. The evils
with which we are confronted are
corporate in dame , but individual
in fact. Guilt is always personal
So long as officials can hide behind
their corporations no remedy can
be effective. When the govern
ment searches out the guilty men
and make corporate wrong doing
mean personal punishment and
dishonor the law will be obeyed , "
Neither Mr. Harmon or Roosevelt
velt were at that time candidates
for the presidency , and the mental
attitude of any man upon public
questions is best judged from his
actions and utterances which have
not their source in motives of po
litical expediency. /
Loss of Appetite or Dis
tress After Eating a
Sympton That Should
Not be Disregarded.
Appetite is just a natural desire ,
for food. Loss of appetite or
stomach distress after eating in
dicate indigestion or dyspepsia.
Over eating is a habit very dang
erous to a person's good general
It is not what you eat but what
you digest and assimilate that does
you good. Some of the strongest ,
heaviest , and healthiest persons
are moderate eaters.
There is nothing that will cause
more trouble than a disordered
stomach , and many people daily
contract serious maladies simply
through disregard or abuse of the
We urge all in Valentine who
suffer from any stomach derange
ment , indigestion , or dysyepsia ,
whether acute or chronic , to try
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets , with
the distinct understanding that we
will refund their money without
question or formality , if after
reasonable use of this medicine ,
they are not perfectly satisfied
with the results. TVre recommend
them to our customers every day ,
and have yet to hear of anyone
who lias not been benefitted by
them. We honestly believe them
to be without equal. They give
very prompt relief , aiding to neu
tralize the gastric juices , strength
en the digestive organs , to n gu-
late the bowels , and thus to pro
mote perfect neutrition , and eradi
cate all unhealthy symptoms.
We urge you to try a 25 cent
box of Roxall Dyspepsia Tablets ,
which gives 15 days' treatment.
At the end of that time , your
money will be returned to you if
jou are not satisfied. Of course ,
in chronic cases length of treat
ment varies. For such case * : , we
have two larger sizes , which sell
for 5c ( ) and Si.00. Remember ,
you can obtain Rpxall Remedies
in this community only at our
store The Rexill ; Store. Chap
man , The Druggist.
Throwing ths Pillow.
Playhip ; nrtvivtisinj ; pk-rui-p i s n lot
of fun All I ho pi.u ! > r : snvo one stand
in a ring. The list child stands in the
i enter of the rinv- holding ; i sofa pil
low. He counts teii slowly , throwing
: \ pillow at a ( hiid. who must < ' : itch
it and call out the name of some well
linown advertising picture before ten
is reached in the counting. The ad
vertisements must not be repeated , so
the jxaine is difficult us weil as joily
You iai.v change the ; : aiue by calling
for the names of patent medicines or
lowers or quotations , with the name
of the author , or modem inventions.
For Fast Reading.
Bill Brown's babyish brothel's , both
being bnd boys , bamboozled Bartholo
mew Brnlinm by breaking Bernice
Bra ham's beautiful bamboo bonbon
basket. Bernice. being Bartnolomew's
brother , became belligerent , because
before Bill's bad brothers broke Bei\
nice's beautiful bamboo bonbon bas
ket both began behaving b'ad'y ' by be-
nmenriug Bartholomew's best book
binding. Therefore Bartholomew beat
borh Browns badiy. and both Browns ,
beiuj ? big babies , begun booboomgi
? TO ! r m v A iO Klr
R- < l
JKL Xte IVjPi , RL
OEF last week's sale was as much a surprise to us as to
our customers and we are more than pleased with the
result. All goods are prominently displayed with price
cards , and as stated last week , we have adopted this
plan of advertising so that our customers can belter ap-
0 a 1 15571 ? I'EVT rJFin irl'57 PET1 "PT7T1P / T C1
preciate a bargain , WHEN THEY StE THfi GOODS
IE print.
Five Special Bargains for Saturday and Monday
and Fruit of thr
Loom bleached
muslin , yd. wide
A surprise price
for Saturday and
Monday at
Also Kerr\s and
Field's 200 yard 6
jjcoicl spool cotton.
We are going to
| elo > p out tho.sp
brands and offer
them at
ipecial Offerings Until March 16 ®
BysJ Suits
Special lot at unusual low
prices for one week. Every
suit marked with large red iS
Galatea Suitings
Suitable for boys' wash suits ,
waists , school dresses for
girls. Made to wear and
look well , 20c value. Special
surprise price at
Son-proof arid Tub-
proof Ginghams
Cheeks , plain colors , stripes
and plaids Regular Joe
quality. For another \veek at
Outing Flaiisiels
D. rk colors only , 12c regu-
j lai. For another week at
Ladies7 Skirts
Over 60 styles , in black ,
blue , gray , bro n and mix
tures. Special surprise prices
for one week.
Ladies' Shoes
6-i.00 and 83.50 values , near
ly all sizes ; in gun metal ,
patent and vici kid. Special
for one week only at
NEW GOODS RECEIVED : Ladies' , Misses'and Children's Dresses J
and Coals , Ladies' and Misses' Shirt Waists , Boys' Play Suits , White
Hand Bags , Embroideries and Laces , Spring and Summer Underwear ,
New Silks , Curtain Goods. NEW BARGAINS NEXT WEEK.
Buttons made to order , to
match your gown IS stales , all
at the HPI ! Front , 4S
Here's a woman's stock
ing of quality and wear.
You are proud of
once they grace your feet.
The way they fit and the way
they wear is a revelation.
Their dye is one of their superla
tive features. The brightest , truest ,
surest , most lasting black and ths
richest shade cf tan known to
hosiery making. Dyed with Wun-
derdye fast ' : o the last.
Mads for all ages and
sizes , for women and
Four pairs to the box
$1.00 , or a de-luxe grade ,
three pairs to the bos
$ 1.00. The
guarantee insures the
toe , heel and sole against
need of darcing for four
I Woo
Dress Goods
Special lot in .shot t
ijlengths suitable
jjf 0 r children's
PI ices for Satur
day and Monday at
inn ff u P ? I
1 taffeta Silk
jAll colors. Special
{ surprise price for
st.wo daysSaturday
3tnd Monday at
Wool Hose
In white only ,
regular 20c value.
Special surprise
H TSiousands of house
ihai Lay ion's Health
Club gives them ALL
the baking powder
quality they can buy
at any price. It con
tributes its full share
to pure , wholesome
and dslicious baking.
Health Club cells for a
5 cent en ouncs he honest ,
llve-and-let-Uve , anti-trust
price for highest grade bak
ing powder in IGc , ISc
and 25c cans at good
i !
Ili'i '
iiJiayy ' 1
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