Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 07, 1912, Image 2

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I. M. RICE , Publisher.
No Less Than Fourteen Rage a
Time in Different Sections ol
Peyang Mint Fired and Va
Machinery Destroyed.
Tientsin. Rioting of a seriov
ture has taken place here. Th
brack had been feared and precai
were taken as fas as possible t
tect residents from harm. Th (
diers mutinied , set fire to a m
of buildings and then began k
from house to house. They were
ed by the rabble. Shops and bai
all the important streets were 1
and some of them were wrecked
In order to intimidate the poi
the soldiers kept up a continua
fire. The rattle of musketry coi
heard throughout the night. O
few police remained loyal and
were outnumbered and powerle
suppress the disorders }
No fewer than fourteen fires
raging simultaneously in various
of the city. The soldiers broke
the Peyang mint , which was si
fire. Machinery to the value of
thousands of dollars was desti
The looters entered the silver s
wrenching off the iron shutters
even making holes in the walls ,
mint was looted of everything poi
and the ground strewn with e
cartridge clips and cases.
Duluth Postal Official Read It ar
cure Arrest of Author.
Duluth , Minn. A letter addr
to President Taft and marked
.sonal , important , rush , " was he
and opened by the local postt
Later C. W. Johnson , 21 years old
arrested on the charge of insi
After a hearing he was ordered
to Fergus Falls asylum , whenc
had been discharged in 1910.
The letter follows :
"President Taft : If you don1
swer and investigates this matter
Congressman Miller at once o :
ceipt of this you will be prosec
will kill myself or somebody
if I don't get justice. I'm a wir
operator in the First division , I
M. , under Lieut. Smith. I am j
to swear allegiatce to England , a
I can't stir up a war against
United States , which I have s <
with honor , I will kill myself. I
await your reply. If you don't an
in a week I will go to Washingto
will get revenge on you as hea
this God forsaken country , "S
sincerely , C. W. Johns
First Division , M. N. M. , U. S. Go
ment , Duluth , Minn.
Attempt to Smuggle Chinese
San Francisco , Cal. Inner *
ings of a smuggling ring credited
having landed 400 contraband Chi
in this port every month are sai
have been revealed , following the
ture of the launch Morning Sta :
Oakland creek , in the course of a
ing attempt to land twenty-one
nese brought from Esenada , Lower
ifornia. Joseph Discalia , one of
boatmen arrested with the Chii
told Immigration Inspector The
Crawford that the boat started 1
Esenada last Sunday night. As
as it came opposite the Califc
coast the Chinese were put bi
decks , the whole number being pai
sslike sardines in a spoce eight
square. When the launch entered
Golden Gate nets and fish lines >
strewn about the deck to give the
pearance of a fishing launch , but
ruse was not successful.
800 Miners Strike.
Pittsburgh , Pa. Eight hum
miners employed in the Jumbo min
the Pittsburgh Coal company at
Donald , Pa. , struck when orderec
use locked safety lamps under a r
Jation of the state mining departm
Live Stock Market.
Sioux City. Cattle Good to ch
corn fed steers , $7.00@S.OO ; med
to good , $5.50@7.00 ; good to chice
cows and heifers , $5.00@6.00 ; g :
cows , $3.50@5.00 ; canners and cutt
$2.50y ( > 3.50 ; bulls , $3.75@5.25 ; vc
$3.75@7.50. Hogs , prices range f
, , $5.S5@6.20 , with a bulk of the sale
$6.00@G.15. Sheep Lambs , ? 4.i
$6.25 ; yearlings , - 4.50@5.25 ; e1
S3.00g ( > 4.00.
Small Part of Bullion Recovere
Washington , D. C. Secret ser
operatives at Portland , Ore. , have
covered $7,000 of the $250,000 cons
ment of gold bullion which was stc
a year and a half ago while be
transported from Skagway to Seal
Little Girl Burns to Death.
Ashlandj Neb. The 1-year
daughter of Alva Gay met death I.
as the result of her father lightin
fire with coal oil. The girl was sit
ing near the father when a keros
can he was using exploded , covei
the body of the girl with flaming fl
Report Shows Morgan & Co. Rece
Cash Profit of $69,300,000 for
ganizing Concern Which Con
80 Per Cent , of Industry.
Washington. The United SI
Steel corporation operates in resti
of trade and J. Plerpont Morgan
ceived $70,000,000 for organizing
trust , according to P. J. McRae , es
accountant , who made a report on
Inquiry into the books and minute
the trust. His report reaches the
elusion that the corporation prev
competition through a manlpulatlc
prices , through the Influence of
so-called "Gary dinners , " by coi
of raw materials and through a
tern of interlocking directors in
ous companies.
Some of the charges made In
report are : %
That J. P. Morgan & Co. , hea
the syndicate which organized
Steel corporation , received a <
profit of $69,300,000 , of which
500,000 was for promotion , and
800,000 for a bond conversion sch <
That the net earnings for .
years were ? 1,029,685,380 , or an ec
alent of approximately ? 13 a ton
finished product , Instead of ? 980 ,
311 as claimed by the corporatioi
its report.
That the statement made by Ji
Gary and H. C. Frlck to Presi <
Roosevelt In 1907 that the Steel
poratlon did not control more thai
per cent of steel properties in
country was wrong ; that it cent
on. the contrary about 80 per cent
the steel holdings.
The "Gary dinners , " where 1
pendent as well as corporation s
men assembled , and where "the
called independents are influence !
reduce their production conform ;
to their estimate of the reductioi
the demand existing , and to main
prices , is objectionable as far as
operates to exclude free competlt
"It can be no justification of
2o-operation of the participants in
Sary dinners that no penalty attac
to a violation of the 'declarations
tually exchanged. The anti-trust
would prevent the enforcement of
penalty for reducing prices or exc
Ing one's share of the business.
"Restraint of competition Is
"hered by the policy of making
greater portion of its profits In
materials while the finished proc
plants make very low profits. The
earning of $13 per ton of finis
products from 1902 to 1910 inclui
; vas divided thus :
"By manufacturing companies , $
ler ton ; coal and coke companies ,
: ents ; iron mining companies , ? 2
; ransportation companies , $1.81 ; i
: ellaneous , 36 cent's. "
Backing up his contention that
Steel corporation controlled 80
: ent. of the steel business Instead
50 per cent , as its officials asset
o former President Roosevelt ,
tfcRae says :
"The total property of the Bet
lem , Cambria , Colorado , Lackawar
'ennsylvanla and Tennessee con
ties , added to the capital stock
'ones & Laughlin ( because statem
if property is not available ) , amoi
id to § 365,768,889 , these companies
ng the only important concerns in
teel business in the United Sta
iutslde of the United States Steel <
loration. This amount added to t
f the United States Steel corporat
quals a grand total of $1,811,606 , :
f which the property account of
Jnlted States Steel corporat
.mounts to $1,445,837,450 , or about
ier cent. "
udge Admits Records of Natio
Company's Meetings as Competcn
Evidence Against Defendants.
Chicago. Federal Judge George
larpenter placed a weapon in
ands of the government when he
ided that records of meetings of
irectors of the National Pack
ompany were competent
gainst the meat packers. Earlier
tie trial the court ruled that th <
scords were admissible only In so
s acts of the corporation were c
Ferdinand Sulzberger , head of '
acking concern of Sulzberger & S (
ompany , was called to the wltm
Land by James M. Sheean , counsel
ie government.
The witness said he knew all 1
efendants. From 1898 to May , 19
e said he attended meetings of 1
ackers where margins and shipmei
ere agreed upon. Arthur Meeker a
sroine H. Pratt attended for Armc
; Co. ; G. F. Swift , now dead ; Fran
. . Fowler , Charles Swift and Geoi
[ artwell for Swift & Co. , and L.
: eyman for Morris & Co.
Railroads Kill 201.
Washington. According to a bul
n issued by the Interstate commei
> mmission 'the number of perse
lied in railroad accidents duri
ly , August and September , 19
as 201 and injured 4,283.
foirty-Two Lives Lost In Shlpwrei
Brussels , Belgium. Dispatches
lived here state that 32 lives w <
st 'when the government steams !
aliverano § foundered on the Kw :
> river on the borders of the B
United States Troops Watch Att
Ready to Cross Border If El F
Is Endangered Thirteen Re
Are Killed in Fight at Tonaya.
El Paso , Tex. The Vasquista re
are now in full possession of Jua
They marched into the town , fii
only one or two volleys and mee
no resistance , except a few shots
reply to their first volley. They <
lured the machine guns that had b
bought to repel the attackers , t
charge of the municipal offices ,
customs house , the barracks , the
and other public buildings.
Mexican Consul E. C. Llorente ol
Paso afterward said the officers
cided not to make resistance to a
complications with the 'United Sta
United States troops patrolled
border at the time the attack
made , apparently ready to enter
rez if El Paso should be endange :
Guadalajara , Mex. Thirteen rel
were killed and many others woun
in a battle with tbe state tro
fought at Tonaya , near San Gabriel
the southern part of the state
Marfa , Tex. The headquarters
the Nelson Morris ranch , oppo
Sierra Blanca , is surounded by ini
? ents , and a battle between Ameri
ranchmen and Mexicans has been
Ing on twelve hours. A band
A-merican cowboys , well armed , h
started southward for the Rio Grai
with the determination to release
rormer Aid of Attorney Confesses
Bribery and Will Turn State's
Los Angelas , Cal. District Atton
Fohn D. Fredericks made the posit
innouncement that Bert H. Frank
'ormer McNamara detective , will
.he state's star witness against Atl
ley Clarence S. Darrow , who
: harged with bribery.
This announcement followed the
ering of a plea of guilty by Franfc
o a charge of corruption and brib
n the Robert Bain case. Frederlt
urther stated that a complete c
ession has been secured from Fra
in , who will take the stand at
rial of Mr. Darrow and tell fully
lis part in the alleged attempt
tribe jurors in the McNamara case
For his complete confession , and
Ight of the fact that the George
jockwood bribery charge still hai
> ver his head , Franklin will be p
aitted to pay a fine of $2,000.
lew York Police Reported to HJ
Trapped Bandits Who Held Up
Bank Messengers.
New York. The continuation of t
pidemic of robberies and holdups
his city was accompanied by repo
tiat Deputy Police Commissiot
tougherty's detectives had closed
et around the perpetrators of t
ensational $25,000 taxicab robbe
'he five men who held up the taxic
ccupled by two bank messengers
hie heart of the financial distr
ave been at large ten days.
/lany / Years Navy Chaplain ; Retir
Washington. Roswell R. Hoes , c
f the twenty-four chaplains in t
avy , was placed on the retired 1
ere on account of age. He was be
i New York and entered the navy
uly , 1882. v
Gehring Wins Mat Bout.
Cleveland , O. Wrestling for t
ilddlewelght championship , Hec
' hiring of Cleveland won the de
Ion over Mike Yokel of Salt La
llty after three hours of hard stn
Decision Holds Reduction of Fr
Rates In South Unlawful BLess
Loss to Railroads.
Washington. Bitternas waste
to the controversy between
interstate commerce commi
and the commerce court as a resi
the court's annulment in a dec
handed down by Judge Archba
the commission's order for a r
tion of certain class freight
from New Orleans to points in
bama and Florida.
The court declares congress i
intended to clothe the commi
with the wide authority It ha
It is further asserted that the i
could discover nothing in the rt
in support of the conclusions ol
commission or to justify the r >
tions in rates that it ordered.
This was the first case argue <
fore the commerce court after it
tablishment , more than a year
[ t proved to be a stubborn procee
and the court took full time fo
It was brought by the Louisvil
Nashville railroad in an effort to
Ify or annul the commission's t
3f reduction.
It was declared In the record t !
the order of the commission f
what , in its opinion , were reasor
rates , were enforced , the loss to
Lxniisville & Nashville would be 5
)00 a year.
Washington Newspaper Dec !
Roosevelt Promised Taft He
Would Not Run.
Washington. The Washington
ling Star displays prominently 01
irst page the following statement
"From sources entirely indepen
) f the White House it is ascerta
.hat the confidence entertained
.he administration and others
Holonel Roosevelt would not be a
lidate against Taft was based
lefinite and repeated statements
Colonel Roosevelt made within a
hat he would not be a candidat
.912 and did not intend to op
President Taft for renomination.
Boston. Although Col. Theo
loosevelt has declared his inten
if making a "straight out fight"
he presidential nomination , he 1 (
le known that he would not be dr
nto personal controversy by the i
int administration.
Colonel Roosevelt repeated his si
nent that he had not taken his i
nt position for personal reasons.
Jnlted States Cruiser Washingtoi
Anchor In Harbor There With
Secretary on Board.
Colon , Panama. The United St
ruiser Washington , with Philande
nox , secretary of state , and pi
n board , anchored in the hai
Yvhen Secretary Knox landed at
uay he was met by a number of pi
lent municipal and government
ials , who extended greetings. A U
rowd of American residents and
gnu of Colon cheered the state se
iry as he stepped on shore.
The secretary of state with his p ;
reveled to the railroad station
tepped aboard the train for Pans
Find Girl Crucified.
Berlin. At a masque ball at P
ord , in Westphalia , a young girl
Dund crucified In the ballroom. 1
elleved that she went into a cata
le trance during a fit of relig ;
rensy and attempted to portray
Aviator Falls 200 Feet ; Unhurt
Sat Bernardino , Cal. Aviator I
ey Crawford of Los Angeles fell
et ! tnd miraculously escaped de
era when his aeroplane became
Nullification of State Statute r
Possible Gigantic Acquisitio
of Lumber.
Washington. Disclosures o
neglect and despoliation of the
pewa Indians on the White Eart
ervation In Minnesota are to b <
before the house of representatn
the result of an investigation
3ucted by Representative Graiu
[ llinois , chairman of the coramitt
sxpenditures In the Interior d
Under the provisions of varioui
passed by congress in the last
rears thousands of the Indians 01
reservation were given timber
af extraordinary value and th <
iuced to sell the timber to pov
lumber companies operating in
= ota.
The lumber concerns were
enabled to carry out their gi §
icquisitlon of timber by a fc
aw nullifying a Minnesota stati
Chairman Graham and Com
nan. Henry George of New Yoi
.urned here from the reserv
ivhere they have been taking evii
n the Inquiry for nearly a EC
They reported the Indians to be
leplorable condition. The comn
vlll hear additional witnesse
vVashlngton and then make a r
o the house.
Senator Gardner of Maine Haste
to Link Business With
Postal Service.
Washington. Senator Gardne
llaine introduced a bill under A
he government would take eve
> roperties of express companies
iperate them as a part of the i
lervlce , extending the service t <
ural delivery. The measure indi
he probable cost of taking eve
> roperties as follows :
Real property , $14,932,169 ; <
nent , $1,381,405 ; materials and
dies , $138,210 ; advance paymen
lontracts , $5,836,663 , and franc )
; oed will , etc. , $10.877,369.
; 39,165,819.
Directs Attorney General to
While Both Houses of Congr
Discuss Matter.
Washington. The Lawrence
trike occupied the attention of
ouses of congress , President
nd Attorney General Wickers
wo resolutions directing an In1
atlon of conditions by federal au
ties were introduced , but no actic
hem was taken.
President Taft. however , at th
uest of Representative Berger , a
Attorney General Wickersham to 1
whether any federal laws had
iolated by officials who prevente
emoval of children from the s
'ormer Fiancee Identifies the C
ant as the Long Missing
Bank Cashier.
St. Louis. The defense in
.Immel mystery case closed
irect testimony with Mrs. Ha
eeson Marston of Canton , O. , a
ier fiancee of Greorge A. Kimme
le last witness. Mrs. Marston 1
ed that she went to Peru , Ind. ,
anuary to see the claimant , who
i a hospital after he had beer
ired in a railroad wreck , and
lentified him as the Kimrnel to w
10 was engaged in 1890.
iETS $75,000 BY MARRY
on of Founder of Hardware 1
Benefits From Estate by
Mansfield , Mass. Charles Coin
Corbin founder of
> n of Philip ,
irdware trust , man-led Mrs. Iv
abbitt of this town today , and tl
ir $75,000 was added to the es
ft him by his father.
The will of the millionaire prov
tat his son was to receive $7J
ore if he married within a year i
inuary 1.
elaware Statesman Says He W
Welcome Any Action Senate
Might Deem Proper.
Washington. Senator Du Ponl
elaware , in the senate voiced a
jnial of the charges against bin
.e resolution introduced by Sen
sed of Missouri , which asked in
Cation of Mr. Du Font's election.
n Pont said he would welcome
: tlon the senate might deem pr <
take. The matter went over.
Brandt Is Freed on Bail.
New York. Folke E. Brandt ,
er valet of Mortimer L. Schiff ,
meed to 30 years' Imprisonment
irglary in the first degree , was
ally released from the Tombs t
itails of his $7,500 bail bond ha
jen adjusted by the Illinois Su
Poland Saved From Split.
6t. Petersburg. The Chclni
hlch provided for the fourth pa
ent of Poland , was defeated ia
Death of Peter Mortensen.
Valley t County. Peter Mortensen ,
long a resident of the state and one
politicians , died at
of the best known
his home at Ord. Mr. Mortensen was
190G. He
state treasurer from 1902 to
came to Nebraska in 1870 , settling In
Valley county , where he held several
thousand acres of land.
Mr. Mortensen had been in feeble
health for some time. On several oc
casions he had been prostrated from
strokes of an apoplectic nature , but
each time he had rallied. He was
able to attend services last Sunday ,
and had been making regular trips to
his bank despite the protests of members
family who believed the
bers of his ,
strain was too much for him. Tuesday
with apoplexy ,
he was again stricken
ind at 4 o'clock succumbed.
Lost in a Blizzard.
Custer County. Mr. and Mrs. R. T
Baker , living a short distance north
of Broken Bow , have received word
that their son Albert , a former resi
dent of Broken Bow , has been
in the snow near Lander , Wyoining7
and , it is feared , frozen to death. From
accounts received it appears that
Baker and a companion , whose name
2ould not be learned , started out of
Lander with a load of telephone poles ,
ind they encountered a
( \fter three days , a searching party
north of
"ound the team twenty miles
Lander , nearly starved , but there
ivas no trace of the men , and the
leep snows prevented a thorough
search of that section.
Are Strong Insurgents.
Cuming County. At the last regu-
ar meeting of the local camp of the
Modern Woodmen of America , West
Point camp No. 1244 , a strong spirit
. The
jf insurgency was
neeting was largely attended and the
irincipal subject of discussion was
.he proposed increase ofj rates adopted
it the Chicago convention. The local
; amp placed itself squarely on record
is being unanimously against the pro-
) osed change of rates , and strongly
lisapproving the same.
York Pastor Dead.
York County. Rev. G. W. Arnold ,
) astor of the United Brethren church ,
lied at his home in York. He came to
fork about four months ago from
Dayton , O. , to take charge of the
ihurch. He was ill when he came and
shortly afterwards had an attack of
Plattsmouth Fireman Killed.
Cass County. While going to the
3urlington round house for his en-
Sine , fireman Tracy A. Graham of
Jlattsmouth was run over by a Bur-
ingtcn switch engine , known as
'Big Dick" and had both legs cut off ,
ind a hole torn in his skull. He died
lefore medical aid could be sum-
Died in Kansas City.
Davv-son County. Dr. E. L. Smith
if Shelton died in Kansas City. lie
vas taken there one week ago for
nedical treatment in a private saui-
arium. Dr. Smith was one of the best
physicians in
: no\vn and prominent
entral Nebraska. ,
Contractor Under Arrest.
Gage County. Samuel Mathews ot
Kansas City , contractor for the new
his assist-
ity waterworks system ,
nt , Claude Price , and an electrician
, 'ere placed under arrest in Beatrice
n a charge of assault by E. C. King ,
former employe. King claimed some
which en-
concerning an
ack wages ,
ounter ensued.
Pioneer Drops Dead.
Gage County. J. G. Allen , a pioneer
esident of Blue Springs , fell dead
rhile engaged in shoveling snow off
lie walk in front of his home. A
eighbor , Earnest Smith , was work-
ig near him and went to his assist-
nce , but found him dead when he
sached his side.
South Auburn is to have a new
igh school costing $10,000.
New Corn Tested Out Poor.
Pawnee County. The boys' agricul-
iral class of the Pawnee City high.
2hool has been testing the corn of
ils community. Corn from seven dif-
irent localities was tested , and the
jsults are anything but gratifying ,
he poorest tested but 3 per cent and
ie highest 95 per cent. . All of this
as 1911 corn. Corn of the years
)10 and 1909 was also tested , the for-
ler averaging 98 per cent and that of
ie latter date testing 71 per cent.
Train Demolished Buggy.
Seward County. What came very
sar being a fatal accident occurred
: the railroad crossing , two miles
mth of Seward , when Burlington
ain No. 41 was nearing town. F. A.
ilsbee , superintendent of the county
.rm , driving a one-horse rir , was
.ruck by the train and throv.n sev-
al feet from the track , but lickily
5 escaped without any' serious in-
iries. The buggy was demolished
it the horse unhurt.
York Will Vote on Franchise.
York County. The city council of
ork at a special meeting 'decided to
ibmit the water franchise proposi-
on to the citizens of York at the elec-
on to be held April 2.
Prominent Nebraskan Dead.
Cuming County. Fred Sonenschein
ed in West Point after an illness of
rer a year. Mr. Sonenchem
red in Cuming county for twenty-fivj
: ars , and was prominent in. its poj
: ical life for many years.