I ; \ THE LEOFTtlCPlAIUS O&y PANDAUU PAQPISH- AUTHOR OF"MY LADY Or THE SOUTH ; * WHEM WILDERNESS WAS KiMof CTC.ETC . v ILLUSTRATIONS By DEARBORN MELViLi vr > : < * SYNOPSIS. Jack Keith , a Virginian , now a bor der plainsman , is looking for roaming war parties of savages. He sees a wagon team at full gallop pursued by men on ponies. When Keith reaches the wagon the raid ers have massacred two men and de parted. He searches the victims finding papers and a locket with a woman's per trait. Keith Is arrested at Carson City , charged with the murder , his accuser be ing a ruffian named Black Bart. A negro companion in his cell named Neb tells him that he knew the Keiths In Virginia Neb says one of the murdered men was John Sibley. the other Gen. Willis Walte. form erly a Confederate officer. The plainsman and N"b escape , and later the fugitives come upon a cabin and find its occupant to be a young girl , whom Keith thinks he saw at Carson City. The girl explains that she Is in search of a brother , who had deserted from the army , and that a. Mr. Hawley induced her to come to the cabin while he sought her brother. Hawley - ley appears , and Keith In hiding recog nizes him as Black Bart. There is a ter rific battle in the darkened room in which Keith is victor. Horses are appropriated , and the girl who says that her name Is Hope. Joins in the escape. Keith explains his situation and the fugitives make for Fort Lamed , where the girl is left with the hotel landlady. Miss Hope tells that she Is the daughter of General Waite. Keith and Neb drift into Sheridan , where Keith meets an old friend. Dr. Falrbam. Keith meets the brother of Hope Waite. under the assumed name of Fred Wil- loughby. and becomes convinced that Black Bart has some plot involving the two. Hope learns that Gen. Waite. who was thought murdered , is at Sheridan , and goes there , where she Is mistaken for Christie Maclaire. the Carson City singer. Keith meets the .real Christie Maclaire and finds that Black Bart has convinced her that there is a mystery In her life which ho is going to turn to her advan tage. The plainsman tells Hope Waite of her resemblance to Christie Maclaire. They decide that Fred Willoughby may hold the key to the situation. Keith finds Willoughby shot dead. Hope Is told of the death of her brother. Keith fails to learn what representations Black Bart has made to Christie Maclaire. Hope suggests that in order to learn the secret she must briefly impersonate the stage singer. CHAPTER XXVII. ( Continued. ) "Certainly not At first it struck me as altogether wrong , but the more I think of it the stronger it appeals to me. It may reveal to us the whole conspiracy , and I cannot believe Hawley - ley would venture upon any gross familiarity likely to cost him the good opinion of his ally. There is too much at stake. Wait here , Hope , and I will he back the very moment I learn all that is necessary. " A glance at the office clock con vinced Keith that , in all probability. Miss Maclaire had not , as yet , de parted for the scene of her evening triumph. Still , it could not be long before she would , and he lit a cigar , sitting down in a corner partially concealed by the clerk's desk to wait her appearance. This required longer than anticipated , and fearing lest he might have missed the departure en tirely , he was about to question the busy Thomas , when he beheld Hawley enter hurriedly from the street and run up the stairs. He , then , had been the laggard. All the better , as he would now have no opportunity to un fold his tale to the lady , as it would be necessary for them to hurry to the theater. Whatever the nature of the revelation it would have to wait until the walk home. The excitement of the adventure was already creeping into Keith's blood , his pulse quicken ing. ing.The The two returned almost immedi- ateb' , conclusively proving that Miss Maclaire , fully dressed for the street , had been awaiting the arrival of her gallant with some impatience. Hawley ivas busily explaining his delay as they came down the stairs , and paid Mttle attention to the seemingly de serted office. Indeed , Miss Christie monopolized all his thoughts. With quick scrutiny the watcher noted the more conspicuous articles of apparel constituting her costume the white mantilla thrown over her head , the neatly fitting blue dress , the light cape covering the shoulders surely It would not be difficult to duplicate t.hese , so as to pass muster under the dim light of the streets. Far enough in their rear to feel safe from observation - " vation he followed , noting with in creased pleasure the rapidity with which they covered the required dis tance. Clearly Miss Christie was al ready nervous lest she have not suf ficient time remaining in which to properly dress for her act , and there vould be no exchange of confidences on the outward journey. Hawley left her , as Keith anticipated , at the stage entrance , the lady hastening within. Her escort strolled leisurely back to the front of the house , and finally , purchasing a ticket , entered , the per- iormance already having begun. Keith knew perfectly the arrange ment of the theater the seats in Iront ; tables all through the center ; a gallery filled with benches ; a noisy orchestra beneath the stage ; a crowd ed audience of men. with only here nnd there a scattered representative of the gentler sex ; busy waiters dodg- .Inft in and out among the tables , and cwn the aisles , filling orders lor .liquids from the nearby saloon. The * * urt would be pungent with the odor -of 'drink , thick with the fumes of to bacco , and noisy with voices , except as some special favorite on the stage won temporary attention. The Troca- tiero possessed but one redeeming feature no doorway connected stage .nd auditorium , and the management brooked no interference with his artists. It bad required some nerve ( Copyright. A. C. 1 to originally enforce this rule , togeth er with a smart fight or two , but at this period it was acknowledged and respected. No sooner had Hawley vanished than Keith found occasion to enter into casual conversation with the door-keeper , asking a number of questions , and leaving impressed upon the mind of that astute individ ual the idea that he was dealing with a "gent" enamored of one of the stage beauties. A coin slipped quietly into the man's hand served to deepen this impression , and unlocked discreet lips otherwise sworn to secrecy. Out of much general information a little of real value was thus extracted Miss Maclaire's act began at 9:45 and was over promptly at 10:10. It re quired about twenty minutes more for her to change again into . street clothes , and she usually left the thea ter immediately after , which would be about 10:30. Yes , there was a vesti bule outside the stage door , and on bad nights , those waiting for the la dies could slip in there. But on such a night as this they generally hung around outside. No , there was no watchman , but the manager was fre quently prowling around. He'd be busy , however , at 10:30 , getting the stage ready for the "Flying Her- & Co. . 1910. ) with honesty now ? " he protested , a lit tle hurt by the bantering tone. "Of course you have ; I merely talk lightly to keep my courage up. You can have no idea ow afraid .1 am. " "Then you are truly an actress , tor you appear the picture of enjoyment. But we must go , or Hawley will be there before us. and thus spoil all our plans. " They passed out through the office together , seeing no one familiar to either , Hope keeping her face par tially concealed. The east side of the street was less frequented than the other , having fewer saloons along Its way , and they chose its darkness. As they advanced , the long habit of fron tier life caused Keith to glance be hind before they had progressed a block , and he was thus made aware that they were being 'followed. Con versing lightly , and without a word to alarm the girl , he managed to ob serve every movement of the dimly outlined figure which advanced with them , timing every motion to theirs. Long before they crossed the street to the Trocadero he was convinced there was no mistake the fellow , whoever he might be , was trailing them. Keith smiled grimly to himself , resolving that as soon as he had left A JPl "Yes , You Can Get Up. I Reckon You're Beginning to See Clearer , Ain't You ? " manns. " Abundantly satisfied and re sisting the door-keeper's professional suggestion that he'd better buy a ticket and take a look at the show , Keith slipped away , and hastened back to the hotel. The more he investi gated the more feasible appeared the girl's plan , and he was now fully com mitted to it. CHAPTER XXVIII. The Stage Door of the Trccadero. Hope discovered very little difficulty in duplicating the outer garments Keith reported Miss Maclaire as wear ing. The colors , indeed , were not ex actly the same , yet this difference was not sufficient to be noticeable at nignt by the eyes of a man who had no rea son to suspect deceit. The girl was In a flutter of nervous excitement as she hastened about the room , donning her fev' requirements of masquerade , yet Keith noted with appreciation that she became perceptibly cooler as the moment of departure approached. With cheeks aflame and eyes spark ling , yet speaking with a voice re vealing no falter , she pressed his arm and declared herself prepared for the ordeal. The face under the shadow of the mantilla was so arch and piquant , Keith could not disguise bis admiration. "Am I Christie Maclaire ? " she asked laughingly. "Sufficiently so to fool our friend. " be returned , "but 1 am ready to swear that lady never looked so charming. " "A compliment , and spoken as though you really meant it. " "Have 1 not been honest enough with you in the past to bti credited the lady he would teach the spy a les son not soon to be forgotten. They barely entered the outer circle of the Trocadero lights , noting a group of men thronging about the doors , and hearing the sound of the band \vithln , and then turned swiftly down the nar row dark alleyway leading toward the stage entrance. Keith , having been there before , advanced confidently , but Hope , her heart beating wildly , clung to his arm , scarcely venturing a word in reply to his whispered assurances. Fortunately they encountered no one , and Keith , feeling cautiously in the dark , easily succeeded in locating the opening to the vestibule. Listening intently he became convinced that no one occupied the little shed. He had intended to remain with the girl until the time came for her to emerge , buT the remembrance of that figure dogging them all the way from the hotel now caused a change of plan. He held her hand closely clasped in his. "Now , Hope , I am going to leave you , " he whispered , "and your own wit will have to carry you through. 1 know you will play your part all right , and it will be mine to wait for Chris tie , and give her some explanation of why Hawley failed to meet her as he promised. It will never do for her to suspect , until you have time to learn all possible. You are not afraid ? " "Yes. 1 am , " clinging to him. "but but I am going through it just the same. " "The truest kind of courage , ray phi. Now slip Inside , but hold the door ajar. Hawley will certainly be here within ten minutes , and you must join him at once , or else the other might appear. You can judge as to its being him even In this darkness. Good-bye. " The longing to clasp her In his arms , to speak the language of nis heart , was almost overwhelming , yet the memory of that figure slinking along behind them , and the brief time before Hawley's probable appearance , for he would leave the theater at the conclusion of Miss Maclaire's act , re strained all demonstration. This was a moment for action , not for words of love ; no delay should hazard the suc cess of their undertaking. He heard the slight creak of the door as the girl slipped within the concealment of the vestibule , and then be glided away through the darkness with the stealthy silence of an Indian. There was no one in the alley-way , which was narrow and easily explored , out the glow from the front windows plainly revealed , the shadow of a man near the entrance , and Keith slipped up toward him , hugging the side of the building for concealment , prepared to resort to harsh measures. As he reached out , gripping the astonished loiterer by the collar , they stared at one another in surprise , and the grip ping hand as instantly released its hold. "You , Fairbaln ! What the devil does this mean ? What are you spying on us for ? " Clearly taken aback , yet not greatly disturbed , his eyes showing pugnaci ous and his jaw set , the Doctor rubbed his throat where Keith's knuckles had left a red welt "Damn you , I think I'm the one to ask for an explanation , " he growled. "She said she was not going with you. and now you are around here together at this hour. I had a right to know whether 1 was being played with like that. " "But , man. that was not Miss Mac laire I was with ; it was Hope Waite. Come back here under the tent Hap while I explain. " Fearful of the coming of Hawley he fairly dragged the portly figure of the bewildered Doctor with him. striving , by quickly spoken words , to make him comprehend the situation. Knowing previously something of the issues involved , it was not difficult to make Fairbain grasp the meaning of this present movement , yet his sym pathies were at once enlisted upon the side of Miss Christie. He'd be damned if he would have any part in such a scheme if she had a right to the money he'd help her get it it was a cowardly trick , and he'd fight if nec essary , to keep her from becoming a victim. His voice rose , his arms brandishing violently , his sentences snapping like rifle shots. Keith an gered , and fearful of a discovery which would leave Hope exposed , real ized the futility of discussion and turned to physical force. Grasping the gesticulating man with both hands , he flung him backward and dragged him into the empty tent , kneeling on him as he throttled him to the earth. "Now. Doctor , you listen to me. " he said sternly "I'm through arguing. 1 hate to treat you like this , for you are my friend , but I'll not stand for inter- terence here. Do you get that , you old fool ? Lie still until I get through ! 1 respect your feelings toward Miss Maclaire. She is a good girl , and I hope to heaven you get her if you \vant her. But you never will if you permit this affair to go on. Yes. 1 know what I am talking about. In all that Hope and I do we are serving you and Christie dur only fight is with Black Barf Hawley. Stop being a bullet-headed old fool. Fairbain. and understand this thing. Lie still. I tell you , and hear me out ! Hawley is a liar , a thief , and a swindler. There s a swindle in this thing somewhere , ind he hopes to pull out a big sum of money from it. He is merely using Christie to pull his own chestnuts out jf the fire. She is innocent ; we real- ze that , but this fellow is going to niin the girl unless we succeed in ex- oosing him. He's not only involving aer in his criminal conspiracy , but ae's making love to her ; he's teaching aer to love him. That's part of his scheme , no doubt , for then she will be so much easier handled. I tell you. Fairbain , your only chance to ever yin the interest of Christie Maclaire s to help us down this fellow Haw- ey. Yes. you can sit up ; 1 reckon , 'ou're beginning to 'see clearer , ain't rou ? " ( TO BE CONTINUED. ) Old Parliamentary Usages. Members of the British parliament 10 longer howl down each other with mitations from the farmyard and the uenagerie. One of these early nine- eenth century scenes is thus described scribed"One honorable member icar the bar repeatedly called out road' to the members endeavoring to iddress the house. At repeated inter nals a sort of drone like humming , saving the sound of a distant hand or- jan or bagpipes issued from the back ) enches , with coughing , sneezing and ngeniously extended yawning blend- > d with other sounds. A single voice rom the ministerial benches imitated rery accurately the yelp of a kenneled lound. " INCREASE IN NUMBER OF AMERICANS GOING TO CANADA Although Western Canada suffered , as did many other portions of the west , from untoward conditions , which turned one of the most promising crops ever seen In that country , into but little more than an average yield of all grains , there is left in the farmers' hands , a big margin of profit. Of course there were many farmers who were fortunate enough'to harvest and market a big yield , and with the prices that were secured made hand some returns. From wheat , oats , bar ley and flax marketed to the 1st of January , 1912 , there was a gross rev enue of $75,384,000. The cattle , hogs , poultry and dairy proceeds brought this up to $101,620,000 or 21 million dollars in excess of 1910. There was still in the farmers' hands at that time about 95 million bushels of wheat worth at least another sixty-five mil lion dollars ( allowing for inferior grades ) , besides about 160 million bushels of oats to say nothing of bar ley and flax , which would run into sev eral million of dollars. There is a great inrush of settlers to occupy the vacant lands through out Manitoba , Saskatchewan and Al berta. The reports from the Govern ment show that during the past year upwards of 131,000 Americans crossed the border into Canada. A great many of these took up farms , over ten thou sand having homesteaded , in fact the records show that every state in the "Union contributed. A larger number , not caring to go so far away as the homesteading area , have purchased lands at from fifteen dollars an acre to * twenty-five dollars an acre. The prospects for a good crop for 1912 are as satisfactory as for many years. The land has had sufficient moisture , and with a reasonably early spring , it is safe to predict a record crop. Those who have not had the latest literature sent out by the Government agents should send to the one nearest , and secure a copy. FOR HIS OWN PLEASURE. Terry Casey What's the matter , Jerry ? What are you running for ? Jerry Lacey ( messenger hey ) It's all right , Terry ! I'm off duty now ! CHILD'S HEAD A MASS OF HUMOR "I think the Cutlcura remedies are the best remedies for eczema I have ever heard of. My mother had a child who had a rash on its head when it was real young. Doctor called It baby rash. He gave us medicine , but it did no good. In a few days the head was a solid mass , a running sore. It was awful ; the child cried continually. We had to hold him and watch him to keep him from scratching the sore. His suffering was dreadful. At last we remembered Cuticura Remedies. We got a dollar bottle of Cuticura Rej j solvent , a box of Cuticura Ointment , and a bar of Cuticura Soap. We gave the Resolvent as directed , washed the head with the Cuticura Soap , and ap plied the Cuticura Ointment. We had j not used half before the child's head ! was clear and free from eczema , and j it has never come back again. His i head was healthy and he had a beau tiful head of hair. I think the Cuti cura Ointment very good for the hair , j J It makes the hair grow and prevents , . falling hair. " ( Signed ) Mrs. Francis , ' Lund , Plain City , Utah , Sept. 19 , 1910. ' Although Cuticura Soap and Oint- inent are sold everywhere , a sample of each , with 32-page book , will be mailed free on application to "Cuti- 2ura , " Dept. L , Boston. Unpleasant Suggestion. j He My dear , I really must cut down expenses. She Then if you want to cut them town you have to stop cutting up your self. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate md invigorate stomach , liver and bowels. Sugar-coated , tiny granules , easy to take. > o not gripe. Time is incalculably long , and every lay is a vessel into which very much nay be poured , 'if one will really fill t up. Goethe. - PIIVES CURED IX 6 TO 14 DATS ronrdrngKiit "HI relund money if PA2O OINT MENT fails to cure any case of Itching , Blind , Heeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to li days. We. He is a brave man who will face he parson with a short haired woman. All things come more quickly to him , vho tips the waiter. ' 'ARMS FOR RENT OR SALE OX CROP layments. J. MUL.HAL.Li. Sioux City. la. ; Many a high flyer has no knowledge . S tf aerial navigation. B Evil of Idleness. Work develops all the good there IB in a man ; idleness all the evil. Work sharpens all his faculties and makes him thrifty ; idleness makes him lazy and a spendthrift. Work surrounds a man with those whose habits are industrious and honest ; in such so ciety a weak man develops strength , ' and a strong man is made stronger. Idleness , on the other hand , is apt to throw a man into the company of men. whose object in life is usually the pursuit of unwholesome and demoraliz ing diversions. Darius Ogden Mills. The Car. Knicker Thought Jones bought a runabout. Becker Yes , but after the bills came in he called it a runup. Few people would jump at conclu sions if they could see their finish. Sioux City Directory "Hub of the Northwest. " Co. Sionx la. Davidson Bros. . , City , . WE HAVE just added a piano department to our great establish ment. We sefl pianos on the same basis as other lines from 100 to $150 saved on any instru ment. We carry a full line of pianos , piano players , Victor and Edison Phonographs. Write for our piano price list and other information pertaining to pianos. ROGKLIN & LEHMAN FLORISTS SSCUX CITY IOWA Fresh Cut Flowers & Floral Emblems OF ALL DESCRIPTION ON SHORT NOTICE. Order by Mail , Telephone or Telegraph. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Soda Fountains and supplies. We sell them. Chesterman Co. , Dept. F , Sioux City , la. For Sale ENGINE One 3 H. P. Steam Engine , run about six mo. Perfect condition , at a bargain. Haller Bros. Auto Tire Repair Co. , 621 PearlSt. , Sioux City.Ia. HUMPHREYS STEAM DYE WORKS LARGEST IN WEST DRY CLEANING & DYE1N6 OUR SPECIALTY 517 PIERCE STREET SIOUX CITY , IOWA people to Stndy Gregg Shorthand , Tele graphy and Bookkeep ing. Individual Instruc tions. Itwill pay you towrite for booklet. NAT'L BUSINESS TRAINING SCHOOL. Sioux City. la. THE BRICK WITH A NAME Manufactured by SIOUX CITY BRICK & TILE WORKS For Sale by Your Lumberman our catalogs of Stringed Instruments and Strings , Band Instruments , Sheet Music , Talking Machines , Everything in Music and Records. Address Pioneer Music House. 315 4th St. . Sioux City. la. PEERLESS CHICK FOOD PEERLESS POULTRY FOOD AKRON MILLING CO. , Sioux City , la. 4 h. p. single cylinder magneto S200. i J [ 4 improvements , with free engine clutch , no xtra charge. W.H.Knight,2194thSLSiouxCity.la. ffOOLFSOH'S STEAM DYE WORKS Suits cleaned and pressed for Express paid one way. 6th & 5J5 W , 7th , Sioux City , la. Jl REPAIRING Prices Right Work Guaranteed JO Per Cent Off our repair list on all Retreads md Tube repairing to March 15. Write forlist. Cell-/- Springfield Tires Auto Accessories. HALLER BROS. AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO. 521 Pearl Street Sioux City , Iowa 5wanson's Factory Rebuilts year-Iron-clad guarantee. Remington 535 , , . C. Smith 545 , Underwood J15 , Smith Premier 35. A large stock to select from. Shipped .nywhere on approval. B. F. SWAXSON IO3IPANY. Department D , Sioux City , Iowa. f' IV 7ORD , MODEL T High in Quality Low in Price ocring Car $690 Runabouts $590 'ully Equipped F. O. B. Detroit. Write jr new 1912 catalogue. It's interesting rM. WARNOCK COMPANY , Sionz City , Iowa CURED IN Without Hypodermic Injections by the EVE Write for Indorsements and Booklets. MEAL INSTITUTE 1625 Douglas Street IOUX CITY IOWA HODY BRQTHERS.PROPRIETORS