Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 29, 1912, Image 5

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    This is the Can
Remember it and when you
order billing poivdcr , insist
upon getting Health Club.
sells for a cent an ounce.
That's the honest anti-trust
price for this highest grade
baking powder. 10c-15c-25c
cans at good grocers.
Layton Pure Food Company
East St. Louis , III.
Hereford Hulls for
Rale Htall timp.s of the . \par.
Simeon Nebraska
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
orrtl Merchandise
v ' PHONE 125
Hull & Oith. Valentine , Nehr.
F. H. Waicott Oliver M. Walcott
Walcott & Walcott
PraelU-e In'.ori' U. S. Liiiitl Ollk-e and nil
Federal and State courts.
Valentine - -
Office front n "m , second story ,
fiver T. C1 HiMiib.x's stop' . Main
Btreeci.e.ntranc i.
Valentine Nebraska
Dr. M. F. Meer ,
Kni'ips - \ < -v K < ' ( ! Front
Valentine - Nebr ,
Dr. D. W. Sumner
Hornby Building
Phone No. 173.
Valentine Lodge No. 70 ,
A. O. U. W.
Meets 1M and 81 d Mondny ID ench
month nt Fni'ernal FIsill. All
Brelbern me cordially invitpd to he
prej-etit ALBERT PEIJB. . M w-
TAMES < . QUIGLEY , Recorder.
Felch's Restaurant and
Lunch Counter
Come to my new location in the
old Morey building.
Home Cooking
Highest Cash Price
E At Mrs. Moon's old MODCV
stand , Lockwood Bldj. ftlUKtl
Da You Want a Bargain in
Town Property ?
1 have thriM1 ' - 'hil ' arc
bargains and I am ir in to sell
them At a b rjjain to someone who
has a few hundf cd dollars
I want to build H { food building
fora printinir fnVtrul U5" wp'l '
propertv c ie-ip. toiin-r * out. my
Come a d S > P - me on , an.kind .
r f a prnperiv d a I. I want , money
11' ' t ! Ve bii > Value for it ,
1. M. RICK ,
Remnant sale at the Red Front.
\V T. IVrLins has bought the
. and leased the
funiis-liir.g- Chicago
Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Jeff era of
ot. FrniK-i.s , Kan. , me here visiting
Dr. Lewis relurned from Ari
zona and reports Alfred very much
improved and out driving every
da\ .
I. M. Rice is back in the sanc
tum of ' 1 he Valentine Democrat ,
and the paper smiles beautifully
in consequence. Ikey is a good
newspaper man. Star-Journal.
Wanted ! "Representative , gen
tleman or huh' , yearly income § 1500
to $5000. An entirely new high
class proportion. Call March 7th
at the Donoher hotel.
O. II. Swingle , an old time
' friend and fellow school teacher
f \e editor in Riley county , Ivan ,
and < R. Lawon , , T. E. Shackel-
ford of the southwest part of this
ountv , wore attending court and
enrolled for The Democrat.
The Valentine debating team ,
as mentioned last week , went down
to AtUii'B'Hi , accompanied by
Snpt. Eaton and Judge Quiglev ,
and debased Friday night , result
ing in a tie. A fourth judge was
called in and IIP decided in favor
of Atkinson.
M ? . Will < lark-son entertained
tl > p 1 adicof the Presbyterian aid
WYdne-'lay afternoon. A splen-
H < 1 tvoroiirse luncheon was serv
ed. Folded in each napkin was
an announcement card announcing
the marriage of Vivian M. Clark-
son to August J. Jennejj.'hn ,
Aprils , 1912.
Took at The Red Fr.ont. adver
tisement of a ' 'Surprise Sale" in
rhipaper. . It is something new
in the line of advertising and a
'ei'Jirtnrc ' from the ordinaiy. You
will appn ciate the values offered
at thi > sale when you see the qual
ity with your own eyes. Extreme
ly oood va'ues ' will be offered
ea--h iveok.
James Hover of Oo-ly was given
a divorce from Vivan Bnyer of
Mbion. who had since supposedly
married Harry Doggett , and later
Charles Keynoldsson , into whose
home she introduced Doggett as
Ad U'olrnst , a friend , and he
moved in with the family. liey-
nold-'on u as also present here and
h-'a a s-in ilar suit pending at Al
The court tr'ed several cases of
minor interest this week , but of
the more inteiesting Joe Kreycik
wa * given a verdict against the
( ) . ifc N. W. for killing nine head
of c * ttta two years ago. The pet
it j"i-y w is 'iscliarged ' today. A
special tern'i of court is contem
plated in June to take up grand
jury in'iitm"Uts. . The grand jury
; is very bu-y disposing of numer-
before them.
( ou ? > cases coming
J The court house is jammed full of
people all day long , surging this
way and tint with each case of
interest. Eunice Murphy and Miss
W.-ed are in town , Barry . Heath
was lirought back last \veek from
Lincoln and the Sellers murder
case will be taken up probably
next week , the jury wishing to dis
pose of the cases of minor im
portance first. The session may
last two weeks or longer. Attorn-
j cy Scattergood represents the at
torney general before the grand
jury and Wallace McDonald is
special bailiff.
Opening ; Sale.
A traveling representative will
be at The R ° .d Front to take orders
f'-r Made-to-Measure Aten'a
ers ' - - -
Suits , Trousers and Overcoats.
t This will give you an opportunity
to see large samples of 1 - yard
1 each , instead of our book samples.
U-.ive V'Ui- measure taken now and ;
the garment will be delivered -
whene\erou want it. Remem
ber one day only , Tuesday , March
12 , at Tlit Ked Front.
New pictures every other night.
O'chesha Music on Monday's and
ThiMs < ln' > . Show at 8:1 : tfiar'p.
Admission l < ce 'tw ' 5tf
For rheumatism you will find nothing
"better than Chamberlain's Liniment ,
y it and see how qnioijyf it
Farmers Can Secure Seed
Corn in Nebraska.
So many requests have come
frona farmers all ever the state as
to where good seed corn can be
found that the bureau of publicity
of the commercial club of Omaha
has collected a list of Nebraska
farmers and dealers who declare
they have good seed corn and are
willing to sell it to those not so
The following gentlemen give
the amount and state the percent
age of germination. This corn ,
however , is not guaranteed by the
commercial club and purchasers
should insist on a guarantee from
the seller. The list is offered
simply for the convenience of Ne
braska farmers. They can get in
direct communication with those
who offer the corn and make their
own terms. The list is :
Lee Smith & Sons , DeSoto , Xeb. ,
2200 bushels , germinating 1K > per
cent ; Aye Bros. , Blair. , 500 bu. ,
93 percent , 1000 bu. , SS percent ,
459 bu. , 92 percent , 1000 bu. , 90
parcent , 400 bu. , 92 percent ;
Slelk & Denker , Phillips , 500 bu. ,
93 percent , 900 bu. , 90 percent ;
Fred Echtencamp , Arlington , 2000
bu. , 90 percent or better , Frank
J. Rist , Humbolt , "Neb. , 300 bu.
90 to 95 percent ; Wm. Stelk , sr. .
Grand Island , 300 bu , 90 percent ;
VVolcott & Badger , Central City ,
85 per cent ; E , E Blodgett , 50
bu. , 99 percent ; Thos. Lahners ,
Belvidere , 2000 bu. old corn which
grew all right last year ; W. W.
Gridley , Humbolt. 1000 bu. , test
under way ; G W. Hudson. Pa-
pillion , 150 bu. , 90 percent ; C. F.
Roberts , Lewellen , 500 bu. , 90
percent ; F. W. flail , Monroe ,
1000 bu. , 86 90 percent ; J. C.
Robinson Seed Co „ Waterloo , 85
percent ; Chauncey P. Coy & Son ,
Waterloo , 90 percent ; Harrison
Mundhenke. Milford , 1000 bu. ,
1910 crop ; Wm. Kay ton , Lyons ,
250 bu ; E J. Chambers , Fender ,
1500 bu. , 90 percent ; W. H. Mill
er , Ft. Calhoun , 100 bu. , 92 per
cent ; Arker & Keeker , Cedar
Bluffs , 95 per cent.
White Clay Precinct.
The weather has been unsettled
since groundhog day. lie must
have decided whether or not he
saw his shadow.
Chester Sorensen has been haul
ing p'osts all week for John Leh
J. 0. Apian went to town last
Thursday with a load or wood and
returned Friday with his son ,
Frankie , who will visit a couple
of days on the ranch ,
Miss Emma Wellnitz is home
again and on the whooping cough
C. L. Hopper was doing some
trading in town last Friday.
Some of the neighbors called at
the home of Fred Wellnitz Friday
evening and spent several hours
socially , all having a good time.
G. P. Humphreys went to town
Friday and his daughter , Mary ,
and Miss Alma Wellnitz returned
with him to visit the home folks
over Sunday.
For Sale.
1 Belgian stallion , dark brown ,
five year's old , has been inspected
and 0. K'd. sound , also register
papers O. K'd , weight 1750 , and
could be made to weigh 1800 or
better. He is a sure foal getter
and have good colts to show. Also
a few mares in foal to him. Also
some young stock and 3 mules
coming four years old this sum
mer. Will sell reasonable.
Call Phone No. 20 , on Line 210
Ainsworth , Nebraska. 5-4
Relieves gas in stomach , distres.
after rating , stomach nervousness
dizziness , headache , heartburn ,
heart palpitation and other ail
ments oause'd by faulty digestion.
Price 25c. Prepared by United
Drug Company , Boston , Mass.
Spld in Valentine only by G. A.
Chapman ; The R'exall Store *
Old Crow , All Leading
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
( j-uclien- Under the
heimer Supervision
liye of the
Whiskeys. U. S. Gov.
plso handle the Budweiser Beer.
Many Cathartics Tend to
Cause Injury to the
If you are subject to constipa-
t'on , you should avoid strong
drugs and cathartics They onl.\
give temporary relief and their
reaction is harmful and sometimes
more annoying than constipation
They in no way effect a cure ami
their tendency is to weaken the al
ready weak organs with which
they come in contact.
We honestly believe that we
have the beifc constipation treat
ment ever devised. Oar faith in
it is strong that we sell it on the
positive guarantee that it shall not
cost the u er a cent if it does not
give entire satisfaction and com
pletely remedy constipation. This
preparation is called liexall Order
lies. These are prompt , soothing ,
and most effective in action. They
are made of a recent chemical dis
co very . < Their principal ingredi
ent is odorless , tasteless and color
less. Combined with other well-
known ingredients , long establish
ed for their usefulness in the
treatment of constipation , it forms
a tablet which is eaten just like
candy. They may be taken at
any time , either day or night ,
without fcar of their causing any
inconvenience whatever. They do
not gripe , purge , nor cause nau
sea. They act without causing
any pain or excessive looseness of
the bowels. They are ideal for
children , weak , delicate person0 ,
and aged people , as well as for the
most hearty person.
They come in three size pack
age * , 12 tablets 10 cents : 36 tab-
lets 25 cents ; 80 tablets 50 cents.
Remember , you can obtain them
only at our store The Rexall
Store. Capman , The Druggist.
If in need of wind mills or wa
ter tanks call on E. Breuklander
None better made. 42-1 f
For Sale : Store building north
of and adjoining Donoher hotel.
§ 2250 , § 500 cash , balance § 50 per
month like rent , or will rent.
Inquire of Charles Sparks or
Louise M. Webb , Geneva , Neb.
Pay up now at Si 00 in advance.
Send in a few dollars and we'll
credit you up and send you a re
ceipt. Do this before May 1st to
secure the dollar rate in advance.
Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to
visit Wood Lake the first Monday
and Tuesday of each month to do
dental work. 19tf
Ten per cent discount on made
to measure , spring and snmner
c ats , suits , dresses and skirts un
til Feb. 24 , at The Red Front.
"VVtiy Ho "Was Late.
"What made you so late ? "
"I met Smithson. "
"Well , that is no reason -why yoi
tnould be an hour late getting home tt.
ouppor. "
"I know , tint I ns ed him htfw ho Vras
feeltngj and he insisted on felling v3
about his stomach trouble. "
"Did you toll him to take Chamber
Iain's Tablets ? "
"Sure , that is what ho needs * " Sok
by al
By the Meal Day or Week
Short Orders at all Hours.
Two Blocks East of Main Street on Catherine
Certain Ingredients That
Really Promote Hair
Growth When
Properly Co.m =
Resorc'n is one of the most c f
fective destroyers ever discovered
by science , and in connection with
Beta Napthol , with is both genni-
cidal and antiseptic , a combination
is formed whicli destroys the
germs which rob the hair of its
natural nourishment , and also cre
ates a clean , healthy condition of
the scalp , which prevents the de
velopment of new germs.
Pilocarpin , although not a color
ing matter or dye , is a well-known
ingredient for restoring the hair to
its natural color , when the loss of
hair has been caused by a disease
of the scalp.
These ingredients in proper
combination , with alcohol added
as a stiraulent and for its well-
defined nourishing properties ,
perfect perhaps the most effective
remedy that is known for scalp
and hair troubles.
\Ve have a remedy which is
chiefly composed of these ingred
ients , in combination with other
extremely invaluable medicinal
agents. We guarantee it to posi
tively cure dandruff and to grow
hair , even though the scalp in
spots is bare of hair. If there is
any vitality left in the roots , it
will positively cure baldness , or
we will refund your money. If
the scalp has a glazed , shiny ap
pearance , it's an indication that
baldness is permanent , but in oth
er instances we believe baldness
is curable.
We want every one troubled
with scalp disease or loss of hair
to try Rexall k93" Hair Tonic.
If it does not cure dandruff and
grow hair to the satisfaction of
the user , we will without questioner
or quibble return every cent paid
us for it. We print this guaran-j
tae on every bottle. It has effected - '
ed a positive cure in 93 per cent of
cases where put to a practical
Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic is en
tirely unlike , and we think , in ev
ery particular , better than any
thing else we know of for the pur
pose for which it is prescribed.
We urge you to try this preparation - '
tion at our entire risk. Certainly
we know of no better guarantee' '
tn give you. Remember , you can
obtain Rexall Remedies in Valen
tine only at our store Th Raxall
store. Chapman , The Druggist. I
- - - -
if" XSSs > 5 'fPldiir 9tfU
Copyricht 1909 , br C E Zimmeman Co. No. 39N
LN order to furnish
iproper banking' protection ,
| President Lincoln and his
first congress established
the National Bank which
operates under government
From time to time addi
tional laws have been
passed under the different
presidents shown above
strengthening the protec
tion a National Bank af
Thus the confidence and
security that comes with
the possession of money
in the bank is greatly en
hanced when it is in a Na
tional Bank , for here it
has safe-guard
every pos
sible for human ingenuity
to devise.
In selecting a bank in which
to deposit your savings or
surplus funds the one thing
to be considered is safety ,
and we ask for your busi
ness only on the basis of ab
solute safety. Call at our
bank and let us explain to
you how safe your money
is here.
First National Bank
Valentine , Nebraska
St. Nicholas' Church.
Services will be held in ih
Catholic church as follows :
In Nenzel on Sunday , Feb. 25 ,
at 10 a. ra.
la Valentine on Sunday , Mar. o.
1st Mass it 8 a. ra.
2nd Mass at 10 a. ra.
Benediction of the Blessed sac
rament after Mass.
Instruction for the children at
3 p. ra.
During Lent every Friday eve
ning at 7 p. m. , devotions , rosary ,
stations of the cross and benedic
LEO M. BLAERE , Rector.
Highest cash price paid for Call for Estimates
Anything yoy have to sell. Phones 187 and 16 $
Valentine Furniture Exchange
We buy and sell New and Second Hand Furnitnre ,
Carpets and Stoves ,
Valentine1 , box 348 KetinfcY *