Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 29, 1912, Image 1

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27 , .No. 8 VALENTINE , NEBR. , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 29 , 1912. per year.
n I
lo our newoe
\ for spring. Kab&y , neat [
suits for the Mule fellows.
New patterns for the older
boys. Prices range from
.75 * > $ i
| E Largest Line of Post Cards in the City.
* wv
Front Hardware Co.
Headquarters For Electrical Supplies
We handle the
Electric and Power Washing
Machines and Pumping Engines
ectric Wiring , Flijinbing , and i
GUI' Specialties.
Red Front Hardware Co
W < > ir * i" -
$ B3S 120
Many mixtures are offered as
substitutes for Royal. No other
baking powder is the same in
composition or effectiveness , erse
so wholesome and economical ,
nor will make such fine food.
Royal is the only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Cottage Grove Restaurant
EdmLnd Uerber , Prop.
First Class Meals and Short Orders
Board by the dry or week. . Ticket good for twenty *
one mcalir $ ,5C. Coni Lo the C < Urge Grove Res =
for ft "ttui.
Cecil I5 mi's v as in town Satur
Get THE DEMOCRAT now for
§ 1.00 in advance until May 1.
Ainsworth voted watpr bonds
last week in the sum of $21,000.
St Miry's G.iild will
meet caturday with Mrs.
The ladies improvement club
will meet next Thursday al 2 p.m.
Dan Barnes , J. W. Carpenter
and Allen P. Forgy came in Sat
urday night.
Henry D < jtgen renewed for The
Democrat Monday while in town
attending court.
A B. Cameron of Tripp county
WHS in town last , Friday and Satur
day visiting at Rev. Wells' home
E Bonnen was in town from
Rosebud several days this week
visiting friends. He's drilling
wells up there.
Services next Snndav miming
an < l evening at , St John's church.
Choir rehearsal Saturday evening
at 7 o'clock.
Lost , Saturday , in Valentine , a
pe rl belt pin , \ * 5t' ' large pearl
settings Mix Lucy Metzger ,
Valentine , Nb
Andr < w .Tm-'l , the gpntlimnn
who bonyht. O W. Hxhn's farm ,
was in Mondnv to see us and en
rolled for H dollar ,
Mrs S. A L" is was in town
Tuf-sday. She has purchaspd the
Commercial hotel at. Cody and ex
pects to take charge about May 1.
Hanna , W A. Parker and
Mrs. And row Johnson and daugh
ter and a number of others from
Wood Li Ire ram1 up Monday to
see court , start , in and attend to
other business ?
Mrs S. A Rice , who fell and
broke her thigh about four weeks
ago is recovering nicely and is
now thought to hrj outof danger.
She is at. the D-ivis hospital at
Manhattan. Kan.
Mrs. Ramsey's restaurant at
Ainsworth was badly damaged by
fire Sunday morning of last week.
She car-'or ] $7r > 0 insurance which
expired J ' . 27. ht had § 300 on
furniture an 1 fixtures.
Moses Good Y-iice , formerly a
printer on the Mellette County
( S. D. ) News , was in town Tues
day and railed at. our office to get
acquainted His wife is a niece of
Loui Bordeaux and T\frs. Isaac
John clo'iecker has been ailing
for several weeks and has not
been at the store recently. He
has decided to go upon a farm
near Ainsworth for the summer
but of lat" has been confined to
his bed with rheumatism and
stomach trouble.
Frank Rravton returned Satur-
dav nighr fr' m EvH inr Springe ,
Mo . 111'- ' lip hp h'- IV-MM floftMf-
ing f - ' i h m - M. ! ! f m h
trouble ft f M" i I 'Jir-p ni'Htb
MIfWlirij / -irnl ' .kinir good and
hnppc t p-u U./ . . , - infivnlk \ goid
Thmks In- ! - ff , < ! : i cure
Louie Hordeaux called on us
Monday to pav a dollar on sub
scription , and incidentally remark
ed that he an-1 six other Indians
were going to 'a hington as dele
gates of the tribe in regard to
treaties which have been made.
The rest of the committee are
as follows : Reuben Quick Hear ,
Clarence u hitI'hunde.r , George
Whirlwind Soldier , I-aac Bettel-
I IVWMfcinioht.
youn an - - - .
All speak ' oth Kn li-li nd Sioux
fluently , except th > Inttpr who is a
$ kw m tht ? S
Big reductions on men's sweat
ers at the Red Front.
All the county news in TIIK
DKMOCHAT for § 1.00 if you pay in
advance before May 1st. Roll a
dollar this way and we'll place
your name on our books.
Mrs. S W. Green came Sunday
evening on No. 1 , to bring her sis
ter. Sarah , to place her in school
Monday morning. Mrs Wells is
still in Schuyler with her mother
who is slightly improved. Hopes
are now entertained for her com
plete recovery and Mrs. Wells is
expected home in a couple of
weeks. Mrs. Green will remain
here until her mother's return.
John Moffit of Tripp county
was interviewing our stockmen
last week.
Carr brothers will finish their
residence as soon as the fever
scare subsides.
Eva Williams has the fever but
is out of danger. Virginia and
Edna Young are better. Mr. Pet-
tis is almost well.
Messrs. Ellis , Bennett and Mil
ler dehorned cattle Saturday. We
predict that not many years hence
our stockmen will adopt polled
cattle as their chosen breeds.
Many of our citizens who have
made proof on their Kincaid claims
are receiving their patents. This
will add many acres to the defided
land in Cherry county , increase
our population and be the means
of making better ranches and bet
ter homes.
A. E. , Acord , who has been
feeding cattle for C. S Reece , has
resigned his position and accepted
a si.milar one with Charles Yiiigst.
A E. is a Kansas boy but is much
interested in the stock industry ,
lie has given splendid satisfaction
and will no doubt some day be one
of our substantial and progressive
W. L. Cohee , one of our eldest
settlers who has a patented Kin-
kaid , is making arrangements to
take up the poultry business. He
has long been an admirer of the
Brown Leghorn strain. With his
careful methods he will succeed.
Fie is one who has great faith in
Cherry county.
After reading the new phase of
agricultural study , C. L. Latta at-
nnce took his pencil and after a
strenuous effort has succeeded in
figuring out how to mike one ton
f hay feed where two tons fed
before. He will be glad to impart
bis information to any who may
be in need of such knowledge.
It is a great comfort to the
weary rancher who has been out' '
in the storm all day to arrive at
the ranch home of Mr and Mrs.
3am Hudson. There is an air of
thrift and comfort pervading the
premises , which , added to the wel
come all receive , drives all thought1
af care away. On this place is the
best water system and most con-1
renient ct.rrall we have ever seen
in a private ranch. Everywhere
is evidence of a n os a ful meth-
id of dealing with each animal
ind article of use on the ranch.
We were surprised to find asplen-
: lid supply of selected seed corn
imong the useful equipments of
: he place.
Button Trimming for dresses
ptc. , is the latest. Save your
scraps of cloth and take them to
the Red Front where they can
show you IS styles including the
new oblong shape made to or-
Don't 'l > e surprised if yon have an at-
: ack of rheumatism this spring. Just
ub the affected parts freely with Cham-
jerlain's lament .and . , jjfc vpll soon dis-
\Ye have employed Mr. S. W. Cyphers ,
A First Class Tailor ,
of 25 years' experience in tailoring
in the East , to assist us in our
Clothing Department
and we are now prepared
to give our customers
A Perfect Fit in Clothing
Alterations in suits or a
tailor made suit of any style.
Cleaning and Pressing Prompt =
ly Done on Short Notice.
H. W. Hoenig , Prop.
McQEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars I
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : *
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , , s Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , " and 29 yeajvold
and Jas. E. Pepper , O , F , C. Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use. j3
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies. Imported y
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout , J1
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer. q
Valentine = Nebraska
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
and Fait Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
invthinir you have to sell.
vf * fttsff v * * fVfFvV
If You Want
\ a real helpful bank service , consider these facts :
> This bank is a Home institution of strength and stability ; organized -
ganized to assist in the developement of local industry.
\ In addition to our ample capital and surplus we have a very
\ strong board of directors employing in the management of this
\ bank the same watchful , conservative methods which brought
> . them individual success.
I The officers give courteous , prompt and careful attention to 3
* the needs of each individual depositor.
V Deposits In this bank arc protected by the .Depositor
< Guarantee Fund of the State of Xebrat.ka. s. "
J f t J JilJ f J J (
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S < . Columbia 17
N. . 30(050 ( , f.i . d ( l.n . ax 2 , No 289
82-2 ; alsn , .Velvin , No 327072 , e-
Bulls for Sak at All Tinwu
'My little son had a vcrj * severe cold.
I was recommended to try Chamberlain's
Congh Remedy , and betoro n small "bot
tlevas finished he vas aswell as ever , "
writes Mrs.H. Silks , 29 Bowling Street ,
Sidney , Aps ndia. This remedy is for