RIVER SEINE ON THE RAMPAGE AGAIN EAVY rains caused the Seine again 10 overflow Its banks at Paris and the city is in fear that the scenes of last year's great flood will be repeated. Our photograph shows the condition of the river in the heart of Paris. 17 IT Convict , Who Escaped , Tells How He Did It. Prisoner at Sing Sing Used Iron Bars and Blanket Walked Only Three Miles When Police Chief Nabbed Him. Ossining. Francesco Doliano , a convict serving an indeterminate sen tence of from two years and six months to five years for assault in the second degree , escaped from Sing Sing prison at about two o'clock in the morning and was captured and brought back after eleven hours of freedom. He has served one year and three months of his sentence. The escape was not discovered un til the officers made their morning count at 7:30. : Keeper Murphy then discovered that the cell was vacant , and a hole in the roof told the story of the escape. The whistle was blown and Warden Kennedy had a descrip tion of the prisoner telephoned to all the neighboring police stations. About 12:40 in the afternoon Doliano was captured at Briarcliff by Chief of Po lice Keator of that village. Doliano made no resistance and was brought back to the prison. After wandering about for eleven hours Doliano was only three miles from the prison. He was on the state road , headed for New York. He was familiar with the village , having been employed for two years on the estate of David Rousseau , owner of the Rousseau Electrical works at Ossining. When questioned as to the manner of his escape Doliano said that he had secured two pointed iron bars from the foundry of the prison , where he was assigned to work. With these he removed a stone from the roof of his cell , on the top tier , and taking his blanket and the two iron bars he drew himself through the aperture into the space above. This was at 10:30 o'clock on Friday evening. Us ing the same tools , he made a hole through the roof of the building and found himself in the open air. Near the edge of the roof he found footing on a beam to which the telephone wires leading to the building were at tached. He broke off several of these _ wires and twisted his blanket and the wires into a cord and then lowered himself half way down , from which point he descended to the ground by means of the window bars. The Jobs must have been finished be tween 1:15 a. m. and 7:15 a. m. , be cause the telephone wires were used at 1:15 : a , m. and at 7:15 a. m. , when the operator called up the guard post to which they lead he could not get connection. When captured Doliano was dressed in convict garb with the exception of his cap and gloves , but he had cov ered the telltale buttons of his prison suit with black cloth. He is a pow erfully built man , five feet nine inches tall and weighs about 170 pounds. The hole In the roof seemed hardly large enough for a child to get through. His hands were torn and bleeding. Doliano's punishment will probably be a forfeiture of the short time al lowed for good behavior. ilain Goose Briefs Joy ( j Hotel Men Have Unique Plan for KeepIng - Ing Salesmen Over Sunday. Springfield , Mass. "Meet your wife In Springfield , " the newest slogan among commercial travelers , attract ed to this city hundreds of drummers and their wives , not to mention chil dren. The Springfield Hotel Men's as sociation , comprising the six largest hostelries in the city , is sponsor for the undertaking , which traveling men say is unique. Conspicuously displayed In the lo by of the hotels is this no tice : "The hotels and merchants of Springfield are united in a friendly endeavor to make our city the most popul'ir in New England as a place for traveling men to stay in over Sun day. " Nearly 500 men and women attend ed the entertainment at Cooley's ho tel. "We stand for a dignified Sun day and the programs we shall give will in no way be vaudeville shows , " said Henry E. Marsh , proprietor of the hotel , to the correspondent. He is also president of the Hotel Men's as sociation. He has been in the business nearly half a century and is said to know more commercial travelers than any other boniface in the United States. "The drummers' receptions , " as many call the Sunday affairs , caused a protest from the churches , and in order that they shall not interfere with the evening worship they will begin at eight o'clock * hereafter in stead of 7:30 p. m. Musical numbers Gander That Wanders in Front of Ma chine Makes a Feast Autoist Buys Bird. Darby , Pa. A 1'at old gander that waddled too slowly across the West- Chester pike in front of the automo bile of Richard Purly of Darby , with the usual result , brought belated but none the less appreciated holiday cheer to a poor family in Darby , ex emplifying the old adage that it is an ill wind that blows good to nobody. Purdy , with a couple of his friends , was spinning out Westchester pike , near Manao , when a flock of geese crossed ahead of the machine. After the last one had passed the gander , which had remained back , suddenly decided to follow , and waddled direct ly in front of the machine , on which Purdy had now put on full speed. The irate owner of the bird ap peared Just in time to see it struck and demanded payment. Insisting that the goose weighed 20 pounds , at 25 cents a pound , he demanded $5 for it , but after he learned that Purdy was a butcher , he dropped the price to 14 cents , wholesale , and on second judg- include selections by an orchestra and vocal solos by members of a Hartford church choir. "We've got the right idea and are going to push it through , " said a hotel man. "The drummer who tells his wife that he can't be home over Sun day can at least meet her here. If not , he can enjoy wholesome recrea tion by himself. Without intending it as such , we've planted the nucleus of a great reform movement. Who knows but the hotel men of Springfield may go down in history with Wendell Phil lips , William Lloyd Garrison and other men who had ideas and the courage of their convictions. " Spanks Wife ; Is Arrested. Hammond , Ind. Mrs. Charles Bul- nis , 16 , had her husband arrested for spanking her with a strap. She ad vised the court to give him 100 days in jail and the court fixed that as the penalty. Macedonian Slaves for Coveted Filling to Win Girl Makes Fortune and Seeks Sweetheart. Wabash , Ind. Nicholas Tetzliff , a Macedonian , has had one great am bition since boyhood to have a gold tooth. Poverty would not permit of the necessary expenditure in his earli er days , but when he left his native land for America three years ago ae promised Kyra Yannoula , a peasant CREW CRAZY FOR TOBACCO Lack of Weed Almost Causes Mutiny on Board Schooner Clancy Brown. Galveston , Texas. The schooner Clancy Brown , with a cargo of coal , thirty-three days out from Baltimore , had an unusual experience when its crew of 12 men became mutinous be cause of a tobacco famine. Captain Swenten says his sailors went insane when the supply of tobacco gave out on the twenty-first day. The schooner was blown out of its course and the absence of chewing and smoking tobacco made the-men nervous wrecks. They refused to obey orders , quarreled and several times threatened to take the vessel and land somewhere in quest of the coveted weed. Their behavior delayed the ship three or four days longer on ifs voy age , the captain says. When the pilot boat met the schoon er on the Texas coast the crew hug ged the pilots when they dumped their tobacco boxes and plugs on deck. ment said that he thought the bird might weigh a little under 20 pounds. Purdy guessed the weight at 15 pounds , and paid the farmer $2.10. The fanner was walking away with both the goose and the money , when Purdy called him back and reminded him that the goose was not his prop erty any longer , took it , had one of his companions bleed it and on his arrival in Darby presented it with his best wishes to a deserving family , who accepted it with profuse thanks. Dumb Wire in Throat. Wichita , Kan. Dumb for two years from paralysis of the vocal organs , caused by the lodging of a small piece of wire in his throat , Lewis Stiger , five years old , of Kiel , Okla. , is able to talk again. By means of X-rays a surgeon definitely located the wire , and , using a tiny electric bulb to lignt the child's throat and a mirror to guide his instrument , he pulled it out. Almost immediately the child's vocal organs were restored to their full power. The wire was about an inch long. TRUTHFUL ; SHE FAILS TO WED Young Woman Wouldn't Swear to Age of Which She Was Doubtful. St. Louis. Truth was stronger than Cupid at Clayton , the St. Louis coun ty Gretna Green , the other day. Miss Ida Lorenz and John F. Os- born , both of O'Fallon , 111. , went there to get a marriage license. Both seemed to be of legal age , and Deputy Recorder Ahlers filed out the papers. "Now , as a matter of form , you will have to swear to your ages , " said he. The young woman seemed embar rassed. "I can't swear that I am eighteen , though I believe I am , " she said. "My parents died when I was a baby and I have no birth certificate. " Though Osborn pleaded with her , Miss Lorenz could not be induced even to swear that to the best of her knowledge and belief she was of legal age. She and Osborn departed with out the license. Romance of a Gold Tooth girl , that he would return for her after he had a gold tooth. He finally succeeded in getting together a for tune. A few days ago he went to a dentist and two hours later had a gold crown covering one of his in cisors. He paid the dentist's bill and bought a railroad ticket to New York. In the afternoon he started for Mace donia to join the girl who is waiting for his return. FLAX GROWING IS PROFITABLE WESTERN CANADA FARMERS BECOMING - COMING RICH IN ITS PRODUCTION. So much has been written regarding the great amount of money made out of growing wheat in the prairie prov inces of Manitoba , Saskatchewan and Alberta , "Western Canada , that many other products of the farms are over looked. These provinces will always grow large areas of wheat both spring and winter and the yields will continue to be large , and the general average greater than in any other portion of the continent. Twenty , thir ty , forty , and as high as fifty bushels per acre of wheat to the acre yields unusual in other parts of the wheat growing portions of the continent have attracted world-wide attention , but what of oats , which yield forty , fifty and as high as one hundred and ten bushels per acre and carry off the world's prize , which , by the way , was also done by wheat raised in Sas katchewan during last November at the New York Land Show. And then , there is the barley , with its big yields , and its excellent samples. Another money-maker , and a big one is flax. The growing of flax is extensively car ried on in Western Canada. The writer has before him a circular is sued by a prominent farmer at Saska toon. The circular deals with the treatment of seed flax , the seeding and harvesting , and attributes yields of less than 20 bushels per acre , to later seeding , imperfect and illy-pre pared seed. He sowed twenty-five pounds of seed per acre and had a yield of twenty-nine bushels per acre. This will probably dispose of at $2.50 per acre. Speaking of proper prepa ration of seed and cultivation of soil and opportune sowing , in the circular spoken of there is cited the case of a Mr. White , living fourteen miles south of Rosetown , "who had fifteen acres of summer fallow a year ago last summer , upon which he produced thirty-three bushels to the acre , when many in the district harvested for want of crop. Now , there can be no proper reason advanced why such a crop should not have been produced on all the lands of the same quality in the adjacent district , provided they had been worked and cared for in the same manner. This year (1911) ( ) the same man had one hundred acres of summer fallow , had something over 3,800 bushels of wheat. He also had 1,800 bushels of oats and 300 bushels of flax. " There are the cattle , the horses , the roots and the vegetable products of Western Canada farms , all of which individually and collectively deserve special mention , and they are treated of in the literature sent out on appli cation by the Government agents. Plan for Tuberculosis Day. Sermons on the prevention of con sumption will be preached in thou sands of churches on April 28 , which the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis has set aside as Tuberculosis day. Last year out of 200,000 churches in the United States , over 50,000 observed Tuberculosis day , and mil lions of churchgoers were told about this disease from the pul pit. This year will be the third observation of Tuberculosis day. Plans are being made to have the gospel of health preached more widely than ever before. The movement will be pushed through the 600 anti-tubercu losis associations allied with the na tional association and through the boards of health , women's clubs and other organizations in hundreds of cities and towns throughout the coun try. Through these various bodies the churches will be reached and in terested in the tuberculosis campaign. Always Leap Year. "It's leap year every year in Papua , " said an ethnologist. "The reason isn't that the women are the bosses there. No , quite the contrary. The reason is that love-making is supposed to be a thing beneath the notice of the Pa puan male. "All women look alike to him. So the matrimonial pourparlers all fallen on the female sex. "If a man accepts a girl's proposal , the fact that he is engaged is chalked on his back. But on the girl's back the engagement is branded with a red- hot iron. " The Man and the Place. Andrew Carnegie was giving advice on a recant Sunday to one of the younger members of the Rockefeller Bible class. "I am an advocate of early mar riages , " he said. "The right man In the right place , at the right time , is a very good saying , and to my mind , the right man in the right place at the right time is unquestionably a husband reading to his wife on a winter's nfght beside the radiator. A QUARTER CENTURY Before the Public. Over Five Million Free Samples given away each year. The constant and increas ing sales from samples proves the genuine merit of ALLEN'S FOOT-EABB , the antiseptic powder to be shaken into the shoes for Tired , Aching , Swollen , Tender feet. Believes corns and bunions of all pain. Sample FREE. Addres s , Allen B.Olmsted J eEoy.N.T. AI ! Fresco. "Why does that old maid use so much paint on her face ? " "She's making up for lost time. " Brooklyn Life. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DATS Tonr druggist will refund money if PA2O OINT MENT fails to cure any case of Itching , Blind , Bleeding or Protruding Piles la 6 to 14 days. Me. Only a fool ever attempts to con vince a man that he isn't as clever as he thinks he is. Read About These Three Girls. How Sick They Were and How Their Health Was Restored by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Appleton , "Wis. " I take pleasure in writing you an account of my sickness. I told a friend of mine how I felt and she said I had female trouble and advised me to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , as she had taken it herself for the same trouble with wonderful results. I had been sickly- for two years and overworked myself , and had such bad feelings every month that I could hardly walk for pain. I was very nervous and easily tired out and .could not sleep nights. I had dizzy spells , and pimples came on my face. But I have taken your Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it has restored my health. 1 think it is the best medicine hi existence. " Miss CECILIA M. BAUER , 1161 Lawrence St. , Appleton , TVis. A SCHOOL TEACHER'S GRATITUDE : Geneva , Iowa. " 1 ha e been teaching school for some years and I have neglected my health because I was too busy with my work to attend to myself properly. I suffered greatly every month and was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. " I wrote to you about my condition and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and the Blood Purifier as you recommended. These remedies have done wonders for me and I can highly and widely recommend them to every suffering woman. " Miss MINNIE SHAVEB , R F. D. No. 1 , Geneva , Iowa , c/o bam Erickson. A COLORADO GIRL'S CASE : Montrose , Col. "I was troubled very much with irregular periods. Sometimes two months would elapse. I suffered severe headache , was weak and nervous , could eat scarcely anything. " I took both Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier and the result was wonderful. I feel like another person. "I think your remedies are the best on earth and cannot express my thankfulness to you for what they have done to me. I help my neighbors when they are sick , and I shall always recommend your medicines. " Miss ELLA MOCANDLESS , Montrose , Col. Is it not reasonable to suppose that a medicine that did so much for these girls will benefit any other girl who is suffering with the same troubles ? Does it not seem the only sensible thing to give such a medicine at least a trial ? You may be sure that it can do you no harm , and there are lots of proof that it will do you much good. For SO years Lydia E. Pinkham'd Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for fe male ills. No one sick with -woman's ailments does justice to herself who Tvill not try this fa mous medicine , made from roots and herbs , it lias restored so many suffering women to health. gj g Write toLYDIA E. PIKKHAM MEDICINE CO. ilWr ( CONFIDENTIAL ) LYNN , MASS. , for advice. Your letter will be opened , read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. IHKHAT Newspaper Is the Medium. "The importance of this whole ques tion of publicity to the consumer is growing on the manufacturer. He sees his competitor or some man in another line turning the trick of publicity - , licity and he sit up and thinks. He is gradually realizing that localized , crystalized publicity in the home is what pays best and that he can only get that through the newspaper. " The Daily Club. Irascibility Explained. "Isn't your husband getting a fear fully bad disposition ? " asked Mrs. Shortsoot. "No , " replied Mrs. Leedout. "He has read somewhere that brainy men are always cranks and he's trying to get a reputation. " Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA , a safe and sure remedy for infants and children , and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over So'Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Absent-Minded. "I want a dog-collar , please. " Yes'm. What size shirt does he wear ? " Life. Some of us are born foolish and nev er outgrow it. CENT SEED SALE KERNELS OF 3wv Selected \ o. FERTILE SEEDS for * 3 1750 Lettuce 1000 Celery 7BO Onion IOO Parsley 1000 Radish BOO Cabbage 100 Tomato 1000 Carrot 17GO Turnip 1 DO Melon 1700 Brilliant Flower Seeds. 50 sorts Anyone of these pickaees Is worth the price wo ask for the whole 10.COO kernels. It Is merely our way of testing you test our seed proving to you how mighty good they are. Send 18 cents In stamps to-day and we will send you this great collection of seeds by return mall. We'll also mall you free our great 1912 catalog If you ask for It all postpaid. JOHN A. SALZER SEE.D CO. COO South Eighth Street La Cro e , Wls. LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS IN GREAT VARIETY FORj SALE cAT THE LOWEST PRICES BY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION 521-531 W. Adamn St. , Chicago W. N. U. , SIOUX CITY , NO. 8-1912. Stomach Blood and Much sickness starts with weak stomach , and consequent poor , impoverished blood. Nervous and pale-people lack good , rich , red blood. Their stomachs need invigorating for , after all , a man can be no stronger than his stomach. A remedy that makes the stomach strong and the liver active , makes rich red blood and overcomes and drives out disease-producing bacteria and cures a whole multi tude of diseases. Get rid of you ? Stomach Weakness and Liver Laziness by taking a course of DP. Pierce * s Golden Medical Discovery the great Stomach Restorative , Liver layitopzisr and Blood Cleanser. You can't afford to accept any medicine of unknown composition as a substitute for "Golden Medical Discov ery , " which is a medicine OF KNOWN COMPOSITION , having a complete list of ingredients in plain English on its bet tle-wrapper , same being attested as correct under oath. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate ami Invigorate Stomach , Liver and Bowels. W. L. DOUOLA * 2,25 , * 2.50 , $3 , * 3.50S4 & * 5 SHOES All Styles , All Leathers , All Sizes and Widths , for Men , Women and Boys. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 3O YEARS THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES give W.L. Douglas shoes a trial. W. L. Douglas name stamped on a shoe guar antees superior quality and more value for the money than other makes. His name and price stamped on the bottom protects the wearer against high prices and inferior shoes. Insist upon having I 'SxHO'W TO OEDEE BY MATT. . ShOM Idt Everywhere All Charges Prepaid. ' fJr fiWS. If WJDouglM shoes are not gold in TOOT town , send direct to factory. Take meaarementa ' / tcxZ&l ot foot M shown In model ; state style deilred ; size and width usually worn : plaia lJSi oSSr orcaptoe ; heavymemainorllzhtjwle7 Zdof torpe faAoematZorrfei-ttAri- ne ainth vorid. lllns. Catalog Free. W DOUGLASlOSp rkSt. rockto&JlAs .