Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 22, 1912, Image 5

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Innocence Abroad
in search of adventures bold
finds contentment in delicious
muffins. They are made with
Health Club
the baking powder that goes twice as
far as any other of fair price and
high grade.
Health Club sells for only a cent an
ounce an honest anti-trust price , in
10c-15c-25c cans at good grocers.
Layton Pure Food Company
East St. Louis , 111.
Registered Hereford Bulls for
sale at all times of the year.
Simeon - Nebraska
W. HTstratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
F. M. Walcoit Oliver M. Walcott
Walcott & WaScott
Practice IxfcrnTT. . S. LSI ml Ollice and all
Federal and State courts.
Valentine - -
OfBce-front room-second story-
over T. C. Hornby's store , Main
street entrance.
Valentine Nebraska
Dr. M. F. Meer ,
Rooms over Red Front store
Valentine = Nebr ,
Dr. D. W. Sumner
Hornby Building
Phone No. 173.
Here is a woman who speaks from per
sonal knowledge and long experience ,
viz. , Mrs. P. H. Brogan , of Wilson , Pa. ,
who says , "I know from experience that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is far su
perior to any other. For croup there is
nothing that excels it. " For sale by
Chapman , the druggist.
Valentine Lodge No. 70 ,
A. O. U. W.
Meets let and 3rd Monday in each
month at Fraleinal Hall. All
Brethern are cordially invited to he
present- ) ALBERT P WEBB , M W.
0. QUIGLEY , Recorder.
Felch's Restaurant and
Lunch Counter
Come to my new location in the
old Morey building.
Home Cooking
Dainty Vanilla Wsfers.
One cupful stigr : and two-thirds of
a cupful ol butter rreauH'd together ,
four table poonfulsvsrm milk , one teaspoonful -
spoonful vanilla extract. om egg beat
en witli two tea-pooHi'iils baking pow
der and flour enough to roll Hull very
thin , cut into small fancy shapes and
bake on buttered tin * . Ilave oven very
hot and watch closely , as they burn
Peach Tapioca.
Drain one can peaches , sprinkle with
suzrar and let stand one hour To sirup
add unouirh water to ha\e three c\\ \ \ >
and boil. Add a cup of tapioca , half a
cup of surra r and half a teaspoonful of
wilt. Cook in double boiler until done
Line mold with peaches , cut in quar
ters. Fill with tapioca and let cool.
Serve with sugar and cream.
T7 A 7 p"l'ETT1E'Bi7r * V f\f * 1 C5
lint toil" made to onW , to
nidtchoui , jrown. JS stales , all
sizeat the Hod Front. 48
We want correspondence and all
the news. Send il iu ur bring us
the news ' .you happen to know.
W. H. Ititchie of Kilgoro , Wm.
Anderson of Cody and KJ Luther
of Hooper were in town yester-
Mill L'tlta and Dock Grooms
traded houses hist week and mov
ed , each taking immedhte posses
Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to
visit Wood Lake the first Monday
and Tuesday of each month to do
dental work. 19tf
Ten per cent discount on made
to measure , spring1 and summer
coat' ? , suits , dresses and skirts un
til Feb. 24 , at The Red Front.
,7. T. McDonald , a genial trav
eling salesman for the National
Cable and Mfg. Co. , of Nile ? ,
Mich. , spent several days in our
town this week.
B. B. Thompson hurt himself
while loading his wagon last week
while in town for awhile. He later
drove out home and we haven't
heard how he was.
Pay up now atl 00 in advance.
Send in a few dollars and we'll
credit you up and send you a re
ceipt Do this before May 1st to
secure the dollar rate in advancr.
For Sale : Store building north
of arid adjoining Donoher hotel.
82250 , § 500 cash , balance § 50 per
month like rent , or wjll rent.
Inquire of Charles Sparks or
Louise M. Webb , Geneva , Neb.
The county commissioners were
out in the Snake country the past
week on road and bridge business
They broke down Tuesday and
John Bachelor went out to their
rpscuo bringing them into town.
Wp learn that P. H. Young's
children have scarlet fever and
that Mrs. Alva Green was visiting
out there and since coming home
her child has taken the fever and
they are quarantined at Will
The Mellete County Pioneer ,
Vol. 1 , No. 1 , of Feb. , 16 , 1912 ,
came to our desk today. It is pub
lished by the Wood Pub. Co. , at
\V oed S. D. , and is a creditable
sheet , two pages home print and
the language is good.
Mrs. N. S. Rowley and James
Felch have returned from Wis
consin , where they accompanied
their father's remains for inter
ment. Mr. Rowley came to town
to meet his wife and remained here
a couple of days on business while
t'e weather moderates.
The ladies improvement club
raised over § 1,000 by subscription
in a few hours Tuesday afternoon
toward building an oppra house.
They sppm to be in earnest and
thp success thpy are meeting with
in their undertakings is an indica
tion that they are pursuing a pop
ular course.
Peter Hoffman of Nenzel was in
town yesterday visiting friends
and called on us to pav a dollar in
advance and told us lift had faith
in a good crop season this ypar.
He is an enthusiastic farmer and
stockman and has made a nice lit
tle fortune in his twenty years in
Cherry county.
Roy Trace well , who has been
for somp time with Lpnington
Bros , at Chadron , has resigned
his position and is at present over
at White Clay on the reservation ,
where hp will open up a store.
Roy is a good hustler and we wish
him the very best of success.
Chadron Journal.
Harry Caram , the eldest son of
George Camrn north of town , has
taken unto himself a wife at Deadwood -
wood , whire he is employed in a
steam laundry. This happened
Dec. 22 , 1911. A little latp to
tell it but it is news an.\ how the
first time it is told here where
people know Harry.
R"mnant sale at the Red Front.
R. M. FatLIis come up from Oma
ha yesterday.
Jjimes Goodfellow of Ashland was
in town Monday.
Robert Wells has purchased the
J. W. Baitley ranch on the Snake
south of Merriinau.
H. McClenaghati of Madison ,
state lecturer of the M.V. . A , de-
liyerel a lecture to Valentine camp
last , night , on the new rates.
Carl Lurz , senior and junior ,
were in town today , having been to
Kilgore to attend the funeral of
Mrs. Joseph Lurz , who died a fen-
days ago.
Wanted ! Representative , gen
tleman or lady , yearly income $1500
to § 3000. An entirely new high
class proposition. Call March 7th
at the Donoher hotel.
The Rel Front , is going to inaug
urate a "Surprise Sile" , beginning
1 Saturday , March 2. We are in-
forme 1 by Mr. Busse of the Red
Front that the surprise sale is the
first of a series of special sales dur
ing the coming season and it will
pay the renders of this paper to
read the list of bargains offered
each \Yeek.
The Valentine debating team se
lected by a preliminary debate two
weeks ago , consisting of Clare Van-
Meter , Clarence Haley and Law
rence Rice , wiih George Kreycik as
substitute , will go down to Atkinson
tomorrow and compete with their
team tor the championship , which
will then debate with O'Neill. The
qaestion is : Resolved that the
movement of organized labor for
the closed shop should receive the
support of public opinion. Valen
tine takes the negative at Atkinson.
If you have contest notices or
final proof notices you can have
them printed in THE DEMOCRAT if
it is as rear your land as any oth
er paper. Ask to have , \our legal
notices published in THE DEMO
CRAT and call and see us. This is
a late ruling of the commissioner
of the US. . land office that the
register and receiver of the U. S.
land offices are not to discriminate
politically between newspapers.
After sixteen years of almost al-
solute control of final proof and
sale notices by the local registers
and receivers , they are now noti-
fiee to desist from the practice. It
has built up the republican news
papers and made slim picking for
the democratic papers , while the
homesteaders paid the bill.
New pictures every other night.
Orchestra Music on Monday's and
Thursday' ? . Show at 8:15 : sharp.
Admission 10 cen s 5tf
Let Him Off Cheap.
"In the spring of 1S70. " said Colonel
Mike Connolly , a noted newspaper man
of Memphis , at the liennert. " 1 was In
the liltlf tovni of Lampasas. in the
Lone Star State , and while waiting to
take a stride for Austin went into a
harbor shop on the main street of the
nllajxe. The proprietor seemed a very
friendly citizen and I was impressed
with his air of kindliness and good
uuinor. He was so mild mannered that
I wondered while he was lathering me
if he were not a Sunday school super
intendent. While still revolving this
spec-illation he suddenly laid down the
razor and. catching up a vicious look
ing six shooter from a table , murmured
'Excuse me. sir. for just a minute , but
There goes a t hap I've got to settle
with. ' and thereupon he dashed into
the street. De-fore I could climb down
from the chair the report of a Colt's
4. > reverberated on the air. I didn't
know what trouble might ensue , and
so concluded to tay where 1 was. but
in a trice my barber was hack , as smil
ing as ever and. besrsrinp my pardon
profusely , resumed operations on my
"I didn't want to kill t ! > e dirt"
. ! ( ' ' ' said he in relating the
V5tfl j' " * on * one bullet info
hi- . 'ei ! ( ' , . " P.It'n : lire An < " * ! -M *
Separating Unthrifty Animals.
If you have a bunch of ho"x feeding
or growing { oj.ether and one beirins to
show even slight igns of umbrifti-
ness. separate him from the others at
once It is likely to be uowl for him.
and it will certainly be safer for the
Protect Farm Machinery.
average depreciation of farm
machinery is figured at 10 per cent a
year. A good machine shed will cut
Old Crow , ' All Leading
$ .
v * ? \f \ ?
' -A\ < i w >
Hermitage Brands
and Boi-tli'd
Gruchen- Under the
heiiner Supervision
Kye of the
Whiskeys. U. S. GOT.
" \VP plso handle the Budweiser Beer.
Mrs. Alva Green is visiting her
sister , Mrs. P. II. Young.
Rev. Bebee filled his appoint
ment at Simeon Sunday.
Miss Andrews spent Saturday
and Sunday with her parents.
The Misses Carter and brother
visited at the Buc.y home last
.Jessie Lessert is staying with
Mrs. Bucy , attending school in
district 79.
C. A. Pete brought the mail out
from Valentine one da.v last week.
We have known C. A. since child
hood and was glad to meet him
George Cirr returned Saturday
from the Flineaux fruit farm south
of Valentine. He reports that
Mr. Flineaux has disposed of
most of his apples.
Mrs. Daniels and Miss More
spent Saturday at the Carr home.
The ladies are improving these
nicedi.ysby renewing the social
life of the community.
There is evidence that a ladies'
club will soon be'organized. This
is a step in the right direction
With the modern conveniences en
joyed by most of our rural people ,
a ladies' meeting would almost do
away with the monotony which
has been the bane of the country
woman's life.
Our ranchers are studying a
new phase of agriculture. They
have been taught how to make two
blades or grass grow where but
one grew before. Also how to
grow two ears of corn where only
a small nubbin gre\v before. Now
they are grappling with the prob
lem of making one ton of hay feed
where two tons fed before. And
to make matters worse February
has 29 days.
We tried to find another item ,
but there was nothing new. We
can't talk politics. Real estate
does not begin to move until in
March or April. There were no
business transactions of import
ance. No entertainments. Xo
candidates in this neighborhood.
The ducks have not started north
yet. The ffsh will not bite. There
is nothing but fine days , quiet and
peace prevailing around Simeon.
Relieves gas in stomach , distre ? .
after eatirg. sU rnacb nen ousness
dizziness , headache , heartburn ,
heart palpitation and other ail
ments caused by faulty digestion.
Price 25c. Prepared by United
Drug Company , Boston , Mass.
Sold in Valentine only by G. A.
Chapman. The Rexall Store.
Estrayed or Stolen
From ray range northeast of Va'-
entine , one black yearling horse
colt , one or two hind feet white ,
ahn spot in forehead. Branded
OP connected on left shoulder
Liberal reward will be given to
learn whereabouts of same.
6tf Valentine , Nebr.
If in need of wind mills or wa
ter tanks call on Breuklander
None better made. 42-tf
the Meal Day or Week
Short Orders at all Hours.
Two Blocks East of Main Street on Catherine
- -
WHEN-rriSlN-A i
3/ >
Copyrizht 190 < > , by C E Simir.cman Co.--No. 39N
IN order to furnish.
proper banking protection , j
President Lincoln and his'
first congress established
the National Bank which
operates under government ,
From time to time addi
tional laws have been
passed under the different
presidents shown above
strengthening the protec
tion a National Bank af
Thus the confidence and
security that comes with
the possession of money
in the bank is greatly en
hanced when it is in a Na
tional Bank , for here it
has safe-guard
every pos
sible for human ingenuity
to devise.
In selecting a bank in which
to deposit your savings or |
surplus funds the one thing' '
to be considered is safety , j
and we ask for your business - ,
ness only on the basis of ab
solute safety. Call at our
bank and let us explain to
you how safe your money
is here.
First National Bank
Valentine , Nebraska' '
St. Nicholas' Church.
Services will be held in the
Catholic church as follows :
In Xonzel on Sunday , Feb. 25 ,
at 10 a. m.
In Valentine on Sunday , Mar. 3.
1st Mass at S a. m.
2nd Mass at 10 a. m.
Benediction of the Blessed sac
rament after Mass.
Instruction for the children at
3 p. m.
During Lent every Frilay eve
ning at 7 p. ra. , devotions , rosary ,
stations of the cross and benedic
I/no M. BLAERE , Kector.
Year old corn for seed , tests 95
percent , for sale at SI.75 per
bushel LEWIS TAYLOU , Har
mony , Nebr. 6-2
U. S. Weather Bureau Report
\VIKK ENDING FKH. _ * . . loi-j.
D.-iilj mean tfiupeniture : u = .
Normal temperature w3.
Highest temperature r > 2 = .
Lowest temperature 7 .
Range ot temperature r u = . * '
Precipitation for week 031 of an inch.
Average lor : > : t years ! ) 11 of .in inch.
Precipitation March 1st to date 17..V inches.
Average for 23 years 'Ji H inches.
JOHN J. MCL.KAS. Observer.
In the District Court of Cherry County , No-
William E. ! I il. y. IMalnttfT ,
Tilb Tt J'.aki-r , Hlinira r.akrr
: iiul The Hho\vilt < Mortifsijii1
Compaux. I it'lfiidiiiif- .
To r.illM-rt Maker. Khnira llaker. and Tito
Slxnvalter Mortgiii > Company , non-re.sldent
dffj'ndants :
Yon mid ah of yon anhcnl > v notified
that cm tin2ftli day of Januaryr.l ) : > . * Wil
liam E. Haley lllt-d a petition a petition
against \ on in the District Court of Cherry
County , Nebraska , the object and praye'r
othirli are to obtain a judgement and
decree quieting and confirming the title to
Si SK { . .Section lt . E { NEi .Section : > , Town
ship : ; . ' . Kan e : > . - ) \\Vst th Principal Merid
ian , in Cherry county , Nebraska , in the
plamtilT. and to cancel and annul a certain
mort i-ie upon said premises < \ecnted Tal-
bert iJaki-r : iiul Elntira Haker. to the Sho-
\\alter .Morti ajie Companv to secure tin"
payment of $ nx > . < ) " . > > ! id mortal jje bein dn-
ted.May 2 _ ' . issjj. you siri. required to Jins-
\\er iiid petition on or before Motidav the
llth daof March I'.Ul.
William E. Haley , Plaintiff.
BE. . D.C'lark , his nttornex. i-j
For Sale.
1 Belgian stallion , dark brown ,
five year's old , has been inspected
and O. K'd. sound , also register
papers O K'd , weight 1750 , and
could be made to weigh 1SOO or
better. He is a sure foal getter
and have good colts to show. Also
a few mares in foal to him. Also
some young stock and 3 mules
coming four years old this sum
mer. Will sell reasonable.
Call Phone No. 20 , on Line 210
Ain worth. Nebraska. 5-4
Sick headache is caused ly a disor
dered stomach. Take Chamberlain's
Tablets and correct that and the head
aches will disappear. Sold by Chapman ,
the druggist.
What a Seasick Statesman
sired Above All Things ,
A few years ngo the late Senator
Carmack of Tennessee was put on a
special committee of the senate to
make some i = ort of cruise in Boston
harbor. The senator from Tennessee
AAas not v.scd to big bodies of water ,
for they are not to be found iu the
section of the country he came from.
The vessel had not been tugging with
the billows long before Mr. Carmack
began to got a trifle sick , and in a short
while he found it necessary to slip
away to some place where be could re
pose himself. The man in command of
the vessel had instructed one of the
mea under him to look out for the com
fort of the members of the distin
guished party. Knowing that Mr. Car-
mack was violently seasick , having
helped him to his room , the man went
bar-k to see how he was getting along.
IIo found the senator rolling and
tossing ou the couch of tne stateroom
to which he had been assigned.
"Is there anything you want ? ' ' , he
asked the senator , after indulging in
the conventional ceremonies.
"Yes , " said the senator , as he pulled
himself together. "I would give any
thing in the world right now i'or a
pinch of dry dirt. "