every person who is bilious , consti pated or luu. any stomach ach or liver rIh ent to sen * for free package of my Paw-Paw Pills. I want to prove that they positively cure In digestion , Sour Stomach ach , Belching , Wind , Headache , Nervous ness , Sleeplessness and are an Infallible cure for Constipation. To do this I am willing to give millions of free pack age . I take all the risk. Sold by druggists for 25 cents a vial. For free package address. Prof. Munyon , 53rd & Jefferson Sis. , Philadelphia. Pa. Splendid Crops In Saskatchewan ( W astern Canada ) 8OO Bushels from 2O acres of wheat was the thresher's retirn from a Lloyd- | minster farm in the season of 1910. Many fiel is in that as well as ' othjr districts yielded - ed from 25 to 35 bu sh ete of wheat to the i j acre. Other grains in | proportion. i LARGE PROFITS ore thus derived from the FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS of Western Canada. [ This excellent showing causes 1 prices to advance. Land values should double In two years' time. Grain erowlnpmi.xed ; farm ing , cattle ralslne and dalry- Injr are nil proti table. Free Homesteads of 1 GO acres are I to be had In tbo very best districts : IfiO acre preemptions tions at S3.OO per acre wlth- I in certain areas. Sc-hoolsancI churches In every settle ment , climate unexcelled , soil the richest ; ivoodwater and building material plentiful. , 89 For particulars as to location , low settlers' railway rates nnd descriptive Illustrated pamphlet , "Last Best West , " nnd other In formation , write to Sup'tof Inmil- ration , Ottawa , Canada , or to 6 onadlan Government Agent. ET. Holmes. 315 Jackson St. , SL Paul. Minn. J. H. Hadichlan. Drawer 197Watcrtown. S. D. I Please -write to the agent nearest you j It' . U.e WHI Quickly End Weak. Sore Eyci The Proportion. Knicker Did he speak at a dinner ? Becker No ; he ate at a talk. Dr. Pierce's Pellets , small , sugar-coated , easy to take as candy , regulate and invig orate stomach , liver and bowels and cure constipation. On the Trail. "Does your fiance know your age , Lotta ? " "Well , partly. " Fliegende Blaetter. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting Feels Fine Acts Quickly. Try It for Red , Weak , Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus trated Book in each Package. Murlne ia compounded by our Oculists not a "Patent Med- lolno" but used in successful Physicians'Prac tice for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub lic and sold by Urnpgists at 2Sc and 60c per Bottle , Mnrlno Bye Salvo In Aseptic Tubes , 2bc and 50c. Murine Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago Too Far for Business. "I see King George's uncle Is in New York. " "H'm ! That's bad for George. " "Why so ? " Wha' will he do if he has occasion to go and see his uncle ? " Waste Paper in Paris. Paris police give strict attention to the act against throwing waste papers and refuse upon the streets. An absentminded sent-minded old gentleman carelessly dropped a hundred-franc note from his waistcoat pocket , whereupon a sharp-eyed policeman requested the old gentleman to give him his name and address or submit to arrest. But when the offender reached into the gutter and picked up the waste paper and opened it before the policeman's eyes he was let off with an apology and a profound bow. Domestic Difficulties. Husband What's the matter , dear ? Why do you look so worried ? Wife Oh , I've just got everything all ready for Mrs. Neatleigh's visit. I've done up all the curtains and pillow shams and bureau covers and centerpieces , and they're all spick and span. Husband Well , if everything is in such apple pie order why look so dis consolate about it ? Wife ( bursting into tears ) Oh , I just know , as soon as she sees them , she'll know I cleaned everything all up because she was coming ! Judge. THE DOCTOR HABIT And How She Overcame It. When well selected food has helped the honest physician place his patient In sturdy health and free from the "doctor habit , " it is a source of satis faction to all parties. A Chicago wom an says : "We have not had a doctor in the house during all the 5 years that we have been using Grape-Nuts food. Be fore we began , however , we had 'the doctor habit , ' and scarcely a week went by without a call on our physician. "When our youngest boy arrived , 5 years ago , I was very much run down and nervous , suffering from indiges tion and almost continuous headaches. I was not able to attend to my ordinary domestic duties and was so nervous that I could scarcely control myself. Under advice I took to Grape-Nuts. "I am now , and have been ever since we began to use Grape-Nuts food , able to io all my own work. The dyspep sia , headaches , nervousness and rheu matism which used to drive me fairly wild , have entirely disappeared. "My husband finds that in the night work in which he is engaged , Grape- Nuts food supplies him the most whole some , strengthening and satisfying lunch he ever took with him. " Name given by Postum Co. , Battle Creek , Mich. Read the little book , "The Road to Wellville , " in pkgs. "There's a reason. " Ever read the above letter ? A nevr one appear * from time to time. They are genuine , true , nnd full of human Intercut. ALL OVER NEBRASKA. Convention of Retail Dealers. Douglas County. The executive committee of the Federation of Ne braska Detail Dealers has set March 12 , 13 and 14 as the dates for the 1912 convention , which will be held in Omaha. The officers are working on the program and it ifl very nearly complete. The list of speakers this year will include many who have never appeared before the Nebraska Retailers in the past. The attendance this year will easily exceed that of last and that is going some , for more than GOO merchants from the state attended the 1911 con vention. ! A committee of Omaha business ' men of which Frank Keogh is chairman - ! man , has been named to look after I the entertainment of the merchants 1 and it's a sure thing that the dele- i gates are going to have one big time in March. General regret is expressed at the resignation of W. H. Avery of Tilden , who has served as the secretary. Mr. Avery was forced to resign because of business. His place has been filled by the executive committee , which has named Penn P. Fodrea of Omaha , to fill out the unexpired term. Omaha as a Corn Market. Douglas County. Circulars making plain the magnitude and importance of the Omaha corn market have been sent out to the trade in Nebraska , as follows : "More corn comes to Omaha direct from country elevators than to any market on the earth. We have re ceived here in the last ten days about 1,750,000 bushels of corn , worth at least $1,000,000. The value of corn re ceived at this market for the last ten days is more than $100,000 per day. We have taken care of this with very little break in price , the market now being within less than 2 cents of the high point for this crop. "We want to impress you with these facts , so you will not think of this as a 'little dinky market , ' but see it as it is a large , stable and substantial market and have confidence that your consignments will be properly taken care of at their full value. " Corn Stalk Disease. Lancaster County. The ravages of the present cornstalk disease in parts of this and other western states are puzzling veterinarians , , according teState State Veterinarian Boostrum , who re turned from Kansas City. Several points in connection with the present spread of that disease are particularly baffling at this time , not the least of which is the fast that it is attacking horses and cattle in about the same proportion. Heretofore it has confined its attacks largely to one or the other. A Queer Find. Otoe County. Frank Mutton while splitting some wood a few days since made a queer find. It was an elk's tooth , perfect in every respect and had a hole therein showing it had been worn by an Indian or some one many years ago. It was embedded near the center of a stick of wood over two feet in thickness , which had been the main body of an oak tree. Women Will Build Auditorium. Cherry County. The Women's Im provement club is making plans for building a large auditorium in Valen tine the coming summer and it has all its committees out on the different parts of the work , and the prospects of the building being built are the most favorable. Wet or Dry ? Gage County. A petition has been circulated in Wymore getting signers to submit the question of whether Wymore shall be wet or dry for the ensuing year to the voters at the next city election. About sixty names have been secured. Swan Elmer Johnson , Omaha , an iron moulder , killed himself , his trouble being that his wife was suing for divorcee. Seed Corn Tested Free. Hall County. The Commercial club of Grand Island has arranged to have the seed corn of that vicinity tested free for farmers who desire to take advantage of the opportunity. Three testers , with the capacity of 1,000 , will be secured. Fatally Hurt in Corn Sneller. Seward County. Frank Rogers died at the hospital in Seward. While op erating a cornsheller he was caught in the machinery and his leg was badly mangled. Be was taken to tne hospital and his leg was amputatea. Files Petition for Folk. E. E. Ericson of Bristow sent into the secretary of state a petition signed by residents of that place asx- ing that the name of Joseph Folk ol Missouri be placed on the primary bal lot as a preferential candidate for tne democratic nomination for the presi dency. Rode Hard to Secure Land. Cherry County. Something like the old time rush for land took place at Valentine when Frank Sedalecek rode ninety-five miles against time to file on a piece of land. It seems that he had taken a surveyor out to survey this piece he wanted somewhere near the Spade ranch and the survey show ed that it included some very valuable hay land that has been used by Spade. Some employes of the ranch , finding out what was going on , started 'for Valentine at once , but Sedalecek got his filing first. STOCK J ON DRY FARMS Agriculture Must Be Used to Im prove Soil Fertility. One of Best Ways to Accomplish End Is to Raise More Animals and Di versify Crops Sell Only High-Priced Products. In the early development of the dry farming industry , practically all the thought was given to the production of crops. The main problem was to take land receiving but scant rainfall and producing but little of value , and make it produce paying crops. At tention has been directed toward the practical problem of plowing , harrow ing and other tillage operations to conserve moisture. The world has been searched for plants inured to drouth. Careful tests have been made to secure varieties that would pro duce maximum crops with a minimum amount of water. The work of determining whether success or failure has to be the re ward of all this labor has left little time to consider methods of making the Industry permanent and establish ing it on the basis of good husban dry. The pioneer work has been well done. It is now necessary that dry land agriculture improve and not de plete soil fertility , and that it develop a high type of citizenship among its followers. One of the ways of accomplishing these ends is to increase the live stock and diversify the dry farm prod ucts. In the past but very little at tention has been given to animal pro duction. This has been very well thus far , but history has demonstrat ed that such a policy will inevitably decrease soil fertility. Now , a good system of permanent dry land agri culture cannot be conducted on land that Is gradually but surely growing poorer. One of the very best ways of maintaining soil fertility is to feed the crops to live stock on the farm and sell only concentrated , high- priced products. Live stock may also contribute to the more successful management of the dry farm by helping more profit ably to employ its labor. In the pro duction of a single crop , for example , wheat , a great deal of labor Is re quired at certain seasons of the year , while at other seasons there Is prac tically nothing to do. This condition Is certainly out of harmony with economic management. It would not be difficult to arrange a system of man agement whereby the labor required during the busy season of crop pro duction could be profitably employed at other times caring for live stock being fattened. Thus the live stock would not only preserve the value of the land , but would help to solve one of the difficult problems of profitable management. The manager of the dry farm may also use live stock in helping to solve the problem of marketing. Crops can often be fed to animals at a good profit. This also places the crops more or less beyond the uncertain fluctuations in price. On every farm there are always certain products which for some reason are unmarket able , yet perfectly edible. They are often an entire loss in the absence of stock to consume them. Where crop growing alone is followed , the sales are usually all made at one time , mak ing a short season of great plenty , but a longer season with absolutely no in come. By the use of live stock , the period when money is coming in is ex tended. The diversity of products also makes the farmer less at the mercy of unfavorable conditions. A Good Turkey Ration. While corn will put fat on turkeys , a much finer quality of flesh is ob tained if they are given a ration of ground oats , barley , buckwheat and wheat middlings mixed into a moist hash and skim milk or buttermilk. A half ounce of tallow to each bird as a substitute for corn gives excellent results. This ration should be fed from a trough and should be supplemented by a succulent ration of apples , beets or turnips. Shells , grit , and fresh wa ter should be kept before the birds constantly. If they are in good grow ing condition to start with about three weeks of this special feeding will be needed to fit them for the ! table. Crops for Sage Brush Land. The choice of crops for sage-brush land will depend on soil , location and altitude. The grains almost always do well. On the proper soils and in adapted locations , potatoes thrive. Garden stuff nearly always does well. For the most part sage brush lands are deficient in organic matter and will not reach their best production until after they have been in alfalfa or other legumes. In the higher alti tudes field peas and alsike clover will often be used as the rotation crop to increase the productive capacity of the lands. Thus land which has been in peas , clover or alfalfa will produce larger crops than virgin soil. Remedy for Lice on Cows. A good remedy for lice on cows is to pour a little kerosene oil into a shallow dish and stir in a little salt. Then take a wire-tooth cattle comb , dip the ends of the teeth in the mix ture , and , shaking off the surplus , draw the comb down through the cow's hair where the lice are found. Comb the cows once a week in this way , taking care not to apply enough of the oil to loosen the hair , and the lice will soon be exterminated. NEED OF CONSERVING WATER Necessity of Storing Moisture in Soil During Periods of Wet Weather to Use During Drouth. The Nebraska experiment station Bulletin No. 114 , on storing moisture in the soil , Is a report of work done at the experimental station located at North Platte. It takes up the neces sity of storing water in the soil dur ing periods of wet weather , to be used during periods of drouth. The charts show that water is con served In the soil through cultivation and that it is necessary to keep the surface of the soil loose and in a re ceptive condition to get the water Into the soil. Almost as much water is got Into the soil during the early part of the season where a cultivated crop is being grown as is conserved by sum mer tillage. This Is due to the fact that the surface soil Is kept loose enough to hold the water that falls until it can get down into the soil , and the loose soil on the surface prevents evaporation. It Is also due to the fact that comparatively few plants are being grown In a cultivated field , and these do not draw very heavily on the water supply during the early part of their growth. | In a small grain field more plants are grown , with the result that the watec , Is used more rapidly and less water is got into the soil. In field's growing alfalfa or brome grass , where the number of growing plants are large and the surface of the soil Is smooth and hard , it is seldom that enough water gets into the soil to moisten it below two or three feet. By the method of summer tilling prac- ticed from 40 to 50 per cent , of the season's rainfall has been stored for the use of the subsequent crop. On this type of soil the water In the up per six feet is available for the crop. VALUE OF PLOWING IN FALL Should Be Done in Order to Permit Winter Precipitation to Enter Soils Easily and Effectively. It is generally conceded that in or der to permit the winter precipitation to enter the soils easily and effectively , the soil should be plowed in the fall and left in a rough state throughout the winter. To prevent a loss of this storage moisture , when the warm sun shine of spring and summer appears , the fall plowed soil should be harrow ed In early spring , and by means of re peated harrowlngs a dry earth mulch should bu kept on the surface. On the overwhelming majority of western soils the only right time for plowing is In the fall. On an equally large proportion of western soils the best method of preventing evaporation from soils is deep and thorough cultivation. The soil of the farm on which the experiments reported In this bulletin were conducted was tilled in the best possible manner. The top soil was loose and permitted the ready en trance of water. The field was usual ly plowed in the fall. During two sea sons only it was possible to secure comparative data dealing with fall versus spring plowing. While the dif ference in both seasons was small , in both cases it was In favor of the fall- plowed soil. Some workers in this field have noted the small Increase in the per centage of soil moisture to certain depths resulting from fall plowing rnd have hastily concluded that fall plowing has little value in corperving the natural precipitation. In view of the law of the approximate constancv of the soil moisture in the spring such views may be revised. Fall plowing undoubtedly conserves the winter precipitation. Utah Bulletin Xo 104. ' It pays in dollars and cents to make the stock comfortable. Try to protect all stock from cold winds and rains. It pays. The cattle shortage is with us and is likely to stay for years. Kafir fodder is better in quantity and quality in Kansas this fall than for ten years. Two parts oats and one of bran make a well-balanced grain ration for pregnant ewes. Sheep , like men , can endure great severity if conditions are maintained favorable to the body. Many times plenty of salt for stock saves medicine later on. Hogs should I have it as well as the rest. The man with the cattle is now considered - sidered the lucky man , and the better bred his cattle are the luckier he is. In the long run it Is live stock raiser who gets ahead. Look around your neighborhood and see if It is not so. ' A hog fed on corn alone from the time it is weaned from the sow until butchered at 18 months old seldom pays expenses. As good a conditioner as we know of is oil meal fed in connection with one-tenth salt. There is nothing bet ter for winter conditioning. For a straight hog fence we have found that 26 inches Is not high enough. If there are to be no barb wires on top , the hog fence should be not less than 30 inches high. A vicious old horse in a herd of a horses in the pasture is likely to do v great harm by biting and kicking , d She should either be hobbled or kept entirely away from other horse ? FINE BREAKFAST DISH , MOST APPETIZING WAY OF PRE PARING SAUSAGES. Cooked In Methods Described , Any Lover of These Delectable Mor- sels May Partake of Them With Enjoyment. In vain does the cry of Socrates come to us , down the ages "Beware of foods that persuade you to eat though not hungry , and of liquors that prevail with you to drink though not thirsty. " A breakfast of sausages , wheat cakes and fragrant coffee is all that is needed to make us forget the hen pecked sage's warning. Here are ways of cooking sausages so all lovers of the delectable morsels may eat them safely : Instead of frying sausages , put them to cook in enough boiling water to al most cover Add no fat. Simmer gently until the water is evaporated. Enough grease will now be rendered from the meat to fry them , and the casing will be unbroken. Lift the links from the frying pan and roll in flour. Fry until the coating is crisp and brown. The flour prevents the sausages from : breaking open and does onfc al low 1 < the rendered grease to be reab- sorbed. If a little ground sage be mixed with the flour , the flavor will be improved. The new method of paper-bag cookery - ery is excellent for cooking sausage cakes. Shape the cakes , place in bags , press out the air , and cook in hot oven i fifteen minutes. Open the bottom of , the bag and drain out the fat from the pork. Serve on a hot platter. Broiled sausages with rice give a well-balanced dish for a wintry day's breakfast. Place small link sausages on the broiler with dripping pan be neath , broil slowly , and serve around a mound of creamed rice. Sausages with baked creamed pota toes To every pound of bulk sau sage meat add an ounce of ground inived herbs. A good mixture to make and keep on hand for such season as this is two ounces of ground sage , a fourth of an ounce of cayenne pepper , one ounce of thyme , one ounce of ma- tforam , and one of celery salt. Shape into cakes and fry for five minutes. Fill a baking dish with diced potatoes , cover with cream , lay the sausage cakes on top , and take In a hot oven fifteen minutes , or until the cream is absorbed and the meat a good color. Where sausage is liked but cannot be eaten on account of its richness , It may be made at home and mixed with lean beef or veal in the proportion tion most approved. Two parts lean meat to one part pork will give a mix ture in which the pork flavor will still predominate. Home-made sau < ? . ? .g is much in favor - vor , since the commercial product all contains "filler , " presumably some cereal or stale bread. The food-chop- per now found in every kitchen does , the grinding as well as the butcher's I and the particular housekeeper has J the satisfaction of knowing just what j the ingredients of the sausage are. ; Favorite Brown Bread. j Two cups sweet milk and 1 of sour , j 2 cups of meal and 1 of flour , 1 cup of , molasses and \yz teaspoons of saler6 atus , with a pinch of salt. Mix meal and flour. Add the cup of molasses or use half molasses and sugar , then the sour milk and the sweet after. Just before pouring into the dish that you intend to steam in , add the soda. A five-pound lard pail makes a good dish and set on a block or cover in verted in your kettle. Be sure that the water is boiling in the kettle when < the mixture is put in , as this is quite thin and wants to set quickly. Do not look at it for at least an hour , and be | 'sure that there is water enough so as not to require refilling before this time at least. Keep it steaming for three hours , and tell me how you like it. ( Meal is Indian meal. ) Water can ' be used instead of sweet milk. Dried Fruit. Dried fruit tastes just as good when stewed in the oven , and this method has its advantages the fruit will not dry and burn , it will remain whole , and may be cooked while roasting or baking. Wash the fruit , pour boiling water over it and let it stand in a cov ered dish until ready to put in the oven. Then add the sugar , cover lightJ ly and let the heat of the oven do the cooking. Prunes are always delicious J when stewed in this way. , Novel Hints. When cooking spinach cook in a cheesecloth bag , easily lifted and I drained dry. Pad the ironing board on both m\ sides. Use one side for white goods , | j the other for colored. E A teaspoonful of glycerin added to P the rinse water makes woolen blankets - ! ets come out like new. s Removing Lime Deposit from Kettle. I Q A simple method of removing the j _ Incrustation of lime which forms InI I a side a kettle is to place some whiting in it , fill up with water , and boil until the incrustation is loosened , when It may be easily washed out. To Purify Sinks and Drains. To one pound of common copperas add one gallon of boiling water and use when dissolved. The copperas is deadly poifon and should bo carefully labeled. This 5s one of the best cleansers of pipes and drains. RESTORED TO HEALTH. After Suffering with Kidney Disorder * for Many Years. Mrs. John S. Way , 209 S. 8th St. , In dependence , Kans. , says : "For a num ber of years I was a victim of disor dered kidneys. My back ached con stantly , the passage 81O of the kidney secre tions was irregular and : my feet and an kles badly swollen. Spots appeared be fore my eyes and I fcsv was Tery nervous. svA After using numerous remedies < without relief , I was com pletely cured by Doan's Kidney Pills. In : view of my advanced age , my cure seems ' remarkable. " "When Your Back Is Lame , Remem ber the Name-DOAN'S. 50c. all stores , Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. For Instance. "Pa , what does abnormal mean ? " "Something that is out of thtJ or dinary something that is different from what it might be expected to be an actress who has never applied for a divorce , for instance. " Lucky. Howell It costs a good deal to live. Powell Aren't you glad you are a dead one ? Sioux City Directory "Hub of the Northwest. " DavitaBros.Co.jSionxCity.Ia. WE HAVE just added a piano department to our great establish- ment. We sell pianos on the same basis as other lines from $100 to $150 saved on any instru ment. We carry a full line of pianos , piano players , Victor and Edison Phonographs. Write for our piano price list and other information pertaining to pianos. ROGKL1N & LEHMAN FLORISTS SICUX CITY IOWA Fresh Gui Flowers & Floral Emblems OF ALL DESCRIPTION ON SHORT NOTICE. Order by Mail , Telephone or Telegraph. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Electric Light Plants for farms and towns. All kinds of electric fixtures and supplies. Electric Supply Co. , 525 5tb , Sioux City , la. To Merchants Only Crockery , ChinaGlasswareLamps , HotelDishesFountain Suppliesetc. Wholesalers and Manufacturing Agents. Write for catalog or salesman. SIOUX CITY CROCKERY CO. , 309-311 Neb St. , Sioux Cityla. t TfRE REPAIRING Prices Right V/ork Guaranteed 20 Per Cent Off our repair list on all Retreads and Tube repairingto March 15. Write forlist. Kelly - Springfield Tires Auto Accessories. HALLER BROS. AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO. 621 Pearl Sfreel Sioux City. Iowa You Get Value Received When You Buy Oil 3E9" f QOA"P M r teJft J @ The kind with the YELLOW BAND Sold by all grocers , the bands are valuable HUMPHREYS STEAM DYE WORKS LARGEST 1H V/EST DRY J ] GLEANING & DYEiHS OUR SPECIALTY 517 PIERCE STREET SIOUX CITY. IOWA _ For RHEUMATISM , CATARRH , and all disor ders of the BLOOD , LIVER and KIDNEYS take 9UB 8 ? Tr & ! > 1 Write today for a < jj | R _ H - a ft i _ ( B ! / ? _ . , week's treatment BlfflBBB H 2 B 2 a 3 $ B tea B FREE. Address The M.I.S.T. Co.,506 4th St.Sioux Cityla. Fifty young1 people to Study Grejfg Shorthand and Bookkeeping. Indi vidual Instruction. It will pav you to write for booklet. NATIONAL BUSINESS TRAINING SCHOOL , Sioux City.la. PEERLESS CHICK"FOOD PEERLESS POULTRY FOOD , AKRON MILLING CO. , Sioux City , la. AWNINGS _ TENTS . Stack , Covers , etc. TENTS TO RENT G. E. Martin Co.,307 Jackson St. , Siour Cityla. THE BRICK WITH A NAME Manufactured by SIOUX CITY BRICK &TILE WORKS For Sale by Your L.uuibermun \ 9 our catalogs of Stringed Instruments and Strings , JV j i i Band Instruments , Sheet ilusicTalking Machines , Everything in Music and Recorda Address Pioneer Music House. 315 4th St. . Sioux City. la. Soda Fountains and supplies. We sell them. Chesterman Co. , Depf. F , Sioux City , la. AMERICAN SUIT & CLOAK COMPANY Manufacturers of SyTS--GLGfiKS--SKIHTS ! - - - - COR. FOURTH and COURT STS. . SIOUX CITY. IOWA 4 UFA , . I PR wanted In every town to sell lJLtt.LiLtiour our nicu grade wall paper from special books. If we have no dealer io your town , write us at once. AALFS WALL PAPER CO. . 1100 4th Street , Sioux City , Iowa. Wholesale Wall Paper , Paints , Window Shades , etc. FRENCH DRY CLEANERS The largest and best in Sioux City. Gents * suits cleaned and pressed , SI. Ladies' suits cleaned and pressed , 51.50. Other prices on application. We pay express one way. 419 Sixth & 515 W. 7lh SJ