Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 15, 1912, Image 5

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    r. '
His "Mouth Waters"
\vhen he sees grandma rolling
oul the li' i : : ! ' . they will be
so f - . . LCS
rI ill Club
I ! * ; iih C'ubisthe ' most econom
ical &f any Ugh nradc bakinjf pow
der. It sells for only a cent an
ounce an honcit anti-trust price
and you use one tcaspoonful in
place of two.
Health Club is sold in 10c-15c-23c
cans by gooil grocers.
Layton Pure Food Company
East St. Louis , 111.
in , tin
In The District Court of Cherry County
M. Bal'ardanil Will'a u lUllard , Plaintiffs.
Charles P. Mr .see. and Mrs. Itresceiie of
Charles P. Kienfo lirat leal name miknoun
To Charles P. Hresee and Mrn. Bresce , wife of
Charles 1' . Hrev , llrst nal name unknown ,
lion-resident delendanti :
You and each cf olou are hereby notified
that on t hearth div of .lann try , l'H2. AI
lard ; iid William Ballard fiied ineir p titttm in
the Dlstiict Court ol Cherry County. NeorasUa
th object and prayer ! unii-h aiv to obt in a
judgement and a decree quieting : tiid conlinn inr
the title to Lots : ; and > NWJN'U ] . > -eaiism :54 : ,
SWJSTiMion \ -7. tdwnslnj. : ; : ! . n.irth. ntiiwe
21' vxest ftth t UIK ipal Meridian : n ( lieirj
( Jouury. elll. l kit. in the jilamtills , and to
cancel and annul a ci rtain quii ilann deed to
said prfmiM-sj evented bj Jdarlh Mead Lime > >
to Charles P. Krcsee You are requuni to an--
ver.said petition on or before Monday the lltli
day of Match Il l2.
l2.M. . Ballard.
William Ha'lard , Plain tiffs.
By E. D. Claike. their attorney. 4-4
Registered Hereford Bulls for
sale at all times of the year.
Simeon - Nebraska
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr.
F. M. Walcott Oliver M. Walcott
Walcott Walcott
Practice be fore r. S. Land Ollice and all
Federal and State courts.
Valentine Nebraska
Attorney-at- Law
Office front room , second story ,
over T. C. Hornby's store , Main
street entrance.
Valentine Nebraska
Dr. M. F. Meer ,
Rooms over Eed Front store
Valentine - Nebr ,
Dr. D. W. Sumner
Hornby Building
Phone No. 173.
Here is a woman who speaks from per
sonal knowledge and long experience ,
viz. , Mrs. P. H. Brogan , of Wilson , Pa. ,
who says , "I know from experience that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is far su
perior to any other. For croup there is
nothing that excels it. " For sale by
Chapman , the druggist.
Valentine Lodge No. 70 ,
A. 0. U. W.
Meets 1st and 3rd Monday in each
month at Fraternal Hall. All
Brethern are cordially invited to be
pr/jsentj ALBERT P. WEBB , M.w -
C. QUIGLEY , Recorder.
Felch's Restaurant and
Lunch Counter
Come to my new location in the
old Morey building.
Home Cooking
Ten per cent discount on made
to measure , spring and summer
coats , suits , dresses and skirts un
til BveV2 % at Thfe Bfeti Frttnfc
. ! . A Kirk wood is in town.
Frank Fliggin was in town . \ ?
I onlay.
D A. Hancock was in town
] S. II. Weston dropped into town
! the other day.
E. L. Hutchison was up from
Tenbrook today.
Jack Kief was in town a couple
of days this week.
George and Torn Christopher
were in town Monday.
John Cronin has gone to Oraaha
to doctor and we hope he will im
Alva Green is the new deputy
county clerk , resigning as county
Sam Lee was in town this week
a couple of days. Billy Kinkead
was also in yesterday.
Year old corn for seed , tests 95
per cent , for sale at § 1.75 per
bushel LEWIS TAYLOK , Har
mony , Xebr. 6-2
Wm. "Ward is carrying his arm
in a sling. He slipped off a door
step at Rosebud and fell breaking
his arm at the wrist.
The Ludwig Lumber company
has built a new cement and limp
house near the railroad switch at
thp west of their yard.
Clarence. Walcott came last
night from Crab Orchard where
he had been visiting his sister ,
Mrs. Brown , and his mother. He
is looking fine.
We have taken the back c-
counts of THE DEMOCRAT and will
appreciate prompt settlement. To
help you start we offer you sub
scriptions in advance at § 1.00 un
til May 1st. !
Jack Whipple was down from
Rrosebud and informs us that he
has disposed of this end of the
stage route. He recently went
rlown to Omaha and purchased n
lot of stock cattle which he will
fatten upon the luxurious grasses
of the Rosebud country.
State Supt. Dalzell lectured here
last week. Several years ago
Prof. Sear&on , an institne instruc
tor here at that time , announced a
lecture that was not given. We
printed a few bills and Mr. Sear-
son stuck them around where
Prof Dalzell would run onto them ,
one at the hotel , one at the barber
shop and several at the school
house. Everybody knew it was a
joke , but the Professor was visibly
Perry Swearingen and Mrs.
Dick Osburn departed Monday
night for Ottumwa , la. , to visit a
sick sister. It has been 33 years
since they left Ottumwa and this
is their first trip back there in that
time. In the prime of life they
started out to make a home in the
wpst after a short sojourn in Nod-
away county , Missouri , and in
seven mover wagons westward
bound journeyed together to Cher
ry county Osburns , Swearingens
and the Grooms families.
One of the most enjoyable af
fairs of the season took place Tues
day evening when Mrs. Brayton
and Mrs. Kincaid entertained forty
ladies at the home of the former at
a five course banquet. The tables
were beautifully decorated in cut
flowers and with the cut glass and
pretty china made a very beauti
ful appearance. At the several
menu word contests prizes were
won by Mrs. Robinson , Mrs. G ,
Cpphers , Miss Van Orsdoll , Miss
Helzer and Miss Stuckey.
Attention !
High school lecture course. The
second number of this course will
be given Friday evening at eight
o'clock atthe , Quigley hall. The
Imperial Concert Co.
'The immense crowd was high
ly deliirhred with the work of the
Imperials. " Beatrice Ghautau-
"The Imperials were with us
three days and were the finest
that ever appeared on our plat-
fo'rnr. " TetAmjSte'b Ohutfcutj\iir.
White Clay Precinct.
isEflur Gacbrel , a sister o !
L. E. Aubert , who is on J
vi fn-Mj Los Angeles , C'al.
wen U ) i Inand hills for a coupli
of ! : > \ i-it with friends.
a , E ig -I and E-ihcr Ask :
enroll--il in district 44 this week.
Herbert Wellnitz is now on th <
whooping cough list.
MM. . Dewing and family visit-
< > d over Sunday with Sam Dewing
on the extension.
0.j \ ll i | -r > MMI' ( < Rii hviilt
Thurrid.'tv of ! a-t \\ook tdo oni (
A great many of the farmers
took advantage of the nice weath
er last week and went to town.
Miss Phoebe Jacobs visited al
Ed Hankins' last Sunday.
About twenty of the your
peTple gathered at Hankins' Feb
ruary 4th to celebrate Miss
Svlvia's 17th birthday. Everyone
enjoyed the occasion.
Mrs. Clank and son John uere
in the city Friday on business.
John Lehmen took down a load
of posts the latter part of last
week. The roads are in good
condition in most places.
Other States Have Lots
Of Bad Seed Corn
Nebraska is not the oi y state
in the middle west which has poor
setd corn , according to reports
which have come to the Publicity
Bureau of the Commercial Club of
Omaha. Authoiities of the South
Dakota. Experiment Station write
that seed corn in that state is even
worse than Nebraska's.
A. E. Samuel of St. Joseph , Mo. ,
writes that he has tested corn in
Illinois , Iowa , Missouri and Kansas
and after a thorough investigation ,
lie states that the condition is general - %
eral in the corn belt.
The seed corn specials , which are
ihe outcome of the campaign start
ed by the Publicity Bureau of the
commercial club , are in good shape
Four will leave on the morning of
February 26 over three different
railroads and will visit 250 stations
during the tour. prof. CW. .
Pugsley of the Extension Depart
ment of the State Farm has secured
forty speakers to accompany the
New pictures every other night.
Orchestra Music on Mondav's ai d
Thursday's. Show at 8:15 : phaip.
Admission 10 cen s 5t
Princeton to Go Slow In Rowing.
" \V. W. lloper , who is the graduate
director of athletics at Princeton , is
authority for a statement that the
Tigers will not take part in any of the
outside rowing regattas during the
present year.
Ever since Princeton made such a
favorable impression in the triangular
regatta with Cornell and Yale the people
ple who were anxious to have a Tiger
< TOW compete at Poughkeepsie or at
New London have been boosting to
ward this end. Mr. Roper's announce
ment , however , will end all this talk.
Princeton will hold a regatta on Car
negie lake again next year. Negotia
tions are now progiessing for a trian
gular meeting with Harvard and Penn
sylvania. ?
It is also practically certain that the
Tigers will enter a crew in the Amer
ican regatta at Philadelphia.
Moriarty For First Bag.
Tm not particularly anxious to get
George Stovall from the Naps , " says
President Navin of Detroit. "Of course
I want to be protected in case Gainer's
wrist goes back on him in the spring ,
but J believe Moriarty can cover the
first sack as acceptably as could Sto
"I received a letter from Gainer a
few days ago , and he stated that his
wrist was coming along finely and that
he could use it quite freely. He is pet
ting the lump between the bones work
ed out. and he expressed a confidence
that it would be as good as ever in the
spring. "
"Holdouts. "
Star Pitchers Are
Vean Gregg of Cleveland and Grover
Cleveland Alexander of the Phillies ,
the two duds of 1911 so far as pitchers
go. are holdouts in the matter of 1012
contracts , each demanding a S.'i.OOO sal
ary. Both ought to get it on the work
done by them last season. Gregg won
twenty-three jjamts and lost pevou ,
and Alexander won twenty-eight and
lost thirteen. Magnates usually go on
the theory that no pitcher is worth
$5,000 a year until he has worked three
Old Crow , All Load in
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
Guchen- Under the
heimer Supervision
Rye of the
Whiskeys. U. S. Gov.
so handle the Budweiser Beer.
Seed Potatoes
The Valentine Commercial Club
would like information regarding
seed potatoes.
First , whether the parties who
shipped potatoes into Crookston
were satisfied with the result of
their experiment and have good ,
uniform potatoes as the result of
last .year's shipment ?
Second , from those who brought
in potatoes last .year , or anyone
else acquainted with the subject ,
where the best place to order from
to get potatoes best adapted to
this soil and climate ?
Third , the names of all persons
who would like seed potatoes and
the number of bushels ?
The commercial club desires
his information foi the purpose
of ascertaining whether or not it
would be advisable to ship in sev
eral car loads and distribute theme
o the farmers at cost , it being
understood in advance that those
ordering would pay cash.
The object is to secure the grow-
ng of uniform potatoes in the
county in order that deliveries by
everal persons into the same car
vill be of the same kind and qual-
ty. At present , buyers find that
n shipping they have several dif-
'erent ' kinds of potatoes , and that
causes a reduction in the value on
he markets from 10 to 25 cents
a bushel , whereas , potatoes of the
same variety and size would sell
o very much better advantage.
Any information that will tend
o enlighten us on this subject
vill be gratefully received. Ad
dress the same ,
TV li JL 1 li w/11 JTA 1 JLi
An Offer That Involves No Money
Risk if You Accept It.
We are so positive our remedy
will completely relieve constipa-
ion , no matter how chronic it
may be , that we offer to furnish it
: ree of all cost if it fails.
Constipation is commonly caused
) .y weakness of the nerves and
muscles of the larger intestines.
To expect a cure you must there-
ore tone up and strengthen those
organs and restore them to health-
er activity.
We want you to try Rexall
Orderlies on our guarantee. They
are eaten like candy , and are par-
icularly good for children. They
seem to act directly on the nerves
and muscles of the bowels. They
apparently have a neutral action
on the other organs. They do
not purge or cause- other incon
venience. We will refund your
money if they do not overcome
chronic or habitual constipation
and thus aid to relieve the myriads
of associate or dependent chronic
ailments. Try Rexall Orderlies
at our risk. Three sizes , lOc ,
25c and 50c. Sold only at our
store The Rexall Store. Chap
man , The Druggist.
Card of Thanks
V 'e wish to think all our Idnd
friends and neighbors who assisted
us during the sickness , death and
burial of our darling baby.
, AKP Mutf. WjJu
By the Meal Day or Week
Short Orders at all Hours.
Two Blocks East of Main Street on Catherine
- - -
Copyright 1901 , by C E Zimmecian Co.--No. 39N
IN order to furnish
proper banking1 protection ,
President Lincoln and his
first congress established
the National Bank which
operates under government
From time to time addi
tional laws have been
passed under the different
presidents shown above
strengthening' the protec
tion a National Bank af
Thus the confidence and
security that comes with
the possession of money
in the bank is greatly en
hanced when it is in a Na
tional Bank , for here it
has safe-guard
every pos
sible for human ingenuity
to devise.
In selecting a bank in which
to deposit your savings or
surplus funds the one thing
to be considered is safety ,
and we ask for your busi
ness only on the basis of ab
solute safety. Call at our
bank and let us explain to
you how safe your money
is here.
First National Bank
Valentine , Nebraska
St. Nicholas' Church.
Services will be held in the
Catholic church as follows :
In Valentine on Sunday , Feb. IS.
1st Mass at S a. m.
2nd Mass at 10 a. m.
Benediction of the Blessed sac
rament after Mass.
LEO M. BLAEUE. Eector.
Relieves gas in stomach , distres.
after eating , str rnach nervousness
dizziness , headache , heartburn ,
heart palpitation and other ail
ments caused by faulty digestion.
Price 25c. Prepared by United
Drug Company , Boston , Mass.
Sold in Valentine only by G. A.
Chapman. The Rexall Store.
If 5m need of wind mills or wa
fer tanks call on E Brpuk lander
U. S. Weather Bureau Report
Daily iiu-un temperature h ! = .
Normal temperature I)3. !
Highest temperature 'M .
Lowest temperature -lo3.
Range of temperature ; V. = .
Precipitation for week o 01 of an inc h.
Average for : > . ' { year > 0.1 J of an inch.
Precipitation March Is : to date 17 " inches.
Average for 5 years ii..nj inr.hes.
JOHN .1. MCLEAN. Observer.
In the District Court of Cherry County , Ne
\ViIilini E. IIjili'.v. J'laintiir ,
\ - .
T.illwrt P.jikt-r. Klnilrn Maker
Mini I'liiShoujiltf r Mnrtgnge
To I'.ilbi-rt Itaki-r. Elmlni Ilnkor. mul Th
Sho\\itrr ! Morti agf Company , i
You and i-aeh of you arc In-rchv notified
that on the iTth day of January liil-J. "Wil
liam I- ! . Haley filed a petition a petition
against you in th < - DMrlet Court of Cherry
County , Nebraska , the object and prayer
of wbieli are lo obtain a judgement and
derive ijuirt Inir and coiiflniiiiii ; tin- title to
Si SK { . Section in. E { NK ; Section : . TOWII-
-hip-- : , Ua iiu'i1' . ' ) West iH.i Principal Merid
ian. in Cherry COIIUIN. N * bra-ka. In the
plaint ill. and to cancel and annul a certain
mortuagc upon > -aid p-cinl-e executed Titl-
bert Hakerand Eliiura Haker , to the Hlio-
\\alter Mortgage Company to secure the
payment of .IIINMIO. said mortgage being dn-
ted.May ± > , isv.i. You are required to ans
wer > aid petition on or before Mondav th
llth day of March lull.
William E. Haley , Plaintiff.
By E. D.Clark , his attorney. -t-j
For Sale.
1 Belgian stallion , dark brown ,
five year's old , has been inspected
and O. K'd. sound , also register
papers O. K'd , weight 1750 , and
could be made to weigh 1800 or
better. He is a sure foal getter
and have good colts to show. Also
a few mares in foal to him. Also
some young stock and 3 mules
coming four years old this sum
mer. Will sell reasonable.
Call Phone No. 20 , on Line 210
Ainsworth , Nebraska. 5-4 :
9 People out of every 1 f |
i y
Suffer with Corns
Yet if these nine people
would use
Rexall Corn Solvent
Xot one of them would
WHY ? Because it removes
corns. It removes them
root and all without pain.
You doubt it ? Then give
the remedy a trial and be
convinced. 15c the bottle.
Sick headache is caused by a disor
dered stomach. Take Chamberlain's
Tablets and correct that and the head
ache ? will disappear. Sold by Chapman ,
the druggist.
Button Trimming for dresses
. etc. , , , , is the latest. Save your
scrapso.f cloth and take them to
the Red Front -where they can.
show you 18 styles including the
new oblong shape made to or
der. 4S
R-einrrunt s&ie at life i e\l Front.