Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 15, 1912, Image 1

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    giittrtotl looltty
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Volume 27 , No. 6 VALENTINE , NEBR. , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 15 , 1912. § 1.50 per year
We are offering bargains in Shoes for
every member of the family. These
are broken lots that we want to clean
up and to do so we are putting prices
on them that will make them move.
We have a large variety on sale , in ail
styles , leathers , and sizes. Come in
and look them over ii : you want to
make a saving.
VV nr ' 'V' V
Largest Line of Post Cards in the City.
'AJts JUU < iJ < frji < * j J * j JiJ * *
Typewriter Supplies at The Democrat Office ,
As we have a large stock on hand we can
sell at Lowest Prices.
Fischer's Hardware.
Red Front Hardware Co.
Headquarters For Electrical Supplies
We handle the
Electric and Power Washing
Machines and Pumping Engines
Electric Wiring , Plumbing , and Heating ,
Our Specialties.
Red Front Hardware Co.
If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble ,
Accept This Offer.
When we promise your money
back for the mere asking if Rexall
' " 93" Hair tonic does not do as we
claim it will. We do ask you to
obligate yourself in any way.
We could not afford to so
strongly endorse Rexall " 93"
Hair Tonic and continue to sell it
as we do , if it did not do all we
claim. Should our enthusiasm
carry u ? away , and Rexall k93"
Hair Tonic not give entire satis-
tion to the users , they would
fkfcfr ifc 'tis afctf tnir
ments , and in consequence our
business prestige would suffer.
We honestly believe that Rexall
" 93" Hair Tonic will do more
than any other human agency to
ward restoring hair growth and
hair health. It is not greasy and
will not gum the scalp or hair or
cause permanent stain. It is as
pleasant to use as pure cold wati r.
It comes in two sizes , prices 5Uc
and § 1.00. Remember , you can
obtain it only at our store The
Rexall Store. Chapman , The
Get TUB DEMOCRAT now for
m arirancte tratfl Mfcp 1 , \
Chrh Dittraer was in town
Rev. Wells is down the road
this week.
Pete Simons was in town Tues
day and. stayed overnight.
Al Riemenschneicler and son
were down from Cody Tuesday.
Judge Harrington was in Valen
tine on legal business last Friday.
A. O. Coleraan was in town
Tuesday from his ranch up the
Come in and register your name
with THE DEMOCRAT for a year in
Fritz Porath , sr. , and daughter
of the German Settlement were in
town Monday.
Found On Main street a bunch
of Yale keys. Owner can have
same by paying for this notice.
Theo. Tillson was in town Mon
day and tells us that the roads are
pretty rough and about the worst
he's seen.
C. S. Reece and J. E. Thackrey
came to town Tuesday and went
up on the reservation on business
Jim Hughes and family , Mrs.
Powers and daughter , Sophia , de
parted Saturday night for South
ern Oregon.
The county commissioners were
in session a couple of days last
week and this week on road and
b"idge business.
Mr. and Mrs. Bell of Chadron ,
and Mrs. Lewis of Cody came
down Friday to attend the Bache
lor laby funeral.
Len Xeausbaum of Chadron is
in town for a few days visit with
friends , and is stopping at the
home of John Slonecker.
Jo'in Fenner of Illinois and
Will Fenner of Council Bluffs , la. ,
brothers of Mrs. Moon , came out
last week for a few days visit.
There will be services in S't.
John's church next Sunday , both
morning and evening. Choir re-
bearsul on Saturday evening.
Liness Gheens was hurt by fall
ing under the wagon while going
homo week before last after prov
ing up on his homestead near
John Shelbourn returned last
Friday night from a visit to Oma
ha , Elgin and Neligh. He visited
with Tom Spratt and family and
saw Joe Spirk at Neligh.
All the county news in THE
DEMOCRAT for § 1.00 if you pay in
advance before May 1st. Roll a
dollar this way and we'll place
your name on our books.
P. H. Young returned Monday
from a trip to Harrison , where he
visited with Mr. Wilson , the hus-
buad of Mrs. Len Ellis , and went
to see J. C. Anderson's herd of
3ne white faces.
Mrs. W. W. Wells left on No.
2 Sunday eveniug in response tea
a telegram , announcing the serious
llness of her mother in Schuyler.
3er daughter , Sarah , accompanied
ler as far as Ewing.
The Degree of Honor had a
) rick cheese sandwich lunch after
lodge Monday night , served by
the gentlemen members , and they
say they served it and washed the
dishes in real lady like style.
Mack Cramer was in town Mon
day and stayed over night , the
next day going down near Sparks I
to gef a load of oats. The , farm
ers around Sparks raise good oats
and their farm land is good for
\toay kind of
Big reductions on men's sweat
ers at the Red Front-
Pay up in advance for THE
DEMOCRAT before May 1st and get
the dollar rate for all advance
Clint Headington came up from
Johnstown vesterday and took his
wife and baby home. Mrs. Head
ington has been visiting at the
home of her parents , H. W. Hoe-
nig and wife , the past few months.
For Sale : Store building north
of and adjoining Donoher hotel.
§ 2250 , § 500 cash , balance § 50 per
month like rent , or will rent.
Inquire of Charles Sparks or
Louise M. Webb , Geneva , Xeb.
G. T. Kalkofen and son Fred
have opened up a harness shop
and shoe repairing second door
east of THE DEMOCRAT office. A
life time in the business fits Mr.
Kalkofen to do work in his line
Judge Walcott went down to
Omaha Friday and from there
went to Crabb Orchard , where he
met his brothers , Clarence and
William , a merchant in Oklahoma ,
at his sister's home and had
a family reunion.
W. E. Case , formerly a foreman
for the 10L ranch , and a well
known man in southwest Cherry
county , came up from Lincoln last
Thursday , where he took sick and
developed into pneumonia at the
Donoher Friday , where he has
since been confinpd , but is recov-
ing slowly. We hear he has a
son aillicted similarly at the home
at Broken Bow. He is receiving
oor2are here and his friends are
looking after him.
D J. C. Applegate , H. E. Paine
and several other Wood Lake people
ple were in Valentine last Satur
day in attendance at the county
fair meeting. They feel enthus
iastic for the success of the com
ing county fair , and this is a fair
illustration of how the rest of the
people feel about it. The pioneers
neers of the county will join
neartily in the movement and THE
DEMOCRAT will be pleased to print
reports in pushing this new enter
The Modern " \Voodmen \ are de-
aating upon what to do about the
proposed raise in rates which
seem almost prohibitive to the old
er members who have been in the
order for a long time and many
are now too old to get into any
other company. It seems like an
attempt to drive them out now
after they have paid their money
for years and leave them with no
protection , which they had hoped
to provide for their families or an
aged wife.
R. M. Faddis of Valentine was
down looking over the market.
Mr. Faddis has just returned from
Wyoming and brings good reports
from there. The winter has been
a hard one , but cattle have come
through in good shape wherever
there was any good feed. Native
and "one summer" cattle are
looking well and while the stock
that has been thrown in there this
winter is rather thin there is little
danger of any material loss.
John James Bachelor , the six
months old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Bachelor died at their home
near Merriman Feb. 9 of infiaraa-
tion of the bowels after an illness
of about six days. The child was
born July 29 and was six months
and 11 days old. The remains
were brought to Valentine B\iiday
night end the funeral held Satur
day at the residence of Charles
Lewis. The bereaved parents
have the sympathy of the entire
community. Mr. Bachelor moved
to the ranch near Merriraan lasr
We will give 25 per cent off
on all Ladies' and Misses' Skirts for
the next ten days.
25 per cent off on Misses' and Chil-
drens' Lace and Blucher Shoes.
We also have broken lots and
odd sizes which will go at bargain
Call early and avoid the rush.
H. W. Hoenig , Prop.
jKA ja xs ga * ix5i w a : < *
McQEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars I
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Gu chenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29 year old
and Jas , E , Pepper , O , P , C , Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies. Imported N
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer.
Valentine Nebraska
3y25P ! g fS' fl
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
and Fait Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Flogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to sell.
If You Want
a real helpful bank service , consider these facts :
This bank is a Home institution of strength and stability ; or
ganized to assist in the developement of local industry.
In addition to our ample capital and surplus we have a very
strong board of directors employing in the management of this
bank the same watchful , conservative methods which brought
them individual success.
The officers give courteous , prompt and careful attention to
the needs of each individual depositor.
Deposits In this bcnk nro protected by the Depositor's
Guarantee Fund of the state of Nebraska.
'Jf ' } & *
* * * ( SAJ1ite
-oup Valley Hereford Ranch , '
3erd headed by S. G. Columbus 17
No. 1C0050 , and Climax 2 , No. 289
522 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg >
Bulls for Sale at AH Times ,
If you have young children you have
perhaps noticed thut disorders of the
stomaoh are their most common , ailment.
To correct this you will find Chamber
lain'sStomach and Liver Tabtejj excel
lent. They a ? $ easy and pleasant t ' .
and mild and gputle4n.flfet 3TotJ