Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 08, 1912, Image 7

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Alfalfa grows anywhere.
Sheep must have dry quarters.
Tired of chickens ? Try ducks.
A fowl drenched with rain is not
Missouri mules are being shipped
to South Africa.
Parched corn makes a good night
feed in cold weather.
Alfalfa is winning a place in the
dairyman's rotation.
One pound of sheep's wool will
make a yard of cloth.
Corn , barley and buckwheat are
very fattening grains.
New Zealand condenses and pow
ders great quantities of milk.
Stump is the best late canning
peach , among the white varieties.
In fattening fowls the wet mash ,
seems to have tbe edge over dry feed.
Fodder that is dusty will be helped
by spraying a little in the mangers or
Grapes are still trodden with , the
bare feet in many parts of Spain and
Duck raisers pack 40 dressed
ducklings in a barrel for ship
Sows are always in better condi
tion to raise fall pigs than they are in
the spring.
Fattening sheep should have grain
enough to push them forward as rapid
ly as possible.
The pig crop is governed by numer
ous influences that tend to increase
or decrease the supply.
New males for the flock each year
is the only sure way of keeping up
vigor and other good qualities.
The bourbon hens are said to be
quiet and easily handled , non-roving
in habit and yet very hardy.
The man who can raise hogs profit
able without pasture can increase his
profits many fold by using pasture.
That cows like a change of feed is
shown by the way they will eat rotten
hay , pull out old straw from the sheds ,
"When hogs go off feed in a terri
tory where cholera is present the
owner ought to suspect cholera at
Extra feed and care are needed now
to keep up the cows' vitality , for with
out vitality a. cow is not much of a
Do not allow the sheep to stand or
lie on hot fermenting manure , as it
is sure to produce foot rot and lung
Raspberries , strawberries and cher
ries were unknown in England until
the time of King Henry VHI. and of
Queen Elizabeth.
Clean out the hen house and put
the cleanings on the garden. 'Next
spring you will wonder what makes
things grow so fast.
A little tarred paper and a few
nails and laths will make a very
poor poultry house water and wind
proof for the winter.
Bight now , when cream Is flirting
with the 40-cent mark , is a poor time
to let the cows fall off on account of
lack of feed. Better buy.
' Quality in form , disposition and
general conformation must be coupled
with the size and style to get the
best in each class" of horses.
"Why kill off the game birds ? Most
of them repay well the cost of their
keep by destroying the insects that
threaten the fields of the farmer.
Be a friend of your poultry : When
fowls fly through the windows upon
entering the poultry-house is a pretty
good sign that something is wrong.
Let your hens know you always have
something for them.
Why not feed the laying hens some
potatoes , cabbage , turnips , etc. , and
thus make them feel somewhat as they
3id in the summer , when , they found
plenty of green material for food ?
rhen your egg basket would also fill
ap as did "in the good old summer-
ilme. "
Guard against rabbits.
All animals must have fresh alt.
Bran beats corn meal as a milk feefl.
Missouri raised $1,000,000 worth of
cotton in 1910.
Too early calving stunts the heifer
for dairy purposes.
Coal ashes are good for dusting over
the dropping boards.
Poultry keeping is a decidedly
healthful occupation.
The more active the hens the more
water they will drink.
Watch the yards and don't leave
any slippery or icy places.
Don't be too ready to take a seller's
word for what his cow can do.
A few lumps of sugar will help
wonderfully when training the colts
Look out for the breeding mare am
give her good food and plenty of ex
Nearly 30,000,000 acres of wheat
were planted throughout India this
Eggs from older hens are better for
hatching purposes than those from
Plenty of scalding water on the milk
utensils is needed in winter as well as
It is better to give the orchard
clean cultivation than to try to raise
crops in it.
The way to judge the value of a
breeding ewe is to examine the quality
of the lamb.
To gather a pound of honey a bee
has to make nearly 23,000 trips to and
from its hive.
It is poor policy to plan for nearly
chicks unless you have a good place
to care for them.
The hog is pretty nearly all a bun
dle of money , and he should not be
neglected in any manner.
The chief aim of a wide-awake
farmer is to produce as much as pos
sible of what he consumes.
Cover the winter onions with coarse
manure from the horse stable to give
them an early start in spring.
A 50-acre farm paid for will give
peace of mind , and if properly worked
a good profit at the least cost.
The amount of land under cultiva
tion in this country has not kept pace
with the increase of population.
Still time this month to put in some
bulbs in the ground hyacinths , tu
lips , daffodils , lily-of-the-valley , etc.
One of our dairy folks found neglect
ing to salt the cows the principal
cause of his winter churning troubles.
A drove of hogs of all colors and
sizes brings as much money as a
drove of the same breed , color and
You may feed all the food your hens
can possibly use , but if you are shorten
on grit the result will not be satisfac
Cold storage men claim that brown-
shelled eggs , being heavier and thick
er , preserve better than white-shelled
One green feed a day should be
the rule. Scalded alfalfa , sprouted
grain , cabbage or .root crops are all
If one of your hogs gets a-grudge
against another , put them in sep
arate pens. They will do better and
grow faster.
While good pasture and forage
crops will cause ewes to take on
flesh rapidly , they are run down in
flesh and vitality.
Bright sunshine helps to clean
dairy utensils , but it should give only
the finishing touches. It's sure to
shirk the rough work.
Clean the coops thoroughly before
you put them away. Get them un
der cover , too , if you can. They will
last so much longer.
Plenty of corn will keep the hens
from freezing to death , but it Isn't
likely to stimulate them to break any
records in egg production.
It is not too early to make up your
list of fruit trees needed for next
spring's planting , and to get the order
in. That will avoid delays during the
spring rush.
All kinds of schemes have been rec
ommended and tried as preventives
against rabbits gnawing young trees
but we still believe there is nothing
that does the work better than a bunch ,
of corn stalks tied about them with
binder twine.
If you will coil rope to the left
Lwice and then take the end and pass
: t down through the coil and then coil
t once to the right , you will probably
take the twist out. This is the meth
od used by an agent who has handled
and sold rope for a great many years.
Legislation In Interest of Alaska Is
Imperative Homestead Laws
Need Revising Leasing Law Rec
ommended Would Probe Cost of
Washington , Fob. 2. The president's
special message on the work of the In
terior department was read to congress
There la no branch of the Federal
Jurisdiction which calls more Imperative
ly for Immediate legislation than that
which concerns the public domain , and
especially the part of that domain which
is In Alaska.
The progress under the reclamation act
has made clear the defects of its limita
tions , which should be remedied. The
rules governing the acquisition of home
steads , of land that is not arid or semiarid -
arid , are not well adapted to the perfectIng -
Ing of title to land made arable by gov
ernment reclamation work.
I concur with the secretary of the in
terior In his recommendation that , after
entry Is made upon land being reclaimed ,
actual occupation as a homestead of the
same be not required until two years aft
er entry. Taut that cultivation of the same
shall be required , and that the present
provision under which the land is to be
paid for in ten annual Installments shall
be so modified as to allow a patent Issue
for the land at the end of five years'
cultivation and three years' occupation ,
with a reservation of a government Hen
for the amount of the unpaid purchase
money. This leniency to the reclamation
homesteader will relieve him from occupa
tion at a time when the condition of the
land makes it most burdensome and dif
ficult , and at the end of five years will
furnish him with a title upon which he
can borrow money and continue the im
provement of his holdings.
I also concur in the recommendation
of the secretary of the interior that all
o our public domain should be classified
and that each class should be disposed
of or administered In the manner most
appropriate to that particular class.
The chief change , however , which ought
to be made , and which I have already
recommended in previous mesasges and
communications to congress , Is that by
which- government coal land and phos
phate and other mineral lands containing
non-metalliferous minerals , shall be
leased by the government , with restric
tions as to size and time , resembling
those which now obtain throughout the
country between the owners in fee and
the lessees who work the mines , and in
leases like those which have been most
successful In Australia , New Zealand and
Nova Scotia. The showing made by in
vestigations into the successful working
of the leasing system leaves no doubt as
to Its wisdom and practical utility. Re
quirements as to the working of the mine
during the term may be so framed as to
prevent any holding of large mining prop
erties merely for speculation , while the
royalties may be made sufficiently low ,
not unduly to Increase the cost of the
coal mined , and at the same time suffi
cient to furnish a reasonable income for
the use of the public in the community
where the mining goes on. In Alaska ,
there Is no reason why a substantial in
come should not thus be raised for such
public works as may be deemed neces
sary or useful.
There Is no difference between the rea
sons which call for the application of the
leasing system to the coal lands still re
tained by the government in the United
States proper and those which exist In
I am not In favor of government owner
ship where the same certainty and effi
ciency of service can be had by private
enterprise , but I think the conditions
presented in Alaska are of such a char
acter as to warrant the government , for
the purpose of encouraging the develop
ment of that vast and remarkable terri
tory , to build and own a trunk line rail
road , which It can lease on terms which
may be varied and changed to meet the
growing prosperity and development of
the territory.
For some years past the high and stead
ily increasing cost of living has been a
matter of such grave public concern that
I deem It of great public Interest that an
International conference be proposed at
this time for the purpose of preparing
plans , to be submitted to the various gov
ernments , for an International Inquiry in
to the high cost of living , its extent ,
cause , effects , and possible remedies. I
therefore recommend that , to enable the
president to invite foreign governments
to such a conference , to be held at Wash
ington or elsewhere , the congress provide
an appropriation , not to exceed $20,000 , to
defray the expenses of preparation and
of participation by the United States.
The magnitude and complexity of mod
ern Industrial disputes have put .upon
some of our statutes and our present
mechanism for adjusting such differences
where we can be said to have any
mechanism at all a strain they were
never Intended to bear and for which
they are unsuited. What is urgently need
ed today is a re-examination of our laws
bearing upon the relations of employer
and employe and a careful and discrim
inating scrutiny of the various plans
which are being tried in several of our
own states and in other countries. This
would seem to be the first natural step
In bringing about an adjustment of these
relations better suited to the newer con
ditions of Industry.
My attention has been called to the in
justice which is done In this country by
the sale of articles In the trade purportIng -
Ing to be made in Ireland , when they are
not so made , and It Is suggested that the
justice of the enactrrtent of a law which ,
so far as the jurisdiction of the federal
government can go , would prevent a
continuance of this misrepresentation to
the public and fraud upon those who
are entitled to use the statement in the
sale of their goods. I think It to be
greatly In the Interest of fair dealing ,
which ought always to be encouraged by
law. for congress to enact a law making
It a misdemeanor , punishable by fine or
Imprisonment , to use the mails or to put
Into interstate commerce any articles ol
merchandise which bear upon their face
a statement that they have been manu
factured In some particular country when
the fact Is otherwise.
"A Chinaman is quoted in a news
paper as saying that his countrymen
took a step forward when they cut off
their queues. "
"No doubt they did. In fact , I once
saw a Chinaman whose queue prevent
ed him from taking a step forward. "
"How was that ? "
"It was tied to a picket fence. "
On the Market Now.
"What Is your idea of nothing to
buy ? "
"An imitation dried codfish. "
The woman -who "keeps house" has
enough to do when she is in good , sound
health , but if she is weak , tired all the
time , and suffering from morn to night
with an aching back , house-work becomes
a heavy burden.
Many women who were afflicted in this
way say that Doan's Kidney Pills have
made life easier for them.
Women are subject to kidney disease.
The clothing they wear , the work they do ,
the worry and strain of bearing and rear
ing children , the lack of proper exercise ;
all tend to it.
Backache , bearing-down pains , headache ,
dizzy spells , faintness , fits of "blues , " and
other troubles often thought to be peculiar
to the sex , are found frequently in kidney
disease. When any one of these ilia ap
pears , together with a discolored condi
tion of the kidney secretions , with passages
too frequent , scanty or burning , just make
up your mind that your kidneys are weak ,
and be quick to help them.
Doan's Kidney Pills have helped a great
many weak women through the trying
times when kidney disease means BO much
added misery. They do not disturb the
stomach or bowels and contain no poison
ous , dangerous nor habit-forming drugs.
Doan's are harmless for children too.
When Kidney Troubles Keep
You in Misery Day
and Night
' / just can't get uj > / "
The following case is typical of the cures
effected by Doan's Kidney Pills. Grateful
testimony is the best evidence.
A Terrible Tale of Kidney Suffering.
Mrs. H. W. Heacy , 1515 L St. , Bakersfield
field , Cal. , says : "My kidney trouble began
in the fall of 1907. I used remedy after
remedy prescribed by physicians but no re
lief came and I was in despair. On ac
count of the numbness and gratinp sensa
tion" I could not lie down comfortably and
some nights I was not in bed half an hour.
I became so nervous and restless I hardly
kne\y what to do. Hot waves came over
me like a flash and I became so dizzy that
I staggered. I had a feeling as _ if there
was gravel in my bladder , the _ kidney se
cretions acting too freely at times , while
again they were very scant and accom
panied by terrible pain. I cannot describe
the suffering I endured for over two years.
Finally I began using Dpan'a Kidney Pills
and while I did not notice much relief for
a week or so , I continued persistently and
when I had taken eight boxes I was feel
ing fine. The numbness and smarting fin
ally left , the kidney secretions became
clear and natural and my health improved
one hundred percent. Doan's Kidney Pills
cured me at a time when it seemed that
I would go crazy and I never can express
my gratitude. "
' "When 'Your'Back is Lame Kememberth Name'
ypnx HOMEY
Sold by afl DcaIeisLPrice30scents. Fosler-Mnbum Co JSpffaloT.N.lY. , Proprietors
Mr. Newlywed Resented What He
Considered Impertinence , but the
Joke Was on Him.
They were on their wedding tour ,
and imagined that every civility giv
en them related to their new condi
tion of servitude.
Having stopped at a way station ,
the bridegroom was approached by
the station agent , who asked :
"Are you going to take the next
train ? "
"It's none of your business , " re
torted the bridegroom , indignantly , as
he guided the bride up the platform ,
where they condoled with each other
over the impertinence of some of the
Onward came the train , its vapor
curling from afar. It was the last to
their destination that day an express.
Nearer and nearer it came at full
speed ; then in a moment it whizzed
past and was gone.
"Why in thunder didn't that train
stop ! " yelled the bridegroom.
"Cos you said 'twarn't none of my
bizness. I has to signal if that train's
to stop. "
Women are beginning to realize
more fully that good health is not to
be found in the use of cosmetics and
face powders. The appearance of
health may follow facial treatment ,
but health itself lies much deeper than
the surface.
Most important to the health of ev
ery woman is regularity of the bowels
and digestive organs. The weary
eyes , bad breath , frequent headaches ,
pimples and general air of lassitude ,
is in most every case due'to consti
pation or indigestion , or both. There
are various remedies prescribed for
this condition , but the easiest , most
pieasant and certainly effective , is
a combination of simple laxative
herbs with pepsin known to druggists
as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. This
simple remedy is far preferable to
harsh salts and catharticd and violent
purgative waters that disturb the
whole system without affording more
than temporary relief.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a
tonic laxative , mild in its action ,
pleasant to the taste and positive in
its effect , strengthening the muscles
of stomach and bowels so that after
a short time these organs regain the
power to perform their natural func
tions without assistance.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is sold
by druggists everywhere in 50c and
$1.00 bottles. If you have never tried
it , write for a sample to Dr. W. B.
Caldwell , 201 Washington St. , Monti-
cello , 111. ; he will gladly send a trial
bottle without any expense to you
On a Main Road.
Pottleton drew up at the side of the
road and accosted a man sitting on
top of a load of hay.
"I say , colonel , " said he , "are we on
the right road to Claypool Junction ? "
"Ya-as , " said the farmer.
"How's the road , pretty good ? "
asked Pottleton.
"Fine , " said the farmer. "We've
been 20 years wearin' them ruts
through. " Harper's Weekly.
"Why don't you make up your mind
to cease permitting your wife to henpeck -
peck you ? "
"I have made it up half a dozen
times , but it doesn't seem to do any
good at all. She refuses to concede
that I have a mind. "
FORMULAS How to kill and cure pork and boef.
How to tan far and leather at home. HOTT to make
all kinds of sausages. How to prepare and take off
hides and far for market. Book with 100 views with
plans , how to euro and build anything out of cement -
ment on the farm. By men of life long experience.
NEBRASKA. Last appearance ; save address.
Young America's Reply.
"Why did Shylock want a pound of
flesh ? "
"I suppose he knew that the price
of meat , was going up. "
Nothing Serious.
"Made any mistakes in the new year
as yet ? "
' . 'Well , I'm still writing in 1911. "
Harry Where do you propose to go
next summer ?
Helen I Intend to propose to a man ,
who is in a position to take me wher
ever I want to go.
Child's Reasoning.
"I can't tell you anything about my
grandpa , " said solemn little Eustace ,
questioned by a happier comrade as to
his more recent ancestor , "because I
never had any. All my grandparents
died before I was born. "
"But , you had grandparents just the
same , dear , " interpolated a listening
adult. "The fact that they died before
you were born doesn't alter the fact
that they were your grandparents. "
"But if our fathers and mothers had
died before we were born they
wouldn't have been our fathers and
mothers , would they ? " the wondering
child questioned. "So I don't see how
what you say can be true. "
Ready for Anything.
A popular neighbor had just passed
to the great beyond in a rural Penn
sylvania community and the undertaker - i
taker stood at the door of the home ,
when he heard the following remarks
by the minister :
"Mine brethren und sisters , Joe
Thomas he iss dead. Maybe Joe Thom
as he go to heaven up I no know , und
maybe Joe Thomas he go to hell
down I no know , but , mine brethren
und sisters , we must be brebared to
meet him. "
A Possibility.
"He's gone to that meeting- full of
fire. "
"Then he had better be careful or
they will put him out. "
On to Her Job.
Mrs. Colin Gabble Do you ever per
mit your husband to have his own
way ?
Mrs. Strongmind Oh , yes , occasion
ally. He is sure to make a fool of
himself , and that makes him easier to
manage next time. "
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting Feel&
Fine Acts Quickly. Try It for Red , Weak ,
\Vatery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus
trated Book In each Package. Murine is
compounded by our Oculists not a "Patent Med-
Iclno" but used In successful Physicians'Prac
tice for many yoars. Now dedicated to the Pub
lic and sold bv Druppists at 25c and Me per Bottle.
Murino Eye Salvo In Aseptic Tubes , 2oc and Me.
Murine Eye Remedy Co. , Chicago
His Economy.
"What is your idea of economy ? "
asked one statesman. *
"Making everybody except my con
stituents get along with as little
money as possible. " replied the other.
For health and energy eat it for
breakfast. Reduces cost of living.
Free Silver Spoon in every package.
Ask your grocer for a package.
It is very apt to make a young
widow indignant if a man doesn't pre
tend to use force the first time he at
tempts to kiss her.
TourdruKgist will refund money if PAZO OINT
MENT fails to cure any case of Itching , Blind ,
Bleeding or Protruding Piles in C to 14 days. Me.
If a leap year girl has money to
burn it isn't difficult for her to find a
young man willing to furnish a match.
Mrs. Wtaslow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teethlnp. softens the pums , reduces inflamma
tion , allays pain , cures wind colic , 25c a bottle.
It takes a genius to play the fool
and make it pay.
All the world's a stage , and all the
men and women are merely kickers.
The largest , beitMpcK.nandomeit ! Onion * are.
produced from Northern Grown Seeds. Smlzer' * ,
Seeds are crown in tbe extreme North , are
pedigree Blocks , and for parity , Titality and
yield are nninrpn * d. Cataloc telli.
Tbe following are tbe three mo t popular
sort * : One Urge p&ckace each \V bite
Portueal.Ycllow Globe Danrera I MM
aal Ked WetheraDeld , to test,12o.
FOR 16o.
lO.OOOkemeli ufiplendid LettucelUdish ,
Tomato , Cib * je , Turnip , Onion , Celery ,
Panley , Car ft , Melon and Flower Seeds
producing bujbeU ofregetablei and Qowen
forl6cpu tpKid. Oar great Plant and
Seed CataUgfree fortbe ajking-Write UnJaj.V
j3hDA.S8UgSeedCo.500 S.BtllSLU&oj W r
We Give A < way
Absolutely Free of Cost
The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser , in Plain
English , or Medicine Simplified , by R. V. Pierce , M. D. ,
Chief Consulting Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur
gical Institute at Buffalo , a book of 1008 large pages and
over 700 illustrations , in strong paper covers , to any one sending 21 one-cent \
stamps to cover cost of mailing only , or , in French Cloth binding for 31 stamps.
Over 680,000 copies of this complete Family Doctor Book were sold in cloth
binding at regular price of $1.50. Afterwards , one and a half million copies
were given away as above. A new , up-to-date revised edition is now ready
for mailing. Better send NOW , before all are gone. Address WORLD'S DIS
PENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION , R. V. Pierce , M. D. , President , Buffalo , N. Y
THE ONE REMEDY for woman's peculiar ailments good enough
that its makers ore not afraid to print on its outside wrapper its
every ingredient. No Secrets No Deception.
Tan : ONE REMEDY for women which contains no alcohol and
no habit-forming drugs. Made from native medicinal forest roots
of well established curative value.
S2,25 , $2.50 , S3 , $3,504 & * 5 SHOES
All Styles , All Leathers , All Sizes and Widths ,
for Men , Women and Boys.
give W.L. Douglas shoes a trial. W. L.
Douglas name stamped on a shoe guar
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Take no substitute. * S&3SSg , _ _
.HOW TO ORDER BY MATT , . Shoes teEverywhere All Charges Prepali ,
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