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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1912)
Teacher's Meeting F binary 10 , 'J a m The Trj'chnr and i lie School ChaptiM * 17-2u G W Eaton Gr ' ! AruiM-jcan Educators , MKBf' \vn Eii'i * ' * MI ! | .jr'n-i 7n \c-ui , Music Two o'clock p. m. Music The Ideal Teacher , Mrs. Morris The Influence of Organized Play ground Upon the School , Mi IV.vrl A Mot Introduction of Patriotic Exercises - cises into the School and Rural 'Life Commission , Laura Story Music Criticism , State Superintenent J E. Delzell Music Evening-S p. m. Music Lecture , State Supt. Delzell In The District Court of Cherry County t Nebraska. M. fi.l : ircl amiVilluti r..ilinl. ! ; Plaintiffs , vs. I * , r scf. and Mr ? Hrpseu wife of 1' n.-e-i-e lijst mil niuiu : unknown To ni.irlt- . UresM'siml Miv. Brcseo , wife > f ( ) iiMc < I * . 15rrx.ii' , iirr.l r .U n.uiie uukiumii , You mi' ' wh t-for \ > u nn hprchy notified that , on til. : iTlti day uS .l.iniury , IJiJ-j , AI IS.U- laid fn.tlVnliaiii Italian ! tiled inrir pjtutOM in tlie DiMtict ( 'oiitt ol Cherry ( "oiititv.for.iska. . tin * olijcct and pray * r I wmrh arc to obtin : i jiiiliiu'iit : iiida cirri eil quiutinir and eontiiiirn * ; Hit * title lu Lo < s. ' { and 1 NJ \ \ \ J..riion : $ : , SVJSfijiHiii I 27. tdwiiMhu ' ' > ii'Tth. r.inuu 21 iV'ehl Gtli iiuicijial .Meridian ; n Cherry ( bounty. > elia ) > kt. 111 Hitpiiniifls. ; . and to cancel and jv'ml ; i c rt 'in quit < labn deed to > aid prriutML'M'v uutud bAlarth Mead Ijines 10 Charity i' . isresee. You are required to aiit- uersaiil petition on or before Monday the lllti day of M rcli l J2. iM.r.ailard. ttiiliam Ha lard , PlauitilTs. By E. D. C2uke. their attoiney. 4-4 BULLS FOR SALE liegistered Hereford Bulls for sale at all times of the year. SUNNY SLOPE STOCK RANCH Simeon - Nebraska W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOTJPt & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 & "Vor. Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nebr. F. M. Walcott Oli\cr M. Walcott Walcott & Walcott Attorneys Practice before t" . R. Land OHice and all Federal and State courts. Valentine Nebraska c. Law Attcrney-at- Office front room , second story , over T. C. Hornby's store , Main street entrance. Valentine Nebraska Dr. M. F. Meer , DENTIST Rooms over Red Front store Valentine - Nebr , Dr. D. W. Sumner DENTIST Hornby Building Phone No. 173. Here is a "woman who speaks from personal - ! sonal knowledge and long experience , viz. , Mrs. P. H. Brogirn , of Wilson , Pa. , who says , "I know froiji experience that Chamberlain's Ckmgh Remedy is far su perior to any other. For croup therfe is nothing that excels it. " For sale by Chapman , the druggist. Valentine Lodge No. 70 , A. O. U. W. IMeets 1st and 3rd Monday in each ; month at Fmlernal Hall. All , Brethern are cordially invited to be present ) ; ALBERT F WEBB , M W. i JAMES C. QUIGLEY , Recorder. Felch's Restaurant and Lunch Counter Come to my new location in the old Morey building. Home Cooking REX DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Relieves gas in stomach , distres. after eatinp , sir roach rervoufness dizziness , headache , heartburn. heart palpitation and other ail ments oau.sed by faulty digestion. Price 2oc. Prepared by United | Drug Company , Boston , Mass. 1 Sold in Valentine only by G. A. C/bapman. The Rexall Store. White Clay Precinct. February 2. 191:2. : M M Dewing was in Ru-hvill - Saitndaj on business. Thte ; 'if Mo-ck's children have ( MP U h V | ; jp COIJilll. A hah' ' ' now mnrru with a von ' > iil Mid \-f ) 'd u-5 ia-i Kiici.-t\ L. E. Aubert wss doing some trading at White Clay the first of the week. J. O. Apian took a load of wood ! to toxvn and will visit ever Sund i.\ \ ith hi- family Cliarlie Abold wont toRushvilK- Wednesday and will visit a few diiys-with his folks. Mr. and Mrs. Humphreys and Miss Jacobs were in the city v Sat urday , doing some trading. John Lohmen wont to town Wednesday and hauled out a load of household goods for Frank Talbot. 3 rank Talbot and family have moved out on the extension and will farm Frank Peck's place the coming yoar. Mr. Aska and family have mov ed on J. O. A plan's ranch and Mr. A ka will assist Mr. Apian with the farm work. The groundhog did not seehi ? shadow unless he had extraordi nary sharp eyes as February 2nd was cloudy all day. Henry Abold brought out a load of supplies from town Wednesday for a dance to be : iven at his house next Saturday. Commissioners Proceedings. Primary Election Fces-l9ll William ( Jikson -1 00 E 1' Erik.son 4 00 O W Pearson 4 00 Prank Need 4 CO A I , stc-watt 22 ( W W , . ! Gibson 12 00 L C Starr 15 00 I'hillip Nelson1 00 \ Hteele 4 OH Char os Lursen 4 00 \V I ) Kicvt ! > Us 4 00 Distiict No. 4 ! ) 2(0 ( A H Metzger 21 00 .1 A San'ts ' -1 00 U F IMe'-ter 4 00 Andrew Dier.Ir 4 no U ' t rt PiCbteO 4 f 0 r K KiiiK _ ' Of A I nuvis 4 00 F A C.istlC 4 Of- \V in Hoi'ck 4 00 U E i.awson 4 Oo Harry V cstovtr 40 GO O E Lav/son 2 0 Ii WV ijght 4 00 Ainie Muscaa 1 ( H P .J Alley 41 80 D U Uaiiien i 0 ( > S L l-'lick 4 00 District 118 20 II < ! rceri 1J 50 Tom f'offee 4 00 F D Arnot 4 00 EdCjlllns 4 cu I' F ! ' ; iU- 4 00 I'd rulitis 2 0 4 00 ) ( hn > liiiiixul 10 l''riiik Lei * 4 tii 1' C MiiickU-y 4 1 U Sj > nc.-r 4 (10 ( MWAill : Hr'nl e 2 i. .1 A * .l lt'MM 8 20 .J A I Otll flltlUT 4 0. 2 00 i , \V Kullar 10 n Bon liol ) on 4 00 Dave lvler 4 OD K F IVtt crew C W ) John Clanger 4 On Cluini-ut Hulm 4 00 ehool uihtrict 12 2 On .Ja.iiCb .Moiie U SO Win Hook 4 ( A. . Guy I teed 4 ro George totts 4 co .1 r You 4 on ,1 F Voting 4 01 F Xfinp Heath 2 03 W E Haley 4 ( K E I ) Clarke 4 00 John Laton 4 ( x < T-s E lloinby 4 Co Aitlmr Sherman 4(0 K ( Tiles 4 00 Louis Xenbauer 4 to Ear : Dav s 4 00 Earl Davis 4 00 Arcltie I'.ilmer 4 00 i. Giles 20 00 U W Mitchell 20 50 C \ Boy : r 4 Oi Itob-rt 15er 4 00 11 F U.sliorn J CO Klojd W. J'ool 4 Oj S'-hool Dist 98 2 ( ! CJjde Kinie 4 00 am Lee 4 00 ( ) vv coder 18 50 Dan Barnes 4 oo Tom Aspi .tll 4 CO J W Tinier 2 on J li . pencer 23 CO Ui Spencer 4 00 II U Clapp 4 00 GChnstop-ier 4 Oi A E spall 10 20 1 * H Votini ; 4 Oo A K Spall 2 tO W L f'ohee 4 00 11 A Daniels 4 00 GKSuw\er 4 00 Kci Bailatd 11 OJ J W MeVey 4 ot Ed K.ilja 2 00 L 1'iper 4 (0 ( FKUIK t'ronin 4 00 F E Carter 10 20 IVarl Tcihero\v 4 oo Sam I.ippy 4 oo School Dnt53 2 00 C L W ales 4 Oi. Vin Hyion 4 oo John J Furray 4 00 J M Uclil ng 15 60 J U Ajle 4 00 liifetnct Ku 102 4 00 A'f Mvrris 4 00 J amcb J. Day 4 CO Aiidiew lienson 4 w W E I'ady 400 ai M W-lmot ( arl 1-JivciiB 4 00 U E bhippen 4 00 Distiict u5 2 00 Fi-ed Porfttli 4 00 C hris Ditiner 400 ilerman Weisil < g 4 00 IJenrv Detgen 5 00 v 23 George Weisflog 400 O O School JDistrict tt5 2 00 Wm Mcehain 11 30 G \V Jolniron - 4 00 George Fincher 4 00 P U Galloway 400 Jo = eph Kudelka 400 School District 43 2 00 C \V Hudson 400 Lester Gix-cn 400 Jt-hn J Grooms 400 Aetna Breuhbill 5 10 (3 N 1 oltn 40" ochool histrict 71 2 00 N E Doty 6 00 James Lansing 4 00 Fied JBeinan 4-00 Edward Ormesher 400 William Heelau 400 School Distri-t 6 2 00 Fischer's Orchestra will give a dance in Quigle.v Hall St. Valen tine night. February 14. Every body invited. Good music and a tonje Chafing Dish Apron. The clmfins disb nprun here shown la notable for the nrransement of its shoulder straps which are mere con tinuations of Ilie lace and ribbon run beading outlining its pointed front. The straps cross eafch other at the waist line in front and are each re-en forced by an additional row of the lace RIUIJON AND SWISS edging and finished with pointed ends , each adorned with a bow of ribbon. The watet band is of ribbon under val lace. Double rows of this lace edge the apron. Bowknotted swiss was the material chosen for this dainty conceit , and rib bon bows and ties added the linishing touch of co ° uettishuess. The New Train. What at first sight looks very much like the old fashioned watteau plait is a feature of many of the season's even ing gowns. For want of a belter name , many dressmakers are indeed calling the new separate trains , which are com ing from the center of the back high up between the shoulders , watleau trains. The attraction of the new train , from-the practical woman's point of view , is that it can be easily picked up and carried over the wearer's arm. Rich Fabrcs. This is ( he ep 'm of elaborate anil costly materials.Ve have gone mad about brocaded satin , velvet and chiffon fen , metal effects and the rich and luxurious effects for which the coronation nation was responsible. TYL ! mm GOAT : Full Lengtli FMels Lead , te Shorler Does Hre Coming ! n. In speaking of spring wraps the Dry Goods Economist says : The cut of the coats again shows the straight line from shoulder to hem. While there is no indication of any at tempt to draw in the figure hi any ex aggerated way , the absence of fullness in the skirt gives the , appearance of slimness which is so essential. The full length coat is considered the most practicable for the coming sea- sou , but manufacturers are working on some new models in three-quarter and seven-eighth lengths in cutaway effect , which they expect will be taken in the dressier models in silks , satins and charmeuse. The large easy fitting sleeve is con sidered excellent for spring and is seen frequently in the utility coats. It is made somewhat similar to the regula tion coat sleeve , outlining the arm to more or Ie < s extent. In automobile wraps the sleeves as well as the armhole - hole are made somewhat larger and usually finished off with a deep turn back cuff , some of which have buttons and straps so that they can be fas tened close to the arm when taking long journeys. In the evening wraps the sleeve is frequently cut in kimono shape , but set in at the shoulder or below the shoulder line , but the regulation kimo no sleeve is seldom seen in the new lines. The full length sleeve is by fat the most desirable , but some three- quarter and seven-eighth sleeves are to be found in the extremely dressy iwaps. , The use of fagoting and fancy silk stitching is noted and makes a neat and effective trimmintr. Belts are much in evidence , and belt effects are also seen. These are largely of leather and suede in black and colors aud in some cases of the material itself. New Meek Bow. The latest in neckwear is the ex tremely large bow of black or white plaited inalines. Frequently both col ors are used together , one veiling tbe other. Trained Gowns. J Dressy afternoon feuwns ore made longer than they were last season , many showing ihe short train effect , JiAa Ot A Jbn , 1 I U O t U t V V l > M fc Uw tjljw | < " " " " 2 . . . . , - ' Old Crow , All Lea din Hermitage Brands and Bottled G-uclien- Under the heimer upervson Rye of the \Vhiskeys. U. S. GOT. so handle the Budweiser Beer. E SALOON , HENRY STETTER , Propr. NATIONALISM * * i { 8 > Coprrisbt ISC'1 , by C B Zimnicnan Co. No. 39N IN order to furnish. proper banking protection , President Lincoln and his first congress established the .National Bank which operates under government supervision. From time to time addi tional laws have been passed under the different presidents shown above strengthening the protec tion a National Bank af fords. | Thus the confidence and | i security that conies with ! the possession of money ! I in the bank is greatly en hanced when it is in a Xa1 1 ( tional Bank , for here it j has safe-guard every pos sible for human ingenuity to devise. In selecting a bank in which ' to deposit your savings or surplus funds the one thing ' to be considered is safety , and we ask for your busi ! ness only on the basis of ab solute safety. Call at our bank and let us explain to you how safe your money is here. First National Bank Valentine , Nebraska eoutolevery Suffer with Corns Yet if these nine people would use Rexall Corn Solvent Xot'one of them would suffer. / WHY ? Because it removes corns. It removes them root and all without pain. You doubt it ? Then give the remedy a trial and be convinced. 15c the bottle. Sick headache is caused by a disor dered stomach. Take Chamberlain's Tablets and correct that and the heacL- aches will disappear. Sold by Chapman , the druggist. W. B. corsets are made suit able for all figures. See ad of The Red Front. 3 | G. H * . Folsora of Gordon waa rhere on business Friday. By the Meal Day or Week . Short Orders at all Hours. Two Blocks East of Main Street on Catherine MRS. JOHN DE WALT. LIBERAL OFFER ; ! We Guarantee to Relieve Dyspepsia. If we Fail the medicine Costs Nothing. i To unquestionably prove to the people that indigestion and dys pepsia can be permanently relieved j i and that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets I will bring about this icsult , we will furnish the medicine absolutely free if i fails to give satisfaction to I ' anyone using it The remarkable success of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets is due to the high degree of scientific skill used in j ! devising their formula as well as to i the care r-xercised in their manufac- ture whereby the vvell-knoivn , - prop- Bishmuth-Subnitrate an i , Pepsin have been combine * ! with ) j Carmiuitives and other agents. i Bistnuth-Subnitra't ; and Pepsin , are constantly employed anJ recognized - j i nized by the entire medical profession - ! sion a.s invaluable in the treatment , of indigestion and dyspepsia. The Pepsin used in Rexall Dyspepsia - pepsia Tablets is carefully prepared ' so as to develop its greatest ellicien- cy. Pepsin supplies to the digestive ; I apparatus one of the most impor- j I tant elements of the digestive fluid. ' Without it the digestion and assirr- ilatiou of food are impossible. i I The ( Jarimnatives possess prop erties tthich aid in relieving the dis turbances au.l pain caused by un digested food. This combination of these ingred ients makes a remedy invaluable for the complete relief of indiges tion and dyspepsia. \ \ e are so certain of this that we urge you to try Rexall Dyspep sia Tablets on our own personal guarantee. Three sizes , 25 cents , 50 cents , and § L 00. Remember , you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at our store The Rexull Store , i G. A. Chapman. . Notice of Probate of Will In the county court ot Clurry county. Ne- STATE OF NEBRASKA ! ' . . _ . COUNTY OF C To all persons mterestel in the estate of Robert H. Koontz deceased : On reading the petition of Carrie Koontz praving that the instrument tilea in this court on the :0th day ol Jan. 19,2. and purporting to be the last will and testa ment ot the said deceased , mav be moved and allowed , and recorded as the last , will and testament of said deceased : that said instrument be admitted to probate , and the administration of said estate be granted to Carrie Koontz. as exi'i-nti is. It is herebv ordered that all persons inter ested in said matter , may. and do. appear at the countv court to be held in and tor sai-1 county , on the I0th day of Feb. A. U. . 1S > .2. at 10 o'clock , a. m. . to show cause , if any there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted , and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that the hear ing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of tins onicr in th . Valentine Democrit..i ' ueeklv ne .ipapei Printed in said countv. for th'-ec i successive weeks prior to said dav of hearing. Witness mv hand and seal of said court [ Seal ] thisUkh dav ot January , A D..UM2. JAMi.8 C. tiU'KiLEY , 3-3 County Judge. Uy Wtlcoit& ; Walcolt. AUoce \ - > . U. S. Weather Bureau Report i j WEEK ENDING FEB. 5,1912. Daily mean temperature l'j = . Normal temperature lo3. Highest temperature 34 = . Lowest temperature-10 Range of temperature jX- ) . Precipitation for week 4) 01 of an inch. 1 Average for 23 y ears 0.14 ot an ini.h. Precipitation March Is" to date 17 23 inch cs. 'A-vurajje for 23 tejars i.9u Proposed Constitution. The proposed constitution of lh Cherry County Agricultural and Live Stock Association , which will be adopted : Art. 1. Themrm of this asso ciation shall be The Cherry Coun- Agricultural and Live Stock As sociation and the place of business shall be Valentine , Ncbr. The ob- jjects of the association shall be the improvement of agricultural and live stock interests , the betterment of rural life conditions and encour agement of home economics. Art. 2. The Officers of this as sociation shall consist of a Presi dent , Vice President , Secretary. Treasurer and seven mamgers- Art. o. The Officers and Man agers of the association shall con stitute the board of managers , Art.i. . Thereshallbe one pre cinct manager for each precinct , appointed by the board of manag ers. Art. 5. The initial membership fee of the association shall be five dollars with an annual fee there- after of one dollar. Art. 0 . Amendments or addi tions may be made to the constitu tion at any regular meeting of the association by two thirds of the members present at said meeting , previous notice having bren given of the proposed change by publica tion in some newspaper in the county. E. C. Davpnport , James Cowan , Dewey Kellogg , J. F. Xa.ylor , JensThomsen , J. A. Adamson , GPO. Christopher , Committee- The meeting to adopt the consti tution and draft by-laws will bt held on February 10. In the District Court of Cherry County , Ne braska. \Vllllam K. n.'iloy , PhiintifT , VJ. TalbiM't Bnkor , Klnilrn Iukt < r and Thi' Showaltcr Alert n Company. Df-r ndant . To TallxTt Baker , Klmira Bfikc-r. and The Showjiltor Mortgigi Companynon-resident defendants : You and each of you iir < - herebv w > tln > rt that on the 27th day of January l'.U2V11 - llaun K. Haley nid : i pr-titlun n p * tltlon ng.iinst you tn the District Court ol Clu-rry County."Nebraskn. the object nnd prnyeV ol which art * to obtain a judgement : ind decree quieting suul conllnning the titl ' to Si . - > KJ.etio.i in. Ki NKJ Section : , Town- shipt.r. : Ksinm-2."i \\V > t tn Principal Meriil- ian. in Cherry comity. Nebraska , in the plaintilf. and toejincel and annul a certain mortgage upon said premises .veutecl Tal- In-rt Baker ami Klmira Baker , to the Hlio- walter Mortuage Company to si-cure the payment ofiOH.X ( > . said mortgage iH'ing dw- ted.May 22 , Is-s.i. You are required to aus- wersaid petition on or before Moiuluv the llth day of March llill. William E. Haley , riniiilitr. Cy E. I ) . Clark , ui ? attorney. -1-4 For Saie. 1 Belgian stallion , dark brown , five year's old , has been inspected and O. K'd. sound , also register papers O K'd , weight 1750 , and could be made to weigh 4SOO or better. He is a sure foal getter and have good colts to show. Also a Jew mares in foal to liTrn. ' .Also some youn stock and 3 mules coming four years old this sum-- mer. Will sell reasonable. Cill Phone Xo. 20. on Line