Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 08, 1912, Image 1

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Volume 27 , No. 5 VALENTINE , JrEBE. , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 8 , 1912. i.50 per yvar
We are offering bargains in Shoes for
every member of the family. These
are broken lots that we want to clean
up and to do so we are putting prices
on them that will make them move.
We have a large variety on sale , in all
styles , leathers , and sizes. Come in
and look them over if you want to
make a saving.
Largest Line of Post Cards in the City.
o wat v r x zsLta z. * %
J J J s J 1
Typewriter Supplies at The Democrat Office ,
s As we have a large stock on we can 1
sell at Lowest Prices. * a
$ Two Sample Lines of Dress Goods , Yard Goods ,
Petticoats , Stockings , and Rain Coats.
The Tailoring Department will make up any of
the yard goods to your order.
Orders taken forBarcloy made-to-measure Corsets
Buttons Covered to Match an ) ' Material
s minmery.
Red Front Hardware Co.
Headquarters For Electrical Supplies
We Carry the Largest and Best Line of
Carbon and Mazada Lamps
Sad Irons Stoves Warming Pads
Toasters Curling Iron Heaters
Electrical Fixtures of all Kinds.
Electric Wiring , Plumbing , and Heating ,
Our Specialties.
Red Front Hardware Co.
David Hanna was up from
Wood Lake on Thursday.
S. B. Weston was over from St.
Fiancis , S. D. , on Tuesday.
T. C. Clark and George Marcus
were down from Rosebud Monday.
Harry Beaucbamp of Chester
field was here on business this
Mrs. George Laraoureaux wont
to Calomc , S. D. , Monday for a
short visit.
George Stotts and T. E ! Rey
nolds came down from Cody Sun
day night. .
P. C. Shockley of Browulee
came to Valentine la si week on
Miss Winnifred Keeley spent
the past week visiting friends out
south of Arabia.
Geo. E. Hornby has resigned
his position as teacher of a .school
near Johnstown and is now visit
ing in Valentine.
F. M. Walcott returned from
Omaha Tuesday night and on Wed
nesday made a trip to Rosebud on
legal business.
Cramer & Johnson , real estate
agents , have dissolved partnership
shipMr. . Johnson retains the
office on Main street.
J. M. Tucker went to Lincoln
the first of the week to take the
depositions of George and Alma
Weed , Harry Heath and Kenneth
Murphy for uscjDefore the grand
Through an oversight we gave
notice * of Citholic services in Ara
bia on February llth , and it
should have been Nenzel. Re
member Catholic services at Nen
zel on February 11.
The Commercial club committop
interviowpd Mr. Sherman about
opening the post office after the
evening passenger and Mr. Sher
man agreed to opc-n the office for
fifteen minutes after the mail from
the evening train was distributed.
MUs Van Ordoil's classes gave a
party at the home of Clair McLeod
on Friday night. The evening
was spent in playing games and
the children had a delightful time.
The boys provided dainty refresh
ments. There were more than
forty young folks present.
It is expected that with the
opening of Spring weather a num
ber of Indian houses will be erect
ed on the Rosebud Indian reserva
tion , and contractors or others
who desire to bid oil such con
structions will have an opportun
ity to do so by submitting their
names and addresses to the Super
intendent of the Rosebud Indian
Agency , Rosebud , So. Dak.
Charles F. Junod of the firm cf
Mann & Junod of Omaha , general
agents of the Northwestern Mu
tual Life Insurance Co. of Mil
waukee , is in the city this week
visiting I. M. Rice , the local agent
for that company.
Mr. Junod reports that the
Northwestern Mutual wrote § 2- ,
018,200 of new insurance in 1911
on the lives of Nebraskans. The
Company closed the year of 1911
with § 121,234,473 , of new busi
ness throughout the United states.
It is one of the old Western Life
Insurance Companies , established
in 1857 and now has § 1,14:7,273,523
of insurance in force with its as-
pets totaling § 285,575,219.
This Company believes in the fu
ture of Nebraska and has § 3,852-
621 loaned on Nebraska real PS-
tate and to its policy holders. Its
pulled arp written on the annual
dividend basi * and its contract
contains everything that is desir-
ib rffe to&mm'ctf ;
Robert Ellis reports a shortage
of coal since the recent cold wavr.
Mrs. C. W. Bennett was visit
ing at Frank Ballard's last week.
C. A. Daniels is finishing his
house on his Kinkaid. J. E
Thackrpy is doing the carpenter
work. Carl seems to take a new
interest in his claim recently.
Lineas Gheens made final proof
on his homestead Tuesday.
Messrs Young and Spall were his
witnesses. When returning from
town he had the misfortune to fall
from the freight wagon sustaining
serious injuries. However he is
on the road to recovery.
Ground Hog day has come and
gone. He saw his shadow , which
means more winter. Some of our
settlers had planned to cause a
large smoke so he would not be
able to see his shadow , but their
plans failed hence more cold
Mr. and Mrs Dillon of Chkdale ,
Xebr. , who have been visiting at
the home of Mrs. Dillon's sister ,
Mrs. Grey Miller , returned to
their home Friday. They have
visited here before and we would
not be surprised to hear that they
decided to make Cherry county
their future home ,
Mrs. C. S. Recce made a busi
ness trip to Sim'eon Tuesday. She
had in her possession a square box
with a handle. Would the mer
chant buy them ? He would be
pleased to do so. Mudi interest
was manifested by the bystanders.
After a careful examination it was
found that the box contained 11
dozen fresh pggs.
The Ranchers' Winter Song.
Forward , turn fornml. . 0 Time in your fli
Brhi } : us swret .Inns nijs ; just Jorafor * i ht ;
Over tlies" enow rift * let mild zt pliers cn ; p.
I/ill me to sleep summer , ItuI iue 10 s'evp. '
Summer , come back from that fardistjin ; ; shore ;
Thtnevill round up upiitin-t of yore ;
Over my saddle h > iiKuquiio-s will creep ;
Lull me to sleep smmiur , liili me t > s eep.
Up-stock or meadows vritli hiy : stick * so fair ;
Ueh' nte M'/z inls to HIP land of ii'nvhre ;
From morning till ni ht btop the huy wagon's
creep ;
Lull me to sleep saminor , lull me to sle % p.
Forward , go f nvaril ( ) time with a Miort.
I am sow ary ofha ) being snort ;
Weary \\.titinu a h irv "jt to reip ,
Lull me to sleep summer , lull ma to sle. p.
Summer , dear summer , you've been gone to j
loir. :
Though up to the p-Cscnt the herd's line and
PHise bri-i on th3 grass with a hurricane
sweep ;
Ease me to sleep summer , ease me to sleep.
St. Nicholas' Church.
Services will be held in the
Catholic church as follows :
In Valentine on Sunday , Feb. 18.
1st Mass at S a. m.
2nd Mass at 10 a. m.
Benediction of the Blessed sac
rament after Mass.
In Nenzel on Sunday , Feb. 11.
LEO M. BLAEKE , Rector.
Your corset troubles will be
ended if you read the ad of the
Red Front. 3
For Sale : Store building north
of and adjoining Donoher hotel.
§ 2250 , § 500 cash , balance § 50 per
month like rent , or will rent.
Inquire of Charles Sparks or
Louise M. Webb , Geneva , Xeb.
G. M. Barnes , the eyesight
specialist of Omaha , will be at the
Donoher hotel Thursday , Feb. 15.
Remember the date , and that reg
ular trips are made every 60 or 90
days. Eyes fitted for § 2.50 , § o.OO
and up. Examination free. 4-2
Big reductions on men's sweat
ers at the Red Front.
Dance and o.vster supper at the 'i
F. "W" . Mumford place in Kewanee
precinct nn February 10. Good
music. Come and have a oed
We will give 25 per cent off
on all Ladies' and Misses' Skirts for
the next ten days.
25 per cent off on Misses' and Chil-
drens' Lace and Blucher Shoes :
We also have broken lots and
odd sizes which will go at bargain
Gall early and avoid the rush.
H. W. Hoenig , Prop >
McQEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29/yearxold
and Jas , E , Pepper , O. F , C , Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U" . S. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness fs Extra Stout ,
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budwciser Beer ,
JS Valentine Nebraska
Hffig&TP M
& * * * M il * * * a& r * -j m * vA9 * - XJM v * w * * AW
S tetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
and Fait Meats. . . . *
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything1 you have to sell.
If You Want
a real helpful bank service , consider these facts :
This bank is a Home institution of strength and stabilily ; organized -
ganized to assist in the dcvelopeineut of local industry.
In addition to our ample capital and surplus we have a very
strong board of directors employing in the management of this1" ; !
bank the same watchful , conservative methods which brought
them individual success.
The officers give courteous , prompt and careful attention to * ,
the needs of each individual depositor. <
Deposits In this hank nrc iM'uK-ctftl ITV the
Gu'trantp Fund of th - fitnte of Nebraska.
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Herd headed by S. 0. Columbus 17
No. 160050 , aud Climax 2 , No. 289
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , re- , '
Bulls for Sak at All Tisaes ,
If you have young children you have
perhaps noticed that disorders of the
stomach ; trc their moot c ommos ailraeqt.
To correct this you vdjl iin3
Liin's Stomach and. LiVer Tablets
lent. They are easy