Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 01, 1912, Image 8
Not We desire to announce that we are not clos ing out , but are still selling the very best goods at reasonable prices. Our line of John Deere Implements , elie Buggies , Moline and Davenport Holler Bearing Wagons and Samson Windmills is complete and priced right. We also have a large stock of lumber , lime , Wall Plaster , Cement , Brick , Bash , Doors , etc. Is it not good policy to patronize a firm who expects to continue in business and intends to handle the same line of goods for years to come. We never advertise so-called bargains because we have always had our goods priced right. P A. E. Morris. W. W. Morrissey. Dr. C. W. ISioyes O Go to the Saloon VALENTINE'S PURE LIQUOR CENTER Walther F. A. Meltendorff , Propr. ios D. A. WH1PPLE , Propr. Valentine Headquarters at the Chicago House Rosebud " " " Rosebud Hotel Leave Valentine at 8 o'clock every morning. Sundays excepted. Arrive at Kosebud at 2 o'clock p. m. Leave Kosebud at 8 o'clock every morning , Sundays excepted. Arrive at Valentine at 2 o'clock p. m. Dinner at Britt at 11 o'clock a. m. Special attention to passengers , baggage and express or packages. Leave orders at headquarters or at the Ked Front store. Ask I. M. Rice about ce German Fire insurance Co. of Omaha , backed by the National of Hartford with $11.000,000 , guarantying every .policy. As sound as the "Rock of Gibrafter. " Ihe'North western Life Ins. Co.of * Milwaukee writes the most liberal policy in Ordinary'Ljfe'Endowment , or Payment plan. You cannotJosef dofla that you spend with this com = panyvTA d.pHarlsTworth 100 cents the day you spend it and. jrtcreass ! ? eiy : day , and is always within ylour reach ; gro rig for you. i " Call < m I. JJYJLRICE , Valentine , Nebr. : Button Trimming f etc. , is the latest , J3ave [ your scraps oTcIotl/ancj taitel them -to ] the Red Frontxv re the.y | c n show you 18-styles-iincluding thd - . . Ill 8 new oblong shape naade to or- - , 'was gone. Is that not better than i . S "W ' W 1 ti'ojfe Collar tfocfpr's Ijife lyr ; ' i If in need of wind mills or wa | ter tanks call on Breuklander j Nonebettermade. . 42-tf When"you liavc a bail cold you want S the best medicine obtainable so as to cure it with as liKle delay as possible. . Here [ is a druggist's opinion : "I have sold } Chamberlain's Cough-Remedy for fifteen years , " sags Enoq.Lollar of Saratoga , Ind. , ' aud a consider'ib ths best on the j inark'6t.w'"Foit--t6al0 'Chapmanthe | druggist' _ . ' * " j /ien ? petcetit disco nt (4f > n ma'de j tq moasu/eji s jiriff and. sumfiier jiqat < ? , puitp , dresses and skirts uri- Front. Teacher's Meeting. February 10 , 9 a. in. The Teacher and the School Chapters 17-20 G/W. Eaton Great American Educators , Miss Brown Ethics for Children-Tth year. Miss Gordon Music Two o'clock p. m. Music The Ideal Teacher , Mrs. Morris The Influence of Organized Play ground Upon the School , i Miss Pearl Arnot Introduction of Patriotic Exer cises into the School and llural Life Commission , Laura Story Music Criticism , State Superintenent J. E. Delzell Music Evening-S p. ra. Music Lecture , State Supt. Delzell Hernember ; I still intend to run the town herd this summer Your cows will have the best of care. 3-2p K. Williams , Man past 30 with horse and buggy to sell stock condition pow der in Cherry Co. 75 dollars per month. Address Hoorn 2 , 1106 Fiirnam street , Omaha , Nebr. Estrayed or Stolen. Eleven head of young cattle brand ed O C on left hip and right side. Last seen south of Crookston on Dec. 20. Notify J. F. Kellar , Crookston , Nebr. 52 Dr. M. F. Meer has decided to visifc Wood Lake the first Tdonday and Tuesday of each month to do dental work. 19tf NO REASON FOR QOU8T A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee. TVe guarantee complete relief to all suffeiers from constipation , erin in every case where we fail , we will supply the medicine free , Rexall Orderlies are a gentle , ef fective , dependable , and safe bowel regulator , strengthener , and tonic. They aim to reestablish natur's functions in a qnief , easy way. They do nofc cause inconvenience , griping , or nausea. They are o pleasant to take and work so easily that tlisy may be taken by any one at any time- They thoroughly tone up the whole system to healthy ac tivity. Eexall Orderlies are unsurpassable and ideal for the use of children , old folks , and delicate persons. We cannot too highly recommend them to all sufferes from any form of constipation and its attendant evils. Three sizes , 10c. , 25c , , and 50c. Remember , you can obtain Ryxall Remedies in this community only at our store The Rexall store. G. A Chapman. "I refused to be operated on , the morning I heard about Cardui , " writes Mrs. Elmer Sickler , of Terre Haute , Ind. "I tried Car dui , and it helped me greatly. Now , I do my own washing and ironing. " E63 The Woman's Tonic Cardui is a mild , tonic remedy , purely vegetable , and acts in a natural man ner on the delicate , woman ly constitution , buildjng up strength , and-'toning up the nerves. In the past 50 years , Cardui has-helped more than amillion women. You are urged to try it , because we , aresure that , if will .do you good. ? f all drug stores. Simeon f J. C. Reece made a trip to r j Wood Lake for freight Wednes day. . J. "W. Daniels hud business with the county commissioners Satur- day. George Christopher is in Lin coln. He hopes to arrange mat ters so he can bring all of the children home. Miss Eva Hobbs has sent in he'r official bond as postmistress at Simeon. Her brother was rnide deputy. Miss Moore road to Valentine Friday after school. She reports a pleasant ride but thinks it can get very dark in Nebraska. Life around Simeon is very quiet and all are anxious for spring to come. The routine of feeding , choring , with long even ings by the fireside make up the rancher's life in winter time. We believe the ladies of rural communities could break the mo notony of country life by organ izing clubs to meet once or twice a month. "We have tried keeping house while our better half was away visiting and have concluded that there is to much sameness in the lives of our women folk. We hope some one will be mar ried , buy or sell a ranch , organize a county fair , build a railroad , electric light line from Snake river fails , start to carry the mail from Simeon to Dewey Lake , or bring about warm weather so we could write up the news. Just now we feel that we could give any new enterprise a write up with a thank ful heart. C. L. Latta contemplates build ing a new house this spring. Mr. and Mrs. Latta have experienced all of the incidents which go with homestead life. From a meager beginning , they have , by economy and industry made themselves comfortable and a new home will bo much appreciated by these neighbors who have so well earn ed the same. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed hirlsac'-Oiiipjinii'd l\v certified check for $ . - , ( ! ( > . ( > ! > on locjil li.-jiik and inndo pavnble to County Ci'rkill he received until : ? p.m. February. ! > 1 JI2 , by the County ComsnK- .sioiKM--it the Court Houseik > Mthu > , Nebr. , ! or the lurnisliiii- ; mid erection of the fol lowing bridge ; * : 1 : ; < > loot .sp.-Mi on tubular pier- , over Snake river , near fe. . Ji , Twp. : > . llange : ! ! . I 10 foot span on tubular piers over Snake river , neju rice. _ ( > , Twp. : ! ! , Kaiifje : > ' ( > . 110 1 foot tubular , span on pier- over North Lou ] ) river , near St c. IL' , Tp. . is , Ilaii e : ) : ; . 1 ! 0 foot span over Xorth Loup ri\er , ( on tubular pier- . ) near Sec. 2-1 , Tup. isKanue : ; . 1 10 loot span on tubular piers , over Snake river , near Sec. 1 ( : , Twp. yo. Range JJ7. IJridge- be constructed as per plans on lile in ollic" of County Cl'-rk ; length of pier- to be determined in meantime by Coun ty Doard and information given .successful bidder when contract is awarded. In order to satisfy and insure the County Commissioners that .successful bidder in tends to furnish and erect the bridgein a satislactory length of time , the Mini ot } > . ( ) ) per day for each day overtime will be ex acted lor non-compliance following conditions , said sum not to be considered a penalty but to l.e considered just damages due County : Bridges must be completed und ready for travel on or before June 1st , It'll' . The succe.ssfui bidder uNo agrees to leave certified check tor .p'd.H ( ) on ( lie until work is completed to guarantee tiiat foregoing conditions will be faithfully carried out. County Commissioners reserve right to reject any or all bids. By order of County Commissioners dated Jmi.oth , ! ! ) ! : > . 1-1 ( eal ) F. A. Cuinhow. County Clerk. First publication January 11 , t' < ? 2. 11 the County Court of Cherry County. Ne braska. OUDKH OF HEAlt\G In the matter of the appointment nfaeimrri. ian for the. .niiiur heirs ol Thomas E. Dov.cll deceased. To C'vros Druvll. Byron Douell. Eva Dowfll , Haw 1 ! , Uitta Dmv"J. ] Li'lie Douell. Dmxt'll. led y I'owcll and .JinuaHta . minor IKMIM of Thomas. K. Do\v > ll , < ie- rea-ed. aa-i to all perooi s interested in said matter : Von aie lierpbv notified that on the 20th dij : of December , 11)11. ) Jlftniettu K. I.v rll lilt d her petition in th County Cauif of Cherry fount'.1. Nebraska , praying fo'the appointment of rharle- . Cornelias guardian or jour peis"ii and estate a'-ri it is hereby ordereil th it > ou iiid al perbons int Ti"tC'i"in stid matter m\v. mil do. in th.- said County Court on tli- 10th day ot I'Vbruary. 1912 to show cause , it ain ihere beliv said appointment -Iumld > t 'e ' made , and that a copy ot thisord r De publish ed in the Valentine Democrat fora peiioi of \\o successive \\eeUs. Witn ss my hand and ofllcial seal tin14th lay of .lauiiiiry , 1012. [ SEAL ] JA3IE.S C. QUIGI-KV , ' 5-2 County Judge. Wali'olt & Walcott. Attorneys. In The District Court of Cherry County Nebraska. M. Ral ardand William Ballard , Plaintiff- . , Vs. hnr'es P. f'r si > o , and Mrs. Bresee wife of Charles 1' litestlirst real name unknown Defendants Tn Charles I' . I'.resee and Mr . Bresee. wife i f Charles 1 * . Breso > ' , lirst real name uaKno\\n , on-resident defendant : You ainl each if otw arc hereby notified t'mt on thesrth dav of Janu.iry , I'.Uif , AI Ballard - lard and \ \ Uham Ballard filed tueir petirton in tht ) Distiict Comt ot Cherry Comity. Nebraska. 'In- object and prayr f % vuich are to obt in a Judgement and.udietei' quietiiisr and continuing the title to Los : ? and 1 XMN"veii ' Jl'est G'h undjJil ; ) AieiitMaiL 'n Cherry County. lu'bla-fca. m the plaintills , aud.t'i eance1 ami annul it c itin quit rlabii deed "to said pn miseij ex'taiteu ] > . \ Alarth Mead lames o Charles 1 * . Un-see You are requirtU tonns- \\erKiM pt-tition on or before Aloaday the llth d < ij of W12 , M.Bailard. \ViHuim ! 5a lard , Plaintiffs. By E. D.Claikc. their attorney. -1-4 i i s & 11 n LI n j I i Cigars and 1 Soft Drinks & . STETTER - PROP. W ? Ms3 INTERNATIONAL " 30" . _ _ IHTif LM girT -g--J EVBK'- 'j' " 'B-E ' P g * * JU Ji n 'MiTHn TBfaffi'L J l " - " - * ' - -r a g gi K a a Before buying an auto it will pay you to see the INTERNATIONAL / NATIONAL " 30" No Hill too Steep ? no Sand too Deep Soldby D.McLeod Guaranteed by International Harvester Company GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Resilience and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska References : My Many \ With new prices , which are the lowest for 1 good business. My stock consists of Dry 1K Goods , Groceries , Shoes and 5 and 10 cent 1H bargains. You are invited to call and make this your home store. Highest pric es paid for produce. * Come and get ac H quainted. > ] 2nd Building South the Bank. Crookston , Xeb. 3 jgESS K5 J ! &r M E. M. Faddis & Co Postofllce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded llngb.'s branded Home Some branded on right ihigh& on left or . shoulder 01 thigh P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on lef c side Rom. > Qyon 1 on left jiw o V horses. Range on Gordow Creek north of Simeon , C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD end cattle same as cut : also CJ BE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A literal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers o ! stock Bearing any of these brand * ? . E. M. Terrill , Propr. Ironice , Ne j. rattle branded as In c-.t on left side. so in e branded K. T V onh'ft hip. Range on North Loup nver , two nnlrs west of iroxvnlee Xot Afraid St Francis Mis sion. Kosebud. rattle braniied as in cut ; borst-s same or ' K l * on leftthiKh. l : n.e fk' and Little Wbife river 1912 DISTRICT COURT CALENDER Sixteenth Judicial District of Neb raska. W. H. Westover. Judoe. Chrrry , Feb. 26 Sept. 9 Sheridan , I Iar. IS Sept. 30 Box Butte , April 1 Oct. 7 Brown , April 15 Oct. 21 Sioux , Apr'il'29 Xov. 11 ' Dawes , May 13 Dec.2 Albert Whipple & Sons. Kosebud , S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left aide OSO on rlRhtslde Some cattle also have a - - } on neck Some with A on left shonlder and some branded with two bars .across hind qnar- _ _ _ Jceis. Some Texas cattle branded M O on ieft.side and some } n leftside. Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattie branded AW bar connected on both sides and left hip of horses D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cnt.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Sawyer Bros. Oasfs , Xcbr G. K. Sawrer has chance of these cattle. II raes I > Sonleftshonl- der. Some ! left i > ide. Horsesl same left thigh. Range on Smike river. Metzger Bros. Kolf * Xebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses have same braad on eft thigh. Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250 yvih he raid to any person for information leading to the arrex't aud final conviction of any person or persons stealina \virh above hrarnl. J. A. Taryan. Pullman , Nebr "Cattle branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right shonlder Reaauuable reward for any hnormatum leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from rny range. Land and Feeding Co. Will G Comstock , V. p. O.mie branded on aay part of animal ; aj ! > o the following brands : Test Ollic2 and Ueadqiurters , Elbworth , Nabr ,