Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 01, 1912, Image 5

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    The tragic dfMirh of former p * p -
idcnt , .1 'I Hsirah.'tn , of tin * lU'i.toi
Central , mid ilm-i * oilier h'jjh nil
road < fti-i .Is , ; ii KiMnundy , ill
again iHu n-.n-s liu- small rejjx
AimM'ir t ) > : iil/ i- l < - hitvi for --i-
man liv. s. cm , " " ' -M < <
. I ) . > iMiiiih- I ' t'l'-S' ' ' !
* "
iji thjs count * * 1908
i JJKJ9 * > < ) > r.a - . " .
and in 11)10 lue r.u'i i r ro. ; ' . <
121. Those figure- ; arc for pi.- ; >
sangers alone and do not include
trainmen and other employee ,
arnonu horn i hi f : tilities m u
JtM\ reach mi" th > thoii < * and <
Airain ? thU l.v.igMfr i f Am * "
ir/iu r.'ul ? ' ar ! p-ris--i-L't rs : | u Bri
ish railroads , in 1910 , killed on\ ! .
23 passengers , a number great I v
in excess of the average. In 1911
not a single pissenger was killn
in \vieck in England
That these wholesale deaths \\iv \
not necessary in this country is
proven by the fact that one. of the
big Eastern , roads , for the last two
years , has used nothing but solid
steel coaches , during which time
\ not a single passenger has been
killed on that iO-d
SherilT's Sale.
> Hy vlrUio ofr.n ordi'rof .sale i'.siH'd by the
\Clc-rk of tlie ciitilrict roiirt or. hcrry County ,
INi'bniskn , DcceinlM-r 27 , Hill under a dorn-u
iof tax Hen foreclosure \vhereinH.A.Fox is
IpminUH ami Kosajt < 'inl > n.'i'iier and .John
Mtelnlirec'hiT , \ \ lie niul liusluitid , Sophia 1 > .
iilcQuade , formerly Sophia 1) ) . Join's and
I./ots'.i Jind Id Block 1. Village of ( ieor la.
( Llierry County Nebraska , iM'leiidants I \\lll
hicll at the trout door o > the court hoiiM > in
VialontiiH' , I'lu-rry Coimi.x , Nebraska , that
luring tlie Imlldlnhcirin the Iat > t term of
.said ) court wa.s held , on iheini dny of Krb-
rufry I'.U'J't tii 'o'clock a. in. to satisfy
jud'ument of } .t .7 > and interest at Id per
c Mi\t \ from date ot judgment November tisth.
llill.and costs taxed at jis.75 and accrimii :
eost.s , at public auction , to the liiulioL bid
der , Ijor cash , the iollo\\iiir : described prop-
rtyito-\vit : Lots Hand id lilocU 1 , Vlmi e
ot ( u < > rria ? , Clicrry County , Nebraska.
Dati'u thisIAith day ul l.'ect'in ! cr , l ll.
I C' . A. Holder , Shci-ilL
"WnlcMl & Walcott Att.\ . lor 1'lainull. OL'-.J
Registered Ueref ( rd Bulls for
sale at all times of the year.
SimeoD - Nebraska
W. H. Stratton
Dealer in
General Merchandise
cor. Hall it Oath. Valentine , Nebr.
F. M. Walcott Oilver M. Walcoti
Waldott & Walcott
! Attorneys
Practice bof iv U. S. Land OlIIco and-all
Federal and State courts.
Valentine Nebraska
C. A.
Office front room , second story ,
over T. Q. Hornby's store , Main
street entrance.
Valentine Nebraska
Dr. M. F. Meer ,
Rooms over Red Front store
Valentine * Nebr ,
Dr. D. W. Sumner
Hornby Building I
Phone No. 173.
Valentine Lodge No. 70 ,
A. 0. U. V/ .
Meets 1st and 3rd Monday m each
month at Fraternal Hall. All
Brethern are cordially invited to be
present ALBERT F. WEBB , M.W. .
TAMES C. QUIGLEY , Recorder.
Felch's Restaurant and.
Lunch Counter
Come to my new location in the
old Morey building.
Home Cooking
Relieves gas in stomach , distres.
after catingr , stomach nervou rrss
dizziness , headache , heartburn ,
heart palpitation and other ail
ments caused by faulty digestion.
Price 25c. Prepared by United
Drug Company , Boston , Mass.
Sold in Valentine only by G. A.
Chapman. The Rexall Store.
Loup Valley Hereford Ranch ,
Berd headed by S. ( . Columbus 17
No. 1GC050 , and Climax 2 , No. 259
822 ; also , Melvin , No. 327072 , reg
lor Safe at AH T
Every Woman
takes pride in a successful bak
ing. For economy's sake as well
as for purity use
Health Club
One teaspoonful will do the
work of two of other brands
selling at the same price. Health
Club sells for a cent an ounce
an honest anti-trust price for
highest grade baking powder. In
10c-15c-25c cans at good grocers.
Layton Pure Food Company
East St. Louis , III.
White Clay Precinct.
January 25 , 1912.
C. L. Hopper was in the city
Thursday on business.
Mr..and Mrs. Sam Dewing and
family are visiting at Milt Dew-
A great many from this vicinity
attended the sale at George Leh
Miss Blanche Kalston drove to
Pine .Ridge , Wednesday to do
some trading.
J. 0 Apian took a load of hog-
to town Tuesday and returned
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Abold came
out from town Tuesday and visit
ed at J. Masek's several days.
The weather has been pleasant
for nearly a week. We are hav
ing a January thaw.
lira and Herbert King have
been grubbing for Mr. Hum
phreys for some time.
Five of A. E. Aubert's children
have the whooping cough.The
cough seems to be going the
Notice of Probate of Will
In the countv court ot Clurrv county , Ne
To all persons interested in the estate of
Robert 13. Koonf/ deceased :
On reacting the petition of Carrie Koontz
praving that the instrument liled in
this" court on the lOth day of .Ian. 1912.
and purporting to be the last will and testament -
ment ot the .said deceased , may be proved
and allowed , and recorded as the will
and testament of said deceased : that said
instrument be admitted to probate , and the
administration of said estate be granted to
Carrie Koont . a executiix.
It is hereb } ' ordered that all persons inter
ested in .said matter , may. and do. appear at
the count- court to be held in and lor .sai 1
countv. on the 10th day of Feb. A. D. .
1SI.-J. at 10 o clock , a. m. . to show cause , if any
there be. why the prayer ot the petitioner
.should not be granted , and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and that the hear
ing thereof be given to all persons interested
in said matter by publishing a copjof this
order in the Valentine Democrat , a weekly
newspaper printed in said county , for three
successive \ \ eeks prior to said daof hearing.
"Witness mv hand and seal of said court
[ Seal ] thisSJth dav of Januarv. A. D. , 19 2.
: ? -3 County Judge.
By Walcoit & Walcott , Attorneys.
In the District Court of Cherry County. Ne
William K. Haley , Plaintiff ,
TallMM-t linker , KImirn Raker
: ind riie JShowalier Mortgage
Company. li'f < > : ul.iiH > .
To i'llbert Baki r. KImirn I.aker. and The
tthownlter Mortgage Company , non-resident
You and > : u'h of yon : : ro hereby notified
that on the I'Ttli day ol January isili , Wil
liam E. Haley liled a ] i > > tition a petition
ag.imst > on in the IiistrJet Court oT Cherry
( ounty , Nebraska , the object and prater
of which are to obtain a judgement and
decree quieting and coniirmiim the title to
SI SKJ. Section 19 , El NKJ Section : ; < ) , Town-
sh : , ) : ; . ' , lt.iiie } ) \ Vet dtii Principal Merid-
iai . in Ciiei rto'intv. . N < > sUMska , in the
pla.ntiu. and to cam-el and annul a certain
mot\uaie upon s.iui premise- executed Tal-
bei t i > aier.nd Kli.ura lii.ker. to the Siio-
waiti'r Mortgage Company to secure the
payment ot Jiiil.ix' . said mortgage being da-
ttd.May ii' . KS.I. You are required to ans
wer 'aid pet'tion on or I efore Moiulav the
IJth day of March I'.Ul.
William E. Haley. Plaintiff.
By K. L > . Clark , his attorney. 4-1
Sheriff's Sale.
F y virtue of an order of sale issued by the
Clerk of the district court or Cherry County ,
Nebraska on December isth , isill. under a
decree ot tax lien foreclosure wherein
Christopher C. Thompson is plaintiff and
Aon/-o ! Mosher and Mrs. Alice Mosher his
win- . Emma Mectl .ind Mr. Meed , her ht'.s-
bijidllrst : and real name unknown , Minnie
Pa.iner and Mr. Palmer , lirst and real
name unknown , sole heirol Matthew Mesh
er. deceased. T. C. Cannon and Winnitred
Cannon , his \\ife , Adolph Abrahamand Mrs. his wile , llrst and real name un-
krown and NE ? NW } section : > . township
. " .north ranee is west dth p. m. are defend
ants 1 will sell at tne front door of the court
hou e in Valentine.Cherry County. Nebias-
ka. that being the building wherein the
last term of-aul court was held on the : Jd
clay of February , l.tli'at it ) o'clock a. in. , to
satisfy judument ol $ ! ' . > > .7o aud interest at 10
per cent from November : Mh , I'.ill and costs
taxi d at ; : il.u ) and accruing costs , at public
u . Lion to the highest bidder for cash the
foi owing described property to-wit : XEJ
NWi of "fcvlouo.1 township "f north range
JS-v\i > , in Cherry Countv. Nebras
Dated this .kith dny of December , A. D
I'.Ul. C. A. Kos > etvr. Sheriff
SVulcolt & Wolcutt Altyti foV Jtt&lCKIf ft- ? *
Seed Corn SpecitiJs Will Cover
the Slate.
A whirlwind campaign to get
the resident4- the utcat state of
Nebraska to realize the seriousness
of the lack of good s d corn has
bee.i ir'auirurjiU'd Oari u the
month o' -bnury , eight , and
{ nw < . | ) \ r ii. S'-ed corn -pi'cials
v ill 1 > , ! , . tiin isgh ilir state for
the purpose of bringing die condi
tion of the se.e.d corn to the atten
tion of the citizens.
This method was decided upon
; ii : i m-is- riveting hold at the Com
rnerciul Club Friday r ight , when
'pr " - ' ? 'S from every line
of business in the staU were pres
ent. Although the details of the
trains have not been worked out
yefc , it was decided that the trains
will ne run. Representatives from
the Union Pacific , the Burlington
and Northwestern railroads stated
thai the trains would be run by
the three railroads.
These trains will be manned by
experts from the Nebraska State
Experiment Station , Chancellor
Samuel A very , of the University ,
Dean Burnett , of the Agricultural
Station and C. W. Pugsley , of the
Extension Department pledged
themselves to provide sufficient
lecturers to properly man the
Two plans were considered
that of running one train , and the
other of running as many trains
as would be necessary to cover the
stale in one week. The latter
i > lan considered the more feas
ible , the con-census of opionion be-
iiiir that one train could not cover
the state in time to bring the se- *
iousness of the condition to th -
people of the state. The week of
February IS to 24 : was su ested
as the date for the whirlwind cam
paign. Plans for the running of
the trains will be worked out
within the next three days. Ev-
ry station and city on the three
railroads will be visited. Stops
of thirty minutes to one hour will
be made in each , when speakers
will address the meetings. The
Commercial Clubs and business
men of the cities of the state will
be asked to co-operate and thor
oughly a-lvertise the coming of the
Scalp and Hair Troubles Generally
Caused by carelessness. 1
Dandruff is a contagious disease t
caused b } ' a microbe \\bich also pro
duces baldness Never use a comb ,
or brush belonging to some one else
No matter bov cleanly tbe owner
may be , these articles may be ir-
feeted with microbes , which infect
your scalp. It is far easier to ca ch
hair microbes than it is to get rid of
them , and a single stroke of an in
fected comb or brush may well lead
to baldness. Never try on aii-body
else's hat. Many a hat-band is a
resting place for microbes.
If you happen to be troubled
with dandruff , itching scalp , falling
hair or baldness , we have a remedy
which we believe will completely re
lieve these troubles. We are so
sure of this that we offer it to you
with the understanding that it will
cost you nothing for the trial if it
does not produce the results we
claim. This remedy is called Rex-
all " 93" Hair Tonic We honest
ly bilieve it to be the most scientific
remedy of Fcalp and hair troubles ,
and we know of nothing else that
equals ic for effectiveness , because
of the results it has produced in C
thousands of cases.
Rexall " 93" Hair Tonic is devised
to banish dandruff , restore natural
color when its loss has ben brought i
about by disease , and raakea the
hair naturally silky , soft and glossy.
It does this because it stimulates
the hair tollicles , destroys the germ
matter , and brings about a free ,
healthj' , circulation of blood , \\hich
nourishes the hair roots causing
them to tighten and grow new hair.
Wo want everybody who has any $
trouble with hair or scalp to know
that we think that Rexall " 93" Hair
Tonic is the best Lair tonic aud restorative
storativo in existence , and no one
should scoff at or doubt this state
ment until they have put our claims
to a fair test , with the understanding
they gfly us nothing fur
Old Crow , All Leading
* PSO handle the Budweiser Beer.
Copyricbt 1909 , by C C 2-r.imsman Co.--No. 3 W
IJST order to furnislt
proper banking protection. . ,
President Lincoln and his
first congress established
the National Bank which
operates under government
From time to time addi
tional laws have been
passed under the different
presidents shown above
strengthening the protec
tion a National Bank af
Thus the confidence and
security that comes with
the possession of money
in the bank is greatly en
hanced when it is in a Na
tional Bank , for here it
has safe-guard
every pos
sible for human ingenuity
to devise.
In selecting a bank in which'
to deposit your savings or
surplus funds the one thing
to be considered is safety ,
and we ask for your busi
ness only on the basis of ab
solute safety. Call at our
bank and let us explain to
you how safe your money j
is here.
First National Bank
Valentine , Nebraska
People out of every
Suffer with Corns
Yet if these nine people
would use
Rexall Cora Solvent
Not one of them would
WHY ? Because it removes
corns. It removes them
root and all without pain.
You doubt it ? Then give
the remedy a trial and be
convinced. 15e the bottle.
remectyif it does not give full and
complete satisfaction in every par
ticular. Two sizes 50 cents and
$1.00. Bernernber , you can obtain
Rexall Remedies in Valentine only
at our store The Eexall Store ,
G. A. Chapman.
W. B. corsets are made suit
able for all figures. See ad of
The Red Front : 3
; y the Meal or Week
Short Orders at all Hours.
Two Blocks East of Main Street on Catherine
Commissioners Proceedings.
Valentine , Nebr. , July 15,1911.
Ti've Hoard of County Commission
ers of Cherry County , Nebraska ,
met a s per adjournment , with the
i follow , * ng named members present :
N. S- 1'owley , Chairman , J. A.
Adamson , JF - Nay lor.
On the p. 'ifcion ; of AT - ] 1
ett et al , St ° ' QS 19 and ; 3 ° of
township 34 , r uige0 * , now a part
of German prei inert , x. ere taken
from said Germ * n prec/nc an"
annexed to Georgi.r- precinct aFl"
the boundary line between L'0"1
precincts were altei ed to corre "
pond therewith- j
The county clerk v.'as instructed
to draw ; i warrant , on tiie general
fund for § 3.05 in favor of L. A.
Wight , holder of tax sale certifi
cate No. 460 , dr.i d November 39 ,
1910 , covering1 the following described - i
cribed lands , namely , SWINE r , j
SKiNWri- sec . 21 , township 31 ,
range 0 , for the reason that the
lands described are government
lands and si ould not have been
listed on the tax list and sold.
J. F. Na.y or w-.s authorized by
the Hoard t > pror.un * the services
of a compet int ai.tori Pto u si. > t
the County Auorne. in thp prop-1
curion of th four Criminals charged - [
ed with murder. 3iow being held j
in tliH COUD tv j.-iil . -f this county. !
The Hoair * cnlpr. d into a contract -
tract with Henry Porath. by
which cent ) act said Henry Porath
is to securr prope n. ire and treat
ment for Charles V : ight. a coun
ty piuper. For one : 'ear beginning
Jul1. 1. 11)11 flrA endinir July ] ,
1912 , for 1 he sum o1 § 150.00 payable - )
able semi-annually in advance. j'
The County Sup erintendent was i
allowed special assistance in her |
office for the year 1911 , the ex-j
pense of which is not to exceed j
$200.00. I'
Mrs. W. A. V-inden and Mrs.
Vanden of Crook'ston are visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Hoecig.
Mr King of Dsmison. Iowa , re
turned home aft < -.r . few davs visit
with his sister.Irs. . W. T. Ivin-
caid and family. '
Mrs. H. W. Hoor.ig , frs. Lil
lian Wooster and Mrs. C G. Head-
ington entertain-jd forty ladies at
the former's home at 500 , Wedn ? s-
day. The highf sr. prize , a sterling
silver spoon , was won by Miss Gor
don. The prize , a water color
scene by Mrs. Wooster , was won
by'MrS' George Chapman , A
dainty two course luncheon was j
served. !
The first number of the. lecture
course will appear on Saturday
evening , February 10th afc Qnig
ley Hall. The entertainer will bi ?
our congenial State Superinten
dent , James E.-Delzell. who will
deliver his favorite ami popular
address on "The Man with the
Iloe. " !
This address will bo followed by [
another number of the course ihe .
following Friday evening , Feb
ruary lijth. ( All numbers of the
lecture courdc will be in Qniglev
v /
\ -
Hall. ) This number will be the
well known Euecj Concert Corn-
ban v which consists of five ladies
* /
of experience sin.I refinement.
Thev are by no 1110:1:15anute'.irs : in
* /
their liny.
CuunJy : tDaciic" ? who \vish to
avail themselves of the benefit of
J of the Countv Teachers' As oci *
! "
jition during- the day should : : ems
prepared to remain to the lecture
in the evening. I sisiiiic you it
'ill be mi intellectual treat ,
\ \
/linisfion 50 cants to those nut
liokla - season tickets.
G. W. EATON. Stipt.
3d Constitution.
The proposes constitution of the '
Cherry County Agricultural and
Live S.ock , Associate. whicb will
be adcp.ed :
Art i. The name of this asso
ciation slu-11 be The Cherry
ty Ag riculrural and Live Stock Afi-
sociatior Mid the pUce of business
shall i \Talentine , Nebr. The ob
jects of t hi association shall be the
i'riprovemf nt of agricultural and
live stock in terefits , the betterment
of rural life c onditioBsanjJ encour
agement of lu 'me economics. .
Art. 2. Th i Officers of this * & . -
sociation shall consist of a. Presi
dent , Vice Pre wlent , Secretary ,
Treasurer and se TIJD raamgers *
Art. 3. The G cers and Man
agers : of the associ ation shall con
stitute j the board of.naaagers . ,
Art. 4. There sb. * H be one pre
cinct ' manager for e. Xch precinct *
appointed by the boar i of aaana -
Art. 5. The initial mtmbenihiji
fee of the as.-ocuition .shail be fir
dollars with an annual JW there
after of onu dollar.
Art. C. Amendments or addi
tions may bf * made to the rxnstita
tionatariy r.g.ilar meeting of the
association by two thirds of ths
members present at said meeting" ,
previous notict * having been given
of the proposed change by publication -
tion in some newspaper in tha
E. C. Davenport , James Cowan ,
Dewey Kellogg , J. F. Naylor ,
JensThomsen , J. A. Adamson ,
Geo. Christopher , Committee.
The meeting to adopt the consti
tution and draft by-laws will be
held on February 10.
H.TO is a woman who ? peaks from per-
soual kuovrledge and long Kxperi2cce ,
viz. , Mrs. ? . H. Brogan , of VTilson , Pa. ,
who says , "I know from experisnco that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is faz su
perior to anj' other. For czw i th'esrs | R
nothing that excels it/ ' ? d5r
Chapman , tlie drn3