Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 01, 1912, Image 2
The Valentine Democrat GEORGE M. GASKILL , Editor. VALENTINE. T T"NEBRASKA. . MOB AT GUAYAQUIL , EQUADOR QUICKLY RIDS THAT COUNTRY OF ITS REVOLTERS. LIVES OF FIVE SNUFFED OU1 First of Drastic Measures Taken bj Populace Opposed to Present Revolu tion Was Carried Out When Gen Montero Was Shot and Beheaded. Guayaquil , Ecuador. A mob brok < Into the Quito penitentiary in spite o : a double guard and lynched Gens. El roy Alfaro , Flavio Alfaro , Madardo Al faro , UJpiano Paez and Manuel Serra no. prominent revolutionists. With ths putting to death of Gen Elroy Alfaro , formen president of Ecu ador ; his brother , Gen. Flavio Alfaro former minister of war , and coniman tier in chief of the revolutionan forces ; Gens. Madardo Alfaro , who is believed to have been a borther , anc Gens. Paez and Manuel Serrano , the leading lights in Ecuador's latest rev elation , have been snuffed out. This revolution , although it had been a long time brewing , began in reality a few days following the sudden death on December 22 last of President Eniil iano Estrada. The first of the drastic measures ta ken by those who opposed the revolu tion was carried into effect last Thurs day at Guayaquil when Gen. Pedro Montero , who was proclaimed presi dent by the people after the death oi Estrada , was shot and beheaded by a mob which later burned his body. The shooting of Montero took place in the courtroom , where the general .had just been tried by courtmartial and sentenced to sixteen years' im prisonment for his connection with the revolt. The people , evidently angered at what they considered too light a sentence , rushed into the courtroom and after riddling Montero's body with bullets dragged it into the open. Then they decapitated it , built a bonfire and threw into the flames the torso and head of the man who once was a popu lar hero in Ecuador. ACCUSED OF KILLING A CHILD. Chicago Couple Under Arrest as Re sult of an investigation. Chicago. William Goethler and Mrs. Anna Schiller , under arrest in connection with the death of Goeth- ler's 5-year-old daughter Ella , admit , the police assert , having caused the child's death by beating after the lit tle-girl had been mistreated in other ways. Mrs. Schiller is said to have lived as Goethler's wife. The child's body was found Thurs day. It was covered with cuts and bruises. Back , arms , legs and neck showed welts. Neighbors asserted that the child had been beaten twica on Wednesday. Guests Driven From Rooms. Chicago. Two hundred and fifty guests of the Hotel Metropole , Mich igan avenue and Twenty-third street , were driven from their rooms to the street at midnight , when an ammonia tank in the basement burst. The fumes filled the corridors and some of the rooms of the hotel. Two engineers and a baker were overcome. They were rescued by firemen. "Over Seas" Line Opened. Key West , Fla. The railroad which "steps across seas" was opened here this week when a passenger train steamed from Knight's Key , on the Florida mainland , to Key West , forty- six miles away. The road , which is a branch of the Florida East Coast railway - way , is constructed across the line of coral keys between Key West and the mainland. Killed His Brother. Noblesville. Ind. Orville , aged 4 , son of William Lamb , a farmer , was killed by his brother Virgil , aged 11 , who was playing with a shotgun dur ing the absence of the parents. The children did not know the gun was loaded. Live Stock Market. Sioux City. Cattle Good to choice corn fed steers , 57.00 @S.OO ; medium to good. $5.50@7.00 : good to choice grass steers , $4.50@6.50 ; good to choice fat cows and heifers , $5.00@G.OO ; grass cows , $ o.50@5.00 ; canners and cut ters , " $2.75@3.50 ; bulls , $4.00@5:50 ; veals , $3.75@S.OO. Hogs Prices range from $5.75@G.OO , with a bulk of the sales at $5.75@5.90. Sheep Lambs , $4.50@6.25 ; yearlings , S4.75o)5.25 ( ) ; wethers , $3.50@4.50 ; ewes , $2.75@ $3.85. Hearst to Speak in Kentucky. Frankfort , Ky. William R. Hearst lias accepted an invitation to address the general assembly of Kentucky on February 14. The legislature has also invited Henry Watterson , Gov. Har mon and Gov. Woodrow Wilson to epeak in Frankfort. Urged to Recognize Republic. Tokyo The members of the nation alist party are showing great activity In urging the Japanese government to recognize the republican government of China. AMERICANS ARE TOLD TO SEE * SAFETY BY U. S. MINISTER CALHOUN. FIGHTING MAY COME SOO ! 'Manchu and Chinese Troops Nea Conflict Premier to Go to Tiei Tsin at First Opportunity Repub lie Demands $7,000,000. Peking. All Americans residing ii the outlying districts of this city hav ( been called in by United States Am .bassador Calhoun. The friction between the Manchi troops of the imperial army and Yuar Shi Kai's force of Chinese troops h constantly increasing , and a seriom conflict may be precipitated at anj moment. The warning Is given to misslonar 'les at several important stations in Chi Li province and to Americans do ing business in the capital outside the .foreign concessions. There Is a guard of marines at the legation , and those who seek refuge there will be safe from violence , it Is thought. In an emergency the military forces of all the powers will act together for the 'protection of foreigners. There are now about 1,500 Ameri can marines and soldiers in China , In cluding the regiment of infantry which came last week from the Philippines and other men brought In quietly from time to time in the last few weeks from war vessels In. coast waters. These forces are guarding a section of the railroad from the capital to the seashore , but would be within easy call in case they were needed in this city. city.London. London. Information obtained from an authoritative source confirms the report of the intention of Premier Yuan Shi Kal to leave Peking at the first favorably opportunity. According to a news dispatch agency from Tien Tsin , Yuan Shi Kai intends to take up his residence in the British conces sion in that city. Shanghai. Huang Sing , the repub lican minister of war , made a demand on the China Merchants' Steam Navi gation company for about $7,000,000. In the event of failure by the company ( to produce the sum the company's ves sels will be commandeered by the re publican government and sold. The 'directors ' of the company asked the 'war minister for time to consult their stockholders. WOULD BREAK PHONE TRUST Petition for Dissolution of American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Filed With Wickersham. New York. A petition to dissolve the American Telephone and Tele graph company on the ground that it , is a monopoly in violation of the pro visions of the Sherman law was made public here a few hours in advance of its presentation to United States At torney General Wickersham in Wash ington. The petition is signed by George Lambert , a justice of the peace In Pelham , N. Y. It is charged that the operations of the American Telephone and Tele graph company , in the acquirement of control of these subsidiary compa nies , were practically identical with the operations of the Standard Oil and tobacco trusts , which were de clared illegal by the United States Supreme court. WEBSTER GETS LIFE TERM Chicago Physician Who Confessed He Murdered His Wife Sentenced to Joliet Prison. Oregon , 111. Dr. Harry Elgin Web ster of Chicago was sentenced to life imprisonment at hard labor in the Joliet penitentiary for the murder of his wife , Bessie Kent Webster. Judge Richard S. Farrand , before imposing the sentence , read a long statement excoriating the physician. In concluding he said : "It is the sentence of this court that you be imprisoned in the peni tentiary at Joliet for and during your natural life , the first day of that Im prisonment to be in solitary confine ment , the balance of your time at hard labor , and that you pay the costs of prosecution. ' M'FARLAND TOYS WITH WARD American Lightweight Easily Defeats English Opponent in Six-Round Bout at Philadelphia. Philadelphia. "Packey" McFarland. Lhe Chicago boy who aspires to the lightweight championship , beat "Jack" Ward of England by a big margin in i special six-round bout at the Na- : ional Athletic club. From the start McFarland's mastery was evident , al- ; hough in the early rounds he never : ared to press his advantage. Ward 'ought almost entirely on the de- 'ensive and "Packey" kept him on the jop nearly all the time. Frozen to Death in Wilds. Lagrand , Ore. After having been lost in the Blue mountains for three lays , Roy Crandall , formerly of Kirk- ivpod. 111. , died from cold and ex posure. A posse found the body and jrought it to this city. Richeson Is Slowly Dying. Boston. Rev. Clarence V. T. Riche- > on , the confessed murderer of Miss Wis Linnell , Is believed to be dying , md may not live to feel the extreme > enalty pronounced upon him by the Massachusetts court. ANXIOUS MOMENTS TARIFF ON ROUGH AND FINISHED PRODUCTS REDUCED BY PRO POSED DEMOCRATIC BILL. MACHINERY ON FREE LIS1 Typewriters , Linotypes , Metal Fencing and Many Other Articles to Enter Without Charges Rails , Knives and Automobiles Are Lower. Washington. A bill proposing a re vision of the steel schedule of the Payne tariff law was introduced in the house by Representative Under wood with the approval of the Demo cratic members of the committee on ways and means. The bill changes all duties from specific to ad valorem and proposes reductions in the various items of 33 to 75 per cent from the Payne law rates. Democratic Leader Underwood esti mated that the bill would reduce the average tariff on steel imports from 34.51 per cent , to 22.42 ad valorem , and would reduce the government tar iff revenues from steel products by ? 823,597 from 1911 and by $4,000,000 from 1910. Imports of steel products , he said , would be increased by nearly § 20,000,000. On the free list of the new bill are all kinds of metal fencing , cut nails , iron ore , zinc ore , cash registers , typesetting machines , typewriter machine tools , sewing machines , print ing presses , tar and oil spraying ma chines and road building machines and their repair parts. All articles are to be dutiable under the bill at 25 per cent , ad valorem , where a rate is not specifically given. IOWA HEROINE IS DEAD Kate Shelley , Who Saved Train From Going Into River , Succumbs to Bright's Disease. Boone , la. Miss Kate Shelly , Iowa's heroine , who in 1881 , at great per sonal risk , saved a passenger train from being wrecked , is dead at the age of 45 years at her home near the scene of her heroic deed. Miss Shelly had suffered greatly since last summer , when an operation for appendicitis was followed by an attack of Bright's disease , but she was as brave in the face of death as when she won renown. The deed which placed Kate Shel- [ y's name in the list of heroines was a bright example of the courage of a 15-year-old girl who believed she was saving the lives of hundreds of the passengers on a limited train on the Chicago & Northwestern railroad , al though , later developments proved , the number of lives she actually saved was two. DOULON WINS IN KNOCKOUT Bantam Champion Whips Harry Forbes , Former Holder of Title , in Third Round at Kenosha. Kenosha , Wis. Johnny Coulon , the vorld's bantam champion , won a tech- lical knockout decision over Harry Forbes , . the champion of 1903 , after he third round was two minutes old n their battle here. Coulon won wlth- ) ut a struggle because Forbes sapped ill his strength in making the weight , 'orbes was down four times before Cid Howard , his manager , mercifully ossed in a towel from the old ihamp's corner. Drill Gold in Manitoba. Minitonas , Man. Gold in flakes and mggets was found near here by a irilling outfit , which has been investi- jatlng as the result of the recent flnd > f gold in fowls. Shortly after the ind was made an offer of $10,000 was cfused for a claim more than one ulle away. King and Queen Arrive at Malta. Malta. King George and Queen .lary on their- arrival on board the learner Medina from India were ; ivcn a great Anglo-French welcome. GQMPERS IS BITTEF CHALLENGES HEYBURN TO PRO DUCE ANYTHING AGAINST HIM. Defies Senator to Furnish Proof Tha He Was Connected With Dynamiting. Washington. Defying Senator Hey burn to prove in a court of law thai he was connected even in the smallest way with the McNamara dynamite out rages , Samuel Gompers , president oi the American Federation of Labor , made bitter answer in the American Federationist to charges declaimed by Heyburn on the floor of the senate. In his statement Mr. Gompers says : "And now a word with you , Senator Heyburn. I ask you to read the edi torial In this issue of the American Federationist under the caption 'The Man Higher Up. ' You will observe there not only my denial of any knowledge of , or connection with , any dynamiting or other unlawful conduct , but you will also observe that I therein challenge Burns to prove any charge which either or all of them may bring against me. "I now challenge you to produce In a court of law any such evidence. "It was not my good fortune to have been born in the United States. My father and mother came to the United States in 1863. I was then thirteen years of age and a factory boy. Eight years after my arrival on October 4 , 1872 , upon attaining by majority , I took upon myself the privilege of citi zenship. " BLACKMAIL BY BIG PARTIES Senator Culberson Charges Corpora tions Were Intimidated for Cam paign Contributions in 1904. Washington. "We know corpora tions engaged in interstate commerce were Intimidated and blackmailed for campaign contributions , " said Senator Culberson in reviewing the alleged activity of national campaign com mittees in 1904. He was urging ac tion on his resolution providing for an investigation. "The year 1904 surpassed all others in the audacity and indecency with which campaign funds were demand ed , " he said. DECREE VOID , TWO HUSBANDS Illinois V/oman in Predicament Through Violating Law by Remar rying Within a Week. Mount Vernon , 111. Because Ida Dodson married another man in St. Louis a week after she was divorced from James Dodson , Judge Green va cated the decree and she now has two husbands. The reason for vacating the decree was "that the contracting parties knew the Illinois law and left the state for the purpose of violating It. She was married to James Carroll of Bluford , 111. STANDARD OIL FINED $55,000 New York Corporation Mulcted for 143 Violations of the Interstate Commerce Law. Buffalo , N. Y. The Standard Oil company of New York was fined $55- 300 by Judge Hizel in the United' States district court In this city for L43 violations of the interstate com merce law in accepting rate conces sions in 1904 and 1905 from the Penn sylvania and New York Central rail- oads on shipments of oil from Olean , * . Y. , to Burlington , Vt. Johnson Must Pay $230. London. As the result of one or lack Johnson's famous joy rides , the icgro heavyweight champion was or- iered to pay $2 0 to a local taxicab company. The pugilist was not pres ent when the case was called , but counsel Appeared for him. Barry Beat Lang in Australia. Sydney , Australia. James Barry , .he American heavyweight , made fcis Australian debut with a victory. Bar- y beat Bill Lang , the champion of .his country , In a 20-round battJp TURKS ARE RELEASE ! ITALY FREES PHYSICIANS ANI NURSES SEIZED ON SHIP. Insurance Rates Are Increased o Vessels Because of the Anxiety. Rome. The Italian government ha ordered that the 29 Turks arreste aboard the French mail steamer Mr nouba shall be imediately releases The Turks are now at Cagliari. in Sai dinia. An examination showed that four o them are physicians and the remair der hospital attendants belonging t | the Red Crescent society. i This government order was issuei I following a conference on the subjec j between the Marquis dl San Giulianc I the Italian foreign minister , and Cc mille Barre , the French ambassado to Italy. Both expressed deep regre that the incident should have oc curred. London. The policy &f Italy in IE discriminate ! } ' stopping trading steam ers and searching them for Turkisl officers and contraband has had a dia turbing effect here. Shipping circle : are indignant and some uneasinesi has been felt in financial circles. Lloyds have done a large volume o business at five per cent , on the pros pect of a war between France am Italy within the next four months , am several risks have been accepted a six per cent , on an outbreak of hos tilities between Great Britain am France and Germany within the nexi six months. The British government has madf no announcement in respect to whal action it will take on the seizure bj the Italians of a number of Turkish officers from the British steamer Af rica , but It is expected that a definite move will be made within the next lew days. NEW LORIMER LEAD SPRUNG Detective Burns Has Evidence Witness Received $1,500 to Testify at Washington. Washington. Developments more or less sensational about to take place In the Lorimer case will disclose that William J. Burns , the detective who built up the evidence around the Mc Namara dynamiters , has been at work for at least three months gathering evidence to be presented to the com mittee Investigating the election of the junior senator from Illinois. Mr. Burns was employed for about a month by the senate committee , and later was engaged by the interests fighting to unseat Senator Lorimer. It is reported that the end sought by the anti-Lprimer interests is the Impeachment of a certain witness who gave evidence in Senator Lorimer's defense relating to the alleged state ment of C. F. Wiehe. a brother-in-law of Edward Hines , that a "jack-pot" fund of $100,000 was used "to put Lorimer over. " In substance Burns Is declared to have reported to the committee that he was prepared to offer evidence that one of the witnesses who testified in regard to this incident had con fessed he was paid $1,500 to come to Washington. A phonographic method by which Burns obtained the alleged confession is also said to have been laid before the committee. MITCHELL IS VICTOR AT MEET Secures Passage of Resolution for Investigation of Packing at Columbus in 1911. Indianapolis , Ind. EJnemies of John Mitchell in the convention of the Unit ed Mine Workers of America failed in an effort to put the organization on record as censuring Mitchell for his attitude toward the National Civic Federation. He obtained the passage of a reso lution providing for an investigation of his charge that the miners' conven tion last year at Columbus , O. , was "packed" against him when it de manded his resignation as a paid of ficial of the Civic federation. "I have affidavits supporting my charge/ said the former president of the miners , "and if they are not up held discipline and punish me. " Though he votgd as he had been In structed , Mitchell said he maintained the right to defend his personal integ rity. He said the federation had set tled many strikes to the advantage of the labor unions involved. BILL URGES HITCHCOCK PLAN Representative Gary of Wisconsin Of fers Measure to Provide Govern ment Owned Telegraph Lines. Washington. Representative Carey of V\isconsin , a Republican , has in troduced a bill providing for govern ment ownership of telegraph lines , a project recently urged by Postmaster General Hitchcock. It was referred to the postofflce committee. To Break With Paraguay. Buenos Aires. Diplomatic relations between Argentina and Paraguay win be broken off unless the Paraguayan government satisfies Argentina's de mands for compensation for the at tacks on shipping and other property belonging to her citizens. Fire Destroys Masonic Terrple. Portsmouth , O. Fire destroyed Masonic temple , a six-story building , n which were located a number o ; stores and offices. The Jess is esti nated at ? 200OUO. ALL OVER NEBRASKA. Seed Growers Organize. Lancaster County. The Nebraska Pure Grain and Seed Growers' asso ciation was organized at the farmers. * meetings at the state experiment sta tion with the following officers : W. D. Stelk , Phillips , president ; WV H. Enters , Roca , vice president ; T. A. Klesselbach of the department ot" ex perimental agronomy , secretary and treasurer. The members pledge themselves to use seed of a pure variety , to carefully tend each year a seed plot of one acre- and to use every effort , not only to improve the quality of their grains , but also the yielding power through breeding methods. The state experi ment station will work with the as sociation , turning over to it the seed of improved varieties bred up on the state farm. The experimental agrono my department has appointed an inspector specter , who will visit and inspect the ftelds of the members each year , will test their seed samples for purity , soundness and germinating quality and will issue certificates of approval on good seed , which certificates will be used as a guarantee in the sale of the seed. Tests Corn for Farmers. Phelps County. The Holdrege Com mercial club held the first ot"a series of meetings for all farmers interested In corn growing. Remarkable interest in this meeting was exhibited by the farmers of the county , more than 200 visiting the hall during the afternoon and twenty bringing samples ot" seed om for demonstrative tests. The Commercial club has advertised to test all seed corn brought in. free of harge and judging from the interest shown at the first meeting scores of farmers will avail themselves of the club's generous offer. Boy Ground to Death. Lincoln County. Roy Halligan. 15 years old , son of Thomas Halligan , a farmer , who lives west of North Platte , was ground to pieces under a switch engine. , \ Mr. Halligan and his son were crossing the track on a loaded hay rack when it was struck by a rapidly running switch engine which was backing toward the round house to change cars. The boy was thrown under the tender and instantly killed , his body being badly mangled. Lon Wait Seriously Burned. Gage County. Lon Wait , son ot Secretary of State Addison Wait , was severely burned on the face and neck at the feeble minded institute , where- he is employed as engineer. Ho' was making some repairs in the engine- room when the coupling connecting a couple of steam pipes blew out. throwing the steam ovxjr his face and neck. Mute Killed by a Train. Otoe County. Chris Oelke , a well known young farmer who has been making Nebraska City his home this winter , concluded to go and visit his brother near Paul , and walked down the Missouri Pacific track , and not noticing the passenger train , and being a mute , was unable to hear the whistle , was run down and instantly killed. His remains were badly man gled. Girl Proposed , Got a Husband. Dodge County. The first successful leap yc-ar proposal was recorded in * Fremont when Flossie Cuthbert , daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Cutli- / berth , claimed Theodore Osmon for a husband. She proposed and he ac cepted. Bank of Lewiston Sold. Johnson County. T. R. Richardson and C. L. Rothell , of Crab1 Orchard , have closed a deal with F. L. Bratto'n af Pawnee City , whereby they gain possession of a controlling interest in the Bank of Lewiston , a state bank ! : . Reclamation Prospects. Washington dispatch : Congressman ECinkaid reintroduced a bill extending- .o twenty years the time under which ; and under reclamation projects can : ) e paid for. The bill was first intro- luced two years ago. Legislation along : his line has the support of the inte ger department and will be supported 3y the entire Nebraska deegation in -ongress. Votes to Consolidate. York County. More than 100 of the- eading stockholders of the York bounty Telephone company voted by L practically unanimous vote to en- lor. e the proposed merger of all the- ndependent telephone companies in he South Platte territory. Dairy Train Over State. Lancaster County. Prof. Pngsley if the state university announced that n March and April the university rould run a beef cattle and dairy rain over the various railroads of the tate to carry the educational caai- aign home to the farmers. Thirty Horses Die in York County. York County. Farmers in the vi- inities of Benedict , Gresham , Thayer nd Waco estimate their loss of about tiirty-five head of horses , caused by ating cornstalks. Poultry Men Elect Officers. York Count- . The state poultry len. in session at York , elected offi- ers as follows : V. E. Shirley. Central ity , president ; A. M. Hadley , Doni- han , vice president ; A. H. Smith. Lin- Din , secretary ; I. L. Lyman , Mina- ire , treasurer.