Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 01, 1912, Image 1

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Volume 27 , No. VALENTINE , NEBR. , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 1 , 1912. § 1.50 pcry ir.
We are offering bargains in Shoes for
every member of the family. These
are broken lots that we want to clean
up and to do so we arfe putting prices
on them that will make them move.
We have a large variety on sale , in all
styles , leathers , and sizes. Come in
and look them- over if you want to
make a saving.
This cut shows one of the
extreme tests which these
watches undergo. Call in
and let us show them to you.
Other Standard makes such as Elgin. Waltham and
Hamilton , at right prices. Yours for Inspection.
sv * .
Typewriter Supplies at The Democrat Office.
& ' & &j &s & -i32&r ? { rE ?
As we have a large si we can
sell at Lowest Prices.
\ V
Two Sample Lines of Dress Goods , Yard Goods ,
Petticoats , Stockings , and Rain Coats.
tjj The Tailoring Department will make up any of
the yard goods to your order.
Orders taken forBarcley made-to-measure Corsets
Buttons Covered to Match any Material
' e *
Johnson's %
Headquarters For Electrical Supplies
We Carry the Largest and Best Line of
Carbon and Mazada Lamps
„ „ , „ . , „ , [ ]
Sad Irons Stoves Warming Pads JOj
Toasters Curling Iron Heaters JHw
Electrical Fixtures of all Kinds.
Electric Wiring , Plumbing , and Heating ,
Our Specialties.
Red Front Hardware Co.
Wra. Bachelor was down from
Merriman Tuesday.
W. H. Kennedy returned from
Omaha Tuesday evening.
Geo. E. Hornby was up from his
place near Johnstown over Sun
John Slonecker is again able to
be at work in the lied Front gro
W. R. White of Merriman was
attending to business'here' Wed
Deputy Sheriff Hahn is down
near Brownlee this week serving
There will be morning and even
ing services in St. John's church
on Sunday February 4.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jackson
are in Los Angeles and are stop -
ping at the San Kita Hotel.
George Lamoureaux has been
overseeing affairs on his farm near
Colome , S. B. the past ten days.
May Goodrich and Edna Brown
spent Saturday and Sunday with
Mary House at her home north of
H. E. Paine , editor of the "Wood
Lake Steamer was a Valentine vis
itor Saturday and made this office
a pleasant call.
W. C. Kincaid , and C. H. Cor
nell attended a comraandary meet
ing of the Knights Templar at
Long Pine , Monday night.
Miss Pearl A. Woods and Rob
ert S. liuggins of Millboro , S. D. ,
were married by County Judge
Quigley at his office on Tuesday.
M. C. Helm who is in charge of
the U. S. Indian Employment
Bureau at Peirre , S. D. was here
on business the first of the week.
Len Hr-ckman and Miss Anna
Lawless were married at the Chicago
cage House on Saturday , January
27 , by Justice of the Peace Spain.
T. C. O'Connor and Tom Hus
ton came up from the O'Connor
ranch at Chesterfield Tuesday and
the former left on the night train
for his home at Homer , Xebr ,
Mrs. John Foster and Ernest
Foster returned from a month's
visit in Xew Jersey and Pennsyl
vania Tuesday. They had a very
enjoyable time.
Ulia Powell of Gordon was in
town on business Tuesday. Mr.
Powell sold his business in Gordon
some time ago and is planning to
go to Idaho to locate some time
this spring. t
O. W. Morey returned from
Omaha the first of the week. ,
While there Mr. Morey purchased
an electric piano and made ar-
angeraents for a new series of
ilms for The Jewel.
Julius Henke , the new superin
tendent of schools on Rosebud res-
rvation , arrived from Washing
ton Monday night. Mr. Henke
pent seven years in the govern
ment service at Pine Ridge and
eft there about four years ago.
Mr. Henke is the successor to Mr.
eech , who has been transferred
; o another agency.
St. Nicholas7 Church.
Services will be held in the
Jatholic church as follows : $
In Valentine on Sunday , Feb. i. n
1st Mass at 8 a. m.
2nd Mass at 10 a. m.
Benediction of the Blessed sac
rament after Mass.
In Arabia on Sunday , Feb. 11. s
LEO M. BLAERE , Rector.I
Your corset troubles will be
ended if you read the ad of the i
Red Front. 3 ia
Dance At Raya's [ .ranch Si
miles south of Burge postoffice on
Frtttey nifetff , IVfcruaty e
Land Office Notes.
During the calendar year just
ended , the Valentine office allowed
seven hundred homestead entries ,
aggrcgniting 304,80-1 acre ? , an
average of 521 acres per entry.
The annual report of the com
missioncr of the General land office -
fice discloses the fact that patents
were issued for laud in this dis
trict , during the fiscal year ending
June 30 , 1911 , nggregatisig one-
J ' C O O 3
half million acres. This is prob
ably the largest amount of land
ever patented in this land district
in one year.
A few days ago there were nine
hundred and fifty patents remain
ing uncalled for in the local of-
iice. Just ihat many tracts of
land in this district are being held
without any- evidence of- actual
title from the government. They
hould be called for and placed on
record in the various counties.
An important change in the
regulations for the sale of isolated
tracts , and the sale therejf , has
just been made. Hereafter a tract
will not be subject to application
for sale unless it shall have been
vacant and t-nnounded by land
entered or otherwise disposed of ,
for at least two years prior to ap
plication. But one tract may he
included in each application for
sale. If the application is al
lowablc , the chief of iiold divis
ion , special agents , will lie asked
to report on the value of the laud ,
and if it appears that the value of
the land is more than § 1.25 per
acre , it will not be sold for less
than the value so fixed. These
regulations will apply to all appli
cations for sale filed since January
1st , but whether they will be ap
plied to applications filed before
that , time , but not yet acted upon ,
the local office is not informed. !
They will not apply to cafes in
which sale has already been or
With all the space gone and
automobile dealers clamoring for
morev the promoters of the Auto
mobile show which will be held in
Omaha February 1J ) to 2-i , are
facing a serious situation. They
want to accommodate every one
who desire to exhibit in the Xe-
braska event. Plans for a large
addition to the Auditorium are be
ing considered by the officers of
the association. In this manner
they hope to be able to provide
for the demand.
Many interesting exhibits will
be shown. Electric current will
be used to show the workings of a
motor car. The motors will be in
operation day and night , running
at full speed. The exhibition will
be an educational one , affording
visitors a chance to see how auto
mobiles are operated ;
Nebraskans are noted for their
progressi veness and their activity
along automobile developement is t
no less marked than in other lines , b
which have put Nebraska to the
front as a commercial state as well L
as an agricultural state.
For Sale : Store building north f
of and adjoining Donoher hotel.
$2250 , § 500 cash , balance § 50 per
month like rent , or will rent.
Inquire of Charles Sparks or
Louise M. Webb , Geneva , Neb.
G. M. Barnes , the eyesight
specialist of Omaha , will be at the
Donoher hotel Thursday , Fub. 15.
Remember the date , and that reg
ular trips are made every 60 or 90
Jays. Eyes fitted for § 2.50 , § 5.00 ;
ind up. Examination free. 4-2
Big reductions on men's sweaters - a
ers aU the
on Ladies' and Men's Fur and Fur-
Lined Overcoats from $16 to $50
Ladies' Suits from $12.50 to $25.
Ladies' and Men's Felt Shoes and
All heavy winter goods included
in the speciaf prices.
These prices are on for two weeks
only , commencing January 26th. \ *
Do not miss this sale.
H. W. Hoenig , Prop.
sS * x x * zxz * & ! &Xfzxz tt3tts
McGEER & CARROLL , Proprs.
Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars
Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies :
Old Crow , " Sherwood ,
Hermitage , Guchenheimer ,
Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook ,
Spring Hill , and 29 year/old
and Jas , E , Pepper , O , P , C. Taylor ,
These whiskies were purchased in bond
and came direct from the U. 8. gov
ernment warehouse. They are guar
anteed pure and unadulterated. Un
excelled for family and medical use.
Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported
Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness's Extra Stout.
Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiscr Beer.
Valentine = Nebraska 2
Stetter & Tobien , Props.
All Kinds of Fresh
and Fait Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
ir.ythintr you have to sell.
If You Want
a real helpful bank service , consider these facts :
This bank is a Home institution of strength and stability ; or-
ganized to assist in the developemenfc of local industry.
In addition to our ample capital and surplus we have a very
strong board of directors employing in the management of tbi *
bank the same watchful , conservative methods which brought
them individual success. .
The officers give courteous , prompt and careful attention to
the needs of each individual depositor.
* Deposits In this hank nr * > protected hr thr Depositor's
GunrunU'e Fund of tin * .State of Nebraska.
The Philadelphia Xorth Ameri-
an says of Carnegie : "YYhen-
ver men in the coming years see
Carnegie's-sculptored name they
' " ' '
nil say : 'He 'preached peace
broad , after having * helped to
aake feell at home ? "
If yon have young children you hare
perhaps noticed that disorders of the
stomach are their most common ailmept.
To correct this you will find Chatnbe'r-
5 Iain's Stomach : ami ! ver Tablets ex kl >
lent"- They are easy and pleabaost .to'